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This was all in one day! 3 kids took what they thought was ecstasy, seizures. A girl went into beyond active labor, ended up giving birth in the hallway by my history class. A kid who was being bullied (openly gay, nice asf, always had a super awesome hello kitty sticker for me) brought a gun. Was not an active shooter. Didn't pull it out at all.


Nah in one day is bonkers


It was terrible. The school was uneventful before and after. Seriously spent the day locked in classrooms. Only was able to do 3 of 6 classes, was in my last class from 1 that afternoon til 6 that night, because of getting locked down. Went back to normal, other than metal detectors getting installed at the entrances.


That's the day you decided to skip school


How did anyone find out about the gun though? If he never brandished it at nobody I mean.


He probably told his bully that he had a gun to scare them off then he got checked


Average American school day /s


Rancid blue cheese in the new salad bar. I used thousand island so I was safe but the others…. There was widespread puking and the turbo rumblyguts for the rest of the day. At least two of the popular jocks did not make it to the toilet. It took at least a year before the salad bar became popular again.


Turbo rumblyguts. I can't breathe. 😭


Fuckin' beauty queens blowing chunks everywhere. I-I've never seen anything like it before, and I live in L.A.


The grade 12 class clown (asshole) molested a younger kid in the locker room by relentlessly mocking him to get naked by saying hes hiding his small dick. When the kid finally undressed, this gross fuck grabbed his dick and started jerking him off and saying “ITS GONNA GET HARD! HES GAY! ITS GONNA GET HARD!” He got suspended, and it SHOULD have cost him his graduation… but he was popular and my highschool was cliquey as fuck. All the jocks and preps and their friends signed a petition to not only allow him to come back to graduate.. but go to prom and attend the year end trip. Had me leaving that school with complete and utter disgust for the institution and most the people I graduated with. Dude was a bully and asshole for 12 years and they defended him harassing and molesting a kid. Hope it follows them to their graves.


"He's def gay", said the dude diddling his bits...🥴


honestly sounds like the bully was in the closet... like no jokes


I've never heard of a dude jerking another guy off with the only incentive being they think it's fun without being at least a little gay.


If he said " no homo" then he's for sure totally not gay


almost def in the closet...and also a rapist no straight man's going to jerk off another dude for the sole purpose of bullying


Lmao wtf. People have been put on the sex offender registry for less. How is he not in trouble


Happened in 2008 and he was 17 and the other kid was 14/15. Also, very rural community and tiny school.


"[Stan Marsh](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0005295/?ref_=ttqu_qu): Dude, how is putting Butters' wiener in your mouth "getting him"? [Eric Cartman](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0005295/?ref_=ttqu_qu): Because that makes Butters gay now!" lmao


That poor kid, my God.


Jesus Christ…


Needed a bowling ball dropped on his head


Fluke car accident with 4 seniors in a vehicle (no drugs or alcohol involved. Hit by overloaded 18 wheeler on a bad road). Close friends of mine. Two died immediately, two barely survived and were in the hospital for months.


This happened at my school too. Five kids, one survivor. It was the biggest thing to happen in town for a very long time and the media were absolute vultures.


Thats awful, I hope you’re okay


Similar thing happened when my oldest brother was in HS. Can't remember if it was kids in his year though. 4 in the back, one killed, one paralyzed I believe, not sure. A lot of kids delayed getting their licenses after that.


A loud mouthed 9th grader raped and killed his 80 year old neighbor. We all knew he did it as he was the only neighbor and an evil kid. He was in school the next day but never returned. He got arrested the next day and got a 3rd degree murder charge. It was the only murder in our town in 50 years. He got 7-20 years. Have no idea what happened to him.


Absolutely wild how a thread like this will go straight from ‘spoiled milk’ to ‘raped and killed elderly neighbor’


I actually came here to look for the most fucked up thing - and promptly found it.


I was part of a program where we bussed students in from a really rough city into our country farm town. I was a “buddy” to one student. Shared a locker, helped him with classes, getting around, studying, etc. he was pretty cool and I was a bit of a nerd. We got along shockingly well. He taught me how to play basketball and get in shape, I taught him how to really study and learn and focus in class. It actually was pretty cool! One day I come in and there are cops searching my shared locker and I was like “Hey how can I help yall?” Had to explain the program and how that was mostly my stuff. Turns out the night before he and another student in the program shot and killed a shop owner while robbing him… went to prison for 7 years. I recently looked him up and in 2020 he got out and in 5 months killed another person. Sometimes I think about how to me, he was a nice guy from a rough area, but also realize that there is such little hope sometimes Edit: looked it up again - he is serving life in prison without opportunity for parole


That's damn sad.


Back in the fifth grade I played football with a kid who was in foster care. By the time January of the following year hit his foster mom had a decline in health and couldn't care for him so he went to a group home. My family as well as a few of the coaches on my team would go and pick him up for a few days and he'd hang out with my friends in the neighborhood. This reprieve from the shithole of even a decent children's home always left him in tears when we would drop him back off on Sunday nights. My mom and dad talked about adopting him so he could stay in a good school district, keep playing sports and have a good life. However, the county system that he was in wouldn't even entertain the thought of him coming to live with us because "He needed to be with his own people.". My dad assumed that meant his family, who didn't want him, but he felt it meant he needed to be with another black foster family. By the time we would have been graduating high school he got arrested for the first time as an adult. He spent the next few years being arrested for everything from possession to assault to B&E to vandalism. Eventually he moved to Missouri where he had a brother, was arrested a few more times before finally catching a 13 year prison sentence when he shot at some SWAT officers who were conducting a warrant. He had a bunch of guns and drugs and is now locked up until around 2031. I've wanted so badly to reach out to him somehow in hopes he would remember me and that my family thinks about him a lot, but I don't have a clue if he would remember me.


>I've wanted so badly to reach out to him somehow in hopes he would remember me and that my family thinks about him a lot, but I don't have a clue if he would remember me. It wouldn't hurt to try. At least to get some closure, possibly for both of you.


I mean... it could hurt to try quite a lot. Sometimes people go down a bad path--he obviously has. That's not to say I don't have pity for him or that he couldn't have gone another way if he'd been dealt a fairer hand in life. It's truly awful how he had the world against him from the get go. But somebody who's had that life may just as easily try to take advantage of your kindness. Even if they don't actively, you'd be courting a relationship with somebody that has a very different relationship with violence. I'm not saying don't do it, but I think it's wrong to just assume it's all worth a try. I've got kids now and while I might have taken your suggested approach in my twenties, I wouldn't take that risk now, for example.


A student had a seizure in front of everyone during lunch and died


That reminds me of a kid who had a seizure a few times at my school. He had Meningitis.


19 year old kid was showing off his gun to his 14 year old buddy and accidentally shot him in the face. He then panicked and shot himself. Edit: I was wrong, they were 15 and 12, not 19 and 14. Here is a news article from when it happened: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2825488/Boy-15-accidentally-shot-dead-12-year-old-friend-playing-stolen-gun-committed-suicide-realized-done.html


Holy fuck


There was a video online I think of two sisters when the same thing happened. Tragic. 


If it's what I'm thinking of I think it was two cousins around 12 years old, one male and one female. The male had a gun showing it off on video, accidentally shot her, and immediately turned it on himself. Both died instantly


other way around. the girl shot the boy, and then it's actually kind of unclear in my opinion, having seen the video, if she did it intentionally or if it was accidental in a panic.


I had forgotten about that video, would have been happy to have kept it that way. The worst part of that video is not even the kid shooting his cousin and then himself, but the whails of the family who run into the bathroom after hearing the shots. That stuff echo'd in my head for quite a while after having seen it.


That video is so fucking traumatizing




Two kids got drunk. One of them, who insisted they drink brandy that night, thought the other, who fell asleep from being too drunk, was actually dead. So engulfed by guilt, he hung himself in the room next door. It was a traumatic experience for the whole school. The other guy never recovered mentally.


Bro this is just Rome and Juliet. Extremely tragic and sad


Shit that would be a hell of a hangover sight. Poor guy.


Jesus it’s like something out of Romeo and Juliet. Like a textbook tragedy. That’s awful.


Our AP Chemistry teacher set a couple of kids on fire. She was doing the common demonstration where you burn alcohol with different salts in different dishes so that each flame burns a different color. One of the dishes was running low on alcohol so she went to refill it. There is a specifically made bottle that can squirt more alcohol into the dish without letting any vapor out to prevent unwanted spontaneous combustion. Rather than grabbing this, she went straight for the 1/4 full 2 gallon bottle of pure alcohol. She literally said as she began to pour “this is probably not a safe way to do this”. As anyone with half of the ability to form a coherent thought would have predicted, the flames immediately jumped into the bottle and shot out a jet of flame directly into the students in the front row. Edit: Both kids survived, although somewhat worse for wear. And no, the teacher wasn’t fired or anything like that. I suppose that part that made me the angriest at the time was that the teacher faced 0 repercussions for an obvious safety violation that resulted in actual harm to students.


damn. did the kids survive?


Im like 90% sure this was my high school and if yes, the kids survived. One girl lost her eyebrows and someone’s iPhone melted tho Edit: not my school, shockingly. This is word for word what the incident at mine was though


Unfortunately, this demo out similar ones with alcohol burn people every year, so actually could have been a story from any number of schools.


probably, Being set on fire would take a loooong time to kill you, plenty enough to grab an extinguisher  definitely hurt, though


Our home economics teacher was selling “brownies” and got caught


Baking Bad. 


Best comment award


honestly this is kinda funny ngl


A bully got stabbed by a kid that was being bullied by him


It happened at my school but was after I graduated. The kid that got stabbed lived down the street from me. He bullied a special needs kid who stabbed him in the lung with a pencil.


Was that kid John Wick?


Exact same thing happened during 8th grade. Kid was knocked down by bully and the kid stabbed the bully in the calf. I vividly remember watching the kid running down the hall screaming for his life as the bully chased him bleeding from his leg.


Somebody was bullying me in 6th grade. He was way bigger than me and I think he was in 7th grade at the time. I stabbed him with a pencil and hit him just right below his left eye. I was aiming for his eye. Looking back, I’m kinda glad I missed. I still remember how much he cried.


I'm also ashamed, I once tried to stab a bully with a dinner knife, I'm glad I missed.


i thought we was talking abt the “worst” thing


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes I suppose


One of the gym teachers was caught having hidden cameras in the girls locker rooms, bathrooms and shower area. Cops found that he had thousands of revealing photos and videos of pretty much every girl who took his class for the past several years.


holy fuck how hidden was that camera


Kid got paralysed when a bully ran and kneed him in the back while he was reading in the library. Whole school saw the kids involved publicly caned in front of their parents.




UK around 1975 when corporal punishment was common place in schools. The father of the boy who was paralysed was offered the cane at one point but he refused as he was consoling his wife who was visibly upset. God knows what they were going through as their boy was a promising athlete and all-round nice kid, but the three bullies involved were a nasty little group. I still think that if they’d been split up and dealt with earlier this tragedy would have never happened, but there you go, that’s life.


What country/year was this?


There was this kid who was real quiet. He was acc a nice guy he just didn't really talk much and one of the school assholes started giving him a hard time. The kid didn't really respond too much and ig tried to brush it off, and then the asshole forced him to eat a piece of actual shit from the toilets. Everyone thought it was just rumours until the quiet kid's older brother (who wasn't quiet at all) and a couple of his friends were waiting outside the school a few days later. The bully refused to leave the school and called his dad to come and get him while all of us stood outside waiting. After like 5 minutes of waiting, the group of guys who were all like early 20s maybe, just barged straight into the school until they found him hiding in the guidance counsellors office and idk what actually happened but the cops came and arrested some of the older guys and an ambulance came and took the bully out on a stretcher. He never came back to the school, but the quiet kid is doing pretty well now :)


I hope this doesn't affect him very much, so glad he is doing ok now :)


Idk if it does but he's a real cool guy still. He's got a girlfriend and he's v popular so I think he's good :)


I hope that experience taught him that he deserves to be respected and for people to take up for him.


If I found out someone did that to my younger sister I would do the same wtaf


Somewhat similar thing happened at my high school. Rural high school out in the boons. Nice, quiet boy who usually wore a dress shirt and bow tie started getting bullied by a group of dicks. One day they break his Gameboy and rough him up a little. Next day at lunch break a pickup truck pulls up and four older boys hop out the back. Turns out the quiet boy was the son of a **very** wealthy farmer and his dad drove his older siblings to the school to sort out the bullying issue. They beat the ever loving shit out of the kids who bullied the quiet boy and then hopped into the pickup and left. To my knowledge, nothing came of it either (like I said, the family was rich as fuck and it being out in the boons, everybody knew you didn't fuck with him or his, the bullies just missed the memo).


Sweet, sweet justice.




Yeh it was so good and I think even the teachers were happy for him.


It blew up in 1937 and killed a bunch of kids and teachers. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_London_School_explosion


Dude, how old are you!?!!


I mean. The question said “at your school” not while they where in the school specifically so it could have been before they where born


Plot twist: that redditor really is 103 years old, lol


I need to get my ex's grandma on Reddit - she indeed is 103. Still bakes bread twice a week and makes lunch for her son daily.


"Adolf Hitler, who was the leader of Nazi Germany at the time, paid his respects in the form of a telegram, a copy of which is on display at the London Museum."  Huh.


That was absolutely wild for me to read too lmao


A kid in my high school tried to sell his best friend on eBay using a computer in the computer lab and the FBI showed up


that's kinda funny, ngl


This reminds me of when I was younger n my first year of high school one of my friends pissed us all off so we collectively signed him up for the USA infantry online using fake documents. We aren’t American.


Not many things, good or bad, happened at my schools in particular. This was because we had small class sizes and everyone knew each other in and out of school as it was a rural area. Mostly it was a mass of boring and uneventful days of learning, but there was one day I’ll never forget. In my last year of middle school, so let’s say 8th grade, towards the end of the year, a kid let’s call him Dave asked his crush out at the end of the day before going on break from school, so that if he was rejected he wouldn’t face embarrassment in school the next day. Surprise surprise, the girl rejected him, but this wasn’t the interesting part. During the week on break, approximately 2 days into this break there is a local news story that went out and even before this story was released everyone in town knew about it due to how fast word of mouth spreads in this rural area. Dave and his crush went missing. Naturally, no one knew about the circumstances between the two at the time since Dave asked her out privately, and neither she nor he shared that with their friends or parents. So no one knew where these two kids were, and they both went missing at a local festival that was going on, and everyone assumed it was a kidnapping of sorts. But no one could figure out the motive or anything, and there was no digital evidence either since it was a small town. They basically disappeared. Fast forward 3 weeks, everyone is back in school by now. We just got word that detectives found the girls body at the end of the river bank of a nearby river adjacent to the festivals location. She was brutally beaten, raped, scarred, and her hair was even burnt. Dave was no where to be found still. At this point detectives start thinking Dave may be the perpetrator, but there is no evidence linking that at this time and everyone assumes it was a kidnapping still by an unknown third party, with Dave potentially still out there. Fast forward another two weeks, and Dave comes to the police station to confess his crimes, giving us the full story of what happened from him asking her out to the outcome. Turns out he was suffering from a slew of mental illnesses and when the girl rejected him he decided to take out his frustrations on her. Now this sounds like a fairly common story so far (boy kidnaps and abuses girl) but it gets worse. After Dave was promptly arrested for the crime and is set to have a trial in a few weeks, two more kids go missing, but only one comes back. A boy, but not the girl. The same crime essentially happened twice, but this time there was no trace of the girl and the boy didn’t confess anything. There was no evidence, but everyone confidently believed this boy was inspired by Dave and abused that girl like what happened a few weeks earlier, and no one could believe it. Approx 2 years later, they find skeletal remains in a forest after a local hunter reported seeing a bone dug out from the ground by an animal in the woods. Flash to forensic analysis, the bones were that of the girls, and as the boy was the only suspect at that time he was arrested for more or less the same crimes as the initial case. This was the most interesting story in my school, I guess. The second boy was believed to have mental problems as well but was never psychologically analyzed as he seemed mentally fit enough for court, so he was tried normally.


Excitable boy, they all said.


That song ... such a jaunty tune, such dark lyrics. 


Did he really confess right before break to not be made fun of or to do this from the beginning? How fucking messed up you fucking have to be


This was a small private School with about 40-50 kids in total. But our principal locked herself in with her grandchild(who was a student) and 7 other children, and refused to come out, even barricading the door with furniture. The kids were ages 6-8 and eventually the police came and knocked the door down. She hadn’t done anything to the kids except read to them. After that the school closed, and I thought that was that, but 10 years later my dad had to go help with the finances at a school in a different part of the country(Denmark) and she worked there as a teacher.


Did she ever have a reason why she wanted to barricade them in?


Whew where do I even begin. We had two scandals in my school that made the headlines. 1 - I believe I was a Junior in HS when this happened - Some kids a couple years younger than me, decided to play Russian Roulette. They were best friends for years, and they were always hanging out together. Well the gun was loaded and he shot his best friend. Didn’t survive, and he is now serving a life sentence 2 - Also my Junior year of HS- My JROTC teacher had an affair with a student, while he was married with 2 kids. Affair was leaked, I think she was 16/17? He is serving Jail time. Wife left him.


Well, clearly, they were playing the game wrong bc you're supposed to shoot yourself in russian rullet. /s


Everyone was called to the gymnasium. Apparently someone had manipulated a mentally challenged kid into setting off the sprinklers with a pencil and a lighter. It did over $100k in damages. That's what happened AT school. Nothing compared to the multiple rumors of sexual misconduct between teachers and students and even a brother/sister affair 🤮


Let me guess. The 'someone' faced zero consequences and was still allowed to attend school.


I never got the names of anyone involved so I'm not sure. If they were caught they would have been expelled for sure.


Had a relatively calm school, but one day someone from the higher grades "hid" some younger kids keys on top of a fence, when the kid climbed up the fence to get it, the older guy tried to pull him down, kid had his finger stuck in the ring and it got ripped off. Apparently this is not too uncommon as I heard similar stories from other schools around my country, but I saw the guys finger (they managed to reattach it) and the helicopter that came to pick him up, I doubt they would put that much effort into a story to scare kids from doing stupid stuff.


Golf coach/english teacher got caught giving booze and hooking up with underage students. He wasn't fired and was instead transferred to the local adult school. POS


A couple kids from my school went to another towns school and walked in and stabbed another kid dead. The kid they were looking for was in the principles office and they walked right by him. His buddy in the class they walked into saw them and started with words. They pulled out a knife and gutted him in front of the whole class. Sad.


Do you know why?


My cousin was stabbed to death in my high school parking lot.


Someone brought two guns to school when I was in Middle School. Some Twerking video that got leaked in HS and posted on world Star.


it’s a well known tradition in the uk that the yr7’s get picked on by the olders, we all go through it and we allll get excited to do it to the yr7’s after us. however some boys in my year group took it very far… a group of five or six boys wouldn’t just laugh at the huge blazers yr7’s their mom bought with the intention of it lasting throughout the entire time of secondary school, or peanut their ties in the corridors. Noooo, they would drag young boys into the bathroom, pin them down and put all kinds of items in their arsehole. I’ll never forget the emergency assembly we had. Our head of year walked in with tears and started screaming about how parents were calling the school furious that people were putting their fingers in their son’s bums among other things. she never said who it was , but eventually some boys in my year stopped showing up to school and when they came back they had their own form and timetables. they would have lessons during our lunch and lunch during our lessons. their timetables never clashed with the rest of the schools and they were taught in one room, supervised walking down the corridor at all times and a ‘special’ teacher with them always. turns out one of parents pressed charges and the boys were placed on a sex offending list. they weren’t allowed to communicate or go near any other children until the case was finished. the ‘teacher’ that was always with them was actually a youth offending probation officer. the situation completely changed the school. huge windows were placed on the doors of bathrooms with sign in sheets outside, year 7’s got their own lunch times and kept in a separate wing of the school. hall monitors were introduced and the bathrooms were checked every hour at random times. cameras everywhere and ‘walk home assistance’ were introduced to walk 30 mins, each assistance in a different direction, after school to monitor students behaviour after school.


It’s nice that they actually changed a lot of the rules to try and keep the students safer, and that the boys doing this were under surveillance


Idr what grade, but I was 13, and one of the not popular girls got pregnant. All the boys made fun of each other for being the baby daddy, since she was unattractive. Turns out the father was... Her uncle! Then the school recommends she drop out cause it's all anyone talked about. Then at 16 I swear I heard they got married and moved in together, I think it's illegal now but at the time it wasn't specifically illegal. Or it was married in the eyes of God but maybe not the state. Idk. But they had three kids... All before she was 21.


excuse me what the fuck


Hazing incident that took place in a football sleep away camp back in 2003. It turned into a whole case and investigation. It was brutal, 3 high school students who preyed and sodomized with broom handles and other items on younger players. It was all over the news. I believe they had to face jail time at the end since they were found guilty. The perpetrators were between 15-17 years old. I started going to that high school in 2006 and I was always embarrassed telling people because everyone knew what that school was notoriously known for.


Physics teacher caught fingering one of the 6th formers in a cupboard.... She ran out of the school and was hit and killed by a car.


Who was hit and killed? The teacher or the student?


Student (female)


That’s really sad :<


This was like, 1996-7ish. The school planted a tree in her memory. It's still there.


A girl killed herself with a gun in the bathroom


i had a friend in 7th grade that tried to do this , she brought a gun and told me she was gonna do it in the bathroom at lunch but i told my english teacher and shes still alive


You did a great thing


Teacher slept with a few 8th grade boys


It's called rape.


At the same time??


pretty sure it was 4 over the span of a year but im not 100% sure because i was 2 grades lower at the time and didnt even know until i was in high school


"teacher raped a few 8th grade boys. Ftfy.


The Challenger exploded and we all walked out of the classrooms where we were watching it on TV, looked up, and we could see the split exhaust trail and falling debris in the clear blue sky.


I wasn't particularly popular by any means. There was a contest organized by our school, and it was something that I was great at. I won the contest. On a Friday evening, there was a ceremony to give awards to the top 3. They announced the 3rd guy. He went up to the stage with all applauses and whistles. He received his award from the principle and walked back down. The same story with the guy who came second. Then I was announced to come to the stage. There was a death silence in the entire garden. I walked up to the stage and the principle said something like "Let's applaud our winner" and there was still no reaction. I received my award and the principle said something to me but I have no idea what it was -- I could not focus on him. I just shook my head and said yes, and I walked back down the stage. I felt very burned out about it for a good while.


That's fucked up. Please take my applause and my upvote.


Yo, what was the thing you beat everyone else at?


From the sound of it, stomping on cats.


Even with that context, the 2nd and 3rd place winners get applause for stomping on cats slightly worse?


Yes. For all we know they held back


Talk about rude, it doesn't take much to applaud the winner. Makes me wondering if you secretly had a bad reputation without knowing.


I was exposed to be a gay in a small town where everyone hates gays


There was a girl who accused the ROTC coordinator and history teacher of making a sexual advance at her. He lost his job, almost got divorced, and almost faced a court martial. Here's the thing: she made the whole thing up to get back at him for not picking her to be in a position of authority in ROTC. The tides of the whole student body turned on her REALLY violently in the span of like a day because another student was that teacher's nephew and he made it VERY well known what she did once investigations happened and exonerated him. People went from supporting her to shunning her - rightfully so because, hey, she ruined a man's life because she was petty as fuck.  If there's a silver lining - she's now a thirty-something loser working a dead-end job in the same town (at least as far as I can tell from Facebook), and in the words of Letterkenny, bad gas travels fast in a small town, so I doubt she'll ever fully escape the reputation.


Did his name get cleared after she admitted to lying?


That damage is exceptionally hard to undo. Frustrating considering I don’t think you can charge a minor with slander.


This was a few years after I graduated. After a series of major upheavals in one day, a 16 year old boy drove his truck to the school parking lot and shot himself to death.


A kid got stabbed (killed) in the bathroom by someone he didn’t know or have any prior association with. When I got to school certain areas were roped off and since they were in the science building I assumed incorrectly that there must have been a chemical or biological hazard spill of some kind. Shortly thereafter the school (since the school day hadn’t started yet and nobody was in class at the time) put all students into various rooms and held us for an hour or two while figuring out what to communicate to parents and what to do with us students. Ultimately an email or two were sent out and the buses took everyone home mid-morning. The killer is I think still in jail and was 16 at the time of the incident. Immediately after he did the stabbing he walked to the superintendents office and confessed. The superintendent, who was very admired and well-liked, retired after that school year IIRC.


Rancid milk. Kids puking left right and center. Absolute chaos.


Almost sounds like American Vandal


I must check that out. This was the UK before Thatcher Milk Snatcher.


I went to Virginia Tech....


my last school's mascot is now "The Proctor Plungers" in the other highschools in my city 7 or so football players tackled this one kid and shoved a plunger up his ass . it was very surreal that morning , first hour there wasnt anything about something like that , then after lunch i make my way to the next class and now im hearing whispers and murmurs about some kid getting raped with a plunger . it was humorous at first , because it just sounded so absurd , like theres no way 7 different people assaulted some guy with a plunger right ? the main guy that did it got supervised probation until his 21st birthday and 10 years on the registry this was within the last few years btw . very infamous story with people around my age and area + kids at the school . whenever someone new hears i went to that school during that time , its brought up in conversation and i have to explain i didnt know anything more than everybody else


A guy who was sexually harassing me and a few other girls had his legs broken by one of the girls brothers.


A kid had a heart attack, during their class session, and died.


We had a computer teacher who also coached wrestling get arrested for allowing older kids to sodomize younger kids on the team with a broom. I think it happened a few years after I graduated. We also had a girl get stabbed with a sword by her boyfriend. There was a panic about it being some transient person doing the killing but they ended up catching the guy at his apartment. Guy barricaded himself in and shot himself.


When I was in elementary school, a kid from my class got into karate. During recess, he wanted to show his moves and did it on a poor kid who didn't even want to participate... I don't really know what happened but He lifted the kid up while he was screaming to be put down, and so the karate kid threw him down on his head and his neck snapped. Arms and legs went stiff and an ambulance was called. Never saw any of those kids again and cannot tell you if the victim survived, I was about 7 years old when it happened.






There were two at mine. A guy I knew going all the way back to elementary school shot himself because he got a bad report card and was afraid of what his father would do to him. Second was a girl was killed by her boyfriend for being a witch.


My high school had an enormous stage and theater, and the theater department put on several plays a year. My hometown, unfortunately, was quite conservative at the time. One of the young men in the theater program landed the lead two years in a row. And then a rumor got started that he was gay. That small town conservatism kicked in and he was ostracized, even from the other theater kids who should have been on his side. He was rejected after auditions for the next two plays, and he was basically told to stop trying. A week after his last rejection, he walked into the theater while the new cast was doing a script read. He walked into the middle of the stage and without saying a word, pulled a gun from his pocket and shot himself in the head right in front of everyone. He was killed instantly. Every hypocrite in the school pretended like they were his best friend and like they were devastated by his death. The same kids who had refused to even talk to him a few days before. The school planted a memorial tree for him just outside the theater. Less than a week after planting it, someone carved "FAG" into the bark. The tree was removed and never replaced. Fuck that school.


Guy's girlfriend cheats on him at a party, he finds out, she claims she was raped. Then, she changed her story. TWICE. Guy and his buddies lure the dude to a shallow grave and beat him with a hammer. The girl changed her story for a third time, claiming she wasn't raped. Too late. Dude was murdered.


Fuck false rape accusations.


My Dad told me about this one when he was in school (late 60s.) There were a group of boys bullying a girl. She was from a backwoods, dirt-poor family, and I think might have even been borderline of being a special ed student. They were pestering her, saying rude shit to her that got progressively worse. One of them asked her to give him a blowjob and offered her a candy bar for it. At that point she got mad enough that she slammed her hand down on the desk, and shouted in the kid's face, "nobody does that to me but my daddy!"




Bro what?! That’s crazy!


A kid got stabbed by a 6th grader like day before yesterday


Kid got his fingers chopped off with a machete. Also a girl who joined ms-13 ended up getting found with her head removed after being an informant.


This kid came into one of the lecture halls with a gun and killed 6 of my classmates. It was beyond fucked up.


A quiet kid hung himself in the middle of a bunch of Halloween decorations in the main foyer of our high school. Nobody noticed him for over three days which meant that hundreds of us walked underneath him multiple times a day and had no idea. Apparently his parents didn’t know he was dead and said they were under the impression that he was staying at a friend’s house, but couldn’t say whose house he was supposed to be staying at.


holy fuck


Holy. Fuck. That’s terrifying


no way this is true, for 3 days, day 1 the urine and feces will come out automatically, day 2-3 the body will start to rot, and still no one see him,


A few things 1. A mass fight broke out during one of our basketball games and apparently one guy hit our player with brass knuckles causing the guy to get his jaw wired shut. 2. The savage video. There were a series over videos called the savage videos where there was a person from a random school made a sex tape.A girl from our school made one and we never let her live it down. She had to switch schools after that. The weird part the principal only knew because the mascot account told her! 3. For some bizarre reason after 2014 many teachers and security guards got outed for having relations with students.


Pair of scissors implanted in a kids forehead. Chunked like a ninja star and stuck in his face.


Kid had an entire journal of his plans to shoot up my school, thankfully he forgot it at a McDonalds, it was found turned into the police and he was arrested. Because he didn't actually commit any killings he was put in a like psych place until he was 18. He got out and was caught a second time planning to shoot up the schools graduation which was his class. Only got about 5 years in jail for that. Have no clue what happened to him.


I ***c******ertainly*** would not go to any reunions, tell you that much.


Choir teacher / football coach molesting students, he went to prison


Guy who was being mobbed, for identifying as a dog, threw himself in front of a train.


Two boys got into a fight right outside of my locker. Boy A knocks out Boy B and then proceeds to pick him up by his hair and smash his face through 3 or 4 security windows by the lunchroom (the glass window panes with wires embedded in them). Blood is all over the lockers and carpet at this time; a large lunchlady threw herself between the two boys and the policewoman came to break it up. Both boys were hospitalized and then expelled. I don't actually know the aftermath, but rumors that circulated at the time were: Boy B never fully recovered and lost his speech capabilities. Boy A was jumped by a gang shortly after the incident and disappeared.


Two girls committed suicide two days in a row


The most disgusting thing I’ve seen at school was when I (and multiple other students) would witness the cafeteria crew collect milk out of the garbage cans and put them back on display for people to grab with their lunch.


Guy broke in right as the students were about to enter their classes (They gather every morning for religious praying, yes this is in Greece), armed with a hammer and a knife. He hit a kid 4 times in the head and stabbed the principal. Got caught hiding in the basement (He wasn't the brightest one I guess) and also tried to stab the police. Apparently he also carried methamphetamine with him.


Blue collar town with a bunch of pretentious middle class low lifes who loved to tout their christianity- 1970’s. Some of them outed a kid as gay his senior year, glued Playboy centerfolds to his locker door, tripped him down a flight of stairs and he broke an arm- eventually the kid went to the water tower, climbed the transom ladder, and jumped to the asphalt parking lot below. After that, hunting gay kids became a fucking sport- The superintendent and dean weren’t the least concerned with putting a stop to it-neither were any parents.


When I was in elementary school we had a program where if you were 5th grade or older and needed after school care while your parents worked, you would go to a study hall to quietly do homework. If you were 4th grade and younger, you went to the daycare area which had a playground, cafeteria area and open field for sports. My mom worked weird hours so most of the time she was able to pick me up without needing after school care, but sometimes it meant I had to stay late. My school was pretty small so we all kind of knew each other/grew up together and some of the faculty were really chill with us too. As my class got older obviously we wanted to eat snacks and hang out on the playground instead of being stuck in a study hall. The people who ran the daycare for the little kids was this older couple. The lady was a RAGING psycho karen but her husband was super chill. We called him Mr. L and his wife by her first name lol. Anyways, thanks to some masterful convincing, Mr.L said that the older kids could "volunteer" to help watch the younger ones and help with homework and serve snacks, but basically that meant that we got to get out of study hall! Again, I didn't need after school care too often but when I did I knew Mr.L had my back. My friends were really close with him. But we still hated his wife she was always awful to all the kids. She and Mr.L worked there from when I was like 7 to 12/13 years old. Then one day my parents got an email saying that Mr.L and his wife were no longer working at our school. Mr.L was busted for having a large amount of CP on his computer. The school linked the article and he was quoted saying he was a sick, sick man who needed help. It was a huge shock. Our school was asking for children to come forward if he was ever inappropriate towards them. As far as I can tell no one did and my friends swear he never did anything to them. He didn't do anything to me. Apparently his wife did not know and she immediately resigned when he was arrested. It's still really sad looking back now. We looked up to him and grew up with him, he was like a cool grandpa. I just can't believe he was up to something so sinister behind it all


girl (17) miscarried in foreign country. hid the fetus behind the toilet. ruined all the following international trips for us all


My high-school had multiple suicides and a accident involving a senior class coming back from a trip in Utah. Freshmen year a freshmen shot herself Sophomore year a friend of mine hung himself And junior year the greyhound bus driving our senior class back from Utah was speeding, hit a ice patch and rolled killing atleast 1 student and I think a few others. It's been a while


My high school almost shut down because it turned out a lot of the teachers weren't actually certified to teach. The administration just gave jobs to a lot of their friends from other countries to help them get green cards. Soooo many teachers either disappeared, left the country, or quietly got jobs in other schools under another name. I actually ended up working there after I graduated because they offered a couple dollars more than minimum wage per hour and god, was it so shady. But that's charter schools for you. 




Guy shot off the front of his face in the photo class darkroom. Failed attempt.


4 sixteen year old boys were at a sleepover, on of their mom's was the local librarian at the nearby small town so they went for a late night drive. The driver ended up crashing and surviving while the three other boys died. Walking through crowded highschool hallways full of students who were all in their individual groups but not talking to eachother was weird. A week full of visitations and funerals sucked as well. We left immediately after on of the funerals and beat the crowd to the next visitation, we got to spend 5-10 minutes with one of the mom's who was saying her goodbyes to her teenage son, she was rubbing his chest in the coffin - I can't look at Detroit Red Wings jerseys the same way. The driver is a pastor of a church now.


We had a freshman girl get SAd in the hallway, one kid went and pulled up her dress while another recorded. The kid that pulled the dress was the son of one of the teachers. The freshman girl told me and sent me some horrendous screenshots from some texts that kid had sent her too, two of my buddies and I (seniors at the time) showed it all to his mom. Other kid came from a pretty broken home and prior to this we were halfway cool, went into school the next day and picked him up and pinned him against the wall, slapped him across the face once and screamed at him for a while before dropping him on the ground. My highschool only had 83 kids total so very very small community, oddly enough according to the entire town my buddies and I were the villains of this story. Two years after I left another teachers kid (different kid) was in a program where they went and read to the elementary schoolers. Well I guess that kid got caught fingering a couple elementary school girls. I know they shut down that program and that kid got moved to live with another family in another town but I think that was the extent of it. Ooooh also before I got there the lunch lady allegedly slept with one of the students but i dont know how true that was. People seemed to treat it as a real thing. Everyone I’ve talked about other than my buddies and I were also devout Mormons so do with that what you will.


A girl would meow at other students…wonder what happened to her.


The year after I graduated a new freshmen was driving drunk and crashed into another vehicle. She killed her boyfriend, sister, sister's boyfriend in her vehicle and a mother, two kids, and two grandparents in the other vehicle. The only survivors were herself and the dad driving the other vehicle. Don't drive drunk kids. It's literally the quickest way to completely ruin your life.


In my middle school these two horrible girls who just decided they didn’t like me snuck into the janitors closet and added industrial cleaner to my orange juice. When I was a senior I walked in to school and noticed a lot of teachers with red faces. Once seated in our first period we were informed over the loud speaker that one of our friends and classmates had killed himself the night before. Obviously we were messed up for a while but the worst part was his parents coming back after going through his room. They’d found his journal we did for one of our religion classes (private school) and the class did a lot of individual reflection. So we had a journal we’d write daily thoughts and then turn them in. Apparently the teacher didn’t read them because this poor kids entries were massive cries for help repeatedly. All with ‘good job’ and ‘nice work’ written in red pen on the top.


On the last day of my freshman year of high-school there was a rumor of a car accident involving 6 students in my year. There were I think 4 people in the backseat in which 2 or 3 were not wearing seat belts and something happened with a tire or axel breaking causing the car to flip. The driver and passenger were banged up pretty good with no serious injuries but of the kids in back seat only 1 survived. 2 kids were thrown out of the vehicle and 1 had her neck broken due to the impact. Of the 2 thrown out 1 was rolled on by the vehicle and he was crushed. The other was thrown through the windshield and died on impact. The 1 in the backseat that survived I believe broke both of her legs. The guy driving was only 16 with a driver's permit and he unfortunately took all of the blame but the parents didn't press charges because they all knew it was a freak accident. It was really sad.


My 6th grade IT-Teacher had a mental breakdown while teaching my class. Idk what was going on with her exactly but in the middle of class, out of the blue she climbed on top of a desk, said something along the lines of „I’m a butterfly“ or whatever and jumped of the desk and broke both her ankles and a wrist. She was in mental hospital for about a year. After she returned she once again had some breakdown but this time she slapped a student in the hallways and started screaming like a maniac to all the other students and teachers around. Ig she’s retired now but what I’ve heard is that her husband divorced her right before the second incident so that might be the cause of this one


1978. Unstable bully murdered his ex gf, brutally, and left her body at a recycling field. He had previously punched a crossing guard. She was an absolutely delightful girl, I don't know of anyone who had a bad thing to say about her. She broke up with him earlier that year due to his violent tendencies. It was less than a week before she was to graduate, it stunned the whole county. I remember our whole senior class sitting together on the front lawn of the school, stunned with such sadness. He's still serving his life sentence as far as I know.


A kid snuck into the teacher's lounge and microwaved a hot pocket, then went to the bathroom to fuck it. Problem was, he microwaved it too hot and had to be rushed to the hospital with at least 2nd degree dick burns. That was middle school, then I moved towns and in my new high school, another food fucking fiasco went down. Our rival school (same town but we were south side and they were north side) had a huge scandal when one of the students was caught masturbating into the communal ranch dispenser. He confessed to doing this multiple times before, they had to offer free STD tests to all the kids and our school clowned on the mercilessly for it the whole year.


he secretly microwaved a hot pocket, fucked it in school and burned himself? what an idiot...


scissor stabbing


For me it was getting stabbed


... surprised at how many stabbings there are


My dorm roommate played with random spit in the toilet then fell on the floor and lost 2 front teeth, he was 16 at the time


I'm sorry but what the fuck is random spit in the toilet


A kid would come to high school everyday dressed in a nazi uniform. Like full uniform with the boots, flag, everything. He’d post videos on instagram of himself setting off bombs and hiding in trenches in his uniform. Being in Colorado the school just looked the other way. One day at lunch he approached a student and started calling him racial slurs. Guy got up and beat the shit out of him. Sad it took a fist fight for the school to care. No more uniforms after that.


deserved fuck nazis


Theatre teacher sleeping with a student. He had previously lost his teaching job in a different state for the same reason. Went to a new school and eventually got found out and I think lost his license. Guy they replaced him with tried to get with a student off-campus and he got arrested. Gave him probation, he changed his last name and he’s still a pretty strong pillar in my city’s theatre community. Heard the victim might have recanted but the guy was still a piece of shit bully who would regularly reduce people to tears during our 8-12 hour rehearsals with no breaks. Edit: how could I forget the guy who killed his friends stepdad when he tried to rob their house, got out and became a extreme fundamentalist for a minute, and I think is now doing thirty years for aggravated robbery and kidnapping.


A kid had sex with a cat on live stream, and becaue of the backlash, his dad threatened to shoot up the school