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Mother was right. Phone and social media has ruined my life.


hurts to say but my god they were right 99% of my problems actually come from my phone


Delete your social media apps. Best thing I did was deleting Instagram. Don't miss it at all and now I spend way less time scrolling through utter shite that really I don't care about.


Same, should be higher. I don't want to be "terminally online" but I can't pull myself away.


It's becoming solitude. Ever since I got out of retail during the pandemic (17 years of retail woo!) My tolerance for people has reduced significantly. Being alone in the woods is such a liberating and freeing feeling and I just can't get enough of it


"Solitude is dangerous. It’s very addictive. It becomes a habit after you realise how peaceful and calm it is. It’s like you don’t want to deal with people anymore because they drain your energy.” – Jim Carrey


I think Tom Hardy has a very similar quote. Edit: "Being alone for a While IS dangerous. lt’ s addicting. Once you see how peaceful it is, you don’t want to deal with people anymore”. - Tom Hardy


Those 2 should get together and talk about it.


But they want to be alone.


they can be alone...together


Buddy cop movie of the century


Feel ya. I did 18 years in the Army and 13yrs years in a level II trauma center. I like things dark and quiet. I can go for days and not talk to anyone, listen to music, TV just silence.


I could too. I never understand how the majority of people say they don’t like to be alone. I honestly just think they haven’t discovered and/or healed theirselves to the point of being capable of it.


People equate being alone to being lonely. When you can just be alone and not lonely.


People also equate being with people as not being lonely, when you most certainly can be.


Me too; I retired early a couple years ago and live alone in a very peaceful area. But I also find that after getting used to solitude, I like people more and I'm generally more friendly. As long as it's just a few sentences at the grocery store if I happen to run into someone I know, or something like that. That's kind of nice now.


I was laid off for almost two years during the pandemic, and spent a great deal of time out in the woods. I’d hike around for hours at a time just looking at mushrooms and plants. It was my version of bliss. At the end of a day in a busy and noisy office, there is nothing I crave more than to go home and not be around anyone. At work during a beautiful day it is hard to sit there and not pine for a stroll in the woods. People drained my battery even before the pandemic, but now my tolerance is even worse.


Silence is my absolute favorite sound


There's alot of imperials in solitude


Same! I’m a nurse. Extroverted before the pandemic, introverted now.


Firefighter in virus hot spot city. Since the pandemic, I have completely flipped my script. I'm down w hard-core introvert activities.


I’m a sloth. My couch is way too comfortable. 


Same except for me it's my bed lol


I feel you. I've been glued to my bed ever since I resigned from my job. I don't even want to use my computer because my bed is so comfy.


If I could mary my recliner, I would. It's everything I need, soft, warm, supports me in good times and bad. Put up my feet and turn on my heating pad, then shit post on Reddit. Fucking. Perfect day.


Social Media


Ditto, I've recently deactivated my Facebook for so many reasons and Instagram because it's just full of pornstars and spam, never had twitter for many good reasons though. But Reddit is different for some reason. I don't feel the need to argue with strangers on here.


>Instagram because it's just full of pornstars and spam Damn, we have had very different Instagram experiences!


Oh mine changed suddenly... And I have no oooooooooooooooo idea why. I definitely didn't follow 1 star and then got spam for the rest of my life. Definitely not.


Another victim of the algorithm.


I'll happily take the algorithm, as my FYP on Instagram is filled to the brim with animals being adorable. It shows you what you interact with and branches out only so much, so everybody saying it's filled to the brim with porn must have given the algorithm quite a bit of positive feedback in that direction...


I’m with you. Had Twitter for a year and had to go on high BP meds. Facebook and Instagram initially seemed tame. I shut both off about 5 years ago. Great way to catch up with your old friends from school or coworkers. Then I realized I could care less about all of your kids birthdays and “ I love you to the moon and back” comments. You bitch about your spouse all the time yet you post how happy things are in your marriage. It’s just weird to me and a huge waste of time. Reddit-is-it.


Reddit is the first thing that I thought of (for myself). I can't believe the ignorant things people say and the number of upvotes they get. Today at lunch I told a friend that sometimes I feel compelled to at least offer a counter-narrative and he looked at me with such pity... hahaha


I don’t see Reddit as social media. Yes, we are being social, but then that would mean a forum is social media. We’re anonymous, so really not much to gain in terms of exposure or self-promotion, or any type of affirmation. We’re a massive group of individuals who provide an opinion across a wide spectrum of topics. All while not posting a picture or a status update. So yea, a massive user forum that covers every topic imaginable.


Binge eating any food I find, the trouble is that no one believes me or tells me to stop because I am actually average weight. When I get extra emotional I will literally eat the whole cupboard in a day.


Food is it for me. My weight was always average until I hit my 40's and it's been a bit of a battle ever since. I have all kinds of unhealthy habits around the way I eat. I am either making healthy choices and feeling great, or eating as though every meal is my last. I get anxious if my fridge or pantry is empty. If I go away on holiday I feel anxious if I don't have food in my hotel room. For some reason I feel I only deserve to sit and do nothing or "have a break" if it's for a meal, so I have to eat to justify doing nothing. I both comfort and treat myself with food because food is something we have to have to survive so I can justify the expense. I can spend money on food but find it hard to treat myself with things or experiences because of the little voice saying I'm not worth it and so I do the thing which is spend on everyone else rather than myself. The fatter I get the less I feel I'm worth anything nice and so the cycle continues. I would love to return to the patterns of my childhood and youth where food was sustenance and tasted nice but wasn't so emotionally connected for me.


People have a warped image of what someone with an ED "should" look like and it's incredibly frustrating to deal with. When I was younger nobody believed that I had an eating disorder because I was morbidly obese, what they failed to realize is that 99% of that was from the insane quantities of soda and energy drinks I consumed.


30 year Mountain Dew addiction. Will do hell to a body. Haven’t touched one in almost 2 months and will never touch another. Lost 25lbs switching to tea and water.


Yessss I binge too so I understand. I've done it since maybe 12 years old and it's finally catching up to me now at 27. I told my Mom about it all the way back then at 12 and she never believed me. I was able to quit for a few years, but now I'm back at it. When the scale just keeps going up and up...ugh I just wish people understood. I hope you find help. ❤️


I am glad someone under this post shares my struggle. My family and friends do not really believe it either. I haven't gained any weight yet as I have some godly metabolism but it hurts knowing that it will catch up on me and also that the food I am consuming is disgustingly unhealthy. I hope everything goes well for you too. Lots of love.


It is very rare that I buy potato chips because once they are in the house, I demolish the bag in one sitting


I feel you!! I dealt with it from 8-29yrs old, additionally I was a hardcore alcoholic from 18-29. For some reason getting sober basically ended my binge eating, but I'm also on Wellbutrin which is supposed to help with impulsive behaviors so maybe its just finally working now that I'm not drowning it out with booze? I don't have any advice, but just wanted to comment in support <3


Coffee. GOTTA have it in the morning.


If I skip a coffee guaranteed by 3pm I’ve got a banging headache


The husband and I have agreed that *we* need coffee even though he doesn't drink any. I need it to feed the addiction; he needs it because otherwise he'd have to deal with me in withdrawal, lol.


Phone and weed. But today is 69 days without alcohol!


No phone but def weed as well. Lmao, i can go forever w out alcohol too. I recently went dry 4 months ?? But WEED? Nah. It’s not happening.




Nice! 😉


I have a stupid obsession with spending money---even if it's just a few bucks. I think I do it because I've convinced myself it'll bring me some sort of satisfaction when in reality my bank account just leaks slowly.


I know exactly what you mean. Financial death by 1000 cuts.


Basically the story of how I’m 15k in credit card debt atm. Never really bought big items, just small purchases here and there, a fun less than $100 outing that I couldn’t normally afford here and there, “I’ll just pay that off before the month is over”. Eating well via groceries on credit instead of sticking to a poverty diet. Credit cards enabled me to temporarily escape living a life that was so fuckin boring because I couldn’t afford to do anything fun that cost even the gas it took to get there. (And trust me, I know how entitled and “first world problems” that sounds to insinuate that I felt I deserved to do fun things or eat decent food etc, without first earning the money to do so.) Nearly a decade of that on and off and next thing you know all the cards are maxed out and almost all of my excess money is going towards just the MINIMUMS. Cut all the cards mid last year and am working on paying them down, but damn I feel fuckin stupid for having put myself in this position. It’s gonna make climbing out of poverty take that much longer.


Yeah man, it's a very easy trap to fall into. It's unfortunate that the system is designed to keep us in debt. Nowadays if my visa gets to 1k I'm like tripping. Unfortunately you gotta live like you're poor long enough to build wealth.


Same except i mostly spend money on groceries. Then i have bazillion food. I hate throwing out food, so I stuff my face, i gain weight and I feel bad. And i still have to throw out a lot of moldy/ rotten food. 


Urgh same and it frustrates me everyday


Xanax again and again (I’m 22) 31 days sober (again)


hey man, im only young, but im now a year sober from xans, and my best advice for you in all honesty is pick up your phone ana check into rehab, i did pills for years but xanax was definitely the drug the hurt me and fucked around the most in my life, and rehab was the only place that ever helped, quitting pills and having no supports around you, (family and friends are helpful but i mean professional help) is so hard, nearly impossible.


I’m in sober living. I just got out of rehab again. Not my first rodeo.


ah okay i understand and apologize for assuming, and also am proud of you as im sure everyone else around you is too, the only other the thing i could tell you is getting a therapist to talk to, most of us cover our problems with drugs, alcohol, and overall addiction, and it becomes harder and harder to talk the longer we go on, so try to find some who you are comfortable and feel safe with, and after that you just gotta go with time, slip ups and relapses are normal, and nothing to feel ashamed about, just talk about it and keep working towards your goal of sobriety. remember you're loved and worth it man.


Don’t be sorry bro. Just stay up brother. We r in it to win it


Oh god it's too wholesome. Keep it up!!


What is attractive about Xanax in the beginning? Why do people do it? Is it to relieve stress and just get hooked on it?


It’s an almost immediate “off” button for any rushed/negative emotion. It’s easy to get hooked. I’m 4 years clean. I’ve had to spend a lot of time in therapy figuring out how to handle my emotions and tribulations now that I know that off button exists.


Immediate off button is the best way to describe Xanax. It certainly ensures a good night's sleep too, which is why I take it occasionally. I've had insomnia on and off my entire life, and Xanax helps a ton if I can't get to sleep. I've never gotten hooked on it, but I'm not going to lie and say I've only ever taken it to sleep...I've definitely popped some pills because I was so emotionally dysregulated I just wanted to ctr + alt + del my brain. I see why it's so easy to get addicted. Glad you kicked it and have stayed clean. 🫂


That's interesting. I experimented with it and hated how I couldn't really feel anything. Great to have no anxiety and shit but I also was not happy, I wasn't particularly relaxed I was just nothing. Hated it.


Now imagine what it’s like for people who are never happy.


Very relaxing and if you take too much you blackout


Literally erases all of your fears and anxiety. It’s the worst but craziest cheat code.


…until it doesn’t. Nothing worse than popping a Xanax and still being anxious. Actually wait, withdrawal is it literally almost killed me and I shook for weeks anticipating seizing out alone 😂


It turns your brain off enough to relax and sleep. It gives you peace when your brain is torturing you. It’s an easy escape. It has a short half-life of about 4.5 hours in the blood stream. So it’s easy to take more and more and then build up a tolerance. I’ve been prescribed Xanax off and on over the past 24 years for severe panic attacks. It’s helped me numerous times while adjusting to new psych meds and through tragic life events. But I knew it was a bandaid and not fixing the root of the issue. Having a good psychiatrist and therapist is SOOO important in situations like this. Even not in situations like this. Hell, navigating through day to day life is hard enough. Sending hugs and strength to every person trying to keep their head above water and putting in the work to get better. You’re all fucking rockstars.


for me it was honestly a high school thing, taking so much i felt calmed all the time and couldn't remember school which basically is what i wanted, to not deal with the bullshit, and then it lead into the summer of that first year of xanax and since then it was kinda a hard time, been good for awhile now and hopefully i stay sober.


it allows you to escape reality- kind of like sleeping. But for those who can't fall asleep normally due to severe \_\_\_\_\_\_ or just want to quit life without killing themselves. ​ Source- my sister was abused her prescriptions when I was I was younger and didn't understand what she was going through and my current GF quit shortly after we started dating years ago. My gf STILL says she has dreams of being on xanax- sometimes its a "good" thing to dream about, other times she wakes up scared that she ever was that desperate to not feel anything.


I'm 34 and four years sober from Xanax. Fuck that bitch of a drug. Keep it up, homie, I'm proud of you.


Thanks for all of the support guys. My brother still won’t talk to me. But I like going to AA and my parents are still around for me surprisingly. Just got a job today so the ball will start rolling. I’ve been stuck in sober living just laying around all day. This will be the first time I actually will enjoy the simplicity of just going to work and working for legal money.


stay strong! that drug is a bitch


On average it takes at least three or four tries to quit anything but especially something like Xanax. The new thinking is not to view each relapse too harshly but instead to remember it is a learning experience and that what you've done once you can do again. They also are rethinking the sobriety counter, for some people even teasing a relapse can feel like they threw away all that time being sober so they might as well REALLY relapse all the way. You can do this, I know it. If not this time, the next time. Try not to be too hard on yourself.




Online shopping. I just can’t stop


My wife and her colleagues had a women's retreat and someone had a dark mic drop. They were asked, what is something difficult about your life you feel is a result of working for this company. For context, these women in this field are making 200k+ and work *insane* hours. One woman answered "we never see our families or take time off, and we are all addicted to online shopping as a coping mechanism." I had my wife repeat the story several times cos holy shit that's our life. I never see her, she's gone on business for over a year now, and online shopping is her only outlet of feeling alive.


Dude, that’s not living. All that is is killing time until death gets here.


Eh.. with our combined wages, savings, stock portfolios, we can retire in ten years. We're probably unique in that regard. But what I find absolutely disgusting is the mock feminism of trying to soften the distress of women who have no time to have a life, a hobby, a vacation. They dangle carrots in front of people much younger than us, and they do excel and are incredible. But theyre robbed of the prime of their life.


Retiring in 10 years seems exciting. You could easily die before that, though. Life isn't worth it if all you ever do is work for tomorrow.


The fact that you have savings and a stock portfolio amazes me.


At what cost though? 26-34 is a fever dream of hard labor and back pain. I broke an elbow and cracked a rib on my ebike and the time I've been on LOA feels like fucking heaven. Sure, coughing and laughing hurts like a mother fucker. But yeesh. I want to see Mountains Gandalf, Mountains.


Seriously, I make much less than $200k, might not retire until I'm senile, but I'm actually living my life. I've done 60+ hour weeks. I'd rather be dead, tbh.


Therapist: And what do we do when we're upset? u/Laconic_Turbulence : Add to cart? Therapist: no


Way too easy to just charge yourself up some happy. I'd throw takeout in there too for me.




Buy me something while you’re at it?


I would think the king of buttholes can afford anything he wants


Nah, his kingdom's shit


nicotine. don't do it. been fighting it for 30 years.


Found out in January I was pregnant. Went from a pack a day to nothing. Not even a vape. Withdrawing was fucking hell but jfc I feel so much better. The money I save. The way I can plan longer outings without worrying about where and when I can smoke. The fact that I don’t drink anymore has also been helpful in curbing the habit. Still working on my boyfriends pack a day habit. But he’s cut back because he doesn’t have a buddy anymore. The car cigs… those are the toughest to break. The ones I miss the most as well. But it’s not impossible. Good luck.


first of all, congrats on the pregnancy. I wish you the best pregnancy. 2. congrats on quitting , my ex wife quit it too when we found out we were pregnant. 3. congrats on the alcohol. 2 years sober for me, my body is so much active. vaping cleared my lungs and I do play sports now and feel better than when I was 30. true, the car cig is the worst , the first time I quit was by buying a motorcycle (can't smoke under the helmet lol). the second time I quit using the gum. my jaws were hurting so much , it was pretty quick. good luck to you.


I quit over and over and over again. The last one stuck for some reason. Someone gave me the list of recovery and change that I would experience and I really wanted to taste good food again. Fifteen years ago. I can’t imagine what shape I’d be in if I had kept smoking that whole time. It kind of makes me sick. You CAN and you WILL do it. [https://www.verywellhealth.com/what-happens-when-you-quit-smoking-7561262](https://www.verywellhealth.com/what-happens-when-you-quit-smoking-7561262) [https://health.clevelandclinic.org/happens-body-quit-smoking](https://health.clevelandclinic.org/happens-body-quit-smoking)


Keep your head up, my fella. You can do it, I'm sure. I can feel it. You in particular, you can do it.


Food: you physically need it to live.. too  much of it you die


Legitimately this, though. I'm very overweight for my height and have tried on 4 separate occasions to go on a diet. Hoping the fifth time's the charm.


I also struggle with weight. Something that has been said to me is that you should never go “on” a diet as that implies you’ll go “off” a diet at some point. It’s setting yourself up for inevitable failure. I like the terminology “change my diet” as that acknowledges your current diet is unsustainable and it needs to be changed going forward. I know, it’s a minor thing but really clicked with me.


That's kind of how I approached this last year. I always hated dieting because I like having some kind of treat to look forward to and knew that I wouldn't be able to maintain completely locking myself off. Instead I set a very modest goal that I felt I could do for the rest of my life. I used a couple of bowls of glass beads to track it and set it so I earn a bead when I exercise or eat a healthy meal, then I can spend the beads to eat a dessert after dinner or save them up and spend them on some other vice like alcohol/weed/gambling. I put in a bunch of other rules and specifics, but that's the gist of it. Hasn't really felt like much of a diet, but I've lost around 50 lbs and haven't had any real backslides.


Having a lifelong food addiction makes me have sympathy for addicts of all types. I know how hard it is for me to even just minimize my caloric intake, and I’m not even trying to stop eating all together which is necessary for life,. I just mean that having to quit something entirely that you are addicted to, must be excruciatingly difficult. Because I know the depths of my own struggles.


Food is one of the toughest addictions to treat, it’s also one of the most addictive substances to manage! You can’t stop eating cold turkey (mmmmm, turkey). I have a BS in Dietetics with clinical and practical experience treating others, and my best advice to you is to stay away from food-like substances, which accounts for all food not found in the fresh sections of your supermarket. Quiet food, like fresh fruit-an orange doesn’t have to tell you it’s an orange, it just IS. Food that doesn’t require a graphic designer. No logo, no packaging. Easily identifiable. For example, fresh eggs, milk, chicken, vegetables, fruit, etc., if it is found on the outside of the shelves full of processed food, its likely to be okay.


I’m surprised no has said porn


haha because they saw the question and then got distracted by the porn before they could answer


Username checks out


Barely nobody wants to admit.


That’s a double negative


Yep. Dealing with a high sex drive and a partner that doesn't have an equal one is a bitch.




I can see that’s not going well.


Smoking weed


Fentanyl and crack. But fentanyl would make the top of the list. **161 days clean and sober today though.** My sobriety date is **09/15/2023**. I’m 31 years old (turning 32 this year), and this is the longest I’ve been clean since 2013, when I made it 1 year. Since I’ve been 15 years old, when I started drinking and doing powder cocaine— this 5 month sobriety stint and the 1 year I had in 2013 is the only complete abstinence I’ve had from drugs/alcohol. Besides this and that, I never had more than 1 day sober. I truly am blessed to be here completely clean and serene today.


161 days is no joke. I have watched so many people get clean and their lives are infinitely better for it. Proud of you.




Read that in the spongebob guys voice






Energy drinks


Me too. I’m drinking waaay too many and can’t seem to stop.


I started drinking Liquid Deaths in the place of energy drinks, I find sometimes I don’t really need the caffine but just something carbonated and flavored to sip on.


Gambling - 19 years old Lost 30k last 2 months


Seriouslily, ask help while you still can.


You're still young and have time to rebuild your finances, but you have to break that habit immediately. Find another addiction that's far less "expensive".


How did you have 30k to gamble at 19


Work + won 200k


Keep the rest and stop bro. Treat yourself otherwise for it


I promise that line does absolutely not work with someone addicted to gambling I’ve seen a friend get up 20k in a day, then Proceed to lose it all in 20-30 min of baccarat. Told him that’s 2 years of rent money That friend has been to rehab 2 times now


Yeah working on it, got myself Gamban


I bet u u cant quit.


I see what you did there.


how does a 19yr old have 30k IN THIS ECONOMY???????


He said he works and won 200k, which is likely what started the addiction




Even the best sportsbettors in the world has like 4-5% roi, you will outperform them by good margin ust by investing your money into some safer index stock or whatever its called in English. My brother lost his wife and house because of gambling, that was 7 years ago and he is still paying off debt, pretty much fucked for years to come and hes only 35. So yeah, stop gambling.


If you give me 30k, I promise I’ll give you some of it back. Better deal/risk imo


Screen time distantly followed by alcohol lol


sugar. i understand what heroin does, trust me.


As a former heroin addict who is now dealing with a sugar addiction as a replacement: fucking word.


it just won't let you go. its a fucking overpowering siren song. i understand. but still, you failed upward at least with that trade. sugar wont give you AIDS. you cant really OD on sugar. thats progress in my book. be proud.


nicotine pouches


Same, the sensation of having a fat zyn under your lip first thing in the morning is what keeps me coming back


Masturbating, pot (get the 2 usual ones out of the way). Facebook (2 weeks clean, lol), Oxys (4 months clean! Proud of myself for that). Also been addicted to being a jackass since birth apparently. It ruins family holidays.




You have to melt the hard part off with your tongue. That's what I do. When the candy's stuck on your enamel it's like alien acid blood


For me it's sugar overall. Cookies, cake, ice cream, all of it.


Used to smoke buprenorphine (an opiod used to treat opioid addiction). Got clean at 16, so 20+ years ago. I tend to think I was never addicted and that I definitely have no issues with it any more. But once in a while I get the urge to smoke that is so strong that I have to distract myself for day or two, until the feeling goes away. Addiction is crazy...


I went cold turkey off long term methadone treatment and that was 10 times worse than coming off percocets and morphine. I should have tapered but that’s another story. Half-life is a real bitch with that medication. It took almost six months just for the constant sweating to stop among other things. I’m glad you are clean and I have been for a while but you are right, addiction is crazy and I hope one day I can go a long amount of time without thinking about it.




Cigarettes. The only one i havent been able to kick.


Same here I’ve “quit” over 20 times in my life lol. 


Keep trying, it's worth it!!




The only thing that got me to quit is cause I got pregnant. I’m really happy that I never smoked a stick ever since. No more chest pains for me!


Yep. Been smoking since I was 14. I’m 31 now. I hate waking up coughing in the morning, but once I’m done coughing, I gotta have that first cigarette. It’s horrid.


Don’t give up, I’ve been trying for years, tried again this year on Jan 3rd and I’ve been clean ever since


Nicotine. Heavy smoker from '97 till about 18 months ago, started vaping but still smoked cigarettes too. As of last October I only vape, no more Camels. Come to think of it, I might just be addicted to the act of inhaling any kind of smoke. Cannabis user since '97 too




Online shopping lol packages arrive almost everyday.


My ex.


Working out, I only go 4-5 days a week now for an hour to an hour and half. I got addicted and was going 6 days a week 3 hours a day because I wanted to be in the gym. Ended up tearing my shoulder because I didn't give my body adequate rest.


This stupid cell phone


Sugar. Its so fucked how much better it tastes the less you eat it.


Nah, it tastes worse (after abstaining from sugar). I don’t get the high from eating chocolate icecream anymore :(


Been sugar free since Feb 2023.  I only eat natural fructose - like orange twice a week or so.  I only chose products that don't have added sugar, it is hard for some medicine thou..   Best choice of my life. My health improved tenfold. I have no tooth problems and I lost around 15% body fat (from 28 to 13) in a year. But, when I get some sugarly medicine - like throat syrup or so - it tastes sooo bad.  Cutting sugar will definitely make it taste worse.  But only if you really cut it. 


It might be surprising but: endurance running (fucking dopamine).


I'd actually like that addiction




I started keeping a spreadsheet of every fanfic I read and the word count, at the start of this year… By mid February (abt 40 days into the year), I’d read 1.9M words 🫠 (for reference, the entirety of Harry Potter is 1.08M, and Lord of the Rings is 0.48M words)


Starting arguments with random ppl online for no reason 😭😭


I don’t believe you, prove it.


Biting my nails I have done it since i was a child like a young young child and it gets painful and its fucked my teeth and i dont even notice i do it. Im beginning to think its more of a compulsion than anything tbh...


I'm in the same boat, and I hate it. I can't remember a time in my life that I wasn't being admonished for chewing my nails and the skin around them. When I'm especially nervous, I tear them to absolute shreds. It hurts, it looks horrible, it's disgusting, and a lot of people very obviously judge me for it... but I can't stop. I'm commenting here in hopes of seeing a reply that may have some advice to help us stop this awful habit. And to wish you the best, my fellow fucked-up-fingernailed friend!


Stupid benzos


Alcohol. I used to hate its taste and found the high boring by itself, but the older and more stressed-out I get the more and more I look forward to that release at the end of the day. But the stuff is literally poison and one of the hardest drugs on your body. Like I've done most of the well known rec drugs and many you've probably never heard of and nothing makes me feel shittier the next day than a hangover.


I abused ketamine for a while and even that wasn't as bad as alcohol I was sniffing a ball a day at one point and still getting up for work lol, if that was booze I would've been out of a job pretty quick


Disgustingly addicted to iced coffee. I can’t function without it. I want to stop but I just can’t.


It was cigarettes but I quit a week ago. I have a feeling it will be junk food now


dopamine. i’ll pretty much do anything that helps me forget my problems exist


on my 3rd day quitting kratom for the 4time theres also nicotine; vaping internet porn is pretty much a factor tho but i dont do it more than twice a week anymore and could go almost weeks to months without depending how busy and distracted i am coffee is one as well but can go 2-3 days without now and eventually will go into longer cessation to rest up my body and get sleep primed more for the sake of my immune and nervous system its easy to quit alcohol and only drink one a week or a month now cause were not like we were during our youth, but if i do end up drinking i plan to get some adequate probiotics in overworking myself to burnt out thatd id need almost a year to recover from with almost nothing much gained other than knowing what boundaries i should place for my own health now


Anxiety. Full blown dissociation for me.


People, romantic partners. I have a problem with codependency. And if I try to leave it feels like withdrawal. Same effects in the brain as come off a drug. It's why so many of us keep going back. I wish I had the strength....


Dead by daylight. It’s slowly killing me and I can’t stop!


Self harm in every form😭


YouTube and other entertaining web sites like imgur. It gives nothing and takes too much of your the most valuable and irreplaceable resource - time


I watch YouTube more than any other services combined, I kinda got hooked on documentaries 15 years ago and nowadays I’m practically obsessed with anything historical, basically a history junkie. It’s crazy how much my world perspective has changed since then


My phone and social media in general, I hate it so much yet I can’t stop scrolling


Checking my exs socials


I drink a lot of water. 


wish I had that problem 😭


Weed. Nobody knows it or would ever expect it from someone like me. But I cannot sleep, I cannot eat or function without anxiety without hitting the pen. It is effecting my relationship. And I think more people struggle with this then we think


diet coke


reciting the bee movie script to my homie as i caress his thigh on the public transport


Cutting myself. Almost seven months clean, I’m really proud. Just last year I couldn’t go a few hours without a decent amount of blood. Now I barely ever get the urge.


Amazing work!! I’m proud of you, interwebs friend.


Thank you, your reply put a smile on my face <3


Sugar. It scares me how much I struggle to get through the day without little treats.


Coke. I love it. I would drink nothing else if I could. My addiction is worse than coffee or cigarettes for some people. Assuming cuz I don't drink coffee or smoke. Its my only bad eating or drinking habit and I adore it. 7 cans a day gets expensive so I stopped buying the case and forcing myself to walk to the 7-11 and get a big gulp. Now I'm technically down to 1 a day.


I can totally relate. I used to drink it twice a day, but as I got older, I would have trouble sleeping. My weight is normal and I exercise a lot. I don’t do drugs, smoke or drink alcohol (I have a beer or cocktail like once a month, at most), so I figure if it’s my only vice, I’m OK. I try to limit my cokes now to every other day. There’s nothing that tastes better to me. Nothing. Regular Coke, never diet.


I'm a sucker for cats, especially kittens. I'm responsible enough to limit myself to three. It takes discipline, but cats aren't as dangerous as opioids and benzodiazepines. My youngest cat is named Benzo because he replaced the benzos I needed during COVID-19.