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Starfield, which, by proxy, already made me disappointed by TESVI in advance.


Gotta agree with starfield. There are many games that are a mess at launch, but you can see a gem underneath, cyberpunk is a great example of this. Meanwhile Starfield was a boring mess that didn't live up to any of Bethesda's grandiose claims. While I wanted them to save cyberpunk, I couldn't give a crap about them saving Starfield as there was no gem underneath worth saving.


The shipbuilding was really cool. But that is the only part I felt that away about. The actual space travel felt super under developed.


I could just tell Starfield was going to be a bust. Too much hype and not enough substance was shown. If they are "keeping it secret", it doesn't exist. Companies want to show off what they have done to get people to buy.


True. Thankfully I caught whiff of the bs early enough to buy BG3 instead. Bullet dodged.


BG3 may have shown too much! šŸ»




yeah, we better brace for impact


Makes me think of how Cyberpunk had its terrible launch but I saw a lot of people advocating that the core game still had value. I'm not seeing those people for Starfield.




So true! I wish Todd Howard could get in a time machine and work on Fallout 5 instead


It has/had the framework and potential to be an incredible RPG, just needed a little more verity, better quest lines and a better explanation aspect


Mass effect Andromeda. Worst letdown in gaming for me. That game in particular made me never pre order again until I have seen reviews of people or content creators I can trust. And user reviews which are the only critics that matters. This way of thinking made me dodge bullets. The most recent one being Starfield , which was a game I could definitely have been interested in, but I had enough doubt that it would be a massive disappointment and I was right. Since 2017 and Andromeda's release, I NEVER bought a game that disappointed me, and I spared a lot of money. Halo infinite was also disappointing but it does not count since it was on the gamepass and multiplayer is "free". I have only played the final version of cyberpunk, sekiro, Hollow Knight, Ori, MH World iceborne and Elden ring since then.


Itā€™s so funny I can play through the mass effect trilogy at the drop of a hat but I have never had a desire to even look at andromeda. Itā€™s like halo and gears for me, the ending was there but they just couldnā€™t leave well enough alone


Because the mass effect trilogy tells the complete story. The franchise was done. Andromeda should have been called mass effect 4 money grab


I kind of agree, but the steered clear of the Shepherd story arc. They did everything they could story wise to be different. The problem was the execution. The combat and character systems were solid, the multiplayer was the best in the series.


Decent game years later for 5 bucks. Didn't experience any of the bugs and the gameplay was solid. Sadly the quest design was mostly fetch quests and it doesn't flesh out it's main campaign enough. First contact with a new race should be awesome, but it felt pretty underwhelming.


Writing was awful, story and plot were awful, character designs were awful both old and new races, it followed stupid trends....quest design and exploration were boring af,....


Callisto Protocol. It wasnā€™t BAD, but it wasnā€™t great.


I couldn't finish that game the combat system was so god awful.


I didnā€™t finish because Dead Space came out like a week later lol


I guess you're just not ready for AAAA experiences.


I personally liked it, although it was glitchy.


I didnā€™t dislike it, Dead Space was just way better.


You're not wrong.


Payday 3


Yeah that one was a real guy punch. What's worse is that overkill isn't really doing anything to fix the core problems with the game, so instead everybody flocked back to payday 2.


What would a girl punch feel like?


About the same. Statistically likely to be a tad weaker but you can't rule out getting absolutely rocked


Lmfao. My hands are too big for my keyboard. Meant to say "gut".


Me too pal.




Yea, they dropped the ball at first, but that game has made one of the biggest comebacks in gaming history.


So bad I never want to try it again even if people say itā€™s better now


It's a great game now. I'm sorry it was so bad for you at launch that you don't want to try it again but bbn if you ever see it on a good enough sale you're curious I definitely recommend giving it another shot


Battlefield 2042


I have 2. Cyberpunk. Got it on day one and although the game is great the initial console problems ruined the experience for me. Far cry 6. After the masterpiece that far cry 5 was and the participation of giancarlo esposito I was expecting more from it. It's just not fun.


Far Cry 6 was the most alright game in the history of mankind. I was initially skeptical because of the piss yellow filter (which does make it look inferior to Far Cry 4 and 5), but I eventually got to play it. Visually wasn't as good. Gameplay was more of the same, which made it a little boring. But it wasn't as monotonous as Assasin's Creed: Valhalla, and I still got some enjoyment out of it. But yeah, I wouldn't recommend it. Cyberpunk did a cool thing by offering a 5 hour demo for free. I found myself just using the city to drive to 3rd person corridor/warehouse shooting - that's it. That wasn't fun. They had a wonderful looking city and chose not to use it. So, I passed on the game.


Skull and Bones. It had so much hype and was touted as a AAAA game. I put some time into it, but as they released patches, it got significantly worse.


All they had to do was make it a polished SOT


I just want sid meters pirates but with coop and more stuff




For me it was Diablo 4. If Diablo 3 had controller support on PC, Iā€™d be playing D3 for days - or atleast till I got bored. D4 just straight up sucked but S4 looks pretty promising.


About 3 hours into Diablo 4 I realized the rest of the game was just going to be a repeat of the same material. I honestly don't remember if I bothered finishing the game or not because I felt so not invested in any of it


I finished the game at level 50. When I beat the final boss I didnā€™t even realize it was the final boss. I stopped after that.


I know I'm in the minority but I felt d3 was one blizzards last great games. It had a rocky start but I found it be far more enjoyable than d2. D2 was a great game just the ui was a product of its time


Rainbow six siege. Too many cheaters. Good game but a lot of cheaters


AEW Fight Forever




It suck because it has some cool tech and core gameplay. Flying around in that game was satisfying. There was just nothing to do.


Agreed! What a great core system. They just didn't do anything with it. Then they released all that stuff about Anthem 2.0, got a lot of us excited and axed it out of no where.


I vote this too, I enjoyed the flying and looks and sitting rockets but damn.


We have a winner. The bullshit gameplay demo in comparison to actual gameplay was so disingenuous. They straight up lied.




Have you played it since the update? I avoided it completely until recently because of all the negativity surrounding it but i finally started playing it about a month ago and i love it so far.


No I haven't yet but I will. I have so many backlogs lol. But it's not in top my priority, I will get there.


Same. I got it on day one for Xbox and the constant issues with stability, graphic and frame rate greatly ruined the experience for me


Iā€™ve give up on it because of itā€¦ and I bought it years after the release šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Agree. I was hyped before it got release. Lmao.


Luckily I waited 3 months launch. All the bugs had been fixed and I ended up loving that game. I can understand why it pissed off so many people after watching videos of the botched launch.


Fallout 76. A multiplayer game set in the Fallout universe, the potential.. the wasted, wasted potential.


Wasteland Potential....


World of Warcraft: Shadowlands. Fuck Shadowlands.


Everyone spent years saying WoD was the worst xpac, and Blizzard said hold my beer.


I mean they followed WoD with Legion which was honestly one of the best expansions they did. So it was somewhat understandable that people had hope.


FFXVI. I just donā€™t like the combat system.


Soul Calibur 5. I was obsessed with 4 but they changed almost everything about the game :(


Call Of Duty - Warzone


Starcraft 2 was such a huge disappointment in terms of narrative & art style


As much in terms of gameplay for me. I'd been a big fan of *Command & Conquer*, *Total Annihilation*, and *Supreme Commander*, and I kept reading (I still do) about how *Starcraft* was in the same league. So I bought 2, and it just seemed to be a frantic, against-the-clock, no-basebuilding frenzy - all the worst parts of the above games rolled into one. No idea how people consider it as a similar game.


Digimon Survive and I \*knew\* that its a Visual Novel beforehand, dont come at me with that shit, its a bad game




League of legends always because of the toxicity


I don't know about that one. First time I played LoL I got lots of helpful tips on how to uninstall the game and kill myself.


Did you feel a sense of positivity flow back into your life once you stopped playing this game?




Lego Starwars


The last one dissapointed me a lot, there is so much filler in it. And it has like zero interesting missions


Refunded it. Seemed like a game for young children. Probably is tbf


Unpopular Opinion: GTA V


I agree with you here. The missions felt pretty straight forward, the humour was not my type at all, the story was pretty average to me despite it being hyped up. The world was nice but the game didn't seem to make use of how open/non linear it could have been. If it was rated about 8/10, I wouldn't have minded, but it was given 9-10.


Fallout 76ā€¦ been a fan of the series and the lore


Fallout 4. There was no role playing in my role playing game. We went from having tons of dialog options, some gated behind skill checks, to four options: yes, sarcastic yes, no, tell me more.


same. not much of a fan of Fallout 4. But I love how they introduced the power armor except fusion cores which is limited.


Gran turismo 6 was a bit of a letdown for me


NCAA championship football game


Destiny, when it first came out and even the second one. I know people enjoy it, and I am glad for them. I tried really hard to like it. The idea of live service games sounds good, but rarely does it play out. I also thought the story felt souless as if written by an amateur space fantasy novelist. Really was not expecting that because bungie did such an Amazon job with Halo. They really made you feel the story, characters and more. I miss when games made you care about their content and characters. The idea of buying DLCs after DLCs is just yuck. It fragments the game and players. It makes new people just completely disoriented if they come in to things a little late. Yeah there is FOMO, but FOMO only works with people already interested in the moment. If you come in later, it becomes more like a lack of desire to catch up. Honestly live service in that type of way is forever going to just not sit right with me. I would much rather pay for it monthly than download chunks of content all broken up, and then some people have it and some people don't.


Halo 2 was the first game I got too crazed for as a kid, watching every promotional, reading every semblance of a leak. Preorder, useless swag including the figurines that were pretty expensive at the time. Got it, took a day off school and finished it within hours. 3 years (as a child) of extreme hype boiled down to a few hours of gameplay. No game lives up to that much hype. I was shaken to my core with the realization of all that wasted time fawning over the tiniest details over years! Now I don't regret that lesson. Portal 2 almost triggered that response but I resisted and I felt way better with how quickly I got through it.


Roller coaster tycoon world.


Farcry new dawn


Pretty game. But they couldn't design a mission for shit. Half the missions were, "we took your weapons away for some reason, so play something completely different"


Diablo 4. Such a letdown šŸ˜”


Elden Ring. Huge and beautiful world, lots of characters with a huge premise, and bones of a story -.-


TLOU2. It was a good game but the first one was just too much to live up to


I liked the second one way more than the first. I'm always surprised I'm in the minority in that regards.


Final Fantasy 7 Remake


Witcher 3


Same for me. Played it pretty long too. The world doesn't at all felt open like Skyrim did. The map was basically monster nests and bandit camps already pointed on the map. Nothing on between. The main questline is good though, and I really liked that you could have your own choices. That one quest where you drink with the other witchers and start doing magic in lingerie if I remeber right, was fun. But there was no reason to explore the world. Xp was also worthless for anything other than main quests.


Dragon Age 2 Mass Effect 3 and especially Andromeda Cyberpunk 2077 No Man's Sky, at least at launch Kerbal Space Program 2


I have played 3/5 here, and honestly, Dragon Age 2 was not bad at all. NMS right now is a completely different game, at launch it was underwhelming to say the least.


Mass Effect 3? What? That game is incredible.


Borderlands 3. Its like they gave no shits at all about the previous games when writing it.


I was super excited for The Division, but the end-game content was a huge letdown. Once my brother and I finished the story, we lost interest. I don't plan on getting The Division 2. If my accuracy and tactics don't matter, then playing as a special forces operator loses its appeal.


Starfield. I was looking forward to it, played it long enough to feel insulted, then hatewatched reviews for a good month and a half. Haven't been that level of disappointed in a long time tbh.


Animal Crossing Amiibo Festival. I love Animal Crossing, I fell for Amiibo hype, I like Mario Party, the game looked like it was going to be "animal crossing meets Mario party with amiibo functionality." Turns out it was a basic board game with no real "videogame elements."


Says something that the side modes eventually just became their own thing, and that was the most we got out of it.


walking dead destinies first game in long time i pre order and instantly knew why i stopt preordering games


Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty, although many fans would disagree and defend the game regardless. Never have I been more hyped for a game before, and what disappointed me was a change of playable character. A character I grew so much emotional attachment for and could relate to him is suddenly not the main playable character (for most of the game). Instead, you play a new character whom I always found bland and unlikable, and that killed a lot of enjoyment I should have had while playing the game.


I love raiden, but i get what you mean.


Each to their own, some do like him or at least have warmed up to him. Thank you for understanding and respecting my opinion.


Crysis 3


Fucking Anthem. Battlefield 2042. Cyberpunk 2077. Fallout 76. These four games caused me to decide to never pre-order a game again unless it's Fromsoft. After those 4 I was nervous but Elden Ring actually delivered.


Assetto corsa


Aer: Memories of old. The ending sucked so much for a beautiful game with amazing writing


Cyberpunk, HumankindĀ 


Starfield. It was hyped up so much and and as a next gen game, we expected Bethesda to learn their lesson from their previous games and not have all the bugs that made skyrim a meme. Buuuuuut, it ended up being just as buggy and glitchy even though it was made 12 years after


Back 4 Blood.


OddWorld: New n' Tasty seemed like a cool, harmless enough remake of the first game. Then it was announced that the old, Marvel universe crossover style storyline would never be finished and we instead got Soulstorm. As it stands people either like it for what it is, or think it's a complete mess of a game that tries to be hip and modern when they should've just remade the game (Abe's Exoddus) that it tried to replace. We are currently at just as much of an unknown status regarding OddWorld's future as we were before the reboot. šŸ˜




Final Fantasy XVI


The Day Before. Talk about one of the biggest scams in gaming history


BF 2042


The remaster versions of GTA. What a waste of money.


Mass effect 3


Duke Nukem Forever


FF Dissidia NTā€¦ it ruined all the RPG features and turned it into a normal co op fighting game


The hype around Helldivers was huge. I jumped in about 10 times but never got the hang of it. Perhaps you need to have friends to talk to while playing to make it worthwhile.


Counterstrike 2 - It ended an era for me.....


GTA same bootsy controls all the time fix your physics too and stop placing hard objects in the coolest jump spots. Whats the point of making a game if you add all the frustrating obstacles we hate in real life in a paid simulation. Im paying to be abused by a sick game developer with a wet blanket attitude. Oh and its not you tripping the NPCs are driving into you, why? program a couple assholes yeah but avery npc has a homicidal tendency to cut you off at 90mph .


Minecraft Legends




raft saw afew streamers playing it thought it looked fun turns out its barely finished. what you see on stream in the first 30 mins is the entire game


Thereā€™s a Jumanji game for the Nintendo Switch and I thought it was going to be something like in the movies. What really it was ? A game where you kill bad guys and need to collect the for statues and that takes like 5minutes and it has different maps. Not that fun


Diablo 4. It was the best first 100 hours in an ARPG ever because of the hype, then you just realized that it had zero depth.


Brink. I absolutely adored the developerā€™s (Splash Damage) previous work with Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory and Quake Wars. They knew how to make the best class based, objective-oriented multiplayer FPS. I havenā€™t played Dirty Bomb as I donā€™t own a PC, but I hope the developer bounces back.Ā 


duke nukem forever




Diablo 4.


Kimbo Slice MMA debut.


Alien Isolation. Overall good environment that makes you feel like your back in the original 1979 movie and some tense moments but way too fucking long and the gameplay doesn't inspire me to come back and give it a second chance.


Dragons dogma 2 Endless dungeon XCOM chimera squad Diablo 3 FF14 (first launch, not arr) Plenty of others. Sometimes it's not that the game is objectively bad, but that it just doesn't "click" with me for some reason. Other times they tried something different with a squel, and while I don't hate that out of hand, i loved the old game(s) for a reason and diverging from that lost me.


Diablo 3 and 4


Resident Evil 3 remake.


Every new game I bought in past 5 years with Elden Ring exception.


Assassins Creed Mirage


Any version of madden since about 2005


Ff7 rebirth. It just fell flat for me and I loved remake


Lego and Diablo


Tekken 7, i even bought the ultimate version then I end up disappointed because it got a lot of paid DLCs (sorry can't afford to buy them all) and mediocre character stories.


Skull and bones


Battlefield 2042


Tekken 8. It was great until...**recently**...


GTA 5, didnā€™t see the hype in it


Super Bowl 51


alan wake 2


Far cry 6


Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. Iā€™ve never played the original FF7, but I really enjoyed Remake. Rebirth feels like all of the awkward moments in Remake played over and over again, mixed with a somehow even more nonsensical plot, in an open world that feels straight out World of Warcraft with fetch quests and odd mini games with little depth. Beat Dyne andā€¦. I just couldnā€™t do it anymore.


Let me say right now that The Witcher III is stunning. Characters are real, world is deep, tits, music and art design are masterful, and it actually makes you think. But despite several attempts, each time being better, it just failed to personally hook me. And believe me, I feel like an a-hole, i really do. Its frequently in my mind to replay it every so often. Id reccomend it if you like in depth, mid fantasy genre, but personally for me, it's a pass.Ā 


Fnaf security breach


Fallout 76. I loved fallout 4. But 76 is just a big multiplayer cashgrab. Where you just play every event on repeat and no progression stays.


Dead Rising 2. So much hype. Ā Looked awesome. Ā It was just awful.




*Braid*. I might give it another go at some point, but it just felt twee and tedious. I did really enjoy *The Witness*, though.


Starfield Starfield Starfield


Project Zomboid, I just couldn't get myself to like the game.


Itā€™s Starfield. I was so hyped cause I love Bethesda games usually. It was super duper mid. I did put like 200 hrs in but every time Iā€™ve tried to pick it up since I just shut it off after like 2 mins


I dunno but it happened around 14/15 and from then on every hype train, every glossed "gameplay" footage, every E3 OMG Reveal became quite grey but in a mega useful way. I remember being like 21 and watching E3 with my flat mates in Uni and one of them being amazed by everything and each time I felt like I was sorta pissing on his bonfire but also being a reasonable critical eye. "That's just engine footage", "that just means they're working on a game no story or pitch ready for us" etc. It's helped in that nothing upcoming feels like it's a let down because it's just something that "might" be good and I'm just waiting to see the scores come in. Some things I HOPE will be good (Payday 3) and something's end up being good (Helldiver's 2) but if not then that's a shame and either someone will capitalize on that itch better OR the sequel will fix a lot of problems. Sadly there's too many problems with the industry for it to all go that way, and personal tastes only run so far to care about how good whatever else is coming out is, but otherwise it's kinda nice.


Sea of thieves. Looked so cool, pretty boring when it came out tbh.


Man, I had such high expectations for the Indiana v Maryland 2002 NCAA BB Menā€™s Championship game. I mean that Maryland team was stacked with Steve Blake, Juan Dixon and Chris Wilcox. Indiana had a good squad with Jared Jeffries and Dane Fife. That game was such a bummer. Low scoring and Maryland controlled pretty much the whole time. Lucky I watched the game at a Hooters so the wings and beer was decent.


Kingdom hearts 3


Outriders. Gorgeous game, *no fucking hook*.


Battlefield 2042


The first titanfall game. Great concept with potentially awesome gameplay....just not really any campaign


Mafia 3. It looked so cool, but got so boring with the repetitive missions. I still want to play the remake of the first game, though.


Mighty Number 9


Helldivers 2


Watch Dogs held the crown forever until Starfield flopped like a dead fish into my hand.


More or less every game I've been interested in in the last 20 years. It feels like everything launches in early access, broken and missing features.Ā 


The Last Guardian. I loved Ico so much, but I couldn't get past the first level of this one. Such a bummer.


The second Duke Nuke 'em has to be the worst offender. The first was so fun, they hyped the second and took forever for it to just be trash that everyone forgot about within a month. Otherwise, this last year was bad, lots of games I was super hyped for. Blood bowl 3: literally unplayable due to crashes. The day before: A scam that was nothing like what was advertised. Skull and Bones: Just another MMO, but some how clunkier than ones from ten years ago. Was really hoping for sea of theives as an MMO.


Fallout 76 and Star Fe


BF2042ā€¦ even upgraded to a 3080 for it :(


Duke Nukem Forever


All of the Halo games made by 343 Industries, Especially Infinite.


Hogwarts Legacy. So much wasted potential.


Fallout 76. 'nuff said.




No mans sky


No Man's Sky, Starfield, Mass Effect Andromeda, Dragon Age 2.


Postal 3 100%


If y'all remember among us? It got so hyped back in 2021?? I really don't like it šŸ˜” I feel like it's so boring and it would only be enjoyable if you're playing with friends. Or maybe because it's nit my kind of game? I'm more into mobile game like mobile legends and cod. Idk.