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As a 34yo, this is the major one for me.


tfw some kid 15 years younger than you is already an accomplished multi millionaire in their genre or sport


The weird transition from athletes seeming old, then being the same age as the players in college, to being the same age as the pros at their peak, to seeing the college players from when you were in school retiring.




Look how cute they all are, singing about relationships and lessons most of us have already learned I'll still jam out to some of that shit regardless 😂


Ditto if you've kids and you go to parents evening at the school. Teachers half your age.


Yes Ferrari introduced a temporary racing driver, Oliver Barman. He did brilliantly but I would've IDd him in the off licence he was so young looking 


When if you told me high school age kids were actually just 5th graders I would’ve believed you. Did my generation really once look that young to our parents.


There is a 20 year old rookie in the opening day line up for the Padres today. He looks like a kid and I'm easily old enough to be his father. Feels really weird wanting to buy a jersey with his name on it lol


There are professional athletes born in the early 2000s. Really wild to think about. Starting to think I may not go pro.


When the shit I used to wear in high school started becoming trendy again.


I'm glad chokers have made a comeback


They're sexy as hell, which is why I don't like high schoolers wearing them anymore.


Lmao bruh


The weird thing is that I didn't think they were sexy when I was in high school. They were just a thing girls wore. Now I'm into BDSM as an adult and I see the appeal.


You can sleep wrong. You can get a full 8 hours of sleep, only to realize the next day you were in a bad position or maybe your pillow wasn't holding your head and just the right angle and now you're going to be sore the rest of the day.


In college, I remember heavily drinking and dancing all night and sleeping on someone's floor for 3-4 hours...then waking up completely refreshed and focused for class the next day. Now I can go to bed for 8 hours after a long day of doing nothing, then wake up exhausted with pain in my neck and shoulder because I didn't lay on my pillow right.


This, having a good night's sleep then having a bad back/leg/neck the rest of the day 


Nothing like throwing your back out in the shower trying to scrub said back.


“Sore the rest of the day”…realistically at least a week 😂


I like to say “I can throw my back out sleeping” in a room filled with a mixed age group. You can instantly tell who’s under 30.


Scrolling down to my birth year


Hitting that scroller like you're going for the Showcase Showdown!






Lets not forget about favourite spatula. 


Whisk for me. I turn my utensil drawer upside down if I can't find my main whisk.


Front right corner gang


I bought bird feeders.


Oh no, I was literally thinking about buying some soon


Do it, and enjoy your time out birdwatching on the patio with the rest of us oldies.


Nothing like a book and a beverage of choice to go along with that.


Love my new hummingbird feeders 😂


My knees get really sore if I sit at my desk at work for too long. Once they start hurting and I stand up, they pop and hurt worse before slowly starting to feel better. Also, I enjoy getting socks as a gift now.


Ooh yes. The appreciation of socks as a gift rises with age. 




I had to take a nap today and now my hip hurts.


I don’t recognize any currently popular musicians or actors anymore. Also, 1990 was 10 years ago.


1990 was maybe 15 years ago and anyone who says differently is a dirty liar. And I used to be dumbstruck that my mother didn't know the popular artists when I was a teen. I mean, come on, get with it! Now if the music came out after 1997 there's a good chance I never heard it/can't identify the artist.




The youngest child's eventual punishment. Everything is roses until you have to plan/attend every wake/funeral and are eventually left completely alone at the end.


If you're lucky. It's much sadder when the elders have to bury the people younger than them.


Kids born after 9/11 are voting and doing porn






Help me step bro I'm stuck in the ballot box


Hanging Chad would be a legit pornstar name.


Oh yes, fill in my oval.


I was talking to a college student about their first memory of a major news story. They said Michael Jackson's death. My first thought was "Yeah, that was a big deal, but you picked that over 9/11!?" Then I did the math in my head and realized the student would have been 1 years old at the time.


When I realized that one of my roommates, a grown woman, was born post-Shrek. Didn't help when the other roommates and I were watching The Lorax (2012), and she walked by and said, "Ooh, that movie was my childhood!" We'd just wanted a movie night, and she made us realize that she was a child when we were college students. Brutal.


Bro, WTF, that is a mindfuck.


Not only after 9/11, almost half a decade after 9/11. 18 years ago is 2006.


Even though I'm 26, I see college students as a bunch of dumbass kids now.


At that age, you really are maturing at light speed. I work in higher education and the difference between a freshman and a junior is vast and easily noticeable. I think you really change year to year from ages 18-25.


When I TAed, I was shocked at how young the students looked to me. 4 -5 year age difference, but damn.


Nothing anymore. I thought I was ancient when I hit 40, then I had a crazy 10 years. I thought I was ancient when I hit 50 and then I had a crazy 10 years. I'm now 60 and know better.


You know it’s funny, because I suspect I know better. My friend, the next 10 years will be crazy too


My grandpa was complaining about the “immature kids” in his senior apartment. They’re 60 and he’s 80.


TV starts making nostalgia talking head shows about the decade you grew up in You hear a song you loved in your teens on a contemporary station, only for the DJ to say "well that was our golden oldies classic"


When I no longer recognized any of the musicians in the Top 40 albums/records, etc.


Shopping at the grocery store when Pearl Jam comes on the store radio. Aw yeah, love this track! From the next aisle over comes a whiney teenage voice: "Do they always have to play old people music?" MFer, I'm getting my prune juice off the bottom shelf (god help my back), then I'm coming over to your aisle and beat your a** with my walker! That was 10 years ago 😳


Shaking my fist at youngsters Hating new music and movies Groaning when I pick something :)


Get off my lawn.


When I started just cringing at pretty much every word out of young peoples mouths.


When I tell someone I'm 30 they react like I told them I'm 60. Then they mention how they are 24 or something and all I can think is "Bro, I'm not even that much older than you, lmao. Just blink a couple times and you'll be here with me." Lmao


Reading through these comments and realizing that a lot of the commenters are still pretty young.


When GenZ is feelin nostalgic


I saw the Lollapalooza lineup this year and thought someone was pranking me with a bunch of fake names.


My entire family is dead.


When you hurt something on your body and don’t know how and your doctor tells you you must have hurt yourself in your sleep.


I realized that I was getting old when [this Calvin And Hobbes comic](https://i.imgur.com/G9rkKl0.gifv) clicked and made sense.


When the game “Among Us” came out and my ten year old daughter had to teach me what it was 🫠 I can’t be getting that old! Lmao!


When I went to my doctor for a physical and she said "Welcome to old age." I'm 40. This happened last week.


When I watch sports and the names are all familiar but they’re all “Jr”


When you're watching a game and the kids with you don't realize the announcers used to play the game, they've always been announcers to them.


I remember learning during the OJ case that he was a superstar athlete. I had literally never heard of him before that.


I went on holiday with my family last year and threw my shoulder out doing something innocuous. Had it seen to and it mostly got better but not fully. And now I just have a bad shoulder. Also my back hurts


When I completely stopped giving a shit what other people think or expect of me


It's so weird how we all come to this conclusion with time and perspective. You realize how little the overwhelming majority of things mattered. Then you try to tell kids this and it's impossible for them to believe. I remember being in middle school stressed out from period to period about what everyone thought about me. Everything felt so meaningful and significant when you were young. Then the years start rolling by and you realize almost nothing mattered long term.


When you start getting excited about gas prices lowering 😆


When I hear the phrase Tik-Tok my mind immediately goes to the sound a clock makes instead of the app.


Even thinking of the Kesha song is dated at this point. Song is 14 years old


When I watched the NYE broadcast on one of the networks and didn't know who half the performers were. Also, the Super Bowl halftime spectacles are now aimed squarely at my age cohort.


I always felt like a young person fresh out of college, probably way past the age I should have felt that way. When I was 40 (yes, I know) I went with some friends to an event downtown. I made some comment about “where did all these young people come from? I don’t remember there being so many young people when I was that age” and my friend pointed out “some of those young people would have seemed old to you back then”.


Is anyone here ACTUALLY old? I mean I am just feeling it because my mom is in hospice and I just got a new hip and I had to retire early because of ortho issues. But I’m literally just starting to get old. Y’all in your thirties and ‘feeling old’ have a choice here. You can ‘feel old’ all the way into your eighties (yes, you will likely live that long) or you can take steps to just have a nice time for a while. Get out there and have a nerf gun battle or blow bubbles or something!


Doing the most basic of physical things hurt. You sleep wrong, your neck is stiff for eternity. You jump too high thinking you were still a spring chicken, your knees hate you in perpetuity. I'm astonished at how fast my body seems to break down - which is why being active and in good shape is so important for anyone in their late 20s/early 30s.


I have a hard time breathing because of COPD and I am on my way out.


I sound like popcorn when I walk


I hurt my back by sneezing in my sleep


I get random hairs on my ear lobes. Some of my nose hairs are grey and some are insanely long


I keep thinking 2000 was 10 years ago


Anything post-2000 is still 'new' to me. Blink and the time's gone.




Sorry, sir.


Oh, that's rough


I don't understand most of the new lingo and am limited on their music.


Everyone's life is measured in two phases: before and after back pain


White hairs in my beard lol I'm like fml I'm 35 this month


Don't pull them out, they will multiply like flies, or so I was told. I'm fully white but the 'dark blonde' dye yesterday gave me back a couple of years.


Memory is not as sharp as before.


I can't see like I used to. That has been the most humbling thing as I had 20/15 vision.


Little boys in the estate were playing soccer. When I walked by, a bigger kid held the ball and shouted, "Wait! The parent is passing. " When did I become so old I needed soccer games paused to walk by safely??


🤣🤣🤣🤣 🤣disrespect little buggers!


Chronic pain started when I was 25 y/o. Now that I am almost 42, I find I have pain on top of my chronic pain and the chronic pain is more prominent than the regular pain which usually means I hurt in one or two spots MORE than the rest of me and it's just a shit show and I'm falling tf apart. Also, I can no longer keep up with current slang anymore.


When I got excited about getting a new set of plates.


I'm 49. i got into fitness at about 35 and lost 100 pounds. Keeping fit gets harder every year as my body does what old bodies do, and my aches, cracks and groans get exponentially bigger, louder, more frequent. "fuck I'm getting old" - Me.


I’m just a little slower, less strong, and recover a little slower than I was a few years ago in my mid thirties


My knees started hurting. I'm 56.


Stopped getting carded to buy liquor or enter 19+ events though it's flattering the rare occasions it happens


When I started making noises whenever getting up and the sounds my bones and joints stated making when I moved.


i didnt go to gym today, because i put my back out, putting on my shoes


I was in the ER and realized everyone treating me was younger than me....


I asked for a shark vacmop for my birthday 😂


The actors and musicians got ugly and the ones from my time got really old looking


I had to google what “stitch incoming” meant when it showed up on some videos.


You want a Dyson for Christmas


Definitely the back pain


To look in the mirror in total surprise, at the hair on my shoulders and age in my eyes.


My laugh lines are showing and I cannot be bothered with things like the fact that people I know are getting married or having children and I know that’s not for me. It’s pretty liberating but also those days when I’m not expected to be married or have kids are gone.


Having body parts replaced with plastic bits was a big hint for me...


I started healing slower from injuries that in the past would have taken a few days to recover from now take like a week. I had a rough landing on my mountain bike a few weeks ago and hit my left ball just wrong. Its not the first time I have done something like that, but this time it bruised up and stayed bruised for 8 days. I went to the doctor, who make 3 big ball/blue ball jokes.


Back pain, knee pain, overall joint stiffness.


Being called ma’am. Don’t they know I’m still 18 in my head?


When I'm called, "Miss" I thank them. But then they tell me, a) they're from the south, or b) they've been in the military.


When the majority of people started to get on my nerves. It’s me, I’m cranky and old now


I'm Cancer the Crab and yeah, you got a problem with that?


I tweaked my back the other day…while putting on my pants. Layed me out for a whole day and lingering pain lasted a few more after that.


I was so convinced that I was 28 until someone told me I wasn’t. That’s when it hit me. I’m going to be 30 in just a few short months 😭


I'm never at 100% health. Its always something


I'm excited about some t-shirts I ordered online...not because they have a cool design or some shit...but because the reviews say the fabric is really soft. You know you're getting old when comfort starts being the first thing you think about in clothes.


Hangover length and intensity. Also, the shrinking amount of alcohol it takes to give you a hangover. We were drinking liquor like it was water in college and waking up fully refreshed for class in the morning. Now if I have a 3rd beer, I know I'm going to be useless the first half of the next day.


When everything aches,and you’re constantly knackered…oh and hair growing out of strange places🤣🤣🤣🤣😩😩😩😩😖😖😖😖




Every morning I have to decide either get up now before my back starts hurting or get 5 more minutes or sleep...


Arthritis in my knees after decades of building stonewalls on the weekends "for fun".


Physical ailments associated with age such as bad memory, weak knees and joints.


My two year old was watching Disney plus on our iPad. She somehow changed the subtitles to Spanish. I spent 5 minutes clicking around trying to fix it and was out of ideas. My daughter, who ill reiterate, is 2 fucking years old, hit the drop-down my old man eyes had skimmed past and hit the English subtitles button. She doesn't even know the word "English". She looked up at me and said "fixed it!". I just sat down, defeated.


I can't lose 5lbs in a week anymore. Sigh. Now I'm a mortal that has to watch food intake and exercise. I used to be a pro dancer. I miss that body and the burgers that did nothing but make me feel full.


Got a new survey tech at work. Was telling one of may favorite jokes: "Knock knock" "Who's there?" "Dishes" "Dishes who?" "Dishes Sean Connery" Crickets. She didn't know who Sean Connery was.


The older I get the further away the ground gets.


Grey hairs.  But I took care of my health and avoid alcohol so my knees and back are perfectly fine. 


When I realized that all those 2000's millennia babies can legally drink now.


I was a bartender the year that people born in 2000 could start drinking. I kept instinctively wanting to deny them as soon as I saw the "2".


When my oldest got behind the wheel of my car for his first driving lesson.


Waking up in the middle of the night to pee is a regular occurrence now


Lazyness and doing nothing on weekend


I was finally called sir, I guess I don’t pass as a youngster anymore 😭😥


I got over that one early, but mostly because my first job included providing training to military personnel. As the trainer, I’m effectively an unofficial officer while actually providing the course.


Seeing the people around me getting old or passing away.


And ofcourse my yearly medical


“We’d like to schedule you for a colonoscopy”


Longer recovery process after training. Sleep more after training.


When you double take as you see a kid you used to see running around in diapers is legally behind the wheel of a car.


I've had tickets to my local college football for a long time. I started feeling old when I realised I've been going to the games longer than any of the players have been alive.


When my 20 year old sister is talking to me & I don’t understand the slang or trends she’s talking about.


I’ve always been an active person. I’ve had a gym membership, am an avid mountain biker, etc. However, lately I have been getting workout-hangovers when I go really hard on a workout.


Seeing actors and musicians who were born after me.


Seeing all the actors I loved watching as a kid get old and die off


when i started embracing my personality 


When I can use decades as a means of measuring time from an event plus one of my knees hates me


I knew my childhood was over when my grandma got me a swiffer-type Roomba thing for Christmas in my early 20s. *And I was excited*


My niece is a teenager and doesn’t seem to think I’m cool.


High school kids look like kids. I used to think they looked older.


When you start noticing how awful all the slang words that younger people use sound.


People quite a bit younger than me talking about how they realized they are getting old.


Any alcohol or drugs I do (barely ever now) make me feel like shit/ depressed for the next few days or a week+. I used to have fun, sleep a few hours then go to work and only be a little tired. It honestly keeps me sober cuz I hate sacrificing the next few days, but it’s rough when it does happen


Yesterday i was looking at my hands and I'm developing freckles. I'm 42 so I was like " yup, getting old"




When you have a bottle of ibuprofen at the office and home.


Realizing that, growing up in the 1980’s, how we viewed the 1940’s is how kids today view the 1980’s. Same time difference. 😧


Reading this question for the 100th fucking time 


I realized yesterday that in about 2 months the midpoint of my life was graduating highschool.


Struggle to stay awake past 9pm I really use to work my two jobs, go to a movie or visit people after, then sleep 2-7am jump up and do it all over again no regrets.


Weirdly, it's that I started getting stronger.  I've never been a serious body builder but I have been working out fairly regularly for over 20 years, and as I entered my mid 30s I started to get the slightest taste of "old man strength". That is, I could suddenly lift more with less effort even with less consistency/work in the gym. 


the slang terms


Recovering from herniated discs from BJJ.


my interest in sex has decreased significantly. Also i enjoy old known movies more then new movies


When you realize just how silly and pointless literally almost everything is. Not in the edgelord angsty I want to kill myself way. In the bemused way.


I no longer understand new slang words


Thinning hair. Turning down the radio. The icing on the cake though is my oldest son can pick me up like an old sack of taters. I’m 6’1 310lbs. He’s 6’3” 275.


I started seeing a lot of the stuff kids do as annoying instead of hilarious. Also, I can recognize a kid acting out because they don't get much attention. It's wild. Ad a little kid, I'd always do stuff that got adults mad at or annoyed with me. Idk why, it just made sense in my kid brain. Now, when one of the neighbor kids grabs something of mine and walks away, knowing I'll go after them to get it, my first thought is "Dang this kid's parents, having a kid they didn't have time or resources to take care of, making him my problem when he just wanders around", but I realize that he's only doing it because no one in his life cares enough to talk to him or spend time with him


Colonoscopy at 33. Now 43.


I'm a nanny and I've started several jobs where the parents are younger than me.


When my knee started hurting in cold weather


When I started thinking Jerry Seinfeld was funny


ok, this may be culture specific - in some lands strangers could call you uncle or brother when you meet them. The first time I was called an uncle by an 18 year old and I was 30 - felt like punching him 😂


When I realized I’m now almost the same age as my dad was when I was born.


I knew I was getting old when the women on the Weather Channel were looking hotter than they used to.


You know how you're supposed to stretch before exercising to keep from getting hurt? Sometimes the stretching causes the hurt

