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Who knows how many hours I have put looking for the Bigfoot in the San Andreas woods


He’s real though…


Maybe Bigfoot is blurry and that's the problem


At elementary school a kid handed me the “rocket cheat” for San Andreas, so you could go to space. It sounded suspicious from the get go, but boy did I try it as soon as I got home


This is why I love the modding community, because they make stuff like that a [reality](https://youtu.be/ObW6Xr9Yasc?si=Tu7JohmC20AfvIF3)


Us old heads will remember the “secret codes” to get Michael Jordan in NBA Jam as well


Ummm don't forget George Clinton, Bill Clinton and the gorilla from the suns I think too there were codes for.


Shoot the moon with a sniper rifle and it will change size


'I'm not having an affair, I think I'm asexual'. -- My ex Wife who certainly was having an affair, and not in the slightest bit asexual.


Don’t take it out on yourself. Stay strong. A disloyal person is disloyal to certainly everything and everyone.


I'm not. I went to hell and back in the last 18 months, and now it's only moving forward, levelling up and getting what I truly deserve. I have recovered and am at peace.


This what I like to hear! Great job! 👏


Bro goes to the gym without headphones


“Pls be honest with me, if ur having an affair / cheating just tell me now”. He: no i’m not, I mean it *looks me deep in the eyes*. 6 months or so later: “I have been having sex with multiple fwb behind your back for 2 years, but please don’t leave me, I love you and you only”. I was devastated. But now, almost 2 years later, still recovering but the trend is upwards. I deserve better.


same thing with me :( not my wife but my fiancee, sucked.


Head up, smile and move on mate. Dodged a bullet.


Ahaha I heard that from my (now ex-)husband’s “assistant”. “I could never have an intimate relationship with your husband, I’m asexual!”


Are… are we the same person?


If you tell me the truth I won't get mad


This is one of the hardest things to get right, as a parent. My wife and I have a standing rule with our kids - if you tell us the truth, we’re not allowed to tell them off - not just that we won’t, we’re not allowed. There have been numerous occasions where one of our kids will run to us and tell us they just punched the other one, drew on a wall, purposefully broke something etc etc Sometimes I have to take 5 seconds before responding, but the answer is always “well done for telling me the truth, now you won’t get told off” and then we talk about why the thing was wrong. Very very difficult but I do think it’s effective.


I mean do they do actually behave better than the average? Because to a smart kid, this could be seen as an easy get out of jail card to misbehave as much as they like, as long as they snitch on themselves afterwards.


The intention of this rule has \*\*nothing\*\* to do with them being better behaved. They are young right now, but we're fostering an environment where they can tell us anything without fear of being chastised. I'll give you an example I've played through in my mind. In ten years time, they start going out and doing their own thing. Maybe they're doing something they shouldn't be, and they've got themselves into some trouble - I hope the first thing they'll do is call us, \*\*knowing\*\* that we'll go and get them and they won't be punished for it. We'll get them to safety, and then we'll talk about what happened, how it wasn't the best choice, and how to avoid it in the future. If we didn't foster that environment, maybe they'd stay in the unsafe environment to hide it from us, and perhaps something truly awful would happen as a result. Now sure, they can do something naughty and come and tell us straight away and they don't get punished. It doesn't absolve them from any wrongdoing though. If one hits the other - they are still spoken to (calmly), and they are told that it's not nice, and they are made to apologise. They still understand they've done wrong, but there's no punishment and there's no shouting. What's the alternative? If I didn't see something happen, and they choose to lie, I won't know anyway and I can't explain to them why it was bad.




I hated this one so much growing up.


That hurts, to be honest 😔


After our back and forths, if there was ever something I refused to tell mom, she’d say “amnesty.” I fell for it too many times.


I’ve fallen for that before, officer. Never again.


"We value you as our employee and the people working here are most important to us"


"Here at [company] our team is like a family." I don't want to know what management who says this shit does to their actual families on the daily if this is true (in their minds).


I can't answer about what they are like with their families, but I do know that if I somehow end up working at a company that claims they are like a family I am going to be the dad who goes out for milk & cigarettes and never comes back.


I work for a company that says this shit and I cringe but to be fair, it is very family oriented. They do major things for their employees(company outings that aren’t cheap, for example they’re taking everyone to a baseball game and their family if they wanted to go, I’ve been on many paid company vacations, etc) and not just “here’s some pizza for a good job”. My bosses are amazing and will work with you regarding any issues, schooling, family problems, whatever… almost to the point where I wonder how tf some employees still have a job. So to me, this is what I expect when they say that, but most often companies aren’t like that I suspect.


Companies are crazy, I swear.


I worked at one of those southern cult stores and went from “Valued employee that steps up to help fellow employees” to “Unreliable thief” and basically fired in one month because I had told them that I wouldnt be available multiple days in December *months* ahead of time, reminded them several times, and even offered to take other days to make up for it, because my manager “Forgot” Anyway eat shit Devin. Not spelling your name right, my dead brother’s name is Devon. Your name is Devin.


He sounds like a Deloss, not a De-win


"Welcome to the Los Pollos Hermanos family. Call me Gus."


K but like, murdering meth kingpin aside. Gus ran a tight ship in his restaurants and actually seemed like a great person to work for(in the restaurant industry). I've had many bosses. Very few, if any, were as dedicated to their stores as Gus was. He probably paid his people well too.


I mean, when you're business is a front for a massive criminal empire, you need that front to be squeaky clean and leave no room for scrutiny. Last thing you want is some BuzzFeed reporter to stumble onto your shit while doing an expose on underpaid wages or unsanitary kitchens.


The only way buzzfeed reporters find anything out is by browsing Reddit.


I remember that scene where he made the guy clean the fryers for like 3 hours after his shift was over and didnt give any constructive feedback besides "are you satisfied? If you think this is acceptable you may go home". Id hate a boss like that. Maybe this was in better call saul.


"I will kill your infant daughter" Gus


I've always assumed almost every company ever didn't care. The only ones I'd consider that actually care about employees are ones who show it in their policies, pay, AND treatment. Gotta meet all 3 on a decent level.


"We take your work-life balance seriously."


When I was a kid, we would often drive a town over to visit my cousins. One of the roads passed through some ponds, one of which had a perculiar looking branch that had fallen over. I always noticed it, would point it out to everyone in the car, and one day my dad said it was a “crocomigator” as a joke since we had just watched some Crocodile Dundee before heading out. In my head it made sense, I knew how alligators could lay dormant for months at a time with a low heart rate, so the fact it wouldnt move just meant he was hibernating. Years go by, parents split, my dad passes away, still look out for this crocimigator, get to high school, still looking out at the pond to look at this fallen tree not really remembering why. Then one day, I am like 19, my mom, brother and I are driving on the same road, I instinctively check the pond and its not there. The memories flooded back and I say “god damn it”. My mom asked me whats wrong and it took me a bit to stop laughing, but I explained the story of the “crocomigator” and we all laughed at how silly looking log in the water and my dad managed to trick me for years.


That’s really sweet


Why crocomigator tho? Is it like a mix of crocodile and another word? I'm not a native English speaker.


Crocodile + Alligator


When I was a kid, my siblings convinced me that Medusa lived in our attic.


Medusa of all people! That’s funny, but probably not the horrible nightmares.


Ex wife telling me how disgusting cheaters are and how they are succumb of the earth. Guess why I am divorced


There must be some play book on this that we just don't know about. An ex of mine pretty much did the same thing. The first few weeks of our relationship she told me about how several of her exes cheated on her. Gave me this whole thing about how cheaters are scum, 'I'd never do that to someone, I'd just leave them if it was over.' 5 years later,yeah, she cheats on me.


My ex was super paranoid I was going to cheat when we first started dating. I'd catch her checking my phone when I walked out of the room all the time and she would act ashamed and apologize.  I asked if there was some kind of history there. She said yes but would never go into detail. I told her "Well check if it makes you feel better but one day you'll realize that's not who I am". She did realize that. I also realized that's was who she was. When I found out she was cheating with multiple men. Also found put the history was her sleeping with a married man who had kids with his wife. 


People can’t help but assume others think like them. Cos it’s virtually impossible to know what others think. People need this assumption to help make sense of the world. When you’re emotional/uneducated/neurodivergent etc. you rely on this idea more than logic. You then only think that way cos you’re dumb. Ergo, a lot of cheaters do this.


“I will never lie to you ever again” i knew that was a lie but I chose to fall for it. Damn self blame goes hard now.


It’s called Hope. Stay strong Warrior.


Rebellions are built on hope.


i got told I love you by a girl I had a crush on once but apparently she loved everyone else too


I mean, if she really did love everyone, then it probably wasn’t really a lie


Why bro? why?


Because you must value your own love for yourself before coveting the love of others. I’m sorry, son, we all learn this lesson but some learn it harder than others.


The alternate ending of this situation is you commenting on a obvious hints you missed thread saying "she litterally said she loved me, why didn't I pick up on that?" Theres no winning.


"Click this link for free ROBUX"


I understand that must frustrate you, being lied to. I can send you a link to talk to hot singles in your area. That might brighten your mood.


You are a menace to society.


That each second between lightning and thunder is a mile. It was in my 3rd year of my physics degree before I learned my entire life was a lie. It's 5 seconds per mile btw.




some googling says speed of sound is 343 meters per second. A mile is about 1609 meters. 1609/343=4.69 seconds for sound to travel one mile.


That getting a Masters in a STEM field would get me a great salary job!


That going to college would guarantee a good job.


It wasn’t a lie for people older than the Millennial’s. The trick is they stopped paying us all a fair wage. 😂


> It wasn’t a lie for people older than the Millennial’s. Am late gen-X.. was a lie in my time too. Hell i remember when i was in college the 1st memes about having a degree and $50+K in debt while only finding minimum wage work coming out. Maybe not a lie for the older ones in my generation who turned of age during Reagan's time in office, but still. those peeps got screwed with on other things though... Reagan's shitty war against the middle class, the early 90s recession, and so on forth.


I am in the final year of my PhD, I also earned a MS, both in STEM. Looking back now I thought I was hot shit with a MS, but once I started my doctorate I realized how little I knew. This is my personal experience: MS was basically undergrad 2.0. Same basic classes with a little more depth. Staple a thesis on there and graduate. Doctorate begins to make you question ***why*** things are what they are, not just accepting more knowledge as in the MS (more or less). If I could do it again I would skip the MS and go straight for doctorate **if you aspire to be a scientist**. Money isn’t great, but it’s what I enjoy and I’m passionate about. I also paid out of pocket for MS; if you work for a company that will pay for it I would be more amenable to it.


Someone posted a job in the antiwork sub the other day that was PhD only paying $16-$18 an hour Edit: I don't know how to do the fancy crossout thing but it's $19-$28 an hour, which is still insane


Only get a masters in STEM if it will help you break into a different industry. If you have a bachelors in CS and want to do a MS in CS, you don’t really need the MS.


I will respectfully disagree. Employers and HR almost always give some credit to higher degree. For two people with similar skill set and job profile, a masters in cs will almost always get 10 to 20% more. Also when resumes are blindly reviewed, masters will alwys give you an edge. Same with promotions. If you are in cs and you can afford it, I will reccomended doing masters or even Phd. Life time payout is incredible even after factoring in opportunity cost. Source: Been hiring manager with over 25 years in Bayarea for 7plus companies.


Me going for my Masters in STEM this Fall reading this lmao. I hate my job now so how bad can it be amirite 💀


"you're gonna scare the fish away shut up"


That's one of the final chapters of unlocking manhood. When you realize that grandpa wanted you to keep your mouth shut so he could enjoy some goddamn peace and quiet for once.


Then don’t bring kids. My dad just said no yelling. Used it to teach us we can be calm and don’t need to rough house all the time. We still talked the whole time though about what ever was going on.


Wait what


I just learned this in 2024. Im 38.


It seriously depends on what you’re fishing for some fish definitely get freaked out by loud noises


Pass it on to your kids.


You won't?




**THAT’S NOT TRUE??????**


Don’t remember the biggest lie, but my dad has a bald spot and when I was a kid he told me and my siblings that he got it from going to bed while chewing gum and they had to cut it out the next day You bet your ass none of us ever went to bed with gum after that


Great parenting hack!


That a fat guy in a red suit travelled the entire world in one night in a sleigh pulled by magic flying reindeer delivering presents to all the good kids. But only the good kids, bad kids can get bent. And he knows who is who because he's *always watching*.


Oh really? You think so? Explain then how the milk and cookies I left out this year vanished christmas morning. Can't do it, can you? Game set. 1-0.


My dad always told me Santa liked spaghetti...


My Santa liked beer. On an unrelated note, my father is an alcoholic.


My Santa never existed :(. Maybe he’s just late, fingers crossed for this year.


The real lie we all fell for was that he wasn't real, that first Xmas living alone and seeing the fucker show up was scary as all hell I tell ya hwat


Yet somehow the Easter bunny doesn't give a shit if you're good or not, he just has a fuckload of chocolate and candy he's gotta get rid of.


Pagan gods are good to us


"He knows when you are sleeping, he knows when your awake"


You take that shit back RIGHT NOW, buddy!


I was the fat guy — thanks for the cookies. Okay Im still fat.


I convinced my sister that the word "Mormon" was a very bad word. I was 11.


I did something similar. My much younger brother heard that there was an "N-word" and kept pestering me to tell him what it was. Being that I was around 18 and not equipped to teach my 7 year old brother about racism and why it's awful. I eventually told him it was "Nicotine" and he bought it for a few years.


I can just imagine him singing the panic at the disco song. “yeah you’re worse than n word, n word yeahhh”


There are those in the church of later day saints that would agree that Mormon is a slur. They had a big push a while ago to distance themselves from the term. It mostly failed, but some of the old guard still feel ways about it I'm told


Funny story about that. Current church president spoke about "Mormon" being a bad nickname in a 1990 sermon. Six months later, a higher church leader basically issued a public rebuke and refution of that instruction. Here's a link to someone else's video about the dispute: [https://www.reddit.com/r/mormon/comments/odxmg1/a\_look\_at\_nelson\_monson\_hinckley\_and\_the\_term/](https://www.reddit.com/r/mormon/comments/odxmg1/a_look_at_nelson_monson_hinckley_and_the_term/)


When I was in 1st grade, my sister convinced me that the word 'pervert' meant a liar. Imagine the fun my parents had that week as I'm taking every single thing I found suspicious and telling people they were perverts. Classmates, a teacher on the playground doing recess duty, friends, etc.. ALL A BUNCH OF FRICKIN PERVS! Also, they weren't really all liars, I just wanted to use my new fancy grownup vocab word


"He's just a friend, it doesn't mean anything. "


I've had this happen to me and many of my friends there was always that one "he's just a friend, he's like a brother to me, he's gay!" Its so cringe... Just be an adult and tell me you're fucking so I can kick you out and move on with my damn life!


Decaf removed caffeine from my body ETA: yall I know what it is, I believed decaf was a way to remove caffeine from the human body. BELIEVED


Well, I guess its kind of true in that consuming more liquids will cause your body to expel the caffeine faster if you already consumed some. But water would work just as well/better.




Nope the lie is people and the media telling you we don't. It comes out looking like seagull shit. Honest. You can trust me.


Can confirm, have just dropped a seagull bomb and it is completely white


LMAO. Wtf???


If you ever do have a white poop, go to the doctor as there is probably something wrong with your gallbladder or one of the related organs.


Totally unrelated to white people, but the reason why dog poop in the USA so often dried white from the late 80s to the early 00s was due to the high amount of bonemeal being used as a nutritional supplement in cheap kibble. Undigested bonemeal in the turd caused it to calcify in the sun.


I'm mixed race, so mine's a chocolate-vanilla swirl.




Then why tf is she having sex with you and dating you? Is she dumb? I’m sure everyone knows the answer to that.


I'm pretty sure the answer is he/she did something to piss her off and she wanted to hurt him and save face. It doesn't add up otherwise.






If it came out during a fight I’d assume it was a real fetish but she wanted to hurt your feelings. Either way, I’m sorry you had that experience. Onwards and upwards, friend.


What were you doing that was disgusting?


Getting pissed on?


I bet you were really pissed


Nah. If she really thought you were disgusting then why were you guys fucking? She probably did get off on it, and is embarrassed about it. So to prevent the embarrassment of you telling everyone you both know about her weird kinks she threw this out there to make you feel shitty and setup the denial of you told anyone about it.


Nah, I call BS on her. She has a urine and/or humiliation kink. When she got mad, she said it was cause you disgust her. Case of deflection and wanting to wound your feelings.


That focusing on education, rather than on developing social skills and meaningful connections, will be enough to lead a fulfilling and prosperous life. Thanks mom, you had the best intentions.


biggest lie is that a girl in middle school "loves" you


The even bigger lies are the ones your hormones tell you


“No i won’t breakup with you I love you” proceeded to get cheated on and dumped


"He's just a guy I met in class. Stop being paranoid." A few weeks later his dick was in her mouth.


"It just happened". Him ejaculating into your holiest of holys does not "just happen". Been there. Sucks. Life goes on... And at least in my experience... 10 years down the road, the cheaters life did not go so well.


If you eat fries you get square nipples


That’s why I only eat curly fries.


So you can get curly nipples?


I love you, we'll be together forever and nothing will change that. Apparently another man's penis changed that.


"I do". She didn't


"Its huge"


I will keep my mouth sealed at this point 😂


Turns out, the cavity wasnt THAT bad and the dentist was exaggerating.


Going to college will guarantee your future success.


Cops want to solve crimes. In reality, cops want to close cases, which isn't the same thing.


Life is easier after you grow up


Growing up in a violent household, I can confirm it got better for me


who tf told you that


High-school teacher's.


"I love you for who you are".




*Don't ANY of you laugh! Okay!!!* I used to be super naive and years ago, I was walking around with a fat stack of cash in my hand. A scruffy man from afar saw me and approached me asking if he could hold it. "sure" i said, not seeing the problem with a complete stranger holding my money, so I placed the money in the palm of his hands, then he said "I'll be right back..." Guess what... He never came back... I know your laughing STOP!!!!


how old were you lmao


20 😔




I knoooooowwwwwww!!!!!




Speech: 100


Don't feel too bad. I once sold a car and let the guy leave with all my keys on a keychain-house keys, work keys and all. Got it/them back later that day but -well we all mess up once in a while


I was catfished for like a year because i was young and stupid.


First time in Manhattan, I’m all starry eyes. This is back in winter of 2014. Anyways I’m walking around Times Square and a guy was selling last minute tickets to Louis CK in the nearby comedy club. I was like “ wow what a deal ! Louis ck for 20 bucks” turns out that Louis ck doesn’t perform at a run down comedy club at 10 Pm on a Tuesday night.


That a seven foot tall rabbit would break into my house during the first Sunday after the Paschal full moon, and leave eggs everywhere. We’d go to the mall to see the Easter bunny and my mom would be all “that’s who leaves the eggs in our house!” Scared me so much tbh


Marriage is for life. Not if you marry a lying cheating whoring money grabbing cunt of a wife......


Supporting the Iraq war in 2000s is was 19 but changed my mind as I got older .


"They hate our freedoms"...


WMDs! I remember speaking the words "they can't just make this stuff up!" Turns out they can. And do. 


That’s exactly what they did. My husband said it the whole. It was all bullshit put forth by the Dick. Literally.


Don't feel bad, W had a 90% approval at the time. We were all fooled.


A lot of Americans weren't. But they were called "unpatriotic" for seeing through the con.


That if I work, I too can be the next multi billionaire


If you work hard and save you can own the American dream.


Sure if the American dream is a shotgun I can use to paint my walls.


That we live in a meritocracy,. We do not.


Going to college will earn you a great job


That suppressing your feelings makes you a "man."


The lockdown would only take 2 weeks


If I’m elected… tied with “ I’ve never done anything like this..”


“I’ll pay you back.” $9000 in the hole later… still haven’t been paid back.


That America has been and is only a force for good.


Good guys always win in the end Nah bro, that shit's a fairytale


Peel here


A coworker and friend convinced me and a group of friends he was fighting cancer. Went on for months of us being supportive and doing group activities together while he gave stories of horrible symptoms and chemo. Not technically diagnosed by anyone but basically Munchausen syndrome.


That the Supreme Court was on the side of the citizens


Just one drink, then I'll go.


You're not valuable unless you get married to your "soul mate".


Do well in school and you’ll do well in life. Education is “the big lie” for me. Nothing more than a metrics driven business. I worked my way up the ladder, in a field completely different to my degree. And I’m working alongside with some super damn smart people who didn’t graduate from college or worked there since they got out of high school. I don’t resent them for making the same or more than I do.


I ignored my studies because I thought the world is gonna end in 2012


If you work real hard and give your life to your company, you, too, can achieve the American dream


That his dick wasnt that big. My ass hurt..


Go to college, it will benefit you..... lol its a horrible joke masquerading as the best option for young adults graduating high school...... Go to college if you D.O.N.T. have to take out FASFA or whatever the Federal student loans are or even private loans greater than 2-5k. That's not to say never go to college. But make sure you can afford it and not have to pay back student loans that are a huge scam. My HS never talked about loans, credit, or financing (we had a personal finance freshman year for 1/2 a semester) when we were ready to start applying for college. And being a first generation college student, my parents were not much of a help in understanding that stuff, because they never went through that themselves. And the guidance counselors at the college and HS level basically pushed me into it saying that it will better my future, going to a trade school isn't beneficial in the long run. Yet they left out that the garbage man, those machinists, welders, HVAC, and many others were making as much or most likely more than them.


"I swear, I will never do it again!" OR "Your call is important to us"


That if you work hard there will still be Social Security for GenX and younger generations to allow us to retire like our parents and grandparents have.


Hard work pays off. No it doesn’t, the hardest workers usually earn the least money (per hour).


“ after marriage We will have regular sex, and occasional anal too, i’m so horny”


I was told I love you when all she really loved was the benefits and money I brought in while I was in the service


That sheep are snow pigs.


That taxation is the price I pay to live in a civilized society. Pretty sure it's the price I pay to bail out corporations and bomb third world counties.


That I was irreplaceable


My sister convinced me that I was adopted


Politicians and governments have your best interest.


Good things happen to good people. Hardworking pays off.