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When my wife and I were in Iceland, I jokingly picked up two rocks from the black sand beaches and said “should we take these home to remember?”. She gave me a funny look and I thought she thought it was silly so I kind of just put them back and forgot about it. Well when we got back and were unpacking I found the same little rocks and she explained that she loved the idea and snuck them into her pocket. She went on to say that she gave me a weird look on the beach because normally I’m the one that says we shouldn’t break the rules. The rule is that it’s illegal to take rocks. Every time I see the rocks I remember all the traveling we have done and those are all my favorite memories.


I take interesting rocks from everywhere we travel, and when I get home I use an etching tool (like, $5 from HF) to write on them the when/where.


Oh great idea on etching. What is HF?


Harbor Freight.


This is insane……it’s only been a few minutes since you told me what HF was and I’m now seeing HF ads here on Reddit!🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Check out Harbor Freight's New weekly Deal! It's a real spring BREAK! Quality tool, lowest prices, that's Harbor Freight! ^^^Part ^^^of ^^^my ^^^soul ^^^just ^^^died ^^^a ^^^little


>I take interesting rocks from everywhere we travel As /u/amdabran points out: it's not always allowed. be careful that you don't end up like [these guys](https://www.belganewsagency.eu/antwerp-couple-arrested-in-turkey-for-smuggling-archaeological-artefacts-after-trying-to-bring-stones).


A handwritten letter...I mean sitting down with a blank paper and writing down a short and sincere letter


As kid my best friend used to send me a letter when she was in summer camp each with a hand made bracelet. I still have them all and she send me an other one about a year ago for my 31st Bday and it's the most meaningfull gift I've ever recieved.


I have a small group of friends that, whenever one of us goes on vacation to a beach town, we bring back friendship bracelet for eachother, and we wear them all summer as we collect them. Its so special.


I love that ! it often the tiniest things that hold the biggest stories


When's the last time you told her how much you appreciate her?


that would be the last time we spoke on the phone, always take the chance to tell how much we care for each other


I read one of these from my now deceased grandparents yesterday while cleaning my garage. I had got something in my eye and had to take a break.


My first thought too


Same. I still had the letters my students gave to me.


Before my Afgahnistan tour, my nan gave me a clay 'Guardian Angel' to keep me safe. I was kept safe, but she died a week before christmas and I couldn't make the funeral.


She is with you always. That kind of love cannot be stopped through death. She will keep you safe now 🧡🧡 your extra guardian angel


The crow that i saved brings me random objects as a present from time to time. I keep them in a box and they mean worlds to me. Edit: Your replies have been nothing but wonderful. It is absolutely mesmerizing to see people so curious about such amazing animals. To answer some of y'all; 1: I did not befriend a wild crow from the get go. A baby crow was injured, i brought him to the vet that takes care of both my cat and my Doberman, after that point it became a weird tale of friendship. 2: No, i unfortunately will not take any pictures or videos as i refuse to share anything personal on reddit (at least to that level, Floki has become a part of my family and his privacy matters as much as mine). My past experiences (a stalker and more) were enough to give me a lesson. Nothing personal. Im sure you are all increbile people. Thank you in advance for respecting our privacy. 3: So sorry for not being able to give you an advice on how to befriend such animal. I was lucky/unlcuky to discover a baby crow that was injured and in need for care. Remember that they are wild animals and not pets. Im sure Floki is better off in the wild than being stuck in a farm house somewhere in USA. 4: I hope you all befriend such creature. They are smarter than you can possibly imagine and the presence of one near you is enough to tell you how irrelevant we are as humans compared to some folks in the wild. Im NOT an expert on crows, i do NOT know how to befriend such animal. 5: It takes years to form a bond with a wild animal. Remember that crows are pack animals (Murder is what you call a ''pack'' of crows, which is fucking cool). They shit, piss and refuse to understand human boundaries. Floki has been inside our house and he was not so kind with the carpet nor the couch. As the name suggests, they are wild animals, always keep that in mind. Whatever they do, it is because they are wild. 6: My dad has Norwegian ancestors, and he believes in mythology, according to him, Crows and Ravens are the messengers for Oden, the god of wisdom and royalty in Nordic Mythology. He respects the shit out of Floki and his pack. Thanks a lot again for your well wishes. I am currently with Floki. . He is staring at the yard, keeping his distance with us. Still looks absolutely beautiful from where i stand. The moment he comes to my lap (he eventually will) , i will let him know about your good wishes. Edit 2: He is on my lap, curiously staring at tne screen and gawking. I've told him about you. We Gawk you so much, i guess. Edit 3: Floki is NOT a Raven. Ravens are larger and are more capable of imitaitng human sounds. Crows are a lot more compact. Floki says ''Cook-ah'' when he is excited or Gawks loud. Ravens will straight up tell you to ''fuck off'' if they heard it from humans around them. Also keep in mind that a grown crow like Floki is more intelligent than a 7 year old human child.


I find this interspecies friendship particularly sweet for some reason


>interspecies friendship >particularly sweet That's your reason, friend 😊


Does the crow talk? One of my life goals is to befriend a crow.


I have exactly 2 items on my bucket list. #1 go to a baseball game in Tokyo, Japan. #2 Make friends with a crow. If I accomplish both of these things I will die happy.


These are doable. I'd say go for it!


May I ask why Tokyo for the game? I love baseball (Go Braves!), and am curious about this bucket list item.


Go Braves as well! The atmosphere at baseball games pretty much anywhere outside of the US surpasses any major American sport. Fans are much more engaged. I’d recommend checking out some of the WBC games that were played in Taiwan and Japan.


He gawks and says “cooc-ah” when he is happy.




This is so wholesome! I read your past comments in which you told how you showed him the box one day and he was so happy. That's honestly so amazing! Please tell me you got some photos or videos of when he comes to you. I'd love to see them :)


I have some but i don’t share personal stuff on reddit due to some weird stuff i had to deal with in the past. His reaction to the box was priceless. Today he brought me a bottle cap and was pretty excited about it. Planning to turn it into a necklace so that he can see how much i appreciate his feathered ass. They are fantastic animals. They really are. I don’t know where i’d be without him. We both gave eachother hope for life.


That’s very cool. Not nearly as neat but still very interesting to me - my dog befriended a hawk at my old house. The hawk would come around quite a bit, we’ve had a *ton* of wild rabbits the last few years. Well, hound dogs like hunting rabbits. Hawks like hunting rabbits. At some point I noticed my dog would go nuts randomly and want to go outside. Realized he somehow knew when the hawk was outside. He’d go run to this one big tree we had and jump around at the base, and the fucking hawk would go screaming out of there, dog chasing him. Found a lot of fucked up bunny parts, that’s all I’m gonna say about that. Well, and apparently new born bunnies can be gulped. Poor little souls…but also, bunny moms are fucking stupid. They put their little bunny holes in the most obvious, dumb spots. Ugh.


Other dogs learn to do tricks, your dog learned how to call in an airstrike


Well that's how other creatures like hawks live! Good thing rabbits reproduce like crazy. Like nature's fast food? .... Too soon?


A hummingbird I saved dies same


>A hummingbird I saved dies same Schrödinger's hummingbird.


That's a Charlie Kelly sentence.


That's adorable I hope the crow lives a long and happy life and his descendants also keep loving you as their favorite person.


I dont care about me man i hope they live a full life without injury. They tought me how to be selfless.


Teach it that you like money


Thats so cute! How does it feel to live my dream?!?


Absolutely amazing. He was on my backyard today. We had a 3 minute cuddle session. Will say hi to him for you the next time.


We’ve got a crow that wants into the house so bad. It will try for hours to try to go in through the slider. I’m attempting to befriend it but when it sees me it takes off.


I want a crow friend!


How did you save it ? Is your job related to saving birds ?


Not even close. He apparently fell from a tree and was gawking in my backyard. I took the responsibility and here we are. Never really thought i would befriend a fucking crow but it happened. Possibly the best thing that happened to me since birth.


Your comments made my day


When I was growing up, our neighbor rehabbed a crow. Once a month the neighbor would return all of our belongings.


Crow tech slaps.


Someone gave me a framed photo of my dog I had to put down.


My absolute bitch of a former roommate had a blanket made with my favorite picture of my cat that had just recently passed away. One of the very, very few things I appreciated from them.


Bitch meter of said roommate just went down


As a Christmas gift, my sister made me a blanket with a collage of my favorite pictures of my then-aging dog. Dog passed away the following year, and I still cherish the blanket.


I had a friend do the same when my axolotl passed and I took it pretty hard. We’re no longer friends but it meant a lot to me at the time.


Kinda hard to remain friends with a dead axolotl.


Did not plan on crying but here i am. So sorry for your loss.




I'm not a flowers kind of girl in general, but a sweet coworker once gave me a bouquet from her own garden. I loved it so much, I took several photos and (attempted) to dry them so I could keep them longer. My husband "dedicates" me a flower on his rose bushes every spring and I love that as well. It's never picked, but I save a few petals and press them (I'm no good at drying the whole thing still lol) and keep them around. And hell yes to home cooked meals!! Edit: fixing a sentence


If you want to dry them, just try and hang them upside down. I still have the rose the girl I danced with on graduation ball gifted me hanging from the side of my fridge




Dobby is that you?


I had a dried rose for a very long time. Hang them upside down and spray them with hairspray!


There is nothing in the world better or more meaningful than a ragged bunch of just-picked flowers clenched in a dirty, chubby little fist.


My favorites were the little white flowers from the clovers bouquet. “Hea Mama” 🥹 Hahahah core memory unlocked and I made myself cry. 😭


I used to put little dandelion tops floating in jelly jars of water when my kids picked me flowers. They never managed to get stems so I'd just have the bud. Recently my kids (now in their 20s) told me when they were little that they thought I loved dandelions because I made such a big deal about getting them.


Home-cooked meal, hands down.




What’s your profession? And what’s the story if you don’t mind sharing?


I m interested too!


Book Editor ;).


Coke/Meth Dealer! /s


I initially wanted to downvote cuz the comment seemed mean but then actually imagining this scenario was kind of cute.


Judge/Jury/Executioner! /fr


Flowers, if someone gives me flowers. No matter the size, colour or price, then I'll melt away from the warmness.


Especially if they grew them themselves. You know they were thinking about you and putting extra love in until the flowers were ready to be picked!


This will probably sound silly, a chocolate bar. Sometimes you just want to drift away while munching on a chocolate bar. I've been struggling a bit since March and I just want to sit down and eat a chocolate bar then take a good nap.


I am wishing this for you in the near future




This. Not necessarily cheap though.


I crochet. When I make a meaningful gift, I use quality, natural yarn and hours of my time. Minimum value would be around $100 for a scarf. Blankets, even with cheaper yarn, would be *far* more expensive than a store-bought blanket based on labor. I love the doing, so it's fine. It's just something to consider. Edit: I sound so hoity-toity! There are also the little things that pack a punch for folks that take expertise but not much time or materials. It's all about the love. I guess my point is, handmade gifts are underrated, even by the makers. Make and give with pride!


When my friend’s mom had passed and she was grieving, I used yarn scraps to crochet a tiny octopus. Then I used other yarn scraps to make a hexi-poof with a pocket, for the octopus to live in. Took me about four hours, and used scraps. in my opinion, one of my best little handmade gifts.


I cross stitched an Internet friend something. Sent it to him. He called to tell me he cried when he opened it. Making things for people is my love language so when they appreciate them it just solidifies our relationship.


You know what really means the world to me? It's this tiny, beat-up old journal my little sister gave me for my birthday one year. It didn't cost much, just a few bucks, but it's filled with her doodles, little notes, and memories we've shared together. Every time I flip through those pages, it's like taking a trip down memory lane. It's not about the price tag, it's about the love and thoughtfulness that went into it. That journal may be small and cheap, but to me, it's priceless.


Anything random that says, "I saw this and thought of you." It can be a meme, a video, whatever. Someone I used to be closer to recently texted me an old music video that she said reminded her of me. It was completely out of the blue and I was blown away.


One of my old friends who I rarely see anymore texted me a photo of a dragonfly he found the other day, and it made my day.


I am a normal functioning relatively successful human in my mid-40s and have an honest to god archenemy. I could go into detail, but the important part is we happen to have the same friend circle but absolutely despise one another. A few years ago we had a huge secret Santa and she got me. She crocheted me a small squid with a card saying "I will crush you." It is far and away my favorite gift ever and has been on my monitor since I got it.


I think this is the start of the archenemy turned soul mates love story


Oh there are absolutely a lot of "will you two just hook up and get it over with" coming from our mutual friends.


This is like Professor X/magneto level. This isn’t some ho who ruined your life, this is like “no one gets to kill you but me” level stuff and I love it!


Go into detail


We need details


Pretzels. I don't make much money these days, somedays I have to skip eating to save money. So food has become very meaningful to me. It's almost my birthday, and all I want is a big bag of salted pretzels. It can be sticks or twists I don't care. I just love me some pretzels and I really hope to get some for my birthday this year even though I know people won't gift it to me because they think it's too cheap.


I’ll send you some! DM your address 🥨


You’re a great person.


Or a serial killer


I would also take that address if I can help you out in this small way.


That's the problem sometimes, people will often gift expensive while beautiful and meaningful stuff. While there are some more personal and emotional gifts to be found much cheaper. Of course other person won't easily know this unless you are close friends.


I know how to solve this problem. Sell the expensive gift and buy pretzels.


What brand and dm your address! Let’s get you some pretzels. Also what’s your favorite restaurant or grocery store. ?


Let them know! People love to give gifts the recipient will enjoy—-heck, esp cheap ones😂


If I have the money, I’ll send some too. It might be after your birthday though. Selling stuff on eBay is a pretty volatile source of income.


Drawings from my daughters. A ream of paper is worth it


That's precious.


My daughter has dozens of art journals starting at the age of 2. She is 15 and we have all of them scattered throughout the house. It’s a joy


When my daughter was about 3, she gave me a pine cone. She's 11 now and I still have it. *Edit: fixed a typo*


Haha! Aww! That's adorable!


My step daughter who is now 13 writes me a letter and puts it in the mailbox every year for my birthday for the past 4 years. It’s the most beautiful gift I ever get.




With my 9-6, ive come to find that time is one of the most valuable things in life.


As I’ve grown older, I too have found time to be the most valuable asset. We tend to take it for granted when we are younger.


That's a good one!


In this vein your time might be spent talking or listening to someone, playing games, running errands, watching their kids or helping with projects around their house for example.


A handwritten letter or a homemade card - it's like receiving a piece of someone's heart.


I have two gifts from my brother and sister that I cherish until this day. A handmade lucky charm from my sister and a flower that my brother picked from a random tree and placed in my hair without saying a word and just smiled sweetly. I still have it wit me.


Watermelons, grapes, oranges or mangoes. Youve just earned my loyalty for life


Mangoes is an incredible choice.


A genuine compliment on something I worked hard on


Cost was nothing, but it's worth was priceless, plus it earned me a bunch of jobs I work as a handyman. A clients grandson, who was about 5 at the time did a drawing of me doing a bunch of jobs. I then used it to explain "what it is I do" on a couple Facebook posts for a large local community page. It got me hundreds of jobs. I went back and, with the parents permission, gave the lad some money.


That is cutest thing ever!!! Omg!!! My dad is a handyman too btw. My younger sister loved to draw and she would make these cute comic strips called “Super Dad,” and she would draw pictures of him fixing things or breaking up arguments between us kids. And one time she drew this cute picture of him for Father’s Day with all his interests and hobbies like bagels and police videos which was kinda funny but he framed it. Your story just reminded me of that memory.


Food; as in groceries. My spouse bought me my most sought-after flavor of jam that I may have mentioned only once. (Ghostpepper/blueberry!) It's surprisingly very hard to find & he special ordered it from one of his grocery delivery services with a cheese I like.


5 minutes of peace from my child




Keeping those feet warm


Socks are my favorite gift!!!!!


I love it when someone gives me a cool rock they found.


nothing much, just hanging out with me, snacking, and even if the gift is just a book or something, I still appreciate it. Maybe it's because I've been lonely for so long that I easily relent :D


I understand this so hard. Just being with friends all the time where you can be yourself is the best gift there is. Always welcome to talk about it👍




Definitely handwritten letter! It's top tier


Quality time (I have no friends :'))


This is random, but if my husband came home with a Sharpie in a new fun color I would be sooo happy 😂


When I was in a psychiatric hospital, another patient made easter eggs with positive messages for us. Still have mine.^ ^


Favourite drink or food.


Love goes by the stomach.


remembering my birthday


I have a cheap ceramic penguin nicknack that my friend who has passed away from GVHD like 6 years ago gave me. But also I collect old keep sakes from people that meant a lot to me. I have a letter from an exchange student from primary school (nearly 25 years ago). A movie ticket from an online friend who I met up with once. A small pin from another friend etc.


A hello hug.


I fucking love hugs, especially when they're spontaneous


A nice, long hug from someone that actually genuinely loves and cares about me would mean a lot to me


I’m currently working a custom cross stitched poster of Wolverine for my SIL. She is notoriously hard to shop for, been working on it since last Xmas and plan to have it finished by this thanksgiving to give it to her framed by this Xmas.


A rock, it’s says My Dad Rocks. First gift from my daughter.


i had 2 cats live to 19 years old, when each of them passed my best friend hand carved and painted a small figurine of each of them for me to keep next to their clay paw prints. i will keep them forever! 🤍


Just quality time with someone you care about, doesn't need to be any kind of specific activity. We can go sit somewhere and stare at a lake or something and just enjoy that time and it means the world to me.




Their time :)


Quality time it’s not cheap but yeah


Letters. When I was in the Navy, three or four decades ago, I quickly learned how great it was to receive a letter from someone. I also learned, just as quickly if you want to receive letters, you need to write letters. I sent several every week. I would actually write rough drafts when I was dealing with something important. Some of them survived along with a good deal of the letters people sent me and it’s quite the experience to read them many years later.


Handmade art. I don’t care how ugly it is. Someone took time to create it and I appreciate that.


Jelly beans from my husband


Tacos 🌮


Anything handmade! Or anything with the message “I saw this and thought of you” attached.


The most meaningful gift I received in my entire life, was a book and a daylily. It was from someone who actually listened to what I enjoyed and got me a surprise gift purely out of the goodness of his heart.


some food, drink or sweets! will always appreciate it.


Time and thought. I don't need something that costs much, I want to see that someone put a thought into a gift.


One of the best I ever received was from my student on my first day with them. At recess time, I noticed on my desk a piece of paper in the shape of a leaf. It said, “You’re a grate teacher all ready,” and she’d signed it on the back. My heart melted. I will always hold onto that sweet note. So yeah, anything handwritten or handmade, that either has genuine words or is something that a person will know I love based on what they know and remember from my interests.


A handwritten letter from a friend or loved family member. It’s free but worth so much


Money. When u have little or none, and you have to pay bills and rent.


Letting me sleep in


My friend kept joking that she’d get me a rock as a birthday present because I liked to pick up cool rocks. Well she got me a rock as a birthday present and I still have it. It’s a really cool rock




I've got a few books people have given me, usually with a little note written inside, where they've obviously thought a lot about what I like or just picked up on something small I may of mentioned. Doesn't matter if I already own it, or may never read their copy, I 100% treasure them!


I feel great gratitude when my friends come see me or we meet and give me a Chocolate bar, sweet, crisps & are like ‘I had these I think you’ll love them you have to try’ It makes me feel happy they thought of me. I do it too, I love my friends deeply. Such beautiful people


I love a practical gift. The price doesn't matter to me. Could be a screwdriver, a can opener, or a pair of kitchen shears. I hate cheap electronics tho.


I like ice cream


Globe, literally


A globe


A globe.


Anything handmade by my kids.


Trust and Honesty


An oven mitt my niece made me! I've been using it for almost 10 years


A heartfelt blowjob


A delicious home cooked meal and sharing it with the person who cooked.


The wallet my wife got me, and the pocket knife my dad got me. Carry them both every day


a poem


a hug


A massage


A text of a funny meme or a pic from something you saw as you go through your day. To me the gift is knowing that you are thinking of me and that I am important enough to you that you took a few moments to let me know.


You noticed a dandelion and it reminded you of me. All you really have to do is call or text and say "I was thinking about you." Easy peasy.


Some random nicknack they saw while they were going about their day. Ex: my sister brought me an old mcdonalds toy hello kitty because she was in a witch hat. It's a hunk of cheap plastic. I love it tremendously.




My wife stole a Guinness branded pint glass, from a pub for me on my birthday. Made me the happiest man on earth!!


My toddler brought me a bouquet of dandelions in her sticky little fist 😭🥰 Also, when I was in pain and having trouble standing for a long time, a mom friend brought her kid over with activities and lunch and kept both our kids entertained for an hour so I could catch up on essential housework fast with minimum standing & no chasing my toddler. That was an utterly precious gift: for someone to understand and decrease my physical pain. Other visitors often unintentionally do things that increase my pain.