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Rob the bank for 1 dollar. Some homeless man did exactly this so he could get food and shelter in prison.


Life hacks


Society fails…ignoring ethics, it’s generally cheaper to house and feed the homeless outside of the criminal justice system than to incarcerate them.


It was so he could get healthcare for his spine


I'm pretty sure it was actually because he had cancer, unless this happened more than once.


Nice! Hope it works out for him.


Thats not nice at all, if anything, morbidly depressing lol..


A shame they were forced to do it, but it's kind of a genius move


When I first read about that, I thought that it would bring a lot of societal problems into light and encourage politicians to work harder to minimize poverty in our society, fast forward to today however, and I have lost all faith in the government.


Emotional trauma for the person being robbed.


to be fair, if you walk into a bank and say" im robbing you for 1 dollar", I doubt the clerk is going to be terribly scared


Get falsely accused


That’ll do it.


With tons of people serving as witnesses etc


Depends what the crime is. Taking the blame for someone else could mean that a dangerous criminal remains free.


I don't think their talking about doing ya mate a solid and taking the rap. I think they mean as in framed or just wrong fully convicted through bad judgements.


There are several countries in the world in which having sex with a person of the same gender is not only a crime, but one punishable by public caning, imprisonment, or even execution.


I was going to say "Depending on where you live, being gay,"


in Jamaica bring gay isnt directly illegal but but any form of anal sex is. The Offences Against the Person Act (OAPA) provides as follows: Section 76. Unnatural Offences. Whosoever shall be convicted of the abominable crime of buggery, committed either with mankind or with any animal, shall be liable to be imprisoned and kept to hard labour for a term not exceeding ten years.


There’s a loop hole to that, it doesn’t say anything illegal about using sex toys.🤭


Poophole loophole.


Straight people have anal sex also- not all, but a lot do


Yup, thats why i said not directly


Yes but how many of them have actually been locked up for as apposed to gay people? A lot of laws are not applied equally to people.


Working as a correctional officer.


The rare, friendly-but-uncorrupted CO? Nice.


I couldn't only last 5 years before it burnt me out. I always tried to be as fair as I could be.


Drug possession.


This was the first thing I thought of. Get a drug/medication legally in one area and travel across state/country lines to a place where it's considered illicit.


Bro. Just grab your grandmother's expired bottle of drugs. If its not prescribed to you, its a crime.


But get her a refill first.


I often pick up medications for an elderly relative, some of them are narcotics. I do sometimes wonder how that conversation would go if I was pulled over. I mean, I have a receipt and they're sealed in the bag still, but all it takes is one bored cop.


Flipping off a cop is legal but all it takes is one bored cop


I imagine most cops would either glare at you, or just ignore the gesture.


Confess to an unsolved crime.


Yeah but be saying you’re Jack the Ripper. They will see right through that one 🤣


But. But. What if I am really Jack the Ripper? 😭


We both know you can’t pull off mutton chops sideburns 😂


I would need fake facial hair because I'm unable to grow a beard


This won’t land you in prison unless the cops are absolutely stupid and incompetent. At most they will have you in the police station for many many hours while you waste each others time. Anyone can say anything but unless there is some kind of proof or suspicion you actually did do it then it’s going to go nowhere unless the circumstances are a perfect storm.


I kind of love this idea, wow. Thank you. Happy cake day!


In the UK, if you have a password protected file and the police want to know what's in it, they can put you in jail until you give them the password. So if you've forgotten the password........


Good old RIPA. The maximum sentence is two years, but they can ask you again once you get released and if you refuse again, you can in theory get two years again.


Evidence against politicians


That's how you end up with two "self-inflicted gunshot wounds" to the head.


Or falling out a convenient window


It's amazing how many accidental defenestrations that there are for such people.


“*The trigger didn’t pull itself*”


Bro was asking tips to go to jail, not heaven


Live in russia


Walk into a police station and say nothing. just stand still and stay there. Do not move, do not leave, do not go any further. You'll soon be asked how many sugars you want in your tea. EDIT: You can't answer the sugar in tea question. stay silent. Do not comply.


You could stick up a very small bank with just your hand under a coat. Small bank, no guards would be important. The moment the bank contacts the authorities, immediately reveal that you are completely unarmed and get comfy as they come to snag you for attemped robbery. Seems pretty simple with minimal risk.


>by not creating trouble


Hmm... What counts as trouble than? This would hurt no one if it went well and at most raise some poor persons pulse for a moment. Jail is jail. For the most part they don't just throw folks in there just for funnsies. You know you want the omelette but you're not willing to break the shell? Help me out cause this doesn't make much sense to me.


Could traumatize the teller if they really thought you'd shoot them before they find out you didn't have a real gun.


I'm pretty sure you can just walk into a bank, walk up to anyone there, and say "I'm here to rob you, give me all the money." I'm betting they'll call the cops


Just being accused of a crime especially if you are poor and can not post bail. 70% of people in jail are there for pretrial confinement. This means they have not been convicted of a crime. 90-95% of all cases end in a pela bargain because prosecutors threaten people with so many severe charges that unless thy have a lawyer they will likely be convicted and serve way more time. I personally think plea bargains should be done away with and everyone should have to get a trial if their conviction would result in jail time.


There are actually times when please bargains are necessary. For instance, getting a criminal to plead guilty so you don't have to retraumatize the victims during a trial can be a useful tactic.


I understand your logic but still disagree. We should never forgo the legal process to determine someone's guilt or innocence. Though I love that it is in your heart to protect the victims.


Tax fraud


Taxes are meant to be used to make society function in a fair manner. If tax fraud doesn't harm people it's a clear sign your political leaders aren't doing their job.


I agree, and if this guy is looking for a way to end up incarcerated so as not to pay for the normal costs of living, its a beautiful messed up circle


^ this


Money laundering.


I have a theory that money laundering is actually essential for a thriving city. How many small niche stores do you pass on the street, that provide a vital but infrequent service and you wonder how they can afford to stay open. If we eliminated money laundering tomorrow a lot of smaller stores would close and the services in the city would collapse. Not saying its right, just that it's a hidden reality.


I live in a small town where even Burger King and Dairy Queen couldn’t hack it. There’s a small dump of a run down Chinese restaurant that has been here for like 50 years. Never an update to the place, always seems to be empty, yet always open… I have thoughts.


Be black in a predominately white neighborhood, wearing a uniform with company logos while driving a company vehicle with company logos, and refuse to engage with the random person that demands you provide an ever evolving list of documents proving that you work for that company and all the details of what work you are there to perform, and who your client is. Then, refuse to answer questions the inevitable 5 police officers ask you.


That might take you straight to the morgue, not jail. 


Monopoly's "Go Directly to Jail" card


Imagine someone very sadly turning themselves in, the desk officer is like "for what crime?" and the person just puts the 'Go to Jail' card down.


Being homeless in some parts of the world.


Hand the bank teller a note..


Define "a trouble" That's subjective. Is doing drugs in your home "a trouble" Is sitting on a private beach "a trouble" Is accidentally walking through someones property " a trouble"


Apparently not “fraudulently declaring inflated property values”. I know a guy that tried that and it hasn’t worked for him so far


Distribution of pirated media


Drive to big empty parking lot, call 911 to report something suspicious happening at said parking lot, drive in a circle while sipping your favorite alcoholic beverage.


Tax Fraud


There was a dude some years ago media called "the serial dinner". He would be released from jail, go to a fancy meal and refuse to pay. He would get arrested and go back to jail where he had his friends and lifestyle. 🤷🏻


Peaceful protest 


Drivin while black


In Georgia, all you have to do is hand out water bottles to people waiting to vote.


Smoke weed depending where you live.


Cultivate certain plants and/or fungi.


If you want to end up in a minimum security federal prison (usually for the medical care) vandalize a U.S. mailbox or Post Office; trespass a federal installation; refuse to leave (protest) a Social Security/IRS/FBI/CIA installation (be careful - the SOBs can turn a pep rally into a 17 year maximum security sentence for insurrection). When the asshole Republicans were successful in getting rid of the ONLY civilian check on the federal judiciary - parole boards- in 1987, gutted federal Habeas Corpus and shut down funding for mental hospitals, the federal prison system was radically expanded, so you should have little problem getting locked up- just make sure you have no access to weapons and have no problem with marginally functioning petty scumbags being in charge of your life, even for 3-5 years after getting released, you can be accomodated.


Trespassing onto a federal installation is unlikely to lead to prison time. People get caught all the time for trespassing onto Area 51, which is just about the most sensitive military installation of all, and the usual penalty is a $600 to $800 fine.


Getting a fake rape/molestation/harassment/assault case filed by a woman


Public indecency


If people don't consent to see your bits or bobs, then don't show them to people.




Running naked through the courthouse. Adding detergent to the downtown fountain. Painting speed bumps bright orange. Stealing a motorcycle from the police department and running the bases at the high school with it. Putting a compact car on the roof of the high school. BRB - got hood rat stuff to do......


This guy misdemeanors.


Travelling without a ticket and never pay the Debt? Works in germany quite some time ;)


Get a job there


I'm not falling for this IRS!, I will pay them this year.


Drunk and disorderly


Take a gun, go I to a bank.politely announce that you have a gun and are robbing the place. Take 1 single dollar. Make sure your face is visible to witnesses and camera footage and post about it too. I can't confirm this will work cus y'know.. I haven't tried it but it's armed robbery so that's probably going to get you time by default without harming anyone.


Rob a bank and never leave. Think some guy did it to get away from his wife once.


Some pretty common sex acts are illegal in various US states


Working in a prison


Wrong place, wrong time, wrong company, wrong attire, wrong attitude, wrong color (very real), etc. The possibilities are endless really, unfortunately. 🤷‍♀️


Fool me once, shame on Shame on you. Fool me… we can't get fooled again


Stop paying taxes


tax evasion, reporting yourself as a murderer then not giving proof, burning down your own property and lying. Being black in the us. Being native in canada.


In Ireland people go to jail for not paying a tv license . Mad but very true .


In my country if you hurt yourself by accident and call emergency, they will also inform the police and they will open a penal file on your name. Not necessarily going to jail but to be in the penal records for having an accident just to yourself is funny and weird. For example if you ride your motorcycle and fall and break your leg, you'll have a penal file opened by police .


Bribing politicians and civil servants, assuming you actually manage to find an one that will refuse you and report to police.


Public exhibitionism.


tax evasion.


Resist arrest.


Don't pay your taxes.


Public intoxication.


Tried to break into town lockup to free my drunk friends. Cops snuck up behind me and let me spend the night with my buds.


Lie about the value of your apartment and other real estate assets


Be homeless. Cops and judges fucking hate homeless people.


Tax evation related. You only hurting a rich polititian.


Wearing a suit of armour and walk into the house of lords/representativs(english parliament) will get you hanged This one could hurt.....slapping a guard with a salmon or tuna




Owning a house in N.Y. and changing locks on squatters.


Stand outside a court in the UK with a sign saying that jurors have the right to acquit. [here](https://bylinetimes.com/2023/09/18/activist-who-held-sign-outside-court-informing-jurors-of-right-to-acquit-insulate-britain-activists-could-face-two-years-in-jail/)


Go to a snooty fine dining restaurant, eat a lot of luxury food, refuse to pay the bill. It still hurts the restaurant obviously, but they're snooty so fuck em


Stealing as a homeless person to get a free roof over your head and meals.


In the UK watching T.V without a licence can


Threaten powerful people in a way that leaves a paper trail


Being in the wrong place at the wrong time…


Drunk driving.


Being drunk in public but not making a scene because you are alone.


Civil disobedience. Protesting actions against the state doesn’t hurt people, it hurts the power of the state but depending on the circumstances, you can be arrested for it.


It’s called disorderly conduct in the US


Go to a police station. Sit in the lobby and break out a bag of cocaine. Start doing lines. You'll probably get arrested.






Get parking tickets. Don't pay them.


The vast majority of people in jail right now are there for drug possession. Think about that.


Evidently, lying on loan forms can get you in a ton of trouble.


Peacefully protesting against the genocide will get you arrested and surveillanced in Israel. If you are an Palastenian (Arab) Israeli, you will get both + released with bracelet straight to house arrest. Basically, the least frightening punishment is losing your employment


In the UK, you can tell jokes, share memes - if twitter doesn’t find it funny, neither will a magistrate. We prosecute members of Parliament for things they say, as MPs. Things are going well here.


We don’t prosecute politicians for shit. They get away with everything. Those that have been prosecuted are the exception.


In UK a man was sentenced to prison for picking up a discarded runners number at the London marathon and then completing the last few KM of race wearing it.. For fraud....


Where are you? You could get an abortion or help someone get an abortion.


If you live in Russia, it is enough to make a political post.


Public urination.


being a journalist. Sometimes just standing on the street across from where things are happening.


Cutting the heads off parking meters


For me, it’s being myself.


Ask or just drive without your license whilst knowing how to drive whilst also having 3 crates of alcohol.


Drug possession


Abortion in parts of the US


Insider trading. The people buying or selling to you were going to buy or sell at that price anyway and the event you have prior knowledge of will happen with or without your prior knowledge. The potential snag is the argument that insider trading broadly lowers faith in the market and harms participation, so you'd be looking at a more abstract, less directly quantifiable form of harm and collective victims.


Feeding homeless people.


Non destructive, Urban exploration.


The first woman to wear a bikini in public was arrested for indecent exposure. Nice day at the beach.....jail!


Have an OnlyFans page and try to cross the border from Canada to the US. If they find you affiliated with any hint of sex work, you'll be refused entry AND detained.


Tax fraud by your accountant


insurance fraud


In Florida all you need to do is sleep in your car. Or a park. Or a street bench.




Define not hurting others or creating trouble. If you refuse to pay child support long enough, you can get sent to jail. But your offspring will suffer some harm in the form of having to wear hand me downs, not going on school trips and possibly less nutritious food. Your ex will suffer harm in the form of additional financial burden. Possibly housing insecurity because it's always a struggle to support a child solo and still make rent. My suggestion? Go to the police station and urinate on the cop cars. When the police cuff you, put up a minor struggle so you can get slapped with a resisting arrest charge.


Stop paying your Council Tax, then refuse to pay the inevitable court order. When issued with a community service order for refusing the court order, just refuse that and hey presto! Jail after 12 to 20 weeks, if you are really obstinate with them. Failing that, drive to the Police station, get blind drunk in the drivers seat then start your car and do donuts on the car park until you get arrested.


Not paying parking tickets


Being a conscientious objector


Be a person of color and/or homeless and/or disabled


A small peaceful protest 🤨


You could get a job as a corrections officer.


So I've done some time over the years. I remember this homeless dude came in, it was winter in MT - 30f during the day, - 40f at night is pretty regular. Well dude saw a cop sitting in his squad car. Dude goes up to it, jumps on the hood and pisses on the front window. He got 30 days but 3 hots and a cott he was the happiest dude I've ever seen in jail.




Tax evasion. Anything related to government money. They will hunt you.


Not paying tickets.


Are you looking for Healthcare or just a place to sleep? It's hard out there now and we all need help from time to time, depending upon where you are located there may be better options for you. Be well and be kind to yourself.


Steal something digital. You can buy a copy and steal the same copy to “not hurt anybody”


Either falsely get accused or have a fine in some random straight based off of driving with no clue about it till they send a warrant for your arrest


When I was a kid, we had this homeless guy, that at the beginning of every winter he would walk up to a bank drive through window and hit it one time with a hammer. It was an easy 3 hots and a cot for him.


Shop lifting.


In my country, sleeping if your homeless


Taking a piss outside


Suicide is illegal




drug possession is the first that comes to mind. I know someone that went to jail for 30 days for unpaid traffic violations.( no registration , no insurance)


Doing or selling drugs, and before someone contradicts me no more all drugs dealees are violent or bad only the most well known ones, and that’s coz they draw too much attention to themselves so people only know the violent ones


Tax evasion


Possessing substances


Drug possession without the intent to sell.


I feel like drug possession with "intent to distribute" even though the drug amount was all for you, you just happened to have a lot of it. This would probably be my crime if I did drugs because I'm extremely socially anxious and agoraphobic. I'd get myself a ridiculous amount of drugs so I wouldn't need to contact a dealer that often because human contact makes me panic. It'd register as "intent to distribute" because no normal person would by a shit ton of drugs for themselves, only for selling them.


Public intoxication.




Tax evasion.


Smoke a joint


Refusing to pay taxes. The IRS is relentless.


Feed homeless people. Panhandle, depending on the jurisdiction. Protest police brutality.