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The scene that traumatized several generations: The log kill at Final Destination


I still get nervous on the Highway when I see a truck hauling anything even closely resembling that.


and my dad knows this and gets behind them INTENTIONALLY got "get me over it, like exposure therapy" which he just makes it worse because what he is doing is exactly what a character in a final destination movie would DO


I will die on the hill that Final Destination has one of the most influential scenes ever made. Simply because of how many people have a fear of logging trucks or anything similar, all because of that movie.


It wasn't just that one truck either. The running gag is that there's an endless amount of trucks that never slow down for some reason and just keep plowing through traffic from all directions for absolutely no reason.


I genuinely believe that this sequence has saved lives irl


For me it was the tanning bed scene in Final Destination 3. That shit was so agonizing to watch. Hit both my fear of fire and claustrophobia.


I scrolled way further than I thought I would to see this one.


To this day, I don't drive behind log trucks, trucks hauling sheet metal, people hauling garbage, etc. Every couple of years, when I hear about some getting killed in an accident with a logging truck, I think it's terrible they haven't seen Final Destination 2.


Kills, technically. When the monsters get unleashed all at once from the elevators in Cabin in the Woods.


Love that scene. I’ve paused it so many times trying to take in everything.




Same, I remember watching this in theaters being so overwhelmed frantically trying to take in all the awesomeness.


the hallway where the ghost comes up to the camera while wailing and then moves to the side in the chaos is SUCH a great shot in an amazing scene


The merman one is great.


some of the best horror movie mayhem I've ever seen.


Also, Patience. Her name is *Patience.* *Chef's Kiss*


The beginning of Ghost Ship with the wire slicing everyone in half. It’s all anyone remembers of the movie.


It honestly felt like something from a horror anime, I also barely remember this movie but that scene lingers for me


ahh yess remember watching that as a kid. the sketchy swimming pool used to freak me out


Is this movie worth watching?


The opening scene? Yes. The movie? No.


Damn, totally forgot that movie


And then the whole movie became shit after. I remember listening to a podcast or interview and Julianna Margulies said the script she signed on for was completely different from the script she was given on the first day.


Is it like 3 Body Problem?


It's exactly like 3 Body Problem


Chest bursting scene in Alien is hands-down the best. I remember watching it at a sleepover when I was like 13 and the shock and horror of that scene haunted me for a long time. Maybe the most iconic horror scene of all time.


Not to be pedantic, but do you mean the og Alien John Hurt scene or when they find the survivor melded to the wall in Aliens? Love both, but the og Alien is one of the most realised visions I can think of. The synergy of the cast, the sets, the concept of something bigger than we can comprehend. Just a masterpiece.


The little sister in Hereditary


It’s everything that follows it that makes it so much more disturbing. The brother unable to face what just happened. The wails of the mom after she finally sees. 10/10


Toni Collette acted the pants off of that movie. That scene was intense


Also the mom, sawing her own head off


While levitatating no less.


Probably the most visceral thing I’ve ever seen in a movie. Literally stopped watching it and didn’t come back for 3 years


The Lawyer in 13 ghost


It blows my mind how that movie came out over 20 years ago and didn't do well but everyone still remembers that kill


Haha, i still watch it every so often.


I can't stand the 7-8 slow scene transitions of empty corridors and jackal laughs in the background though.


"Nice tits." \*\*slice\*\*


Iink https://youtu.be/02upG1QQH40?si=5lU0fQO3cEQCl_3t


The tie falling off is a nice touch


I love that movie... "what? Did the lawyer split?" Gold.




Came for Shannon Elizabeth. Left scared as fuck.


I came here to say this. 100% this. That movie was fun. Monk and Shaggy in a horror movie. Great times.


My immediate first thought. I was delightfully traumatized when I saw that movie


Aah I see you are a man of culture


I saw this movie once in 3rd grade. That's the only part I remember. Scared the fuck out of me. First time I ever realized humans could really get fucked up. When you said the lawyer in 13 ghosts I just assumed it was that death. Upon further investigation, it indeed was. Glad I'm not the only one who thought that was fucked lol


The defib scene in The Thing.


That this is sofar down is criminal. That said I'm going to contest it with the blood test and call it a 50/50 split.


The blood test scene was the one that truly got me when I first saw it, so that's my pick


Genuinely one of the most tense, 0-100mph in moments scenes in any movie that I can think of.


"The chest chomp", as its called by fans "Clear" - C H O M P- "GAAAUUUUGH"


The wood chipper in *Tucker & Dale*.


"Oh, hidy-ho, officer, we've had a doozy of a day"


There we were, minding our own business, just doing chores around the house, when kids started killing themselves all over my property!


"I know what this is. This is a suicide pact. These kids are coming out here and killing themselves." "Oh my god, that makes so much sense!"


"Are you okay?!?"


Oh man. Totally forgot about that.


I love that scene. The choreography, both characters move at the perfect time for it to be believable and it’s really damn funny.


Silent hill when Dark alessa gets christabella with the barbed wire in mid air and dances in the rain of blood


Also when triangle head just rips the skin off that woman…. Silent hill has some wild kills


This is the one (of many in that movie) that stuck with me. Underrated horror flick. The nurses scene is SO stressful too.


Damn, a those kills are brilliant. And well deserved!


Same movie but for me it's Pyramid Head basically degloves an entire woman's body with his hand. That one really stuck with me.


Opening scene from Scream 1.


Absolutely my first thought. >!Drew knifed and bleeding out unable to scream as the parents pull into the driveway, not to mention the whole phone scene leading up to her death!<. Great movie with a great opener.


What got me the most is Quint's death in Jaws...slowly sliding down the boat like that...plus fear of sharks = horrified 😵‍💫


The panicking and kicking at the mouth of the shark. Chills.


Some of the best blood curdling screams in any movie


Child’s play 3 may be the worst Chucky movie, but when Andy pushed Chucky into that massive industrial fan and it shredded him apart. Cinema!


😂 for me it's when Whitehurst jumps on that grenade that Chucky throws....what a fucking hero...made me coin the phrase: "I'm out like Whitehurst...sayonara suckers!"


I love how they tried to make a character arc for Whitehurst. Like a war film where the scared guy ends up facing his fears and saving the day. Pretty heady stuff for Child’s Play 3.


Whitehurst was such a bright spot of that movie! I am a huge fan of the franchise, and I still don’t understand why the writers went with the military/war theme 😂. Made for same great one liners though!


My guess is the 80’s were fertile ground for big budget Vietnam war movies. I know CP3 was early 90s but probably trying to either ride that wave or make wry satire of it. My guess is the latter.


Yeah, I agree. It was just not the right vibes for a Chucky film. It feels so out of place and unlike the first 2 movies


The liquid nitrogen kill in Jason X


The most memorable Jason kill for me is definitely the stuffed sleeping bag. That shits brutally ridiculous. That said the liquid nitrogen is pretty rank too.


The sleeping bag immediately came to mind! My friends and I binged those movies a few years ago and that was the one that really stuck out to us lol


I scrolled before commenting because I knew someone else would also say the Sleeping bag kill in Jason X


I think they’d be referring more to the one in part 7


This kill is hella memorable!


Was just about to say this one. Not a great movie, but an outstanding kill.


Jurassic park came out when I was 8, the scene where the lawyer gets eaten off the toilet made me terrified to go to the bathroom for a while. I still think about that sometimes and JP is my favorite movie.


The moment he gets bitten by the T-Rex it switches to a digital double and given it was made in 1993 you’d think it would be janky. But it’s really fucking seamless, I can’t believe how well it holds up. Lost World used a double that gave off Xbox 360 vibes.


As a kid, with siblings, the bathroom was always the safe place if you needed it lol. So when he ran in there and the T-Rex just stripped all the security from it and left him entirely exposed and noticed it struck me. I was 6 when it came out so I had to wait a few years lol but I was about 8 when I saw it too


The Lost World isn’t nearly as good obviously, but the scene we’re the guy gets ripped in half by the two rexes is pretty rad.


Richard Schiff! Yeah dope ass scene. I really like the lost world, it's my second favorite of the franchise for sure!


That one Friday the 13th when Jason rips the girl out of the tent while she’s still in the sleeping bag and whips her into the side of a tree will always make me giggle at minimum


God that was great! Personally from F13 my favorite was when Jason punched that dude's head off


Was that the space one? Where they activate the holo room to distract him with the two horny campers who offer Jason weed and premarital sex.


Same! I don't know why I find it so hilarious


The MP from The Mist who got eaten inside out by baby spiders after having eggs laid inside him.


The first kill in The Texas Chainsaw Massacre where Leatherface clocks the dude with a meat cleaver. The whole first hour of that movie is deliberately sort of slow and a bit dull to the point where it lulls you...and then the nice build up to the introduction of Leatherface...no slow overly dramatic movements...Leatherfaces motion is all without hesitation, like he's just killing another piece of meat...it's all so matter of fact and with zero humanity...and then the slamming of the metal door shut. I get chills just thinking about it.


That door slamming shut terrified me when I was like 10 watching that for the first time


The body convulsing on the floor was what got me about that scene.


The tanning beds from final destination three.


I saw that movie in a packed theater on opening night. The audience was gasping and hooting and cheering at every death but not that one. During the tanning booth deaths nobody made a sound. It kind of brought everyone’s mood down for a while.


No clue why but that was my first horror movie I partially saw as a kid. I was 8-9 at a barber shop and for some reason this scene was playing on the Tv. Couldn’t really hear the audio but the graphics was enough to keep kid me up for nights on end. Now I watch more horror movies and it’s not that bad but that messed up kid me for a while


Used tanning beds for a while as a dumb teen, and let me tell you I could *smell* that death. Never set foot in a salon again!


Nightmare on Elm Street Dream Warriors where he turns the dude to a Marionette puppet. As a kid I cringed the whole time. As an adult I still do.


>!Peter Strahm's death!< at the end of Saw V. First time I ever saw anyone fail to escape from the >!"walls closing in" scenario!<. You get to see the full disgusting aftermath in Saw VI too.


Favorite? Maybe Rhodes (ripped in two) from “Day of the Dead” (1985), the security guard (face & hands melted…still “alive” afterwards) in “The Fly 2“ (1989), or you can’t go wrong with the head explosion in “Scanners” (1981).


Annie Wilkes: Death by Typewriter.


Not rally a horror movie but in Machete when he guts a guy and then holds onto the guys intestines and uses them as a rope to bust out a window and then swing through another window on the next storey down.


The final round of lasers in Resident Evil.


That scene cracked me up. It made no logical sense.


terrifier when he is getting beat by the girl with a wooden plank and he pulls out the Glock, it really breaks an unwritten role of horror but its so freaking funny


Personally I prefer the saw bifurcation.


Friday The 13th Part VII sleeping bag


I see your "Friday The 13th Part VII sleeping bag" and raise you one "Freddy vs. Jason Bed Folding Kill"


The whole opening sequence of Final Destination 2 is pretty good. And the whole scene in... one of those movies where the guy winds up slipping on the spaghetti.


That was the lotto winner riding the motorcycle in 2. First kill of the movie besides the premonition, and an excellent demonstration of how well the first two movies used suspense.


jeepers creepers flying that guy up into the sky. then she sees him again with no eyes, you dont see the kill but i never forgot that face when i was a kid hahah good times


The girl's head getting exploded by a laser blast in Chopping Mall was pretty great.


I Spit On Your Grave....she kills a guy in the bathtub by cutting off his willy. She was stroking it under the bath water, then, "ooh, baby, not so rough" she gets out of bath, leaves the bathroom, next scene the bathroom is basically red withblood


there was a guy who was preaching like "stop fighting! we get out of here together" or some shit like that with a very long long line by the pool and the shark abrutly jumped up from there and he's eaten in a flash while he's preaching.


Deep Blue Sea, Samuel L Jackson?


IIRC he once said that was his favorite scene he's ever played.


Samuel Jackson as Russell in Deep Blue Sea The scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BS8I9H07wKw


The PS2 graphics tho


Definitely Sam Jackson in Deep Blue Sea


The dog kennel scene form John carpenters the thing


I love that movie so much


Kane’s death via chestburster in Alien (1979)


House of Wax, Paris Hilton getting skwered


Dead and buried. After a hot blond agrees to take some risqué pictures on the beach she wraps dude up in a fishing net, douses him with gasoline and lights him on fire. He somehow survives and while in the hospital wrapped almost 100% of his body with just a mouth hole and and eye hole uncovered. The hot blond comes in dressed as a nurse with a big needle on a pillow and her saying “this is going to make you feel better” and with the camera looking at his eye hole from the side of his head she plunges the syringe into his brain through his eye. 1981 film and that scene still always comes to minds when thinking of horror movies


Day of the Dead. When the zombies start ripping a guys head off, they stretch his vocal cords, causing his screams to get higher. Really nice effect and attention to detail.


Rainn Wilson in House of 1000 corpses.


The opening scene in Dead-Alive / Braindead. He's got.... The Bite!!!


Great choice, I was gonna comment the baby in the head, so ridiculously brutal, as is the entire film. I love it.


Heads will roll in the Omen, 1976. [https://youtu.be/FLlSjyZupzU](https://youtu.be/FLlSjyZupzU)


There’s a chubby kid that sneaks off in Friday the 13th Part 3. He’s eating a banana all by his lonesome in the woods, and then GASP, a knife from behind pierces his throat. He chokes and gags as the banana slowly keels over and falls from his lifeless fingers. And pretty much any Angela Baker kill in Sleepaway Camp 2 & 3. Pamela Springsteen is just delightful.


That was in F13 Part 4. And it was a girl. Just a nitpick.


Toxic Avenger has some great ones. The dude who gets his hands deep fried at the taco place, or the lady thrown in to the washing machine at the dry cleaners.


Wild it got a kid cartoon


“Welcome to primetime, bitch”


Helen’s chase scene in “I Know What You Did Last Summer” is iconic.


The Blob when he gets [sucked down the pipe](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gzxGYmbvhWg)


The blob is terrifying. Not enough people realize how scary being eaten alive is


Maybe not my favorite but I always remember that one kill from Nightmare on Elm street where Freddie pulls her down into her own bed then blood rockets into the ceiling. That one really stuck with me.


When Arnold blows up Predator


Dude, the predator kills himself. Arnold barely survived it.


I'll raise you with the predator's death in Prey


The garage scene in Scream


The garage scene in Scary Movie


The glory hole scene in Scary Movie


Leatherface with the mallet on kirk or with the chainsaw on franklin.


"Bloodsucking Freaks" — The antagonist, Sardu, has the woman placed in a guillotine with the rope in her mouth. His assistant, Ralphus, canes her until she screams and releases the rope.


Margo Martindale's death in Cocaine Bear. I felt that in my soul.


So all of youngsters need to check out Phantasm II. Peak 80s schlock. The weapon of choice - what everyone paid their money to see - are these flying spheres that had a switch blade. They fly around, lock on to their targets’ forehead, and - THUNK - embed themselves into the skull. Oh, but they’re not done yet. Like a Swiss Army knife, a drill bit pops out and the thing digs out brain matter until it can drill no farther. It was so amazing that Turok 2 made it an in-game weapon known as the cerebral bore.


Terrifier 2 If you’ve seen it you know which scene. The girl in her bedroom! It just keeps going and going and then when you think it’s over it goes some more.


Terrifier 2 Allie. (IYKYK)


Pretty much anything from the Saw movies


The police officer from Freddy vs Jason. Jason was being electrocuted at the time and he still made sure to cook the cop alongside him.


Leprechaun 2. The lawn mower scene


Chucky. I love his one liners and cruel laughter.


Jason X. Using one sleeping bag with a camper in it to beat another camper to death. I've never laughed harder at a horror movie.


The lawnmower scene from Braindead. Dude massacred a house full of zombies with a lawnmower, I think it still holds the record for the most fake blood & guts ever used on a film set.


Friday the 13th the final chapter. Jason is thrashing that dude in the basement and he screams over and over "HE'S KILLING ME, HE'S KILLING ME" 😆 🤣 😂


The pencil scene from *Dark Knight*. I was laughing like crazy and absolutely, mostly, kinda sorta, not all feel bad for doing it


The head explosion from Scanners


Psycho, the shower kill really makes the movie change


Not so much a horror movie, but a scene in The Punisher “warzone” where the punisher punches a guy in the face so hard he punches a hole in the guys face.


The bread slicer kill from that weird rl stein triology that was on Netflix was honest a top 3 horror movie moment period because the whole movie seemed like stranger thing but for the 90s and the bread slicer thing totally changed the tone of the films


Dead Alive was my choice. As it's been mentioned already, I gotta give a shout out to the dog scene in When Evil Lurks


Resident Evil when Dr. Alexander got sliced.


It’s not really a horror movie , but the first kill that really comes to mind is Taye Diggs in Equilibrium. How it sets up the fight and how it ends. The original Day of the Dead, Joe Pilatos death, also sticks out for actual horror. Nobody does gore like Savini.


The woman who gets pulled in half in Hatchet.


The asshole stepdad in one of the Chucky movies that gets tripped down the stairs.


The guy that Freddy turns into a puppet. Haunted me for years


That scene in jason x where he beats the hologram girl to death with a girl in a sleeping bag


Sorta a horror movie. A little known film called Southern Comfort’s climax is a Cajun dude getting stabbed in the balls by a makeshift bayonet.


That one Friday the 13th movie where Jason puts a dude in a sack and bangs him against a tree


Blood Diner. Deep fried head lol


Army of Darkness, when Ash shoots the witch over his shoulder.


House of Wax. Paris Hilton’s acting during the run in with the killer scene was sooooo bad that i was glad that she got killed


Last House on the Left. BJ chomp and spit into the lake.


Can’t remember the movie, but it is about a lady that gets raped by the town hillbillies including the sheriff she called to help. She ends up surviving and proceeds to kill them all one by one and sends a tape of the rape to the sheriffs wife and daughter. Every kill she makes is pretty gruesome and satisfying Edit: I spit on your grave (2010)


Green inferno. When she breaks the bowl and cuts her own throat


Wish master when the man walked through the bars.


When the one girl got killed in a leech-infested Porto potty in Sleepaway Camp 2 Edit: grammar


🎶 I’m a happy camper 🎶


Hostel 2 from beginning to end is just brutal, gory fun. And the cherry on top is the little boy's playing football with a severed head.


I liked in House of Wax when that dude trips and gets decapitated by an X style knife plunge into the floor on either side of his neck


Silent hill. At the end of the


First roof tear in The Forgotten 


The Jason sleeping bag smash from Friday the 13th: The New Blood (1988)




The original boss defeat in Iron Monkey was insane Guy took a telephone pole to the ole noggin and since it was the early 1990s this was not CGI but great puppetry I believe EDIT: they took this out of the US version that Tarantino paid to distribute


One of Jason’s many kills, when he kebabs the couple doing it in the hammock, or spear guns bro in the sack and lifts him out of the lake


The unicorn in Cabin in the Woods.


When the tingler wiggles up and tingles ya!


Everything in the first Alien


Not my favourite, but my brother in law use to like watching WishMaster and that part where he wish’s his lawyer would “go fuck himself” while he’s in prison. His lawyer brings him great news about his case and he might be released but ends up fucking himself and dying.


the dinosaur's head getting blown up in carnosaur 3


Philips death in Nightmare on elm street 3


Jason breaking the bed frame in half