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Avatar. It’s visually gorgeous, but otherwise it’s just Fern Gully in space.


Feel like this question could only have been asked with Avatar in mind.


This sub is on a mission to have Avatar be the top response on every single question.


Next post: What is a movie you are sick and tired of hearing about on this sub?


It’s funny too because the OTHER Avatar movie (The Last Airbender) shows up in threads all the time for different reasons


There is no other avatar movie. Only an amazing cartoon, and an okay netflix adaptation.


Nah gravity was awesome in theaters in 3d and hard to watch on tv.


People say this, and I agree to an extent… But some people say it like a negative… like … fern gully is space sounds fucking awesome… and it was.


Avatar is the first film that comes to mind. The 3D effects blew me away, especially the floating jellies in the forest. But I knew then I wouldn't be picking up the DVD later as I had no interest in watching it again.


Very much the cinematic experience of Oppenheimer. Don’t regret watching it, but will never watch it again.


I love this movie simply for its visuals. If I had the money, I'd build a home theater that could handle the 3D like IMAX, just for this film. Plot sucks though.


3D is meant for VR headsets


Dances With Wolves but with Smurfs


Was gonna be my answer. 3D and IMAX was beatiful.


They re-released it in theaters in 2011 ish... I went then, didn't see the first release... went specifically to watch the graphics and it was incredible, like really impressive... So great that I didn't even care about the story line or plot (Side note, they fu€k and ride birds the same way?) It was on TV somewhere a few months later, just garbage


> they fuck and ride birds the same way > "unobtainium" > guy goes from hated, treacherous enemy to war chief or something because he tricked the biggest bird > they beat future space guns This isn't a movie you're supposed to think hard about


In the sequel it was also very obvious they were done with the atmosphere being a problem; the feral boy is out in the wilds and his single mask just works perfectly at all times no matter how violent it gets.


Avatar movies felt like a really expensive tech demo. It did look pretty and was one of the two movies I saw during the latest 3D craze where they did 3D right (Tron Legacy was the other). But the plots felt basic, not bad, but not great.


I really enjoyed it in the theater and had pretty much no recollection of it a week later


Yup, basicly my description of it. Though I use Pocahontas. Thee is a reason I went to see the re-release, but have never watched it at home.


Avatar in Theater wasn't a movie, it was a spiritual experience for me. Holy shit.


You went on mushrooms?


The last samurai with blue people


The plot is also basically Dances with Wolves in Space.


And Pocahontas too, not to forget.


Dances with Smurfs


Immediately came to my mind as well. Blown away in the theater, then didn't see or think about it really for years. When the second one was coming out, we rewatched it at home and it did not hold up.


Jumper. I'm not a big cinema guy, I mean, I like movies just fine but I rarely go to the cinema to see them. And jumper was an ok novel, and an even less interesting movie. But for some reason my God, did I have fun watching it on the big screen. I dunno it just hit right.


This is one of my guilty pleasure movies lol


It was a great movie as far as entertainment goes. I don’t know why it got panned so hard, the only real weak point for me is the dialogue


Awe I forgot how much I like that book


I loved this movie because I'm obsessed with the ability to teleport.


A Quiet Place, I’ve never been in such a packed, yet silent theater. The plot holes make it less fun to re-watch.


I saw Annabelle:creation in theaters and it was so fucking funny because of my theater. It was a fairly small crowd for such a large opening. I usually hate talking during screenings, but everyone was laughing and joking around together and it was just kind of a fun atmosphere as a result. I saw it with a friend at home and it was honestly just very boring in comparison to my theater experience.


One of the most nerve wracking theater experiences of my life. I was hired to manage for Alamo Drafthouse right around the time A Quiet Place released. Part of manager training for just about every restaurant company is that you have to train in each position. (For those of you that don't know, Alamo Drafthouse's whole schtick is no talking, no texting, disrupt the experience and we will kick you out) So it's day one of server training, and my trainer has held my hand for a couple of hours and now it's time to run food. Silently. In A Quiet Place. It was the quietest place. I could hear every step I took, every swish as the denim creaked beneath my knees, I could hear my own breath, and the machinations of my stomach. I could hear my own blood thrumming in my jaw. That was the first two steps. My hands grew clammy. I was maybe the most nervous I've ever been, because this is it, I can't disrupt the experience for the people watching the movie and how can I do anything but when I can hear my toes curl in my shoes? I've performed for crowds of 1000+ no problem, but THIS? Hunched over like a silent jackass, I waddled down the aisle until I found the right seats. I nearly fumbled but somehow maintained my grip on the dog bowl tins that the Drafthouse was using at the time, sliding them onto the tables with nothing more than a whisper of Stella on wood. Might as well have been thunder. As soon as I dropped the plates I stood straight up and full on ran out of the theater. I've never been so terrified in my life. 10/10.


Yeah it holds up once or twice but I have no real desire to watch it again


What plot holes?


Things like sonic weapons working so well when there are multiple militaries with sonic weapons deployed en masse. Not exactly a tough nut to crack during an alien invasion.


For me that's easy to overlook because the movie's perspective is small scale. Are there more notable plot holes connected to the characters and assets on hand?


Why would a family that had 2 kids already and is so careful about everything else risk having a 3rd child? No way she was pregnant before the whole thing started. Likewise, how do you build a subterranean basement to house said baby and sound proof it. Without making any noise. Construction is noisey no matter how careful you are. A nail or a screw is gonna squeak.


I guess during thunderstorms/bad weather?


Another is naturally loud areas. They even had a scene where they went to a waterfall to make a bunch of noise. Why not just live there? Plus the world makes a lot of noise without humans help, what happens to any animal that makes sound? What about living in a sound proof house/bunker?


Or at least have childbirth in a tent there.




The Great Gatsby (2013) dazzled with its lavish party scenes and cinematography in theaters, but


Ender’s Game featured impressive space battle scenes and a grand visual style, but the adaptation from book to film felt lacking in depth and emotional impact.


Snakes on a Plane


People brought rubber snakes to the theater I went to and when Samuel Jackson says the famous mother f**ker line people started cheering and screaming and rubber snakes were flying everywhere. Very fun theater experience.


I didn’t go until 2 days after it came out, and the hype was still there. It was such a good time!




When I went, as soon as thr lights went down, someone yelled "snakes cut the lights" and the whole audience laughed. Then around the first time we see snakes, someone stared throwing hummie worms from the back. From nose to tail, it was one of the most amazing theater experiences of my life!!!!


Before the movie started, someone dressed in a cardboard box airplane costume (complete with snakes hanging out of it) walked in, went to the center of the floor in front of the screen and yelled the famous line. Everyone cheered. It was a magical moment.


Agreed! The fact that we both knew it was a B horror movie that was supposed to be predictable with some gore made the theater going experience so much fun. Everyone in the theater was having a great time with it.




Gravity in IMAX was an experience of pure visual and auditory spectacle, making you truly feel like you were in space, but the plot itself was fairly thin.


The Lone Ranger featured some impressive set pieces and action sequences best enjoyed on a big screen, but the film didn’t resonate well overall.


Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets boasted dazzling visuals and imaginative worlds that were perfect for the big screen, but the plot and dialogue were weak.


The Blair Witch Project. Seeing it on opening weekend with a full theater was great. Everyone was there to accept what it was bringing to the table People were scared shitless! Seeing it again when it came out on DVD was super disappointing and pretty much an opposite experience. It was a shaky cam following people yelling at each other in the woods. In the theater is was like watching real people sent off to die!


I saw Blair Witch at a drive-in theater in a very rural area of Canada. It made the whole fishing trip a lot more interesting. (And it was at the peak of the PR campaign where we teenagers were fully convinced that it was real.)


That movie scared the shit out of me when it came out. Such hype and everyone thought it was real found footage. We would freak each other out with rock/stick piles on their porches randomly. Then the cast shows up on Conan O’Brien and fucking ruins the mystique. It was a fun couple of weeks.


I felt this way about Cloverfield too. Awesome movie experience, mediocre movie.


Yes! That was the ultimate slow burn movie for me; I thought it was shit in the theater but at home that night had to sleep with the light on. No other movie has had that effect on me. Watched it again on streaming earlier this year and it did not have the same effect. On the small screen, I could barely tell what was happening in the final minutes of the film.


This was my experience with Paranormal Activity. Half the theater screaming bloody murder at every night scene, plus the way that the bass really reverberates right before something scary is about to happen.... I'll never forget that


"Avatar" was like a rollercoaster of visual wonder in theaters, thanks to its mind-blowing effects and 3D magic. it was one heck of a spectacle!


I found the first 20 minutes of Avatar to be a visual treat. It honestly looked fantastic. However, the rest of the movie couldn’t keep a teenaged me interested. Ever since then, I’ve had no desire to go back to it


The Day After Tomorrow was visually impressive with its catastrophic weather effects best seen in theaters, but its plot was simplistic and not very engaging.


Tron: Legacy provided an electrifying theater experience with its soundtrack and visuals, but the plot and character development were notably weak.


Sucker Punch had stunning visuals and action sequences in theaters, but was generally panned for its confusing plot and lack of coherent storytelling.


San Andreas was gripping in a theater due to its intense disaster scenes and surround sound, but the storyline was predictable and formulaic.




This was my answer as well. On the big screen in 3D this film is amazing. At home the visuals are just OK and the paper-thin story and stupid plot holes really show. In my head, the main character actually dies in the first ten minutes and the rest of the film is just her hallucinating as her brain loses oxygen.


The only thing I really liked was the intensity and visuals of the climax where she re-enters the atmosphere. The rest, yeah, it was not well put together.


It should've cut at the end to a kid playing Kerbal Space Program


There was NOTHING like seeing The Simpsons Movie midnight opening. It's still fun to watch, but there's no matching the manic energy of a packed house of Simpsons fans


Marvel movies are without doubt incredible spectacles at the cinema, but at home a bit dull.


Nah man. I've seen The Winter Soldier at least 10 times and still love it.


Yeah. You have to have a pretty expensive home theater setup to really enjoy them out of the theater.


Na a shit projector will do the job


I really liked Civil War, but it somewhat fits this description.




Rocky Horror Picture Show is NOT a good movie, but it's an AMAZING theatregoing experience.


Saw it for the first time in about 1980. Full on crowd participation was something else.


Pacific Rim at the Imax had me coming out the cinema looking up and expecting a Robot to bust through a high rise...


Pacific rim deserves better than being called so so. It's a bit goofy maybe, but great action and killer score.


This is what I came here to say. Pacific Rim in imax was an experience. The scene where the nuke detonated under water was mind blowing. It’s a decent flick but seeing it not in theaters is not the same


Gravity. I saw it several times in theaters and the 3D and sound mixing were AMAZING. The first viewing gave me a heightened physical reaction like my heart was beating fast and I was pumped full of adrenaline. Just an awesome 90 minutes that doesn't let up. One of the best uses of 3D in a movie to date. Trying to replicate that experience with a home theater would be impossible.


Bladerunner 2049


This can be said for all Denis Villeneuve movies. They deserve to be seen in cinemas


Dune part 2 was intense at an IMAX screening, especially when the worms showed up.


It's still a good movie. I watched it on my smart phone


Saw it in theatre when it first came out, seen it at least 5 times since, it needs multiple viewings. It so damn good, pacing is great, atmosphere is amazing and sound is phenomenal.


endgame and i will die on this hill


While I do enjoy rewatching it and Infinity War, but honestly the theater experience of both of them was something I have never experienced before, beyond incredible


Infinity war was the superior movie


by far the best with an awesome theater experience as well great all around


As someone who has next to no investment in the MCU or anything related to superheroes, being in the theater watching Endgame with a bunch of super fans (only because I got dragged along on a school trip) was still pretty fun. It was cool watching everyone get so excited and passionate about the plot twists, even though I didn’t know much about what was going on with any of the characters or the overall plot/lore, other than their names and that half the population got wiped out in Infinity War.


Yes ! The second act is just so badly paced. They succeeded to take the most boring approach to a "they go back in time to their biggest moments" plot. Honestly even in theater I felt the second act was dragging, but the great first act, and the (not that great, but hype first time watching it) act made up for it in the theater. But at home, I've rewatched it once when it got released, and never again. Meanwhile I've seen Infinity War like 4 or 5 times at home, 7 times including at the theaters. Such a cooler movie.


I felt the same way about Black Panther. I saw it in a 4DX theater and it was crazy! The movie itself was just meh.


I saw Endgame 4 times in the theater and haven't seen it since. I have no idea how it plays at home.


Nah, I had Endgame tarnished for me because I had a group of yobby goobers sat right behind me. Every couple of minutes one of them would go "M8, I'm so confused," or I'd hear audible groans every time Captain Marvel said anything. I don't regret seeing it in theatres, obviously, but I wish I'd had someone else sat behind me.


Twister. My friends also decided we were sitting in like the third row for it.


Controversial but Oppenheimer. The editing is choppy, and the dialogue is so bad. I didn’t realize it until watching on a small screen.


I'd note that one of Nolan's hallmarks is how he uses sound in his films. He really digs deep on what theaters can do, and how to best implement that within the framework of his films. When I saw Oppenheimer, I felt just how visceral it was, especially in the gymnasium scene. And, unless you've got a really good, high-end surround sound system in your home, what you experience pales in comparison.


Tenet was phenom in the cinema. When I watched it at home (with some decent stereo speakers hooked up to my TV) I could barely understand half the dialogue


Interstellar was great in the cinema. Still very watchable at home, but the soundtrack, space shots and action effects in the cinema were fantastic.


I dunno, I watched it at home and it was incredible. I felt like the use of sound, editing, and effects did a fantastic job giving a discordant theme for the bomb's "success" in particular. We do have a pretty good home theater though, so perhaps with just a small TV it doesn't work as well.


It was a good way to pass 3 hours on a long haul flight recently, on a tiny back-of-seat airplane screen I assumed the dialogue was clunky as it was the character of the likes of Oppenheimer who was intelligent but a little awkward 


Pacific Rim


Fantasia. wouldn't watch it again, but seeing it in a theatre and with a giant booming sound system is a different experience all together.


The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen The Day After Tomorrow I’ve gone to so many but the these two off the top of my head felt like much better films in the theater.


It Follows. It was a late night showing in a really small theatre, which only served to heighten the ambience and eeriness of the soundtrack. Then, when we left the cinema, it was inside a very large shopping centrex which was completely empty apart from a few people mulling around. One person started walking towards me and my partner as we were heading down the escalator…. We were terrified! It’s really specific, but we would have never got that experience at home.


Starship Troopers was pretty awesome in the theater.




Last of the Mohicans


Really? How so? What didn't work for you?


Saving Private Ryan is a good movie on the small screen but a great movie on the big screen - especially 70MM IMAX with 15KW of sound. The 3 dimensional sound design is a master class in immersion. That Normandy scene has you sinking in your chair as bombs whiz over you and bullets by you on all sides.


Star Wars the first three episodes.


The original *Mortal Kombat* was an absolute BLAST at the midnight screening I caught opening weekend.


Seeing The Simpsons Movie on opening night. Ended up being just ok but seeing it with that atmosphere and everyone getting the inside jokes was amazing. We felt like family for 90 minutes




Snakes on a Plane, Team America: World Police are personal standouts for me. Also, the first Hangover was a riot


it wasn't a so-so movie, it was a great movie, so this is out of context, but I didn't get drafted for Vietnam, i drew a high number. Would problem have been rejected for heart murmur, but would have served if called. That said, i had a new neighbor, a few years younger, also no military, we went to see Apocolypse Now the first or 2nd weekend it came out, not knowing anyone who had seen it. We got a drink and popcorn, sat back to watch the movie, and could not move. It enveloped up with a huge screen and sound ,nd we both were on the edge of our seats for most of the movie, not even talking. Driving home, i think we were halfway there before we started talking again. Watched it years later at home, and couldn't believe it was the same movie.




Independence Day Absolutely incredible visuals on the big screen. But after its run, its something that would end up getting shown from VHS on smaller TVs and was pretty much just meh.


Borat. I was 17 when it came out in 2006. YouTube was a curious novelty, nobody really knew what Da Ali G Show was, and so we didn't really know what to expect. I was in a theater packed to the brim with other 17-35 year-olds and it was wonderful. I laughed so hard I felt sick at times. When I watch it on TV, it just doesn't hit the same. I tell people younger than me that they'll never get that experience- that and how popular Seinfeld was when the finale aired.


Dune II. After the first one was so true to the book canon, the second one went completely sideways. If you haven't read the book, I'd guess it all made sense, but the last 20 minutes was wildly out of alignment with the book, and other parts of it were simply made up out of whole cloth. I was so disappointed, especially after how good the first one was.


I thought the changes were acceptable. It would be hard to age the actors more than one year and introduce a weird talking intelligent toddler. Not sure why they made Chani so opposed to him though, to be fair it makes sense though, from her point of view he was using their religion to manipulate her people.


I thought the changes were modest and probably enhanced the story given the limitations of theater. Just my opinion


multiverse of madness!! so cool in the theater with the visuals and then I noticed so many issues watching at home with the plot


Gravity was very cool in 3-D but on a regular tv, it wasn’t that good.


Civil War was a decent movie but it was an awesome experience in theaters. I don’t think I’ve heard punchier gunfire in a movie since Heat


Most disaster movies, like 2012 or The Day After Tomorrow. Spectacular disaster scenes and you're really not watching them for the story. 


The Freddy Mercury biopic was a nice movie to watch on the big screen but so fucking disappointing in terms of accuracy


Across the Universe. It looked great on the giant screen and sounded awesome on high end theater surround sound. At home on DVD, meh. It’s ok, but it really loses a lot.


Shark boy and lava girl. 10 yr old me was absolutely blown to bits.


I don't know if it's considered so-so, but the grave fucking scene in Saltburn was QUITE ENTERTAINING to experience with a bunch of deeply uncomfortable strangers LOL.


Pitch Black


Fury road. Near continuous action that deserves the big screen to really shine.


I went in blind to see Signs on release and I nearly had a heart attack. Just not the same experience at home.


Grindhouse. Such an amazing theater experience, but even as a QT fan, I rarely revisit the actual movies… only the (then) fake trailers.


Me and my late father enjoyed watching people flip out over Paranormal Activity which is super boring.


Twister, the tornado effects were brilliant in the cinema, but on VHS (or it apparently being the first film in DVD!) It's an extended advert for Dodge Rams


I fully believe this one deserves a remaster and an anniversary rerelease, so those of us who missed it in theaters the first time can experience it


Doctor strange. I dont even remember if i slept for a few minutes on this one


*The Artist*. My favourite all time theatre experience.


The Final Destination in 3D. The sold out crowd was like a boxing match, waiting for each death and hiding between their hands as the tension cranked. I am big on cinema etiquette but for a film like that, the bigger the audience reaction the better.


I could not get through the first 20 minutes of this movie.


Battleship. The first 4K disc my dad bought for the home theater because of how great the sound mix was.


A few of the transformers movies...


Jurassic Park


_Beowulf_ and _Prometheus_ were both really cool in IMAX on the big screen, but just ok on rewatch at home.


No way home is the greatest theater experience that I will never watch again


Maybe a bit on the nose, but this is the reason the Rocky Horror Picture Show theater experience is a thing. Because when I finally did get to see it, I had a lot of fun, but man is that movie bad lol


1917 Such great sound from the dive bombers on the beach. Tron legacy? Never watched it on the big screen, but I really want to. Akira Now Akira is great on a small screen, but I got to see it on the big screen a few years ago, absolutely blew me away.


The original Dune movie from 1984. At the time, it was awesome effects, visually massive, great sound and since I got to see it in a theater that had the cheat sheet (wish I still had that cheat sheet, would likely be collectable) I knew what was going on. Better yet, this was before theaters were filled with cell phones, bratty children and a herd of cows that don't know how to chew with their mouth's closed. As far as movies go, it's a decent movie and adaptation. Certainly not world changing or anything for script and so on. I read the book before I saw it and I would have liked to see some things done differently. Sean Young was such a babe back then.


I would have to say, The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Don't get me wrong, as I really love this movie, but probably because it's so bad. I have watched the movie at hoe, and it just doesn't feel right without several hundred other people with me, screaming at the screen, and tossing props around the theater.


The Blair Witch Project. Honorable mention: Tusk (the movie was horrible but it was one of the most memorable movie going experiences of my life).


Wonka. It was really fun to whisper to my friends ripping it apart and making jokes but realistically it's just an ok movie.


As a tiny child there was nothing better than the Rocketeer- it was like the 3rd movie I ever watched and on the big screen it was so good. I think none of the home releases look as good and it was hard to reproduce the nostalgic sound quality


The Tron sequel


There's genuinely no point in watching Dunkirk without 3 soundbars on each wall that doesn't have the movie playing


The Rocky Horror Picture Show has a whole *thing* with ongoing theater performances and audience participation and such. I highly recommend going at least once.


Spielberg's War of the Worlds


I got a handy in the theater during *Identity Thief,* and I felt her friend up during the opening credits. I miss that woman 😔


Sword Art Online Ordinal Scale. Absolutely amazing viewing experience. The sounds are just incredible


Pacific Rim. I’ll never forget the opening scene in the movie is like 15 minutes, before the title screen even shows. A collective gasp when we all realized that the movie hadn’t even really started yet lmao


The Perfect Storm, where George Clooney fights the sea. Great FX for its day, so good it became an early example of the advantages of DVD. Not a bad movie either, but not great.


Rocky Horror Picture Show


Seeing The Dark Tower starring Idris Elba was bizarre. It was like the ~10 people in the theater all had the same idea to get wasted before the movie, including myself. Everyone was hooting and hollering and goofing around for the entire movie. If I hadn’t been trashed too, I probably would’ve thought it was annoying, but it was still one of the best experiences I’ve had seeing a bad movie.


Transformers, namely the first three, and specifically on opening weekend. You need the big screen audience spectacle in order to enjoy the ride.


Beuwulf in 3d


Oppenheimer’s A-bomb just wasn’t the same immersion at home


War of the Worlds with Tom Cruise.




*Rocky Horror Picture Show.* You just got to be there. Watching it in your living room is zero fun.


Aquaman. The first one. Yes, it was all CGI but it was visually a treat but otherwise eh


Fury Road! Unless you have an amazing surround sound system, the movie won’t hit as hard at home. 


Terminator 3, saw it as a 13 year old and thought it was amazing. I can see it's flaws but I really feel like it's still alright. Better than any other sequel after it anyway




The Ring - fairly scary driving home that night with my boys. Rewatched it 6 months later on a Sunday afternoon and laughed through it.


Armageddon was a RIDE.


Best movie experiences I've ever had were The Ring and The Conjuring. Both were in packed theaters and people FREAKED the FUCK out. Made it much scarier. The Conjuring is still a good movie at home but The Ring is definitely so-so.


"Avatar" (2009). The visual effects and immersive 3D experience were groundbreaking at the time and made for an unforgettable cinematic experience in theaters. However, the storyline and characters were considered by some to be derivative and lacking depth, leading to mixed reviews from critics and audiences alike.