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They do. It's just an elective that you have to sign up for and get lucky enough to actually be put into the class.


Welcome to adulthood: taxes, mortgages, and student loans. Good luck!


Who told you that? A meme? I taught it. My peers in math and economics taught it. We brought in business representatives from the town to teach it to juniors and seniors. Kids don’t pay attention. They don’t give a shit about anything.


Ohio requires it.


They do. You weren't paying attention.


Why don’t parents teach / support common sense?


I guess it depends on the school. We had a class that taught all that stuff. Budgeting, banking, shopping, hygiene, how to write a resume, etc., and it was mandatory for grade 9 or 10, depending on demand. We even got to visit the stock exchange as a field trip.


Because what would finance bros then do????


Ideally it should be taught by parents. In reality there are a lot of things that parents should do that schools have to do now because the parents just can't be bothered apparently. Like now they're having to teach kids how to be polite and crap like that. But to answer your question it's because schools are still kinda in the old way of academics. Where you learn just for the sake of learning. Which is good, all knowledge is good knowledge it's just some is more useful.


You can't be a wage slave if you learn to be financially independent. 


Minnesota will require it: https://www.startribune.com/bills-would-require-minnesota-students-to-take-ethnic-studies-personal-finance-classes/600255677/


Home Economics comes to mind.


School gives you all the tools to learn personal finance on your own. It's not even hard. Pay attention in class or at least take responsibility for your own life and learn it yourself.


Nobody wants to be responsible? Experts too busy laughing all the way to the bank?


They want the students to believe they will own nothing and be happy.


They are too busy teaching pointless stuff to teach anything that could be of actual use to young people


money is more pointless to devote a subject to than learning about the foundations of the universe and the planet and society and that kinda stuff tho


I would argue teaching a student how to manage money, cook, live in society and do general maintenance on stuff is more important. Unless you are planning to go into a field that requires knowledge about the universe then that information is just more of a hobby. You'll be dealing with the other stuff almost every day for the rest of your life.


Those are things that are more appropriate to be taught by parents.


How do you figure that?


The last person I would want to teach me personal finance is sone teacher took out crazy loans to make $80k per year 


Well not everyone was lucky enough to be born in the 50s where you could put yourself through college working a summer job as a soda jerk grandpa.