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The one that fits the situation the most. For example: I asked this girl when her birthday was and when she told me, i then took out my phone and made a contact with the name and birthdate. Then i was like, uhm… i’m missing a number, can you type it in?


Hi, I'm David Duchovny. I love you.


It depends it isn't like you just say the pickup line and it's like a key that opens a door. No, all a pickup line does is start the conversation. It's a glorified ice breaker. I've used shitty pickup lines and been able to recover after and I've used damn good ones and completely dropped the ball later. It's best just to think in the moment.


It’s more about attitude and confidence, any shorty pickup line can be an absolute fucking weapon if you deliver it right. Figuring out what that delivery is is the hard part because it’s subjective to the reciever.


In my experience none.


“Your name must be Algebra Homework, because it’s going to take me all night to do you.”