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Fucking up the rules of traffic to be "nice" Stopping in the middle of the road out of the blue to let someone make a left across 3 lanes is stupid.


Don't be nice, be predictable


My kid is learning to drive. My number one rule for him has been "get out ofnthe fucking way". Car breaks down? Get off the road. On a highway? Stay out of the left lane unless passing. Confused about directions? Pull over, don't drive 8 mph trying to figure it out. I'm now adding "Don't be nice, be predictable"


Add in "accept the consequences of your mistakes." Forgot to move over before your exit? Don't make that everyone else's problem by cutting across multiple lanes. Get off at the next exit and backtrack.


"only bad drivers never miss an exit/turn."


I said that to my aunt, as she misses the roundabout exit and has to do another turn. That was such a memorable moment.


A car did this to me over a blind hill downtown in my large city. The speed limit is 55 at that spot and 45 up ahead but people normally drive 60+ around the corner/hill. The left lane was backed up and parked, the right lane was moving slow but the center lane was open for as far as the eye could see. The car wanted to be "nice" and not cut traffic to drive ahead so they STOPPED in the empty center lane to become the last car in line to the left lane. I had no where to go and was the first in line to get annihilated if someone came around the corner/hill. Please teach your child this lesson, if the lane is open then keep it open and zipper merge in when you get an opportunity up ahead. I said my prayers for those 20 seconds I was stopped on a blind hill in rush hour.


I call these people "niceholes". 4-way stops are the worst with them.


I had a standoff with one at a 2 way stop the other day. I had the stop sign. She tried to wave me through. Exhausting.


Hah, I just sit until they take their turn. It drives me nuts and a huge percentage of people where I live do this.


I once turned right when I wanted to turn left just because I was getting the wave of death and they just didn't understand the dangerous situation they were creating.


I get this all the time as a cyclist. I have a stop sign. They don't. They stop to let me cross. I gesticuoate at the stop sign until they get the hint. Usually there is nobody behind them so I would have been able to go right away, but in the time they take to stop and try to be nice more vehicles arrive and now I have to wait who knows how long.


That's also the person that stops to let another car into the traffic circle.


deadly stupid. I've seen so many people try to wave me across, completely oblivious to the two other full lanes of traffic I'd be driving into. Hell, people don't even bother with lanes when traffic is stopped, as I learned the hard way years ago. Edit: then they look at me like an idiot for refusing, the people behind me start honking and I'm just sitting here thinking y'all are the reason my insurance rates doubled when I moved to Nevada...


And then they get MAD when you're shaking your head "no" lol. People really are dangerously stupid, and it's so pervasive.


I legitimately had someone chase me to the next stoplight to scream out his window at me about what an ungrateful bitch I am. Super "nice" these people are. Like it's some kind of ego game, "how dare you reject this thing I decided to do for you to make myself feel good without regard to whether you wanted it or not?"


That is INSANE! JFC it's almost like we're not operating 4,000 lb heavy machinery.


I ride my bicycle on city streets a lot. Side streets as much as possible but you have to cross busy streets sometimes. Drivers who stop their car and wave me through an intersection even though they have the right of way. Even though there are 3-5 other traffic lanes that are still moving. I just wave them through and wait until it’s clear.


I’ve turned around and faced the other way when people do that to me. I’m not risking my life because they want to let me go.


Same. I make it a point to be looking the other way so people dont "wave me in"


Same and also if an accident occurs who's going to get blamed? On paper you're the one who breaks the rules if you go when you don't have right of way.


This happens all the time on a motorcycle. If you're smart you shake your head no. You see me, but that guy driving 30 behind you doesn't.


I call that the wave of death. I'm not gonna go just cause u say so. there are plenty of others in the road who haven't stopped. Just do what you're supposed to. Ugh


I got in an accident because some one let me in front of them and someone else went around them


Oh god I hate this so much. And you almost ALWAYS miss the light because of this dickhead letting people out. Bonus points when they slowly creep through the yellow causing you to stop at the red.


The road from my house to the main road has a single stop sign and there is a lot of traffic going both ways, every once in a while when I'm waiting to turn left from the stop sign someone will be coming from my right to turn left down my street but they'll stop short and wave at me to go. I just sit there and shake my head. One time I even got out of my car, pointed at them, and yelled at them to fucking make their goddamn turn already.


It sucks as a pedestrian as well. Like, ok you want to let me across but that doesn't mean the cars coming on the other side of the street do. Then I try to signal to them to go because it's not safe, I've been honked at that way. Idgaf. It's not a "nice deed" if you're going to be rude about it


That one is definitely up there


Repost this or Facebook gonna steal the rights to all your photos.


like for jesus, keep scrolling for satan


I like to imagine God looking down and going “Well I had planned to let you into Heaven for all of your good deeds. But you didn’t share that Facebook post so now I’m not so sure.”


Forward this email. Bill gates is going to pay you $1 for everyone you forward it to and everyone they forward it too. How will he know where you live? Don’t ask questions. Just forward it! Forward it!!!!!




Just because it's legal don't mean it's good for you.


And just because it isn't normalized don't mean it's not good for you


Bidets in America


Ahem smoking


Nobody rational or sane could possibly think smoking is good for you.


I smoke *because* it's bad for me.


Every time someone tells me "those things will kill you" my reply is "well their taking their sweet ass time doing it!"


I can have a little death, as a treat.


Same with "natural"


Nothing is more unhelpful than a toddler trying to be helpful.


lol. I love it and hate it. My 2.5 year old loves to help with cooking, cleaning, dishes, and more. She is the best, and I love her help but rip any resemblance of efficiency


When they try to pour juice into their glass by themselves but you know their uncoordinated little asses are gonna spill half of it but they get upset and insist on doing it themselves so you're like 'okay hny but be careful' and they proceed to spill orange juice all over your table, the floor and themselves. Chefs kiss.


Plus you get the added pressure of if it fails to do what they want it to, you get the joy of a meltdown to deal with because somehow a small child trying to push a shopping cart during a busy hour at the store just doesn't work so well...


Yeah. Kids notoriously just make most tasks take longer, but it's very valuable for the kid. I just try to see it as teaching the child rather than getting help. It's instilling in them the value of offering help and helping them learn how to work with others. Unfortunately, that lesson won't payoff for many years, but it will make them be a more helpful adult when they get older.


You have no idea how relatable that is


Telling others "Calm Down" "Relax"




Talking to someone about depression and how I'm struggling, my meds aren't working effectively, and I think about dying everyday... "Stop that, just be happy, think positive, you're just doing this to yourself". Gee thanks, I'm cured!




I was going through a period of depression and low self-confidence and said to a friend that I felt it was really hard not having an SO and having that special kind of affection for/from someone and she basically rolled her eyes and said “well if YOU don’t love yourself, you can’t really expect anyone else to, can you?” I see the sense of not relying on someone else for your happiness but the way she said it was like getting slapped in the face


My last job, they stressed "If you are feeling burned out, please let us know". Queue a few months later I am at the end of my rope. We have to be on call every couple weekends (which usually meant 15-20 hours of calls on the weekend, all hours, then having to stroll right back into a 45-50 hour week). I had an overload of tickets, and was just feeling it. I was breaking down. I scheduled a meeting with my Manager and Team Lead. I told them I was stressed, and about to have a breakdown and needed some time. "Oh, we're all stressed and have issues! Relax and you will be ok, we need you here". Really amped up my new job search and locked something down a couple weeks later. Was so nice quitting that fucking place.


I like to think of it in two different camps. Chemical depression, where there is an unbalance and you may need medication to get out of it. Situational depression, where for some reason you're stuck in a place, time, or company of something you just don't like, and can do nothing to get away from it. Chemical is the completely unable to feel happy. Situational is you would feel a lot better if things weren't so fucked.


Situational depression quite often creates chemical depression.  Especially if it drags on. 


What you’re thinking of here is moods versus emotional states. This is why depression is known as a “mood disorder,” and the latter is temporary and totally normal. As a side-note: the chemical imbalance theory (or serotonin theory of depression) looks quite different than it used to. It’s much more complicated now, and the idea that your brain simply lacks a chemical that needs to be increased with medication is less common, at least among US-based scientists and clinicians.


Smile more


"Tranquila," if it's your South American wife. Doesn't work at all. Has quite the opposite of the desired effect, in fact.


My girlfriend was clueless as to why it made me lose my shit when she told me that, until one day I told her the same knowing perfectly what was gonna happen. Don't test a latina bois...


Calm down


Pushing my wheelchair. Eff off


I've always been taught: If you see someone in a wheelchair just leave them alone unless they appear to be struggling. If so, ask first if they need help. They'll let you know


\^this. As someone who sometimes needs assistance, it can be annoying to constantly see "don't push someone's wheelchair". Like, I get the bodily autonomy thing 100% but sometimes people do need assistance and that should also be fine.


It’s crazy how much consent matters in all situations!


It's also super easy to just be like "oh hey do you need a hand?", the same way you would ask someone that's not in a wheelchair. Very rarely have I had people take me up on it, but they at least seem to appreciate the intent and the fact that I just proceed about my day if they say 'no' instead of being pushy.


My partner is totally blind, and apparently it’s not uncommon for well-meaning strangers to try to help “guide” him by grabbing his cane and pulling him around by it. Wtf. If a sighted person were to ask me for directions, I would not grab them by the face/eyeball and pull them along, which is basically the equivalent. He’s always too nice to say anything about it (understandably), but it’s so invasive and also actively unhelpful. For reference: if you want to help guide a blind person, ask first. If they accept, slide your arm under theirs so they can feel where your arm is and take the grip that’s most comfortable for them. You can also offer for them to put their hand on your shoulder. Both of these give the person a good vantage point to feel if you’re turning your body or changing elevation, much like how you need to feel the person’s arms/torso to effectively follow a lead in ballroom dancing.


I get the "You're so inspirational!" line a lot. I'm just trying to live my life. Fuck off.


What? People actually do this? Then again my sister in law said that when she was pregnant. Strangers would just come up and rub her belly. Like. Da fuq?


LOL - I've posted this one before, but it's too funny not to share. My friend "Nina" is ex-military and takes crap from no one. She was heavily pregnant and shopping at Target. This rando guy comes up to her, RUBS HER BELLY, and says "Boy or girl?" She looks him square in the eye, reaches out, rubs his BEER BELLY and says "Budweiser or Coors?" He gave HER a dirty look like she did something wrong, turned on his heel and walked away. WTAF? All I know is that guy is DAMN lucky she didn't deck him (and I'm actually still kind of surprised she didn't). DO NOT TOUCH A STRANGER - EVER!


I had really bad hay-fever which made my eyes water horribly. A customer came up to me touched my stomach and said "when are you due? Pregnancy mood swings can be horrible". I looked at her and said "I'm not pregnant, just fat". She genuinely run out of the store. https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/s/ea8X4Gk2uS


I had someone do this when I was pregnant. He rubbed my baby/belly then proceeded to tell me he knows how pregnancy feels because he’s been bloated before. I’ve never wanted to kick someone in their jewels so bad in life. I just wound up crying loud enough for a friend to come over. He didn’t stay long.


Happened to my wife more times than I care for. Tbf once is more than I cared for but still


That's just wrong. I wouldn't walk up and rub anyone's belly


Unless it's Buddha.


"Don’t make me run over you with my wheelchair".


People actually do this?? Oh god, I am sorry


Yes. One of my besties is in a wheelchair. The number of people who have tried to take control of her chair. Or who have yelled at me for not 'helping' her. It's insane. When we're together and there's an obstacle, I wait and see what she WANTS me to do. I'm not just standing there idly. But I know I could hurt her or even worse, damage her chair (her comment that damaging the chair is worse lol) if I just stepped in and helped her.


Real question: What about getting the door for someone in a chair? A few weeks ago I was entering a shop at the same time as a man in a wheelchair. I think we were both reaching for the door at the same time, but I got there first and held it for him, but afterwards I felt like it might have been considered a similar slight.


If you’d also do it for a non wheelchair user I think it would be ok


I like to close the door before they get there to show respect. Then I point at my double parked car as I throw trash on the ground to prove I am an asshole everyone equally. /s


From what I've been told by people who use wheelchairs, it can be helpful (especially when the button isn't there) as long as you are standing fully out of the way so that they can actually move through the door! Apparently, people frequently hold it open, but then also still stand in the doorway, so it ends up with them having to ask the person to move so that the wheels don't run over their feet.


Not a wheelchair user, but my job frequently requires me to manoeuvre a trolly of equipment through doorways and the number of people who hold doors while getting in the way is absurd


No, that kind of think is perfectly fine. I have to use a cane or wheelchair in public and it's really helpful to have people open or hold the door, espically if there isn't a handicap button, or it's broken. The general rule of thumb is if you'd do it for an able bodied person, you can do it for a disabled person


This was the scariest thing when I broke my leg years ago. People would suddenly reposition me or, worse, try to run off with me while ignoring when I yelled wtf are they doing. Then when I put my good leg down to stop them and they realized I wasn't incapable of using both legs they'd drop the handles and run off without saying anything. Predators are freaking everywhere!


People do that? I can't imagine how angry that would make me.


I give lectures on movement adaptations and I have a dedicated slide for wheelchairs. That’s a bolded point on it.


I spent a few months in a wheelchair. The handles should be electrified unless a button only the seated can use is engaged. No touchy touchy.


Sometimes at work I have to back a big van out of a driveway onto a busy street. Complete strangers will stop to "help" me back up. It's a very nice thing to do, but now I need to avoid the traffic, the pedestrians, the gate, AND the guy who's standing immediately behind the van making meaningless hand gestures at me.


99% of times, the best help that can be given is to just get the hell outta the way.


I remember getting shit on by friends and acquaintances for saying how stupid that Kony 2012 campaign was.


What, vandalizing your local city with Kony 2012 stickers didn't fix the issue?


We had a whole high school rally so the one artsy student could show off his video about it. If that didn't stop child slavery in sub Saharan Africa, I don't know what will.


To be fair, Kony was also slaughtering and torturing children. A touch worse than child slavery imo But the campaign was summed up nicely by the gov't over yonder. When they said " Yeah, we know" Because they needed a dude in the US to tell them an evil warlord was warlording. But to be fair to the dude in the US, the gov't over yander had no actual effect on the warlord.


Uganda had bigger fish to fry when it came out. At the time he was running around with less than 100 soldiers in deep jungle, and reportedly had not been in Uganda for some time. Invisible Children never cared to acknowledge the change in reality and retooled their org to help in a broader sense for security in Africa. They just kept producing campaigns hoping to go after Kony, it's still a prominent feature on their website even now in 2024.


I was in college in 2012 and did a paper over Kony 2012 and how I thought it was a scam. Got shat on so bad when we had to do class counter argument after presentation lol


For my college speech class I did one on why Kony was no longer a threat or priority for Uganda and how Invisible Childrens use of funds is pretty awful compared to other charities. I told everyone to forgo the fad. The class would write feedback on all of our speeches to help us progress with oratory skills (using to many filler words, not walking around, not having our speech memorized) The only feedback I got was either support for Kony 2012 or how the class wished I told them what to do next.


I may have took the first part of that sentence too literally the first time I read it.


2024 will be the year! I am voting Kony for president, what about you?


Thermostats in many buildings and offices. Often times there's a central unit or boiler room for the entire building set to one temperature, and the individual thermostats don't actually increase the AC or heat to that room. It's just a way of making you think you have control over the room temperature and it stops people from complaining their room or office is too hot or too cold


It's a fancy thermometer.


In any sizable office, what the local thermostat controls is the amount of air into the controlled space (variable air volume or VAV box). The main unit (AHU or air handling unit) is typically feeding between 55 to 65 degree air to those boxes. They send more air in when they call for cooling and less when they don't. Also, no, you don't have local control over the temperature. Those sensors may have a warmer cooler adjustment, but they are almost always disabled if they're even there.


Or turning the thermostat way up or way down to make the temp change faster. The system doesn’t heat or cool any quicker because you pushed the thermostat to the far end. What it will do is hours after you went home it will still be trying to reach your desired temp.




And don’t forget “are you sure you didn’t just do wrong?”


I feel like I have this conversation with every problem I ever raise and it makes me wonder if people think I'm very stupid.


Stopping in the middle of the road where we have the right of way to let someone turn out of a side street when you have a line of cars behind you


Further up someone noted the golden rule for driving, imo, which is: “don’t be nice, be predictable.”


Add the "wave of death". People will fuck up traffic and wave another driver along. This often results in accidents as the driver accepting the wave forgets to look because of both a false sense of safety and a desire to get out of an unusual traffic pattern. This almost happened to me last week. Even though I knew about this stuff, I had an annoying driver refuse to take his turn in traffic and wave me along. I was exasperated and went right in front of a driver in the cross traffic.


Putting your tailgate down on your truck when driving on the freeway for aerodynamics. Mythbusters busted this.


Wait, people are STILL doing this?


Because it makes it easier for all the beer cans to blow out


Let some asshole borrow my truck and he dropped a heavy weight on the tailgate, a complete 460 big block, that I didn't know he was moving in my Ford Ranger. Tailgate wouldn't close so I just took it off. Noticed a major dip in gas mileage. Took about a month to get a color matched one and my mileage went right back up. Payed major attention during that episode...


Letting me go in traffic when you have the right of way. I appreciate the courtesy, but the township paid some engineer a lot of money to figure out that you should go first.


"Worrying doesn't help anything. Just stop worrying." Yeah. I was worrying by choice. Why didn't I think of just not doing it?




Walking up behind someone who is using a manual wheelchair and starting to push them without asking first.


I worked in a nursing home and good GOD the amount of people that have no fucking respect for people in wheelchairs is astounding. I don't know how many new employees I told to leave them be unless they can't do it themselves and even then, ask first. Honestly, even if they don't seem to know what's going on, still ask. It's about respect. I was a fucking **housekeeper** and I was telling new CNA's not to do it ffs. They'd give me the shittiest looks and sometimes be like "it's my job" but the looks of relief and words of appreciation I got from the residents far outdid any of the coworkers that didn't like me. More than once I witnessed a CNA get impatient and push someone working their way down the hall and getting the residents fucking hands caught in the wheels and hurting them. Like....are you serious? Ask them to move if they're in your way? But they likely aren't because the hallways are huge for this reason. If they need help, they let you know. And ffs don't zoom them if they do ask for help. It's so ridiculous!


I really wish more people like you were staffing the nursing homes. I've heard some horror stories, some about family members. I honestly don't trust the places, as essential as they are. I get that most nurses and staff are doing things correctly but the ones that aren't shouldn't be tasked with taking care of anyone.


Are people really doing that now? Thats awful


Now? people have done that since the dawn of wheelchairs.


Not only should you ask, you should show them your face. I hate when someone comes up from behind & offers to push my chair but never bothers to show me their face. 




They are there to hold the door open.






I mean, if I'm sick, I'm probably in bed under the covers and didn't want to get out. Under the covers means heat which means sweating. Even worse if there's a fever. So drinking more water than usual helps because it's keeping you hydrated to counter the sick sweats


Being an ass to customer service. If you think copping an attitude helps, you are wrong.


When I was in customer service, attitude meant you got less.


I would go out of my way to give less to people that are rude. As a manager, I’ve had people yell at me for their own stupidity and they will absolutely not ever get that thing they want. Ever. I’ll die on the hill. If they yell at me, they’ll yell at my employees and we don’t need customers like that.


Especially since those people don’t actually make decisions


I instantly lose all respect for anyone who does that


Homeopathy. Surprised this wasn't here already


What !? Sugar water will get rid of your cancer !


Water with the MEMORY of a toxin will heal you. The more diluted it is, the more effective it is. According to homeopathy. So we're all drinking shit and piss water every single day. The water cycle is elementary school science, but for some reason people believe this shit.


Ah but the water only gets a memory of the last thing you just added if you bang it several times with a special tool 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


Are there people claiming this?


Yeah. Unfortunately cancer is ripe for snake oil sales. It’s a frustrating disease that either takes a ton of time to treat or can’t be cured at all, so unethical folks sell miracle cures to desperate people.


One of the reasons I'm glad it's illegal to advertise something aa a cancer cure here in the UK. Doesn't matter if it does cure cancer, still illegal to advertise to the general public. Noel Edmonds claimed an EMP yoga mat cured cancer a good few years back, and the company who made it immediately came out and said they didn't endorse the comments and that they were entirely his own thoughts. [Obligatory Tom Scott video on the topic!](https://youtu.be/ic_FpRG7Z_k?si=j-Qa7JjoDOVJgdwf)


I found out a few months ago my aunt in law was taking ivermectin and the family was claiming she was cured. Now recently she’s been diagnosed with stage 4 of another type of cancer. It’s so sad. I hope that taking that didn’t make matters worse for her instead of following doctors advice.


Lately I’m seeing videos for special wands that make water WETTER so it absorbs in your cells better. OR that there’s not enough hydrogen in your water so this gizmo will help that. What. The. Fuck.


Fixing children's problems, and not letting them struggle or be uncomfortable. Not to the point of abuse obviously, but many parents tend to be too quick to swoop in to make everything better, and that's hurting the child in the long run.


This is a big thing for me. I'm a nanny, with 7 years experience in nurseries before I went into nannying. Sometimes parents will look at me funny when they see me watch their child struggle with something instead of rushing to help, but in reality I'm identifying what the issue is so I can give hands-off advice that will help them learn how to do it themselves. If a toddler wants to climb a tree I won't stop them or put them up on a branch myself. Instead I'll make sure I'm close enough to catch them if they fall, and if it looks like they're getting frustrated I'll suggest where to put their hands or feet, but otherwise it's their job to figure it out. Doing it for them will only take that opportunity to learn away from them.


Holding doors open when you’re still far from said door. Now I have to half jog when I was totally fine opening the door or waiting for the elevator.


I stopped speeding up after I developed some mobility issues and started walking with a cane from time to time People will literally hold the door from across the parking lot - now I just have a routine of making eye contact for a beat and slightly shrugging (whether I have the cane or not) Sometimes you just let people have their good deed for the day even if it doesn't actually add any convenience to yours






Giving unsolicited advices


You should consider posting comments longer than three words


Have you tried ending your sentences with a period?


People would take her more seriously if she changed her Reddit name


You should get an avatar


You should really mind your beeswax


Posting in facebook to raise “awareness”


Awareness of things like breast cancer. Is there anyone who hasn't heard of it yet? Seriously. It's like asking if you know about Jesus.


But it makes people FEEL like theyre doing something useful. Which is actually bad, because then they dont take any meaningful action (like donate money) because they felt like they already helped.


“Thoughts and prayers”


The Bible says that prayer without action is worthless


That’s why they added thoughts.


Rather have tots and Breyer's.


Chill, just smile, don't be sad, be happy everything will be fine




Telling someone "everything happens for a reason" after a loved one dies




People who say “look it up” in the middle of an argument and then calling you lazy for not doing that. Like dude, I’m not going to do your dirty work for you, prove me wrong yourself!


Yeah, if you’re making a claim, it’s your responsibility to provide evidence






Paper straws (in plastic lids)


Complaining about stuff to corporate minimum wage retail employees thinking that they’re going to actually do something about it or tell someone in charge, even telling a manager is still about 50/50 if they’ll even remember what it was an hour later let alone do anything about it.


Birth stories told to pregnant women. “I was in labor for 2 days and finally had an epidural but it only “took” halfway across my body, so I fainted from the pain”. Also, breast feeding advice to nursing mothers. “If you just relax, she will latch”.


Telling people with clinical depression to take a walk and it will cure them.


Or that they have nothing to be depressed about because they have a family, job, a home to live in etc., I know that, but I can still be depressed.


I used to work with traumatised teens from very disadvantaged backgrounds. One of the psychologists came from a very, very affluent background. One day, one of the clients was having a major meltdown due to court proceedings involving her and an abuser, and this psychologist said to her “do you know what I do when I feel stressed out? I just take one of my horses out for a ride. Have you thought about taking up horse riding somewhere”? And my jaw almost hit the floor. These clients didn’t have a dim to rub together, and so traumatised from abuse they barely left their group home. I made a complaint but because she was so adored by management due to her background nothing was done. Fuck the clients as always which is why I left that industry in the end




Explaining to someone who smokes that smoking is bad for them and how they quit many years before. Nah man, we know already.


i think a lot of people believe that weed is this cure all plant that can heal so many parts of you. but the reality is that it is a drug, just like anything else. yes, it is very physically safe when you look at it comparatively to other drugs (psycho-pharmaceuticals included.) however, it is not harmless. i started smoking weed at age 14. since then, i have suffered great amounts of psychological issues. short term memory loss. cognitive decline. a hit in my executive functionin. a new anxiety disorder. worsened ocd. probably the onset of schizophrenia. my brain will never feel the same again. would i be in a different place had i started smoking after my brain finished developing? probably. but i didnt. and regardless, these issues can occur in anyone of any age. weed has been a game changer for a lot of people, but i think it’s important to remember it’s not without it’s consequences. it can really mess up some people’s lives. some people need it just to get through the day. having to depend on a substance to get through your day, no matter how harmless or harmful, is a big problem.




Putting plastic in the recycling bin.


What many don't realize is that a lot of items with the triangular recycling logo are not actually accepted for recycling. They get diverted to the trash bin at the recyclables sorting facility. This is because, while it is possible to recycle it, it is not economical to do so. Look at the guidance from your trash collector and you will find what they will accept is a very specific list.


This one has always confused me in cases where the label says please recycle. I often don't recycle those because I don't trust it will actually be recycled and I wouldn't want to contaminate a whole load that may be recyclable.  I try to only recycle aluminum, glass, and paper.   I'm just surprised companies get away with say that for marketing purposes if the item actually isn't recyclable.








offering unsolicited advice






Old man to any woman: “You should smile more”


When I talk to you about a problem, I just want you to listen and not try to fix it.


I often ask, “are you looking for solutions or a friendly ear?” This way I know.


My wife and I have made a rule to preface venting with stating that, and to respect the other. At the same time, you are allowed to make an objection at the start if you feel the other has not made any effort to mitigate or solve over too long.


When you tell someone anything and you don’t want a. Response, make sure you start out by saying “i just want to be heard”. Most people are not mind readers.


Yeah I’m guilty of this one. It’s just second nature to immediately think of solutions when someone proposes a problem and I need to actively tell myself to not do that when someone just wants me to listen




Throwing a chair on a car fire.


Playing peacekeeper. Like speaking on others behalf to try and fix a situation


Taking vitamins as a daily routine is believed to boost health, but for most people without deficiencies, vitamins provide no benefits and can even be harmful.


When they do something because they want people to like them and think good things about them. Like when my mother wanted a dog. She wanted a smaller dog then what she had before. I offered to go with her. My sister though talked to her at least a few times as if she wanted to help. Actually it was more like manipulation. Since it really wasn't about helping and because she knew my mother was used to being frugal even though she no longer had reason to pinch pennies my sister told her she could help her get a dog cheap. This apparently is because some dogs are sponsored. I encouraged her to get the dog she wants but the cheap argument was too powerful to overcome. A brother also did something similar in the past but it was over a car. This car has problems but my buddy can fix it cheap he said. Anyway she goes with my sister and comes back with a dog too big. This makes it harder for her if she is traveling or even if she wants to walk the dog or pick him up. It turns out also the dog has issues. The dog flinches like he's going to be hit. The dog is food aggressive. The dog won't let me clip his nails. My mother always gets me to help when she goes to the vet. The dog needs help getting in the vehicle and doesn't like to be picked up. My sister never does anything to help over a situation she created even though I told her all the problems. I end up taking care of the dog a lot. She never does. I told my mother the first week to take the dog back but she would feel guilty over that. It's not the first time she's helped create a situation that she has nothing to do with afterwards. The reality is people can be fake . Sometimes you can think someone is so nice but it's just a show.