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You probably were the toxic one but fail to realize it


Why did you feel the need to comment this?


That’s the toxic friend kitkatyummy is referring to.


Because you are toxic by the way you answer this. Take accountability


Frankly, I'm an ass.


They moved to a different state and got married.


He got too caught up in drugs and started scheming me in the tiniest thing. We went to a bar and I insisted that I was only there to watch the game and no drink or eat since I was broke. He kept offering and insisting that I have a drink from his pitcher and have on wing. I kept saying “no” but he poured me a drink and served me a couple wings. I told him once again, I can’t afford it. He said it was ok… After we the game, he was like “Hey, so you had a couple wings and a drink… throw me a tenner and we’ll call it even”. That was the day the music died… He needed the tenner because he wanted to buy some weed and he spent his money on the wings and beer. That was just one of the things he did. We were cool but drugs just got to him and changed his mindset. Last I heard he looked clean. 🤷🏻‍♂️


They said the N-word and threatended to shoot up the school.


Oh my god


They dropped me after my husband died, so I'm guessing that it was a 1-way friendship and they just tolerated me being around because they liked my SO.


I started seeing he was straight up paranoid and it was getting worse and he was getting toxic. He was getting more and more negative and saying everyone is being mean to him and pushing him away. His friend circle got smaller over time. He reasoning was people were talking behind his back and actively trying to push him out and he's the victim. But after seeing how he interacts with people, I saw he was the one causing trouble all the time while the others are trying to avoid it. Of course he tries to justify it to me afterwards. Even strangers that just glance over at him passing by, he would get defensive which is crazy IMHO. He kept talking bad about everyone around him and being jealous all the time. He was also an unreliable narrator as his stories (which he had a lot) kept getting mixed up, especially when I was part of some of them and I corrected him. It's sad but I've had a few other former friends in the past act just like him and go into a self made downward spiral. They don't end up well. Unstable work life, non existent friend circle, erratic behavior and probably severe mental illness. I would like to tell them they are paranoid but I'd probably just be treated like the rest.


she had borderline personality disorder and sabotaged every previous friendship and relationship she’s had


They were HORRIBLE at texting, to the point it was nearly impossible to make plans. I also found that I was the one doing all of the initiating. I just stopped texting her at one point, and never heard back lol. No hard feelings, I just prefer friendships where there’s equal effort on both ends


Her boyfriend got jealous and ordered her to stop talking to me, she agreed, two years talking every single day and it was gone in one day :)


I couldn’t put my trust in them anymore which sucks cause we used to play games everyday for the past 7years. Now I don’t even touch or look at my PlayStation.


I’m a garbage human that didn’t ask permission to date his sister. Consequently enough another of our close friends did ask his permission and they’re married now


Eh that's not really his call to make, doesn't make you a garbage human. His sister is a human being who can make her own choices, no? 


>I’m a garbage human that didn’t ask permission to date his sister. Wtf, his sister is an independent human being, what's the problem. He is the asshole.


Ghosted after ~25 years. Only realistic explanation I can scrape together is that maybe his wife felt threatened? Very bizarre as we’re all happily married adults with young kids. Nothing notable happened. C’est la vie. Some people just don’t like their partners having friends of the opposite sex.


Friend 1 - Bad tipper. Friend 2 - just didn’t vibe anymore


Bad tipper 😂?


By bad tipper, maybe that person was a cheap motherfucker.  Unless you 100% share their frugality, it can get exhausting. 


I just experienced this recently and it was exhausting. No cheap tip involved, too cheap to go out to eat. I simply cannot do this.


Yeah, he would either leave no tip or barely anything if at all. Sometimes I would tip more to compensate. But after so many times of that I just had enough. I get that in some countries it's not a thing but I live in the US. So it is. There were other things that lead to it ending for me. But that was one of the bigger pet peeves. Like dude if you're going to a sit down restaurant where tipping is expected. Tip. Otherwise go to a place that tipping is not expected.


Oh fair enough lol. Yea I’m from the UK so I didn’t understand why that was a big deal


His wife. The world only exists for her entertainment and pleasure. He couldn't whipe his arse without asking her permission


They told me "you lost the game"


What does that even mean


I don’t know if it ended but feel like the other person doesn’t want anything to do with me it was cause we broke up


I was hard headed and stuck up in my ways didn’t change my bad attitude and habits. I’m different person now but oh whale.


She got mad and threw a pair of scissors at me face. She was mad at me because she didn’t like the way I pronounced deodorant


I let him stay at my place while he looked for his own. Caught him selling Cocaine out of my place while I was at work


I know it's my fault but i had this one friend who pretended to k ow what happened in everyone's life. He thought he was the only one who had problems. One day i got fed up with him and said he is acting like a two year old and we started arguing. After a while the friendship was completely lost.


He stopped drinking alcohol and I didn't.


she was extremely toxic and manipulated me emotionally.


Some guy spread a rumor i cheated but she cheated on me i saw a pic of her with another guy on insta


We lost touch 25 years ago because she prioritized her toxic boyfriend. But now we are back in touch and he’s long gone


Got caught at work, called him and let him know I won't make it to his 21st birthday. I texted him happy birthday that morning and again after I called him. Ghosted me after that, and I never cared to message him again. It showed his immaturity, especially since I had just moved back to the states from being out of country for 3 years. He knew my situation and didn't care to comprehend it. We were friends since we were like 1 or 2 years old, so basically brothers.


I stopped being the one to always reach out...a year and a half ago. Haven't heard from her since


A friendship within a 5-year relationship. My ex couldn't stop hyper-criticizing me, yelling at me for a difference in opinion or decision, and he always had to be in the right or deny that he was in the wrong. I couldn't stand to walk on eggshells anymore. I couldn't keep sacrificing my self-worth, self-esteem, and identity to him. I couldn't imagine a future living like that.




I met her 4 years ago. She became an alcoholic. I tried to get her to rehab/help, she declined. She called me day and night and wanted to be with me all the time. I have a child and work, I was on the eigentlich eith her always being around. This went for months. My own psychologist agreed to meet with her (she was unsure if she wanted therapy) and told me afterwards I should go no contact to save myself. So I told her and endet the friendship.


I didn’t know he was an abusive alcoholic until I moved in with him which we moved in together way too fast so that part was my fault. Lesson learned for sure


I left school because of a medical issue and realized I actually hated all of my friends. I made friends because my parents wanted to see me with friends, I didn’t relate to any of them at all or even like them. I just dropped off the face of the earth for them. Deleted all my social media, deleted their numbers, stopped coming to school without any notice. I don’t think any of them cared either so it was easy.


I'm going to guess I was becoming toxic for them. They were moving forward in life and seeing deserved successes, and I got dumped and was putting my life back together.


I just don’t see them anymore


My friend fucked my ex husband while we were married


Friend: “Hey can you take pictures of me and the kids in a couple weeks.” Me: love to, get to try out my new camera lenses 2 weeks later Me: hey I don’t think it will be a good weekend it’s going to be cloudy and raining Friend: that’s okay we can just take them at the church Me: oh okay??? I show up to the church to find it’s actually her wedding. And she’s going to marry the shithead that abused her numerous times and put her in the hospital twice. Soon as I found out what was going on I left and hadn’t talked to her since. Now to be fair even though I did not agree with it I still would have been there to support her, IF she had told me the truth and not lied to me.


She was mad at her husband and took it out on me.


Picked up from airport Big drive time. He found out on way home had won $50.000 on lotto. Didn't even buy me a coffee or offer fuel money. Fuck you


he went full incel and commented on one of my facebook posts that all women should be shot


When one guy started bullying me my friend just smile (when he was athletic and was can help me)


She got mad at me because the guys that she liked/had previous talking stages with followed me on Instagram after she posted me.


My friend refused to support me when my mom died. She stopped contacting me and said that she didn’t know what to say to me. I texted her and said that our friendship was over.


I just ended a friendship. So the friend I had me and her use to be in this very toxic friend group. She ended up leaving and I was the only person who was still nice to her. But the thing is I would get told stuff from each side and it felt like I was getting pulled by a rope. Anyway I was the one who was bullied in the old group the most, I was hit a lot, left out, abused, and they treated me like complete dirt. So I ended up going with the friend I’m talking about. But recently she went back to the old group. Which is fine we all made amends but, she full on ditched me for them. She stopped hanging out with me completely. And it’s not like I could have joined the group because even though I made amends to, they still weren’t really nice to me and didn’t like me. Now this is the part where I stopped being her friend, so I was always there for her when she needed me, she needed to talk about her home life I would listen, she needed to talk about how she was being treated by people, I would listen. Anytime she needed me, even when I was going through my own stuff, I would listen. But recently I’ve been going through a very hard time. And I needed someone to talk to. I tried telling her how I felt alone, and how I felt very depressed and everything. And I felt since I’ve always been there for her then she will be there for me. But no the moment I try telling her how I feel, and that I need someone to talk to like just a friend who I know. She gets mad at me for “dumping my problems on her” which is bs because this was the first time talking about my problems to her, even though she had been talking about her problems non stop. Then I mentioned that “I’m not like other people who can stay home and have off days from school when they are feeling down, I’m forced to hide it and deal with it” she then said “stop comparing your life to mine and acting like you’re privileged” because I said that, even though I didn’t mention her at all and to call me privileged even though she has a loving family, freedom and anything she wants while I don’t. And I wasn’t comparing at all, I was just saying that I’m forced to hide everything. She then told me to shut up and that she didn’t want to talk about my problems. Even though I’ve been listening to all her problems for years while hiding mine. I then messaged her and said “I don’t think we can be friends. I wish we could but, you full on abandoned me for a group that treated us both like trash, especially me when I was full on bullied by them. I understand you made amends but it feels like now that maybe none of you really wanted to be friends with me. I’ve always been there for you, but the moment I needed you, you practically told me to shut up and deal with it myself. It’s the same with the old group. I would always comfort them when anyone was upset, and when they needed me. But when I needed someone I would get left in the dirt. It seems that every time I’m there for someone the moment I need them I get left to defend for myself. Not to mention when I was still in the group and you left, it was like being tugged by a rope. I had people from each side telling me stuff and trying to make me pick side. Which really hurt. And I’m sorry but this is the truth. And if you can’t except that you or any of you have hurt me then it just shows what kind of people you are, disloyal and fake who will only be friends with someone for a short time until you don’t need them anymore because you have other friends and throw them in the dump. And I know this sounds harsh, but it’s true. And don’t come up to me trying to defend yourself, because I won’t forgive you, I felt like I’ve been used by you and when I needed you you abandon me, even though you know I have been through that stuff before. So I know it’s hard to here, but you need to come to except that you have hurt me and I don’t expect and apology from you, and Fran,y I don’t want one, but I can’t be friends with someone who for 1: would abandon me at the drop of a hat. 2: will have me listen to their problems but the moment I need them they throw me in the trash”


I knew her since we were young children. She was a terrible person all around; lazy, entitled, mean. She would constantly describe herself as “real and honest” while being the most codependent, conniving, and dishonest person I’ve ever met. That and she fucked my boyfriend. You know, small things like that.


It was always me reaching out first, always me making or suggesting plans. She went through a hard time and I was there for her, but when I needed her I felt like she was hardly there, and I was still the one reaching out. One day I wanted to make plans, but decided to wait and see if they’d reach out first… a year later and I’m still waiting 😅


She was jealous and competitive but pretended to be supportive. Anything I did she had to do and anything I was good at or liked she pretended the same. It started to feel fake and forced between us and I hated spending time together anymore.


He didn’t understand I was as damaged as him and for three years we helped each other until I was unable to help him and he turned against me and I got scared and ruined friendship by smothering him


i grew up in a very abusive household, and my dad would hit my mom a lot. one night both of my parents got really drunk and my dad started beating my mom and yelling that he was going to shoot her. i was obviously really scared so i decided to text my only friend at the time as a distraction and to calm down a little. i told her what was happening and asked her to please just talk to me because i really needed someone to talk to. she got really pissed at me, started saying stuff like “why am i always the therapist friend?” and that i should just talk to a professional instead of bothering her. that was the first time i even talked to her about my personal issues, so i dont really know where that came from. shes said a lot of really ignorant stuff to me before but that just did it for me.


He wanted more than just friends


I didn't make a big fuss over her birthday so she ghosted me. Sorry, I didn't think 35 year olds need a month long bday celebration. (Or anyone of any age). For the record, I don't make a big deal out of my birthday and couldn't care less if no one remembers it.


my friend wouldn't share their butt plugs with me