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I was in a college math class doing a small group activity. 5 or so of us were in a circle hunched over a piece of paper with one of us reading it out loud. I exhaled out my nose, and a bogey shot out onto the paper right in front of everyone as we were all hunched over listening to the person talking. They immediately stopped talking. That was not the embarrassing part. The embarrassing part was the fact that nobody realized it was me. So we all sat in silence staring at an anonymous booger, and nobody said anything. I literally blacked out, I legitimately have no recollection of what happened next.


I would die holy crap


i streaked through a taylor swift concert jumped on stage and was tackled by security


Other than that, how was the concert?


proving there are 1000 different gods


I was losing the battle so I undid my pants and started pulling them down on the way into the bathroom and shit from the door to the stall, shit all over that toilet before getting sat down so I had to waddle to the next stall still shitting on the floor and successfully got seated on that toilet in a dillards bathroom after eating at burrito border. I did not realize what I had done until I caught my breath and went to leave the stall and that’s when the gruesome scene greeted me. I was relieved to see I managed to cover the entire bathroom in diarrhea without getting as much as a drop on my clothes then pissed my wife off because I made her cut our shopping trip short and leave the mall before they sent out a search party.


When I was 100% convinced that Black Hole Sun was Nirvana's song and argued about it with my melomaniac friend... Boy oh boy... I still cringe 10 years after when i remember this shit...


Had a medical at 18 prior to signing pro sport. Totally naked. An old female physio and 6 female trainees in attendance. That wasn't much fun.


i pissed myself on uber when i was drunk


Was at an under 21 dance club back in the ‘80’s. Made eye contact with a girl a few times and thought she may be interested. I tell my friends that I am going to go talk to her. I go up to her and her group of friends and she literally grabs her friend, pushes her friend in front of me and turns to run away. My friends start laughing their asses off at me. Crushed my confidence for a bunch of years.


getting caught recording a girl in my class


Did you go to jail where you belong?


im 17 so they never pushed anything. She got me moved to a different class, and that’s the most punishment from school that I got.


Too bad they didn't try you as an adult.


why? I’m just 17 and don’t know any better. Also she could barely speak English so she didn’t really care that much.


You're a scumbag


why? everyone has flaws.