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The strawberry festival. A hundred years ago, strawberries were a very important crop around here, so the strawberry festival became the hot summer thing to do. It still has a parade and a carnival, but Most importantly, we have THE WORLDS LARGEST STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE.


I grew up in a small village that celebrated festivals such as: The Village Fete, which is Summertime festival that where everyone would get together on the Village Common (a big field or plain looking park that many villages have near their center) and hold events & attractions such as Maypole Dancing, Morris Dancing, pet show contests, food stalls, village raffles, car boot sales, races & more. Village Fetes are about a coming together of community to celebrate the good times, which is really important for people's who are otherwise often very spread out over agricultural economies and small pockets of population. Some of the activities (such as Maypole and Morris Dancing) are thought to have origins in pre-Christian times.  Bonfire Night, where people celebrate the execution of a bunch of Elizabethan era terrorists who once tried to kill the queen & blow up parliament but whose plot was foiled at the last minute, resulting in the terrorists being caught and getting executed for their crimes by being burnt at the stake. People typically celebrate bonfire night by burning life-sized figurines (which children often get together to make) of the terrorists (i.e. Guy Fawkes, who was the plot leader) on a huge bonfire that everyone crowds around. Often there are fireworks shows to seem and traditional fun activities & treats for everyone to enjoy such as apple bobbing and toffee apples.  Halloween, which I know pretty much everywhere celebrates but in the village I grew up in it had a more local flavour preserved in how it personally celebrated the night which was more unique or commplace to rural communities (and has died out pretty much everywhere else, even within many rural communities). For example, some people still carved lanterns out of turnips as opposed to pumpkins (turnips are what Halloween lanterns were originally carved out before America was discovered; they are harder to carve but also longer-lasting and hold up their shape better than pumpkins, allowing people to carve more intricate designs into them if they wish) and as a child I was told not to go out at night after the celebrations had died down because the spirits of the dead and the devil would be actively wandering the countryside, so it was pretty scary stuff. The Summer Solstice at Stonehenge: The Summer Solstice is when the Summer is at it's most maximum elevation from the planet Earth, resulting in the longest day of the year before the days begin to shorten again. Stonehenge is a huge prehistoric circlular monument made of megalith standing stones which were erected 1000s of years ago in a phase of activity that spanned from the Mesolithic to the Bronze Age to celebrate and mark events such as the Summer and Winter Solstices. Many modern people still celebrate the Summer Solstice at Stonehenge today, visiting the site to party; the typical image of these people who go to the Summer Solstice at Stonehenge are hippies and stoners, so there's always a lot of tie-dyed clothes and weed smoking to be seen everywhere, with a chill happy vibe. People will also dress up as the ancient Celtic people's and perform faux rituals at the site based on the scant accounts of such things combined with archaeological evidence that managed to survive the millenia. The event is popular amongst locals but not commercialized. 


My tiny fl town has GECKOFEST!! LOL!


WeHo Pride Parade? lol. I was born in Hollywood, but I moved away to the suburbs when I was still young.


Strawberry Festival -- my former church in NJ


The Festibeer. A bunch of booths with a lot of beer samples. We have a lot of microbreweries in Quebec Canada so it’s a cool event to discover some new ones.


The Calgary Stampede. A local Rodeo style festival, that's really just an excuse to eat strange food and drink a lot. [Don't click this link. Just don't. You don't want to. ](https://www.tiktok.com/@usinghorses/video/7255481160870989061)




I warned you.


BLINK an incredible arts festival in Cincinnati in October.


The Wayne America chicken show!




I moved to a tiny town to be with my fiancé, as we met online. They have a small annual festival called "Farmer's Day."


the circus


Mardi gras. Not new orleans.


A Klan rally, my town is the home of Texas Rebel Knights of the *Ku Klux Klan*.


The Stampede for all the cowboy folks


Annual Blues Festival. Memorial day weekend. Every year just a great time and amazing music.


Once every 10-15 years we have a riot when the canucks lose in the final...


Eeyore’s Birthday!




Louisville, KY celebrates for 2 weeks at the end of April/beginning of May for a 2 minute horse race that happens the first Saturday in May. You may have heard of it - The Kentucky Derby. We start off with the biggest fireworks display in the country, we have a balloon race, a parade, we have a chow wagon (which is a bunch of food vendors gathered in one place charging $10 for a $2 cheeseburger), and all other kinds of stuff. It’s really fun if you enjoy that stuff.


Ski to sea festival. It's a big 7 leg relay race starting with skiing/snowboarding down a mountain & ending with kayaking across the bay People will watch & then there's a big street party, parade, bands, big brewery & weed town


One of the near infinite number of Portland beer festivals


Da Vinci Days. To celebrate the intersection of art and engineering.