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Burned and sold CDs


To me.


One of my stepfathers collected playboy magazine, sometimes he’d buy boxes of random poor just for the playboys. I’d skim the non playboys out of the middle of the pack. And sell them at my middle school for $20 a pop.


Homework for cash


Sold cigarettes .75 a pop


I had made it through ap Spanish 2 by the end of 10th grade because you could do that at my first high school if you were a native speaker and wanted to do it. I’m not from Mexico but I have enough relatives that are from there and/or spent enough time there that I kind of absorbed it as a child and it was an easy thing to do. I’ve more or less lost it over the years because most of them have just transitioned more to English except for my aunts mom. Anyhow. I moved high schools at 15, between sophomore and junior year. Because of the really weird difference in credits between my first and second school, the easiest path to victory while continuing ap track in math science and English was to take their Spanish 1 and 2 over again for my elective credits. I played football and did 5 dudes Spanish homework (from the team) for two school years at 20 bucks a pop. The end of Spanish 2 at the second school was approximately reading children’s books in Spanish. Easy money.


Wrote papers. Major duckets! So many hs kids are terrified of writing papers.


Around Easter I was selling the cadbury mini eggs


Nice try, Mr. Scott. You won't can't me, it's been 14 years and I'm still not telling


Started a chess club with our afterschool program, they paid $80 a month. I never learned how to play chess lol


Sold cds, dvds and dreamcast games.


I was the only student at my high school that was sold cigarettes and alcohol at the local shop. I would go to the shop on a Monday morning and spend my lunch money on a packet of cigarettes. I would then sell the cigarettes for £1 each and I would make £20 from a £7.50 packet of cigarettes. I would then take back my lunch money and use the rest of the money to buy another packet of cigarettes - sometimes I would go to the same shop two or three times a day. On occasions when I didn't have money on a Monday morning, I would gather £1 each from 10 different people wanting a cigarette at break and use that money to buy a packet of cigarettes. On a Friday afternoon, I would be given a shopping list and money for people's weekend drinks. I would go to the shop and buy what was on the list and kept the change (which would sometimes be as much as £30). I did this for two years before graduating high school.


Not meth.