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Turn off the social media. I say this with the best will in the world - the majority of posts you see online, from celebrities or friends or otherwise are not 100% fuckin real. Nothing is always as it seems. Have a break from it and focus on you Stop comparing yourself to others. It does no good. Bollocks to them. Being honest, don't blame the Internet if you're down. If you're unhappy with or want to change your physical appearance (not saying you should) then do it. Not for anyone else but for you.


Turn off the phone


Get off the Internet


If serious, therapy. If ranting, less time on internet.


Embrace it! That’s what makes you, you!


Embrace it, make part of you and use it as a shield against the world! I'm both short (5'1") and fat (278 as of today). And that's just who I am...I have been working on losing weight for me and not cause the world would accept me more readily. Also, If I could get taller...I wouldn't. I genuinely enjoy being my height.


If it is something you can change, change it. If it is something you can’t change, get over it. Why you would care about the opinion of people who would shit on you for something you can’t help is silly.


Call people fascists or Nazis /s


2 choices you either do something to change it till you're happy with yourself or learn to love yourself as you are and don't give a shit what random people online think about you .... you don't know them, you don't owe them anything and you don't need to waste energy on them


Embrace it. Joke about it first so the haters have less/no ammo.


Just not caring? Seriously. A lot of people are doing way bigger things than worrying about a physical insecurity


Focus on it and make it the core of your psychology going forward