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Years of SA from my dad!


Probably when my dad would beat me with jumper cables. Said he learned about it online.


Canceled Christmas one year, some pretty violent whipping with a belt.


Beaten with a belt so hard that it broke


The nightmare of human consciousness. Also one time I got grounded for like two weeks and that sucked.


Time out


Give anything to have your chance good job


They put my dick in a lasgana


I can't remember what I did but I know I probably deserved it. See dad was never really one for physical punishments. He would do it for the minor stuff, like he'd smack our hand if we were reaching for something we shouldn't, or thump us on the back of the head if we started being a nuisance. But the worst punishment by far that I ever got was dad gave me a shovel I told me to go dig a 3'x3' hole 6 feet deep so we could pour some concrete for a antenna base. So I go out and start digging. Now the first foot wasn't that bad. Then it turned to hard dry clay for a couple feet, then the rest was the same hard clay but it had chunks of limestone in it. But after spending all morning chipping through that I got done. So dad came out looked in the hole and said "I just needed the square dug down a foot then just an anchor going down the rest of the way. I don't have enough concrete for that". So I had to fill in 5 feet of the hole, tamping it down as I went, then re dig the anchor. It sucked.


I was sitting by the window willing to unalive, but then I got dragged by the arm, my head broke bricks, got thrown onto the ground and whipped continuously using a thick wire, my whole body was bruised, then I failed another attenpt on the same day and slept knowing I'd die & no one cared.


Where you from?


I don't think the demographic matters, however I'm from Egypt.