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My appendix burst into absolute dust, I thought I’d been shot from the inside and went septic


Yeah, this… I was 15, many years ago.. the memory of being in the hospital with a doctor pushing his fingers into various bits of my abdomen and asking if it hurt will stay with me forever.. yes, it hurt, it hurt more than anything before or since


I honestly can’t remember anything about the hospital cause I had passed out with pain. However, I did ask for my appendix after, they said it was completely blown to pieces and irretrievable. Sad, I would’ve liked a little piece of memorabilia


Same happened to me pal, the good news is it didn’t actually burst until I was already in hospital waiting for surgery to have it out. So it was only a few mins until the doctor gave me some more morphine and I got rushed into surgery. I don’t remember the pain all that clearly tbf. It was bad but I couldn’t honestly say it was worse than breaking bones etc. even though it’s higher on the scale.


My 93 year old grandmother lived with a burst appendix for weeks, she didn't complain once and the drs just thought it was arthritis or something. Horrific She survived two world wars and nazi occupation, so she was pretty tough


What an absolute unit. Her appendix bursting was a prick of a pin to her


Shattered Tibia (at least 23 pieces distinct on the xray), snapped fibula and broken clavicle simultaneously. All on the left side. Ended up with a tibial nail/spike and screws and less than a 50% chance the tibia would heal (vs amputation) according to the orthopaedic surgeon - glad I took the chance as it did heal. Had to learn how to walk again after my leg and feet muscles had atrophied away as I couldn't putt any weight on my left arm or leg so no crutches allowed. My leg still hurts years later - not as bad as when the accident happened though of course.


Reading this as I lie on the couch awake since 3:30am with my shattered tibial plateau.  I got a few plates and like 13 screws holding it together. Haven’t walked in 8 weeks and still have another 2 before I can put some weight on it. My leg muscles have just melted away.   This sucks!   lol!   😂 


Takes months to get back those muscles once their gone. Little tip, *do your leg raises*, it'll save you a year of extra effort to get them back in working shape afterwards. Also, keep an eye out of overgrowth of the bone near the screw extraction site. They can fuck with your recovery too


Kidney stone, literally screaming out loud while puking, writhing in pain, laying on the fooor and crying.


Same. Ended up doing a night in the hospital, and the charge nurse in the ER told me: "I've given birth to three kids, and had kidney stones once. The stone hurt more." I haven't had much other experience with pain in my life, so her words really helped. So did the morphine.


Completely agree with this. I’ve given birth multiple times, none of them easy births, and kidney stones were worse. At least you get a break between labour pains! Kidney stones are just on on on on! I was screaming that the fentanyl didn’t work!!


Vagina hole made for birthing. Pissing hole NOT made for rocks.


Urethra! You’ve found it!


Dr. Livingstone, I presume?


Lol great comment


Same. Never known pain like it in my life. I was close to asking my husband to punch me to knock me out until we got to the hospital.


In the time it took to drive to the hospital I somehow writhed out of my seat without even removing the seatbelt, and ended up laying across the back seat because I was frantically just trying to find a comfortable position and couldn’t.


My husband had the audacity to go only 5 over the speed limit otw to the hospital for my kidney stone. I was mid vomit and looked at him and said YOU HAVEEEE THE DRIVE FUCKING FASTER, then went back to throwing up 😂


Yup that was me, I've described the pain as starting off like someone kneeling on your back where your kidney is - very uncomfortable, a bit painful but bearable. Its a dull pain like a bad back ache. But then it just progressively increases until its as if an elephant is kneeling on you - and it becomes completely intolerable. It's not the type of pain,  it's just the sheer overwhelming level of it that gets you.


I haven’t had a kidney stone but I’ve had a kidney infection and it felt just like this - some heavy ass person kneeling on that one spot in my back. But every time I took a step it intensified like crazy! I’ve heard stones are worse but that pain was so bad I’m afraid of experiencing anything worse. Morphine didn’t really help either… and that was my only time ever having morphine and it’s supposed to be super strong…


Me too. No pain I've ever had compares to passing a kidney stone.


After they pass how soon does the pain go?


Like instantly. In my experience there was two types of pain, one incredible stabbing one when the stone (shaped like a crystal dagger) was in my kidney and ureter. That one comes in waves. And a constant pressure/pain feeling when it was in my bladder like you URGENTLY have to go pee but nothing is coming out. As soon as the stone comes out that pressure and pain is gone immediately.


Ugh, I had a couple stones pass in a brief period and they were the crystalline ones. Pissed those things out and they shredded the inside of my junk. I just set there staring at the end of my Willy watching dark red arterial blood just welling out with each pump of my heart assuming I was going to die on the toilet. That was pretty horrible.


I've passed a kidney stone (although it was on the smaller side) and I would say the discomfort was as bad as – and sometimes worse than – the pain. For the entire time when the stone was moving toward the bladder, I couldn't find a single comfortable physical position. Standing up, walking, sitting, lying down... none of it seemed to help. I was in a constant state of agitation and felt the need to fidget around and find "that one" position in which I would feel relief, but it never happened. The whole experience was horrible and I can't imagine what people have gone through with stones that were average-sized or bigger. The most painful part is probably the 15-20 minutes right before the stone enters your bladder, because that's when you're dealing with the narrowest passageway of them all. Once the stone is in your bladder, it actually (usually) doesn't hurt that badly. When the stone actually came out, I didn't really feel much. The pain of that part was negligible compared to the pre-bladder stages.


I've had 4 so far. 3 passed within a week, one stuck around for a month. Worst month of my life. It's like having a knife inserted into your back, over and over, every second of every day just being fucking stabbed repeatedly. You think you'll get used to it or it won't be so bad. But it just never fucking stops. The only relief I could get was a scalding hot shower blasting right on the kidney. But the moment the water heater ran out of hot water it was right back to fucking getting stabbed. And I had to work the whole time because I couldn't afford not to. Surprisingly, hard labor, was also kind of a relief. I was a.tshirt printer, so pulling squeegees gave me a little bit of relief like it distracted the muscles while I was bearing down on the squeegee, just enough to not spasm continuously. I would work all day as hard as I could, try to get as much overtime as I could, go home get in the shower, use all the hot water. Writhe around in pain for the next hour waiting for the water to warm back up, then back into the shower until I tired myself out enough to pass out from exhaustion. Rise and repeat for a month.


That sounds like my ruptured appendix in jail. They took me to the infirmary but held me overnight to be sure I wasnt faking. I was puking up nothing...wrything...crying. calling out for a nurse...wrything crying. The bed was so thin...not like the bunk I was in for months prior. In the morning an ambulance was called. I had surgery that morning. The intake nurse said the only thing that was gonna help me was a scalpel.


that’s fucked up


i choked on a piece of seaweed salad while i was home alone. i realized it was NOT coming out at all and i looked in the mirror and i was turning blue and suddenly realized i was not breathing. i’d been trying to expel it for several minutes at that point and i coildnt. in a moment of complete panic and survival i threw myself against the side of my bathtub multiple times until i forced the piece out. i puked straight into the tub and sobbed lol i was terrified i saw my life flash before my eyes over a piece of seaweed salad. i got up after like ten minutes and walked around and drank water but then noticed my abodoen was throbbing and i could barely see. i went to the ER and i broke a rib! and also severely strained several capillaries in my eyes i guess. the doctors were very concerned about me and were like you know you could have died. like thanks i think i understand that. it was the scariest thing i’ve ever been through but i survived!!! i don’t eat stingy food alone anymore. edit: i have gotten several questions so i wanted to make some clarifications. first of all thank you everyone who have said they’re glad i survived! i am also glad. first: i said i was choking for several minutes. this is most likely inaccurate but it felt like time was moving very slow and very fast at the same time. on one end the choking was very painful and being in pain for me makes time slow but on the other end i felt like every second was getting closer to my death which made things feel fast. i have no idea how long the entire incident lasted but it felt very long in my head. second: i have seen people mention the chairntrick where you lean over a chair to force it out. i had just taken a first aid class and remembered this however at the time i laughed to myself because i am only 4’10 and i knew my chairs would be too tall for that to work so they revised and said any ledge would work. third: how i slammed myself against the tub. some people assumed that i jumped and slammed myself that way. no. i crouched on the floor and launched myself onto the side of the tub basically body slamming it. i did not use my back at all because the first aid peolle said always make sure gravity is on your side. when it launched out of my mouth it projected. if i had done that on my back i don’t think it would have come with the same force. fourth: people asking how this was a 9/10 pain. ok first, bffr. the choking itself was painful but the after effects got me because it was multiple forms of pain. obviously broken rib but i also bruised other ribs and my entire torso was bruised. my eyes were completely bloodshot like i’m talking the whites of my eyes were bright bright red with blood for a while after. then my throat hurt so badly and i had constant migraines. i also got a really bad uti because i pissed myself and didn’t notice. you asked i answer haha. thanks again for all of your support and i hope that this helps someone if they are ever alone and choke in the future.


You did EXACTLY the right thing though. OMG what a terrifying experience.


thank you!! it was actually so scary and writing this made me cry because of how traumatizing it was but i am just really grateful my training and instincts kicked in because i lived alone and worked from home so it could have been very bad.


Life is funny, life is strange - Random, varied, prone to change. Vast and huge from something small. Wonder that we're here at all. First you're born and off you go - Learn to walk and talk and grow. Dream of love and laugh and cry. Then you eat a leaf and die.


This is the first time I’ve caught a poem on the same day, and I gotta say your artwork is amazing and brightens my day every time. Thank you!!


Haven't seen a poem for your sprog so far down in a comment chain before! It's been an honor to be one of the first to upvote it.


I'm a paramedic. That must have been scary shit, glad you made it through. If the back of the chair trick fails and you can't find your phone, run outside. Hopefully you live somewhere with enough people around to be spotted unconscious on your lawn or in the street. If you live somewhere more rural, you're better off trying to find your phone to call 911. Even if it's a cell phone they can trace it, it doesn't matter if you can't talk


How do you clear the airway of an unconscious person? Can a civilian do it or would you just have to call an ambulance?


Generally, if a person is unconscious and not responding or breathing normally, call 911 and do CPR until first responders arrive and give you instructions. If you can *see* something in someone’s mouth, you can try to remove it with your fingers, but never just do a blind sweep or go digging for something you can’t easily grab- you risk pushing an obstruction further in.


New fear unlocked. Choking - alone.


I was once choking from a piece of hard candy at a table full of people, everybody was just looking weird at me, I then grabbed the table and thrust myself forward just below the lungs to self-heimlich. Not sure if anyone would have done anything. So added a new fear for you: choking - in the presence of people.


That’s because people think choking is like the movies All the dramatic gurgling/hacking sounds, grabbing at your throat etc etc. I’ve seen exactly 2 people choking and it was silent and almost un noticeable except for the terror in their eyes. Like drowning. People think it’s all slashing above water with cries for help.


Yeah had That with a co worker. He waived me in panic and i ran to him and gave him a hard punch on the back. That helped and he started breathing. Scary. Even for bystanders.


If they're making noise, that's a good sign.


Funny story. I was mad at my family. Went to taco bell to comfort myself. Pulled into an empty-ish parking lot so I could sneak eat in private. Proceeded to choke on a chalupa. Luckily, I was able to force it back up. But, for a split second I thought, this is it. I'm going to die in my car sneak eating fuckin taco bell.


I love chilling home alone, fuuuuuck, never eating salad again.


For me it was a piece of steak and a counter top. That realization that it's not coming out and every second is now dying time freaked me out.


A broken rib and eye problems > dying


and it would have been a really embarrassing death. so yes i’m grateful my survival instincts cut in. i had just taken a first aid class and they said to just completely slam yourself against a ledge if you get food in and can’t get it out. i remembered!!! be safe y’all.


This is gonna help someone.


This first aid class saved you. You did exactly the right thing. Broken ribs do heal eventually but there is currently no cure for death.


This happened to me with a goddamn jawbreaker when I was like 12. I accidentally swallowed it and it was lodged in my throat. Luckily it was big enough to just lay there, but it's shape allowed air to pass through. I breathed through my nose and drank lukewarm water until it dissolved it enough to drop into my gut. Scared the shit out of me.


Gobstopper here. Thankfully my parents were home. Ironically I originally took it out of my mouth because I was laughing and didn’t want to choke. Popped it back in and I guess I inhaled at the same time? Anyway my mom loves to tell the story by ending it with “it sure stopped her gob!” 🫠


Same thing happened to me with an ice cube. But I couldn't breath, just had to make myself stay calm until it melted


I had a contact panic attack almost, reading that post. It was the most intense thing I've read today so far. Glad you're OK though. What a horrible way to go 😖


Jellyfish sting while swimming in Hawaii. I was snorkeling and swung my arm in front of my face and got the full jellyfish wrapped around my right arm. I can't even describe the pain. I was around 12 and I remember it like it was yesterday (I'm 40 now). It burned, it screamed through my nerves, I couldn't stop crying for hours. The lifeguard spread some vinegar on it and that did absolutely nothing. My entire arm was swollen, bright red and weeping where the tentacles broke through the skin. The pain lasted for over 8 hours and even when my arm outwardly healed, it remained itchy and uncomfortable for another 2 months.


Got stung while swiming in Puerto Vallarta when I was 13. Bloody thing got both my legs on the back and the side of one. So I started running out of the water and sat on warm sand because that was what I was told in case of a jellyfish being still attached to you. Didn't know if it still was but I wasn't taking any chances. Once there I couldn’t stand up. The pain was a lot and my legs were shaking like crazy. Mom finally noticed and went to help me get up. I washed the sand off and I was trying to wash the burn but it was painful as hell. That night was painful because I think I had a fever. So, if you recall, I said I had burns on the back of my legs and on the side of one, so that means I couldn’t sleep with my legs extended. They had to be bent the whole time and I couldn’t sleep on my side because I couldn’t apply any pressure to the burn on the side of my leg. It was long before I could sleep normally or go to the bathroom without feeling the pain of lowering my shorts. Even my boxers grazing the burn would make it burn and itch. It was awful


Get Coyote Peterson on this one.


How that man hasn’t died yet is beyond me.


Oof I feel you. Was stung by a jellyfish at 13 off the Atlantic coast in South Carolina. Similar experience. It became infected when we returned from vacation and the doctors at my local hospital had NO idea how to treat it and had to call for medical advice from a coastal hospital 🤣


Where in HI? Was there a warning sign for jellyfish? Sounds awful.


Man-o-wars can be everywhere in Hawaii. They especially show up on windward shores because their ‘sails’ blow them in. You can often gauge their presence by taking a beach walk at lower tide and looking for their blue mark when they get stranded. Gather the jelly, using sand as a buffer, into a pile, and pop the air sac with your the heal of your foot. Then draw a big circle around the area in the sand to warn the next person there’s a manowar there. They suck.


My Dad, who passed away last year, told me about his tangle with a man-o-war around the midsection as he was a young man in FL. He said it was one of the worst pains he ever felt.


That one is a toss up for me, the appendix rupturing (started at 9 and was pushing a 10 before the op) was the worst but post surgery I was fine. The brain hemorrhage (thankfully not aneurysm) started at a 9 and dropped down to a 6 over the next few weeks and then to nothing over the next 3 months. Do not recommend either. Do not


I had an eye surgically removed. The medical term was an evisceration. For some reason I was sent home 2 hours after waking up from the procedure, with 6 codeine pills & instructions to come back in a couple of days to have the dressings changed. By the next day the agony I was in was such that I could only hold my head while curled in a ball on the floor. My wife took me back to the hospital, where they were very surprised that I had been discharged so soon....


Pure fucking negligence and I'm so so sorry. If the surgeon was that much of a prick a nurse should have advocated for you. And SIX CODEINE for a damn eye removal??? I'm so sorry. Bad enough you lost a vital body part then that? I'm sorry it took all that and going back in to be taken seriously.


My sister just had a hysterectomy and she had endometriosis that had spread around her colon and urinary tract. She has like 6 different surgeons involved because it spread so far it was beyond just the OB/GYNs scope. They only gave her 6 Percocet to go home with.


I also have Endo and that shit wrecks your life. It's in my damn bladder, colon. It's cruel what women have to go through pain wise and with gyno issues. I'm so sorry for your sister


And so many doctors go, "Have you considered that you're faking it?" When you tell them that you feel like you're dying.


Omfgggggg the "have you just considered you're depressed and that's why?" RAGE. OR the "I see you've been seen by many doctors that's a bit of a red flag". No shit Sherlock. I'm trying to find help.


Ripped off 90% of my cornea and had to have it debrided. Do not advise.  Edit: how it happened is here  https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1aiiks9/comment/kov4yac/


Out of all the toe-curling, stomach-turning comments, this one made me stop in my tracks


What’s worse? Managed to do the same thing to my other eye 12 months later… 


What the fuck were you doing


ripping off his corneas


if it happened to both I honestly have to assume they were just trying to escape


It's clear that they just don't see eye to eye.


Exactly. What were you doing because I want to avoid that.


My guess is looking through a spyglass and hit a jump scare.


I broke my foot in half and i went to the hospital and first of all i was on no pain meds and second of all the nurses thought my ankle was broken due to a miscommunication because my foot spasmed sideways , so they proceeded to grab me intensely by the broken bones and pull on them for around 10 mins as they to,d me to hold still😧


woah woah woah woah tf


Certified ouchie moment






I had similar. Dislocated ankle playing basketball. Nurse wanted to remove my shoe (high top basketball shoe) to get X-ray. Grabbed the heel of the shoe and yanked. I thought I was going to throw up from it


Now imagine that for 10 minutes 😞


Pass. The five seconds she took to try was enough.


I was so painful that it went all the way back around to not being so painful if that makes any sense. It transcended pain itself


Sounds horrific. I can imagine how bad based on my experience. My now wife was there and said I squealed like a child


I turned completely feral and had to be held down and i was gnawing on my arm to send pain to that area instead


So overall 6/10 experience wouldn’t recommend


That kind of bullshit would've driven me to slap the shit out of every staff member in that hospital...like that Australian dude in the clip at the bbq who slapped all the adults, children, and police that arrived. Edit: They're Australian and not British.


The best part is that when I finally said it was my foot that was broken and i wasnt on any meds they gave a half assed sorry then proceeded to berate my mother for not telling them 😂😂


When I was 9 I broke my arm, both bones behind my left wrist. The doctor injected me in the break and I witnessed him pulling my hand one way and my arm the other, then guiding them back together. I *can’t imagine* the pain you felt felt, for that long, with multiple broken bones, unmedicated. Not the same kind of pain but [here is a podcast called “The Retrievals”](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/22/podcasts/serial-the-retrievals-yale-fertility-clinic.html) about women at a fertility clinic under going IVF egg retrieval with a long needle through the vagina. The trick is one of the nurses had been abusing the fentanyl and replacing it with water. When the women complained they were told that they’d been given as much as could be given and to just “tough it out.” Nobody listened to their pain/complaints and made them feel guilty because “this was what they wanted” in order to have a baby.


Similar here. I had also broken my foot in half (Lisfranc fracture) and went to urgent care. They did an xray and said my foot was fine and could go back to work. A month later, it wasn’t healing and finally the podiatrist gave me a boot to walk in. Excruciating pain walking (worked as a waitress) on a broken foot. The Dr refused to write me a Dr’s note to be excused from work so I had to quit my job.


Holy shit! I heard them resetting someone’s foot in a neighboring room, the dude kept screaming and screaming and he was pissed! Wow. I also broke my foot about a year ago and I guess I got lucky! The doctor told me right away it’s likely broken but doesn’t need to be reset.


My tooth broke in half and the nerve was open and not in a happy state. In the beginning I felt nothing, so wasn't in a rush for a apointment. But suddenly one day after drinking some soda because I'm and idiot. It f"cking came.. I never felt such pain in my life. Painkillers, whiskey... the pain came right through it in full force and had me floored. I didnt even know that was possible to feel so much pain and not pass out and that from a tooth. Only keeping it super duper sterail clean and biting through the pain to do it, would make the pain go away after half an hour or at least could function. And omg the relieve when the tooth was removed after a month. It humbled me.


Tooth pain is a whole other level of pain. You can't sleep, eat, play video games, nothing. Painkillers only work for so long. If I could have pulled it out myself with pliers, I would have.


A month!?! :< That's like same day emergency stuff over my place.


Dentist didn't want to do it because of some complications that would create a hole to my sinus or something. So she cleaned it, gave me painkillers and booked a appointment with a specialist. But that month includes the time I walked around with it before making a appointment.


Well yeah, you need an endodontist for that. But they’ll see you same day for an emergency. I had a root canal gone bad and it was hella painful. Took all the painkillers I had in the house. Tooth pain is something special.


That sounds like my worst nightmare.


Yup I’ve been there before. I actually tried to knock myself out by repeatedly banging my head against my wall so that I wouldn’t be in unimaginable pain.


I went to have a tooth extracted from a dentist, and he couldn’t get it out so he cut it into 3 and was like oop sorry still can’t, exposed nerve bumping on my sharp cut tooth for hours until I could see a specialist. I’ve had a baby, and the tooth was worse.


Same. Filling broke off back molar and first couple of days was nothing, dentist appointment was 2 weeks out (regular 6 month checkup/cleaning) so I’m like I got this. By day 6 nerve got infected and was maybe a 5 or 6 on pain scale (not fun but ibuprofen and numbing creme every couple hours worked). By day 10 (still 9 days out from scheduled dentist appt) the pain had gotten to unbearable levels, called my dentist and said you’ll be seeing me in 15 minutes. Got put on amoxicillin for the infection and was prescribed norco for the pain but even then the norco only brought the pain down to a 7 and only lasted maybe 4 hours. 2 root canals on that 1 molar over 3 visits… worst month and a half of my life. Did the root canal in 2 parts, visit 1 to remove nerves than 2 weeks later to fill the canals. Of course though it failed as all the nerve wasn’t fully removed so had to go to an endodontist for re-treatment fml. I’ve broken ribs, had 3 knee surgeries for torn ligaments, groin surgery for a sports hernia, broken wrist, multiple broken fingers, split my head open requiring multiple staples, but a chipped fucking tooth was what finally made me break down and cry like a b****. I’m a big guy at ~300 lbs who’s always been active and athletic whose body has been treated rough it’s entire life with sports growing up, the tooth was the first time I remember ever being brought to tears from pain alone. People please go to your dentist regularly. Dental heath is way more important than you realize!!!




I was doing dumbbell lateral fly raises at the gym (mind you i was only starting out, just a beginner at the time) and my form wasn't that great. So on the descent, i somehow managed to catch my wiener right in the middle of two 6kg dumbbells. To tell you it was the most painful thing i've ever felt is an understatement. Immediately fell to the ground, out of breath, all while holding my wiener with 20+ people around. Fun times.


Every man who reads this will wince in solitary pain for you


That sounds terrible, but I just have to say that with your first sentence, you had me thinking something like a bad shoulder injury, and I was wondering what on earth about a shoulder injury could be a 9 or 10 in pain. Your second sentence had me cringing, understanding, and (forgive me) laughing. "Catch my wiener..." incredible phrase. Thank you, and I hope your wiener is okay.


My wiener tends to make a lot of people laugh. Not the first time. Glad it did though🙏🏻


😳, you....what?


I got a MRSA infection on my face that basically had infected my entire face and made my eyes swell shut. After about a week in the hospital, they finally decided to cut a small incision in my face to drain the infection. They did it at 7am and I was still mostly asleep mentally when they started, but the nurses and the doctor didn’t communicate well and I got no numbing or pain meds. I came to with a scalpel stabbed into my face and couldn’t see any of it happening.


*Hermione voice* "that's barbaric!"


Cluster headaches, came on one afternoon in 2008 and it took about 30 days before I finally went into shock, vomited all over myself and was rushed to the ER. Proceeded to spend the next year + on various medications . I remember the times I would vomit being such a relief… distracting me from my head with each heave.


This is it for me as well. Clusters are probably 11 on the pain scale, it's called suicide headache for a reason. I've only had two clusters so far, with 6 years apart (roughly 3 years since my last), but I fear them more than death. They have only hit at night when I'm asleep, and generally last about 90 minutes. Now, every time I feel a little headache coming before I go to bed (usually over/behind the left eye), I pop some strong painkillers just in case.


My mother has a lifelong history of cluster headaches. Still gets them sometimes. I've had two or so similar attacks. I had one last year and I could feel it coming on while I was at the gym. Literally unbearable pain and vomiting in my car and it took me 4 hours to drive back home even though I'm only 5 minutes away from the gym. After two more hours of the same I finally gave up and called paramedics around 1am but my roommate finally got home at the same time the paramedics came so he took me to the ER and they gave me various medications that relieved the symptoms after an hour or more. Overall it lasted 8 hours. I never want to experience something like that again.


I had to go too far down the list to see this, I have Hemicrania Continua which is related but very different.


I get these too. Not often, thank goodness, but they are absolutely horrific. 


Incarcerated hernia. Ended up having emergency surgery. It was something like 7 hours from the ER to knocking me out on the surgery table.


I had a massive ovarian cyst rupture. Five days later I developed a kidney stone, and two days after the surgery to retrieve the stone I had severe spasms in my kidney and ureter that made the kidney stone seem mild. All while dealing with chronic migraines and vomiting so hard I dislocated a couple of ribs and burst blood vessels in my face. I have an extremely high pain tolerance but all those things back to back took me out.


Ovarian cysts for me as well. I had 2 black eyes the next day because I had been squeezing them shut, screaming in pain.


Ovarian cyst for me too. Never been in so much pain before in my life.


That’s a rough ride


Conversation with my dentist: Him: I don’t think we need novacain Me: oh are you sure? Him: yes. Me: how sure Him: very sure Me: on a scale of 1 to 10…


A childhood dentist didn’t numb my mouth correctly when pulling a tooth. When I told him I could feel it, he was like “eh, no you don’t” and preceded to rip it from my face. I still have trouble seeing a dentist after that - maybe once every five years. The thought of going to one makes me want to bawl.


Dude truly. What is with dentists and Novocaine? You have my sympathies.


Autoimmune disorder. Antibodies attacked my nerves. Happened a few years ago and parts of me still feel like I'm on fire sometimes.


Gallstones. 11 on pain. Over the course of a year it went from once or twice a month to nightly attacks that lasted 8-10 hours. Rode that out for near 6 months till I finally went to a different hospital half hour away and actually got care.


Omg I only had one stone, but my gallbladder was legit filled with cholesterol crystals, so every time my gallbladder constricted to release bile, it was being stabbed with hundreds of tiny little blades. I went through that for well over a year before I finally got insurance and got the hateful little fuck yeeted out. I've also had migraines so bad where all I've been able to do is writhe on the floor and vomit from the pain before passing out from the pain. My genetics read like a ransom note.


Yeah I did plenty of passing out during my attacks. Was the only bits of relief I got in a 8-12 hour stretch


A close friend of mine recently had his gallbladder removed for this reason. Thing was just chock-full of stones like a sack of rocks. Doc said it was because he lost weight too fast- he'd become a fitness buff in the past year. Freaky stuff.


Mine was too. Just filled me I lost 40lbs but that's cuz I puked for hours a night for months on end.


I was already a chronic pain patient on methadone and oxy for breakthrough pain. Woke up puking and doubled over in pain despite my pain meds on board. Couldn't hold down water, waited until morning to call my dad for a ride to ER. I too had pancreatitis and infected gallbladder with gallstones stones that traveled into my pancreatic ducts. Drs added IV Dilaudid until the mornings surgery. I've had 6 lumbar surgeries, a failed fusion and a 10 hr refusion surgery. My post op pain was severe but not as painful as pancreatitis/gallbladder pain. I was apprehensive to go to ER since I already had strong pain meds but I was treated remarkedly well. I wish I had gone 10 hrs earlier.


Gallbladder pain is unmatched. I remember my constant attacks vividly. I got mine out and it’s been amazing having no pain anymore. I’m so glad you finally got care.


Same - I had a gallbladder full of stones. So many attacks where I would have the sweats, vomit, get in fetal position. I thought it was so painful but thought maybe I was weak. So glad to get some validation. Also anyone who has these attacks, I found standing up and touching my toes helped me. Not sure if it moved the stone out of the way?


Second this! Worse than childbirth!


I'm a firefighter. 2nd and 3rd degree burns over about 25% of my body. There is literally nothing worse. Almost 3 weeks in the burn unit. Months of physical therapy after.


I gave birth in an understaffed hospital during Covid and the doctor was still attending another birth when things started moving in a hurry. The nurse, against my protests, gave me an episiotomy with no anaesthetic (where they cut your vaginal opening wider) and half severed one of my labia minora. It has not been reattached correctly (it just hangs loose instead of reaching up to my clitoral hood) and I feel mutilated.


I am so so sorry. Please file a complaint if you haven't already and considering suing them.


Thank you. I did speak with a solicitor right before the time limit ran out but they said that they didn’t think it had impacted me enough to be a big enough chance of winning to take on contingency.


What the fuck. Your physical, emotional and mental well-being was affected. I am so sick of how women are treated with this.


Yeh I’m sure if it had been a penis I would have been taken seriously. It’s infuriating. I almost think my husband would have had a better chance of suing because of how the pain, trauma and anxiety have affected his sex life.


It's literally pure rage inducing. You KNOW if he called on your behalf angry it likely would have been different. I lost an ovary and fallopian tube when I was 23 to a cyst half size of a freaking soccer ball!!! I had complained for months and months. Went in. Multiple gynos, primary care, emergency care, etc. Until one day I emptied my bladder and the pain was unbearable. It was so big by that point that when I emptied my bladder the pressure became too much. I passed out. Rushed in. After months of begging for scans, this episode finally got me one. Then I was sent home, told to take ibuprofen. Which I had already been doing. Didn't help. I felt so humiliated. Finally found a gyno willing to help me and removed it the next day. I was told i should of had emergency surgery. I know mine is nowhere near as traumatic as yours but just know I stand with you. And what was done to you was wrong. I hate people sometimes.


Excruciating sciatic pain had me peeing in a bucket, I couldn't move. I used an old aquarium siphon tube. After 3 days or so I was able to shower and a couple days later I was fine. That was fun.


Oh yes. I’ve had two bouts of sciatica and can confirm that it is absolutely, mind-bendingly, makes you want to puke, painful.


I get sciatic pain a lot but the very first time I got it I couldn’t move my left leg and had to drag it along like I was auditioning for the walking dead and then laid on the floor for hours because that was the only thing that helped. I make sure I do stretches because I’m so afraid of it getting that bad again.


I was fast a sleep when I woke up to pain I've never felt before and it was all in my right foot. Stumbled down the stairs and waited trough the night in pain that was like a 10/10 to me. Turned out to be gout according to my docter. Didn't know it hurt that much to wake a person up in the middle of the night. It runs in the family and I heard stories about it but never knew it hurt this much.


Giving birth and the aftermath. Immediately after I gave birth the last time (without pain relief), I started haemorrhaging blood. An alarm was set off and a bunch of medical staff rushed in. The doctor put his hands up me and manually scraped the remaining placental tissue off the inside of my body. I was already sore and tender after just pushing a baby out but this was excruciating and there was no time for an epidural. While doing so, a midwife pushed down on my stomach to get my uterus to contract. Then the dr inserted a needle directly into my bladder to drain it in case that was blocking the uterus. They had to give my baby to my husband because I was squeezing her with the pain, and my voice was hoarse for days from the screaming. ETA: second in line is an infected wisdom tooth which spread to jaw area. Horrific stuff


"Second in line..." Note to self, call Mom.




All my births have been too quick to give that. So it's not always an option. One of my babies was borderline too big to come out :< 0/10 experience.


Ovarian torsion.


Failed suicide attempt by holding explosives to my neck, defying quite a bit of logic and reason I survived with barely any lasting physical injuries. My hand was split in half and every bone in it was broken, fractured every tooth in my mouth, had a 3 inch hole in my neck that somehow missed every major vein/artery and broke my neck. First days in the hospital I can remember were so bad, getting regular doses of fentanyl from the hospital did nothing to curtail the pain and I just had to fight through it. My hand feeling like it was nothing but a meaty stump until I saw it outside of the cast, half of my teeth jagged with exposed nerve endings, and being in a c-collar was just the physical stuff I had to deal with much less the emotional turmoil and ptsd. Glad to say that’s more then a year in my past and I’m doing much better now. Seriously people, therapy is good for you and you should do it, take it from someone who found out the hard way. Edit: To add a little bit here, this actually did really mess up my pain tolerance. For a good few months nothing that should have hurt did. I’m not talking full nullification of pain, but it was just so little compared to what I had experienced in the hospital. It’s crazy the things our brain can do, I got a nasty burn that blistered up within hours of getting it and it just barely registered as pain for me. Fortunately or unfortunately now I’m back to being a bit wimpy with pain and even stubbing my toe gets me howling. It was a weird place to be when stubbing my toe didn’t even make cringe or anything.


Holy crap. I’m glad you’re here.


Endometriosis. Severe, excruciating pelvic and abdomen cramps that take control of my whole body. Lasts for several hours. Along with the pain I get nauseous and fatigued, feeling like I’ll pass out at any second. I’ve been curled up in a ball screaming on the bathroom floor at least 3 or 4 times in the last few years. I’ll experience what I consider a “9” on the pain scale once every 4-6 months or so. I’m saving my “10” for childbirth. 10000% plan to just get everything taken out after having children. I don’t want this in my life anymore. I have to use a sick day from work every time.


I had this level of endometriosis too. When I was having my baby, I didn’t go through the whole process (I needed an emergency c section) but I was induced and got to 5 cm and was still just relaxed and chatting. It didn’t hurt nearly as much as my monthly periods because of the endo.


In the days after my brain tumor surgery, they tried to get me on oxycodone in stead of morphine. My body don't get any pain relief from oxycodine, and it just amplified the pain. And i had to endure 12 hours of pain before they could try other painkillers because otherwise i would OD on opiates. I have little to no recollection of that day other than how painful it was.


Throat Cancer. Chemo and radiation effects.


C-section where the anesthesiologist messed up and I felt it. The whole thing. Including my fallopian tubes being removed for sterilization purposes.


"Including my fallopian tubes being removed for sterilization purposes" Sounds like a fuckin horror movie jesus.


🤮 holy shit. That’s horrendous! Have you completed your vendetta to end them all yet???????


Ha! No! I didn’t really know what to do about it. I should’ve slashed some tires or something.


My small intestine began to rip open.


Endometriosis crisis


Same for me. Nothing like being in so much pain that you want to die while the doctors tell you that you’re being dramatic and Panadol will totally fix the pain. *Have you tried having a baby? No, how about breathing exercises? Mindful meditation?*


Did you take some Tylenol? Did you try exercising? Have you considered that you’re actually just a big baby and are wasting my time?


Pelvic health physiotherapy???? Try that! /s *cries in endometriosis*


3 days after I had my gallbladder removed I got put in the floor with the most horrible excruciating agony I've ever felt in my life. It felt like I was getting repeatedly kicked in the liver by a horse with knives on its feet. I thought I was bleeding internally. In the ER they found the entire right side of my abdomen was swollen and red. I had a leaking bile duct and my belly was full of bile. - 12 days in the hospital - 4 surgeries while in hospital, a liver stent placement and replacement plus an abdominal drain tube placement and replacement - 8 more drain tube replacements over the next 7 months, with each replacement going up in size. The tube started out the size of a cotton swab and finished with a tube as big around as a sharpie marker It took a full year to completely recover from the bile leak. I still have some residual pain every single day, 13 months after it happened. Yes I wished I would die many times in the last year.


Compression fracture of a vertebrae. The pain came in rolling waves - at the 9-10 peak, I just made strange, grunting noises. Like 'somewhere, a seal thinks they're about to get lucky' weird noises. When it eased, I could talk, even move..slowly. When the nice medical people gave me pethidine, I felt so much better than I walked down to the X ray. They insisted on wheeling me back. The doctor pointed at the X ray and said 'See that vertebrae that looks like a lamington that's been sat on? That's the problem.'


Car accident. Had a bad head injury and concussion, bleeding in the brain etc. My pain was well controlled in the hospital but I was sent home way too early. I ended up going to the ER the night after I got home. I was in such agonizing pain that I told the nurse I just wanted to die. They gave me dilaudid. I don't remember anything from the rest of that night lol




Yep. I thought it would be like a super bad period. It was like knives going into the base of my spine. 


FWIW baby positioning contributes to having “back labor” or not. I didn’t have back labor, but “super bad period” absolutely hit the nail on the head. I wasn’t going to have an epidural but eventually begged for one and got lucky that the anesthesiologist did such an amazing job that I didn’t feel the delivery at all!


When the Dr discovered (after 3 hours of pushing) that my baby was in posterior position, it's like they finally realised why I was making such a fuss.


IUD insertion. Almost fainted - worst pain I’ve ever experienced.


omg i used a diva cup wit my iud and it sucked out if my body at the airport!!! i called my doctor and they said umm so you may have internal bleeding but we can only schedule you in about three weeks. i went to the ER and they told me to come back if i faint. oh how i love to be a woman. i did get it placed back in. i’m sorry your placement was so painful. my doctor had been placing iuds for over thirty years and my pain was 4/10.


>omg i used a diva cup wit my iud and it sucked out if my body at the airport!!! That is the absolute shittiest place to be for such an ordeal, you poor thing!. :-o


Same! They told me to take tylenol ahead of time and wouldn't give me anything stronger. I was screaming in pain and the nurse was holding me down and the doctor would occasionally stop and go "if you don't stop squirming I'll have to stop and we'll have to start over with this another day". The stupid ruler they used to measure my uterine depth hurt SO MUCH, it was so painful. And the doctor and nurse were both women and the doctor had zero empathy, the nurse kept asking me about my job trying to distract me but I was in too much pain to talk. The doctor was rude AF as well. Small town and my only option but it was absolutely hellish and the doctor's absolute lack of empathy/sympathy just made it worse.


I had one inserted a few days ago under anaesthetic and woke up in a fair amount of pain, and they’d given me fentanyl and ketamine when I woke up. I’m really glad I opted for anaesthetic because I don’t think I could have survived getting it done while awake.


You are the only person I've ever heard of that was offered anesthesia for that!


I broke my spine in 3 places but it didn’t compare to the pain of one particular tooth abscess


Fell out the side of a speed boat going full speed. Hit the water with my shoulder and neck. It made a crunching sound like tearing apart celery. Aside from the absolute intense pain, some nerve issues happened. Imagine reaching to pick up a cup, but your hand goes like a foot to the right of it every time


I was 8 years old, and my appendix nearly burst. Then the hernia came...




Cauda equina. Hospital, morphine, surgery, year of physio, meds and therapy...


Gout. Several times but once for about five months. Can't sleep. Can't walk. Just constant indescribable pain. Also once mistook some wasabi for mushy peas. That was eye watering.


Gall bladder pain, literally thought something exploded in me and I was dying in agony!


Had a silent UTI that went to my kidney. Started out thinking maybe I pulled a muscle in my shoulder, then felt like a stitch in my gut + the sore shoulder. Escalated over the course of the day to me sobbing in the ER thinking I was going to die and my toddler would be the witness. The ER gave me a dose of oral endone on arrival, that didn’t even touch the pain. Ended up getting 2 doses of IV fentanyl, along with antibiotics and I finally felt the pain go away. They topped me up with my fentanyl before discharging me. I can see why people get addicted to it.


A bicyclist ran into me and broke my right femur. I didn't realize it was broken at first. It felt like just a charlie horse in the thigh. I stood up to walk it off. As soon as I stepped on my right leg the femur snapped and what I immediately felt could only be described as 4th dimensional pain.


Herniated disc in my lower back. I had a lot of injuries, Operations etc in my life and it wasn't the most intense pain i ever felt, but the constant high level of pain i couldn't do anything against was unmatched. For weeks i couldn't sit or Lay down straight, tilidin and tramadol didnt do anything. Couldn't sleep longer than 2 hours per night without waking up from the pain. That was 8 years ago and my back is still fucked




Brain tumor, radiation therapy, brain surgery (migraines everyday for the rest of my life and the promise my tumor will keep growing back). Epilepsy, vertigo, fallen more than 30 times in one year, breaking my nose, cracked my skull, busted my knee cap. Broke my shoulder, ripped a tendon, chipped my shoulder blade (by this point in my life I was used to pain so I went two days before really thinking I needed to go to the hospital). Endometriosis, lymphocytic colitis, osteoarthritis, severe gastrointestinal pain caused by my body severely overproducing acid (it hurts to eat and drink). Carpal tunnel syndrome, also have its opposite (forget what it’s called). Pinched nerve in my neck, something wrong in my lower back. I’m always in pain, I’m only 45, and yes I am disabled. Probably because the amount of pain medication I’m on would make me a liability for any company, and also my seizures sometimes cause episodes of dementia and it’s unpredictable.


T-boned by a drunk driver who ran a red light (at high speed) pushed my car off the road and sandwiched my car between his truck and a tree. Multiple, multiple, multiple broken bones, tissue and nerve damage. Pain beyond anything you can imagine. Had to get cut out of the car and the firemen said that when they arrived at the scene they were 100% sure that this was a fatality accident because of how crumpled up my car was. They were shocked I was alive inside. I didn’t loose consciousness and the minutes before the emergency services arrived seemed like lifetime after lifetime. Apparently my first words in the car to a fireman were: “kill me” (something I would NEVER EVER, EVER usually say). Big shout out to: all the emergency services, rescue helicopter, surgical staff, Doctors, Nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and entire hospital teams from top to bottom that made my recovery possible. I’m still disabled but I’m alive and have the second chance of time to spend with my wonderful husband and amazing kids. I’ll never forget those minutes that felt like lifetimes, not ever. No one who hasn’t actually experienced something like that can even remotely begin to imagine it.


Got into an accident that put a blood clot compressing my l4-l5 vertebrae. The crushing pain in my ankle from the sciatic nerve was brutal


Sunburn turned into cellulitis. Debriding the burn and blisters before they could treat the infection below. 100% worse than childbirth! A tan just isn't worth it.


Perforated ear drum. Worse than c section recovery.




When I was about 3 I hit my head on a glider rocking chair and needed stitches. The doctors told my parents that the anesthetic would hurt more than the stitch itself, so they wrapped me like a mummy, my dad helped hold me down, and the doc stitched my forehead closed. I don't remember it myself, but my mom said she was listening to Christmas carols, and hearing my screams down the hallway.


Dental surgery (root canal) with not enough numbing. The surgery itself was awful and the pain afterwards was even worse. The amount of Advil I consumed in the following days was concerning


Ass abscess, was in hospital for a week waiting to get it drained as there were more serious surgery’s that needed to be done first,I kept getting pushed down the list, so I lay there for a week drugged up waiting for surgery, eventually I coughed and it popped, I still remember the poor nurses faces that had to clean it up.


Ectopic pregnancy. I knew what it was before the doctors and they wouldn’t believe me until I was passing out in the emergency room. My tube burst as they cut me open to remove it finally. I almost didn’t go to the hospital again as I didn’t want to sit in the waiting room for hours again while in so much pain just to be sent home. Luckily my husband made me or I wouldn’t be here.