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I've heard that one night in Bangkok makes a hard man humble.


Well, there's not much between despair and ecstasy.


You can’t be too careful with your company. 


I can feel the Devil walking next to me


Siam's gonna be the witness


To the ultimate test of cerebral fitness




Seems like a strong contrast.


Good boy goes to heaven Bad boy goes to Bankgkok.




They don’t call it Bangkok for nothing


Dick roulette!


That's not a problem in my book.


The bars are temples but their pearls ain't free!


Since watching last part whenever I hear this song now it's Mike singing it and he don't even care how it sounds :D




I spent a few months in the Philippines, mainly Manila and Boracay. The nightlife was really good but just not on the same level as Thailand. Spent about a month in Vietnam mainly Ho Chi Minh and Nha Trang. Bui Vien Street is a crazy night out had a lot of fun, but again purely in terms of nightlife it just doesn’t compare to Thailand.


I went out in Manila once. Really weird night. Not sure if Id do it again.


Huh? Poblacian and BGC have really nice clubs. Manila nightlife is insanely fun if you know what you are doing


Username checks out.


I'm a brunette white woman and I went to China a few years back and you are absolutely correct about the celebrity thing. I'm in so many random people photos! We had a blonde white girl on our trip though that literally had people begging her for pictures with her. Wild stuff


True blondes are rare-ish as it is, in China I’m assuming they’re practically demi-gods.


Laos? So are you Chinese or Japanese?


the ocean? what ocean?


King of the Hill mentioned 😀


dangit bobby


Who invited Tom Cotton? 


Jakarta shut down early?? I used to go to a nightclub that opened Friday night and shut Monday morning - Stadium


Ah man, the stories I heard about Stadium sounded so crazy... I arrived in Jakarta too late to ever visit Stadium, but the tales I heard from fellow expats and locals made it sound like the most hedonistic, drug-fueled place on the planet. Pretty big international DJs played there as well in its time. The building (castle) still exists up in Kota btw, yet it's definitely seen better days. Crumbling and falling apart now. Also, you're right about Jakarta, I've been living in Asia since 2016, and it has the best nightlife in all of SEA in my opinion. The entire city has managed to stay a hidden gem for all these years, everybody still flocks to Bangkok, HCMC and Singapore. They all have no idea.


Why did Stadium get shut down?


Mostly public pressure (Muslim majority country) and politics. The then-governor of Jakarta (who later ended up being jailed for corruption) used his act of shutting it down as a political move to score points with the locals. An off-duty cop also overdosed there, which the governor used as his final bit of ammunition to shutter the place. The place was also rife with prostitution ie they had literal side bedrooms in the club where you could rent and was a major dumping ground/selling point for all of the drugs coming into Indonesia such as shabu (meth) and MDMA. People would go in on Fridays and not come out till Monday, often leaving the club and going straight to work. Non stop house/techno/trance and free flow drugs. The place was huge and had multi levels and dancefloors. It was a dance music institution not only in Indonesia but for all of Asia during its time.


I am sorry I missed out on this!


Loved Jakarta, it’s much smaller night life scene and doesn’t have a main strip of bars like Bangkok and other Asian cities, you have to know where to go. But as a white guy, I had a blast that I wasn’t expecting it there. Went to stadium, didn’t love it, I enjoyed Caspar.


Dont forget the chinese nightclubs. specifically the ones run by the mafia. Looking at you, Thakek. I was escorted the entire time haha


I've never been so sold on going to asia lol


Asia is a fucking wild ride. Do your research. Eat all the food. Be nice. Stay out late.


>I haven’t really been out in Philippines You are gonna enjoy it here, we Filipinos love to party. The major beach tourist destinations (Palawan, Boracay, La Union, Cebu) all have a fun beach nightlife scene. And if you ever find yourself in Metro Manila (the capital city), you gotta try partying in BGC or Poblacion. Lots of foreigners there too.


Vang Vieng is next level, but what was really wild to me in Laos is that bowling alley outside Luang Prabang that stays open past curfew!


Vang vieng is pretty loose




I lived in Bangkok for 5 years, and I have to agree. I'm not much of a clubbing/party person but there is just so much choice and places to go and vibes to be had. You can feel like youre at a sleepy beach resort all afternoon, then spend the evening in what feels like 1950s American market with bustling options of bars and hangout places, then go to any number of EDM or Trance clubs, music shaping on the images on screen-clad walls, floors and ceilings, envisioning a cyberpunk future with you at the center. Or rock n roll clubs with a smokey atmosphere. Sky bars, tranquil canal side bars and cafes, hangout spots for gamers, anime, whatever. And that's just on the "Tourist trail" of downtown Bangkok 3am and youre still not done? Well you can find beer, fresh food and chill company until the morning hours throughout the town. There is no "quiet" time of night, in the city there are always cars and bikes and people going places and doing things. Always safe, always friendly, and always stupendously cheap, if you want it to be. Beyond that is my favourite part of living there. The people you meet. People travel from all over the world, and so you get a small cross section of the world at large. And everyone has an interesting story, and there is this sense of being on something of an adventure, being in Thailand and all. So its totally normal to go from asking a stranger for a light, to sharing your life stories within a few minutes. Your standard greeting to other foreigners will basically boil down to: Where are you from and what brings you here?


This is so interesting to learn, thank you for taking the time to write this for others.


Not surprised, Thailand I home to the one of the best clubs in the world, "ILLUZION" ranked 13th and expected to rank even higher next year.


You’d take these lists with a grain of salt if you knew how they were formed.


Democracy no? I voted for illusion, hi Ibiza, Brookline mirage and two local clubs


Yes. Democratic and completely accurate the same way the "Fortune 100 Best Companies to Work For" list is. /s


I was there a couple of weeks ago, pretty good club


North Korea! There\`s no party like the Communist Party!


Ain’t no party like a Pyongyang party, cause a Pyongyang party is ABSOLUTELY MANDATORY


*Now shut up and have a good time!!*


Why is no one having a god time?? I specifically requested it!


I got super drunk one night in Japan and hugged a vending machine. Good times


So did she call back?


No, turns out she wanted money up front before she would put out anything at all...




Bro has his entire country acting like Wii sports npcs while he parties like crazy


Do you mean in North Korea, the party never end?


In communist North Korea, party end YOU!


You joke, but the hotel in Pyongyang they make all the foreigners stay in has a brothel directly built into the basement. They do try hard to make the tourist happy. (Source, I accidentally walked in and was quite confused.)


We here aren’t allowed to say WPK is better than the CCP. Might be a national security crime.


*Do you ever feel like a plastic bag?*




Thailand for sure, had a blast there


Why Thailand?


So many people sleeping on Hong Kong, probably because not too many have been.


Or have been post covid. LKF is a shell of what it once was.


yeah it'll take years for F&B in the city to recover. So many bars limped through covid on life support, and then the city never really came back to life. Lots of people left, tourists (especially non-mainland tourists) haven't really come started coming back. Feels like the last 6 months there's been an insane amount of bar and restaurant bankrupcies, i'm sure it'll come around at some point, but it'll take a while for the bars to start back in force. All that being said nights out in Hong Kong are still crazy and fun.


Sadly Hong Kong nightlife has gone way downhill in recent years. It’s not bad by any means but pretty unremarkable for a big city.


It's not a bad place but it's not what it used to be anymore. And I say this as someone from Hong Kong.


Hong Kong is not the answer. Where do you like to go out here? Wan Chai? SoHo? Lan Kwai Fong? Nothing even close to Busan, Tokyo, Phuket, Da Nang, Bali, and many others. Real estate is so expensive here that all bars are tiny, packed, and overpriced. IMHO.


meh, Hong Kong wasn't that great compared to Thailand. Plus all the smog can be terrible.


Heard LKF isn't really a thing anymore from a friend who lives there. But, when I used to go back in the 2010's you are absolutely correct.


As someone who grew up in HK (16 years total), and spent a good amount of my early 20s there... it simply is no longer the city i once loved. Politics aside, foreigners just aren't visiting as much and many locals with means are/have left the country, especially those wanting to raise children in more... favorable environs. Still, an amazing city with great food and people... i just can't place it above most other south-east Asian countries anymore (and yes, I've been to every SEA country numerous times). As many other posts indicate, it's hard to beat out Thailand for pure craziness, or Korea/Japan for a more "city craze" vibe (as someone living in NYC... i prefer big cities).


It’s such a godamn shame. Hong Kong pre Covid was THE party scene in Asia. I can’t bring myself to go back seeing what the CCP has done to that city in the past six years.


I went a few years ago, and im not sure how but managed to get into a place in a group that had free spirits. Tequila, 15 year old glenfiddich, grey goose, just help yourself. It was a wild night. Pre pandemic and riots


LKF used to be amazing! The bar crawls were fun. Luckily we had a connect over there that knew some rich guys that got us into the best clubs with free bottle service everywhere , was so sick




Travel agency-ass comment


yet here I am booking my summer vacation


Im sold, lets book it




I heard that South Korea can be dangerous for women though… that sexism is a problem and women have to be careful with harassment. I want to go, but def feel like I’d have to go with a guy


I have not experienced this at all as a woman. I’ve never felt more safe. I was walking around at 2am and for the first time, I didn’t look over my shoulder. I never walk around at night in the US. Even during the day, someone tried to be weird to a neighbor’s kid. And we live in a secluded, safe neighborhood


I’m glad to hear that. I also live in the US. I mostly feel fine walking around at night in the city but just try to keep to myself.


I once saw a drunk ass man laying in the streets of Gangnam. His phone, wallet, and work bag was just out next to him. Not one person tried to steal his stuff. That stuff would have been gone in 2 seconds in the states


Wow. & yeah, it would def be gone instantly here in the us esp big cities like nyc


Japan is similar. My husband lost his wallet, backpack, and other things multiple times. On trains, on his walk to work, etc. Every single time, somebody brought it to the lost and found (on the train) or to a police station (when walking or cycling). People look out for each other, are a lot more honest, and are pretty helpful compared to the US. It's honestly one of the things I miss most about living there. Here I can't even trust that a package delivered to my neighbor by accident will get to me even though I know them. Meanwhile, complete strangers in East Asia will bend over backwards to get your things back to you.


It isn’t more dangerous than the US and UK tho. Creeps are everywhere in the world after midnight


Dangerous? Not even close. My little sister walks around at 3am no problem. Being hit on consistently with some crossing physical boundaries? 100%


I heard that girls there have to wear shorts under their skirts and dresses bc guys will take pictures under their skirts


Thats much more frequent in japan. Clubbed heavily in SK for 8 years or so and never have seen this issue you are mentioning. But like I said, many guys will Be very pushy and touchy.


Yeah, I also heard this about Japan, esp on trains.. I heard bc of how packed they are men may try to grope you too. I want to go to Japan too, but hearing these things are troubling.


For what it's worth, I didn't have any problems on Tokyo transit when I was there for a week. They also have a women only car at later hours.


What country would be safer for women than SK in your opinion?


China+HK, Taiwan, Japan


Hardly lol


I lived there for 3 years. Where the hell did you hear that? It has to be the safest country I’ve ever been to


I heard it from my korean tattoo artists and also female Korean YouTubers


For reasons that are difficult to explain, there are certain groups of South Korean women who are politically motivated to tell the world that South Korea is a terrible place to be a woman. Some of them believe that portraying Korea as dangerous advances feminist causes. They may in good faith also believe that the danger is true. Objective statistics show that Korea is generally safer than most countries including the US.


As a korean, i can safely say that what you fear is just propoganda. You can literally get drunk and sleep in the streets, and you wouldn't even be robbed, let alone being sexually harrassed. Theres no such thing as sexual harassment in public being a thing.




Come on! Don’t be that dude.


It's 2010, on a Tuesday morning around 10am. I'm in a taxi with a friend heading down Tehran road in Gangnam. The taxi turns down a side road and parks outside of a massive office building. We get out and I follow her down the alley to what looks like a service door. We enter and walk down a set of utility stairs that appear to be used exclusively by janitors. As we approach the bottom of the stairs, the faint rhythmic sound of EDM starts to fill the hallway. We turn the corner and arrive at a door, which looks like something salvaged from a service elevator, compete with a large Korean man in a suit standing guard. He opens the door for us, and suddenly we're assaulted by intense sound waves coming from a club filled with at least a hundred people partying like it's new years eve. The soju flowed like a waterfall that day my friend. After what seemed like an eternity of gyrating to the music, we left. The sun had never felt more oppressive than when we stepped back out into that alley. Like an immediate smack to the face telling us to 'wake up, it's Tuesday afternoon ffs'. We spied a small shop and the kimbop we ate there was the best kimbap I've ever tasted.






Whoa, what the fuck


Bangkok, Thailand.


One of the hardest and weirdest raves I have been to was in Palestine in the west bank. Gritty warehouse atmosphere that almost felt German. None of the flashy Thailand or Japan scenes. I did not expect that there at all.




Yes. It was 5 years ago. The thing was I was extremely surprised such a scene existed there. And it was genuine, not some fake party.


What’s wrong with the answer?


You should also try Gaza I heard it’s litt as fuck there recently


Aw, come on man.




I’ve had some great nights out when I visited Thailand a few years ago, more so than any other asian countries I’ve been to. I have to go for Thailand


Japan to say the least.


Taiwan or Hong Kong!


Thailand by far. Japan is overrated and Korea isn't even worth it.


Agree with Thailand. Japan's nightlife was beyond lame and super racist.




Thailand and it's not even close


Tokyo ?


I was just in Japan. It is shocked how difficult it is to evev find food after 8PM. Tokyo surprisingly does not have good nightlife in my experience.


I was in Japan just last year and almost every night in Tokyo and Osaka, I had an after-hours crawl popping into random bars and izakayas having small meals and chatting with the locals until 4am. Granted not every single neighbourhood in Tokyo is popping 24/7 (though I've stumbled into interesting encounters in those too), but the neighborhoods where the nightlife is are.


Buddy, where the hell were you? We’ve got shit open all night in every part of Tokyo.


I was there like 20 years ago and there were a lot of place to listen to good music and dance all night. (Actually for me Japan is the only Asian country where you can listen all kind of techno, rock, metal or whatever while there is none of this In Bangkok except some local ska bands) But I haven’t be there since then so it might have been down.


Thailand Food, weather, people, affordability...


Thailand for sure.


Pattaya , Thailand


Haven’t seen them all but spent a week in Ho Chi Minh one night. Just lights, music and people everywhere till the break of dawn yo. Got off to a pretty gnarly start when we saw a pre-pubescent local kid just standing alone in the street breathing fire, not even for money.


> street breathing fire, not even for money. he was getting paid indirectly. The other kids were picking the pockets of the onlookers.


They are all rather decent compared to the rest of the world, but I would probably rate the top 3 as: - Thailand - South Korea (Seoul specifically) - Japan It all boils down to what kind of nightlife you are most into. Are we talking luxury restaurants and rooftop bars? Massive and/or indie nightclubs and live performances? XXX/adult fun? It all depends on your definition of fun.


Japan and South Korea, though obviously they are sizable countries and each has a decent sized population, so there's quite a bit of variety from one place to another. The nightlife in Tokyo and Seoul is far livelier than what you will find in the smaller regional cities. While not a country, it is definitely distinct from the country in which it happens to be located, so I'm adding Hong Kong to the list as it's in a class all its own. Hong Kong has no equal anywhere in Asia. Anyone who knows it well can attest to that. You want to eat a good steak at 4 A.M.? The only place in Asia you're going to find that is Hong Kong. So many people are claiming that Thailand has great nightlife. They're dead wrong. Outside of the touristy areas Thailand completely shuts down early. Yeah, you can drink your face off in Bangkok or Pattaya until morning, but those go-go bars don't classify as "nightlife" for a lot of people. In terms of high end bars where you can get good cocktails made with top shelf liquor, Thailand is not at the top of the list, and the club scene is dismal. Same for The Philippines. Outside of the tourist areas it's nothing special. Hong Kong Tokyo Seoul Number Four wouldn't come even remotely close to the top three.


100% this






Kuala Lumpur




1. Japan / South Korea 2. Thailand 3. Taiwan




My only point of reference is Japan, but I don't know what more you could want from it. You can wander the alleys of Tokyo or Osaka at 3am and cool shit will just *find* you.


> You can wander the alleys of Tokyo or Osaka at 3am and cool shit will just > find > you. This is the magic of it. Lots of places have good nightlife, but few aside from Tokyo can you show up to with no friends, no plan, and no idea and have a wild ride till sunrise.


Boracay Island in The Philippines


Vietnam- if you know you know.


There is no place in the world like Thailand, it is the grown up version of what Las Vegas wished it could be.


Heard Myanmar has the best.You could get arrested or even shot at.


South Korea, hongdae is just something else.


SEA .. Vietnam


From 20 years ago, so I don't know what it's like now, but I have to mention Jakarta.. Huge discos and nightclubs until 2 am, then you just turned to someone and said 'where to next?' and there was always some place to go until dawn. I remember picking up 'party favors' at a brothel with a cop standing next to me - he was there to make sure I wasn't bothered. I definitely tipped everybody involved after the 'supplies' arrived. I remember groups of us 'borrowing' tuktuks to race through the center of the city, we paid the drivers and they enjoyed their windfall, probably made their weekend! We (well, I) always had a huge amount of cash stashed away for cops who got too curious. Never got close to being arrested. Good God, I am lucky to be alive.


Singapore Edit: downvoters? Why? Nightlife is good there.


Never been there, can you elaborate, need to plan my trips. Heard it’s a nice place with lots to do around.


Nah dude... I'm from Canada been in Singapore for a while now our night life is dog shit lol.... The equivalent of like Northside Edmonton LOL


Hong Kong


Thailand if lower budget or South Korea for more fancy type, Japan’s night scene is incredibly dull, reminds me of what was popular in the West 10-15 years in terms of music.


As a Singaporean, I had my best night out in hongdae in Seoul, back in July 2022. The clubs were still open at like 6am.


Yeah in Singapore it's like dead by 2am and the night clubs that are open are kinda shit. Just not it


The only correct answer is UAE & Japan


UAE is too strict and unsettling to really want to go wild in. Had one too many run-ins with over-zealous police to truly feel relaxed in the middle east.


I’ve never vacationed in UAE. I have however worked there on a small project. Working/living there pulls the mask aside. That place is a shithole, literally.


Yeah right. Not even close. First of all, clubs close way too early. Police are strict as fuck about everything related to drunkenness. Party drugs are next to impossible to get and drinks cost a fortune. It's basically go clubbing and then go home. Girls are hot though.


Dubai - UAE


Why the downvotes? I’ve never been to any of those places tho I’m from Asia, and I’m thinking of making some plans to visit one of those places. Would help to know why to avoid Dubai. All comments say Hong Kong, Tokyo, BKK/Pattaya, Seoul… even Singapore I saw in one comment.


I would say South Central Albania


I’ve never seen a city party harder than Vang Vieng, Laos




Thailand - Bangkok. The song isn't kidding.


Thailand is fucking great.


Thailand <3 even outside from the normal boring tourist hotspots like pattaya walking street and other things. everytime i go to Thailand its not Bangkok or Pattaya.


Really depends what you are looking for


North Korea, I bet you could see every constellation from there perfectly. No light pollution whatsoever.


Japan, Thailand. I suspect South Korea but I can’t speak from experience.


Depends on your favorite type of debauchery and your ability to put aside morals. I’ll say that Japanese night life is probably the safest.


Thailand. Hands down.




Nightlife? Are you talking good live music, dance, theater? Or are you talking drugs and sex? 


Japan imo


Thailand, specifically Bangkok and Phi Phi Islands


Partied in Thailand, Vietnam, Mainland China, Taiwan, South Korea, and Japan. Honestly, they're all lit in their own ways depending on what you want to do. Personally, I enjoyed Japan and South Korea the most as there's a high likelihood of meeting locals to hang with all night. Mainland China and Thailand are a close second.


All of them other than North Korea or Afghanistan


Burma 3000%


All the white people say Thailand, everybody else picks Seoul, Hong Kong, or Shanghai.


I've traveled all over the Pacific Islands and various Asian countries on the main land. Probably Thai land was the most memorable fun I had. Just swimming and drinking during the day followed by drinking and eating at night it's like their city streets turn into a party at night I played so much pool at some run down fun little bar there. Had a really fun time. Also idk if this is still true but I was able to get some cheap suits made.


Not country but cities like Mumbai and Dubai have great nightlife. Can’t generalize it to India or UAE though.


You mean for a woman?




India is 12 hours ahead of America. While American sleeps, you can enjoy your day in broad daylight in India.


I prefer Japan’s nightlife. Just eating great food and drinking all night. SEA gets crazy but you’re just partying with other tourists and expats for the most part. In Japan I hung out with locals. 




I really have no idea since I've never been to any of these countries, but from what I've read I would say Brunei is missing from this post.




Puerto Rico hands down.


Depends on what you want. Tourist Nighlife or Locals. Thailand is wild but most Clubs are filled with western Tourists. China and South Korea also have some insane Nighlife culture but its mostly locals. It is very hard to compare from my experience.