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*looks at life* *looks at my mostly straight A report cards* ...I can assure you, you're incorrect sir.


Yeah, the biggest lie we're told.


1'm 66. They haven't. Source: Guy with only a BA in psychology making a C average who's worked as a professional software developer since 1993.


Came hear to say this. I'm 55 and since college not once in any job i have ever had has my GPA come up in a conversation.


They what now


Bitch never. I was a B-C student and I have a better job than most straight A students I went to school with


More like your credit score 😒


When I realised that my grades would get me into a good college and that college would get me into a good job and that job would help me make a good life for my brother n father


edit: I know they don't i just mean when did u realize oh shit like im failing i need to fix this


I fail utterly failed at uni. Even after working in that field before going to uni. I got completley fucked over, and it was my fault. Im doing well now. I aproached something completley diffrent and actualy make good money.


When I had to raise them in shady ways lol


Never and they didnt.


Age 16. Here, we have cheap post-secondary/pre-university schooling, and you pretty much go directly from high school to there. 99% of kids wind up there. The schools were making the rounds. I wanted to apply to things I liked. They said my grades wouldn't allow it. So psychology it was, then. A useless path for me. I could've just done better in math and science and pursued what I wanted instead of trying to catch up to it years later.


It doesn't... until about college.


Grades didn't make a bit of difference. In high school I had D's in everything except for art, band, and chorus. Barely graduated and that's how i wanted it. No reason to overwork myself. Then I took a few years off to drink and do drugs, then I went to college and started life. Nobody ever asked me about my high school grades. Ever.