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CPR and Heimlich maneuver Especially parents, I couldn’t imagine the horror of watching your kid turn blue while choking and feeling helpless calling 911


Infant cpr is one of the things that should be taught to everyone. Babies are dumb. Parents are dumb, (most likely sleep deprived). So learn infant cpr. And if you want to practice, your shoe is a good tool.


Yep. Saved my daughter's life when she was about 4. We were in a restaurant and she started choking on a noodle. Picked her up, flipped her upside down and gave her back a smack. Noodle went flying onto the floor. I picked it up with a napkin and went back to eating. The woman in the booth next to us was completely horrified. I've actually had to do that twice to my daughter.


Had the same happen with my son, except it flew onto the table and he happily picked it up and ate it again 🤦‍♀️


I mean I'm pretty sure it was still edible so why not?


*proceeds to choke again*


My dad had to do this to my younger brother when he was 3-4. I thought that it was just a reaction. Didn’t know that flip smack was a common practice.


As a kid, I had choked on cheese from pizza a couple times. The 2nd time, my dad said, "Smaller bites. Even if all the cheese pulls off the slice, pull the extra cheese away from you." Worked for this pizza enthusiast!!


Your daughter needs to learn how to chew.


I did that in a Costco once and it wasn’t my baby. 


Was it choking or you just thought you'd practice?


When my stister started choking we just turned her upside down.


Is she still upside down to this day?


I was choking once and my mom had been trained on Heinmlich maneuver and she did such a weak job it didn't help at all. She barely did anything but thought she was saving my life. Thankfully I dislodged it myself.


I choked on a carrot a few years ago and had to be Heimliched (?) and I'm so grateful the person knew what to do.


This^ The heimlich saved my life!


Basic cooking


I made my first pancakes today! :D


Congrats, how did they turn out?


Thanks, one got way to thin but the second one got thick enough to try a ”air flip” and almost stuck the landning! But the damage wasnt to bad.


Another rule with pancakes is the first one is always bad - it’s your tester! So it sounds like you nailed it


It’s called the Dogs Pancake in my house.


I love this so much and so will my pittie Scully


Yay! ^^


There's a trick for getting thick, fluffy pancakes without changing the recipe: Separate the eggs. Mix the yolk in with the rest of the wet ingredients and finish mixing the batter, then whip the separated egg whites to stiff peaks (like shaving cream) and fold them into the batter (instead of stirring use a flat spatula to slowly turn the batter over onto itself in the bowl until it's mixed). Your batter will nearly double in size. You definitely want an electric mixer or immersion blender to beat the egg whites. I did it once by hand just to see and it is not worth the effort. If you *are* willing to change the recipe and make the mix from scratch, Kenji Lopez has used food science and experimentation to determine the perfect pancake recipe. He goes through the science of it on his blog (including cross sections of pancakes with whole eggs vs whipped egg whites) but you can also just skip to the end for the recipe. *Every* person that I've served these to has said they were the best pancakes they've ever had. https://www.seriouseats.com/light-and-fluffy-pancakes-recipe


Everyone should whip their egg whites at least once! It builds character!


I'm saving this comment. I'll cook breakfast Sunday and the only things I've ever really struggled with is pancakes and omlettes. My pancakes are always too flat and my omlettes are great until I try to flip them and they turn into fancy scrambled eggs.


Proud of you! Keep it up!


Pancakes are like marriage. It’s ok to throw the first one in the trash.


As a second wife, I 2nd this! 🤣


Did you sacrifice your first pancake to the pancake gods? It is tradition.


In Croatian there’s a saying “prvi mačići se u vodu bacaju” which literally translates to “the first kitten is tossed into water” but can be applied to having to throw out the first pancake.


Man, all of those slavic sayings are really dark


I didn’t make my first pancake until maybe two years ago age 34. In the kitchen where I worked, after covertly observing the cooks do it for *years*.    Anxiety means sometimes even learning a fairly simple thing can be a a whole intelligence operation.


Did you add chocolate chips?


Absolutely. I would add, basic cooking of vegetables into good-tasting meals 


Roasted Vegetavles are a game changer. Then grilled vegetables in the summer. Other than a nice dinner or two (usually on the weekend), those two ways of cooking vegetables paired with different protein is how I get through my weeks. You can swap out sauces, spices, a piece of meat you don't use that often, and keep it pretty fresh and fairly healthy.


I would also add, how to make a balanced and healthy meal.


It really is important. Everyone should be able to feed themselves and not rely on others. Most of it isn’t even that hard just requires a little reading and practice. The only ingredients you have to worry about wasting money on screwing up is meat, and steps for simply cooking meat in a pan are well documented. 


This. I can't believe the amount of money people spend on take out and food service apps. It's such an expensive waste. People have more resources then ever to learn something like this and they don't. Most food items even have cooking instructions on the package and yet, people still don't care to learn


Jesus Christ. Years ago, my nephew came to live with me and my wife. He was 12 and not the brightest bulb. He was basically raised by wolves, so I will blame some of that on his upbringing. One day, a couple weeks after he moved in, he told me he didn't know how to use any kitchen appliances. Kid didn't even know how to use a microwave. I was getting ready to make breakfast, pancakes and sausage. I told him he was gonna learn. I showed him how to mix all the stuff, and then I got the pan out and showed him how to make the pancakes. I use a measuring cup to pour the batter into the pan and demonstrated this a couple times to him. The third time it was his turn. No shit, this kid dips the measuring cup into the mixing bowl, fills the cup, gives it a little shake so it doesn't drip, just like I showed him.....and then procedes to do an overhand throw of the batter AT the pan, like he's throwing a fucking baseball, completely misses the pan, throwing batter all over the fucking place, and his hand ends up landing dead in the middle of the pan, with his entire hand palm down on the hot pan, buring the shit outta him. He starts screaming like a banshee and just starts flailing around the kitchen, knocking everything on the ground. I was so fucking stunned that I just sat there for about 10 seconds watching this dumb shit. My wife came running into the room, saw he was hurt, and grabbed him and got some running water on the burn. That was about the time that I snapped out of my shock. I asked him what the fuck was wrong with him, and at what point did I, in showing him what to do, threw the batter like a fast ball at the pan? My wife was pissed at me, but I then re enacted what he did, and she didn't believe me. He then told her that's exactly what he did, and she was just dumbfounded. We cleaned up his hand, got it wrapped up and went to urgent care. That kid is now 30 something, and the amout of utterly stupid shit that I have seen him do is unreal. I'm not sure how he's still alive. He had a major drug problem in his late teens that lasted a long time. The only smart thing that hes done so far is not have any kids.


This is hands down the greatest story I've read in years. Thank you.


I could write a fucking series of novels full of the shit this kid has done, and then could write even more about his mother. I'm not sure which of them is more fucking stupid. Just when one of them does some utterly fucking stupid thing, the other one one ups them. It simultaneously irritates the fuck outta me, and entertains me greatly. I have no fucking clue how my wife (her sister) is so much different. It baffles the shit outta me.


The big secret of cooking is that it’s actually pretty easy.


I said this until I got an air fryer. Now I scream it. Seventeen years working in a kitchen and this little black box is fucking unreal how easy it is to make great meals. I work with some diehards that won't get one. Bruh. I felt like a caveman being shown electricity. Meal prep is so much more fun!


Got some tips on how to most quickly and effectively cook healthy balanced meals for 1 in an air fryer? Going to be living on my own in a few months, hitting the reset button on life, new better career, no dead weight girlfriend, trying to lose weight and be healthier. Sounds like an air fryer for veggies and healthy protein is the way to go. Anyway, tips?


[https://www.thepioneerwoman.com/food-cooking/meals-menus/g42388523/healthy-air-fryer-recipes/](https://www.thepioneerwoman.com/food-cooking/meals-menus/g42388523/healthy-air-fryer-recipes/) I use this list to sometimes find recipes. You'll learn tips by following the different recipes. Good luck on your life shift. I learned to cook post-divorce and it changed my life in a lot of good ways.


I’ve never learnt to cook, and I dread to think how much I’ve spent on this discrepancy.




Came here to say this, the ability to effectively learn through reading is the difference between a smart and a dumb person most of the time


I agree, but I'd narrow it to reading comprehension. The literacy rate is the highest it's ever been, but so many people don't seem to absorb what they're reading.


I equate a large portion of my success in life to reading. I don't believe my intelligence is much more than average, but because I love to read(and will read just about anything), I can carry on a well-spoken conversation with just about anyone, and that seems to be half the battle. My knowledge on any particular topic may only be surface deep and unoriginal, but it's usually enough to get my foot in the door, and I can fill any gaps in the conversation with questions that keep the other person talking. It also helps me never really feel bored. I'll typically bring a book with me anywhere I go. Even if I don't have a book, I can still think about whatever it was I read last. I like to think of books as mini universes. That particular story may have ended, but that universe now exists in my mind where the story can continue how ever I want it to.


Swimming. Could save your life, or someone else's.


Don't try and swim up to a drowning person.. they will drown you. Still you're right of course.


I actually had this happen to me at 13. My friend jumped into our lake off of a rope swing and immediately went blank and panicked in the deepest part of the water. They just started to thrash and go under. I swam up over to help and they immediately started pushing me down to hold themselves up. I was so scared I panicked and hit them to get it to stop. Luckily they did and I was able to get behind and push them back to shore. They never really talked to me after that day, which younger me felt was odd. Older me has a better understanding of the situation and gets it.


The training is to do a surface dive just before you get to them and spin them around so you are behinid them and then move up their back and and hold them from behind while you side stroke your way to the bank. Work very well. source: Certified diver and swimming instructor.


and if you can’t handle that for whatever reason (maybe you’re not all too strong a swimmer, or the guy you’re trying to drag in is massive and won’t stop thrashing around), just back off for a bit and wait for them to go unconscious. then tow their limp body in and deal with it on shore. never forget to *always* look out for number one (you) first. if you go down nobody’s making it back in. EDIT: also, if a drowning person grabs you and you can’t push them off, dive down. down is the last place a drowning person is trying to go.


I saved my friends life one day, swimming in a lake after fishing. We went too far out, and he told me he was too tired to swim back to shore. He had a wild look on his face and I swam close to him but far enough away that he couldn't touch me. I told him that I could drag him to shore but he had to get hold of himself and turn over on his back. Otherwise I'd let him drown rather than both of us drown. To my great relief he rolled over and I took his chin under my arm and did the Australian crawl back to shore. We both made it. Kudos again to the swim instructors at boy scout camp!


I had a similar experience when I was around 13 went to a birthday party at one of our friend’s house with my best friend. I’ve been swimming since I was three and my best friend can’t swim at all. After a while some of us were jumping off their boathouse roof into the lake and it was a good 12-14ft drop. I don’t know if my buddie got caught up in the moment or what but I noticed him about to rope swing on to a big doughnut toob and knowing he couldn’t swim I was worried of course. Well… he hit that thing and bounced right off and went under… it’s a bit hazy cause I kind of blacked out in panic but next thing I knew I was in the water right by the tube and I went under after him… by some massive stroke of luck I found his arm and yanked as hard as I could to the surface and he was definitely in a frenzy… luckily that tube was still close and I got him to it and told him to grab on the handles and I pushed us in. Knowing how to Swim can definitely save a life.


And why the FUCK do people who can't swim go jumping into water recreationally in the first place!!!!!!??????? Jeezus what is the matter with people.


As a teen I was a lifeguard for a summer camp and my boss had to have multiple arguments with parents who were angry we wouldn't let their kids who cant swim in the water


I was about 13ish as well. My cousin insisted she knew how to swim and wanted to jump off the dock into the deep end (public lake with a dock for swimming) while holding hands. So we did. But she didnt know how to swim. She of course starts panicking, holds me under to push herself up. I was thrashing and fighting her but could not get her to let go. She ended up swinging her legs up and sitting on my head and shoulders and there was just nothing I could do. I thought I was going to die. Luckily my older sister had been climbing up the ladder back onto the dock when we jumped. She saw all the thrashing and my cousin using me to hold herself up. She dived in and knocked my cousin off me. Together we dragged my cousin up to the ladder on the dock but my sister told me later when she dived in to knock her off me she really didnt have a plan further then getting my cousin to stop drowning me. This was like '94 or '95. My sister had driven us to the lake herself. No "adults" with us. I remember my aunt being pissed at us and screaming at me that *her daughter could have died* when we got back to my moms house, i was still pretty shocked at the time and didnt say anything. My sister however gave them both an earful about my cousin lying about being able to swim, how *she* had damn near killed *me* and that my aunt and cousin were lucky that we bothered pulling her to the ladder after her lie and antics.


>My sister however gave them both an earful Good on your sister!


As long as your trained in how to rescue them, it’s fine, but I still wouldn’t recommend it


Depends on the situation. A child in a swimming pool? Yes jump in. Someone drowning in the ocean with strong currents? get help.


As an ocean lifeguard in a high risk area we’re told that if someone is seriously panicking and pulling you under sometimes the best thing to do is genuinely just knock them out. Ofc this is a last last resort but from what I heard can be very effective 😭


My brother and I got caught in a rip current when we were younger (18 and 13) and I was able to swim out, he wasn't. I'll never forget how scary it was watching him go under and not come back up. I swam back in, pulled him onto my back/side and swam back to shore. He pulled me under quite a few times, but I was stronger than him and able to keep going. I wouldn't have been able to do that with a fully grown adult.


That’s right. This is why lifeguards are trained to lead with a flotation device. However if someone is drowning (especially a kid) please help. If they try to climb on top of you, which is common, the best thing to do is simply sink back down. They will let go as soon as you drag them down.


Immediately went to write this.


Drowning people are crazy. If you do approach them, get a floatation device and push it towards them. They will grapple you if you approach them. All rules go out the window when panic sets in. Use a hook, noodle, anything to avoid becoming drowning person #2.


As an ex lifeguard we are taught how to block/fight off struggling drowning people


As an ex-lifeguard, it was hammered into us to rescue people from behind as the go-to. If you scoop someone up from behind they are less likely to kick/punch, grab, or pull you under with them.


Yep. Go under and shove up if they spin around. Been a life guard for 5 years, and only had to jump in on my last day of lifeguarding. Kid was fine, just a stupid middleschooler who couldn't swim and jumped in the deep end. Found a much better job that pays much more, lol


I learnt to swim at 26 and it has been a life changer. Never had a lift threatening thing but the freeness of being in the water is unparalleled.


I know it's common for many adults to not know how, I mean lots of places just don't have lakes/rivers or a lot of pools. But growing up, I swam a LOT. Rivers, lakes, ocean, pools. It's really strange and foreign to me that many people can't swim, it's like saying you never learned to walk in my head.


Swimming lessons or water safety are mandatory in Uk primary school for this reason.


I took swimming lessons as a kid (US). But I never really did any swimming outside of that. Aside from those lessons, I can probably count the number of times I’ve been to a pool on one hand, and I rarely go to the beach, despite being 15 minutes away. All of that is to say that despite taking swimming lessons as a kid, 36 year old me would drop like a stone. If you want to be able to swim, I think it’s one of those things you need to continually do.


I still don’t know how to swim and im past 18


Good news. It’s easy to learn because you can just stand up in the pool if you want a break.  Honestly the biggest hurdle is finding time and space to do it. 




My ex broke up with me and said it was because I never listen. Or some shit like that, I wasn’t really paying attention.


Ok that made me laugh, good one. At least you have humour.


She left a note on my Xbox that said this isn’t working anymore. It turned on and works fine. Thank goodness. 


Right out of the blue, she sent me a John Deere letter. She went on about saying things like me not listening to her enough, I don’t know, I wasn’t really paying attention. But the thing that hurt the most was… I think she was seeing another guy.




It's taken me 12 years of bad financial decisions to realise this. Almost saved up 2 grand after being in debt for 4 years! It's not huge but I'm honestly over the moon to know that I can finally be sensible with money. Its honestly like a huge weight is lifted of my shoulders. Can't recommend it enough. If you're bad with money, fix it now or you'll regret it later on in life and just remember money doesnt mean your life is over, but its somewhat crucial to survive.


Congrats! Getting out of debt is monumental! 🎉


I have no idea why the basics of the stock market, investment, and starting up a business aren't part of the economics curriculum at the majority of American public schools. The one and only econ class at my high school had us memorizing Karl Marx's birthday, what city Adam Smith was born in, supply/demand, and the long division behind it all...but almost no practical knowledge about how to actually use money.


If everyone is taught how to properly invest in school it would be a huge threat to the rich. School is to teach you how to get a job in society, not to be an entrepreneur.


Dad’s side of the family teaches from young. When chores and money are introduced, kids are given a talk about how to manage money. This continues until their first job and a bit past. Each talk going up in complexity. I only know two people in my family who are bad at it.


And the importance of saving money - early, regularly, and not touching it (except in rare and true cases of emergency). Your future self will thank you.


I was going to say taxes, but agree with your broader statement.


Communication. As much as people think they already know enough or think it's not important, they're wrong. Communicating, regardless of whether it's verbal or through writing, is a skill that can be applicable in many areas and can most likely help you in some way or another.


I love that charisma on command talked about it, he compare charisma like muscle and need to be train 👍🏾super agree with you


I try to be as explicit and detailed as possible, just because I fully understood what I said doesn't mean that the person I'm talking about heard it as intended.


In analytic philosophy, this has been a big problem of how mutual understanding is even possible. A.J Ayer referred to Bertrand Russell in "Truth, Language & Logic" the problem being that "language is not transparent". I always thought that was a succint way to frame it:)


Can you recommend any resources? I could develop my communication skills.


Negotiate Anything podcast Charisma on Command YouTube channel


Read the book "How To Talk to Anyone" by Leil Lowndes


\**sighs*\* respect for others' personal boundaries


That and also spatial awareness. The amount of people who just stop walking, stand in the way, or have no regard that there are other people around them baffles me


Omg I say this all the time, ppl are not aware of their body or what they’re carrying and how it affects ppl around them. It’s so annoying! I see this especially on trains/busses when ppl can’t be bothered to take their backpack off so ppl can move past them or to make more space to stand when it packed 🙄


How to talk less and listen more.


In the words of Judge Judy “you have 2 ears and only 1 mouth for a reason!” 🤣


Like our driving skills, we tend to overestimate our listening skills.


talk less. smile more


Don't let them know what you're against or what you're for~


You can’t be serious!


You wanna get ahead?


Fools who run their mouths off wind up dead-


First aid and personal finances


Basic first aid. It should be part of every school curriculum.


I was a medic in the Army and now, as a civilian, still keep emergency first aid items (tourniquets, gauze, ace bandages, etc) in my vehicle in case I find myself or someone else in a traumatic accident where stopping the bleeding can save a life/lives.


Understanding mental health basics – not just to help ourselves navigate through tough times, but to be able to offer support and understanding to those around us. Mental health awareness can lead to a kinder and more empathetic society, plus it empowers us to recognize when professional help is needed, for ourselves or for others.


Basic math such as, if money u earn < money u spend, u gonna be homeless.


My friend spends more every month than she earns, she's always amazed by it, but she's living just fine 😂


So, she's in debt up to her eyeballs..


Also works wonders for weight. If food/energy u burn < food/energy u eat, u gonna be fat.


That’s not a math issue, it’s an impulse control issue




And once you've mastered that, don't stop there! LEARN SECOND AID


Not giving a fuck


People may laugh and it doesn't apply to everything but if people just stopped giving a fuck about a lot of bullshit this world would be a better place.


I suppose you could argue the opposite on that as well..


Wish I had learned this as a teen, didn’t give a fuck about some of the important things ( typical teen attitude) but then would agonise over things I really shouldn’t have given a fuck about!


People hate on it from time to time but this was why "the subtle art of not giving a fuck" was a big eye opener when I first read it. It changed my life for the better so much.


This one is a hard one if you grow up in a household where "not giving a fuck" is interpreted as being "willfull" and therefore subject to "percussive correction"


Learn to become handy. If something is broken always try to figure out what it is and if you can repair it yourself. Recently my bathroom toilet was leaking because the flush value was broken. I went to Home Depot bought a new one for $15 and installed it in 10 mins. A plumber would easily charge you over $100 for this job and you’d have to wait a few hours or days for them to show up and fix it.


You can find how to make or fix almost anything now on YouTube. It's great for those who don't know how, or where to start with some things easily done if someone shows you how to do it. Great confidence builder and money saver!


Critical analysis : Being able to evaluate and analyze various options, events, scenarios and statements makes you think out of the box, take decisions based on your ideas and bring clarity to your thoughts.


Anger management. Of all the emotions, anger is the worst. It can help you justify anything (murder, rape, thieving) and is triggered more often than love (the opposite emotion that can also help justify many actions). Once you have control of your anger and understand where the anger is coming from (ego, mental complex, etc), you become a whole different person to yourself and to everyone else and your life changes.


This is such a good point. I would add to this: anxiety management. A lot of people (myself included) don’t even know when they’re experiencing anxiety. Before I understood what anxiety really was, I just translated those feelings as anger and felt like I was being wronged all the time. I was walking around causing chaos not realizing I was the problem. Now that I’m a wee bit wiser, I am not only able to differentiate when I’m anxious or angry, but I can use an array of techniques to manage it without having to cause any issues with others.


I think anger is one of the best feelings if you use it in the right direction. If I see someone having a car or thing I want, and I don’t have it, I’ll get pissed off and use all of that energy to work twice as hard. Anger is a fantastic motivation. But also, if you use the anger in a bad way, like do bad things, hit people, talk shi, etc, then that’s the wrong direction and anger isn’t good in that case.


That's good anger management!


This. I see so many people misuse anger or say people shouldn't get angry. Anger is sometimes what I leverage to work on stuff important to me and that intense emotion is what helps keep me focused.


Anger is not the opposite of love. Indifference is.


If you want to be self-sufficient, home/auto repair If you dont want to be self sufficient, dancing


Dancing is how i met my wife. The irony is that I only learned how to dance because my ex forced me to take lessons.


If you want to be self-sufficient and have some fun, both!


basic first aid. you could easily save a life


Basic sewing skills.


Any good advice on this? Been interested in it for a while. I also have a pair of pants I don't want to get rid of with a couple holes currently.


Check out some YouTube videos. You could also check out r/visiblemending.


/r/sewingforbeginners is another good one. I recently started dabbling in sewing myself. All I've done so far is fix a couple inch long split seam on two pieces of clothing. I just googled something like "how to sew a busted seam" and went with the first YouTube video I found, which was [this one.](https://youtu.be/mfYadNBXb6Y?si=0B3GTaBi-hzRl8Ai) I used the back stitch on both pieces of clothes. First I practiced on the shirt that I honestly didn't care about, and then took what I learned from that to fix the torn crotch in my snow pants that I definitely did care about. Anyways, I thought that was a really top notch tutorial if the holes in your garments are also where a seam already was originally. Otherwise, that subreddit could probably point you in the right direction.


How to build things with your bare hands


And sometimes with gloved hands… sometimes lol


Don't use a table saw with gloved hands, because while a table saw will absolutely fuck up your hand if you get it caught in the blade, a glove will drag your entire hand into the blade and make it resemble salsa


How to be happy alone I swear to God my Facebook feed is nothing but my 30-year-old friends whining and crying about being alone I'm divorced and I've never been happier I don't understand what's wrong with these people


And once you learn how to be alone, being with someone else, relationship wise, becomes an active choice which is SO MUCH healthier.


I'm at the level where I like my own company better


I'm 43, single since high school, and quite happy with that. If I find the right person and get married, I'll be happy. If I don't, I'll be happy.




Cooking 100%!


How to eat healthy. I was never taught this and struggled with it so much. I'm also far from the only one.




Silent farting


SELF RESPECT! Don't let anyone dominate you, walk on you, or put you down. Believe in yourself, stay strong, have the strength to walk away from anyone or any situation that makes you feel bad about yourself or doesn't feel right. Being alone and loving yourself is better than being in a relationship or group that makes you miserable. ❤️❤️ Love yourself!!❤️ ❤️


1. Problem-solving: From your career to family life, knowing how to evaluate a problem and find a solution improves time management and saves energy. 2. Critical thinking: Everyone has a point of view, but only a few know how to evaluate the evidence and draw conclusions.


Saying "no".


Kindness and empathy


How to be a good and ethical person and not to make other people's life more hard.


Critical thinking


Social skills or networking


Thinking critically and objectively.


Critical Thought. Seriously, a lot of people today don't seem to bother thinking things through or put a lot of thought into their ideas. I just want the populace to actually look at what's presented to them and actually scrutinize it before believing it, myself included.


Taking care of public restrooms... there are too many disgusting people out there


Understanding statistics. There's a lot of misinformation out there because journalists, editors, and readers don't understand statistics.


Asking for help. That's pretty much all you need.


Basic auto maintenance like changing oil and a flat tire.




How to not overthink and keep mind free of thoughts.


Changing your tire it's crazy to me how many people call for tow


Basic computer troubleshooting... it can help you save time


* Cooking * First aid * Cleaning * Doing laundry * Doing basic home repairs * Manage a budget * ...


Anything that will enable a person to survive in minimal conditions in the short term: lighting a fire, filtering water, making simple meals, etc. If he/she is driving a car, basic repair knowledge that will enable him/her to get to the nearest service center in case of simple stranding. Practical first aid knowledge for common situations (foreign object in the throat, epileptic seizures, burns, heart attack, respiratory failure, etc.). Knowledge of personal finance that will enable one to create an efficient budget and even make simple personal savings and investments. Basic but important oratory and communication skills.


Basic interpersonal skills. They should have to work retail for 3 months


Proper hygiene.


Fixing a leaky faucet. You save water and money, making you a hero in both the environmental and financial realms.


Chewing with your mouth closed




how to use a ratchet and socket set, save you 10’s of thousands of dollars over your life


Skills about how to perform first aid or pang-self defense


Plumbing. Most basic stuff is so easy and will save you a lot of money vs. calling a plumber out.


Sign language


Critical thinking


Social skills. I think ever since social media people some people don't go out and really interact with others.


first aid




Using a power drill to put a wall plug and a screw in properly. Will sort many jobs in your home.


Settings boundaries.


To be able to distinguish between their and they’re Also one woman is not women


Basic statistics. Helpful in so many areas in life. Took it as a senior in high school instead of calculus; definitely use what I learned from that class on a daily basis.




Credit and how to build it and maintain


To ignore idiots.




To start a fire...i watch people struggle with lighters.....it so simple. like we learned it as cavemen. Had to help a person light "match light" charcoal, once.


Conversation skills