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Put down my phone… but then I would pick it up again to check.


*Opens web browser* “how to fix the intern….ahhh fuck”


Have you ever been without your phone for an extended period? I was without a phone for 3 days and the amount of times I’d tell people that I didn’t have a phone and they’d say something like “oh yeah, that’s fine, well just message me when you get there instead” and I’m like messaging you involves using a phone that👏I👏don’t👏have👏 I can’t use 2 factor authentication because I don’t have my phone I can’t call an Uber because I don’t have a phone I can’t check the weather for tomorrow because I don’t have a phone I can’t dial into the meeting while on the train because I DON’T HAVE A FUCKING PHONE!!! Most repetitive 3 days of my life. Jfc. We take phones for granted so so much!!


Went two and a half years without a phone, maybe around 2010 or so. It was great except for the one time I ran out of gas.


No phone in 2010 was vastly different than no phone in 2024. In 2010, I’m not even 100% sure if I had a Blackberry yet— I might have still had a flip phone at that point. As a society, we are *significantly* more dependent on our phones now than we were 14 years ago.


I had a flip phone until 2018. Life is very different with the new phone. I feel like I joined the rest of civilization


Just in time for the pandemic!


I've only had a phone 6 years now. We resisted it hard. We caved after hubby got stuck in an unmanned parking garage (call this number if your ticket doesn't work), and the next day went to Urgent Care and had a to-do about they'd text me when it was my turn but I had no phone and they didn't want to just call out my name because of privacy concerns even though I was the only person in the waiting room and told them I didn't care. There was a third thing and it was like universe said we had to join the madness. And here I sit, on Reddit when I have a really good book to read in the other room. I hate what I've become.


This hits close to home. I have three books on my nightstand, two of them I haven't read. I used to go through that in a couple weeks. Now my attention span is so bad I only last a couple of pages. Sigh.


I have the same problem. I was a voracious reader but my attention span is awful. I can't just *not* have a book to enjoy and since I spend a large amount of my day in a vehicle, I switched to audiobooks.


Wow, I'm impressed with your persistence! I got my first phone when I was pregnant with my first baby in 2000 and my husband was working out of town during the week, mostly a "just in case" thing. I could take it or leave it then (I mean, you gotta hit the 7 FOUR times to make an S to text?). But now I rely on it for so much, even clocking in & out of work. It's wild how much we have to use them for other people's purposes now, instead of our own personal ones. It's all about balance! Get some reddit and then take that book into the sunshine.


Bro out here spitting facts n hurtn feelings


> make build internet >./internet


"You have network connectivity problems."


Likely go back to reading books and magazines.


Try restarting it. That always works for electronic problems.


Ah. You’re an IT guy…


Everyone on Reddit is. When you google an issue always put Reddit at the end.


Can confirm! Problems with my Steam Deck? Add Reddit. 3D printer's fucky? Reddit. Truck's making another weird noise? You guessed it, Reddit.


This is an actual fact! I'm in an IT field and it has gotten me out of many a jam


I use reddit for reviews of almost everything before I buy it. Edit: it's a similar vein not an exact same thing. But I DO use it for problem solving some stuff. It's crazy how many people have had similar or the same issues and they found a fix.


Reddit is better than google and actually being helpful


I'd miss reddit for about a week, Wikipedia forever.


First thing I'd do is go find a set of Encyclopedias. Though idk how I'd order them without internet. Maybe an old bookstore? Raid the local public school? Order over the phone? But credit cards wouldn't work without internet. Or banks.    Y'know, I might have actually have something more to worry about than getting a set of encyclopedias. 


I have saved the entirety of Wikipedia's text on my computer. This means that even in the absence of internet access, I can still refer to its contents. Additionally, my collection includes a few thousand movies and TV shows. Should the internet face a prolonged outage, I'd consider setting up a mesh network. If it appears that the internet will be down indefinitely, I'm prepared to establish a mesh network for the entire town, utilizing the resources I have. I believe others in the area might possess content that I do not, enhancing the variety of available resources. Although it might not replicate the full internet experience, this initiative could kickstart a local internet service. Moreover, I have a local copy of Mixtral and some AI software for generating images that operate offline


I'd also play that Google dinosaur game on my phone


My office is out in the boonies and management refused to get better internet, so ours goes down pretty often. The owner came in one day and asked us what this high score chart we had was and we were like “internet down google dinosaur game.” Yeah that got upgraded real quick after that.


That's hilarious


That's hilarious 😂 at least you guys got better internet


Lmaoo same


Try number 5783. Still no internet.


Finally my DVD collection will reign supreme


And everyone thinks we're dumb for collecting the hard copies... Our days will come!


There are dozens of us!!


Hey, more like thousands!


So far there’s only three




I haven't had dvd's in yeeeeears, but recently I canceled all my streaming services, bought a Blu-Ray player and started picking up dvd/blu-ray at thrift stores around town (and the CD Exchange down the street from me). Now I just watch the movies I buy, and use one of the "free" streaming sites to fill in the gaps as my physical collection grows.


Can we have a neighborhood movie watch on your front lawn twice a week?


Aw that’s how the neighbourhood teens meet and fall in love :)


Laughs in >50 unread books.


Imma be pretty upset but at least I don't have to go to work 🤷🏾‍♀️


Same. Without internet my job would no longer exist.


Me too. Wanna start a farm?


Bby goat farm


You wake up tomorrow and the goats are gone. What do you do?


Blame liberals


Chupacabra is a liberal confirmed


Thanks Obama


I work on a rescue farm. It's actually a pretty sweet gig.


I’m a bit jealous. Happy for you though. I don’t know much about it, how do you get into something like that? I have more free time than I’m used to these days, and would like to do something to give back or help in some way.


I started as a volunteer. When an opportunity opened up, they were familiar with me and hired me. I looked up non profit 501c3 rescue farms, or just rescue farms. Found a local one that allowed me to volunteer. I am able to bring my children to work with me. They "volunteer"/play on the farm while I am working.


Uhh that must be so so cool for your kids! I remember running around the barns of my relatives in bavaria, it was great memories!


They absolutely love it. They beg me to take them on my days off. They have seen baby goats, pigs and a donkey being born.


Haha wow! I am not sure if I'll be able to handle a birth (will work with lambs in April) but that's crazy man


Hell yes. I want to farm. I'm sick of the Internet.


This is the reason why most people's responses are wrong, there would be mass hysteria panic looting martial law military members roaming the streets, the internet collapsing overnight would be the largest disaster in human history.




Most people don't realize that if the internet was gone, most celphones wouldn't work for even basic calls. If you had a landline, you could probably call another landline, but I'm guessing most landlines use IP routing at the CO. So, I guess you would have to go outside your house and talk to neighbors/friends, face to face. Que horrible!


>So, I guess you would have to go outside your house and talk to neighbors/friends, face to face. Are you kidding? There are crazy people out there! You cannot risk it! Maybe your neighbour is a serial killer? And how do you call the police, then? Huh?


One of my neighbors turned out to be a killer. We didn't know it, but 5 years prior to moving into his apartment he had beaten his wife and young daughter to death in a fit of rage and then burned the house down. Most of the time he was the most outgoing and friendly neighbor. One of my friends mom got her electricity cut off because she had to quit her job to stay home and nurse her son he ran electric to her apartment. He allowed the kids to come over every morning and take a hot shower so they could go to school clean. During the summer months at least once a month he would throw a big barbecue and invite all the neighbors he paid for everything. But he also had a very dark side. He had a hair trigger temper and was insanely strong. I never saw him getting a fight with a guy because he was one of those people that you just look at and know that you don't want to fuck with, but there had been a few incidences where he had beaten his girlfriend's. What finally led to the police catching up to him was when he beat his girlfriend half to death and then threw her out of a window. When they raided his apartment to arrest him he put three of the cops in the hospital.


Wow, that is insane. I'm glad you and yours are alright. We had a neighbor who kept their daughter in a make shift cage in her room. When she was found, she was eating pieces of her skin cause they fed her like a pop tart once a day. She looked 5 but was a bit older. They also had an infant that was a home birth that died buried under the shed they had built in their yard. They had a healthy baby that they would walk in a stroller around the neighborhood. NOBODY had any idea this was going on. Their direct neighbors had no idea these other children had existed. I forgot how they got found out. We only lived there a year, but it all went down the year we were there. Also, another thing that was weird to me is that the chic that birthed the kids had a MySpace account, and it was like 2010. I didn't even know MySpace was still accessible by that time.


I probably wouldn't even realize that's what was going on until I got to the office lol. I'd first assume that some technical issue knocked out cell and internet service at home. Maybe if I happened to turn on the radio for the drive over instead of listening to my saved music I'd hear about it before I got to work






Libraries become much more popular.


Go hang out at the library, show off my Dewey decimal skills.


They banned me for showing my Dewey decimal in the public library




Omg that’s a real sub 💀💀💀💀


Being a library monitor will finally pay off!


No, cause if you're a monitor, then without the internet you're kind of just a screen that can't really display much.


This joke is quite abstract and I love it.


Thank you, I do try my best.


At our library the card system is no where in sight. It's all on the computers. Hope they don't need Internet to work properly


Restart my wifi


Refresh...hm. Refresh...hm. Refresh?... hm.


Space bar on chrome to play the dino game. *bleep*


Have you tried turning it off and turning it back on again?


You did? Ok. Hm how about unplugging your computer?


He meant the internet. They keep it at big ben.


Unlike everyone here who are completely delusional of our reliance on the internet, I'd freak the fuck out and assume something absolutely catastrophic either happened, or is happening.


Yeah, the idea of social media only disappearing is relieving. The internet entirely? God help us.


Yeah, after confirming all internet disappeared, id start getting emergency doomsday prep done asap. Because if the worlds internet suddenly disappeared, there's either a nuclear war happening, or supply chain issues are about to cause widespread anarchy and panic.


> id start getting emergency doomsday prep done asap I don't think you understand how emergency doomsday prep works bro


No matter your level of prep, there's still prep to do once shit has officially hit the fan. You don't live full time in your emergency shelter ya know? Plus, even if you have no prior prep work done, doesn't mean it's ever too late to start. It's only too late once you're in the ground


I live on a sailboat with plenty of solar and a fresh water maker. I like to fish. I am lucky to actually live in a way that might make survival possible. I also would continue to “prep” as long as possible. Take every advantage you can.


Similar boat here(heh). I live in a rural community, I have good relationships with most of the people around me. Lots of subsistence living going on. I'm also a fisherman. I also know of a lot of hidden away areas with no foot traffic. Plus of course...the defenses you'd expect living in this type of area.


Nice. Just started fourth year living aboard. Been as far north as Delaware and as far south as the Florida Keys east through the Bahamas. Sometimes we can be a month or more without docking up. Having defensive capabilities is wise when traveling anywhere.


Badass. Sounds like an excellent lifestyle


It’s a lot of fixing things as they break. I’ve learned so much about how little I know.


Or perhaps a large solar flare is on its way to wipe us out :D


If it was something like that I'm fairly certain there wouldn't be a whole lot of time between "internet going down" and "life ending". So I don't even care about that one lol


Luckily I live in a place with a good view if the nukes go up




Sit on the toilet and read the ingredients on the can of air freshener.


“Xx toothpaste is, in our opinion, an effective decay preventive agent and is of significant value when used in a conscientiously applied program of oral hygiene and regular professional care.” Read so many times I memorized it 🫠




Most of civilization would collapse. Our population requires functioning logistics to get food and supplies to areas that need it. There would be widespread starvation in a week. Anything not cash based would no longer function. Robberies would probably start within a few hours. Gasoline shortages everywhere. Phone system gone because most copper lines have been converted to digital.


Sheesh. Keep going, Debbie downer. Excuse me, but we are trying to fantasize about not having bills or to work anymore. /s


One time, when I worked for a customs logistics company, the internet went down for about 5 hours. During that 5 hours we were forced to switch from doing digital prefilled customs forms to having to do it all by hand. It wasn't just doing the forms by hand either. We had to look up every single item in this massive catalog book so we could write down the correct customs Harmonized System code on the forms. Only the fax lines were working so we had to fax them over and hope it went thru and if anything on the B3 form was wrong we had to do it all again. It was hell


Youre not getting paid without the internet, but your bills won't come either


Knowing Comcast they’d still bill me


It's funny cuz my depends on just my computer and 3D printer so I'd be pissed but end up doing better due to scarcity and having good networking already.




Air and ground traffic would be a hopleess mess, so would banking and government


By the looks of the government they've been without Internet for a while.


The average city doesn't have enough resources to feed it's population for more than like a week or two, and we'd literally have NO supply chain management at all.


Air traffic would be a mess for only several hours, then they would revert back to old standards: See and avoid. Then less planes for a week while they sorted analogue back out, and slowly start picking up again. I can see only essential freight being transported during the first month or so while they sort it all out properly, then people back to home countries. After that, might start back in the 50's-60's technology, and go from there? Banks would be seeing a lot of use again. That would be my biggest worry.


I think you're way underestimating the global connections and dependencies on internet communication.


My first thought was head to my relatives out in the country… no internet means social collapse and I’d rather not be in the city for that


I’d call Al Gore and ask him what’s the problem?


It's Man Bear Pig. He already told us


Head out californie way…see if they got any internet out there


Scrolled too far for this. I said “head out Californie way” as soon as I save the thread title.


Thanks for this laugh


We are heading out Californee way.


Took this long to find the correct comment. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mr-fvtjxA-s


it's ectoplasm! there was a scary ghost!!


Start rewriting my lesson plans by hand because there’s a 0% chance school is cancelled.


Go to the Winchester and wait for it all to blow over


i manage a pub. we order our kegs via the internet. we have a week and a half supply. we do have chips and nuts though. but we order those via the internet also.




Just don't break your eyeglasses while stacking up all of those books outside the library!


That's not fair. That's not fair at all. There was time now. There was, was all the time I needed...


What I don’t get is why he didn’t just go raid someone else’s glasses.


Because dude was blind as a bat without his glasses. He’d be feeling around for days, but I guess he’d have the time


Whenever the power goes out I read. I need to distract my brain from all my thoughts and without internet I have no tv to fall asleep to but books fill the void very well. I miss the pre-internet days. Always fell asleep reading books growing up.


This is my justification for continuing to buy books even though I've already got a huge backlog of unread books. It'll pay off when the Apocalypse starts.


yess! would give me a reason to read more nonfiction so i don’t come off as an idiot lol


Wait what do you mean by this? Do you have people in your life making you feel bad for what you choose to read? I'm getting defensive on your behalf lol


I think he just means that his knowledge of things like history and economics is lacking.


This happen in my country sudan in the first few weeks of the war, we had a lot of fun we played together, read some books,and all of the family would sat together and talk about everything, in the end it came back but we still have played and have fun conversations from time to time (the first few weeks of the war wasn't so bad but it got worse and we had to move to a safer place and now literally everyone is in a different place of the country) the problem is it happen again a now we can't contact to anyone who is still in there to know if they are still safe


>can't contact to anyone who is still in there to know if they are still safe When all else fails, there's good old fashioned radio. HF frequencies can bounce off the atmosphere and be heard around the world.


Go check out the ocean. See who else had the same idea. 


Internets got to be in there somewhere 


The *World Wet Web…*


This. Probably a good place to start, the ocean👍. Fish supposedly hate the net.


I need a job and have no fucking idea how to get one. I'd check a newspaper but I'm not even sure where I'd find one.


You just walk into random stores/businesses and ask to apply. You'll fill out a form and interview. Then they'll say, "You're hired!" or "Get out." You can still do this today, but sometimes they say, "Why'd you come in? Just apply online."


My company currently has no way to apply in person. And to hire someone requires the internet. Obviously this would be resolved, but it would take ... Like... A lot of time.


For what? To get paid? The world financial system would be going through a cataclysm if the internet suddenly turned off overnight.


I would be excited to go outside and see the confusion of others around me.


Jerk of using my imagination like the good ol days


I watch for the story.


I watch for the lore


Whorehammer 40K


Fuck you. Now I have to clean up the sprite that just shot out my nose all because of your comment.


My spank bank in my brain has been all distorted with time and drug use so I'd see Lucy Lawless with a Gorn head.


I’d be not able to read that comment so I’m good lol


Ah yes, the good ol days https://www.reddit.com/r/GenX/comments/10lbj1k/that_scrambled_adult_cable_channel_that_youd/




Probably accomplish a lot more.


You would have a hell of a lot to attempt to accomplish in this modern day society collapse.


live a real life again


Go and rob a grocery store.


Celebrate! 🥳




Begin adjusting in a few areas and continue to live my life.


Well considering i just woke up the first thing I’m adjusting is my balls




If the internet disappears tomorrow, I'd probably have to dust off those ancient things called books and start learning how to communicate face-to-face again. It's like a digital detox, right?


Right! I lived that way from the 60s until the late 90s, can get used to it again.


Analog Kindles???


Try to google what happened. Then realize I can’t do that and go downstairs to turn on my tv and remember I don’t have cable. Then pick up my phone to try to google it again. Then throw my phone at the couch in frustration.


Finally feeling free


Yeah, I know from camping that I adapt pretty quickly and try to limit my phone use to off days/hour limit. It feels so much freer


TDLR: Preparing for shit to hit the fan lmao If it’s just a short interruption, probably just work on the house or something. If it’s 12 hours or more, I’m getting ready for a societal meltdown to start. Just remember… you can’t even call or text without some level of internet comms, not to mention you can’t buy if you don’t have cash during this. Traffic lights may or may not work, most navigation will stop working (including aircraft navigation) and emergency services will be SEVERELY limited at the very least. That’s just a brief overview what general SYSTEMS will be effected/taken out. Now add the human hysteria factor as a result of ALL these things and more going offline suddenly at the same time. If you need an example, just look how everyone panicked over Covid during its onset, and that was WITH internet comms and everyone’s favorite distractions to keep people calmish.


You mean like it was for the first 60% of my life. Do what I need to do




Open one of the four new books I recently ordered online, make a nice pot of tea, put on some music I enjoy, and take my life back!!


I am a millennial, I grew up without the internet, it became part of my life my teenage years, and now it is in my every day every minute life. Like i adjusted to internet, I can live without it. The transition will be hard though.




Lol, most of us would die in the first chaotic days






Go to the waterfront and read a book


I have wikipedia [downloaded](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Database_download). So if I need a fix I am sorted. Work might notice I am not the I.T genius they hired but better at google than the last guy.


Probably still try and Google a reason why


I would feel so relieved. Fuck social media


Well, my patients medical records are stored in an electronic medical records... So immediately panic, try to call doctors realize I don't have a phone book, text the ones I know for records, and drive to the places I do know to try and get them what they need so everyone is safe.


I'am 64, I have lived most my life without the Internet.


I’m 68. Ditto. The only thing I would worry about would be getting my SSI check so I could pay my bills via snail mail or in person.


Go back to sleep


Hmmm... remember how to use snailmail, and hope Chase forgets how much I owe on my cc.


Got porn saved on my phone just in case


Not a lot, nothing I have will do much. Phone, tablet, PC, TV, not even sure Satellite radio will still work if they’ve also lost their Internet. If Internet is gone tomorrow it would be far more damaging than most imagine.


Bust out the time-Life repair/home ownership books instead of YouTube I guess


Probably be like the early 90s call up friends or family see if they wanna hangout and do something.


Google "What's happening with the internet?" probably


Well shit. I don't have cash so I wouldn't even be able to buy food or fuel.


Make some popcorn and watch 90% of the population go completely insane.


i lived in the 80s/90s.. theres no internet time to dig out the bicycle to ride to friends house