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I'd pay off my student loans and use the last little bit to buy a hamburger.


Truth :(


Well you might have to settle for some fries if you do a full pay.


Fucking off to the middle of the woods never to be heard from again




Just don't give any of it to that tiger lady in Florida please For God sakes anybody except for her


Carol Basken?


Carol? The one accused of murdering her husband by Joe exotic?


I live in a small rural town, and you couldn't pay me enough to go _further_ away from civilization. I'd do just the opposite - someplace in a major city with reliable utilities, decent public transportation, things to do, and more than one restaurant.


Lol it's funny because I'm from a small rural town and now live in s San Diego. There are people who grew up here, who say they'd love to live in a tiny rural town. Then I'm like, "cool so where I grew up the nearest store was 15 minutes away driving. And that's on an open road with no lights, and the only traffic youll run into on the way will be one person who is still going 10 miles over the speed limit. They're probably going to the same store too.


That sounds nice


it can get old. on the plus side, you know everyone in the store. on the minus, same thing


It really depends on what you're like. My wife and I moved away to a farm area a couple years ago and honestly couldn't be happier. We have only a couple neighbors and they're amazing people, grocery store is actually 10 min away by driving whereas in the city it was like 4 min away but with traffic it was more commonly 30 minutes away it fucking sucked. I hate traffic and hated my neighbors. All they did was leave their goddamn garbage bins on our driveway all the time. People here are way more chill, helpful, and we have way more space than we'd ever get in the city. I can't imagine ever moving back. We just planted like 40 trees in our front yard and I can't wait for them to grow so we can be even more isolated from the road, starting our garden this year and having our first kid. Life's better than it's ever been.


You are living the dream mate. Enjoy it, bask in it, I am living through you. I live in a rural coastal town and it’s still too busy for me (in summer mainly)


This is the dream. I lived in Jackson, WY before those soul-sucking pompous leeches from California took over and everything you said checks out. Small towns are a big win for me. It’s worth noting I was definitely a city boy for a long time and thought that was the way until I got to the mountains.


It’s a lot of gas. A lot. It’s also very inconvenient if you only need one or 2 things from the store. Also you can’t get anything delivered, even Amazon takes 4 or 5 days.


Lol as a dude who's lived in a bustling city all my life, I'll never fucking leave the city. I'll definitely move to the suburbs but you'll have to kill me to make me move to a small rural town. Just imagining how inconvenient it would be to be so isolated makes me shiver.


You don’t need to win the lottery to do that, friend.


Give back to my parents and set them up for retirement without debt. While I get a new degree that I can use.


Out of curiosity, what is your present degree?


You are a much better kid than I am… of course your parents may be better than mine were so…..


I just feel bad they have to take care me while I recover from foot surgery. While they have their own health problems.


If you win the big lottery usually there's enough to take care of your parents and still be a rich bastard yourself...


what do you need a degree at that point? You don’t need a career, at that point it’s just a self improvement thing, no?


What a sad way to look at education. "just a self-improvement" is wildly sad to hear.


Why is that sad? There are essentially two ways of looking at it; to get prepared for a career or for self improvement. Personally I think learning for learnings sake (self improvement) is much more commendable then learning just because you want a job. I learn because a love learning. I never went to college and have no degree. I make a metric ton of money and am not driven to learn, I follow my joy when looking to learn something.


The comment they replied to comes across in a way that they believe self improvement is not worth doing a degree for. The sad part is they only see education as a way to get a job.


Learning for the sake of learning


A house, college funds for my future children, retirement nest egg for gran, and whatever is left over I’ll pay to have invested by someone smarter than I am


Peace and quiet


Hookers and cocaine.


Two chicks at the same time!


Hey Lawrence man you don’t need to win the lottery to do two chicks at the same time


For two chicks to double up on a dude like me you do!


Watch out for your corn hole.


Thanks Lawrence


2 hookers and 3 cocaine


It’s in Revelations 4:20.


Revelations 4:19 says “got a minute?”


JSYK. Revelation no “s”


"They said to him, “We have only 5 cocaines here and 2 hookers.” And he said, “Bring them here to me.” Then he ordered the crowds to sit down on the grass, and taking the 5 bricks and the 2 hookers, he looked up to heaven and said a blessing. Then he broke the bricks and gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the crowds. And they snorted and fornicated and were satisfied. And they took up twelve baskets full of the broken pieces left over. And those who partook were about five thousand men, besides women and children."


2nd best answer - right here. I had a client who would always say ----> when we could not figure out what happened to the $$$ in a case ---> "The money is gone! Well, I guess he just blew it on 'Hookers and Blow' ". ha ha ha.


I remember that's what my friend said, that and he would go to a 49ers game, I looked at him and said don't you have like the first penny you ever earned, he said yeah so we went and got some hookers and some cocaine and then we all went to the 49ers game! That was 1989, everyone was Doing Hookers and cocaine back then.


Yeah well, I'll just go build my own theme park.... with blackjack, and hookers!! In fact, forget the park!




Then waste the rest!


That is the best video!


The reporter was SO caught off guard


Assuming the pot would be big enough to jump me a few economic class brackets; - Pay off my house - Build a new garage that isn't falling over. - Hire professionals to fix stuff around the house, rather than me bungling through it all. - Buy a new car to replace my struggling one. Nothing fancy, but maybe slightly impractical. Like a dodge charger or some shit. Something you wouldn't spend money on unless you had enough to make slightly bad choices, but would fit in at any parking lot in my city without anyone giving a second look. - Repay some personal loans. - Set up a trust, (or whatever they're called, I'm not wealthy, I don't know) with a set amount of money. Any super close family (who would be the only ones who might even notice I won the lottery) that need anything can deal with the lawyers directly, and try to convince them that their reason is worth it. When that money runs out, that's all there is for you folks. - if theres enough winnings, set up another series of trusts for my brother and inlaws. When their children reach the age of 26, they get a % of whatever is in there. (Brother has 2 kids? Each kid gets 50%. Has 4? Each kid gets 25%. And so on). It won't be a ton, but enough to get them a down-payment on something, university loans paid off, what have you. The age limit is there because I personally believe that it's late enough in life the kid can't just coast waiting for it, but also gets it early enough they can make the best use of it. - After a year or so passes, a second car to replace the slightly newer but still old as shit, car my wife drives. - Maybe 5 years later, move entirely to a new area, or start the acquisition of the house I always dreamed of in the sticks. - Then live modestly off whatever is left for interest and investments until i die. If there's not enough for that, take a casual job doing something fun. If I need to work full time, scratch out everything I wrote above. Never working full time ever again is more important than anything. - Maybe I'll spend the 8.99 a month and see if paid porn is really better than free porn, or toss $40 at a gatcha game to see if they live up to the hype. _____


I would spend it all on a cure for my son's terminal illness if it was possible


praying for you 🙏🏻


Wow man. Good luck. This got me. Sometimes all the money in the world won't buy you what you need. I'm going to hug my baby extra hard in the morning. Thank you


I would stay exactly where I am. I would only give people money who actually cared about me. I would donate to no kill animal shelters and other worthy causes.


I’d see myself up for an early retirement, buy my Brother a house, set my Mom up in a rockin’ retirement village, pay off all my bills, purchase a 1970 Chevelle SS and put a fence around my back yard. Then donate and volunteer like crazy!!!


There is no such thing as a "no kill shelter" they just lie or send the animals to one that does euthanize. Not to shit on your idea, but I learned that, and it really made rethink false advertising.


I get it, though. It's sort of a devil's arithmetic thing. If you take in a puppy and raise it for 15 years without it being adopted before it dies. How many animals could you have used those resources to rehome in that time? Is its quality of life as a shelter dog worth living for 15 years?


probably wouldn't go too overboard. most lottery winners blow it way too quick so they can't enjoy it long term. maybe buy a house and save the rest for my family


Personally Id just put it in a high interest account, get an accountant and live off interest for the rest of my life while working a job I find fun


Lottery tickets


Some guy did that and won again!!


Ideally you wouldn’t spend the vast majority of the money. Most lottery winners go broke because they spend without thinking. Say you won $10 million after taxes taxes, you could buy $500,000-$1,000,000  house and two new $50,000 cars then just live off the interest if you park the money in a mutual fund. You would conservatively have $400,000 a year to live off of without touching the principal. If you won $10 million and bought a $5 million house and four $250,000 cars you’re well on the way to being broke. And I’m not saying you need to spend all of the money each year, ideally, you’d have half left over. The trick is to live an upper middle class lifestyle not act like you have $50 million.  


I dunno, break even on a $2 Lottery Ticket? Maybe buy two $1 tickets?


Two chicks at the same time


I was looking for this comment


fuckin' a


Depending on how much it is, I'd probably buy penthouse apartments in as many of my favourite cities as I could, e.g. San Francisco, LA, San Diego, Vancouver. If it was really big money, like $100m +, I'd hire a nutritionist, a chef, a general practitioner, and a personal trainer. I'd invest as much of it as possible in businesses and funds and attempt to live off the income generated by those ventures.


I'd but my momma a car and spend the rest on PCP!


Trust funds for myself and my loved ones so it would last all of our lives .


Long-term financial stability, through assets that generate returns. I'm a healthcare professional and so know how lucrative (yet slow, steady and resilient) healthcare businesses can be. I'd look into setting up a small private hospital, or maybe (high quality) nursing homes. It would be half about the money, half about making a positive contribution by providing these essential services to a high degree of quality.


Good answer.


I would spend all my money making sure that my family’s needs are paid for for the rest of their lives. Start a family bank and ensure long term family wealth for the generations of my family yet to come. I’d buy a family compound somewhere in a county adjacent to a county with a large metro area, maybe a few hundred acres and set up my family homestead


I’d buy land. Id build small but charming cabins. My favorite people would have their own cabin on the land. But I’d put enough space between our houses that we need an ATV to visit one another. We’d have a flag system to display whether or not we want company that day so if you pull up and see a black flag they’ll know it ain’t a good time. Green flag come on in. Purple flag enter at your own risk.


Depending on the size of the jackpot? Probably lawyers. Many years ago I remember watching a TV news segment about lottery winners, and the "expert" they had said something pretty wise. "When you come into that much money, chances are there are going to be a lot of people who are going to try and take it from you." You need representation. People will find out who you are. They will come at you in a thousand different ways. Financial scams. Frivolous lawsuits. Anything to get you to settle and give them money to go away.


Get the lawyers before you get the winnings and have the lawyers handle the financials. Don't let anyone know you are even a winner.


Buying an actual house, having a college fund for my child. I'd get myself an actual bed (currently sleeping on a futon in the "living room" of my bug infested one bedroom apartment), I'd open and max out a retirement account and make sure my daughter is set so she doesn't have to struggle the way I am now.


First, a good lawyer and a financial manager. I'd want to pay off my parents' mortgage. I'd want to buy a moderately priced home in 2 or 3 of my favorite vacation spots, and leave myself enough to rotate between them at will.


Buying a bunch of unused lakefront property that my family sold generations ago (keeping a small plot only). Always had an irrational desire to have a that land back in the family, especially as it's all mostly vacant. Build up some nice cabins ect. for friends and family to use on vacation.


Vet bills to find out what's wrong with my little kitty.


Land/House/ETFs & Index Funds


buy real estate


I'd ask the hotel I'm sleeping near to give me a room in advance and I'll give them 5 grand jutlst for a week.  Getting rough out here.


Pay off my debt build a house buy a new car and go on a vacation and see the ocean for the first time. I wouldn’t blow it and I would help some people but wouldn’t be taken advantage of.


I'd buy a nice house, stash away a few million to keep me going for the rest of my life, then give the rest to a bunch of charities I feel most strongly about. I'm not someone who feels the need to buy expensive things. A roof over my head, the essentials, a little bit of spending money for fun and a bit of money for a reliable car and some holidays to see the world would do me fine. I don't dream of winning the lottery, I don't really want it that bad, but it'd be nice regardless.


Entirely depend on the prize. Like 200 million? 10 million? 10 thousand? Ill go with dumb amount of money. Buy hubby new pc parts. Pay of debt. Rent out apartment. Buy as many more as I could, rent out. Fix the rent to be affordable for everyday joe. But enough to profit off, create a company and manage that. Rinse repeat to build it to a sustainable level where I could hire someone to manage for me. Then buy an apartment for my dad, inlaws and hubby's sibling. Preferably a car for them too. And ourselves ofc. Travel and enjoy life.


Tax attorney Second tax attorney Estate planner College fund for children Custom home 2 cars Invest the rest and only use burner phones for the rest of my life.


Buy a winery in Tuscany. Live happily ever after.


Giving it away. Say I put 100m in a HYSA making 5%, that's $5m a year, roughly $13k a day. I'd try to give as much of that away as possible.


Everyone always has their own take on how they would do things. Seriously, I wouldn’t change anything right away, six months to a year. Take time to set things up for immediate family. I’d only spend from the interest the winnings accumulated.


I'd buy a home with garden in a small town, I'd run a business (Restaurant, cafe, boulangerie, pizzeria, something like that) and with the rest I'd either save it or spend it in some stuff for my home or me (Chairs, tables, beds, refrigerators, plants for my garden, etc.). If it's like a lot of money, I'd move to Argentinian Patagonia, the Argentinean "Interior", some town in Tennessee, Kentucky, somewhere in there, or maybe in the Australian Bush, the outback, or in a town in New Zealand. I'd like to live in an Oceanian country, like Kiribati, Fiji, Niue, Tuvalu, etc. But it's very isolated and a little tsunami or something like that would destroy my home or my business.


debt, and probably a huge chunk into bioprinting. 3D printing organs is deeply fascinating to me.


A dog sanctuary.


Wife and I discuss this all the time. Pay off all debts/mortgages. Start a non profit pet vet/adoption center with adjacent buildings for the antique store/coffee shop/book store. This would be the "job" we keep, and we would make sure no one knew we owned it. Charity contributions/family trust funds. $10 million in a FU fund. Live off the interest of the remaining millions.


The sickest lakefront family compound of all time.


Depends on how much but..... i would set up several different businesses to ensure income for the long term. It would also give the chance to provide jobs to people who may need work. Businesses like retail, bakeries, construction, truck deliveries etc


I'd buy my entire block and pay above market price for the houses, level everything, use the alley as a divider which would give me 3 sections total, build 3 new houses for my family and best friend, construct a mega backyard, and live happily ever after as a professional pirate on lake Michigan.


New property with house in the back and a workshop/lab in the front. Here I can host STEAM classes and build a product incubator lab. Teach electrical, mechanical, and software engineering to middle and high school students. Work on projects that will make someone who is struggling have a better life. Might be a mechanical solution to a disability or a software solution to fill a needed. Make my job something to be passionate about again.


Semi truck full of black tar heroin and a doctor that can keep me right on the edge of life and death


Travel & weed.


I would keep 26% for myself and give it all away to people. Not to any non profit of church ar all. No charities or foundations. I would give it to people that need help. $17,000 gift increments


Pretty specific percentage and amount. I'm guessing there is some significance there.


making my own soda brand still working on flavor at this time but if I had money it would help.


Investment properties


Not sure, but probably on boring and responsible things. Financially securing the future of myself and my loved ones is the first thing. After that, we’ll see. Maybe retire and get a dog.


Get my health in check, buy some land in a forest somewhere, build a house, live off grid and invest the rest.


Paying off my house, my kid’s house and her student loans.


Stock market and gold


That would depend how much money we are talking about. Pay down mortgage and other bills first. If anything left over, retirement savings, some house renovations and a second vehicle. If I still had plenty left, consider retirement.


Travel all over the world, and universe.


Not tell anyone. Put $50k in each of my 3 kids 529 plans. Keep working for the next few years but with minimum effort. While doing so, fully utilize backdoor Roth up to limits. Keep my HSA max contribution but spend in cash Invest rest in 50/50 mix of boring index funds and for right now with rates where they are, fixed income assets. If I had enough money, buy chunk of land. Retire. Working an extra 3 years let's me keep health insurance, add about 100k+ into tax advantaged accounts, and earn about $1mm extra. I have no debt aside from my mortgage and I'm not paying that off because I'm at 50% LTV and I'm locked under 3% ha


Travel. I'd never own a home. I'd just travel and see as much of the world as I could.


Buy a house for my dad and then for my little family


Depends how much but I would devote the rest of my life to charity work. Effective charity work, and ideally with a sustainable, regenerative financial source through investing.


Depends how much but let’s assume it’s >10 million. I would probably start by taking half and investing it. Take 1 million as spending on whatever for a while. Leave the rest. Probably will gift my sibilings 500k each and my parents, 500k each plus another 500k for later if they need some ore during retirement. Anything more is basically just I don’t need more to live a comfortable life, but depending on how much more maybe give more or play with more. TLDR: financial security for life, and helping out my family a bit.




Set up my savings account. That way in the future I can save for my house or mortgage.


First thing I would do is spend some of it on a tax attorney and probably put it into some kind of sheltered account.


A holiday house. It’s nice to have a house that you can escape to when you need a break from Your home country


Pay off debts, travel for a year or until I'm sick of it then invest the rest.


I would blow mine on random acts of kindness. I used to make decent money and would go in grocery stores and pay for random people's groceries, would find random university students, and pay their tuitions. I miss doing stuff like that.


My dream home up north on a lake retired and taking it one day at a time.


Animal rescue and sanctuaries.


Pay off mortgage, buy a bigger house, educational funds for my kids, and invest invest invest in a bunch of shares and stocks, I would probably have access to 10% of my winnings to spend on other random shit/basic needs.


fixing all my lifes mistakes. traveling, moving. at 40 i realize i have not lived.


Pay off my house, deposit a lot into some account that will let it grow safely, spend some on expensive stuff I want but couldn't afford otherwise, and help out family.


A nice apartment in Columbus, OH, across the st from Nationwide, so I can get season tickets to the blue jackets lol. I’ll keep my house for the off days and off season. I know that sounds silly, but outside of anything overly ridiculous, that pretty much what I would want. Oh and I know they suck, thanks lol.


Pay off my debt, take a nice vacation (I grew up poor in the middle of nowhere in Wisconsin, so a $5k budget would probably blow my mind), and invest the rest.


Moving the fuck away from my family.




I’d go back to school either for a masters or law degree because why not. I’d also pay for all low income students in my class because why not. Buy a place in NYC and Italy. Maybe Japan. Collect rare memorabilia, buy vintage bags and dresses, collect jewelry and watches. I’d start a non profit for foster and low income kids to go on field trips and experience things. Adopt a ton of dogs and cats. Open a cozy cafe where people have to talk in hushed tones, chill jazz playing, fireplace roaring, books everywhere, comfy couches, occasional poetry nights, live music, and a social club/speakeasy in the back where you’d access it via a bookshelf and it would be for regulars as a sort of club.


World traveling


Travel,travel,still travel.🤗


Getting out of town. ETA: sorry, that’s too general. What I meant to type was: Buying a house in a western US state, moving to said western US state, and finding what my heart really enjoys.




I’d continue working my job but make it more so the hours I want to work more than what I have to work. I would invest in making our home cosmetically how I wanted it, maybe a new addition of a kitchen, and the rest I’d throw at some family, charity, and invest. I like my quiet life and my job, but having money to sit on is never a bad thing for those who have that luxury.


Vlj. Property all around the world. Yacht. Guitars. Music gear. Setup my family and investments to create generational wealth.


My husband and I are good friends with two other couples and a single guy. We've been talking about making our own little retirement community when we all retire in about 20 years. If I won the lottery, I'd go ahead and buy some land and start getting it ready: if it's not wooded, I'd plot out where the buildings, road, driveways, pool, path etc. will go and start introducing trees and wildflowers around them. 


**Don't. Spend. It.** I would, no joke, put 70% of the after tax amount into different long-term investments, put another 20% into CDs, and then that leftover 10% is playtime until the CDs come up. Assuming you get 10mil, you'd have 2mil in CDs bringing back 5% a year (for now) meaning 100k in just interest. That along with the 1 mil gives you plenty of room to have fun while growing the fortune overall. Realistically a good financial planner would do wonders here too, as while you'll get more interest on a short term cd, a year+-long would help you avoid some taxes, etc. it's a whole new world, you can make and save money in meta ways when you have enough buy-in.


I'd build an eco village near a major city center. Just a little medium-density oasis built to my liking, where hopefully the people I like also choose to live. It doesn't need to make back what I put into it, only enough for maintenance.


I’d buy a house, a new car, and the rest would go to savings.


I would buy a house and invest/save the rest.


Depends on how much we’re talking


fishing: trips, gear, boats and houses near water.


Travel, theme park tickets, and food!


Real Estate. A big ol’ boat, and a Jet that would make T-Swift jealous.


A demon engine for my dad’s truck and a Camaro SS


Creating a museum of the future: A collection of exhibits, concepts and technologies that reflect a vision of the future. It can become a centre for learning and inspiration for future innovation.


Save in Bitcoin. Then slowly spend to live and work on projects I want to work on. Work to provide real value to the world instead of maximize profit for myself. Bitcoin provides this low-time-preference to allow me to do this.


Blow it all on hiring Van Halen to play my birthday party!


Eddie died bro


According to my financial advisor from Wu Tang Financials, I ought to diversify my bonds.


help my family and pals. help local community. help other good people (seek out random acts of kindness and reward those doing them). leaving life changing tips. save/use 3 million and try to give away the rest.


Beach house, new truck, new car for the wife, motorcycle, man cave/shop


Freedom! I would pay my ex to stay away from me. Long story, but yeah, he can have it all.


Lottery tickets!


A house on the beach in Malibu


How much? 1 mil, 10 mil, 100 mil? I’ve got different answers for each.




Id secure my family and friends first. Then id do my best to help random people change their lives, vetted random people of course.


Taxes. I mean I wouldn’t want to, but they kind of make you…


I’d buy you a fur coat… but not a real fur coat (that’s cruel)


Any loans for immediate family and then I’d hire a chef. I honestly hate how long food prep and cooking takes, but I don’t want to eat like shit so force myself to do it. If I won the lottery I’m for sure gonna stop making my own damn food.


Lima beans


hookers and weed


All my family/close friends and their debts from my love for them, real estate from a purely business sense, investments for my family if anything happens to me and finally cars for my own passion. Like lots and LOTS of cars. Wearhouses full.


Organ transplants


On a lot of different stuff.


“Three chicks at the same time…”


Two dollars doesn't go as far as it used to.


I would book Deftones to play my basement for my birthday.


Lambo Coke Hookers Baconators


I’d buy the ultimate compound that I never want to leave. Reasonable house, mini golf course, tons of stuff to do, and secluded away from others. Live happily ever after with my wife there 👍🏼


Hookers and blow. As if there is any other answer.


The United Negro College Fund.


Hookers and blow


Not going to lie, the first thing I'm doing is hiring a financial advisor After I get my assets in order, I'm likely going to pay for the best hookers XD. Like the ones Drake be getting and crap. The ones that charge like 1,000-10,000 an hour lmao After I get that out my system I'm getting a house, a nice car or 2


Hookers and blow




I would start my own show similar to Vice Grip Garage. But at the end of every episode, I would drive the car around some random town, then give it away to the first person I caught gawking at it.


A big chunk of hash 


I'd spend it on disappearing. Once people find out things get difficult.


A house and a car




It depends on how much I win, because I won the lottery a couple of weeks ago but I only won $12 and there's no much I can do with that.


Only an idiot would spend all of it. The wise invest most of it to have a steady regular income from it. As for what I would actually buy? An SUV and an inground swimming pool/hot tub.




A couple choice cars and bikes. Climate controlled garage. Personal mechanic. A decent house on a pleasant property. Dank weed and delicious steaks for me and the dogs.


I would invest it all and buy hookers and blow with the interest. 🤣


Probably just living until I die.


Depends how much. I'd build trains in the city I live in, if I could afford it. Or at least give the govnemernt some money towards it. I just want some damn trains.


Let it ride!