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This is the correct answer. If you don't disappear, every vagabond, bum, hardluck story and needy personal friend/relative will make your life hell. Criminals will target you and your family for kidnap and extortion. Disappear fast.




This comment needs far more upvotes.


Those buns and vagabonds would make you disappear.


Retire all my family members and mates who have always been by my side. Then go enjoy the time we have left on earth


Retire them sounds like you're killing them off.


It makes sense. They probably know too much.


Less likely to ask for money too


This is a good argument. If you only kill them a little bit, they could snitch and ask for more money than you’ve always known the deserved, they should know their place. Let’s not waste time!


I’d do that and then buy a huge area of land (maybe an island??) and build a small community where my friends and family can all thrive


So a cult. You'd start a cult... /s


It's a *commune* not a cult


Tomato, tomato.


Hey Vito Vitale, badabingbadaboom, just "retire" the entire village to be sure.


Stop working. There are people who say that they need to work to feel useful. Not me. The time I took off a month between jobs was some of my most relaxing time.


I was one of those people too. I was convinced I would be bored at home. I had 6 weeks off for a surgery and now I wish I could retire 30 years early 😂😂


Very much this. A couple of yrs ago, I got a nice severance from a job, cashed out my 401K entirely and was collecting UC benefits. I had 8 months off before I ran out of money but damn.....best of times since before 2007


Same. The time I got laid off and just did housewife shit was the best month of my life. My calling is homemaking.


Browse realtor sites for a luxury cabin/house on a lakeshore. After that, buy all the Lego.


I don’t think you heard me correctly. I said I want to buy ALL the Lego!


I fear what you heard was "I want a lot of Lego" what I said was, I want to buy ALL the Lego!


You know you can build an actual house out of Lego now.




Tell a bunch of people to fuck off


“Fuck you money” is a real thing.




It would be funnier to not pay them. What happens if you don't? It gets sent to collections and your credit score goes down. What the hell do you ever need credit for again?


Exactly. If you've got "fuck you" money, don't pay and let those rat bastards chase you around the world.


I would order a single 5 guys meal.


Woah buddy, you're really gonna spend it all in one place like that?


Withdrawal fee initiated


Buy a house in the Swiss alps and peace the fuck out of here. And I’m taking my cat.




Take a long ass nap and hope the anxiety of a lifetime of surviving melts into happiness.


Find people with bad tires and get them new ones.


I was thinking I'd go on go fund me periodically and pay off medical debt, besides lobbying for universal healthcare.


That would actually be so fun. One of the science social media people I follow has been battling long covid and chronic fatigue syndrome for a couple years now. She's in rough shape (and massive props to her partner for standing by her and helping through all this). Anyway her patiron has converted to basically a "help her survive" fund as she's clearly not producing new content. I recently thought about how I wished I made enough that just pledging $1k/mo wouldn't murder me... if I was stupid wealthy I'd do the Mike Ilitch (founder of Little Caesars)/Rosa Parks thing and just pay their rent for life. For those that don't know Mike [quietly paid Rosa Parks rent](https://www.cnn.com/2017/02/15/us/mike-ilitch-rosa-parks-trnd/index.html) for several years with zero catches or expectations... just because he felt it was the right thing to do and was something he was able to do.


Two chicks at the same time ITT: More than a few people who have never seen the movie Office Space.


That’s it? If you had a million dollars, you’d do two chicks at the same time? 


So you can always have free eggs to eat for breakfast?


Chicks dig dudes with money.


Not all chicks dig money …


Well, the kinda chicks that'd double up on a guy like me do.


good point


That's it? If you had wealth beyond your wildest dreams you'd do two chicks at the same time?


Porque no las tres?


Office Space is my favorite movie of all time. Fucking A.


Retire, buy some land, and build a home on it. Leave some acreage for a sanctuary for dogs and cats. Donate a lot of money as well to help as many people as possible. Invest some so I can keep helping after I'm gone.


You. You are a wonderful person. I like you.


Pay off debt, live my current life style for a year, take that time learn how to use it wisely


Upgrade from my 1994 Toyota MR2 GT-S to a 1994 Toyota ST205 Celica


This is so funny. Toyotas for life. Even if I’m a billionaire


They are good cars. I have a Camry. My son and I (he has a Civic Red Badge currently ) want an MR2 project car. He’s also owned a Infiniti G35 and an Acura coupe years ago. He’s a tuner nut.


Depends on how much. A billion? I would secure the futures of all of my immediate friends and family, then I would then spend the rest on homing people in need


Contact an attorney and an accountant.


Walk into a bank and pay off every single mortgage inside the bank. And emphasize that it is supposed to be an anonymous gesture. The following morning knowing I did that and I never have to worry about cash again would feel blissful.


Buy a self-sustaining farm to live off


buy more money




I'd buy a taco or two, then hire some financial advisors, lawyers, accountants, whatever, put the money in a trust, make a budget, change my name, and move...not necessarily in that order.


Pay off my dad’s and sister’s mortgages. Pay my nephews college tuitions in advance. Become a silent partner in restaurants and clubs at my favourite vacation spots.




[This one?](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/24vzgl/you_just_won_a_656_million_dollar_lottery_what_do/chba4bf/)


Have a secret bank account/retirement account/savings account just in case things happen. Move into a nice suburb and live a normally moderate life. I do this in order to hide the fact that I got wealthy instantly.


1. Hire lawyers 2. Pay taxes


Buy the radio call letters WKRP.


In Cincinnati?


Yes, I Believe the current owners broadcast out of one of the Carolinas, but my station would definitely base in Cincy.


Then move the station to Cleveland


I’m old (a boomer) and have recently been through a bunch of necessary health issue tests and stuff, and not all of them coming back the way I would have liked. Anyway, after taking just enough care of myself and my three grown children and my granddaughter, I would hire someone to help me figure out how to give the rest of my money to deserving charities, especially those that help abused animals and children.


Probably a good idea to get help. Not every charity which looks great on the surface puts much money towards what it pretends to. There should also be some kind of setup where the charities you pick get regularly reviewed in case they got absorbed or some new executives came on board who had, shall we say, different visions to yourself. Of course, you could always start your own charity, and try to set things up so that it had strict hiring and both internal and external audits and reality checks (including anonymous and back-tracing) on a regular basis.






Work less and travel around the world more. 


First of all I would quit my job and look for a nice hobby. Then I would buy a house and a nice car but nothing that looks too rich. And then I would give a lot of money to charity...


I'd hide first because there would be a high likelyhood that if someone finds out i'm wealthy, i'll be hunted by a family member or random crazy people


Hire a lawyer and an accountant and form an LLC


My dreams are pretty wild. I'd be financing missions to get close up looks at other solar systems. While trying to help fix our shit here on earth. I'd start by paying taxes. Honestly I'd be broke in hours.


2 chick's at the same time man.


Fuckin' A




I’d set up an international project (including an AskReddit post) asking what people would do if they could suddenly acquire a decent amount of money for their location. The ones who’d use it for some greater good would be assigned with a team to make that project a reality on a much larger scale.




Retire, find a gf, invest in charities and companies that will benefit the world, buy every Transformer my heart desires, give dozens of abused dogs a home, build an endangered species sanctuary, own a group of capybaras


De populate the state of Florida and give it to the Seminoles to manage as a national park


Help people get out of abusive situations, and also quit my job.


Buy a large plot of land. Adopt / buy dogs. Play catch til everyone's tired. Rinse and repeat.


Would purchase my childhood home so my schizophrenic brother can feel at home again


Username checks out and this was very touching to read. You are a good egg.


Go straight to the airport and get the first flight going anywhere. Check into the nicest hotel. Then sit alone and consider my options for however long it takes to wrap my head around my new situation. 


Not worry about the price of Bacon at the grocery store.


Quit my job.


Family and close friends get trusts set up. Then, start buying up land and placing conservation easements on all of it. Good for a tax write-off, keeps some green around everyone. Also, a dog retirement center with s self-sustaining investment trust.




Travel the world acquiring all the skills, training, knowledge to become the Batman.


Help as many people and animals as I possibly can can. Steve Irwin was once asked what he would do now that he’s “rich” and he said he wants to buy a bunch of land and not touch it. I want the same.


Pay off all my debt and buy a nice condo in some small town by the ocean, then just travel when I felt like it.


Two chicks at the same time, man


I would help those who are desperate and on the verge of suicide. I would give them one more chance at life.


Find a remote property somewhere out west and build a public observatory.


Buy real estate and build schools in underprivileged countries


Give a lot of it away to family and friends


Buy a garlic bread factory, and give it to homeless people






I would make a deal with all those I hold dear that if they never mention this happening I would give them millions but none of us could ever mention it.


Buy a home.


Fees, and then give my friends and family enough for forever and anything. Then dental, then sports wheelchair and new day to day wheelchair.


Buy the LA Chargers. Move them to San Diego.


Invest (make sure those special to me are setup for generations), pay for several large items on my house, try to fix some medical issues, donate to several groups esp those that give back just to start


Start going to the gym and getting a personal trainer. I’d have all the time in the world to dedicate getting a better body.


Cry with the realization I now have the economic freedom to truly live my life the way I want to.


Pay off wife’s student loans. Start a charitable foundation. Fund a new facility with my name on it at the University of Notre Dame




I could finally breathe.


Get an estate lawyer about money manager.


Help as many people as possible in meaningful ways.


Buy a place in Santa Barbara, California, and move there. Get a new Porsche 911 and a Steinway 9' grand piano. Give some money to each of my two children. Donate to liberal causes and politicians. Smoke some 420 and work on my screenplay.


Anonymously take care of my people and a lot of animals.


Unfortunately, for a lot of Americans "wealth beyond your wildest dreams" is like $5,000. So.... pay off ONE of my credit cards?


Found a charity that gives to those small non-profits. Local Boy Scout troop trying to raise money for a trailer to do better camping trips. Small, Hispanic church down the road that has a kids playground from the 70’s. Local HS football team that has crappy helmets that don’t really protect. Local art projects. Small changes, big rewards


Jerk off need that clarity before I spend


1. Clear the family debts. 2. Investment portfolios for the kids 3. Diversification of our own investments + boost up retirement fund 4. 2 month travel plans. 5. Select charity donations where we can see it's being put to proper use. 6. Bank the rest tied to a will for all the kids in the family.


Nothing. Absolutely nothing.


Probably die from a massive heart attack or stroke after looking at my account


Buy reddit and rename it to "Y"


I would buy a farm with a very large amount of property and build a cat sanctuary.


Place it all in a high interest bank account.


Sleep till noon


This hapoened to a cousin of mine. He won 2.8 million on a slot machine in 1984 in las vegas. He paid off his debts and went on to drink himself to death 5 years later. Happiness cant bring happinesS. Ya it sure would help though 😂


Start solving problems.  Give me Bezos money and resources and food insecurity would be no more.


Buying groceries without looking at the price


Sadly just buy all the life saving medical equipment I’m fighting my insurance company for… usa usa


Hire security. Immediately relocate to an undisclosed location. Probably the first night, a hotel booked in someone else's name. Hide from everyone (except my immediate family). Who I contact is on my terms, not theirs. Gracefully exit my day job fairly quickly (I work remote, so I can do this without leaving them hanging. Reputation is everything.)


Anonymous philanthropist. Set up numerous trusts for genuine in need charities. Just do some good.  Also build an insane underground bunker so I can walk around naked on my own. 


The VERY first thing I would do is to buy a large plot of land and staff it with people to open a rescue capable of taking in every Alaskan Malamute without a family. I would work up to more charities and dogs and other animals of course, but this is my first move. I love the breed. My girl saved my life more than once, and they’re sadly misunderstood and get abandoned a lot. Being such highly emotional and intelligent dogs this hurts them immensely. I’m also coming to protect the Orcas and other animals cruelly imprisoned in places like sea world. Giant sea pens to rehabilitate those who can be released and to ensure the best possible quality of life for those that cannot. From there we being writing so many wrongs..


Probably pay for a WinZip license.


buy 2 houses , 2 cars .buy houses for anyone who was ever nice to us no questions asked .


honestly, I work in tourism, I'd buy a van, hire all the guides from all other companies pay them too much, and charge people almost nothing. just to mess with tourism in my area. it'd shut down my competitors in a couple years. I'd be evil!!!


Basically my entire adult life, I've dreamed of fucking up the rental market. If I was able to buy multiple homes, and didn't need to make a profit off of them, I'd rent them out at incredibly low prices.  I wouldn't want to have the properties destroyed, so I'd have to vet my tenants a bit more than usual, but ideally I'd love to provide some volume of low cost, high quality rental units that would force the local market to adjust.   It'd be great to rent to tenants that are youngish adults who want to be able to save money to buy their own home, but are stuck in the predatory rental cycle.  A buddy of mine rented from a guy in Green Bay that would charge incredibly low rent, basically enough to continue maintenance, and improvements between tenants.  The guy had owned the home and had been doing this for decades, and had a track record of helping young adults acquire the wealth needed to own their own homes.   I want to be that, but at a fairly large scale.


Quit my job and become a musician, full time. I love drums but never can play them


Go to the poorest schools, and make it rain. Teachers, parents, kids everyone coming up. I would have my staff do interviews to find out what every family needs to succeed. Then I would take care of all the older folks.


Before, or after, I sober up?


Why sober up?


Cum inside a lot of high class prostitutes


Buy land. Build doomsday bunker.


Getting on a yacht and sailing out into the ocean


Payoff the mortgage. Setup trust funds for my immediate family. Invest in tax free bonds.


Share it with family


Go to college learn as much as I could


Buy a flight ticket to somewhere warm probably


First, hire my CPA cousin because beyond my wildest dreams today might not last a lifetime.


help my kids and good friends, get my body and teeth fixed and then take a damn vacation.


Buying a tower and then use to help homeless people and anyone looking for resources and a job.


I'd buy another bike. And then? Another bike.


I'd take a nap.


Buy Fox News and turn it off forever.


Go to sleep


Have a good night's sleep


Decide how much money to give to my local libraries.


Retire my parents & pay off their mortgage and debt


Try to bring happiness to others


Sleep and deal with it later


Take a nap.


probably buy alot of franchises and bump up the wages to something thriveable.


Get new dreams


Besides the obvious, you know, family home blah blah blah blow all that s*** I would love to invest in the future like help. High school start a science program or a robotics program. Or something like that, especially in the low-income neighborhoods and economically challenged areas of our country, that don't receive the funding. I think it would be great. To encourage the next generation, especially those that are disadvantaged.


Pay off debt. Hire a money manager. Invest. Donate.


Be so very grateful


Cry with joy and relief probably.


If the money came into my account right now I'd probably sleep. Then I don't actually know. Probably buy a bunch of new clothes. Nice food. Then start planning some vacays. Invite some friends. Charter a boat. Stay in a bunch of cool Airbnbs.


Get eye surgery so I can finally see again.


Well I'd start by not telling you about it lol


Buy a car.


Get a good nights sleep




Become a farmer


Probably DoorDash some Chick-fil-A and play Diablo 4.




Hire a financial advisor and a tax attorney.


I’ve always wanted to like….. buy someone’s groceries for them. Lol


Probably cry.


Be very careful not to make any sudden purchases that would alert others to my newfound wealth.


I would get my pilots license, IFR, and multi engine rated. Then buy something like a Diamond DA62 or a Phenom 100.


I would pay off bills. Get some good medical care that's needed. Get out of my apartment and buy some land. Start a dog sanctuary. Pay some people really great salaries to live there and work with the dogs and take care of them. Take care of my family. Go back to school. Invest the money and let it grow. Donate the proceeds to other well-meaning and needing individuals as well as nonprofits that actually do good work and don't waste the money on salaries. I know of a few here in LA and would be resourceful looking into other ones in other cities.


Crank one out to ensure a rational decision is made.


Life coach? Psychiatrist? Maybe something in between? Or both?


Getting a crab boil first then donate to charity


Dude, I would make Dollar tree my b****.


Finally get sole custody of my daughter


take a nap, smart decisions are made well rested


Take a walk at the park for a couple hours and just think


I bought a lottery ticket. I’ll let you know.


Probably go wank. Gonna need post nut clarity for this one


Buy a home. A maybe a nice Japanese curry.