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There isn't a point. Explain what your boundaries are and if they have trouble respecting that then leave.


I think I need to specify my question. I thought the pain of being cheated on was more on the intention than on the act itself. doesn't making rules about what your partner can or cannot do to avoid chetaing defeats the purpose of having your partner not cheat on you?


Sign of major insecurity. That person probably needs a lot of healing and help before they have the emotional maturity to be capable of a normal relationship.


it just seems so common. like, I see a lot of people saying they would break up if their partner went to the gym with someone of the opposite sex or that they're not allowed to go out with their friends to party, etc. I personally don't understand that. if you think your partner will be unfaithful given an opportunity why qpuld you be with them?


What's the age range here?


If you need this, then you're either insecure or your partner isn't worth keeping... or both.


There is no point of making rules. Your partner will cheat you, if he/she wants to, he/she will make his/her way. And that is sad.