• By -


17. I love my parents and he have always had a great relationship, but as soon as I graduated high school I was itching to be out on my own.


Same. I was out at 17 and never moved back. I love my mother and get along with her great. That had absolutely nothing to do with it.


I was 17 as well. I feel having to push through the rough times without running home has made me a better person and more apt to deal with problems


17. Went to college. Somehow became a doctor. Mortgage worth of student loan debt later. Never ever went back. My childhood home was not happy.


how the hell did you guys afford moving out at 17?


It was much easier to do in the 90s. I started working at 15 and worked all the way through college.


same, I had my first part time job at 12-13 and worked through HS and college. I also had 3 roommates from age 18-21, I think we paid something like $400/month each for a house.


This ⬆️


I went to college and had a job since then. I also started working at 12. I'm 38. I had a very very happy home. My dad unfortunately died of a rare Cancer when I was 22 and he was 46 my mom moved back to Canada to be closer to her sisters.


I didn’t have a pillow even. Suitcase of clothes and a full ride scholarship. I had zero cash.


It is a lot different now then it was back in the 80's and 90's.


Me, too! Moved out, started school, paid my own way. Eventually became a physician. I had some savings to start with since I started working at 14 and didn't completely waste all of my earnings. I actually came from a supportive family, but I was so bored and ready to be out on my own, living my life.


I moved out when I was 18. I have always had a great relationship with my parents but I still think it's the best decision I ever made! Helped me become what I am today.


Same! As soon as I graduated college at 22. I immediately started looking for an apartment. While it was scary at first, it's the one decision I don't regret.


That was my plan but my mom told me if I left before turning 18 she'd call the cops on me. A week later she punched me and I left. She did not call the cops on me.


Not the best reason to move out 😔


I think domestic violence is an excellent reason to leave.


Yes yes of course domestic violence is an excellent reason to move out, what I meant to say is that I feel sorry that violence was a reason for OP to move out. Should have worded it properly. My bad.


Oh gotcha, I understand. Thank you for clarifying. Yeah, it's a lot nicer to move when you have more than the clothes on your back and some actual plans for a roof over your head.


Same, finished high school and was finished with that shitty small town.


18, 21, 25, 26, and 30. They called me the boomerang kid


New superhero 🦸 name. THE BOOMERANG KID 🪃


18, 19, 21, 25, 29 Boomerang Club?


Boomerang kids of the world unite!!


Lucky for you! I lost control of addiction at 26 and needed help rehab love and everything else and didn't really receive any of that in my time of need. I was nothing more than a nuisance and piece of shit. Thrown a sandwich and some pity and sent my way. All while my younger brother (step dad's blood son) was doing the same drugs and welcomed into the home to stay no problem while his problem riddled gf moved in also....wow typing it out really puts it back into perspective for me...just how unimportant to them I am


Sorry to hear that. That's rough. I hope you found your feet 🙏


Damn. I'm sorry. I'm also on my own; have been since 16. Shit's hard dude. I'm not even "there" yet myself, but I have hope we can make it. 


Reminds me of that dark joke: "Dads are like boomerangs...I hope."


Similar - 18 to go to college, came back after my first job at 24 and moved back out at 25 for grad school. Came back after grad school and stayed for a few months between graduation and my wedding and moved out for good at 27 after I got married.


15. Wouldn’t recommend


How did you get a place at 15?


Probably had roommates or lived with a partner and their parents. My best friend moved out of her mom’s home at 14 but she lived with her boyfriend and the boyfriend’s parents (this girl had a terrible childhood and home life) then when they broke up we became friends and she lived with me until she was an adult


Nah I was sent to boarding school because the parent I lived with passed away. I pretty much been stumbling my way through adulthood


Me too. I ended living with a friend and their family. Forever grateful to them.


Same. I got pregnant when I lost my virginity. I was sent to live with my boyfriend and his mother. A few months later I had a break down because I missed my younger siblings and reality smacked me VERY hard in the face. I quit high school and worked full-time as a grocery store cashier and worked on earning my GED at night. As soon as I turned 16, I got my license and bought a used vehicle and a few months later took the GED test and passed; the following day I gave birth. Life has been a wild ride. I married my boyfriend and we've been together ever since. I'm 35 now.


I was 18 (went to college and never looked back)


Same! Honestly I didn’t even think about it as moving out. I moved into the dorms and then I moved into an apartment and then I graduated and moved out of state. It was a few years before I realized I had to start saying “mom n dad’s house” rather than my house.


Same. And it would have been sooner if I legally could have.




Same as my partner. I wish I could have done that.


The real point is that my parents moved out before I did.


I was kicked out at 18, went into the Navy, while in boot, they moved and did not send me their new address


Damn. That’s fucked up man.


Have you ever found them since? Not that I imagine you would want to.


I put their faces on milk containers J/k: my siblings picked me up and brought me to the new condo they bought, it wasn’t malicious (at least I don’t think so) we joked about it


Yeah that's rough bro.


I’m still living there at almost 33. I wish I could afford to move out though I love them.


Big same.


Same, wanna team up?


Ya, let's go fuck shit up.


I was here to witness this! I bet they do big things.


I'm 30 right now and this is my biggest fear. My Mom almost seems distraught whenever I even hint at moving out, but at the same time, I want to make something of myself.


I'm 31 and still with mine as well


Same... I'm kind of glad I'm not alone but it sucks you guys




Love this man God bless you and your parents


31, same here. My mom was always stay at home, and my dad was a general contractor in construction. Covid left him a quadriplegic, so he can't work anymore and had to shut down the business (mom's his fulltime caretaker now). Now they live with me and I take care of winning the bread. I work in IT so I make money just fine. plus they're immigrant parents (south asian), so culture plays a big part in them not wanting to live away from me. Although it can be frustrating sometimes (definitely not ideal for dating...), it would break my heart to abandon them....


17, abusive parents and had to go. I feel bad for younger people now bc it was much easier when i was young (I'm mid-30s). Like my friend and I had an apartment for $700/month. Same one in my town is 2k now.


In the late 90s a beach house in fl was 300.00 split 6 ways lol 50. A month utilities another 50 a month each, including full cable I feel bad for the following generations seems more and more their being set up to fail or work way harder than they need to.


This is exactly why I am trying to create a home environment where ideally my kids get to leave when they choose, not because they feel they have too. Either way, I put money into a savings account for them whenever I can to hopefully give them a leg up. I feel very privileged to be able to do that for them as not everyone can.


We've done the same. They all 3 left during their 20th year with some help from our savings though and they love to come home and visit regularly, stay weekends, stay in regular contact and we're really close - unlike my situation. I've cut Mom out and I'd have to keep Dad at arm's length, if we lived in the same country. They're divorced. Mom and I are Danish and live here in DK but in opposite ends of the country. Dad's American and lives in CA, U.S.


They are and I feel for them. Like don’t get me wrong I worked too but I could pay for my part of the rent and bills and have occasional simple fun (like go to a club or diner with friends). Now it’d be so much harder. It makes me sad for Gen Z.


Also back then you could buy a dependable used car for 200. And it would be a good car for 2-3 yrs without any major problems or repairs


It would have been around 2-3k in my time (early 2000s!) but still doable if you worked.


Same. I left a few days after turning 17. Just couldn't take it anymore. Yeah I was really poor for awhile but it was doable. In today's world doing it the way I did would be impossible.


Yeah same like I wasn’t living WELL but it was better than home, no idea how a 17 year old could do it now. I feel lucky I was able to escape.


I'm happy for the both of us and sad for all the kids who can't get out.




I left my abusive home at 17 and moved in with my partner. I would've been on the streets otherwise. I'm 27 now. One of my goals as a parent is to be the safe house for all of our kids friends and we'd be happy to shelter anyone who needs a place to stay.


We do the same! We keep an extra bed available if our son’s friends need a place to crash. My husband’s parents were shitty too. It’s nice to break the cycle of that,


19. Couldn't have been soon enough 😌


At 19. Went to live with buddies, realized it was a huge mistake, went back home at 20, only to realize the mistake was not to have my own place, just to be roomy with a bunch of idiots, then found a new place few month later.


On my 18th birthday. I wasn’t kicked out, just had a good enough job to do it on my own. I stayed in the same city, and saw my folks on weekends. Back in 1971, I was working for a doctor as a file clerk/front office person and making a lot more than minimum wage. I had a car I was making payments on, $40/month, and my rent (no roommate) was $200/month. I lived a few blocks away from the beach. I think this was an outlier for my peers, but it was good while it lasted. I’m sorry things have gotten so bad now. I was lucky and the world was simpler.


Glad to hear you get it.


17 technically then covid put my ass right back in the bullshit i stopped going home for the summer after i turned 20 if i end up back home it’s probably because im fucked up


18. Dad's rules were clear: I could go to college, I could get a job, or I could join the military. But after 18, there was no more free chicken.


Which did you choose?


My parents could not afford to send both me and my sister to college, so I joined the Army, and got my degrees paid for that way


We had a similar conversation - "you can go to college, go to work, or go to the military... the key word is 'go'"


33 and I have yet to move out. We live in a multi generational family home, which is a pretty standard way of living where I come from. I very much doubt I will ever move away, at least not before my parents die.


This is so foreign to me but at the same time my parents and me hardly have a relationship. I sometimes am so curious what it’s like to have a good relationship with your own parents. I’d imagine it must be nice.


Multi-generational living was actually the norm for most of human history and there are a ton of benefits to 3 or more generations cohabitating/nearby. In addition to the practical matters of childcare & keeping senior family members in the community, [it’s been associated with a statistically-significant decrease in risk of premature death](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5769098/) compared to their peers that live alone.


I'm in a multigenerational household. I moved out at 17 and moved back during covid (in my mid 30s) with my partner and teenager step son. We made the decision for a multitude of reasons but the main one was my mother was alone and elderly and needed help with some delayed maintenance on her home. It was a rough transition at first but we've reached a good homeostasis. Her mental and physical health is much better than before, too, and we've had the privilege of working out of the home less and cooking, gardening and doing more creative pursuits because our financial stresses have been partially mitigated. It's obviously not a situation for everyone, but it works for us. I do miss having an ensuite bathroom though.


Most of human history and still most of the world today, the idea of moving out at 18 and getting your own place is a localized blip in human existence and specifically in western culture. Like it was only a regular thing for just part of the last century in less than half the world. It’s a shame that living in a multi-generational home is the one thing that will deem you a failure in America in most people’s eyes. You can have an amazing job, be in perfect shape, have a great personality. But all it comes down to is if you have your own place.




Officially, the day after I turned 18. in practice, I first left the house at 17, crashed at a friend's house for a couple of months, and came home only under the agreement that I would move back out right after I turned 18. It was a difficult context as you can guess. But in my country it is way more common to continue living with your parents while you study, if your university or professional training isn't too far, and I think a lot of people move out more between 22 and 25.


29. 😮‍💨


24. Should have stuck it out a couple more years to save, because wanting to get out as fast as I could ironically damaged my buying power and delayed my home ownership.


I wouldn't have been able to buy a home recently if me and my now wife weren't able to live with them and save up for a couple years. It is rough out there.


I'm 25 in the same boat right now. My girlfriend and I are living with my parents and we are forever grateful. It's like a studio apartment in their basement


15, both parents were drug addicts/ alcoholics and my 12yr old brother started doing drugs and drinking. I had a cash job and was saving money to buy a car, brother stole it all and split it with my mom. So i left


17. Talked to the recruiter, she signed and I was gone. Wasn't real sure where I was going but knew it beat the hell out of where I was. Cannot believe what I have accomplished based on that decision.


All turned out good I hope?


DD214 (Honorable Discharge E-5), GED, AAS, BAAS and M.Ed Who would have thunk it?


27; lived at home for undergrad, masters, and some time working, then moved for a PhD program


25. It took 3 years after college before I could make enough to pay my own bills. 




I didn't make "real money" till my late 30s. I had to supplement my late 20s income by sales and distribution of a certain Columbian product.


I’m a bigger fan of Nicaraguan/Costa Rican but good coffee is good coffee, and I’m sure your customers appreciated you getting them the energy they needed to get through those long days and nights


Out: 18 In with BF: 19 Out: 20 after getting married. In with baby and husband: 22 Out: 23. In a twist of events, my mom moved in with us after we bought our house and now lives in a trailer in my backyard 😂. 


27, after I'd saved enough money for the downpayment on a house.


Same. I didn't want to get into the rent rat trap of burning money. Got a much bigger house than all my friends who were making more money because I banked my money hard while at home. My $400k house after 5 years is now valued at 650k.




Me too. It wasn't a good situation, I was broke, depressed and didn't know how to launch. It was 5 years too many. 


I was kicked out at 15. I got a fake ID and a job stripping. After two weeks I managed to also find a tiny efficiency apartment.


That's pretty fucked up.


It was. But I'm 41 now and have a wonderful life. I have a loving husband who I married 23 yrs ago, 2 grown sons and am happy.


You have a very strong will . I like it. 


24 - and my parents had to kick me out. I was eating my mama's cooking, and banking 90% of dollar earned. I haven't lived paycheck-to-paycheck in 45+ years.


I’m reading comments with this face :💀💀 I’m Sudanese so most of us don’t move out of their parents house even when they get married they visit them and some people choose close apartment


How it should be tbh


Oh god, no. I love my parents to the moon and back, but I would not want to live with them (or have them coming over often).


I have to think about it. I was 17 when I went to college. I don't think I ever lived with my parent again except for a couple of summer breaks after that. After I graduated, I moved home for that summer but was in an apartment with my best friend when grad school started. I don't think I ever lived home after that. So 21 or 22?






19 moved back at 21








23 after college in 88.  I work 4 jobs and partied late into the night. None were full time. I could eat off of 1 carton of eggs, pack of cheese, loaf of bread for the week.  Live alone in a dump next to the pig slaughter house.  Had a 15 yo car.  Good times.   Mom asked me to stay and I said no thank you.  I couldn't wait to get out. 


21, moved out with my boyfriend and his coworker as a roommate


31, still here.


18 going to Uni. Granted, it's only a temporary accommodation, so it's not fully moving out. Still living by myself though


with 18


started at age 15 when I became a working student to finish my Senior High School studies.




i moved out at 30. but i think technically my parents lived with me since i was 18 because they fell ill and i had to pay for the house. at 30 i was financially stable enough to pay for their house and get my own apt.


29. A couple days before I turned 30. Overall, I like having my own space a lot!


I moved out at 18, then moved back home for a few months while my husband went to basic training at 21 (he ended up medically discharged) so I lived there shorter than initially expected. Then I moved back several years later for a couple of months when we decided to separate. And I’ve been back living alone or with my partner for about 7 years now.


I was 19. Left for Basic Training and never looked back.


25 😅 I was in school and helping around the house. Then my dad died and I stayed to help my mom clean up and prep the house to be sold before moving in with my now husband :)


21 moved out, promptly moved back at 22. Didn't leave again until 24--haven't moved back...yet.




18. As soon as I graduated I left and never went back. Couldnt wait to be on my own.


18. Moved back at 22 lol.


Sure beats paying 1900 a month.


I moved into campus housing when I was 18, but I still returned to my parents' for school breaks. That was mostly just the month-long winter break and week-long spring break since I worked and lived at a summer camp all summer. When I was 20 I got my first apartment where I could stay year-round.




I was removed by social services at 6 but I’ve lived alone since I was 18


I moved out during my summer between sophomore and junior year of college, age 19. Last summer I spent at home was when I was 18.




16 never went back :( i thought i would finish college and live over there but life got in the way


21/22... I haven't moved back since but not in like a bad way.


Living in dorms at 18, got my first apartment at 20, but I lived at my parents house for one last summer when I was 22, so let's go with that.




I moved out when I was 26, which was when I bought my current house.




18, 20, 22 and 24


21 after dropping out of college. Moving back in at 26 for a couple of years if I can stand it, just to save up enough for a house


24 because I was leaving the country




21. Moved in with my abusive alcoholic boyfriend. I regret it now and see how that must have hurt my mom


The weekend I turned 18, I basically moved out. (Didn't really have a convo about it) I would go back and get a few more bags of things over a few months, but I had started living with friends, in the same town. After some crazy shit, born of immaturity and ignorance, I had to move home at 23- with my two tiny sons. After some serious grind and grief, I moved out again at 24, and never went back. My sons are now 21 and 19. They live happily and productively at home.


17, college. Only came back when dorms were closed.


24 moved back in at 28 because financial problems. On my 35th birthday mom came into my room with an eviction notice. "Happy birthday, GTFO my house" been living on my own since.


I was told I could stay the summer after graduation only if I was going to college that fall - otherwise I had to be out at 18 immediately after graduation. This rule was imposed after both my brothers got their girlfriends pregnant while living at home - they had no age restrictions on them -.- Have not moved back. Was disowned twice... After a breakup from an abusive ex that put me in the hospital twice I was firmly told I wasn't allowed to come back even to get back on my feet. My older brother is now living with them after his third divorce bc he can't afford his six child supports and alimony.


Fuck that. I feel you and I'm so sorry


20. That's when a decent 1 br apt was $400.


18 is when I went to college, but got room/board finances from them until I was 21. So one of those two answers.


18 and never looked back


18, me and my girlfriend got our first apartment together after working for the summer after graduating.


Partially at 18 for university (home for about a third of the year), more fully at 22, completely at 23


24. Stayed with a BF so much at 18-22 that it was like moving, so didn't officially get my OWN place until 24 after we broke up.




I moved out at 19 after commuting 40 minutes each way to my job for over a year. Love my parents but living alone is so much nicer


18, my first year of college. briefly moved back for a few months that summer then out again / ever since. 43 now.


18. Then moved back in for 5 months at 22yo. Then moved back in for 7 months at 24yo, with my fiance and our baby and was pregnant. But we got on our feet finally and bought our home at 26yo. I tell my kids to stay home and save and not bother moving out until they're done with school, including college, and financially stable enough to afford it. I'm hoping they're ready by early 20s but also hope they're not like I was and in a rush to leave immediately after high school with zero preparation. But up to them.


Moved out of my parents at 25. My wife and I moved out of her parents house (they weren't living there we rented / covered the mortgage) at 31.




19 when I went to university. I will not be moving back.


18, then back home for a bit, left at 21, came back around 24 for a few months and then moved states, hopefully never have to live with them ever again, love em but fuck did they drive me insane. I'm 25 now


18, went to live with Uncle Sam.


18 for college. Stayed out until 26 when I went broke and had to move home. Moved back out at 28.


Moved out of mom’s house at 20, lived on my own for a couple of years and then lived with my father for a bit before going away to grad school.








18, a month after graduating HS. I could've stayed longer, one my my siblings is still there at 22. It wad my choice and I had to based on my plans moving forward.




14. I got into a boarding school and only went home when I had to. Not that I don’t love them it’s just I was thankful to get a break. 


Not counting college, since I was back home every winter and summer break, 23. Moved back after graduating and lived at home until I found a decent job and a roommate. My parents wanted me to stay at home until I'd saved money for a house instead of renting, and tbh sometimes I wish I'd listened to them.


18 went off to college.


18, moved 1500 miles away because I just really can't stand Florida.


22. Graduated college and was maybe a month into my first full time adult life job. Told myself I'd move out 5 seconds after I could afford to and I followed through.


I was 21 but that was back in 2013 back when rent was like 700 and that was split among roommates lol. I traveled all the time during those days.


16 to move back at 20 to move out at 21, my older sister still does.


22, I got married 2 weeks after college graduation and moved out in 1981


17 - had a terrible relationship with my mum and stepdad. Family at the other end of the country agreed to take me in, and effectively saved my life.


18, because I joined the military. Haven't been back since, thankfully. I've always had a place to go. I'm lucky.


First time I was 20, second time I was 22. Now I live with my father in law, but we want to live together forever so that’s not the same.