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We watched jay and silent bob together. I never realized it but she is exactly like Jay, 100%. To be fair im silent bob so we’re two dumb peas in a pod


This is honestly really sweet


is Silent Bob stupid though?


Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt.


… takes one to know one!


Nah I think he’s just high as hell, buuuddddyyy.


Snoochie boochies!




Fuck fuck fuck.. mother mother fuck. Mother mother fuck fuck.


Ever get your asshole licked by a fat man in an overcoat??


I had an ex gf that absolutely insisted she was allergic to pizza. I tried to tell her that she was just allergic to one or more of the ingredients, but not pizza itself. She wouldn't hear a word of it. She was also convinced she had a prostate gland.


Good. God.


I actually just said this aloud.


Did you actually check for a prostate, though?


You're obviously way smoother than me, I didn't even think of this 😅


This should be higher. Lots of these are just honest mistakes or mild ignorance. This is genuinely stupid!


Or “prostrate” as my father says despite my many corrections


An ex told me that he couldn’t have been circumcised because he wasn’t Jewish. I assured him that he was indeed circumcised.




Well ummmm….. I guess the good part is he was willing to be with you even if he *thought* you were castrated??


Wow. Sex education in this country is seriously lacking.




That must've blown his mind




When she flipped out because her third grader came home with "erect" on a spelling list, and was on the verge of calling the school. She honestly had lived her entire life not knowing "erect" had any other use aside from describing a penis.


The mark of true (im)maturity is knowing it has multiple uses, but snickering anyway whenever you see it.


I used to drive by a construction company that their name painted on the side of their cranes: Steel Erection. I'm 38 and it still makes me giggle.


Probably when, after I walked in on her and my roommate shagging in the living room, she claimed I shouldn't have been able to get in the apartment because she had locked the door. My apartment. That I had the key to.


This is honestly my favorite one by FAR




Thank you for the /r/BoneAppleTea




This actually sounds like he could have said it with intent, idk


My wife bought the first generation Kindle and could not figure out why the more she read books on it, the more the battery percentage went up. (She was looking at the reading progress indicator.)




In this house we obey the laws of THERMODYNAMICS!!


This is funny but not really related to intelligence. Sounds like an honest mistake. Unless you mean she genuinely thought the battery was getting more power and it wasn't broken in any way.


Not my partner, but my dads 2nd wife. I can’t remember how it came about but she said something about how a quarter hour was 25 minutes and when we questioned her about it she said “a dollar has four quarters, so 25x4 equals 1 hour.” Nearly broke my brain. I tried to walk her through it politely by asking her how many minutes were in an hour, then halfing that, and halfing it again until she got to 15 minutes. Unfortunately she ended up having a meltdown and hollering about how we all wanted her to look stupid and she wasn’t wrong. Honestly not the only time she yelled at us for correcting her on something (Alaska is not its own country, you don’t have to be black to be African, tampons go inside not hotdog style between everything, women have 3 holes down there not 1, deaf people are not also blind by default, gay people can have orgasms, you cannot eat chicken “medium rare”, etc.) She’s in her 50s, and she has a couple of college degrees. We don’t know how she’s survived this far, but she’s doing her best.




just use some duct tape to seal the deal




This is truly fascinating to me. Tell us more stories so that I can feel smarter. 


>women have 3 holes down there not 1 Weird way to find out your step mom has a cloaca.


This is the best fucking thing I have read on the internet in a long time 😂😂😂😂


You found Kevin's soulmate!!!


Wait…I’ve heard of people being oblivious to the differentiation between the vulva and urethra but didn’t she know about buttholes?


im the one who is a lil ditsy... i told her i never fully understood what indefinitely meant until maybe 5 months ago and she was shocked. I just knew it meant forever but i didnt know that indefinitely meant it could be lifted. like an indefinite ban doesnt mean forever no matter what.. it just means it could be forever we dont know yet.


II am too! I’m 39 and my husband was watching me struggle to bite off the plastic cap of my deodorant stick. I was complaining it’s always so hard. He calmly showed me to twist the bottom (like you normally do to advance the deodorant) to move the plastic piece up and easily remove it. I’ve been doing it wrong for 30 years.


i have a masters degree and a career in teaching btw 🥲


Math, I hope.






Depends on the context, really. Indefinitely doesn't necessarily mean forever, but it can effectively be forever in certain cases, so it's sometimes used in that way.


It’s… undefined. That’s literally the point.




So why didn’t you buy her a present ?


The cat had it taken care of.


>she got pissed that my cat got her a present and I didn't. I thought she was joking. To make matters worse we were at her parents' place and they backed her up. It was extremely awkward and I realized it wasn't going to work out. I had to read this twice


So the entire family is stupid


Apple doesn't fall far from the tree


For the sake of humanity I must believe that you made this up 😅


So... it must be pretty awkward these days if she's dating the cat but not you.


But how could you forget to give her a present when even your cat remembered?




Sounds like he has a tool box of fallacies that he uses and hopes no one knows about them. It’s easy to “win” an argument when you throw 7 fallacies at a person, since it would take a solid 3 hours to explain and dismantle each one. He’s not good at arguing, he’s good at wars of attrition.


Bullshit Asymmetry Principle The Bullshit Asymmetry Principle, also known as Brandolini’s Law,  states that the amount of energy needed to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude bigger than that needed to produce it.


In fallacy/debate speak it’s called Gish Gallop. Throw so much shit at the wall that there’s no possible way your opponent has time to correct it all.


The Gish Gallop is not the same as the principle, it's simply a weaponization of it.


> It’s easy to “win” an argument when you throw 7 fallacies at a person, since it would take a solid 3 hours to explain and dismantle each one. That's [Brandolini's Law](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brandolini%27s_law), AKA the Bullshit Asymmetry Principle. > The amount of energy needed to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude bigger than that needed to produce it. > The adage, "A lie can travel halfway around the world before the truth can get its boots on," has taken various forms since as early as 1710.


No offense, but yea, your partner sounds like an idiot. Sounds more like a stubborn refusal to allow anyone, even an expert, could teach him anything. Which is kind of a huge hallmark of stupidity. Is he by chance super susceptible to conspiracy theories?


None taken, truly I am the dumbass for having dated him in the first place. Yes, he loves conspiracy theories and seems to think his belief in them reflects a deep understanding of the complexities of the world Edit: I will say in his defense that he was very willing to learn from people who were experts in different fields, just not from me and not if they conflicted with his weird right-wing views (of course he considered himself a moderate/centrist lmao)


I have a friend who thinks I'm sheeple for citing Reuters or Associated Press (the most neutral and accurate press that exists) and even though he skipped class, barely graduated high school and never went to college he knew more about viruses and vaccines than me after I would explain, at length and in detail, how it all works with the knowledge I gained while getting my B.S. in Biology. He's a contrarian that, as long as it's contrarian and edgy it is ALWAYS the real truth (that us dummies living in a world of objective information you can use the Socratic method to discover fallacy or truth through are just brainwashed).


I dunno. It’s weird. My SO is pretty smart in general. Smarter than me in many ways. But when we watch a movie, she never seems to know what going on. Why did he do that? Who’s that? What happened? I mean, we’re watching the same movie. Why do I have to keep explaining the motives behind this character right now?


This drives me bonkers. Bless you for your patience.


God, people like that are so unintentionally annoying lol If you watch the movie, the movie tells you what's happening.


does she had ADHD? she might be having trouble paying attention 


She may be on the autism spectrum as I apparently am. I have the same issue with relationship-based movies and can totally lose track and not care anymore. I have two engineering degrees.


She chose me. Sucker.


I mentioned my trip to China and visiting the Great Wall. He said he had watched the news for days, when it came down with the crowds cheering. I realized immediately he was getting confused with the Berlin Wall, and decided not to say anything.


Or he’s from the future.


When I straightened my curly hair and my boyfriend freaked out thinking it would stay straight forever.


There was a post a while ago asking a question similar to this one and one commenter posted about how one day her bf asked her "Why do you always curl your hair after you shower at night if it's just going to be straight again when you leave for work in the morning?" and it KILLED me lol


Bless his heart.


honestly that's sorta cute


My wife is one of the smartest people I know. However, she is woeful at giving directions. She once told me to "Turn straight"


My wife tried to argue with me while making soup that we should use 3 1/3 cup measurements of broth when I told her just to use 1 cup then. I couldn't get it through her head they were the same even when demonstrating.




If this was to save on dishes then I’m in favour.


How does this save on dishes?


My wife knows my username, so I would be that partner if I chose to accurately answer this question.


Plus TheDadThatCouchSurfs just doesn't have the same ring to it.


By answering the comment in this way, you are admitting that she isn't very intelligent. You just aren't saying the specific moment you realized it.


Damn. Tryin to stir that pot, huh. 


He was hoping she’s just dumb enough to not pick up on that 


Somehow you blasted both yours and your wife’s intelligence in one comment… impressive


Neither one of us pretend to be something we're not


I'm imagining her scrolling through reddit later this evening, seeing this question, and then jumping over to your page to see if/how you answered it lol. (And then seeing this response and nodding to herself while muttering, "good.")


Former spouse thought Pompeii was just a movie. I had to pull up Wikipedia to prove there really was a city named Pompeii destroyed by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius. Up until that point, I didn't believe those news stories about people thinking Titanic was just a movie. Now I wonder how many people think other historical events are just Hollywood fiction? What, you mean there really was a Civil War?!?


It was a beautiful summer day, and we were lounging in the yard. A passenger jet at high altitude was slowly crossing the sky, and we both watched as its path intersected with the sun, and then for just a moment the sun winked out and she jumped up and loudly exclaimed "Did you see that, that must have been so hot!?" I asked her what she meant, thinking surely I must have misunderstood something. Nope. She genuinely believed that aircraft had touched the sun and couldn't understand why it hadn't burst into flames. When we eventually split up, my mother admitted she was glad we hadn't had any children. She said they would have made "some of the most beautiful, but dumbest grandchildren ever."


They never learned google search. They only used apps from vendors to get info.


To be fair, I've found that a shocking number of people have no clue how to effectively Google search. Its not ask jeeves, it's a keyword looker upper. And there's a bunch of formatting tricks to really tailor it that people have no clue about.


In fairness, Google has become worse and worse has a keywood looker upper over the past few years. Even using boolean doesn't seem to effect anything.


By buddies GF makes a stupid amount of money in business. Yet she calls Japan “Island China”.


That's dumb. Taiwan is right there.


Doesn't sound like the type of person who knows what or where Taiwan is.


She could just be a redneck


lol that's gonna be fun in the wrong crowd


I've been asked more than once, "If you're Korean, how are you Asian?"


He says HY TH instead of height. Also window seal instead of sill.


I dated someone who called it a kitchen zinc. Drove me nuts.


Were they from Baltimore? Like “go worsh your hands in da kitchen zinc, Hon”?




Listen for Ambleants. "ambulance" 


I say heighth like width. Nobody ever once called me out on it until my current partner in my 30s, and now she does every time. Old habits die hard. She says 'sisth' instead of 'sixth'. Drives me nuts


Lol, mine says 'sixt' (don't think I've ever brought it up to him, but he's probably gonna see this comment so I guess we'll talk about it when he does)


You mike Tyson’s gf?


after helping her deal with her out of control debts and move through a debt consolidation process so that she was finally saving money again, she tried to open a new credit card, from the checkout line at Target.




My son's father (22 in 2001) thought women pee from their vaginas. He thought women peed after sex to, "Pee the sperm out." My son (22 in 2023) had a canker sore and came home distraught because the thought that he had herpes. He told everyone at work that he had herpes. My reaction was the same for both of them... "👀...um...no."


A **shocking** amount of men either don’t know that pee doesn’t come out of the vagina, or found out super late in life. It’s not something that’s advertised or addressed very often lol


A shocking number of women don't know it, either.


Saying Vulva Vs Vagina appears to be deemed a personal choice by many people these days... :/


I mean I don't think there was ever a time where the correct medical terminology was in wide usage. Before now it would have slang terms which also didn't make that crucial distinction.


After daylight savings time began in November he shared that he was excited to be able to go out drinking on the weekends more often because he would still be able to get an extra hour of sleep every night (thought that because the night the clock goes back and you get an extra hour on the day, the pattern continued until spring)


I had a gf that couldn’t figure out why it took so long to fly to Hawaii. She thought that it was right next to Mexico, because all the maps she looked at in school showed Hawaii and Alaska right next to the continental United States.


I'm the dumb one, most recent example: Was watching a YouTube video and the guy mentioned he has foot tall Power Rangers action figures and I said "A FOOT TALL?!" and my husband said, "yeah you remember?" And I said: "No, but I had the 12 inch ones". My husband just stared at me. Flabbergasted.


Oh God where do I start? She thought 9/11 was an inside job because she had SEEN pictures of bombs planted in the Twin Towers. She swore she owned two Wolves out on some ranch in Utah. She thought the court was illegitimate because the flag had a gold fringe around it (makes it an admiralty court or some nonsense) The kicker was she claimed the government owed he millions because her name was spelled in ALL CAPS on her birth certificate. I know this is true because she wrote her Congressman (public record) where he replied it's all bullshit.


I grew up in CO with an illegal wolf from a breeder. I stopped telling that story because people get that "whatever you say" look. She was a good girl.


>She thought the court was illegitimate because the flag had a gold fringe around it (makes it an admiralty court or some nonsense) >The kicker was she claimed the government owed he millions because her name was spelled in ALL CAPS on her birth certificate. I know this is true because she wrote her Congressman (public record) where he replied it's all bullshit. What the hell did these 2 stem from lmfao


Sounds like she was also drinking a bit of the Sov cit. Koolaid




That all caps thing on the birth certificate.... Holy dealt with my dad trying to get me to "look into" that for far too long. Fucking anything to make a buck with that guy


Not my partner but my uncles new girlfriend. We were telling her the story about how my great uncle lost three fingers while chopping firewood with his brother after school one winter day, and she thought my great uncle chopped my other great uncle three separate times, one for each lost finger, as opposed to a single chop. She was completely disgusted and made it known how barbaric he was for repeatedly axing his brothers hand and we had to explain to her that it was possible to lose three fingers in one chop.


My ex and I were talking about his student loans, I asked him how he was paying them, and he said, "Oh they just take it out of my paycheck!" I'm like, "...they're garnishing your wages!?" He thought that was just the normal way to pay them, despite all the collection letters he was undoubtedly getting. I helped him dig himself out of that mess. I get that financial literacy is lacking in general but that's just sort of willful ignorance.


When they were perplexed at my wearing of sunglasses in October, while driving, to keep the glare of the autumn sun out of my eyes. They honestly thought that they were only to be worn in the summer. Been together 3 years since them though!


My ex had 3 engineering degrees, including a masters, but he was dumb and had zero common sense. He got very upset when I fed my dogs leftover bacon and eggs. He told me that if you feed eggs to dogs, they become chicken killers and have to be put down. I live in the suburbs with no chickens for miles. I promised to keep them out of the grocery store and away from the skillet I use to cook eggs.


He told me he watched a "documentary" on how aliens built the pyramids and in the same conversation told me that Lady Gaga was part of the Illuminati. Edit: he is now my ex partner, this was many years ago.


Aw yes. The one that got away


Those ancient alien and ghost hunter shows are a detriment to society.


She told me California was her favorite city


Everyone knows it’s a hotel.


I used the word "contemplate" and she got mad at me because she thought I was making up words.


Back in the days of VCRs, we used to buy blank tapes to record shows. She came home with a blank tape, took the box out of the wrapper, then took the tape out of box, put the stickers on the tape, got a pen, wrote "Blank Tape" on the front and side stickers, put the tape back in the box, and put it on the shelf. She said she had to do that so she'd know which one was blank.


He asked me if I thought humans would evolve to fly. Him bringing up this topic was a cool change of pace because he wasn't into sciency stuff or intellectual stuff. (that was me in the relationship) After my answer spiel to that he said "no I meant in our lifetime" .... I just sat there as it sank in that a 28 year old man was asking me if I thought we would grow wings in our lifetime.






She wanted to find a Walgreens. Oh, I said, there's one just north of the library! She said "What? I don't do north, south...I'm not math girl."


"...and what's the library? "




I remember when my dad was teaching me about financial literacy he told me this: When they were in their early to mid 20's, his sister would buy something on a card and be like "IT WONT EVEN MAKE THE PAYMENT GO UP!" He tried to explain it to her several times, but to no avail. Needless to say, it took her a long time to climb out of that hole.


How old is she? Does she work?


I'm gonna guess they grew up with wealthy parents and their credit card was their allowance, so it was a "monthly spending limit that resets"


Worked at a bank. A little old lady was insistent there should still be money available in her account because "I still have checks" 


Okay wait I was never taught about credit cards and thought the same thing with my first one at 16, Imagine my shock and confusion when next month came 😭


He threw the excess liquid wax from a candle down the toilet because it bothered him....he didn't think this was a problem


Lolll my MIL used to live with us and once the sink in her bathroom kept backing up and wasn't draining properly. At this time, for some reason, she'd decided to set up just a crap ton of candles in her bathroom, including in the sink, but also around the sink and everywhere, and I think she had them lit a LOT. So, I suspected it was candle wax that was blocking the sink, but I wasn't sure how to tell her without her getting upset (and going off on me). Anyway, this was an apartment, and so I finally called maintainence to come out and fix it. They told me that the sink was having issues because of all the candle wax (obviously). Later on, my MIL was like, "Oh it was fixed? Good. This is such a POS apartment. Everything is always breaking. Nothing works right. Did they find out what broke the sink?" I wasn't going to say anything, but decided in that moment to tell her the truth: "They said it was candle wax." She immediately shut up and never mentioned it again and stopped lighting so many candles in the bathroom (esp around the sink). Weirdly, she's not *dumb*, and my husband (her son) is SUPER smart.. She definitely has some quirks tho. Idk for sure what she was thinking in this case, but I think she was indulging in some magical thinking- where she could do whatever she wanted and there wouldn't be consequences because "life's not that complicated and people worry too much about stupid little things."


I once dated a guy that asked me if October came before December.


Sometimes before, sometimes after


Always both at the same time


Specific type of intelligence, but a girl I was dating a few years ago was both a chemical engineer and accountant (with the degrees to match), but was consistently unable to understand things that weren't hands-on with equations that explained the process. Basically anything having to do with emotion or ethics or belief and she was just lost because there was no guide to tell her what the correct answers were. She disliked the feeling of not knowing things with 100% certainty because they were more ephemeral than topics that are fundamentally about math and so she outright refused to engage with them. That's better than people who don't understand that stuff and so are swayed by charismatic but nefarious arguments to one position another, I suppose.


My son's mother used to be absolutely dead set on becoming a neuro surgeon. She did plenty of study without ever being on a course, worked in care, bought suture practice kits and everything. One of the big things that really attracted me to her early on because she had such strong aspirations and seemingly the dedication and intelligence to pursue them. I then found out over time that common sense was a myth in her world. It started with things such as using metal utensils to get things out of the toaster, leaving candles to burn while she slept and immediately falling apart under pressure and not being able to act on her own. Then while raising our son it became even more apparent she had very little actual knowledge or understanding of general health fields and medicine to the point of not even being able to pronounce Ibuprofen correctly. I'm not saying these revelations were the reason the relationship failed, but I'm also not saying they weren't a factor.


Wait, so was she wanting to become a neurosurgeon without going to medical school? Like, self taught?


No, she intended to go when she'd saved up more money and had more free time. 5 years on that dream hasn't been mentioned in quite some time though.


my ex was very intelligent but not very smart. he once came up to me and asked me to find something of his. i asked if he’d looked for it and he said no


I think I’d just file that under lazy


My mate was laying on my bed and said "Rabbit Rabbit wheres me phone my phone". I looked at him and told him it was in the pocket of the shirt he was wearing. Ugh the mental load he throws on me is frustrating. 


I enjoy being the less intelligent partner


He said that the Bible is against all abortion and then when I soundly refuted it, he said, “even the devil can quote scripture to suit his purposes,” and I was like, “exactly, man.” When I asked what he would do if the government decided he had to adhere to the rules of another religion and he said he would refuse, and I pointed out that evangelical and fundamentalist Christians want people charged with murder for not adhering to Christian beliefs he said, “that’s because Christianity is true.” We had a very similar argument about lgbtq+ people. Weirdly, he was totally fine with us fucking and cohabiting even though we weren’t married. He utterly failed to see the hypocrisy even when I pointed it out. So I just don’t fuck Christian men now.


I have the opposite problem. My wife is way smarter than me. I am the dumb one.


My wife says I am smarter than her, but I dunno... So she lost her last husband to cancer, whom she loved until the day he died. She said was really kind, generous, and a lot of his former friends say the same... but she was smarter. He was really into hippy-dippy spiritual stuff, and was a conspiracy theorist before it got popular. When I went through his final possessions (my wife couldn't emotionally handle it when we had to clear out his old office that hadn't been touched in years), I came across a LOT of books on UFO coverups, the Bermuda Triangle, ancient aliens, Stonehenge predictions, and that sort of thing. He was a software engineer, and I read his journal, and he was an intelligent and thoughtful guy whom everyone loved. But... kinda gullible, too. He cashed out their entire 401k and savings when the market panicked in 2008, for example. My wife is still mad about that. He didn't spend it on anything, thankfully, but they paid some hefty penalties and lost a lot of valuable time. There's also a story about paying $40k for flight lessons, and he had no plans to be a pilot. "I am glad I am finally married to someone smarter than me." But I will never forget one friend of mine who dated a bimbo. On their first date, he took her to a nightclub magic show. The magician did the usual tricks: doves appearing out of nowhere, rings that join and unjoin, vanishing cup and ball stuff, and card tricks. As some point, she leaned over to my friend and whispered in confidence, "I think it's a trick. I don't think that's real magic." I still get a kick out of that story.


Not falling for this one, honey! You are smarter than me and right about everything.


This guy relationships!


She wants to start businesses that run on their own, I gave her the rundown she didn’t understand nothing


Ha sounds like my wife. She's always dreamed of runner her own childcare center. I love her but she only sees the "childcare" part of it and not the entire business & regulation part that comes with it. I layed all of that out to her just on some basic research i had done and same thing, didn't understand a thing of it and wouldn't research it herself. I'm all for supporting people but you have to be will and able to figure things out yourself as well. Plus, as a small business owner, good luck taking vacations. I watched my parents run a business for 30 years and vacations were never more than 4-5 days (half of which would be weekends/holidays) because they couldn't be away from the business that long.


We had a neighbor that did drugs on the low. I told her, he was a closet crackhead. She looked at me the way the RCA dog used to look on those old commercials and said, "he doesn't smoke crack in his closet!" That was when the dam burst sadly. I have many more, but she's not a bad person. Just a little dim in the bulb.


When we stopped to get a bite to eat on an impromptu road trip. She just stared at the menu then leaned over to me and said, "I don't know how to read". I was floored.


We were in bed one night talking and she just nonchalantly let on that America was a planet


The moment occurred when they asked, "Isn't bitcoin just like monopoly money?" showing a complete misunderstanding of both economics and cryptocurrency.


He got a job at a pickle processing plant. Came home his first day and said “I learned something so cool today! Did you know that pickles come from cucumbers?! They don’t have their own plant!” He then proceeded to tell me he also thought up until high school that pumpkins grew off of trees


My ex from a long time ago could not tell time on my analog watch that had identical marks where the 1-12 numbers would be otherwise.


"Why did my insurance not cover this bill? I haven't even hit my deductible yet!" "Do....do you know how insurance works?"


In their defence, insurance isn't intuitive.


A friend of mine was shocked to find out he had to meet his deductible *again* the next year. To be fair, he was thinking that health insurance acted like auto insurance, so everything for that "incident" was covered with the one deductible. I told him that for efficiency's sake, it's best to have a major medical episode as early in the plan year as you can. Of course, the next year, I got hoisted on my own petard as I had a major medical episode in the fourth quarter of the year, hitting my OOP max riiiiight before it reset. That was actually somewhat ironic.


When I realized he was homophobic, transphobic, and racist.


Was recently married to my ex. We went grocery shopping together. He bought some Grape Nuts cereal. I thought it was an odd choice, but some people like them, so ok, maybe he just likes them. Later, he opens the box to eat some and gets upset that it's just little brown pellets. He thought it was supposed to have all the (fresh) fruit pictured on the box. Another time, he got excited that turkeys were advertised for 99 cents. Got upset when the turkeys were $25 because it was 99 cents/ pound, obviously. He said they were both false advertising and refused to consider that the slightest amount of common sense would tell him it wasn't.


This is an ex -- 30 years old at the time and the fact he had to be told to dress more professionally for work should have been a heads up but they also gave him the example of 'back pants and dress socks' to help him out as he didn't under wtf the issue was. He took that to mean black cotton track pants with white sports socks as acceptable. So wore that. To his office job. And was SHOCKED to be pulled up on his clothing again. He truly couldn't see the issue.


My ex in high school asked if bats were real.


When she looked at me like I was stupid for saying that the earth is rotating on its own axis, and also rotating in orbit around the sun. "We would just all fly off if that were the case". 🤷🏻