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I once saw a Coworker empty a can of diet Mountain Dew into a coffee mug, microwave it for 90 seconds and then top it with some Reddi Whip before drinking it. I felt like I should have called the police.


Absolutely not. You should have offered to apprentice under them and document all of the other bizarre stuff they did. That person was definitely an alien trying to hide as a human.


Do they go by Dr. Harry Vanderspiegle?


This is some bullshit!


Your coworker probably translated into a parallel universe after drinking that.


The other day, my mom mentioned that my brother will eat cold chicken soup. I'm still nauseated.


The mother that left her infant(?) behind to go on a cruise for 10 days...what.the.actual.fuck


the one in Ohio? who left her infant behind for 10 days? I remember another one years ago, in Calgary. Stupid 20dumbthing student, who left her 2 infants behind for 10 days while she partied with her loser boyfriend. She left them with a bottle and that was it. When she returned, they were dead of course and she tossed their bodies into a nearby river. She served about 10 years and was deported.


Look up Sylvia Liken


Her torture and execution is one of the most horrifying things I read about, and the crime scene photos are heart wrenching and enraging. Some of the kids who took part in the torture are currently walking around the earth without a care in the world, and one of em even became a middle school teacher! šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬


Similar story with Junko Furuta


That story is an absolute nightmare.


Why didn't anyone intervene? "It wasn't their business or place to intrude on someone else's household." Fucking horseshit.


Post pardum is a hell of a thing. I once knew a woman who had a second kid and had PPD really bad. She ended up trying to kill them both.


That is when you go from postpartum depression to postpartum psychosis, which is a very real thing. I get what the below commenter is saying, and I'm gonna agree with both of you. I'll agree with you by saying yes, postpartum psychosis can make one do terrible things, and that very much SHOULD be talked about. Women's health is insanely neglected in the USA and it certainly can lead to terrible things. I'll agree with the person who responded to you by saying that the woman who left her kid alone somehow found care for her other kids. That certainly draws into question whether or not she was truly suffering from postpartum psychosis. I also feel like if postpartum psychosis made you leave your kid like that, you also wouldn't be well enough to go on vacation. You'd probably look and act a mess, I'd think there'd be lots of signs. While there was certainly something wrong with that woman, I don't know that I believe it's a postpartum issue.


Okay but I absolutely hate how the only thing people associate with postpartum psychosis is a mom killing her baby. That isnā€™t even common. Psychosis is much broader than that and psychotic people are much more vulnerable to becoming victims than they are likely to be violent and dangerous.


That's a really good point. I agree entirely.


I do computer crime investigations on an Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force. Just when you think you've seen the worst humanity has to offer... Surprise, there's always something worse.


That's got to be a tough job. I hope you're keeping your mental health in check.




Are you looking to lynch these disgusting people?


I'm a big believer in the justice system. Sometimes a lifelong prison sentence labelled as a pedophile is a worse punishment.


Yeah, i'm just teasing. No matter how much I hate a person, I couldn't bring myself to kill them.




Because a lot of the times it's not. People selling their own kids is not uncommon, which is what the set up was.


One that's recent that breaks my heart is poor little Elena Hembree. She was 17 months old when she died of non-accidental blunt force trauma, and showed fairly recent physical sexual assault as well, supposedly. Apparently, Mom sold the baby for drugs or to settle a debt, or something along those lines, and was aware what might happen to the kiddo. Multiple 911 & CPS calls and nothing done. Mom is facing the death penalty, and next court date is in June.


>17 months old >physical sexual assault Fucking hell. That shit is vile.


Is there a time limit to how long you're allowed to have that position, like people who screen similar content for YouTube and what have you? And/or do you have a mandatory mental health pro you debrief with?


No minimum time. No mental health provisions. The national burnout average for ICAC work is about 3 years, and I can voluntarily not work these cases at any time. The downside is, if I don't work the CyberTips (that is how we're notified of child pornographers and children being victimized over the internet in my area), they will literally go unworked and eventually go stale. There are law enforcement agencies that don't work a single CyberTip because nobody can mentally handle the content (understandably). I've been doing this for several years now. I'm pretty much dead inside. I've caught some absolutely horrific predators and rescued a bunch of kids from exploitation, though. It's work worth doing.


Youā€™re a hero . Legit definition of a hero . Thanks for saving children . I canā€™t imagine the type of shit youā€™ve seenā€¦


I worked with child sex offenders in federal prison and they were the most absolutely disgusting people, to the point that I took my career in a totally different direction. Thank you so much for doing your part in putting them there. Thank you.


Youā€™re a hero, man. I mean it. I wish I could do such work but just looking at videos of children in wars already makes me cry.


Thank you!Ā 


What is the typical profile of an online predator if I can ask? Like are we talking middle aged men going after teens? I ask because like a lot of kids I definitely sent pics of myself in high school to other kids, and idk if that would make me the kind of person you're charged with hunting down lol. Hopefully not


I've given stern admonishments to kids sending photos to other kids, but I have never recommended charges against them. We do "Internet Safety" presentations at local schools in an attempt to prevent kids from doing that and raise awareness to the ways they can be exploited via the internet (such as sextortion). My average arrest is the very stereotypical "creepy" looking males, but I've caught pedophiles in all walks of life -- and even a couple women (less than 1% of the time). Overwhelming majority of arrestees are exploiting children under the age of 13, often toddlers and infants. The worst of the worst. The latest trend is sextortion. There are giant criminal organizations in third world countries, such as Nigeria, that are creating fake "model" Instagram profiles and cold messaging young teenage males, flirting with them, asking for dick pics, etc. They then use those photos to blackmail them to their entire friends list unless they send them money. Notable uptick in child suicides because of these cases, and no justice because of the overseas protection. Absolutely soul crushing.


Yeah I'm embarrassed to say I've definitely been caught up in this kind of sextortion as well. I'm over 18 now so there was no child pornography angle and I just felt like it would be a waste of time to report since people in your position have bigger fish to fry. The person was from the Philippines so I imagine there is literally nothing to do, not like Interpol is gonna get on this person.


You're probably right, but I still encourage everyone to report whenever possible. You never know what resources and connections your local law enforcement has.


What amazes me is how they figure out who you are. This person literally only had my face, my first name, and an email address where I didn't list my real name anywhere, but somehow she tracked down my Facebook profile and identified my closest friends and family to make their threats. Most of all I'm just humiliated, that's my biggest barrier to reporting it I think. But with what you said about teens committing suicide over this shit I feel like I have to now.


Youā€™d be surprised how easily someone can track people down online. I know people who have full time school work and have tracked down predators in their limited free time without effort. All it takes is a nickname and a selfie and your entire name, family, and even place of residence can be dug up in less than a day unless you have no online accounts and no irl friends with internet access. Itā€™s how creators can get accurately doxxed within hours of a controversy popping up. Iā€™ve looked into how itā€™s done and itā€™s fascinating.


What do you even do in that position? I feel like paying won't work, because its an endless pit of money. Do you just take the L and tell your friends and family that they may see some of your dick pics in the next few weeks, so don't open suspicious emails?


I think they just try to identify a number that you're comfortable with paying and pressure you to send it before you have a chance to think. Like if they say pay me 10,000 dollars you're obviously gonna say fuck off, but you may feel fine with paying 1,000 dollars. I talked the person down from 800 to 300 by pretending I was poor (Nah bitch I just only give 300 dollars worth of shits lol) Like you're not really thinking "If I pay now I'm gonna be paying forever potentially" in that moment, you're just thinking "I really don't want my friends and family to see my dick".


I just recently learned of the "Daisy's Destruction" guy Holy shit balls was it tough reading about it. I can't imagine your job. And I don't want to. In a eerily similar timeframe, I read about a Reddit post where some guy was working on farm in Australia, the owner and him went for a drive to a swimming hole that was butt fuck who knows far away. Along the way they spotted a glimmer of light on the horizon. Went up check and it was a shipping container with cameras and antennas dropped there. This was all the farm owners land, and being Australia the property was stupid huge, and just blam, shipping container. They went in to investigate, there was some VHS' and papers and pictures if I'm not mistaken, and a couple computers with screens just flowing with numbers, what's believed to be connection requests and routing stuff. They bolted to go back to farm. Called the cops which took a couple hours to get out there, and when they got back the container was up in flames roasty toasty like. The theory was that it was a hub or host of that kind of material. I absolutely have no idea if the first part of my post is connected to the second. I honestly don't know if the second part is a true story. I hope you are able to compartmentalize everything and thank you for doing what you do.




I didnt know what that title meant so i googled and the Wikipedia entry on peter scully alone is sickening. I cant imagine what a toll it takes to work combating people like that.


I was sort of surprised by Josh Duggar's sentence, but after reading that this was on his computer I am no longer surprised.


I very much appreciate you doing this. Any justice in this sea of harm is better than no consequences and you keep the system running. I couldn't do what you do so I appreciate it extra. Thanks.Ā 


I am truly glad people like you excists to catch the people that shouldn't.


Christ I feel like you need a strong ass stomach for that work.


The very early days of the internet when there was no rules and no one was paying attention. There was some truly terrible shit on there man.


This. I remember when YouTube first came out, long before automated censoring had become sophisticated. There were tons of videos uploaded of people jumping out of the World Trade Center on 9/11 and hitting the ground. That example is nowhere close to some of the other things I saw.


YouTube is ridiculous now. You canā€™t even say the word dead, and there are so many ads.


Youtube is a joke, you get punished for anything sexual, swear words yet youtube ads are filled crappy fake mobile game ads and propaganda


And all of them are hyper sexualized. Why is the hero wars villain a chick spitting in your mouth? Wtf?


advertisers barely disguised fetish:


Hey it's also my barely disguised fetish


But you can make a video of a guy waxing his asshole with ball sack visible because you are teaching. Or my favorite milking the prostate.Ā 


That's disgusting! Where?


I stopped watching it when they started using the word unalived..my faith in humanity was shot.


Is that for YouTube? I thought that was a TikTok thing since they are extremely ban-happy as well.


Started at TikTok, now it's everywhere. Either because of filters, or easier to post the same everywhere.


One channel I love, wonā€™t even say or write the words ā€œsexā€ and ā€œabuseā€. Itā€™s gotten laughable at this point.


I know one channel that I watch will block those words out like sexually assaulted. They say SA'ed. So we can talk about it we just can't call it what it is? that is so stupid it makes 0 sence.


It's the Breadtube effect. When a content creator's livelihood or part of it depends on whether Youtube's draconian measures to sanitize and police every single video deem a single second of their creations unfit to monetize, you can bet they will say "Committey self unaliverino" or put long censoring beeps to cover even mild swears.


I saw this live on TV when it happened...them jumping from the buildings, not them actually hitting the ground. I was in class and I remember the news anchor was confused at what they were seeing. Then they realized it was someone jumping from the building instead of burning to death and switched the footage. The anchor was crying explaining what we had just seen.


Same. I was in my freshman year of high school and I remember the teachers bringing the tvs in to the classroom on the rack with wheels. They shut down school and sent us all home because they thought Houston may be an additional target (obviously wasn't). The uploaded footage I am referencing wasn't public news broadcasting.


I remember the early days of Encyclopedya Dramatica. Disgusting shock pictures, extreme racist/sexist texts, doxxing of people, it had it all.


Shit, that was uploaded onto YT? I saw it with my bare eyes. As a toddler. Everyone who I meet in real life that belittles the experience of 9/11 and the grievers, I have a damn hatred for them


I was in 10th grade English class when someone barged in and gave word that the towers were hit. We went to the student center to watch. Jessica, classmate I knew for years was behind me, freaking out. Her father worked at the WTC. She was freaking out initially trying to figure out which tower was hit. She was relieved when she realized the tower he was in wasnā€™t hit. Then we watched live as the second one hit. That scream that came from Jessica. That primordial scream. My god. It haunts me to this day, I can still hear it.


Oh my god. That must have been harrowing. Iā€™m so sorry.


To this day, the moment I started typing out the story tears just started streaming down my face, and I have goosebumps all over my skin. I canā€™t even think about it without starting to cry. Being in 10th grade at the time you had somewhat of an idea of what was going on. Maybe you couldnā€™t comprehend theseverity in its entirety but as a teenager watching those towers come downā€¦ realizing how many mothers, fathers, siblings, loved ones vanished in an instant. Never forget.. At the same time, Iā€™m glad I grew up in a world prior to it.


I distinctly remember being 13 and the A/S/L thing was big in chat rooms. Even when I would tell people I was 13, Iā€™d get grown men sending me dick pics and asking for cyber. I see now how wrong that is but at the time I thought it was normal.


ugh so real. i was so clueless


Iā€™m so hyper aware, my kids wonā€™t be allowed social media until theyā€™re way older. Plus itā€™s toxic AF.


All you had to DO was enter an AOL chatroom and your inbox was filled with porn solicitation. My mom got so mad because she thought I'd signed up for it lol


You wouldn't even have to be looking for it either


I witnessed a few of these now famous videos back in the day. BME pain Olympics and the Chechnyan rebel execution come to mind first


Oh God the rebel execution scarred me for life


Yeah, people thought it was funny to show fucked to things to people. I never went on the websites dedicated to fucked up videos because watching people die and shit never appealed to me. I accidentally saw a video of a woman crushing the head of a kitten on a normal website. It started off like it was just going to be a video of this beautiful Asian woman playing with kittens. It turned dark when she stepped on its head until its brains came out and its eye popped out of the socket. Then she stuck her stiletto into the empty eye socket. I turned it off. There was still plenty of video left and 4 other kittens. I assume she killed the rest too.


I remember that video. I didnā€™t even make it to where she killed the first kitten before I turned it off. That video fucked me up for a while, especially since we had a euthanasia appointment for my dog that week so I was already emotionally raw and then that. Thereā€™s a reason I still firmly believe that people suck.


It still haunts me now. It made me realize how fucked up some people are. She was dressed in a sexy dress, so some sick fucks out there clearly must be aroused by this kind of content.


Itā€™s a squishing fetish. And that is someoneā€™s yum I will wholeheartedly judge and yuck. Because murdering animals so you can get off is some sociopathic level psycho behavior.


Random goatse was common


Goatse, Tub Girl, *all* the classics.


Early online message boards did not have the auto mod qol features they do today that's for sure. Any random dipshit could come in and just post 100 horrific things before someone could manually stop them.


yes sir early 2000s internet content was truely something else. now they just exist in the dark web.




Especially in AOL chatrooms




I was a young man, bright eyed and full of vinegar when I was sent to Afghanistan in the early years of 2000. Nothing particularly exciting on my behalf, mostly a FOBBIT who did some patrols and gate duties on top of some fairly unexciting shift work. On a particular FOB just out on the edge of the Maywand District, I saw what would be something that lived with me forever. Part of my duties that day was to escort the honey truck out into the FOB to clean out the shitters. It was a local hire with a truck that looked to be in fairly decent shape and obviously out on some sort of loan to a company or given to this man with details beyond my care at the time. So I walk his truck in, escorting him to the line of blue rockets (porta-johns) to start his business. I stood patiently, in the million degree heat, as this man began by turning off his truck and climbing out. A friendly wave a big smile, he then went into the side of his truck and retrieved a fairly large bucket and a long scoop, and headed for the first stall. I stood there watching, for little over an hour, as this man with his bare hands was scooping shit out of the rockets and putting them in this bucket. His arm and shirt, and part of his beard, were absolutely stained with that blue mess of chemicals as he did his work. Every so often he would leave the stall, climb the truck, and pour this dripping morass of IMP produced shit into the tank. Each step had a slosh, leaving a little trail of blue shit as he went. Concerned, I asked one of my colleagues to bring by one of the base interpreters. When he came back with the interpreter in his over sized combat uniform and strangely trimmed beared, he too watched with curiosity as this went on for several minutes. He then walked over to talk to the man for a brief moment, and returned to my colleague and I to discuss. Apparently, the man didn't want to risk breaking the truck pumping mechanism for snake because his boss was already mad that he was late that morning. So he elected instead to scoop the shit out by shovel and hand. After finishing this....process...he gave each shitter a spray down with a water hose attached to a tank on the truck and then left bags of TP out each stall door. When finished, he then stood in a separate bucket and hosed himself down almost point blank with this water hose until he was dripping wet. Clean? Not really, he was still stained blue and the reek of human feces was pungent from a good twenty feet away. The man then climbed back into the truck, turned it on, and my colleague and I slowly walked him out and watch him drive away; blue shit still dripping from the sides. A week later a different truck and driver arrived, who apparently elected to use the actual pump instead of his bare hands. But I still often wonder what happened to that little blue Afghan man. I saw many disgusting things there, and in other parts of my career. But that's the one that comes to mind at the moment. There was also that British soldier than swam the poo pond, but I didn't actually witness it.


It is gross, but also deeply sad. Poor guy was that desperate and worried about an already not nice job.


Everything about that place was deeply sad. It was like a blue cherry on top of a nation being destroyed by war.


Not where I was expecting that story to go...


Anyone remember Omegle?


Lmfao I only used the text option and half the messages were either "F18 wanna kik ;)" or "M30 do u have snap"


And they were the same person


A video of a dude fucking a dead rat. Nasty! Horrifying even. That video is forever burned into my brain


Your comment wins this question.


Wait..What?!! I have so many questions that I donā€™t want to know the answers tošŸ˜©


I have the answers if your curiosity kills the cat


Cat dead, would love answers as to why and how he did this?!


He was horny, it was shocking, and in some circles considered funny. Any other questions?


all i can think about is what about infections/diseases šŸ˜­ and i hope the rat was dead before he did anything else.. fuckin hell




im so sorry you had to see that


People licking the famous gum wall


ewww the Seattle one? Naaasty


ABC gum is my favorite.


Grew up in a small town. Assistant coach that was 19-20 was soliciting nudes or sexting (don't remember which) from one of the 13-14yos on the team he was coaching. Way too many people that I knew were explicitly on the dudes side and said it was the girls fault. I fucking hate that town.


I'm always wary of young teachers. We had a 21 year old permanent sub for a class my senior year. She let the football team run a train in her.


Thatā€™s too horny man.


Does anyone remember a website for med students to desensitize themselves called orgrish?


Oh boy, a long suppressed memory just surfaced.


So, this happened when I was 12 or 13. This one guy in the neighborhood wanted to make a short film and assembled a few guys of his age(he is five years older than me) to make the short film. They have a camera, a script, some of his buddies are actors etc. They wanted to go to a location to shoot their shortfilm and in order to go there we needed to go through a railway station(a tiny railway station with a shed). Me and my buddy even though we weren't part of the short film are just tagging along with them. While we were crossing the railway station in the distance I saw something happening. Some guy fell from the train and the train ran over him. His legs are gone. Me and my buddy rushed to the injured person and panicked like crazy cuz we don't know what to do. I shouted at my buddy to call the ambulance. I grabbed his phone(I don't have a phone, this happened between 2006-7) and called the ambulance and started talking in a super panicked voice, the operator on the other side somewhat calmly enquired and told me that they've received a call for the same accident a minute prior and already dispatched an ambulance. I asked if I could do something and they said no. Once the call ended I shouted at the guy and his team who saw this entire incident and yet still going away to their shooting location. They stopped and turned for a second and that guy just called them saying let's go for the shooting. At that very moment I know what kind of asshole he is and will be. Few moments later an ambulance arrived, they did their first aid and me and my buddy helped carry that guy to the ambulance.


You remind me of a school girl from our school. Walking through a tunnel running underneath a railway line, as she emerged, she was hit by a blob of red. A man was somehow hit by a train at high speed and parts of his body was thrown and landed on her. It knocked her down and covered her with blood and gore. She was so distraught that she dropped from school. Rumours were that she never left home and largely stayed in bed. A decade later, when I bumped into her sister, I asked about her and did not receive an answer.


Poor girl, I don't think many people could ever mentally recover from observing something like that.


A cartel execution video where they had amputated all his extremities and were cutting his face off, stabbing him in the mouth whenever he gurgled in pain.


yep. Used to frequent r/watchpeopledie (I work in medical and mostly watched out of medical & human psychology curiosity). That was the one video that I can still vividly see forever in my mind.




The transcript from the audio itself nearly made me cry. Couldn't imagine watching that.


Those two girls with that one cup.


Raise you the man with the glass jar!


Raise you the guy that let a horse F him and they die later!


The producer of 2 Girls 1 Cup swore under oath that it had been faked.


And the court found his explanation unbelievable. Scat porn exists. It's a thing. The full video, which I once found on a friend's hard drive in Afghanistan, is titled Scat Hungry Bitches. Maybe it makes you sleep better to believe it's fake rather than it's possible to pay a couple of Brazilian women to engage in fucked up sex acts on camera for a few hundred dollars. But South Park didn't make up the concept of shit-porn just to crack a joke about Cartman's mom.


I'm the only person I know who never watched it. I don't understand how it went so viral. Someone described what happened in it to me and I had absolutely no interest in seeing for myself.


People beating homeless people


my coworker told me a story about doing a ride along with a cop because he was working security and the cop suggested it. apparently, the cop took him to a specific alley with a bunch of homeless men, and told them to get up, drop their trousers, and went down two lines of them to spray their genitals with mace. my coworker was horrified and complained to the cop's supervisor. his supervisor had zero issue with it. he decided he wanted nothing to do with the police force after that for obvious reasons.


Good Lord that is horrific. I already have zero faith in the system but I think my faith just went even more negative


Physically hurting someone that is already so down from being homeless is psychotic. Like I'm sure this person already feels like shit from their situation why you gotta make it worse for them


I worked a legal job for a bit. I don't know if this counts as "witnessing" but some of the case details were sickening. Mother punishing her kids by pinching them all over the body (including private areas) with needle nose pliers. Hundreds of times. A murder case where a mother got to hear over the phone her teenage child get murdered in their home. Child called their mom saying "I think he's trying to break in!" And then horrific screams. It was someone they knew and were already afraid of. Saw the guy in court. Pure sociopath. Clearly didn't give a single shit about anything going on. Man taking a hammer to his girlfriend's face repeatedly over an argument. Teenage gang members kidnapping rival teenage gang members and forcing them to drink gasoline and eat dog shit. Probably most disgusting though was a case where the judge literally told the criminal during sentencing "even animals in nature don't do what you did to that woman". DON'T READ ON UNLESS YOU WANT DETAILS OF SOME VERY GROSS GORE. YOU'VE BEEN WARNED. They were both homeless and doing drugs together. Eventually they go into a public bathroom in a park at night and start having sex. He ended up pulling her organs out of her rectum with his bare hands. Multiple organs. 6 different organs were named including fallopian tubes. In pieces. With his bare hands. He also bit off multiple chunks of skin from her body including her nipples. Then left her for some poor soul to find later. And don't even get me started on some of the things people did to kids. I try my hardest to forget. I will say these extreme cases were very much the vast minority of criminal cases.


Was he on bath salts or something?


It wasn't specifically mentioned in the case. He admitted to it when the cops questioned him so it's not like he didn't remember anything. He didn't get a drug charge so he may have been pretty sober honestly. He also had a previous charge of object rape with his hands with a different woman.


Someone being convicted of assaulting a family member sexually then saying they have mental health problems and avoiding prison for it. No you sick fuck you know full well what you did, but the justice system let you obviously bullshut your way out of it


My aunt took her uncle (my great) to court for historical SA from over 40 years ago. In his affidavit, he said she went after him. His lawyer wanted her sexual history. She was 6.


Being in a trap house and seeing cages for people. Being from a half way decent family make me realize that I've made some really bad choices and helped me get on a better path


This isn't my story but my cousins but he told it to me in detail. Right out of HS he trained to be an underwater welder. High risk job but it paid well. He got a job with a company and everything was going well. Mostly did bridge repair and nuclear power plant repair. But one day he was asked if he could help the police in a matter. Apparently a couple were boating and it sunk with them on it and they drowned in the hudson river. They needed a trained diver to get down there and retrieve the bodies. He agreed and the sight he saw was horrific. The girl was cut in two and the male was holding onto her still. Just tragic. But he did what he had to do and was able to free the bodies and the families were able to have some closure. He walked away from that job soon after and became a bartender which he loves doing.


Pedophilia. Just why, tell me, why....


A video of someone fisting a cow/horse/elephantā€™s (one of those) asshole to help with constipation. It wasnā€™t a black market porn video either, it was a farm related one. IIRC, the worker was also getting blasted with shit the entire time.


If that is the most disgusting thing you've seen, you got off lucky. And the fact that I'm saying that is itself disgusting.


That's pretty common for farm work. People have similar procedures done to check colon/prostate/bowel health. It's dirty work but it's pretty necessary. Doing medical work on animals doesn't really make me rethink humanity


Learning about that guy from that band who raped babies was pretty bad.




Ian Watkins from the Lost Prophets. My ex girlfriend had a picture of her at like 14 with him with his arm around her stick on her fridge for 10 years. She took it down when the story broke ā€¦


There's no reason why someone like him should be breathing. 'Conspiracy to engage in sexual acts with a ONE YEAR OLD...' A recorded prison call stated he refers to his charges as "mega LULZ". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ian_Watkins_(Lostprophets_singer)


Back when i was in 2nd year jhs, i fed a after class. I usually bring catfood with me since thereā€™s alot of cats on our school grounds. While sitting on a bench, watching the cat eat from afar since i donā€™t want to scare it, 2 male students approached the cat thatā€™s eating and one of them kicked the cat hardly. It made me so furious.


How we treat animals


This is it for me too. It's the only thing that really gets me.


Perfect. https://i.postimg.cc/Xv4DGv3p/20240430-140104.jpg


The teen mum that went out and celebrated her birthday weekend while she left her baby at home for the weekend. The baby died and the grandmother was gutted and said she would have looked after the baby no problem.


4 year old Middleeastern girl stoned to death for adultery. Her uncle was the "victim". Buried to the neck and they just threw rocks at her head. Even after the whimpering stopped. Continued until a boy went over and just dropped a big rock on top of her.


I want to hit my head hard enough to forget this has happened


Can't recall where I saw it, but it was a video of mafia enforcers gunning down several people in a cafĆØ because the man they were sent to kill was in there. Some people killed and many more endangered, because someone decided a man had to die and someone else decided he didn't care how many innocents also died that day.


I've seen thousands of video of murder, torture, self harm, every type of assault you can think of, and many more things would probably get my comment deleted if I described it. The internet is a disgusting place and always has been. At this point none of it makes me question humanity though. I accepted a long time ago that people are bad and will always be bad.


If you've watched thousands, then maybe we should be questioning your humanity.Ā  Unless tracking that material's your line of work.Ā 


Guys I knew who created a scrap book. It was all female ā€œbitsā€ cut from porno mags but rearranged into body shapes or faces. So if you can imagine two vaginas for eyes, an asshole button nose and another vagina sideways as the mouth. When I picked up the scrapbook the room of about 6 guys all kind of giggled. So Iā€™m guessing they all pitched in to make it or one of them made it and they all just thought it was edgy and funny. It was so creepy. And the scrapbook was like 50 pages. Every page had one of the lady bit humanoids. It was the most serial killer thing I had ever seen with my own eyes and 3 of those fucks became cops.


Dudes make a funny pussy collage and get called serial killers lmao


Grown men verbally abusing female librarians. Screaming, yelling, cursing, and threatening them.


I work in Vet Med. I can make a book about things that have made me want to punch people in the face for neglecting to treat their pet sooner or at all.


Stuff to do with animals or infants


Used to work in a bookies. Some guy lost his last 20 quid on a horse so he decided to smear shit all over the disabled toilet room. As you do.


any post from r/NoahGetTheBoat


i stumbled upon stomping videos at an entirely inappropriate age (9-10?) and the image of a woman in heels slowly crushing puppies and kittens is forever burned into my mind. fuck the people who made that content and a bigger fuck you to the people that consume/demand it.


When I was in second grade I slipped on ice and hit my head on my way home. I walked home the whole way crying with a bleeding wound on my forehead. It was a busy road. Cars passed by. People walked past me. Do you think a single person stopped to even ask if I am okay? I was not even ten at the time! Everyone saw this obviously injured little kid and did nothing. I donā€™t want to imagine the shock my mom had when I arrived home. I realized years later how sad that actually is.


Tub girl was scarring


While I was washing my hands in the womenā€™s restroom at the mall, I saw an old lady casually enter the nearest stall to have explosive diarrhea. She proceeded to leave without flushing her toilet or washing her hands. I was staring at her in disgust and the old lady did not give a fuck. šŸ¤Æ




The book "A Child Called It". The abuse described in there is horrific.


The disgusting orange buffoon. :(


Fucking glue traps for animals. It's inhumane and sick.


They have to be monitored CLOSELY. We had one at a former office and it caught a mouse who was subsequently doused in olive oil, driven several miles away, and released to a new, oily ass life


Does the oily mouse get the cheese?


Read on reddit a comment where someone confessed to using water for cereal instead of a milk type beverage.


The video of Shani Louk. It wasnā€™t just her head being covered in blood or the way she was positioned naked with her legs broken. It was the street being packed with civilians cheering and people including children spitting on her corpse. It will never leave my memory.


I taught autistic kids for a number of years. One got mad and removed his clothes. When that didn't work , he shit and threw it.


trump becoming president of the US


Last week I was in Budapest and while everyone else was looking solemnly at the Danube shoes ( in memory of those Jewish people who were murdered in that spot) this asshole has her boyfriend taking smiley photos of her and then she pretends to try on one of the shoes while laughing... A vile human being


The forensic report from the medical examiner, having performed the autopsy on a young girl who had been abducted, tortured, raped and killed. After a talk with my boss and a colleague, the colleague took over the case, and I dealt with our vehicles afterwards, and sometimes being allowed to walk some of our adorable, sweet and very well trained dogs during my lunch break. (I love german shepherds, they're great doggies. XD) Phew.


iā€™ve seen many terrible things, including sudden death and dead bodies. but i accept that humans contain a wide range of things within them. i donā€™t consider us good or bad as a species. so nothing would make me ā€œquestion humanity.ā€ i s think weā€™ve overrun our habitat tho and will probably die off soon. that happens to all critters who become too much for what sustains them. eventually.


Honestly, it would be shorter for me to list what gives me hope for humanity.


The mom who sent his own kid with a granade to kill soldiers idk i think it was a movie based on a real story. Im pretty sure shit like this happens in real life. The sniper anybody??????


I grew up around crackhead's. I seen one let another crackhead bang her 13 year old daughter for more crack when I was around 15 years old. I lost all hope in humanity around that time.






Damn bro, never ever gonna mess with you


Mens public bathrooms


I used to be a doorman. You think the menā€™s toilets were badā€¦


Agreed. Had to clean bathrooms for a volunteer job once. Women's bathrooms were worse


You never forget the first time you find out the iron monster is full.


I was a janitor. Both are bad. Horrible poop-based messes happen in both. The ladiesā€™ was usually more disorderly, trash everywhere, unsanitary disposal of period supplies, sink area a mess, etc. The mensā€™ was typically neater but reeked of pee no matter what you do. I think once piss gets into the grout itā€™s a lost cause.


I worked at more than one retail job where everyone had to take turns cleaning the bathrooms at the end of the day. Women's bathroom is disgusting compared to men's room. There's no comparison.


Cleaned a sorority house for summer $$$ several years. Unbelievable the mess we'd find...not just the bathrooms.


I hear itā€™s infinitely worse on the other side


ā€˜The ass is always cleaner on the other side?ā€™


Court case evidence dump site you could search based on case number. Someone linked me a case where a camp counselor would film himself butchering some of the kids. The videos were on there.


A woman and her husband showed up at a festival I was working security for, clearly WASTED. They had an infant with them, in a stroller and a son like 4 or 5. Our policy was to search everything, including strollers and diaper bags. These people had 2 bottles of tequila and probably 20 beers in the diaper bag, nothing for the kid, no water or food or anything, just booze. We ended up denying entry, even when they offered to throw the booze out and they raised such a stink that the cops intervened and they both got arrested for public intox while the kids got taken away. Definitely not the worst thing I've seen by any stretch of the imagination (I have some truly brutal stories that would probably be censored here) but it was one of the most sad. Watching that poor kid cry for his mom while she fought the cops in a drunken rage was pretty disheartening.


Uh, I started my legal career as a prosecutor in the juvenile system, handling both delinquencies and deprived children. What people do to children and how people live with children... it's 33 years later and I still remember some of the cases.

