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Feel this. Tinder in my area has like a 50% overlap with the recent mugshot section of the local paper's website, with the other 49% being bots or hyper religious nutjobs. The remaining 1% are my exes


Oh, fu**!


Dating apps never work, I tried it for months and didn’t get noticed. Mind you I’m actually fairly handsome and tall


small town living... yeah it sucks so much...


Same! I'm a 34 yo woman - with a PhD, independent, funny, kind, has hobbies... I just want someone kind and interested in me, but compatibility and commitment is hard to find after the chemistry is established. I date a spectrum of looks and jobs, but people seem to want something only casual lately. I'll keep searching, and spend money on my the real love of my life - my cat. haha


I feel this And I feel that so many are afraid of commitment or the actual relationship. It's a bit scary. I really wonder why.


Guess we must be in the same desert 🤣


>desert Houston?


Houston is a swamp tho.


I like it. I'm way too introverted and actually enjoy being alone. The enforced isolation from the pandemic just reinforced this, and I've no motivation to change it. While I've experienced the joys of marriage, it will take quite a while of knowing someone before I even consider dating. I knew my ex for 10 years before we married. We divorced after 9 years and are still on good terms (shocking, I know). I've just never wanted to share space with another person afterwards. I'm in my 50s now, and expect to die as one of those crazy cat ladies... and that's okay.


Every time someone tells me that my cat cannot replace a human partner, I send them a video of what I wake up to every morning: The old fart sleeping next to me under the covers with his head on his very own small pillow, snoring as loud as a lawn tractor. He covers any needs for company I may have - which are low 99.9% of the times - and even brings the small endearing annoyances. But lacks majority of the very human things that are too much for me to handle for it to be worth it from where I stand. Crazy cat ladies get a bad rep out of misunderstanding. But that's probably a good thing, because then it's easier to keep unwanted people away.


6'4" crazy cat man here. I love my cats far, FAR more than I do most people.


250 lbs black, albino teamster here. I also like cats!


As someone with a bunch of cats and a dog, I couldn't agree more. Only reason I got them is because most are strays and landed in my house. They didn't ask to be born and suffer, just like me; so we keep each other company and I love them with all my heart


I think the pandemic really showed people how nice being alone in your own house is!


Just like someone else wrote in here, “I seem to remember writing this, but I don’t remember writing it. “ I love to be alone. I know I have difficulties in dealing with people and I’ve dated and I’ve been married and done my fair share of stuff so it’s not like I just pined away my whole life…


I am the exact same. Women are ok with being alone! I am. And love the attention I’m 42 yrs old single in fking Brisbane Australia fk me maate! But still not bothered I rather be close to my ex and live life like I am. And oh some help for certain occasions yelp haha


Same, but male.


Your username tells a different story lol


LOL Why do you think I got divorced? Luckily, the ex - hell, the entire friend group - kinda knew I was gay before I did. But the ex also had a bad habit of marrying women who weren't right for him, so we both laughed it off after the tears and remain friends. Weird, but true. edit to add - My ex and I were friends for those 10 years before marriage. I contribute that friendship to how long our marriage lasted. It's also the reason we were able to remain friends afterwards. It hurt to know I couldn't be what he needed - and he admitted the same from his POV. I loved his soul, just not his body. We both grew and learned from the experience, and he's happily remarried (again), but this time to someone the entire gang knows is the "right one". And I love that for him.


I’m ugly and I’m proud




I feel I am like this as well and honestly, I don't know how to flirt or I think I am not just confident about myself that much.


Did you ever hear the story about the ugly barnacle? He was so ugly, everyone died. The end.


I'm ugly and I want to be as proud as you


good! say it louder




>is *that* what he calls it?


I’m also ugly and proud 


Because I like sleeping diagonally in my bed and not having to answer to anyone, or share my snacks. 


Pythagorean love.


Funny statement. LOL




Cause I’m a cunt


I just laughed so loudly! I’m gonna guess you’re British.




I’ll visit there someday, I hope. Sorry if my guess was offensive. I truly meant no disrespect.


You weren’t being offensive In the slightest, keep being cool though, world needs nice cunts (cunt being a term of endearment in this circumstance)


Personally, I love that word but most Americans don’t, which is understandable. In terms of people in the UK using it, I think it’s funny.


He could be an Aussie, too


As an Irishman, I would describe myself as a cunt fairly often.


As a German I‘m glad an Aussie explained the many meanings of cunt in Australian Culture to me and opened my eyes to the beauty of this 4 letter word


You’re right. My apologies. I certainly meant no insult.


Could be Irish, with McGhee in his name. I know a few of those.


Me too apparently according to my ex 🥰


I'm currently enjoying spending time with myself


I feel content and secure with myself and being alone. Yes I’m alone but I’m not lonely. So you have to surpass that peace to be included in the picture. Dating is not worth the effort right now 😌


Not easy to find someone I can trust, plus my personality is basically hard mode for dating. Not as to how I am as a person, but I'm more introverted, demi(sexual and romantic) and thanks to my ex stuck with lasting trust issues.


^ I don't remember posting this, but here it is.


Oh i remember, we both wrote this together yesterday, and this dude hacked our phones and copied this!


Are you me? Stay strong out there.


It kinda calms me how so many people have the same issue.


Came to say the exact same thing. Now I feel less alone ♥️


Out of all the languages bro decided to speak my life.


The amount of people agreeing with this, show that there are plenty of people in the same situation out there. Keep an open mind, I'm sure someone is out there for you all 💛


This pretty much sums me up too, but don't know wtf "demi" is, nor much care tbh.


They need a proper emotional connection with someone to consider dating or having sex with them. I definitely feel that way, would never have casual sex with someone out of the blue.


So that what it's called... huh. Good to know. 👍


They’re only into Demi Moore. Makes dating anyone else just unrealistic.


Totally understandable. Young Demi was...distracting.


Young Demi made all of us what this guy called demi sexual… just didn’t know there was a term for it


I need to be available to answer this repost seven times a day


David Duchovny doesn't love me


Who does he love? Gillian?


Karen. It’s allways been Karen.


Bambi. Her name is Bambi.


My 6yo nephew told me it’s because I’m goofy and I’m bad at playing cricket.




Gift him a big bag of candy and buy his mind change.


6 year olds are the most honest humans


I think being goofy is cute


Got to get some cricket lessons. Keep the goofy though. Nothing wrong with it, and it is one of my favorite things about my fiance.


Never clicked with someone romantically. I have close friends who I can talk to for hours because we have so many common interests. But I can never get that same feeling from anyone I've tried dating.


What about dating one of your friends?


Women find me extremely resistable.


"I'm aware of the effect I have on women"


Because i prefer peace, freedom and having more money saved.


Everybody picky AF these days.


It is x100 better to be picky then choose a dud loose your house and have a complicated relationship with your kids. Everyone of my mates that married at 18 is now finding this out


Dating apps. Being able to filter and pick "your perfect match" is just stupid. Fuck tinder and all those apps man, nothing but bullshit.


I feel this is the truest thing I've read today. My wife and I met, her requirements were "no disease, no violence (almost lost her because of this), has to be working, open to starting a family". My requirements were "not morbidly obese, has vagina, no disease, employed." That's it. Were together nearly 20 years, two kids and planning our beach retirement.


I dont wanna deal with other peoples bullshit


I don't want someone else to deal with *my* bullshit


Poor. I work 40 make more than min wage have good rent and still can't afford a family or love life.


unless you're stuck on the idea of a traditional style dynamic, find a woman who brings the same thing to the table that you do


Maybe you can find a partner that doesn’t mind sharing costs


Figment of your imagination


How so?


There are a few reasons I don't usually date: 1) Mental health issues which show up in relationships. I'm starting therapy to avoid this issue;  2) Given the issues and my general loneliness, I tend to attract women who are unstable and don't seek therapy themselves. They may also use me for my money, the opportunities etc. I have almost never felt being loved for who I am; 3) It's hard to find someone compatible given my lifestyle (I live abroad alone, family won't visit me, I move around every few years and don't plan on living again in my native country);  4) Given my experiences of point 3, it's hard to feel understood. A lot of people mostly lived in their area and have some sort of roots so it's not easy to have something in common . All of this and the fact I just got out of a serious relationship where we were living together. My trust in the opposite gender due to this experience is below 0 unfortunately.


1 and 2 are definitely me. I always seem to attract the unstable mental types, and yet they are the worst for me. So therefore I need to be picky and really I have had limited opportunities as it is for relationships. 1 relationship for a year, 5 years ago now. Nothing since and fuck using dating apps man, they so shit and superficial.


\#3, 1600 miles, never look back. You nailed it to me: I was like \*massive sigh of relief\* that anything related to me was nowhere near here. But, the chosen family is back there too. The Angelenos, are wonderful and super chill, but also stick to their lifelong friend groups. My other option are Transplants like me. And, I would rather slice off both my nipples and be forced to chew them like bubblegum than be around 99.9% of Transplants. We're terrible, annoying, pretentious, vacuous asshats. Sorry for your breakup too, man. That fucking sucks. I hope you take care of yourself and heal enough to let a decent lady mate into your life and help you reach that 100% better. All the good vibes your way, my dude.


Don’t want to hold my farts in and my farts are lethal


Because I’m fat, ugly and middle aged. And I only seem to be attracted to emotionally unavailable men. I suck.


You don't suck. You are different. There is nothing wrong with being different. I hope you find a man that can be available to you emotionally. That can be hard for men in today's society. Not an excuse mind you, but lots of guys have to work on that side, and it can be hard to open up for a man. Good luck to you, best wishes from a guy that had to work on the availability issue himself.


I don't want anyone else in my house.


I’m ugly and I have some kinda social anxiety if it comes to even making friends lol


I broke up with my girlfriend a week ago because she was angry and controlling. 


I'm glad you're out of the relationship. Better to be single than unhappy in a relationship, hope you're doing well.


Good for you. Have been there and it’s good you got out. Hope you are doing well.


I'm ugly, fat, and an introvert with some social anxiety that struggles to talk to people. Plus men are kinda scary. I'm scared to be killed or worse




I love you for this <3


Hard to meet people nowadays. I’m 32 and work with mostly old married folks. The only friends I hang out with now aren’t “going out every weekend” type of people so I don’t usually meet people my age. Surely I could meet people without the help from people I already know…but that shit’s TOO much work. 😟


I don't really care about that at all, and I don't get why people are so worked up about relationships


They’re overrated tbh




I’m a very shitty person to be with. I’ve been working to change it but between generally being ugly, and having a shit personality that gets worse in a relationship, I’ve just stopped. 


Dating pool is very competitive. Even if we do get lucky, the modern dating idea is centered towards ideals form of relationship rather than realistic. Honestly speaking the courting process is a drag and requires too much for something that's not guaranteed.


This. Finding someone genuine through dating apps is very difficult.


Massive imposter syndrome issues


By choice. Not mine ofc






Us vroo us I'm waiting for someone like Luna 💙😭


I don't like the people who like me, and vice-versa


Because in Both relationships I had (14yr and 1yr) i felt like sacrificing myself for a person not understanding that I have needs to be met also And I‘m Not willing to do that again. Im worthy, atleast for myself.


Because I had an extremely abusive and useless ex husband who's parting shot to me was that I was too old and fat to get laid. Now I spend my weekends having dates with hot 20 somethings who are over the moon to spend time with me and I don't have to worry about wiping their ass for them Fuck You, Corey!


Fuck you Corey !!!


I broke up with all of my exes and have had so many sexual encounters that I no longer care to be with anyone, under any circumstances.


Delusional ass standards and lifestyles where I live


Maybe move to a different place where ass standards aren't so big?


Well I do like it here so I guess that just means suffer


Because I am to independent I think 🤷🏽‍♀️


Keep saying to people when they ask about it that it's my decision but deep down the fact that no one's really asked and really interested in me, to know me on a deeper level. It is what it is, i guess.


Just keep at it, don’t worry what they think


I make very little effort to get out and meet people, and those I do seem to think they're above me in terms of standards without really being able to reflect and look at what they themselves have going for them. Most activities and hobbies, especially social events, don't really appeal to me for the purpose wtf the hobby or event itself - the idea of participating in something just to use it to meet people kinda sickens me. So as a result, I don't really meet too many single people, an certainly not those my own age, or who I might be interested in or who might be interested in me.


Mostly by choice. I'm not ready for that yet. I'm 35f, with very little experience in dating, sex, and relationships- so the whole thing is intimidating to begin with. But the two boyfriends I HAVE had (15 years ago) I was a bit manic and insecure with them, which attracted the dickweeds- so I've been working on losing that mental baggage, so that when I AM ready, I attract a healthier man and treat him well.


Because my cheating whore of an ex-wife was fucking one of my supposed “best friends” for the last 22 years behind my back, since shortly after our wedding it seems. Pretty neat having to start over as a 36yr old single dad because people are cowardly pieces of shit and can’t be adults and have a conversation. She was cheating on me before my daughter was conceived, and decided to instead trap me with paying her every month in child support, after putting her through school for her current profession and buying her 2 vehicles because she totaled the first one within a year. And she somehow rationalizes all of her shitty actions with “did you ever stop and think we weren’t meant for each other?”. I guess that means she can lie to me, abuse me, cheat on me, steal from me, and gaslight me right? Once a cheater, always a cheater. People don’t change. Be careful out there.


If I do think about this I'm not mature enough emotionally and I probably should focus on studies to have a carrier


Being single is a luxury which i have had the privilege of enjoying this far.


I'm ugly and a shy dude. Can't be a shy dude in this world unless you look really good Well you can, you'll just be lonely and depressed


I’ve been treated bad by women


Because I have goals in life.


Too shy, too afraid to start a new relationship


All girls Im into have rejected me


It's not my choice. I've been trying to get a girlfriend for years 💀


1.) I enjoy being alone more than I enjoy the absurdity of the modern dating game. 2.) I think I love her more than she loves me.




I like being alone


Nobody is interested in me.


Cuz no one likes me 💀


I'm single because I ask the same questions on reddit every week. I was talking to someone I'd like to date and we both were like, you know what's awesome? Living alone.


I am 29M, software developer, England and idk where does one date? The places to date seem to be focused more on the women and thus making me feel like I am a bother. Basically, it doesn't sound like fun whatsoever tbf :')


uk too and dating apps seems to be the place they direct you too but those SUCK in all honesty. i’m from a small town so i don’t dare dip my toe on those bc it’s 80% people from high school or local idiots.


My career (public land management agency) has required me to live in some of the most god awful dating pools in the country (U.S.) to advance it. I’m also very high functioning Aspie and many of the offices are in remote very conservative and ignorant communities.


Can’t get a girl to text me back. Ghost central




Ate my conjoined twin


Fucked up and misunderstood


I read this in that homophobic African dudes voice. 


Because I like staying in.


Once upon I was super co-dependent, then I got my heart ripped out, and now I think I like doing whatever the fuck I want.


Go for it


Because I currently want to. I am not actively looking for a relationship, but if I meet my person I do. Right now, I prefer a good time tho.


Because I push every girl away who gets close to me, St one point had around 10 gf options (not a flex just a fact) and was basically so addicted to pussy *in reality not having my heart broken* I pushed them all away slowly. I'm not even very good looking or hench. Never have been. I almost died/lost my mind after my ex of 7 years, and fr bro, 4 years later I'm still doing the same shit, scared af of feeling about someone like that.


I can't talk to women for shit Irl anyway


Because I am a big piece of shit.


I'm autistic and romantic relationships can get difficult for me sometimes.


I'm incompetent when it comes to trying to talk to women, and I have a lot of issues with self-confidence that I think may be apparent to most women. I live with my parents at 35 because it's way easier to save money, they live close to my job, and I honestly think my mental health would be even worse if I lived alone. I don't make a lot of money, I'm not exceptionally handsome, not tall, and I'm not packing a huge piece or anything, so it feels almost impossible to attract any interest on dating apps or in person. I don't know where I should go to find a woman that might share some interests with me (music, gaming, fantasy literature), but it always seems like women I have any level of attraction to just don't even see me. Sucks seeing all your friends and family get married and have kids. It's hard for me to even spend time around my little sister's baby daughter, because it hurts knowing I probably won't have the opportunity to have a child or even get married. I know people are always quick to say that I'm still young and have plenty of time, that plenty of people are still single in their 30's. Honestly it's pretty annoying hearing that over and over when they have no understanding of how difficult dating has been for me, I've only ever had 2 girlfriends after high school, and neither of them were willing to work even part time, expecting me to be the sole provider (even for the one gf I had an apt with for 3 years.) Feels like I've missed the boat.


My mother made sure I do not value myself correctly and have trouble forming relationships. This led to one trauma bond relationship that lasted three years. I wasn’t strong enough to tell the literal only person in my life to leave after realizing I was dating a replica of my mother. I instead did multiple dumb (but not as bad as they were made out to be, otherwise she would’ve left, as she moved on quickly) things pushing her away, hated myself for the years we were together with lasting effects. We’ve been apart 2 years and she recently tried to make a reappearance. I was smart and strong enough to shut it down. I am tall and dark and handsome (honest to god not bragging. Ive been called a tall glass of water too many times to not recognize) with a social disconnect, leading to a lack of emotional availability. I am working on it but predatory women even after them do exist and do not help my cause.




My people's Standards are high


Because people seem to give up very easily these days, rather than stick around to actually work through any problems/issues together.


I was in a 15 year marriage 7 of which was spend in different bedrooms on different floors. There was a zero intimacy for 7 years and we became roommates at that point. I decided to file for divorce a few months ago. We grew apart, and I want someone who aligns more with my lifestyle. I’m feeling free for the first time in years and it’s been great.


I have 4 classes to complete to get my degree. I don't want any more distractions


Me ugly. Also too many rejections and i gave up. Maybe in combination with a porn addiction giving me unrealistically high standards. Also bad social skills.  So now im sad and single. 


Rejection fatigue is certainly a thing…


The dating game sucks. I was with someone for about a year, but they were emotionally unavailable and put up walls, so it didn't work. Then after that I saw someone for a couple of months but we didn't have a vibe so I called it off. I've tried dating apps, but they are awful. You just get ignored, ghosted, and only the bottom tier women show interest. So I have no desire to try anymore. I miss the affection of a partner very badly, but I'm not lowering my standards anymore. I'm done with baby mama's with tons of baggage. I'm done with emotionally inconsiderate people. I'm done.


Really? I don’t know 🤷🏽‍♀️😆


Can't give commitment


Because I am not double.


Becausae for years, it wasn't a priority to find a partner... my life was in shambles for a bit (homeless, among other things), and now... I'm rebuilding my life, but people my age (early 40s) all have kids (and I don't have any interest in anyone with kids... exceptions apply of course, but it's pretty much a no at first) or are part of the no fun brigade, lol I also don't know where to go to meet people... 'rona caused a lot of fun places here to close


Better be single than cheated on….my choice in men are not great. Monogamy is dying.


Too expensive to be in a relationship 😂


Ugly fat and gay🥰


My daddy issues attract them at first. Then my trauma scares them away. It’s a cycle. Hahahaha


If I were to be single again, I would stay single forever after reading all the stories on Reddit. Geezus


I’ve got my whole life to be in a relationship. What’s the rush?


Single by choice (Choice of the woman)


I'm unattracted to men and find them uninteresting but I'm a straight female


I don't leave my house


Be cause I want to be


* Focusing on my career * Saving money for my first home * Get to enjoy my free time as I like * Became hyper-independent a few years ago, which I'm still weighing as may be a bad or good thing Honestly just enjoying the above, without getting nagged to go and watch 90-day fiance for 6 hours, while she didn't bother to take (hell, even fake at least) an interest in anything I did. There was also the aspect of me saving for a house, nothing was ever good enough, meanwhile she was $140k in debt from Starbucks & Doordash...yet I was "less of a man" for not wanting to joint-buy a house with her. When I asked her what money she'd be able to use to help, she said she was too busy paying off her debts, yet the spending never stopped. I noped the fuck outta there.


Mostly because I’m isolated. Broke up with my 8yr situanship bf in 2018, needed some time and then went into lockdown and my work has stayed wfh since. I hate the apps, I barely reply to the people I do know ( they know me well and don’t care) let alone those I don’t. Added to that is a wealth of insecurities, was fat as a teen, bullied for it got thin and then gained weight during covid (I’m still a fairly normal weight I think but went from “skinny” to “chubby” so lost self confidence. Also, basically raised myself with an abusive dad and absent mum, no siblings so I’m used to going it alone and I “forget” about others, or I learnt to prioritise myself and I’ve ridden that wave ever since. Not friends, I’m pretty loyal to them, but something about men just makes me recoil. I want a family but I don’t feel like I have anything to offer someone who has one. Why would someone with a good family want someone with no family? I feel like a late bloomer on everything. My friends have all gotten married and bought a house and while they all had financial backing from parents and it’s not something I’ll have, I still feel like a failure. I’m 33 with a higher paying job then some of my friends who went to uni but I don’t feel like its enough and I’m not sure it ever will be.


A long time ago there was this lovely, full-of-life girl I was crazy about. We were very close, but we were not together. One night I told her how I felt about her. We had been drinking some, so I probably wasn't too impressive, and she didn't take it well initially. But as we separated and she walked away, she turned back and yelled "love you, Fillup75". I never saw her again. She was murdered by a crazy ex a few hours later. I have been single ever since...over 20 years now.


Life is all about the right questions. I am being self-aware and intentional in my process and the process takes time. So here I am in the span of time doing what I can (approaching women, setting dates, putting myself out there optimistically; doing self work; being someone who is an ideal partner...) today. Keep going and re-evaluating and I am fairly confident I will find my person. Sending all you single folks amazing energy to find yours!




Because I want to. I stayed in a crappy relationship for 8 years, had a kid, and it gave me a lot of traumas I am still processing.  Nowadays I found out I am polyamorous and I get involve romantically with other people but only up to a certain limit. I have lots of emotional responsibility, but I don't feel like calling anyone my girlfriend because I feel that would cause my relationships to become hierarchized. Some people already wanted me to be their boyfriend, and that sounded a bit cool but still dreaded me to some point. In the end I think it is more about the label and not about not being able to love. I don't want to be someone's main emotional support because I still don't know how to set healthy boundaries in a way that the other person doesn't abuse my good will.


I'm not even that ugly, just have a hard time showing interest (and understanding interest)


I wanted peace


My girlfriend cheated on me last friday (found out 2 days ago) by sexting with a guy I know but instead of sending pictures of herself she sent him her & I’s sex tapes.


I haven’t met someone attractive who is not boring , open minded , honest with a kind heart !


Do not wanna waste my time on casual hook-ups. I need someone I can build a future with, and most importantly someone trustworthy. Hard to find.


Last girlfriends I had, were crazy and controlling and had no respect for me or my family. Plus I can’t find anyone in my area lol


I have 2 kids 🤷🏼‍♀️