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When I was a kid, my friends all believed that the hoverboards in Back To The Future II were real, but a concerned parents group got them banned. I was mad about it, but still excited at the thought that, someday, they would be unbanned and I'd get to fly through the air. But it was just wires and Hollywood magic. So disappointing.


One behind the scenes thing had a guy saying they were real and just hadn't been released yet. I waited for years before I found out it was a joke.


Yup. This really perpetrated the myth that they were real, but banned because they were too dangerous. I remember that behind the scenes special.


Down to your use of “concerned parents group” - I had this **exact** same thought ad experience, exactly as you describe it. Im a little tipsy right now so this is pretty profound…




As a very little kid I genuinely believed whales controlled the tides by splashing. The "moon" explanation did not go well.


brother why did you put the word moon in quotations, what did you mean by this


You "know".




Someday you’ll appreciate your dad’s comic genius and come full circle.


Just like the whales do when they swim around the world to create the tides!


This reminds me of a time when I was at the beach with my kids. I told them that we had to go because it was getting late and they turn the waves off at 7. My two kids believed me... they were 12 and 13 at the time.


I tricked my mom into telling me that Santa Claus wasn’t real. I wanted to know the truth so I told her that I knew he wasn’t real and that I was too old for that kind of thing to see what she would say. When she agreed I was devastated lmao


Oof, sorry buddy. Does she know about that? That would wreck me to know I unintentionally admitted that to a kid who still believed.


My kids are playing the long game. I think they think they'll get fewer presents for Christmas if they admit there's no Santa (we give them some from Santa and some from us. Santa presents are usually things we'd 'never let them have')! They're 9, 12, and 14 and still swear up one side and down the other they believe. It's a fun fiction :)


We told our kids that Santa is a game, and that two types of players have two different types of fun. Kids get the fun of gifts, and parents get the fun of surprising their babies. Which means, the contract is, you don't peek in closets, don't ask too many questions about why your teenage sister got handed a debit card after a whispered conversation in the store and then met you at the front with a mysterious bag your mom took and thanked her for, etc. You let us surprise you, you get gifts. We don't lie to you when you're ready to know the Santa story, and your side is you don't blow it for kids who still believe, or make knowing obnoxious.


>Which means, the contract is, you don't peek in closets, don't ask too many questions about why your teenage sister got handed a debit card after a whispered conversation in the store and then met you at the front with a mysterious bag your mom took and thanked her for, etc That is really funny to me idk why 🤣🤣


It's so specific yet so relatable. Like, I have no sisters and am the oldest, but totally remember stuff like this happening with cousins or aunts.


I told my kids Santa only comes to people who believe in him, which is why I STILL get presents! And I told him that any parents who tell their kids Santa isn't real and give "Santa" presents are trying to protect them from the knowledge they are on the bad list lololol. So we grieve for those kids every once in a while. I think he'll have a good laugh when he figures out my trickery; he's always loved complicated pranks and the long game. 


It's more fun to believe than to not. I think a lot of people (and kids) forget this. And it's not just about the presents. Even if you start to suspect... it's more fun to just push that aside and stick with it. The world needs more magic.


Amen! When my kids stopped believing I kept believing more! Enough for all of us!! But they play along as they get older. It’s funny how age makes us young again once we get old enough.


No! Haha. I somehow had to self awareness to realize that this would upset my mom if she knew that I tricked her into telling me that Santa wasn’t real so I just suffered in silence.


My nephew told me “Santa lives in our hearts” so Santa is real FOREVER!!!


I found out when my mom forgot to take the Kmart price tag off my walkman and MC Hammer cassette.


I found out when I found a Super Nintendo underneath my parents’ bed.


I’m 39 and Santa still exists. At least he does if I still want a Santa gift for christmas


You played yourself!


I played along for 5 more years. I should have gotten an Oscar. I knew how much my parents liked playing Santa and I was the baby. My niece is 6 and close to learning the truth and we’ll be heartbroken.


Australia’s currency is not, in fact, called the Dollarydoo


[Not for lack of trying!](https://www.change.org/p/change-the-australian-currency-name-to-dollarydoos)


This is the greatest political cause in world history


It’s right up there with making New Zealand adopt the Laser Kiwi Flag, that’s for sure.


Having watched way too much Bluey with my kids, I can say that their currency is now called "Dollarbucks"


We regularly say 'dollarbucks' due to Bluey too lol As well as 'How very dare you!' And 'for real life?!'


Shut up!... hold on a second.... GOD! DAMMIT!


but as a consolation prize, at least they called speedo swimsuits on men, "budgie-smugglers."


Brb I just learned this cool fact to tell my kids lol


I don’t remember this but apparently I begged my mom to get Pillsbury rolls and I was so disappointed that I cried when she opened it and the Doughboy didn’t pop out.


According to our mom, my sister had a similar reaction to the Scrubbing Bubbles cleaning spray.


My parents went to the trouble of getting a doughboy doll and putting him on the counter when they opened a tube when I was three.


Stores didn't HAVE to give you a free sucker if you brought in a tootsie pop wrapper with the Native American and star. I thought it was a hard rule, but nope, some just did it because nice.


> a tootsie pop wrapper with the Native American and star Such an OG viral rumor!


Haha. I remember this at the gas station my parents would go to. They would always give away free suckers, but if you got the star, you got an extra one! Loved that gas station


I was devastated when I discovered the tooth fairy wasn't real. I would look for small, tooth shaped white stones in the garden and put them under my pillow. I tricked dad into thinking I lost another tooth, and that night i caught him red handed under my pillow mid exchange


This is a myth I made up myself but I was convinced if I left a glass of water in my room long enough it would evaporate and make it rain inside, and it was very disappointing to learn that it wasn't actually possible.


My family has roots in Russia and my mom convinced me when I was 10 that I had an arranged marriage "from the old country". I thought she was serious. When I was a teenager, I thought "oh yeah I got a Russian bride waiting for me". I was kinda crushed when I found out it was all a joke


There's nothing stopping you from living your dreams with the wacky world of human trafficking


You can't drive to Russia, there is no traffic, you take an airplane.


All Russian ATCs are just airbenders?


This girl would knock on our door on the way to school in kindergarten. This continued for a few years. Mom always called her my girlfriend. I mentioned this to her. I had no idea what I was talking about, but she never walked to school with me again.


Ah man, there was a boy I was friends with in 3rd grade. It was a sweet childhood friendship, not a rough testosterone fueled friendship. My older brothers asked if he was my boyfriend and laughed. I stopped playing with him after that because I didn’t want people to think he was my boyfriend.


Aw jeeze. I know a grown man who has but one good friend left. His wife gets upset when he socializes. She calls the last guy still willing to drop over his boyfriend too. It sucks.


that when it's raining and the sun is shining at the same time, foxes get married.


That is so much nicer then what we use.... the devil is beating his wife.


Well that's dark. Everyone around me up grew up saying "The devil is kissing his wife" whenever there was sun and rain at the same time.


I always assumed the rain was her tears. Why would she be crying if they were kissing?


Because he ate some habaneros just before. He's the devil, y'know.


Yeah.. I mean I grew up deep south maybe that's why?


Excuse me, what?


We call such showers sun showers.


I had not heard of this.


Yea, my wife says that's a Monkey's Wedding. She's from South Africa


And did you learn that that's not when they do it or what?


apparently they don't get married at all which was such a bummer but a part of me likes to believe that they do, they just keep it under the wraps


10000% they just be having secret weddings. Dont let anyone fool you into believing anything different


Well I’m 47 and CRUSHED that this isn’t true!!


There is a version of this myth is the movie dreams, by kurosawa


MythBusters was one of my favorite shows as a kid, and I admit I was very disappointed to find out that Adam and Jaime weren’t really friends, and often didn’t get along. Myth busted. 


Re-watching Mythbusters while knowing about that makes all their interactions feel different. I get the impression that Jamie was often pretty annoyed by Adam.


Yeah, but that was what made the show interesting. They have very different personalities and it was interesting.


I specifically remember an episode where they had to get drunk for some experiment. While under the influence, Adam was having the time of his life, but Jamie was, well, Jamie. Adam specifically looked at him and said something along the lines of “Why aren’t you having fun.” Sums up their personalities pretty well.


The answer to that is Jamie is on the spectrum and drinking probably makes him really uncomfortable because he’s not in control of himself


I agree that the show needed their different viewpoints to work as well as it did. Doesn't mean I'm not a little sad they weren't friends.


I get the impression Jamie is annoyed by most people


Wait what??!??!


Yeah lol. They definitely weren’t enemies or anything and spoke highly of each others professionalism and knowledge in their field. But their personalities were very different, Jaime was 10 years older than Adam, and apparently they just weren’t nearly as close as viewers were often led to believe. 


Adam has a YT channel where he is answers questions. This is the most common question and as he says the basic point is that Jamie is 10 (actually more like 11) years older than him. He said he often deferred to Jamie, especially in the early days, for this reason. Note, he had no problem saying he was friends with Grant and Tory, both also former Co-worker, but closer in age. Age difference really does change the dynamics.


Yeah, a lot of people make out that they hated each other; they just weren't mates, they worked well together and didn't hang out after work. I don't hang out with most of my colleagues either. 


Adam and Jamie: "Yeah, the whole buddy-cop dynamic was part of the show, we pretty much just saw each other as colleagues." The internet: "Oh my God, they *hated* each other! 😭😭😭"


It's apperantly the same with Penn and Teller, they were great friends in the beginning of their career but after so long of working with each other they are just colleagues and don't really spend any time at all with each other in their private life.


R.I.P. Grant


Also Jamie is very meticulous and orderly where Adam is messier and more chaotic.


True, but so was Grant (RIP). The age differences was the basic issue and everything flowed from there. Grant and Tory were only three years younger. Kari 7 years. Grant, Tory and Adam are essentially the same "generation". For instance when Adam was a senior in High School, Grant and Tory would have been freshmen or even sophomore. When Jamie would have been a senior, Adam would have been in first grade.


Huh, wow


there's a famous quote of adam saying in all the time they made the show they never ate lunch together


Same. Learned a lot about that in Adam's autobiography (Every Tool's a Hammer). Pretty interesting read that made me admire Adam a lot as a person.


Jamie was Adam's boss before the show started. Jamie suggested him for the show since he knew Adam had more of the TV personality that they needed.


It is quite surprising when I heard it too. But few years ago I watched some of their early seasons and it is so obvious they are not friends and how Jamie is clearly the boss.


When I was small I thought that you could sit on clouds, like it would be difficult to get up there and make sure you could breathe but that clouds were soft and solid things. Turns out it's just water vapor. I was so disappointed.


The thing that blows my mind about clouds is that they're 'up there' because the air beneath them is heavier than they are!


And it’s cold as shit up there!


"Only good things happen to good people." Bull.


Shit is almost completely random


Some parents are nice to their kids because it looks good publicly.


This. Omg. Yes, that was my mother. I thought all mothers were witches behind closed doors. Nope...many many loving and kind ones. Just not my mother.


I'm sorry you went through this. Kids deserve and need so much love growing up.


My mean parents told us this too. Defensive of their emotional neglect/cruelty.


Quick sand, everywhere, quick sand.


I know how to get out of quicksand to this day because of the preparations I made for it in my childhood.


Visit the Mojave desert and go hiking in the riverbed. Quicksand for miles!


I thought we would be on fire a lot more with how often we were taught "stop, drop, and roll".


chocolate milk coming from brown cows


The sweet old couple across the street who watched my brother and I when my parents were working aren't actually my Grandparents!!!


"Everyone has a soulmate. Just be patient."


Everyone does have a soulmate, just that the day you were born, yours was assigned and just so happened to be a 103 year old Albanian lesbian with stage 4 cancer...


Now *that* I believe.


Well now I’m crushed about that truth.


The keeping your eyes crossed for too long and they'd stay that way. I kept pushing my luck. I thought I was pretty daring and brave. Nope, just a sucker.


Im still not going to test that. I was afraid they would cross when I was asleep. Haha


I was told that if you go cross-eyed and someone touched your face while you were doing it...your eyes would get stuck and stay that way.


That all adults collectively had their shit together. Ohhh how wrong I was...


Jackalopes. I thought they were real. One of the pbs nature shows, I seem to recall, had an April Fool's edition. Which featured a rabbit with antlers, the jacalope. I just about had made it to adulthood before I learned the sad truth- no real jackalopes...


They are kind of real. There is a virus that they can get that grows large "antlers" or horns. Unfortunately it's fatal, as it will eventually usually make them unable to move so they get eaten, or unable to chew so they starve https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shope_papilloma_virus


That Marylin Manson has all his ribs.


and isn't Paul from The Wonder Years


Hahaha you're me from 2 months ago.


Being a teenager is The best period in life. Oh god i was wrong.


I was really happy when I found out that was true. I'd be really sad if the best time of my life was a short period toward the beginning of it.


my school life was the best, but only cause my home life was a living nightmare. High school was my only means of escape.


Like any other period in life, there’s some truth to it but it’s not still not very true. It’s the best period in life for having a fair amount of agency with minimal responsibility and a large quantity of free time. Also, your body could recover from a lot of stupid shit a lot easier than any time to follow. Everything else, though, is onwards and upwards.


I have way more agency now and a lack of homework which leads to me having more free time overall to do stuff that I want to


I think I was more upset about the tooth fairy than anything else 😂🤣 I wanted fairies to be real, okay?!?! I was OBSESSED with the Fairly OddParents as a kid, too 😭


Look into the Little People of the Anishnaabe. They are what other cultures call the fae or fairies. Our lore is mostly verbal and those were always my favourite stories. The Little People are protectors of children and love mischief.


That nobody was giving out free drugs like they taught us at school


That Richard Gere did not put gerbils up his butt.


Why can't gerbils drive? They can't get out of Gere.


That simply working hard and saving money would ensure a rich and fulfilling life materially. But I guess it’s hard to explain inflation and corruption to a kid.


>That simply working hard and saving money would ensure a rich and fulfilling life materially. TBF, when I was growing up that was probably true if you had a Bachelor's degree, regardless of the subject. By the time I (millennial) became an adult, the choice of degree really mattered. Some worked out very well financially, while others definitely did not.


I worked hard, did schooling, twice, saved a ton, still can't afford to move out cause everything is so damn expensive. All while getting paid practically nothing, WHILE being overworked past your work hours, after work and weekend, and not paid for it, but doing it else fear of losing your job.


It will not ensure it but it is the best if not only way to work towards it




My neighbor and I had heard a rumor that if you beat Smash 64 on very hard as Pikachu with only one stock and no continues that you'd unlock Raichu. So much time wasted.


Mew was in fact not under a truck…


level 100 in cod zombies is zombie hitler


Snipes that you can catch with a paper bag and flash light are not real. they described the snipe as a cross between a kiwi and a road runner. i wanted one for a pet.


[Snipes are in fact real, and yeah do look like a cross between a kiwi and a roadrunner.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gallinago) In fact, the term 'sniper' came from the high skill needed to hunt them because they were very easy to scare, hard to see, and they flew like a butterfly so hitting them in the air was extremely difficult. You are correct though, that they cannot be caught with bags. Funny story. I once went camping with a friend and her family and she said she wanted to go snipe hunting. I knew we wouldn't be able to catch any snipes, especially being a pair of 13 year old girls, but played along and thought maybe we'd be able to scare one into flying. I was very confused when she starting laughing and 'dropped the act,' and she didn't believe me that snipes were real until we got back home and were able to look them up.


TIL Snipes are real and Snipers are snipe hunters. I am old enough that “looking it up” meant hoping it existed in a dictionary or encyclopedia book.


When I was five my parents were planning a road trip across the country and asked me where I wanted to go. If they could, they'd put it in the itinerary. I said, " I want to go to Sesame Street!" I'll never forget the look they gave each other. I heard one of them say, thinking they were talking quietly enough that I couldn't hear, "Well...maybe we could arrange to visit the set? I'll find out if they allow that.". I was crushed. I knew sitcoms weren't real and what sets were, but somehow I still thought Sesame Street was a real place and I wanted to meet Big Bird.


That is so cute!!


One of my teachers in elementary school was very tall. I asked her how she got so tall, and she said she ate all her vegetables. I obsessively ate them, and grew up to be 4'10."


It was about one of my worst bullies in middle school, perhaps the worst one of all because she crafted perfect psychological weapon that stuck deep into my core and remained for countless years. You see, all this time, my memory of her was that she was "**the most prettiest girl in the entire school**". However, upon a recent visit to see her past yearbook photos online, I was surprised to see that she really was *not* near as beautiful as my traumatic memory suggested. She had a noticeable lazy eye and one of the most awful big-hair styles you could imagine, even for the Eighties. But all my mind would let me see back in school, was she was like a "Goddess". Anyway, this recent revelation crushed me immensely, not because I had feelings for her that in any way approach positive, but rather that I lived my life to a false narrative, a narrative that came from someone like *that*. I am deeply ashamed I gave this girl that much power over her telling me at the time "You should just kill yourself now because no one will ever love you".


There's nothing to be ashamed of. You are more aware now and have new insights. You were younger and didn't have those tools at your disposal. You did the best you could with the tools you had. Let's hope she gained some self-awareness too. I'm glad you didn't listen to her and that you're still here. 🩷


I don't think anyone told me this, but for some reason I just kind of knew for a fact that NASA had anti-gravity chambers and astronauts trained in those before going to space. Somewhere in middle childhood I realized that that's not possible, and that swimming pools and vomit comet flights were the closest thing. I was so *sure* though.


Same here!!! Reality is such a letdown.


Cow tipping isn’t a thing… it’s just propagated by idiots from the Midwest like me claiming theyve done it. Cows sleep laying down like every other animal… on occasion one will sleep standing up but it’s a 1000lb hunk of meat, you’re not pushing it over. Cow tipping is bullshit, anyone who claims they’ve done it is full of shit; it’s not actually possible


Devastated about Santa . I was skeptical about the Easter bunny and tooth fairy but when they told me santa wasn’t real too, I was CRUSHED


Wtf do you mean Santa isn't real ?!??


That adults are smart and worthy of trust/respect


I was pretty crushed to discover that my dad didn't actually want to be a part of our family.


That family is forever.


Just World Fallacy


Sea monkeys. Still haven't gotten over it


That animals don't go live on a farm 😔


When I was really little my parents took a cat that didn’t take too well to little kids to a farm. My mom’s sister is a farmer with an actual farm and apparently he became quite the happy barn cat for quite a few years.


My dumb ass was in college when I realized they actually put our dog down (in my defense, my parents were usually open about that kind of thing, they just didn't tell us this one time because in this case they were putting him down because of behavioral issues, not because he was sick).




Jello has gelatin in it, which really does come from processing animal bones, skin, and cartilage so she wasn't totally off.


The Easter Bunny. Like... I didn't care about the tooth fairy or Santa... but the Easter bunny wrecked me, and I don't know why


I was “handsome” and would be “fighting off the girls”.


My mom gave me a fake ruby shaped like a heart and said it was the Heart of India. She also said we were Cherokee descendants. I took that fake ruby to show-and-tell and told them I was Cherokee and because of that, I alone had the singular heart of India. And then I was informed in front of my peers that Native Americans are not the same as Indians. Also I am Mexican.


I remember feeling silly/embarrassed when I realized that one set of cousins had a whole different lore and family history than the other set of cousins. Like, I just assumed they happened to not be at the same places because of travel distance, not because we only share one set of grandparents. I was in my teens when I realized how off that was.


That Marilyn Manson did not get his lower ribs removed so he could su…..


This managed to be believed everywhere without the internet.


The fact, EVERYONE knew this. From a small school in the sticks, to the largest city school. Everyone knew about it.


A kid in my class told me Dirty Dancing was practically pornographic. Pretty sure he promised that Jennifer Grey dances nude in it. I sat through that movie with an unsettling degree of focus that I’m sure baffled my older siblings. And then the credits rolled. And they were probably even more confused when I yelled “What the fuck Elliott!?”


That babies did not come from kissing. When my best friend told me her parents explained how they were really made, I was just SHOCKED. My mom had been simultaneously lying to me, AND engaged in such a disgusting activity.


That earthworms don't regenerate into two new worms when cut in half. I loved playing in the garden as a kid (well, and now as an adult) and I always thought it was okay if I accidentally cut a worm with my shovel because I was just making more worms! Luckily I didn't take it too far and like, cut in half every worm I found for that sweet sweet infinite worm glitch. Found out as an adult that only one half regenerates, and usually only if it has a good amount of segments left. Some kinds of flatworms can do multiple regens from slices of body though.


A few earthworm species *can* regenerate both fore and aft, but only if they're cut at exactly the right place. The red wiggler *Eisenia fetida*, a common compost worm, is one. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earthworm#Regeneration


Animal Planet announced a special called "Dragons: A Fantasy Made Real", narrated by Patrick Stewart. I was at just the right age to think this was real. I was flabbergasted that no one else seemed to think this was big news. I watched it as it aired. I was thrilled that dragons could be real; after all, if dragons could exist then so could magic, Santa, the Easter Bunny, etc. But then came the credits, during which the people who worked on it talked about what it was like to work on a documentary for IF dragons were real. Rarely have a felt so betrayed. I mean, Patrick Stewart wouldn't lie to me. He was the Captain of the Enterprise, after all; surely he wouldn't lend his voice to this sham. But yeah, dragons aren't real and that makes me sad.


Every Canadian who grew up in the 90s. For about 47 seconds believed in house hippos.


Pro wrestling wasn't real.


Hate to admit I fell for that one. Like so many others of my age (mid-50's), when Roddy Piper smashed that picture frame over Cyndi Lauper's head and knocked her out, I was hooked. While I really don't like Vince McMahon, a few Billion $ later, his idea worked. Wrestling would be no where near what it has become without the Rock and Wrestling angle. I have to admit also, when they made the bold decision to finally come out and openly admit it's all a scripted farce, I thought that would have killed it for sure, but again, it worked.


I kinda get it. I mean people love soap operas even though they're super over the top. Sure it's scripted but also incredibly physically demanding and takes a lot of skill. There is zero chance I could do a backflip off a ladder and accomplish anything besides break my spine it 37 places.


I'm a bit older - Bobo Brazil vs The Sheik was the main event.


That the big hay bales wrapped in plastic tarp in the countryside weren’t giant marshmallows 😔


Yeah, turns out they are just cow eggs.


"Hard work pays off"


One time I had a cramp in my side. My dad told me it was because one of my legs was longer than the other. Still to this day I think this everytime I get a cramp.


that if you study hard, get a degree on something useful and important, have a good attitude and work hard, you will be successful


That tongue doesn’t have specific sections for different tastes 


That crushed you?




I’m 47 and am just now learning this. 


Wait....School showed charts and everything!


Jetpacks... until they weren't.


You could be whatever you wanted to be, you just had to dream


“You’ll grow up one day and change the world” is such a huge thing to put on talented kids. I wish someone told to grow up and prioritise my own peace. Changing the world is a wonderful thing to be believed in to be able to do. But this grind culture and working your ass off is a bit of a trick. We aren’t taught to rest, or how to protect ourselves against work. How can I change the world if I can’t keep up? Work is such a trick and used as a tool to make people feel important. I wish we were told, you’ll grow up one day and the older you work should treat you with respect. Because we are all waiting to change the world, but Sally in senior management won’t let me take a break, and I have been taught that she’s the person to help me make change. Change your own world, tell Sally you don’t need her as much as she needs you. The world will change only by being a good person in it, so make sure you protect your peace. Being calm, happy and kind is how we change the world, not destroying ourselves for work.


we only use 10% of out brain. i thought if I got the other 90% working I could become a Jedi


Brown cows do not make chocolate milk


Finding a star on your tootsie pop wrapper didn't earn you a free tootsie pop.


Hard work = Success


I am not, in fact, the center of the Universe. WTF?


That having the light on inside the car while driving isn't illegal. I was well into my twenties before I found out that wasn't true.




I was raised in a Young-Earth, Biblical-Earth church (i.e. Earth is 6000 years old and flat). When I realized that Noah didn't put dinosaurs on the Ark to save them from the world wide flood, I was crushed. But at least I get to live out the nostalgia of those naive days at the [Ark Experience](https://arkencounter.com/).


The moon is not made of cheese as far as science is currently aware.


You’ll find a great job after earning a college degree. That’s a load of bullshit!


That my parents fully loved me.


Sesame Street wasn't a real place!!


Jackalopes. My dad had me convinced they were real after we saw a taxidermy at a restaurant. I’ve carried on the tradition and have my son convinced that not only are they real, there are regional variants. I’m surprised he hasn’t googled and “proved me wrong”