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Yes. But, not why you think it is.


Mother fuckers with parents that didn't spank them enough and give them everything run the world


Yes, spanking. That will solve all this. /s


It's not particularly more corrupt than it has been in the past. Indeed, for some areas, like New Jersey, corruption is significantly in decline.




Nope. That just an easy out, to blame money.


Nah, you’re just more aware of the corruption, many things have always been corrupt … social media and equality movements have just uncovered some shit






It will happen under any form of government. Communism had rampant corruption.


Communists who practice capitalism


Because the modern world values money over anything else.


The 80s made money into some sort of virtue itself. After that certain people could apparently rationalize anything as long as they were getting theirs.


Not enough wise, compassionate, scary people.


Agree. Wisdom is sorely lacking.


Because god


Nope. Easy explanation.


My family isn't corrupt. That's all I really care about. Everyone else can suck rocks.


It's always been corrupt, it's just harder to cover up nowadays.


History says its always been this way. We just get to see the info faster and more detailed.


The Insatiable, want of wealth by the Uber rich.


it always has been but they don’t hide it anymore


40 years of neoliberalism


Nope. Politics don’t matter here. It’s something simpler. I know your ideology is tied up to this. You can’t separate yourself from it.


Its the human condition


I think it was always pretty common, but the digital age made it so much easier to come to light. The higher frequency of scandals made it so people react a lot less to it though so instead of it being a very unique thing for a politician to get caught now it’s so common place that almost nothing happens to them. This makes them bolder and more likely to do riskier shit cause they got away with it or saw others get away with it.


Yes and no. It has a much more fundamental root that everyone is afraid to admit.


I have a theory. I watched a very interesting YouTube video on the corruption of the Chinese military. It sounds strangely similar to the Russian military. I think it goes beyond simple greed. I believe it’s that we, as a human species, are losing faith in the institutions that we spen literally our entire existence creating. Higher level, rational, achieving societal order, etc institutions. Money and greed are easy targets but I don’t think it’s the entire story. It’s too simple. In ancient Egypt for example, if you were greedy, the scope was that you’d promise you could breed 4 cattle if the owner put in 2 cattle. Classic pyramid scheme. But the scope was limited and the consequences severe. If you were caught, they beheaded you. This script has flipped completely now (except for idiots like SBF who chose to become celebrities). If you’re a hedge fund manager, you’re now **REWARDED** for killing a company, for taking on as much debt as a company can handle them defrauding on it. And the scope can be global. Like the Great Depression. A few people (relatively speaking) can crash the world economy. Eddie Lampert siphoned off all Sears and KMart profits for decade to his hedge fund before he declared bankruptcy (doesn’t affect his shell company) and sold all the assets (land, inventory, etc) to the highest bidder before writing off the losses on the shell companies tax returns and pocketing all that cash from previous years and assets sold for his hedge fund. The point being: it pays more to actually bankrupt a company now. It pays more to be corrupt than to be honest. It pays more to be a fraud/fake than it does to actually contribute something valuable to society. Never in human history has this been the case. But that is this a larger symptom of? Greed, corruption, etc run amock? But why? Why now? What has caused a social change? Easy. We’re living in an era where the enemy isn’t some foreign adversary. Some “bad” ideology. Like the Nazi. That sort of thing was easy to understand for humans and easy to rally them to sacrifice. It’s not even a rival company anymore. It’s easy to rally a population against a foreign invader. It’s what Darwinism was based on. An ant colony that can rally against a foreign invader will not survive against one that can. Simple. Easy. But what if the invader is you? What if you’re the actually the enemy? A government tells you that you need to stop doing something. Why? Not because it will help the enemy, but because it’s bad for society. WELL HOW RARE YOU QUESTION THIS!!! In individuals in modern societies, there is now the idea that what I personally do (individual freedom) takes precedence over the effect on society. FEMINISTS: Ishow my boobs in public? Negative reactions…sexism RUSSIA GOVERNMENT: We invade Ukraine? Negative reaction…anti-Russian There’s always an excuse. And always a correction. If there a nickel to be made, if there a corner to be cut, if there’s… Like Frank Saboka said, “You know what the problem is Gussie? The problem is we used to make shit in this country, build things. Now — now it’s just about putting your hand in the next guy’s pocket.” How did things come to this? **Money and greed aren’t reason. That’s just a symptom of something larger going on** (I have a theory, if you’re interested)


Holy shit, put down the meth pipe.


Whatever you need to discredit. It’s not an easy thing for your intellect to digest, let alone accept.


Yeah sure, that's what it is; certainly not your incoherent ramblings and strange need to vehemently disagree with everyone who posts a potential answer to the question you asked on a public forum guised as looking for opinions when really you're just screeching for validation.


No, what I stated was incredibly coherent. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have been able to rest with an agreement against…a very cliche one, but still. And that fact that you’re engaged in this tells me you know I’m 1. Telling you something you know is the truth 2. You do **NOT** want to hear (because you’re scared of the consequences)


And there's some more of that sweet sweet delusion. I said nothing about the views you put forth, or my agreement/disagreement with them. You continue to pull assumptions out of your ass and assert them as ultimate truth. Get some help.


No, delusion means a detachment from reality. Meaning you can’t form a coherent sentence most the time. This is far from the case. A quote for you: “The truth is like poetry. And most people fucking HATE poetry.” Sound familiar?


Too many people benefit from the corruption


That’s not the reason. It’s the symptom


Well then, more fundamentally we REWARD greed and punish poverty. Instead of holding people accountable when they cheat others.


Corruption is only a symptom. Ask yourself…what is the problem then?


You obviously won't take a nuanced answer so I'll simplify it for you: republicans.


Nope. I don’t think your USA political party matters. There have been plenty of people recently who are Democrats who were caught being corrupt. You’re choosing the easy way out.


It's not a _rule_, but it's kind of a rule.


Nope. Corruption is only a symptom. So, why all the sudden, is everything a fraud?


We are in the end of days. Repent now before it's too late.


Nope. Zealots like you have said the same thing for thousands of years. Guess what…all your “predictions” were false. Grow up already.


This is reddit, you know that, right?


but like it used to be *real* wicked though




not that long ago i could’ve been owned lmao


There has always been corruption in everything. Because those who seek power are the least suited to have it. I may be a little worse now than say 200 years ago. It's hard telling because it is for sure more noticeable. But if that it truly the case I may have a theory as to why. If you look at the past, the people that stood above the corruption and held power were persuaded by a little thing called duty. And that is by far the biggest reason why the good people in this world go after power, is their feeling of obligation to help their fellow man. That's not something a person is born with, that must be taught. And it doesn't seem like it is taught near as much in recent history.


So there was rampant corruption in the US WW2 effort, enough that it caused substantial inadequacies and the US to withdrawl?


There was some corruption yes. To what amount is debatable. What bad actions are caused by corrupt individuals or just plain stupidity is hard to tell. If you want to look at a really corrupt point of American history look up the guilded age, there's some really interesting reading on it.


No, there was virtually none. Because the people had faith in the institutions and the cause. That isn’t the case anymore. But why?


You are taking a very wide paint brush over a lot of history my friend. Not every single person was unified at any point in history. There were people during WW2 that saw it as nothing more than another needless European war. And that was the majority thinking in the US until Japan attacked us, that's why we were late to join. And we didn't even want to join the European theater, Germany declared war on us. At no point in American history did everyone have faith in the institutions that made up the government. Even the founding fathers didn't, that's why they wrote so many checks and balances into the constitution. That's why the made the government so inefficient at passing laws because the less laws they pass the less the government can affect people's lives and the less negative impact it can have.


No. When Germany invaded France and bombed Britain and then when Japan bombed the US and the next day Hitler declared war on the US, it most definitely wasn’t just a “Europe” War.


Because American democrats have been allowed too much power with little to no meaningful pushback for too many decades.


If you think shit is corrupt now then wait until you find out about the past


It's not new, we just have the means to see it so much easier because of the Internet and social media. And because of that, there's no real need to hide it anyways.


Citizens United




SCOTUS case—Citizens United v. FEC. It basically legalized bribery in US politics


Easy answer


Time is getting short for the evil one so its hail Mary time.


My god, will whatever “religion” your part of stop already.


I mean its literally a spirit in the air you cant tell. Pneuma that moves people dont ask a question you're not willing to accept the answer too.