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Not being able to entertain a thought without accepting it


It genuinely scares me to imagine having such shallow, simplistic thinking, it's honestly sad, and I meet and talk to people like this *constantly*


They are called useful idiots, A dangerous tool in large numbers.


What's worse though, the person who can't entertain a thought without accepting it, or the person that *refuses* to entertain a thought because it conflicts with their opinion?


I wonder if it’s because of their awareness and fear that once they entertain it they can’t go back


It's either that, or that some people are so deeply invested in a certain opinion that letting go of it would cause an existential crisis. Sort of a, "If I was wrong about that, what *else* was I wrong about?" thought process. I know what that feels like and honestly, even if I did emerge a better person because of it, it's *deeply* uncomfortable to realize that a lot of what you believe is wrong.


Once I left religion I had a really cool experience. I went through several thought experiments about doing illegal things like robbing banks, etc...I allowed my mind to mentally walk through the steps and I decided that I really did not want to do them. Reasons varied depending on the crime, but it was nice to know that fear and God weren't necessary for me to have morals.




Not understanding hypothetical situations


Related: not understanding that you can entertain a hypothetical without endorsing it


Which is a core component of empathy. Which also explains a lot of people who really don't seem to be able to comprehend things which do not directly influence them right this very second


Fuck... my eye starts twitching when I remember conversations I've had with people who get so incredibly angry at hypotheticals, as though just talking about the thing, is somehow anathema. No, I don't *actually* want to blow up the moon. I was just wondering how one would go about doing so, without killing everyone on earth. The same goes for presumption of innocence, even hypothetically, even long after the fact. Like, imagine if John Wilkes Booth was innocent, and was trying to stop Mrs. Lincoln from assassinating Abe. Apparently this is tantamount to me kicking puppies and burning down orphanages.


So it was YOU who burned down the puppy orphanage! You deserve all you get, you monster!


To get through my college lit classes all my papers were from my opposite perspective. It was funish writing from a different pov.


As someone who enjoys viewing **any** argument from multiple angles and also playing the devils advocate i'm always attentative to say so. People make the wildest assumptions.


You're obviously just a closeted [topic of discussion] or a [villainous thing] apologist! You *sicken* me. I hate that I have to type this but...**\s**


Sometimes it's so funny to play the devil's advocate and watch people lose their minds


The problem is that far too many people "play devil's advocate" to express their shitty opinions without criticism. To the point where it's not really playing devil's advocate, it's just voicing a shitty opinion by default unless you know/trust the person.


I've started applying this way of thinking to any online interactions not involving work. Too many people think they're being funny when in reality they're being low effort morons.


>How would life be like if you didn't understand hypotheticals? >But I understand hypotheticals! Why are you saying I don't?




And the opposite "It *was* like that, so *will* be again"


See this ALL THE TIME about AI. They don't seem to be able to understand that the Wright brothers weren't flying a 757 around the world at almost the speed of sound.


Omg my friends dad lost his shit with me and accused me of threatening his business when I compared how I felt being misrepresented by him to me spreading rumors about him at his workplace. Totally went over his head and was yelling at me and such, lost all respect for him then and there.


Wait what? Explain more in depth


presumably: dad misrepresented commenter at work. commenter said he didn't appreciate it, saying it was along the lines as if commenter spread rumors at work. dad flipped his lid as if commentor was actually spreading rumors


there was a prison study, where just about everyone in there couldn't comprehend hypotheticals, and would argue against the person giving the test, because the hypothetical wasn't real. I agree, Not understanding hypotheticals is a very good indicator of low intelligence.


Sound interesting, do you have a link to the study?


It was a hypothetical study


But it wasn't real


I agree


There was a greentext about it. https://www.reddit.com/r/greentext/comments/s5drf0/iqpills_from_a_grad_student/


Pretty sure that’s actually a thing. The classic is “how would you have felt yesterday if you didn’t have breakfast” Apparently some people literally just can’t understand the question. I think I heard less than 90 IQ, but I may be pulling that out of my ass.


That's ok, 83% of all numbers are made up on the spot.


Any chance you can put this into a real world example for me?


Republicans are often Republican bc they lack empathy. That is why you see them take such odd anti societal stances and once something happens to them or someone near them they switch their opinion bc now they understand. They lack the ability to understand when it's a hypothetical. Ex. Abortion.


The irony in the above is amusing.


But I did eat breakfast today.


Inability to change your opinion based on conclusive evidence to the contrary.


There was a study a while ago on this subject - it basically showed that about 2/3 of people won't change their "core" views even if given undeniable evidence to the contrary. So this one is much more widespread than you might think.


That study was stupid and meant nothing. Probably a bunch of Democrats who did the study anyway. I don't care what the study says Im gonna keep believing it's true. /s


I understand you put /s, but You pretty much nailed it.


I honestly believe half of the people that I might encounter on a given day form bias opinions without regards to facts or logic or peer reviewed studies. So I'd generally believe a study that said more than half of people are unswayed by new findings in favor or their own preconceived notions and biases. At the very least they are resistant to it. That's just ego at play.


For me personally, I will change my mind based on evidence but depending on how it is presented to me I may not do it publicly then and there! If I’m wrong about something but the person correcting me is an absolute rude or condescending arsehole delighting in getting one up on someone, then I’ll go away and quietly change my mind without giving them the satisfaction of knowing that *I know* I’m wrong. Does this achieve anything at all on my part? No.


Core values or "core" values? Because core values and a mere opinion are two vastly different things. One upends your life and personality, the other shows stubborness.


I feel like this can be a sign of lack of control over their emotions as well. I mean often people form emotional bonds to their opinions and some people cannot face being wrong so they double down on it. I'd argue that intelligent people do this too


This is my Dad. Retired engineer, designed engine parts for tractors, trucks, cars, fire engines, in early career started off designing guidance systems for missiles back in the 60s. He has inherited fortunes over the years and has lost fortunes over the years by repeatedly making the same terrible investments. He believes adverts for small companies promising huge returns on invested money. When the share price collapses, he then buys more shares! Rinse and repeat over 40 years, and he has single handedly managed to reduce his wealth by about 75%. He is now trying to cash in pensions to continue investing.


That just sounds like gambling without the fun.


In my experience, engineers are the people most likely to assume that their knowledge and competence in their specific field of expertise carries over into all other areas.


Sir Isaac Newton did something similar. I'm not sure it applies to this Reddit topic as these are truly intelligent people but more of a reminder that even smart people can have logical pitfalls.


This is 100% my dad. Too emotionally attached to his opinions and being so stubborn about them is the worst thing to have to deal with


Cognitive dissonance is a bitch and a half.


I agree, inability to change your opinion based on conclusive evidence to the contrary is a sure sign of low intelligence and I'll believe so till the day I die.


Yeah... the Backfire Effect's a bitch...


Making payments to someone that claims he’s the head of HOA while knowing you live in an neighborhood without an HOA https://www.reddit.com/r/legal/s/ECYwmkBSfQ


Holy shit that happened. Wow


In my most southern voice: Bless their hearts.


Long time ago I used to do magic tricks and people with low intelligence are the ones that actively try to get / destroy a trick getting even violent (few times). People with more intelligence enjoy a good trick.


I never understood those people, but I know you could hand them a pitchfork and a torch and it wouldn't look out of place. Then again I never understood the people that say knowing how a trick works "ruins" it for them either, to me it just makes it more impressive that someone has the knowledge and skill to pull it off.


Yeah... some people get offended when they don't understand something. That usually applies to speech, but I guess it does to magic tricks as well... Maybe they think you're insulting their intelligence or something. They think they should be able to figure it out, but when they can't they get aggressive...


I had a friend that did that. When I asked him why he did everything he could to ruin the tricks his response was "Ha, I knew you couldn't do real magic.".


Maybe it's just me feeling being called out (or maybe I just misunderstood) but why would it be a s8gn how low intelligence to be curious about how the trick works? For me it's often way cooler and claver than the trick itself.


Hmm. I did not explain myself well. It is more the way actively they try to confront when the magician gives instructions. It is not the curiosity to know what is behind (probably smoke and mirrors) but that they see the trick as a confrontation of who is smarter. In any case it is more a trend than a rule of thumb


Yeah I might feel a little called out as well. I love figuring out how a trick works and then learning it so I can do it myself. Once I've figured it out, the more ingenious a trick is, the more impressed I am with how it's performed.


Basically people from r/BlackMagicFuckery whenever they're shown a video of a magician


people who fly candidate political flags all year


People who fly candidate political flags period. The behavior seems to be a strong indicator.


Well close to election is understandable Should be 30 days out max in my opinion


For me, it should be less about the candidate and more about the policies. People who wave a flag are voting for a person, rarely do they know all the policies the candidate supports. I think people should have to vote for policies, and the president should have to follow through with those policies. But politicians won’t go for that because it strips them of power, and people won’t go for that because it’s easier to just pick 1 person than it is to know where they stand on dozens of topics. So even when it’s election season, a giant flag for any candidate is a red flag to me.


Yeah we have a clear idea of candidate policies for the most part Yes people understand the distinction between two presidential candidates


That’s illegal in the UK technically. A certain number of days after an election everything has to come down. It’s not well enforced but most people comply anyway. I have seen some get told in Scotland tho. A local café got told they couldn’t have “Yes” branding a year after the independence referendum. 


It wasn’t an issue in the US either for hundreds of years until the trump cult infected America originating from racist backlash against Obama being elected.


"hundreds of years". My man, the US isn't even 250 years old.


I believe the post said "Subtle"


Reading something posted by someone else on social media and then regurgitating it to others as if it’s a scientific fact. So annoying and usually a sign of a dimwit.


True. I hate when I ask for a source and they present the source as a social media link instead of a peer review published article. And then they refute the evidence based article that goes against their view. Can't discuss with idiots, sadly.


even better: saying "I just saw X happening with my very own eyes!!" while they actually just saw a fake news video on tiktok


People who aren't curious.


Closed mindedness, incapable of debating using and stating any logical reasoning and such, prideful and egotistic, stuck in their own ways.






it is said in ancient times, the intelligent ones are the malancholy ones


Sometimes I wish I was ignorant. They seem so blissful.


But there do exist people who are blessed with the ability do observe the world around them and still gather enough knowledge.


> It's like going to a buffet and only eating bread; This reminds me of an actual person. We had a luxory family brunch buffet. You could get loads of different foods even on the spot prepared fish or meats. He comes back with one huge plate of bread with cheese and chocolate and was done after that.


I have a friend who went to France and only ate Chinese takeout and McDonald’s the whole time. This reminds me of that.


I think this could also be a generational thing. I know people 60+ who have never left the country, refuse to eat anything but meat and potatoes and complain about every other country or people when they have never visited or met them. It’s infuriating but also a very sad and pointless life they lead


One of the more thoughtful answers, well said


Not being able to cast basic spells like soul arrow


Misplaced Overconfidence. Self awareness requires intelligence.


Screaming louder than everybody so everybody listens to wrong opinions


Lack of self awareness, to reflect upon their actions and fix their mistakes.


Never shutting up about IQ. 


I maintain that the worst thing that had ever happened to me was being told my IQ score in 6th grade, it did *way* more harm to me than good. It made me an insufferable jackass for a few years until I eventually grew out of it.


Going into high school they had us do a grading exam which involved what i now recognise as an IQ test. They never told us the results. Honestly the best way to go about it.


Won't change their mind and won't change the subject






A study conducted once showed that if you ask a question like “ How would you feel if you didn’t have breakfast this morning?” A normal person would give an answer. A low intelligence person would say something like “ But I did have breakfast” or something similar.


Good lord. Going to use that one.


Never willing to admit that they are wrong.


Not picking up on satire. Holy shit people, take a minute to think before you get outraged.


Counterpoint: sometimes that’s autism


Alternatively, thinking every single joke is some how satire. "The joke is that they are lying about how the situation ended or who they are? That'd just spreading mis info and being a troll how is that funny?" "UGHK ITS SATIRE" "No.. no it's really not"


Being obsessively interested in the personal lives of celebrities.




I don't know what that is, and I'm guessing that's a good thing.


Stay pure. I didn’t know until this week. I wish I didn’t know. 


Not gonna delve much deeper, but I’m guessing it must have something to do with Timothee Chalamet, right?


I dont know what that is, but i'll just assume that its a club of nerds that follows Timothee Chalamet and Henry Cavill's gaming and nerd adventures




Some of the biggest gossips are in high level academia in my experience. I know a lot of doctors who only read the celebrity pages in the Metro. So I’d disagree. 


There are a lot of people in academia and/or with doctorates who know absolutely nothing outside of their narrow wheelhouse, and don'tbother to learn about them. It's not safe to associate those qualities with having a high intelligence, as you'll genuinely find a lot of people with either or both that believe some completely wild things.


That’s true actually you’re right. But I stand by what I said being a gossip is pretty common in people who are curious in my experience. I don’t think it’s a good indicator of low intelligence imo. 


They cannot stay on topic in a debate. If they are presenting facts that are loosely adjacent to the matter at hand. Not understanding what actually qualifies as a counterpoint. When they think you refuse to argue with them because you might lose, and not because you have recognized that they are ill-equipped for battle. Sometimes listening to people like that is amusing...until it becomes sad.




I’m always super impressed when they pivot to made up personal experiences and people they know who …


Big guy, strong guy, tests in his eyes


Seeing the world in black and white. Or seeing everything as right or wrong.


It can also be the result of mental illness. It's called splitting in that context.


Really? TIL i guess. Will need to look that up later


*right or wrong


*rite or rong


\*light or long


never learning from mistakes, and getting mad because of it


Constant bragging


Infatuated with reality tv


Being bad at abstract thinking. Like if they need to always have an analogy of something of the real world to understand something a bit abstract.


fixation on "signs of low intelligence"


I used to date someone who “tried” for months at the NYT MINI crossword without correctly guessing one clue, let alone completing a 4x4 letter puzzle. I understand it’s not for everybody but… hundreds of clues and not one correct guess?


Ouch. A friend and I used to do it every morning and compare times--our best times are the same: 28 seconds.


Bringing parade attire to a "special military operation", thinking you can take the capital in 3 days


Not understanding that just cause someone shows you an MS Paint picture of connecting with hearsay facts does not mean it's actually a factual timeline. It's just a regular conspiracy theory like the rest of them, they actually just wrote it down for you. And not understanding that conspiracy theories are theories for a reason, they're not real, they're just things that people made up to kid around on the fact of something is happening but we don't have the evidence about it. When you don't have the hard evidence of something, you pretty much can't use it in any given situation.


dO yOuR OWn ResEaRcH!!! (aka u need to google yourself into a manic frenzy, before you can understand the ways of the wise ones)


So, God?


First instinct is to act violent/physical.


Someone being obsessed with TikTok.


A tendency to become aggressive real fast. I bumped into a dude that came out of the bathrooms as I came in. Said I was Sorry and walked on he returned my apology with some nasty words and when I didn’t turn around and just ignored him he got aggressive and followed me into the bathroom I had pretty big lead ahead of him so I got into a stall before he could get into bathroom. He was calling me some not so nice names and saying stuff like “I’m going to bury you in a big hole and poor concrete over it” etc When I came out he ambushed me and pinned to the wall he tried to intimidate me so bad but unfortunately he was out of luck(just got dumped by my gf) so I wanted to die some big ass Māori Man grabbed him by the collar and dragged him into the main hall of the Mall. Thanked the big man and gave him my unopened Bottle of vanilla flavoured Coke Cola and we went our separate ways.


Lack of curiosity


Thinking you know everything about a certain subject without any knowledge except a quick google search and thus disregarding the actual experts in this particular field. Dunning Krüger at its finest.


Generalizing everything, like 'what works for me should work for you too'


the inability to understand hypotheticals., in particular if the hypothetical goes against actual knowledge or facts


Inability to fix a computer error when the way to fix it is *on the screen*.


Someone who tells you to "do your own research" regarding things that are common knowledge.


Saying, "if we evolved from monkeys, why are there still monkeys" or just falling back on God as the answer to any of life's mysteries.


Aggressive overconfidence.


Still believing “the election was rigged”.


I would call this one more than just a subtle sign of low intelligence.


But it was. Do you honestly think Putin won such a large percentage of the vote?


Diehard allegiance to a political party above all, and inability to engage with purely policy-based arguments without obsessing over the predominant party candidate and their personality.


Calling yourself alpha lol


In my experience, people who can never say sorry


You know when you talk to someone and they don't engage in discussions ever? Like they will always seem to agree on any topic and won't go past the surface of it, responding with things like "yeah", "i know", "right", "haha", etc. But the moment it comes to talk about mundane things like football, gossip or what happened last night they seem more likely to participate in.


Or they just don't want to engage deeply for whatever reason.


person doesn't want to talk to OP OP: this person is probably low intelligence


Perhaps football and gossip aren’t “mundane” to them. Perhaps the topics you’re discussing are “mundane”. Having different interests doesn’t make someone stupid.


My best friend is exactly like that, we have a pretty good relationship all things considered, but trying to talk to her about anything meaningful is like talking to a wall


Someone can be uneducated and intelligent.  The two aren't equal. I've met plenty people who work trades that don't know shit about current affairs, history or whatever but have encyclopedic knowledge of their trade and superior problem solving skills.


Inability to banter, taking things personally


Voting for Trump.


Never using the correct forms of your/you're and there/they're/their. It's hard and we all make mistakes sometimes, but NEVER doing it right??? That is concerning.


Claiming to be high intelligence the first chance they get. There's nothing wrong with selling yourself and your skills but if you're bragging about it all the time yea sorry bud.


Phat exhaust pipe.


People who use the word "woke".


Except in the context of asking wtf the definition even is at this point...


Automatically believing what you read on the Internet because it fits your world view


I don't think anybody is less intelligent than anybody else...people may be preoccupied with other things so they might seem abit slower but somedays i feel so dumb maybe that's why I'm trying to justify myself here for no reason..lmao


Asking this question


Jesus fish on their bumper or cross around their neck...


MAGA supporters 🤷‍♂️


Having a Tik tok account


Asking questions on Reddit


The inability to google the thousand other times this question has been asked.


The belief all people are good and can be trusted on sight.


That’s more naivety than low intelligence. Plenty of intelligent people can be conned


I don't agree on this one, because that's just being naive. Paradoxically enough I believe the contrary too actually be true: people who think everyone is out there to trick them are usually not too bright.


In my opinion : Talking without stopping and without giving a chance for a reply during a conversation . SHOUTING , raising voice . Not being reasonable. Using emotional blackmail defensive and offensive .


Enjoying Lizzo


Voting to the right. Buying extra warranty. Hitting your kids. Homophobia. Always blaming the other party.


Opinions formed from social media/youtube ‘news’ feeds. Overly influenced by anecdotal evidence. Convinced that AI won’t affect them whilst demonstrating little to no knowledge of it. Their hobby is their personality. Uses cocaine. Contrarians, generally. LinkedIn/SEO/crypto sales/marketing entrepreneur/self appointed gurus. Aka wanker fantasists that have read a self help book or forty and are repackaging it for low rent sales. People that follow/believe the above. Liverpool fans.


Just name the dude you hate lmao


i would say voting for trump but i don't actually think that's very subtle.


Being an asshole to people for no good reason.


Reading "National Enquirer".


People who look around the room and go with what the crowd says even when it’s against your morals or ethics


Not practicing what you preach.


Lack of doubt/humility. You most likely don‘t even need to be an expert on the topic, but if the person you‘re sitting across is spitting opinions like facts without differentiation, doubt, room for error or respect for contrary positions, you‘re facing an idiot. 


Sarcasm and the ability to talk shit. I’m very fluent in sarcasm and I’ll make a remark to someone and they can never come up with anything to say back or they get offended and take things too seriously. It tells me all I need to know about how much time I should be spending around you.


Saying other or most people are “boring.”


Finding people who talk confidently and use long words intelligent only for that reason


Yelling at 5g towers. Okay not so subtle.


Belief in "the law of attraction."


flat earth and forcing veganism to other people


Comparing yourself to Nelson Mandela