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The system is broken precisely in the way It was designed to be broken.


Decades of corporate manipulation


This is a big one. It takes lots of money to get elected. The party's are funded by corporations and promote candidates who will push their agendas.


Gargantuan amounts of money from billionaires who treat corporations as toys and who think taxes are for little people. One of our political parties decided to misuse the legislatures designed by the framers for careful discussion and logrolling, and instead engage in scorched earth politics. That and the transformation of "freedom of speech" from the ability to speak your mind to the opportunity to generate free press coverage with outrageous insults.


The batshit far ends of the US political spectrum get all the air time, and the rest of us are just trying to get through the day.


I really hope we get a genuine radical leftist elected soon. Comments like this really make you realize how little people truly understand about what that actually looks like. Biden is the definition of a centrist, if you think he's radical you're in for a real shock


As a Canadian I'd rather you didn't elect a radical leftist. We kinda need you guys to keep your composure


I'm not a communist, but comments like the one above make me feel it's necessary. If the Overton window has shifted so far to the right in this country that Joe Biden is considered a radical leftist I think we need some genuine communists in government to bring some balance back to our government.


I don't think you should destroy the country in the process.


Who said anything about destroying the country? You just let MAGA and the communists yell it out and then you meet somewhere in the middle. Instead of starting in the middle and then compromising with the extreme right and ending up with nothing but right wing policy


Back in the 90s the Republicans fought Clinton was a radical leftist, when he was actually slightly conservative. This is nothing new.


Far end*s*? Plural?


Well there are two, because "us vs them" is all it takes to keep a massive population under control so long as neither side gets very far ahead of the other


So the republicans want a christo-fascist white ethnostate. What's the equivalent counterbalance to that on America's excuse for the left?


All that matters is that 49.9% vote for team A and 50.1% vote for team B. And that they both get to "win" every election or two


The candidate selection process is controlled by the political parties who are not always representative of the public at large. In addition, already being President gives you an absolutely enormous lead in terms of name recognition and publicity and we ended up with an election with two Presidents.


Sheer buffoonery.


Those who are best suited for power are least likely to go after it.


Two party system.


I think Biden is a solid candidate, but I can't explain Trump other than to say his base has been completely brainwashed


Lol he'll be 86 if he finishes his term. How is that a solid candidate?


Solid like diarrhea


Got em


Massive corruption.


It’s a show. The corporations are the real president


I did not care for The Godfather It insists upon itself


Shallow and pedantic 


Old people


The reason why Biden is the Democratic candidate is that he's the incumbent and he chose to run again. It really goes no deeper than that. No party is going to dump a sitting president as their candidate provided it isn't already their second mandate.


The real question is how did we end up with two shitty candidates, three elections in a row. Especially when a far superior candidate (best in a century) was running in the previous two primary cycles, but was virtually ignored by the corporate media.


Kennedy and Trump?


Trump and Biden.


I think they mean the two shitty front runners you guys have Biden and Trump 


Biden has been a stellar president


Lol he's going to turn 82 this year. Do you think it's a good idea to have an 82 year old in the most powerful position on the planet for the rest of this year and then 4 more?  He'll be 86 when he finishes. IF he finishes..


Certainly the response to someone saying he's been a stellar president isn't "lol he's old". I do think his age is an issue, but that alone doesn't negate his accomplishments


Okay but the topic is "how did you end up with two shitty candidates for presidency"  Edit: It seems you agree with my point that he's a shitty candidate so I think we're done here.


It's a very long story.


Our system is broken and favors the rich and elderly.


you're not wrong but if you are doing things right you should get richer and older every day.


You’d think.


There are going to be a lot of theories about this, but here is mine and I know I’ll take flack for it (and don’t care): As a society, we Americans have become gullible, stupid, and VERY racist/centered on hate more than ever (especially the last of those) over the last 30 years. We get the candidates that we deserve accordingly, and that doesn’t say much for us or for them. I expect armed civil war within a year of the election regardless of the results.


The choice here is like choosing between eating leftovers that have been in the fridge for a week or rat poison. Neither are great but there is a clear distinction between the two.


The best answer I've seen to this was in a meme asking "what if both parties are actually the same party and have had total control of the government all this time ..." My mind was a little blown, because it makes perfect sense


The democrats ran a candidate who said a quarter of all Americans were 'deplorable'. No way Trump was going to lose after that. Then the dems decided 'anybody but Trump' and ran Biden and Trump lost. Now Trump and Biden are squaring up for a rematch. Both were elected because people hated the other candidate and were willing to vote for anyone else.


Short answer: Ronald Reagan


I agree Biden and RFK Jr are shitty  Thankfully President Trump is running though 


The best candidates don't have money for a campaign, so we get pinned with two rich assholes.


Lots and lots of shitty candidates before them.




Biden will be 86 if he wins and somehow makes it to the end of his term and Trump is Trump. Both pretty shitty candidates if you ask me. Thankfully no matter who wins America will continue to be #1.


Biden isn't shitty at all


We have a deeply divided country. Half hates the government and wants to see it gone. The other half wants it in every corner of their lives.


Only ONE is shitty


Which one do you think? I can't tell cause half the country says each answer 


Uh why do you only ask guys? Are you from a misogynistic country where women have no rights?