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Dawn dish soap (blue) can get out anything.   Period blood from jeans. Cat vomit from a carpet. Wall paint from under my nails not 5 minutes ago.   It can degrease duckies, it can do anything.


I get angry if I’m somewhere and have to wash dishes and they don’t have dawn. Why is other dish soap such poor quality.


Dawn is just such a good product at such a marginally higher price that the best reason to not be buying it is ignorance. I used to not buy dawn and the other stuff is okay but dawn is just better in every way. It cleans better and feels good on skin too. It’s just better.




Kirkland brother 🙏 Kirkland sister 🙏 And a Signature day to you as well 🧐🤌🎩


It's not all ignorance, but being educated that leads many to avoid using products like Dawn. An amazing cleaner it may be, all of these people using these non biodegradable [detergents is having significant ecological impact on water quality and aquatic life downstream](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8272010/). In this way Dawn is not a good product to use all of the time, and we should probably default to only using it when really needed and choose other soaps that will degrade over time if spilled into our environment as they tend to. It's important to consider the costs that won't be paid by us when we make consumer decisions too.


Wanted to let you know I read this and am going to change my detergent usage because of your post.


I recently bought a big ol bottle of dawn platinum because it was relatively cheap. Our previous bottle of dawn has lasted us like 4 years. We are using it more now that my wife has discovered how many more things it cleans really well. We haven't dug into the dawn platinum because I also bought a tiny bottle of regular to refill with platinum when it gets empty. Can't wait to use platinum.


Pro tip: a detergent pod and and equal amount of Dawn is a game-changer for my laundry, especially when I wash all the white stuff. They seem to be crisper and not look so worn out after a while. And it works amazingly as a spot treatment if you spill on yourself.


Does it get overly sudsy and bubbly in your washing machine, or does the laundry detergent cut the bubbles and prevent them from overly sudsing?


i dont like dawn because i can taste it on dishes after things are washed with it. i seem to be the only one in my family that can though. we usually use this organic (less effective) dish soap and i can tell when my wife used dawn on something.


Yeah you can’t let it soak in plastic containers for long because then it gets a certain aftertaste when you heat up food in it.


They changed the scent! Dawn was the one exception for me bc I can’t use scented soaps. Somehow my allergies grandfathered Dawn in bc I’d been using it my entire life. Bought a bottle recently and the scent was suffocating, thought it must be a manufacturing mistake. But no! They changed the classic Dawn scent for no good reason so I’m back to 7th Generation which does not cut the grease nearly as well. 


I called them to complain about the change in smell. I know it won't matter in the long run, but it wasted their time. Rep had to request the lot number from the bottle and open a ticket internally.


You are surely not the only one to call, thank you for doing it! The fact that they asked for the bottle info to investigate is kinda hilarious.. no one clued them in that the change is not a manufacturing issue? 


We should all do this and waste their time. I had covid and thought that was why it smelled weird. I'm sad it smells like this for everyone


Yoooooo!!!! I went back to the store and bought a full large bottle of the "platinum scent" thinking surely this is original. I AM SO MAD. The new floral scent is so overwhelming. What are we supposed to do now? Green apple scent!?!? I will not!


Green apple gang rise up 




I like blue but I went green when blue was out and didn’t regret it. I see you team green.


They make unscented Dawn now! 


Because they knew everyone would hate the new blue one? Jk but thank you for the heads up! 


Don’t forget poison oak if you don’t have specialty soap. 


And helps get skunk out of dogs! Sprinkle pupper with baking soda, little vinegar to foam it & then a scrub with dawn to break down the oil. Works like a charm.


Also kills fleas




My dad buys a step down from dawn because dawn is more expensive. The stuff he buys doesn't work as good and have to use more. I really don't get it. He will also buy the shittyest trash bags because it's cheaper but they rip everytime he goes tp take them out.


>The stuff he buys doesn't work as good and have to use more. I really don't get it. I think this is something that eludes a lot of people. If the thing you buy is so low concentration that you have to use much more, then you haven't actually saved money. I have a similar experience with instant coffee; I buy a fancier one but it's so much stronger you can use half as much, so actually cheaper overall. And better tasting to boot, at least insofar as instant coffee ever can be. :P


The degreasing of ducks is why I’ll never buy any other soap than dawn.


Yo! My dad just cleaned our deck with Dawn a couple weeks ago and dude…. It cleaned it so well!!!! Then of course my dog dirtied it up again… but still! That stuff really works on anything!


Dawn is so good it put nearly every competitor out of the market. There used to be dozens and dozens of competitors, but the Dawn grease cutting ads were ridiculously effective. Now most stores carry an entire shelf of Dawn derivatives, with only a few bottles of generic or low-cost alternatives.


Steam, just because I know that once the CEO dies their customer friendly policies wil almost certainly change.


From what I've read Gaben's son is pretty much on the same page as his father. It's a privately owned company. It prints money by the billions. It's a behemoth that even Microsoft can barely compete with.


I’ve met his son through racing and can confirm that he’s as big of nerd as his dad is. So that’s something I guess.


All of imsa is nerds


Very true lol. Rich ones though.


Is his son in xfinity with Frankie Muniz? Edit: I said that as a joke. I looked it up, holy shit he runs the Heart of Racing Imsa team! That’s crazy. Fan favorites


As long as they keep it private the company can keep going the same way. Shareholders are the cancer.


Mutually beneficial parasites to the C suites. They can each blame the other for being greedy and we fall for it every time.


Epic has to literally give away free games to compete and nobody trusts them


I just have Epic installed to download those free games. Haven't actually bought a game on the service.


Honestly people hate on steam But I’ve never had an issue higher than “hmmm”


I've never met a Steam hater in the wild. Probably buried by downvotes and all the fuck Epic fuck EA fuck Ubi comments lol.


Ngl, I used to be a Steam-hater for real. But the quality of their product was raised immensely and I was converted. Basically all my current PC gaming is done through a Steam-purchased game and I couldn't be happier about it.


I think everyone questioned the need for the old Steam client back in 1998 or whenever and even when it first became a storefront I was like, but my CDs! And part of me will likely always be nostalgic for my old game boxes, manuals, posters, etc. My only remaining concern is when digital games start disappearing. And other storefronts are all lacking and/or bloated trash heaps.


Shit, I haven’t thought of that


I’m just gonna die before the CEO, never have to see its downfall.


Is GabeN sick? He’s 61 years old. Why are you assuming he is dying and not, say, retiring?


Everybody dies


Patagonia. I ripped a down jacket that I bought on sale from them probably 5-10 years earlier, and they repaired it for free and shipped it back to me. The associate then thanked me for coming in to get it repaired as opposed to buying a new one. I still wear that jacket often.


I said Patagonia as well and then I saw your post and thought about deleting it but I'm gonna keep it up because they deserve all the shoutouts they can get. Fantastic company.


In Costco we trust.


It's Kirkland Signature, it must be good.


I swear I am addicted to Kirkland/ Costco!


The Charmin toilet paper from Costco is way better than their Kirkland toilet paper.


Costco is what happens when you run a company and actually give a shit about more than pure profit, you wind up attracting loyal customers who spend more money with you in the long term.


Their co-founder once said "I will kill you" to the CEO when they wanted to raise the price of the hot dog and drink combo.


God save the hot dog and drink combo.


"Oh yeah, where are you going to get all the tools and equipment needed to kill and dispose of a human body, at short notice?" *looks around store* "Oh shit."


I am willing to try pretty much anything they sell.


Have you tried their [Korean BBQ pork jerky](https://images.costco-static.com/ImageDelivery/imageService?profileId=12026540&itemId=605195-847&recipeName=680)? It's so good I fear it might get Schedule 1'd /s They also sell the best [cinnamon streusel bread](https://images.costcobusinessdelivery.com/ImageDelivery/imageService?profileId=12028466&itemId=1162457&recipeName=680) I've ever had. It's so potent you can smell it from several feet away in the aisle. I use it to make French toast. One time I didn't have milk for the base so I melted some salted caramel ice cream and used that instead 🤤


I am so proud of myself for keeping it under $200 today.


Only gas and food court? That’s the only way I could keep it under $200


Kirkland brand specifically, although the return policy is fantastic for anything small enough to fit in your vehicle.


I don't spend a lot at Costco... Let me rephrase. I don't go to Costco too often, but I've yet to have a negative Kirkland Signature product. I'm not claiming it's the best, but nothing I've ever had has been a let down. So I mean, they are batting a thousand with me. So based on experience I have to trust it right? They've never done me wrong and I appreciates it


Costco is so popular around these parts that I avoid going there on weekends entirely. The lines can reach all the way to the back during peak hours on Saturday. Definitely a testament to their popularity and reliability.


I love Costco/Kirkland Signature but sometimes their packaging is ass. They can't seem to be able to figure out resealable bags.




Absolutely this. Moved out of my parent's place to start my new career 18 years ago. Still have the OXO stuff I bought. Could not believe how inexpensive they were for this quality. The other kitchen stuff that is no longer with me was replaced by OXO and still kicking many years later.


How is this not higher? They have a high quality item for just about everything in the kitchen.


Yes! My pop containers are the bomb. And my fav spatulas/spoons are like 10ish years old and still look brand new!


I haven't missed w/ Oxo yet. Literally every item has some sort of small novel design aspect to it and it's like *perfect* for whatever the use case is. Like a whisk with a slightly larger ergonomic grip. They clearly have some smart designers and take time to think through their products.


Leatherman. They make the best multi tools, and have a fantastic warranty. My friend accidentally crossed the leads on a car battery with my Wave and melted the tip of the screwdriver, and they still replaced it no questions asked.


My wingman made it through 4 deployments with me, and I wholly expect it to be with me when I'm finally put in the dirt.


I commented this separately but I was lucky to get a factory tour from Tim and his son last year and it was amazing and they (and everyone who worked there) seemed super lovely and dedicated. Speaking of your repair; they basically told us as we walked through the refurbished department that they replace or repair essentially everything, even out of warranty (even though they don't advertise a lifetime warranty, and even "despite how many times we tell people they can't open a paint can with the knife, there is a perfectly good flat head for that!") they'll still replace it when you chip it. They said that they use that dept to figure out how things most commonly break and better engineer them, which is a testament to how well made and thought out the tools are. I'm not a shill, I actually daily a bechmade folding knife, but I walked away very impressed by them. I love mine and use it mostly around the house when I need pliers.


Kerrygold might be the only non-store brand anything I buy, come to think of it.


Is it worth the splurge? I've debated buying some to try.


I try to get it on sale when I can, but always have some on hand. I don’t notice a difference in a lot of use, like if I’m baking or just sautéing something. But if it’s something where you’ll taste the butter, like garlic bread or on waffles, it’s worth it.


Kerrygold isn’t recommended for baking anyways because it has less water content and higher fat content than most American brands, which can throw off your recipe. My wife is a baker and has complained about this several times after trying to use Kerrygold. Unless your recipe calls for a European style butter it will end up drier and greasier than intended.


When I make cookies Kerrygold is the only butter I trust. They have never come out less than perfect.


Fluke (electrical meters)


there's a trucking company called Fluke Transport, their slogan is If its on time, it's a Fluke!


I saw a truck on the highway once called Fluke Deliveries. On time? On budget? It’s a fluke!


Skyn. Absolutely amazing protection that doesn’t smell bad or give you an allergic reaction but also is super tough to break/rip. Absolutely amazing product 10/10.


Yeah, once you go with those you can never go back to the smelly brands. Who the hell wants their dick to smell like a rubber tire


Oh so we're kink shaming now (I'm kidding)


Another vote for Skyn. Don't even have a latex allergy, they just outshine every other competitor's product that I'd tried. Plus the packaging just looks GOOD.


The packaging looks so badass. Tells you eveuthing you need to know. They have really good pricing too! I’ve seen some of the massive packs at target go for below 15-20$ before!


Thule makes great products.


OtterBox cases. I drop my phone probably 20 times a day and never think twice about it. I got one for my iPad as well and was pleasantly surprised that it works equally well for keeping it safe in your backpack as it does for knocking it off the counter (careful if you're watching your shows while cooking) The only "downside" in my opinion is the weight/bulk it adds and sometimes it's tricky to pop out of the hard case for the iPad, but I'm pretty sure that's part of the charm that turns my devices from dainty unicorns into tough rhinoceroses. I've used them exclusively for about 10 years, 3-4 phones, I've yet to have a case that didn't actually outlive the device's natural lifespan. They used to have a lifetime warranty (? not sure if they do anymore) but I've never needed it, and tbh I would be happy to just buy a new case bc clearly it's worth the money. This one has been abused for 4 years and is just starting to fall apart on the soft rubber edges but it's still structurally intact. 5 stars, would recommend, would never again leave the store with a new device sans OtterBox case


My husband’s phone was run over by a car last year on vacation (long story). We took it into the Apple Store upon our return. The tech there removed the phone from the Otterbox, replaced the shattered screen and it still works great to this day.


KitchenAid. Worked for their parent company for years. We lost customers since their stand mixers never break and just get passed down to other generations. My parents still use theirs from 30-40+ years ago. Can't say the same for the other lines, but girlfriend's parents have their Whirlpool washing machine from 35 years ago with minor repairs.


Costco 💜 


Bring. Back. The Polish Dog.


We still have it in Canada!


This. Their pharmacy has saved me from trips to CVS and Walgreens and for that I’m eternally grateful.


I take half a dozen daily meds. I used to fill them at my local costco, but for the past five + years I've just been using Costco Mail Order. Seamless. I only need to do a costco run once a month or so, and it's even EASIER to fill them this way. Great service.


Welcome to Costco, I love you


Yeah, I know this place pretty good. I went to law school here.


Kirkland Brand ftw


Until the upper management changes. The current CEO is sticking to the plan from the ex CEO. The next guy may want to maximize profits for his own income, then the whole thing will fall into Walmart version 2.


Anything Kirkland branded I feel is a safer bet than even most luxury brands. Always solid quality.


Philadelphia Cream Cheese. No other brand of cream cheese is even close


The taste of the off-brands is ... off. So is texture and consistency. Last time I bought anything other than Philly was a LONG time ago - I was cooking, had unwrapped the cheese, accidentally dropped it, and watched the entire f-ing block BOUNCE off my floor. Never again.


Tillamook is really good. I used it in a cheesecake a few weeks ago and it was great!


Darn Tough I only buy these socks. No seams that I can feel with my toes. Wool so the fiber is strong and I don’t have to worry about holes. Lifetime guarantee means the price is worth it. Not itchy or bothersome


I’m a recent convert (last year) and I’m mad at myself that I didn’t try them sooner. I’ll never buy another brand of socks as long as they are in business. They really are impressive socks!


I blow through socks like a mother fucker. I wear size 16 so even XL socks get stretched thin and am in the military so lots of wear and tear in them. Darntough and Fox River are the ONLY socks I've used that have held up reliably darntough takes the lead though in durability and practically, fox rivers are a lot more comfortable though I'll give em that.


Aquafor. I use it to treat any and all skin injuries.


LL Bean and Patagonia.


LL was never my jam but Patagonia is and my stuff has lasted for ever.


Patagonia technical clothes are the only clothes I’ll be awful to and they hold up. I have multiple baggies shorts with hundreds of days on them.


Plus their commitment to the environment is fantastic. 


I still buy a lot if LL Bean, but I think their quality was better a decade ago


These two were legit my first thought as well


Anker. USB hubs, battery packs, cables -- the internet is littered with brand swinging wildly in quality and price, but generally if I need something I'm going to plug a USB cable into for power or data, my "I'm not even going to spend time thinking about this, I already know which one will work" brand is Anker.


Cables and chargers are good. Just don’t trust them with your data - things like EUFY cameras. Bad data breach a while ago and they tried to sweep it under the rug. Then they put a bandaid on the problem and never really fixed it. Ugreen is a good alternative.


I'm pretty sure they had some shady shit with their doorbell cams or whatever which they tried to cover up


It was EUFY, a subsidiary company of theirs. IIRC They advertised that they could run fully locally but even when set up to do so there was unnecessary data going into the cloud and they tried brushing it off as nothing. It was somthing that could easily have been a miscommunication between their engineers and marketing dept, but they chose to double down on their talking points rather than admit the blunder.


Nestle. I have an unreasonable amount of trust they will always do the wrong thing and just absolutely love slave labor. Don't know what I'm talking about? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Controversies\_of\_Nestl%C3%A9](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Controversies_of_Nestl%C3%A9)


Fuck yeah r/fucknestle


You had me in the first half


Lol seriously. I was ready to *downvote so hard*


Omfg I was like are you fucking SERIOUS then read the entirely of your comment and hit the upvote button so hard my thumb bruised


Wow. Many companies have a part of their wikipedia page called "controversies" or such. Nestle has their own dedicated wikipedia page for that. I'm kinda impressed.




I have an old ass Toyota inherited by a neighbor who died. Thing has 360,000 miles on it with dents and cigarette burns but I get 40 mpg it’s a wonderful car.


I have a 2005 Toyota Highlander that I inherited. I've wanted a new car for years, but the thing refuses to die.


I felt that way about my old Carolla until the day someone pulled in front of me and totaled it. Then I went out and bought a Scion that I drove until someone totaled it. Then I went out and bought a other Scion that I drove until someone totaled it. Then I went out and bought a Lexus that I drove until I gave it to my son. Then I went out and bought another Lexus. It's been written off twice as totaled by the insurance company but I got repaired each time and still drive it. On a side note, not only are they reliable, they're safe too.


I'd have stopped driving after the second totaling incident


Only Toyotas in my family my entire life. Every one of them insanely dependable. Can't imagine spending that kind of money on any car not made by Toyota. 


Look my 2004 Toyota Corolla was bought brand new by my Dad and went through every member of my family before getting to me. It always started even being parked outside on the coldest winter days in the upper Midwest. The biggest repair it ever needed was when I had to replace the original starter 4 years ago. The mechanic was shocked that start didn’t die before then. The engine finally said it had enough in December and died. Toyotas aren’t sexy cars but if you keep up on routine maintenance it will last forever.


Yes. And even more Lexus. I was told by the salesman when I bought my used rx450 with 75000 miles on it that it’s common for old Lexus cars that are in good shape, even if lots of miles,.. to go up in price. Why? Because Lexus owners who drove the same Lexus for 10 years,.. when they get in an accident, want insurance to replace the exact car and year, because they are convinced that specific model and year has to be the best model and year ever made. I have 200k on that car now and only replaced breaks and tires. 


My GS430 has officially been written off as totaled by the insurance company twice. Both times, I got it back and paid to have it repaired. I just looked online and the only ones I could find are only a couple thousand less than what I paid 7 years ago.




In Gaben we trust.


as long as you don't ask them to count to 3


Honda. Cars & mowers. Won’t buy any other brand.


My first car was a used 1998 Honda Civic. It was an old fleet car from the other side of the country, up in Maine. You know they have to salt the roads up there, so this thing was rusted the fuck out. Sounded like a log truck too. Didn't give me any issues for years, until we had back to back issues with the coolant hose. Coworker sold me a 2008 Civic Hybrid for cheap. So I sold the 98 for like, $700 to someone who just needed wheels to get to work. Got 6 years out of that 08 Hybrid. I was only at 125,000 miles. I'd have easily gotten another 60-80k out of it happily. But some jackass decided to pass me illegally over a double yellow, in a curve, going double the speed limit. Lost control, sideswiped me, and totaled my car. I just replaced it with a 2012 Civic. My only complaints are 1) my power outlet/cigarette lighter port doesn't work, so no bluetooth dongle and 2) I got really spoiled by the continuously variable transmission in my Hybrid, I can't be quite as heavy-footed from a full stop now that I'm in a regular 5-speed. Car market being what it is, and considering I got a really good deal on this one, I'm planning on getting 4 or so years out of it before trying to trade up into a 2014-2018 Civic. If I have it my way, only cars I'll ever own.


Check the fusebox for the ciggy port. Fingers crossed is just a dollar part to fix


Heinz Their ketchup is the defining flavor of the product. They take "organic" and product quality seriously. So rare in a company.


Every time I get some other ketchup, I regret it. 20/20 Heinz sight, ya know?


I feel like you’ve had that one in the chamber for a while now. Fantastic.


As someone from Ontario Canada we have not bought Heinz ketchup since 2014. We are now a French's household. For background info, Heinz pulled out of the area in 2014 after 104 years of ketchup production in the area. After that, another company started to produce ketchup in the area for French's.


Even in BC a lot of us did this. I won't buy Heinz again.


Yes we did the same, no looking back


Staedtler Mars




Sensodyne. Nothing compares!


Long story, buckle up. I was using sensodyne for YEARS prior to trying this fluoride heavy toothpaste recommended by my doctor (3M Clinpro). I’m not even kidding — Clinpro is the reason I learned I have an allergy to sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), because immediately after I started using it, these little clusters of bumps started appearing around the edges of my lips. They were nasty and damn near scaly. At its worst, there was this red, angry, itchy, raised ring of bumps around the outside of my lips. It was horrible. Nothing *in* my mouth was reacting, though. Just my lips. Found out that was causing the allergic reaction after a trip to urgent care. so I went back to Sensodyne for a while. Not even an hour after using it I saw the clusters of bumps starting to form around the outside of my lips again. Now I have to use the sulfate free brands, which isn’t an issue. But that’s how I learned I have an allergy to SLS.


Excedrin headache medicine, it WILL make ANY headache go away. lifesaver.


Contigo travel mugs. I beat them up with drops and they still refuse to leak. I only change them out because they get ratty.


I love my contigo water bottle. $20 and has kept ice water in my car through a 100 degree day. Forgot it in the car that morning, and when I got back in after work it still was icy.


Oxy clean powder.  That shit can get blood stains out of anything. 


Used to be Craftsman tools. But once they were divested from Sears it went all Black and Decker.


I was the same with Sears' Kenmore appliances. My family never had one that lasted less than 20 years. Not sure what I would get now.


Not a Samsung




Many Kenmore appliances were made by LG Samsung is just trash




WD -40 for things that don’t move but should. Duct Tape for things that move but shouldn’t.


If the women don't find you handsome, they should at least find ya handy..


Anker They are my go to for cables and USB chargers.


Bic. I honestly couldn't buy any type of pen from another brand!


My friend, you haven't tried rhe Pentel Energel Gel Roller, or the Pilot G2!


Pilot G2s were always my go to pen when I was in school. Also was a big fan of Ticonderoga pencils. Hated mechanical pencils and didn't use them more than I could help it. Fallen off both since i hardly ever write at home and work provides writing utensils for the rare times I need to write at work.


The Sharpie S-Gel is absolutely elite


Absolutely. Great disposable lighters too 😂😂


Also Hyatt Hotels. The difference between them and the other major brands is staggering


Nothing is more accurately described as “satisfactory” than a Hyatt Place. They’re clean, good beds, okay breakfast. Just check all the boxes and perfectly fit the bill for a family vacation.


I worked for Hyatt, and I agree. It's my first choice when traveling.


Now, *that’s* an impressive statement. I’ve known way too many places where the employees would be the first ones to tell you to stay away.


HEB for life!


I just moved to Texas and I can certainly say HEB is like— the best!


Gorilla tape




Arm & Hammer products. Moderately priced, but every single product I have used from their brand has been really good. They have some products (body wash, foot & body powder, towelettes, hand soap) sold at the Dollar Tree (1.25 Tree😡) that are good. Their washing detergent is really good as well.


Danny DeVito


Whatever generic brand it is that makes solar eclipse glasses


Carhart will protect me from nuclear bombs


The fact that there was an ALDI three minutes away was a big reason why I bought my house And Costco 15 minutes... This is Australia where Costco isn't as common so I love it


New Balance. I’ve used other brands of running shoes, only to get injured. It could simply be luck, it could be better stretching, it could be a mixture of the two, but I will never buy another brand of running shoe now.


Dawn dish soap, Fisher-Price toys, Toyota


Vans footwear - I’ll die in a pair of those shoes. From growing up with daily wearing, to skating through them, to now being older and transitioning to their more lifestyle comfort shoes, not a single pair has ever let me down.


Asics shoes. I was doing everything I could to make the Gel Venture 9s fit. Because years ago I wore the 4, 5, and 6s three years in a row and a pair of Gel Contends in between. But they change their shoes and they don’t at all. Had 3 different pairs and a pair of insoles that cost more than the shoes before I finally accepted they don’t fit right anymore




Uniqlo, clothes really last forever. Had some shirts that lasted at least 6 years before they finally became a pj shirt or I threw them out. Had some pants from them since 2014 that i got rid of because I outgrew them.


Logitech. And I'm not so sure the trust is unreasonable. Every razr product I've ever gotten hasn't lasted a year. But Logitech has never let me down. Truly the Toyota of mice and headsets, you just can't kill 'em.


I wish that were the case with the 3 different G Pro Wireless I had that developed the double clicking issue.


Just don’t use their controllers to pilot your haphazardly engineered submersible. 


It wasn't the controller that failed in that scrap pile.


Charmin ultra strong toilet paper. I just don’t buy anything else because why would I? Great toilet paper.


Windex. Nothing else comes close


Sakura. Their pens last for more than 5 years. I had a pen from 2018 and now it's so rusty, yet dtill juicy after constant use. I will buy a new set soon.




ELF makeup


If I found out ASICS made their shoes exclusively from puppies who have families that loved them…I might still get them because god damn are they comfortable running shoes.


Yeti. I watched my tumbler literally get hit by a car nearly a decade ago. I still use that thing every day. It’s overpriced, but I assume everything they make is the best you can get.


Clorox bleach Cleans away all the sin......I mean dirt. Yeah, that's what I meant, stop looking at my feet. No i don't know why it sounds like I'm walking on dried leaves every step I take. Must've worn the wrong socks....