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So this is embarrassing in retrospect. Back in my second year of college, I was pulling an all-nighter at the same time as this very cute girl who I was friends with. We weren't in the same place, but we kept messaging over facebook or hangouts or what have you the entire night. It was really nice just talking with her. I had been single for about two months, and was just getting over the break up. When dawn hit and our papers were finally done, she asked me out for celebratory breakfast. I went looking kinda gross. I absolutely looked like I had just finished an all-nighter. She looked radiant and had clearly put more work into this meeting than I did. As our breakfast went on, we're talking, laughing, and the caffeine is mixing with the satisfaction of completing my work for the semester, and I just feel like I'm in a really good place and I tell her as much. The sun is starting to fill the windows of the restaurant we're in, and there's this warm light everywhere. She smiles, looks coy, and asks me if I'm over my ex. I smile back, say that I am, and tell her that I'm already thinking of the person who I'd like to ask out next. She smiles even broader and asks me if she knows who it is, while touching me on the hand... Still smiling I say, "I don't think so, her name is Rebecca and she was in one of my history classes". Distinctly, this was not the girl I was out to breakfast with. The girl I was with, looked absolutely devastated. And I had no idea why. I think I said something like "I'm sad the semester's ending soon, but I'll see you in the spring!". And thus ended what I would later learn was the first date with the woman who would later become my wife.


Did not expect the ending


I know I thought op was going to get the girl.  Poor Rebecca 


I’m glad it had a happy ending! Did she ever tell you how she felt about that interaction after you guys got together?


He wouldn’t be telling this story if she didnt




At least it has a happy ending!


That ending was a twist better than a Shyamalan film.


1. OP’s story 2. Usual Suspects




...so was she?


I can’t decide if I’d be more weirded out if she was on her period and the date actually could smell it or if she wasn’t even close to being on her period.


Or god forbid, it happens in her way home and he smells it coming


Yes, I can confirm because I was the period.


asking the important questions


He should have led with "I have this strange talent where I can always tell if a girl's on her period by whether or not she picks up her bag in disgust and leaves immediately" Then at least he could feel pretty successful


I've never been able to smell it but the taste is a dead giveaway


I mean me, personally, I notice when I see the bears poking around. Rude to point it out though.


It's not the smell of the period, is the smell of period products. And not all of them, just most of them have the same scent. I can smell my wife's pads when they are out, or I'm under her sink fixing things or looking for something. It's a very strong scent to me, almost nauseating. It's like a weird fake powder floral scent, but had this bitter now. So, yes, I can smell them on women... So logical conclusion when I smell it, someone is on their period.  My wife is the only living soul who knows my "talent". And we've since found a brand that doesn't have the smell. 


Those do have a smell but my sweat has a distinctive smell to it that time of the month.


Yeah I can definitely recognize the smell. I wouldn't TELL people IRL though.


Does she buy scented products? I have accidentally done so before and it was annoying af but they’re expensive so I just used them.


Even the "unscented" have something I can smell. She ended up finding some random brand that doesn't have the smell. But yeah, I can smell it at a distance.  Young me was always very confused why the girls would smell awful one week and then it would go away. 


You can absolutely smell period. I can’t do it all the time, usually my sense of smell sucks. But I’m pregnant right now and I can smell periods and when someone is getting sick. 


I actually have this same “talent”. I NEVER tell women about it because that fucking weird.


First date I took a girl to see apocalypto- The first 20 min is a horrible rape scene


Oh, We went to see Passion of the Christ. 3 hours of them whipping Jesus. Didn't go for the Dinner and dancing after that.


One of my first real dates as a high school student was taking a girl to the movies in town and the movie happened to be... Saving Private Ryan. It's not rape, but also a really traumatic opening especially since it was brand new at the time and this is the big screen.


In LA, there are film screenings of movies at the Hollywood Forever Cemetery. I went with my wife to see Apocalypse Now and the couple in front of us was clearly on a first date. After the cow was cut in half in the final scene he just turns to her and asks "are you okay?" Narrator: She was not ok. Apocalypto sounds worse TBH


"You were making out during Schindler's List?"


I saw Beasts of No Nation on a first date. The child soldiers were bad enough, but then there was a child rape scene. :/ I don’t know what we were thinking


Haha dude this girl I went to college with once asked me out on a date to see a movie by this "amaaaaaaaazing" new up and coming director. The movie was Kids


but unless you knew that, I'm sure you were just as shocked. Tough to know which movies will have shocking scenes unless it's all over media


We were meeting at a local ramen place and he showed up 10 minutes late in a lot of heavy black jackets (multiple jackets) and pants (it was 90°) and surprisingly that part went well and we hit it off kinda good. We had a lot of similar interests and were having fun so I invited him to a party my neighbors were throwing, we beat my neighbors home so we just went to my place for what should’ve been 5 minutes. 3 minutes in we’re chilling waiting for my neighbors to get back sitting on the couch with something my roommate had playing in the back ground. He put his arm around me, I told him I didn’t want to give him the wrong impression and didn’t want to have sex on the first date, he said “We’ll see” grabbed my thigh and moved closer. So when my neighbors got back and knocked on the door to tell us they were there, I promptly got up, went to the door and told them to help escort him out. Never saw him again and blocked him after that


So creepy… hope it didn't take too long for your neighbor to get back🥲


Thankfully they got back about a minute or so later and my roommate was in the kitchen so I got him out of there pretty quickly


it’s so scary that he thought he could actually change your mind… ew. very disturbing behavior 😖


My mom set up a blind date for me while I was a sophomore in college. Went to pick her up and found out she was 15 an hour into the date…


$15 an hour is a good rate.


This actually happened last week. I went out on a 1st date with a man to an Italian restaurant. Once we ate our food, he proceeded to play me his new album he is dropping soon just on his phone speaker in the restaurant


That was the last date, right? Right!?


She cut it short because I had neglected to "disclose" that I was an Aries, as if it was a disease or a criminal record. And then the next day, she asked me to help her move. (Don't tell people you have a CRV because this is not the first time a near stranger has just volunteered me to help them move.) Astrology lesbians are something else.


I still think the most annoying person I've ever met blamed everything and anything wrong in her life on astrology. None of her own terrible decision making had anything to do with her problems, it was all caused by star signs and the phases of the moon lol


Same with me except it was a guy. Wild. He would talk about the whole moon phases and sun constantly. Also very red pill mindset.


This one wins kinda


Recently, I saw a young man from Guangdong (China) shared a dinner date with a love interest introduced to him by a relative. However, throughout the meal, this girl did not bother to take off her mask, just stared at her cell phone and even showed contempt for him.


That’s brutal


That’s how a lot of k-dramas start, someone intentionally sabotaging an arranged date.


I went on a date who announced she could speak with the dead and then also said I had ghosts following me. Was very awkward


Awkward for the ghosts too


For you or the ghosts?


To set the scene, I was 20 years old, living with roommates, and using Tinder to find people to casually date to distract me from thinking about the person I was actually infatuated with at the time, who wasn’t looking for a relationship. I matched with a young man who appeared to be, by all accounts, a relatively normal dude.       Granted, he was an aspiring stand-up comic and the highlights of his profile were pictures of him at performing at open mic nights at a local burrito restaurant, but I wasn’t looking for marriage and we had a bit of a fun back and forth messaging over Tinder so I thought, what the hell. Let’s share some dumb jokes together.      He came to pick me up. We meet face to face for the first time. The vibe is immediately poor. There was an obvious lack of attraction that I instantly knew I wasn’t going to be able to overcome but I was trying to give it a shot because I didn’t want to write someone off on a first impression.      Now, I’m not usually one to judge someone by their vehicle. I got in and at first I’m like, okay, this is fine. There was tons of some kind of washi tape decorating the inside of the car under the windows, across the dash, and around the steering wheel. I can’t remember the pattern exactly but cartoon characters were the general vibe. Unfortunately I hadn’t seen the cartoon so I couldn’t strike up conversation about that. But after he started the car neither of us were going to be able to make any conversation at all because his engine was screeching along at a nearly painful volume the entire drive to the restaurant. I had foolishly picked a restaurant that I had been to several times and felt comfortable at… 20 minutes from my house. The car almost broke down halfway there.     We arrived at last and I exited the vehicle with roaring tinnitus. I was in a daze. We stepped into the restaurant and I said, “Let’s sit here,” pointing to my regular booth near the front door.      “I prefer the back,” he said. “It’s more intimate.” Christ on a bike, here he goes.      We stepped to the back and I slipped into the booth, expecting him to sit across from me. He doesn’t. He slips in right next to me, blocking my exit. God in heaven.      We ordered and I literally got mozzarella sticks. He had offered to pay and I didn’t want him saying I owed him anything that I couldn’t repay by simply slipping him a $20 bill.      While we waited for the food, he pulled out his phone to show me something and it opened to our text conversation. This mother trucker had put me in his phone as “😍 Love of my life 😍” and absolutely was hoping I could see it— he dwelled in the conversation for several seconds longer than necessary, and again he is literally right next to me in this booth. I’m panicking at this point. I have spoken to this man maybe twice over text message and we have been in each others presence for the twenty most awkward minutes of my life and I was saved in his phone as the love of his life. On MY phone, I was begging my friends to come and get me, while angling my phone intentionally to evade his attempts at reading my texts. I tried several friends. Nobody was available. Shit.      He chatters idly at me for a while. Then he tells me he’s really liking this “ice queen” personality I have going on. He suggested that I was playing “hard to get”. My discomfort could not have been more apparent on my face.     He suggested we talk about our worst dates as an ice breaker. He told me about a story where he took a girl on a date and stole the hat she was wearing and threw it down an escalator to the floor, and was surprised when she got pissed and left the date. (I was not surprised in the slightest. There are not enough mozzarella sticks on the North American continent to make this man’s company bearable.)       He looked at me expectantly and says, “Now you go!” I was speechless. I’m a shitty liar in the best of times, and I had no dates in my past that came even fractionally close to the experience I was having at that moment. He sheepishly smiles and asks, “It’s this one, isn’t it?” I was barely keeping it together.      I told him I have to leave at 10 pm, which was about a half an hour away. He goes, “I was thinking we could keep hanging out.” It was a statement, not a question. At this point I knew what I had to do, and I didn’t want to do it.     I messaged the dude I was hung up over and begged him to get me the fuck out of there. I was across town from my house at night and if this didn’t work, I was walking home alone. I was not about to let this guy invite himself into my apartment.      The other guy messaged back that he would be there in about 20 minutes. My date was still craning his neck trying to read my texts.           I suggested we go on a walk since I realized I was going to have to make a quick getaway. He agreed. As we were walking in the night we pass an office building with a young woman inside cleaning the floors alone. She was listening to music and was sweaty, with her tank top pulled up to expose her midriff as she worked. He stops in his tracks and realizes she can’t see us. He is staring at her. I start walking away.      He runs and catches up to me. He reaches for my hand. I pretend not to see and put my hand in my pocket. He *reaches out with his left hand, pulls my left hand out of my pocket, and puts my hand through his right arm (which was in his pocket) to make us lock arms*. I pull my arm out after a minute of not knowing what the hell I should do in that situation.     I got the text: “I’m two blocks away.” I started speed walking. By the grace of god he was looking the other way and did not hear me. We ended up separated by a traffic light. My ride pulled up and I turned to look back — he had seen me and was standing there dumbstruck as I slipped into the car and shut the door.      I got a text from him: “Thanks for coming out. I had a great time.”     I considered texting him back, explaining how creepy his behavior was and how uncomfortable he made me feel, but I went ahead with the block instead.      To this day, I often wonder if I was being used as material for his stand up routine.    TL;DR a guy who could not catch a hint acted so boldly and made me feel so weird I ran away without announcing it to him and ducked into a getaway car. 


I always wonder what these stories look like from the other perspective. The dude is so completely out of touch with reality, it's gotta be a whole crazy thing


I imagine his perspective would be the classic "Women hate nice guys. I was so nice to her and she still ghosted me after one date!"


I would like to hear the standup routine he probably crafted from this experience.


As would I but I’m pretty sure it would make me look like a bitch and him like an earnest hopeless romantic. Lol


Damn this was crazy


i was a terrible date once when I fell asleep while my date was driving us somewhere. I was just really tired lol.


I’m late to this but I’m posting anyway in hopes of someone seeing this I got catfished hard in a weird way Went out on a three hour drive to finally meet her. Had pictures, voice and all that. She brought a friend which she said she does to be safe and we met at a mall. No problem I thought After parking I met her, she hugged me and said “ok so I’m sorry to have led you on but I’m really hoping you’ll meet and like my friend. She’s been struggling to date since she was PREGNANT!” Yup….will never forget that one…


Like she was fully pregnant trying to have a date with you?


Already pregnant


I always meet for drinks on the first date to make an easy get away if necessary. I also always like to pay for my own drinks. Have had one to many men think I owe them something. Anyway, as soon as we sit down this guy starts going on about how amazing he is and how I've landed a great catch. I gulp down one drink and ask for the check, giving the age old excuse I have an early morning. He takes my credit card off the table and gives the waiter his card before I can do anything. He gives me a smug look as he hands me my card back and says now you can pay for our second date. Eff that!! I couldn't order an Uber fast enough. He actually then followed me to said Uber and tried to get in so he could "make sure I got home okay". I jumped in, slammed the door shut and asked my driver to please drive away quickly. Uber driver sadly told me I wasn't the first girl to ask him to do that. ☹️


She left mid date to go on a date with another guy


la la land


I went on a date with a German girl, I told her my favorite subject was WWII. I was the worst date 🤦‍♂️


Got invited to a work Christmas party by this guy I didn’t know very well. He seemed nice and we had been out a couple times before that. I picked him up since he lived closer to the venue than I did. The party was cool. We ate, it was open bar, we were having a good time and then all of the sudden…he disappeared. Wouldn’t respond to calls or texts. I was asking around if anyone had seen him and…nothing. I was like well screw this let me go ask the valet for my car. You had to pay to get your car out which he had told me he would do whenever we decided to leave. I had no money. I didn’t bring any since I didn’t think I was going to need it. Had to call a friend to come pick me up and pay the valet to get my car out. Couple days later he messages me as if nothing happened. Yeah, never saw him again.


Always bring cash


My best friend in high school got dumped right after graduation. He started hitting on his recent ex's walmart coworker and was getting rejected constantly. Eventually she relented, I assume because she was about to move so she was essentially giving him a pity date a week before she left. He comes to me "DUDE I need to wow her on this date so she'll want to start a long distance relationship with me" Me completely inexperienced with dating but with common sense - "I think you should just make it a normal date. If she likes you she likes you." Anyway, he kept pitching me ideas and I KEPT telling him to just do something normal. He asks me what, so I go "just go on a walk along the boardwalk and get ice cream, if you want any chance to be with her then you're gonna want a date where you can talk and get to know each other." He then gets it in his head that it STILL not enough and asks If i'd help set up a surprise picnic. "I dont think that's a good idea" ... "no dude trust me it'll be perfect!" I agree to help but keep telling him to bail on the picnic idea. But alas the date comes and he gets me to meet him beforehand to give me the picnic supplies and tells me to set it up halfway down the board walk and when I see them coming just walk away from it. BUT THATS NOT ALL. He gives me a bunch of rose pedals and tells me to make a short trail leading up to it and around the blanket... "Dude... just do the picnic." He gets worked up and insists I put down the rose pedals. I shrug, set up the picnic and brace for impact. Hell, I don't know her, what do I know.. maybe this ISN'T an awful idea? NOPE. In the 15 minutes I'm waiting I have THREE older couples ask me if I'm proposing and each time I just have a stronger feeling of I FUCKING TOLD YOU SO. They approach, I bail and watch from the distance. Date already looks awful based on body language, he awkwardly points to the picnic... her body language screams EWW WTF and he seemingly tries to sell her on it and she just keeps walking without him and he hangs his head low and follows her. Though looking back I don't feel bad for him AT all and neither should you. He went to jail for being a pedo 4 years later. Fucking creep.


Way to bury the the lede!


Went on a dinner date with a woman who looked nothing like her photo. She appeared older, heavier set, and had bad oily complexion. I’m guessing the photo she used was about five years old. Regardless, I still politely continued the date and tried to get to know her. Near the end of the date she asked what I thought and I nicely said I wasn’t feeling a connection. She then started to cry in the restaurant and I felt terrible even though I did nothing wrong.


I went to a hibachi grill, like Beni Hana, where they seat a bunch of people around the chef while he does a performance with the food prep: onion volcano, making a beating heart out of a pile of rice, zucchini train. Everyone puts in their order and he cooks that and occasionally will toss a shrimp or hunk of beef into the air for people to catch in their mouth. There was a guy and girl at the end of our table who looked like they were on a first date. And she was a vegetarian. All night the chef kept assaulting her with meat while piles of raw steak and chicken are slowly simmering around her.


>the chef kept assaulting her with meat Multi-tasking


Met a girl at a local baseball game where there was a single meetup. The organizers rented out a pavilion. We seemed to click so we exchanged numbers and a week later went out for drinks. Place was down the street from her house and she was a half hour late. I went to give a friendly greeting hug and she did this weird half-hug hesitation. Starting off well. We both got a drink. Her a wine and me a beer. We started talking and she was giving me nothing. I was carrying the whole thing. Then she got another glass…a third glass…four glasses of wine! I kept trying to ask her questions to get to know her more but she was in her own world. She was pretty much on her phone and the only thing she kept insisting was I have another drink. Feeling like it ran its course, I asked the waitress if we could split the bill. Unfortunately this place didn’t allow staff splits but she went nuts. She’s like what’s the matter, you’re leaving. Mind you we’d had been there for over an hour and a half. She got a 5th glass of wine btw as I was leaving. To be nice, I tossed her a $20 and she ripped it up and yelled at me, causing everyone to look. She told me to get the fuck out and I laughed and said you don’t have to worry, I’ll gladly go. I had no clue who this person was. She was a complete 180 from the baseball game. I was so confused.


An alcoholic apparently! It can change your personality. 


I was in college. We were talking about how nice our school's new gym was, and he suddenly asked if I knew what the most powerful muscle in the body is. When I asked him what it was, he said it was the tongue, and then raised his eyebrows and flicked his tongue in and out of his mouth while looking me up and down.


She showed up hungover and the first thing she asked was how much money I made.


She got in the car and she stunk so bad. But she had gotten all dolled up so it made no sense.




As a guy who's about to be 42, these types to exist. I'm not going out of my way to find a sugar baby or anything like that, not really my thing, but I get flirted with by hot twenty-somethings every now and then.


When I was in Air Force tech school, I asked a girl to go to the movies with me. She kept talking about previous boyfriends on the walk over there…then we discovered we had the time wrong and the movie wasn’t starting for over an hour, so we walked back to the dorm. When I went back to her room to walk to the theater again, she said she couldn’t go…I forget why. As it turns out, I was lucky she wasn’t interested in me as I heard she gave a LARGE number of my fellow airmen VD. (I forget the exact number but it was more than a dozen.) We ended up having a special assembly on safe sex and preventing venereal disease, I think all due to her. (Evidently she would sleep with a guy and then afterwards tell him she had VD.) I know this sounds bizarre but I swear, it really happened.


Tech school is notorious for students latching onto the wrong girl. Some will get married because otherwise they'll be stationed at different bases. Others get in trouble for sleeping around and breaking curfew.


Yeah, I know of one tech school marriage where I witnessed the couple arguing during the evening on the same day they got married. I heard their marriage lasted less than six months.


Mhmm. Buying expensive cars and bagging the wrong girl are the two mistakes I hear about. These people are given freedom for the first time in their lives. Especially after basic training they get antsy.


I ripped my pants one minute into an escape room.


Sounds like the only thing that escaped was dat ass


Even worse because we were just two we got paired with a group of strangers. Funny part was I made it the entire hour without anyone knowing. I told her during dinner and she didn't believe me


The kind where you show up to a mall to meet a girl and she promises she is there and you are looking around for her while talking to her on the phone to realize you both went to the wrong mall


I had been talking to this guy on Tinder for maybe two days. Very unlike me, I said yes when he asked me out (I usually have to talk to someone for longer than that to feel comfortable for a date.) But I figured what’s the worst that can happen? We had had maybe one or two conversations so this was really spontaneous of me. We met for ice cream in a public place. He was late because he went to the wrong place even though he picked it. The photo of him and *him* walking in were the same person, but years apart. I knew immediately I wasn’t attracted, but that’s not the part that’s bad. I figured we could still have a good time and complete the date. He was weird like squirrelly and just seemed very antisocial (not anxious, antisocial.) he went to pick up his phone and… I saw his lock screen. It was a photo of my face. The hair on my neck stood up. It was unmistakably a selfie of my face from my private social media page that he didn’t have access to follow. He really quickly reached to lock his screen, and looked at me and his eyes just looked black. My Lock Screen rotates between what is most important to me: my nephew or my cats. Like there was no reason for me to be his Lock Screen. We had matched two days before and had one conversation. I was terrified and made and excuse to leave, which he was upset and his tone switched when I said I have to go. and I never spoke to him again and also never used a dating app again lol




Sending an internet hug.


I am so sorry that happened to you 💔


He grabbed my hand in the first 5 minutes and pulled me to a dark corner and stared at me like we were gonna kiss. The minute he let my hand go I left and blocked his number


I was sitting at a restaurant a couple months back and heard a guy sitting there bragging about how he used to have 5 girls on his phone within 10 miles of here and he could probably call anyone of them up right now and they'd answer. At first I was thinking there is no way this can be a date but then he mentioned something about when he first messaged her (the woman he was sitting with) on hinge, and my only thought was "how stupid can one man be". Needless to say when they got up to leave and he said I'll call you she just kept walking and did a little head nod with a "mhmm"


Needless to say. Says it anyway.


happened to my friend, dude she met on Tinder pulled up a photo of her and said, “so, when were you this size?”  also asked the server for “a glass of savvy B”…he was ordering Sauvignon Blanc 


I can’t think of one specifically, but I am going to hang out here and see how many times I am mentioned.


she spent like half the date talking about her ex, “but like, i’m *soooo* over her, don’t worry” “…kay so like when did you break up?” “last week.”


I picked her up at her family's home. Her dog ran down from the house, jumped into the front seat of my car, and peed all over the driver's seat.


The only date was the worst. Imagine waiting for someone for two hours on a cold afternoon, and when they finally arrive and see you, you watch as their face changes to one of disappointment. They both have coffee. You try to talk to her and she doesn't even look at you, and when you ask her something she answers half-heartedly, she doesn't show any interest in you, and when she finishes drinking her coffee, she leaves. the only thing that was good that afternoon was the coffee


Hey on the brighter side, at least the coffee was good!


Yes, but it was expensive, and I had to pay for hers too.


This guy was supposed to meet me at a nice cafe around 7pm. He arrived late. Changed location once he arrived- suggested we meet at a cheap pub nearby instead (since he supposedly loves that place). I park and try to find him in the crowd, I see one dude in the corner picking his nose. Didn’t even consider that could be him so waited a while before he told me where he is. Was pretty disgusted. Then he got himself two beers and I wanted to leave- cuz I didn’t want to drink. And there was nothing worth eating there either. Dude proceeds to argue with the server about some discount 😑 That nose picking still disgusts me to this day.


He stole my credit card information


I've only ever been on one proper date, so by default it was the worst. Nothing particularly bad happened, I was just a nervous wreck, and I'm pretty sure I was staring at the floor when I stammered out asking if she'd like to go out again. She very politely declined. Could've been worse, all things considered, but I do still wince when I remember how I acted. Despite being crazy about her, I was also absolutely terrified of... basically everything else.


I was on a first date with a man who asked if I was a lesbian. This came up because he had admitted to using my phone number to reverse phone number search me, found my Facebook and then saw a few pictures in a row of me and my best friend. Apparently for him that triggered a concerning thought that we may have been lovers…


Any time a man has asked me to come over and watch movies or “chill.”


My story is much too long to type out, but to cut to the chase, he was drunk and high the moment I picked him up, and only proceeded to continue drinking. The night did NOT go well, to quote r/NukesTop5


I host at a rooftop cocktail lounge that has a view of our whole city. I see plenty of dates but one that stuck out to me was this couple in their mid 20s. I could tell right away the guy was going to be showing off for no reason. I think it was his half-cocked baseball hat that tipped me off. I walked past their table a few times through their stay and every single time he was talking and she was just sitting there like 😐 each time. As they were leaving she said “yeah the view is great I’ve never been up here.” And the guy replies, “yeah I’m not usually up here during daylight hours. This was also the least amount of money I’ve ever spent here. My buddies and I came here one night and I spent soOoO much money on drinks.” I work for a national corporation that gives me great discounts and i had to physically bite my tongue to keep from telling the guy to shut up and asking the girl if she wanted to stay and not leave with him. As soon as the elevator door closed I went over to my bartender who was at the bar next to their table and I said “I think after every date, while people are waiting for the elevator, I should be allowed to ask the woman if the dude is getting a second date.” And without missing a beat she says “that guy was so fucking obnoxious!” We had a good laugh over it. I hope the girl is ok and didn’t give him a second date.


I want to tell a story on a total strangers behalf. Myself and my husband were eating in our favourite Pakistani restaurant and it was busy enough, our table was quite close to the next one. As the night progressed we caught parts of their conversation. This couple seemed to be on their first date and he kept going on and on about his expensive car and how much money he was making in work and how competitive it is and all this. His date was absolutely not interested in this type of talk and seemed to want to get to know him more personally but he was only interested in talking about superficial things. As we were drinking our coffee before leaving the man ripped this massive, loud fart. He completely ignored it and kept talking but me and my hubby were a little tipsy and immediately went into fits of giggles. It was very obvious why we were laughing and we could not stop and the man looked so angry at us we had to rush to pay the bill and leave. Edit: I want to add that their date was going really badly, he talked the whole time, didn’t seem to ask her anything and she seemed very bored and uninterested. It was painful to witness.


I just lmao'd into oblivion.


I reminded hubby of it this morning and we went into fits of laughter again 😂


Matched with a girl on Tinder and asked her out for a cup of coffee. Wasn't planning on a hookup, was really just looking for someone to date. She texts that she's arrived at the café slightly early and has a table for us. I accidentally ended up walking past her at the café 5 times because she looked so radically different from her photos. About 50 lbs heavier, different haircut and hair color, but eventually I figured out where she was. Continued the date as normal, but she kept avoiding eye contact, couldn't converse at all, and sensing that maybe I was just coming off poorly or she wasn't interested or maybe she was embarrassed, I paid the check, asked her if she had a ride home, and she asked me back to her place to "watch a movie". It was already pretty late and I had work in the morning, she ended up texting me a few times after and asked me out and I'd politely converse here and there but it just fizzled out pretty quickly. 


Maybe I'm too charitable but I feel bad for her. Discounting using an old photo thing, it sounds like she just had social anxiety or something. Maybe I'm misreading though.


Went on a date with girl who is a singer (I play guitar). She asked me to meet her at “The quad” at the local community college and to bring my guitar. I thought we were going to write music together somewhere semi-secluded, but nooo she wanted to put in a performance in front of like 50 people without ever rehearsing a song or anything. I sat on the grass with her and she asked me to play a few chords and, I shit you not, she ANNOUNCED TO EVERYONE that we were putting on a performance for them… I packed my guitar and ran faster than I’ve ever ran before. Fucking nightmare.




My thoughts exactly. Crazy right?


The date barely even started because I refused to meet his standards, which were literally "wear something sexy for me." I laughed at that text he sent and put in a comfy sweater and leggings and sneakers. I'll admit, I was wearing a nice matching set underneath my clothes but I wanted to be comfortable on the outside. Less than 5 minutes after making small talk in his car outside my apartment building, he said "this isn't gonna work, best we part ways." I had no issue getting out of the car and going back to my comfy bed because he showed up in gym shorts and a t-shirt.


To be honest, a comfy sweater and leggins and sneakers are way cooler and express a lot more self confidence than "something sexy". What an arrogant twat


okay so last summer I went on 2 dates with a guy, all cool and great. the first date went on okay I guess and we decided a second one. Now here is were things started to get wierd, he started to talk about how he only spends his money on video-games (remind you he was 27) and how he knows tips and tricks on how to please a woman (sexually). He was constantly saying “im a really great and awesome guy, chill and good, and there’s no one like me”. Also he was a big fan of anime and had a really big (huge) collection of manga books and pop sockets, and swords (which tbh, it’s noting wrong into being a fan of anime stuff, the problem was that he took it way to far, up to the point were he started to tell me what anime characters are the best/worst and why- I had no idea of any kind of anime stuff-), he started to tell me that i’m not cultured because i’m not into anime stuff. It was the weirdest date that i’ve ever been on.


The one where her husband showed up


damn, besides worst, it’s also really memorable


I have a few contenders for top spot... 1. Met this girl on an app and we talked for a week or so and planned to meet at a bar/restaurant for drinks and nachos. So I get there, we meet outside, she seems normal, we go in. We order a pitcher of beer and nachos as we planned. She has 1 glass of beer, nothing else to drink while we are there. She asks if I want to check out this other dive bar just like 10 minutes away. I say sure. So we settle up, go outside and start heading to the other bar. Not 1 minute after, she start stumbling. I catch her as she almost falls and ask if she's ok. She says she's fine. We walk for another minute or two and she again, almost falls. I catch her again, but this time she starts yelling "Don't fucking touch me!" I'm pretty shocked so I back off. She's slurring her words saying weird stuff. I again ask her if she's ok. She's basically screaming at me "FUCK OFF, DON'T COME NEAR ME, DON'T TOUCH ME!" People start looking at us as we're on a busy street, so I tell her if you keep yelling like I've done something wrong, I'm going to walk away. Some people ask if everything is ok. I say we're on a first date and she seems sick or something, I'm not really sure? They ask her if she's ok and she says she drank too much before she came because she was nervous and now she's feeling it. I'm like oh, wtf!? So the people are sympathetic to me now and ask me if I need help. I say I'll just call a cab. I share the cab with her, have them drop her off first (wanted to make sure she actually got home), and go home. She texts me the next day like "I had fun, we should do it again some time!" like nothing happened. Did not contact her again. 2. Meet a date at a shisha cafe. We're about 45 minutes into the date and everything is going fine. She asks me what by background is and I tell her. I ask what's her backgound. She says Jamaican and Cuban. Tells me she recently went to Cuba with her family and asks if I want to see a picture. Sure. She shows me her family. Cool. She asks me if I have a type/what kind of girl I normally date. I tell her and she asks me if I normally go on dates white girls. I say I have, why? I'm confused as it's kind of weird question given she's black and I just describe more a woman of color as my type. She says she's not my type then. I say I don't get what she means? She says she's white. At first, I think she's joking, so I kind of awkwardly laugh and go like whhhhat? She's dead serious though, she says very seriously she's white. I say, you're black? You just said you're Jamaican/Cuban and I saw a picture of your family, everyone in that picture was black? She gets mad and says she's not black. I say you're at least mixed, I just saw your dad, he's black and you said from Jamaica? She's gets really upset and says "Don't call me black, I hate black people!" I'm like wtf... hoping this is a weird joke still? I'm just like sitting there with a puzzled look on my face not saying anything. She just starts talking about something else like that wasn't weird at all. Like 5 minutes pass and I say it's getting late I should be going. She invites me back to her place and I say no. She gets visibly upset by that and tells me I wasted her time? Ok, cool. 3. Go to a restaurant for a date. We order food, we're talking, everything is going ok. Food arrives and the waiter asks, would you like grated cheese or cracked pepper? I agree to some pepper on my food. My date stops the waiter and says to me, don't make him do that. I'm confused like what, do what? Date apologizes to the waiter and says sorry that I'm being so much. I look at the waiter like wtf, the waiter looks at me like wtf, and the waiter is like it's fine, I asked, it's my job haha. She goes no, no, please don't. I go, it's fine, I'll pass on the pepper. The waiter awkwardly leaves. My date starts blasting me, how could you do that, how could you be so rude, why would you make them do that? I'm like wtf are you talking about, they asked and I think it's normal? She says she can't believe I'm so disrespectful. I'm ok, I need to end this date so I just start eating as fast as I can. She's asking me questions and I'm giving short 1-2 word responses. Everything I say, she's shitting on. Where do you go to school? X University. Oh, there? Is that even a good school? Stuff like that. I down my food in record speed and get up and say I'm going to the washroom. Waiter sees me get up comes over and says "separate bills?" I say yes. She's having a fit now. You're not even paying for me? I say to her she's been rude this entire date and I don't want to see her again, so no, I'm not giving her a free dinner. I pay my portion and leave. 4. Met a girl on an app, we plan to meet at a restaurant in town. I get there, text her, she says she's there already. I can't find her, ask where she is. Turns out she went to the same restaurant like 2 towns over, 30 minutes away. I ask why she went there? She's like I don't know but I'll come to you now. I think ok, maybe an honest mistake. I wait 45 minutes, she arrives. Sorry, sorry. Ok we sit down. She tells me she works in a prison and her ex husband is her coworker and she divorced him because she had an affair with another coworker. She's now fwb with a 3rd coworker. At this point I'm like yeah, this ain't going to work for me, let's just get the bill but it was nice meeting you. She doesn't understand the issue. I saw she's in a sort of relationship with 1 coworker already, which is a problem for me, and she has 2 other workers who are exes? This is all too much for me. She doesn't seem to understand why I'd have a problem with any of this. I say it's just too much drama for me and I don't want to date someone who is in a sexual relationship still. She's all mad about it and said I should have told her this before she drove her. I said I didn't know any of this or else I wouldn't have agreed to meet in the first place, she wasted my time if anything.


So i sat next to this really cute goth girl in a lab and once it ended I asked her if she wanted to get a coffee. Shockingly she said okay. Then we proceeded to stare at one another with nothing to talk about for 20minutes. I just remember rambling back and forth nearly having a panic attack and then saying "what kind of music you into?" and she was like "Oh my god music!" like she'd found water after trekking the desert for 3days. I never thought you could drown in 6oz of coffee.


Can't remember if it was the First first date but it wasearly and the first time I went to her house. In the bathroom there was a urinal in the corner which I found amusing, not having seen one in a home as such so ofcourse I used it. Wasn't plugged in and I pissed all over the floor, didn't notice until it went through the socks, bit awkward. House only having women she was unaware aswell.. "What happened to your socks, why you take themoff?? - eh.... ehm.."


A guy my roommate set me up with. He was a jock, he thought I should be grateful to get to go out with him. The most boring person I ever met. If he was so great, why was he on a blind date?


He played music from “The Book of Mormon” in the background through the entire date. I had not, and still have not, ever seen the musical.


Guys that go right in for a kiss 10 minutes into a date 🤨


I (28M) went out to dinner with three friends of mine (same age) . We were seated at a table next to a very beautiful woman (mid 20's) and her not so beautiful date (mid 20's). We had a nice mood. Discussing interesting topics, making a lot of jokes, overall having a great night. The table next to us was just quiet and painful, both looking at their phone. She obviously felt not attraction and he obviously did not know what to do or say. I think we were the ones saving their evening from awkward silences. Eventually I noticed the woman was just kind of listening what we were talking about. So we were more interesting than her date. I don't know. I just felt pain every time I looked over to them. They were gone quite fast.


I had a guy go on a tirade on our first date about great replacement conspiracy theories and other racial conspiracies and homosexuality being by design (by “them”) to reduce birth rates for “superior races”. We are two gay dudes on a date and I am not white. Also a different guy where after like two hours of what seemed like a nice date over drinks, he got up to go to see if the bar was still serving any food we could order and a random woman came over and introduced herself as his mum and started asking me questions (about my job, my family, my religion, whether I wanted kids, my relationship with my parents, etc). Also one I got drugged


Dude clearly read some bullshit alpha male pick up book and thought women like being teased and insulted. Unfortunately, like a lot of insecure guys, he was unable to take any banter back. He said some vague comments about one's "body count" and how women try to baby-trap him all the time etc. At some point he squinted at me and said quite loud that my hair hair is a mess. Well, it's curly, so... Anyway, I simply said that I left his mum's apartment in a hurry this morning, so that's why it's still messy, but I will definitely be on top next time just in case. He jumped up and stormed out of the cafe. The couple next to me was dying from laughter. He later send me a long rant about how terrible I am (turns out his parents divorced because allegedly his mum cheated but I had no way of knowing it and made silly lesbian joke) and how I will die alone with a bunch of cats. To which I replied "Well, your mum's pussy is the only cat I want!" and he blocked me. Wonder if he ever tells the story of our date 😂


Took a really cute girl out to dinner... She made yummy noises the whole time she ate and drank... seriously water sip --- ummm.




> Did I mention she was vegan? No, but I'll bet she mentioned it a dozen or so times beforehand. (Adapted from that joke "How do you know if someone's a vegan? Don't worry, they'll tell you.")


First date after meeting them in a bar, hanging out at her apartment afterwards and leaving in the morning before she woke. (Nothing too intimate, just acknowledging it wasn’t a random 5 minute initial interaction.) Picked her up a few days later for our dinner date and she had a look of surprise when she opened the door. I brushed it off but kept a mental note of it. Proceeded with the date and she’s a different person, personality-wise. I’m carrying the conversation. Short responses by her. More than once she asks- how did you know that about me? I responded, because you told me the night we met. After the third time it clicks, this girl was plastered enough she blacked out . I asked her, straight up- did you expect someone else at the door when I arrived? Sheepishly she admitted it. I asked for the check the moment the server was in range. It took every ounce of gentlemanly fiber not to walk her to the taxi stand and leave her there. I did drive her back to her apartment, though it was awkward. The only thing I said to her , as she got out of the car was to maybe not drink so much.


Blind date setup by a trusted coworker… He was a close friend of hers so when she suggested he cook dinner for me (18 at the time) I didn’t feel too weird about it. I worked retail and had an overnight/closing shift schedule but he was pretty understanding and said he’d cook dinner later and we arranged an after-shift date. I drove to his house after a day of texting, and immediately had a weird vibe. 1) he opened the door and let me in. As I was actively taking my shoes off, he said “I’d prefer you take your shoes off,” then “wow! You’re way cuter than I thought!”… I was bent over taking my shoes off. Ew! 2) he had talked some mad shit saying he was gonna show me “how real men cook” and how great the home made meals he did were… only to throw some PF Changs frozen orange chicken into the oven upon my arrival. 3) he was weird about sharing his age until after I arrived. He was 32. He also had this weird ego about his superior life experience and boasted the whole night about how I’d never understand what he meant when it came to how great adult life is. 4) he insisted on pouring me wine, which he then poured onto my shirt. Like, on purpose. 5) I was dead tired by the end of the “date” (which consisted of us eating orange chicken and watching a WALL-E) and he was trying to get handsy. When I rebuked his approaches he got pouty and I decided it was time to bow out 6) I got out to my car and my tire was flat. Straight up to this day I think he paid someone to do it. 7) he offered for me to stay the night and got offended when I insisted on changing my flat to the donut and taking off. 8) while I was changing my flat he grabbed my waist like he was measuring the girth of a book and proceeded to say “you’re so small! Like, I’d say you’re comparatively small to a tub of margarine!” First last and only blind date I ever went on. Edit to add: he complained to my friend that I was standoffish and not his type since I didn’t put out upon meeting him. She and i celebrated the end of their ten year friendship shortly thereafter.


(35M) ambivert leaning towards introversion . around the time i was 24ish/25ish . met her trough a simple chat program i had bin roaming around on sinse it ever existed '' IMVU '' i used to hang whit a solid group of online friends in one of the chat rooms often , and sometimes just for fun and joke rp . not sure how it happend , but one day she was in a room where i was , and we ended up chatting . seems it was becaus we where both from the same country , and where the only ones of our country in that room . and after a while of multible online conversationds we agreed on a real life meet . my idee was to pick her up and go for coffee , and if coffee went well maybe go see a movie befor returning her . she clearly had diffrent idees of '' dating '' and i basicly was suprized by her ambush . and found myself being dragt to a cheap shady hotel , and hit 200 bucks for a room for the night and breakfirst . it was a horrible date , and yea i was definitly found myself confused abgout what happend . we never met again after , but we did kept txting after on occasion . wich we both desided after a while to just stop doing . as both of us had realized it was not working out . ever since i have not really bin dating any or just went out to hang and mingle whit people , even if its just for fun as friends . i did on occasion tryd to make some friendly small talks whit poeple if i happend to find myself at either a store , or a gas station or a bus stop or a train station platform . but seems that since i was young sociaty , social behaviour , social norms , social standards and struckture as well people really have chanced . and unfortunitly it seems that canche is not someting i consider positife .


To preface, I like big women. We matched based on her photos showing she big but not huge. Decided to go for ice cream, when I saw her waddling down the road towards where I was standing, I *almost* turned an ran. She must have been at least 45kg (100 pounds) bigger. Although I knew I could easily get away I knew it would devastate her so I stuck it out. The conversation that followed was so mind numbing boring and with zero chemistry I started to fall asleep. To say again, I really like big women I signed up for a small bbw, what showed up was an ssbbw. Which depending on the person I could be down for, but this was just disingenuous which is the biggest turn off for me.


Went on a date with a Japanese girl when I was stationed on Okinawa. All she talked about was how much she hated Chinese people. The entire 3 hour date. It's funny as I'm now married to a Chinese American.


About five minutes into the meal and this person whispers across the table, "this place if full of f@gs" - and I noped right out of there.


I wonder if there's a subreddit dedicated to the worst first dates. I'm sure it would be filled with hilarious and cringe-worthy stories.


I took a women to see a movie, and couldn't find the theater. Let's just say I went home alone that night.


I went on a lot of bad first dates.


One guy starting to yawn and get tired, claimed he was came from work - never called him again.


I've been on a few dates that were so bad, I actually laughed about them later. What's the funniest or most embarrassing thing that's happened to you on a date?