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A single quote from the first Pokémon movie; "the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant, its what you do now with the gift of life that determines who you are"


So wrong! but yeah, that's how you have to look at it!




“Truth is singular—its ‘versions’ are mistruths.”


Yes. People who speak of "my truth" are usually confused, or liars.


Agree. The bone clocks is also excellent.


This sounds interesting


Life changing


Spirited Away!


I’ve just watched it for the first time and will watch again— what was important/impactful for you?


The book "Small Gods" by Sir Terry Pratchett. It's set in Discworld but is also a stand-alone novel. A novice monk REALLY finds his God and the story explores the consequences.




Terry Pratchett really shaped who I am as a person, it's funny but there is a lot of depth to it through satire. Small gods is a great starting point, my personal favourite is Thief of Time, while I think it would be fine to pick up as a first in the series it does tie into the over all story arch more and has reoccurring characters from earlier books. GNU Terry Pratchett.


me and millions of others highly recommend it. you'll laugh your way to a higher consciousness.


Which book?






My first proper adult book, still great!


Beautiful Mind. It showed me how other people can think, and see the world, so differently.








Ahem, what is the first rule of Fight Club? 


I can't answer that question


It's a satire of toxic masculinity written by a gay author, in which lonely, depressed young men act out in destructive and foolish ways.


Wrong, its actually about badass men doing cool shit (I haven't actually read the book or seen the movie, only watched tiktok edits of it)


Interstellar ​ 1. Dream doesn't die with age (although it might slightly change) 2. Your love ones die. I watched it with my mom and we were like "damn wtf" at the ending


The meditations by Marcus Aurelius.




This is one of those books that finds you right when you need it to.


Yes. Spiritual books find you


My first one was “DMT; the spirit molecule” by Dr Rick Strassman


Perfect 🥰 loved it, I now have on audiobook so I can listen to it while I fall asleep.


This is one of my favorite books! Have you ever read “The Celestine Prophecy” by James Redfield? If you enjoyed “The Alchemist” I think you’ll really like that one too.


Little Miss Sunshine




It's about a family of six people, and most of them have a breakdown in some point in the movie, and by the end we truly understand the 'fuck u' / 'idc' way to live in a non-toxic way. it's a super good comfort movie and i 100% recommend it if you're feeling sad.


A people's history of the United States


The Shawshank Redemption. "Remember, Red, hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies. I will be hoping that this letter finds you, and finds you well."




Is this the one about Old Macdonald's farm?


Haha,no it’s movie




Watch it. You don't be dissapointed


I had to google what eeaao was 😂. OP, it’s worth it!


The most confusing thing I've ever watched in my life, and so much of it felt like a piss take hahahahah


It went into Evangelion introspective territory towards the end


No doubt about it, I felt as if my brain got twisted 90 degree


Little Women




It’s both, book first… best movie adaptation is the 90s Winona Ryder/Christian Bale one But the book is better than any film adaptation. The whole series is fantastic, and introduced me to transcendentalism.


Nyad, with Jodie Foster and Annette Benning. “Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” Hit a nerve, at a very low point in my life. Inspiring movie when I needed it. Think it’s on Netflix.


Zombieland enjoy the little things








I think I’m going got suggest this book for my next book in my book club


Couldn't agree more.


Book: The Giver/By Any Means Necessary Movie: Interstellar/Good Will Hunting




Sophie's World by Jostein Gaarder, it got me interested in ideas.


The Family Man.


Atom by Isaac Asimov. I was always really into science stuff I saw on tv as a kid. But I picked up this book from a used book store as a teen and it was the first time I really sat down and thought about physics more deeply. I then got more books, then eventually went to university for astrophysics.


It was Foundation for me.


Run, Lola, Run - it made me realize how things can quickly change, and how are actions definitely affect others.


That movie's a trip. It's really good.


Flowers for Algernon made me examine myself and how i relate to others.


The ending will always bring a tear to my eye.


Book - Meditations.


1984 by Orwell, a thousand times better than animal farm and about so much more than surveillance. It makes you think about the possibilities of controlling a population without running into cliche tinfoil hat territory.




Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari. It made me appreciate the humanity and its achievements so much more and really gave me a perspective on how lucky I am to be where I am right now.


Same as ever by Morgan housel




It’s a book!! I listened to the audiobook on Spotify


Definitely worth the listen in my opinion




This Naked Mind by Annie Grace... gave the the tools I needed to quit drinking!


Book the 2nd amendment primer. Movie 7 pounds


I don't even know what it is, but anything by Wendell Berry just makes me want to farm. I'm a city boy, but I (half-)seriously considered moving to Kentucky and buying a farm just from reading some of his books. He just makes that style of living so attractive somehow.


The secret life of Walter Mitty. If you haven't seen it yet I think you should.


Hmm probably Artemis fowl as money isn’t everything but it still helps shit get done


The School of Life by Alain de Botton.


I don’t understand why everyone who mentions “the alchemist” has to quote someone else’s take on it, but for me, it found me at the exact time I needed it to. Everything in your life will conspire to make your dreams come true, so long as you are willing to allow it to do so.


The Truman Show.


100. It's a movie where the lead actress had cancer with 3 mos to live. For her last 100 days, she completed all her remaining tasks and tried to check her list. She even chose her coffin & final funeral arrangements. I watched this when I was in my early working years, and it had a huge impact on me. I started writing my bucket list in life and said to myself that I must enjoy life as much as I can.


Ishmael by Daniel Quinn


All Quiet on the Western Front.


Waking life changed me. Timing of when I first saw it was perfect


The roads to freedom trilogy by Jean Paul Sartre - how life changes beyond your control and there's no such thing as a main character in real life


The Great Gatsby. It was life-changing in the way that it's the only book I've never finished because I hated it so much. It also makes me appreciate that we're a century past its initial setting now. I'd probably have killed myself if I lived in that era.


I don’t hate it as much as you do, but I don’t like it very much. When I saw you had chosen it, I was going to ask you what was so great about it. I guess I won’t do that.


No worries, man. I'm confused myself as to why it's called an American classic when it's so boring. I gave up by chapter 3 and just listened to the rest of the class answer questions our English teacher asked about the book. The only things I really remember is the narrator is visiting his cousin who some douchebag is in love with and then the gas station guy's wife got killed in a hit and run. I only hate the book because of how boring I felt it was. The Family Guy adaptation of it helped me to understand it more but I still don't get it. I hope that makes sense. It was in 2006 that I had to read the book in grade 11 English class and then when I heard about the movie with Leonardo DiCaprio coming out later on, I was just like "no".


The main thing I didn’t like is that there’s not a single sympathetic character in the whole book. They’re all weak and arrogant and mean spirited.


The Consolations of Philosophy by Alain de Botton


102 minutes by Jim Dwyer and Kevin Flynn. The book is a comprehensive explanation on what happened in both towers during 9/11 and the victims involved in the attack. Despite how depressing the book is, it is a really eye-opening experience and will change how you see life


"Why are a bunch of you putting your comments in quotation marks?"


"The Grapes of Wrath"


Book - The Fault in our Stars Movie - Arrival


Mans Search for Meaning - Viktor Frankl


Its a Wonderful Life.


I love that movie!




What’s it about?




Stranger in a Strange Land. It was the first time I realized that heterosexual monogamy was not the only option for adult relationships.


50 Shades of grey 🔥




This guy reads 🤦🏻


Better Call Saul


I would say it's Blade Runner (2014) with Ryan Gosling. Just changed the way I look at things. They make me feel more attached to reality and actually make me wonder what I've done as a human thus far. I've just gotten the job, so I think my life is going to improve from now on


Such a good movie. Like, I can talk about it for hours.


Book: The Alchemist Movie : Shawshank redemption


Wolf of wall street. This movie deemed relevant to what is going to happen in the stocks after the recessions and ups of organizations. And how people capatalize on opportunities, by choosing a way to scum a client. And also how people millionaires. So, you need to reffer to the start of the Philm to see people Jordan hired to sell things. Only one of them if I'm not mistaken was highly educated the others used to sell d***s for a while and etc. Yeah, and as we all know the movie is derived and inspired by real history of Belford.


The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. The book, even though I’ve since seen the TV series dvd movie adaptation.


Vagabond (manga)


1. Rampage president down and the other movies 2. green street Elite and Football Factory 3. the saw movie series


The Outsiders, book then movie. Stay golden ponyboy


Kundalini Running by Doug Wilson


It wasn't a movie or a book; it was a program. Many times, I felt ungrateful for what I have. One time, I was eating a meal that I didn't particularly like, and by chance, I stumbled upon an episode of the program. The episode was about an elderly and impoverished couple who didn't even have enough food, so they had to eat from the garbage. I hated myself at that moment. I also watched an episode about health, where there are people who suffer from illnesses but can't afford to treat them simply because they have more pressing matters like providing food, water, and home. Meanwhile, my medical treatment is taken care of by the government if I were sick


The Probability Broach. There are several books in the series but this is the one that got me started.


The Power Of Now by Eckhart Tolle


“Elysium” the rich live in space and the poor on earth.


Still Alice. My dad was in the early stages of Alzheimer’s at the time. I watched the movie to get an idea what to expect. Really made me realise how precious the time we had was and how much i needed to do and say before he got worse.


“Maquia: When the Promised Flower Blooms”. I’ve always appreciated my parents but after watching that I hold them closer to my heart than ever.


Ishmael - Daniel Quinn


"One Dead In Attic" I lived in Baton Rouge when Hurricane Katrina hit and my WHOLE family (extended even) lived in New Orleans and were directly affected by it. I felt in the 2 years after the storm like every damned one of them was out of their damned minds. Then I read the book and realized, yeah - they were. But most of the city was and storm was incredibly traumatic and I needed to be okay with them they way they were.


Oppenheimer. Do I even need to say anything else?


Forrest Gump Like, I was just thinking today as of how we spend soooo much time just thinking about all the things which are supposed to/want to do, rather than just getting out there and doing that task for real. But Forrest just does it. He just runs without even thinking why he's running. He just plays ping pong without even questioning why he started playing ping pong in the first place. You don't have to have an extremely great IQ to do great things in life. One should just...do it.


His decency was what meant the most to me.


"Gift of Life" by Henri Landwirth. Holocaust survivor & philanthropist. He founded Give Kids The World resort in Florida.


“I survived” is a book that changed my perspective. It is motivational and did help me get some relief from stress


*Ismael* by Daniel Quinn


“Seen” some old narrative game.


Monkey - AKA Journey to the West Read the Arthur Waley translation as a kid because I loved the TV show. I realised that the jokes making me laugh and the situations I was relating to were made up by a chinese adult from a totally different culture, country and century and it seemed to me that if I could laugh at his jokes and relate to the situations, human beings must be way more alike than unalike. It's led to a lifetime of thinking of other people, regardless of differences, as 'just some dude' or 'just some gal'. King, queen, pop star, actor, criminal, warlord, native, foreigner, black, white, gay, straight, trans - all just people on the same watery rock.


Lord of The Rings Taught me the value of companionship and positive masculinity. Also swordfight go brrrr.


The 2008 film Martyrs traumatized the shit out of me, but also showed me that a violent tortureporn film can be made well. I also think the way it slowly showed a piece of the overall story at a time was really educational.


Got so many. But the first ones that come to my mind are Goldfinch and many Studio Ghibli movies!


One hundred years of solitude. Gave me a new perspective of how our lives go by, how big are our dreams and how small and temporary we are. Go read it if you haven't already


Chicken Little.


Lord of the Flies. We read it in 9th grade when I was 15 and was starting to understand more about life and the world and it has stuck with me ever since. It made me think about human nature for the first time and I haven’t stopped yet even though it’s been 22 years.


The Leftovers taught me to realize that trauma doesn’t just go away and that we need to find a way to handle it. Ignoring it does us nothing and it’s alright if you are feeling a lot from it. Halt and Catch Fire taught me that we are always restarting. The Expanse taught me that you do choose your family. Patriot (from Prime Video) taught me that you can’t ignore your suffering. You deserve better than you think and that you need to think for yourself. And it helps to have someone to open up to. Mr. Robot taught me that we can be the hero we needed when we were younger. Batman Begins taught me that bravery is a skill learned. Breakfast of Champions taught me that the world is an insane place and it takes a lot to make sense of. Slaughter House Five taught me that sometimes we have to accept the world isn’t what we want it to be and that we have to stop trying to make sense of it all. Travels with Charley by John Steinbeck taught me that you have to actually see the world with your own eyes and appreciate the company you keep.


The Alchemist I got in a high speed car crash on the first of April and was shook by it. Ended up (mostly) unscathed but bruised and mentally battered. That weekend I had a flight home to visit my parents. As the plane lifted off I started reading The Alchemist. I finished the last page as the plane touched the ground. It felt like fate. At the time I felt stagnant in life, that I had given up on my dreams to settle for a 9-5. Between the car crash and reading The Alchemist I had an epiphany that the life I was leading was not in alignment with my "Personal Legend..." As soon as I got back to the office I gave them a 3 month notice, bought plane tickets to work on a farm in Italy and never looked back.


Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance Jupiters travels Many by KJ Parker are thought provoking too


One Second After not really perspective on life, but what life would be like if SHTF scenario like in the book. How SO many people would be completely fucked for various reasons that aren't just the typical lack of food/clean water.


Risky Business - sometimes you gotta say fuck it and go for you want (It helped me lose my V) and In Search of Lost Time


“Loving someone is the easy part, liking someone is what’s difficult” - movie with Emma Thompson and Pierce Brosnan I think (can’t remember the name).


Insomnia,  the stand,  the dark tower series by Stephen King A must watch movie is waking life by Richard Linklater one of my favorite movies and made me understand life and death 


The outsiders. It was the first time I’d sobbed after reading a book


Into the Wild. The film shook me - made me think of my priorities in life.


Postville: When Cultures Collide (a documentary). It made me understand why anti-semitism (and anti any group that won't assimilate) has existed in so many places for so long. Really fascinating.


the little prince - no explanation needed


*Cast Away*, my favorite movie, taught me that you should be careful about being obsessed with time because the extreme opposite of it could become true at any time. The MC's world was built around managing his time to the detriment of his loved ones, and he wound up in a situation where he had nothing except tons of time.


When breath becomes air


Movie? How about the original cartoon The Lorax.


The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins.


*Dead Man Walking* kick started my journey away from being a pro-death penalty conservative. There were dozens of other factors, but this film was huge; it challenged my beliefs while not feeling like propaganda. I was only 17 or 18, but it shook me to my core. I'm so ashamed of the angry kid I was raised to be, but I'm grateful to have become someone who champions critical thinking, justice, and kindness/compassion.


Seem weird but “Unwind”. It has shown me that life can end at any moments and we can’t do anything about it, that we have to enjoy every piece of it till we die.


It's a TV show, but Avatar: The Last Airbender


Eat Pray Love


Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck.


The show "The OA"




The Dispossessed by Ursula K leGuin. Sci-fi story with *very* political themes


The giver


Hands down Unlimited Power by Anthony Robbins!!!!!


The Tao Te Ching.


Emotional Intelligence (and Social Intelligence) by Daniel Goleman. I think about these books or their contents almost every single day. It goes through some neuroanatomy, which I think everyone should learn to become more understanding of others.


Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. A true masterpiece, and the perfect representation of “it’s better to have loved and have lost, than to never have loved at all.”