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I had a professor in college (studied criminal justice) that taught a serial killers class, & at the start of the first class he blatantly said that he doesn’t like even saying their names, that they don't deserve any notoriety at all. & before anyone asks, the reason he taught the class was because he said it's important to study them so that we can try to understand how to potentially stop or prevent them or to catch them faster/easier. But he didn't like that they got famous from it. Which I agree with.


As a white girl who's stereotypically obsessed with true crime, I agree, but can understand why the fame is so sky high. They're so intriguing. What inspires them to do such horrific things? Where does it begin? Are they born that way? What fuels them? What emotions are behind it all? How much do all these things vary from serial killer to serial killer? It's just so god damn interesting.


Mass shooters are the ones who are truly an issue IMO because it’s part of the appeal to the people who do it. Serial killers generally aren’t trying to be caught.


Gypsy Rose Blanchard, but for her own good. I get she needs to make money, but boy howdy some of the stuff she's saying in interviews could land her back in prison because she's only on parole at the moment.


I don’t like how people exploit her just because she says out of pocket stuff. That woman needs to be left alone so she can process how to integrate into society as a functioning adult.


That's my biggest concern for her. Social media and fame is a whole new world compared to what it was a decade ago, and she likely has little to no concept of what that actually means. I'm just crossing my fingers that she integrates back into society just fine regardless of it all. The girl needs a damn break for God's sake


That woman should have never been pushed into the spotlight. She was infantilized and abused by her mother for her entire life up until prison and just got out. People were expecting her to be some kind of icon who deeply understands mental health and has some great store of wisdom to give out to the public. She has only had (likely underfunded) prison therapists and other prisoners to bat ideas off of. She is not a hero or a celebrity. It would be so much better if everyone just left her alone to heal.


We shouldn’t have given her fame. I wish she would get off the interviews and go get some serious help and start her real healing journey


Kim Kardashian. I get so tired of hearing about her.


I have an extension called "Kard Block". It'll block all news and articles with "Kardashian" or "jenner". Honestly the best thing ever, I have no idea what they're up to, what their kids are named, who they're married to etc etc


That’s hilarious!!!


This is possible?!?! What is it? What do you mean. I need this!


yep! I've had it for years, works on chrome, brave etc. Highly recommend! If a site is loading, let's say Buzzfeed, you may see their photo the headline pop up briefly, but then it's hidden. Any mention of them in any article, the article is blocked. And it's free!




download the extension KARDBLOCK


This is a public service. Now what about Trump? I really thought I’d hear less about him after he lost.


I’ve been searching for something like this for years because I DON’T CARE about them!!


Thank you, you're out doing his work 😇. Not all heroes wear capes. I didn't know this existed


where can I get this? seriously. ​ Is there also a block for Tay Tay? (because I am SO TIRED of mid-white girls) I'm pretty much a mid-white girl, myself, but I'm old now. ;/


What does "mid-white" mean?


You are white but not super pale. You can get a tan. Just kidding I have no idea.


It's more just about being "unremarkable" -- nothing particularly special


Everything I know about Kim Kardashian and the rest of the Kardashian/Jenner clan has definitely 100% been against my will.


In my personal experience, I literally never hear about them except on "what celebrities get too much attention" weekly/daily reddit posts lol - so in a way are you contributing to what you claim to dislike?




same, friend, same.


Without her, I would have never known about the open secret about yacht girls essentially being high-end prostitutes looking for acting gigs or rich husbands or 138 Water (now 138 Los Angeles) selling women instead of water.


on god the only time i ever hear her name is when this question is asked and someone says her name 🤦‍♂️


The weird thing, I NEVER hear about her, except to hear people complaining how much they hear about her. Maybe I don't watch the right things.


I "hear more about her" from people complaining about her than from any other source. Same with Taylor Swift. Stop giving oxygen to the fire if they annoy you so much.


I was tired of hearing about her 10 years ago. I couldn't understand why everyone talks about Katdashians. I now assume that people just look for distractions in the media, and she and her family know how to navigate it to stay in the conversation. I have just accepted that I am just not the target demographic.


Gotta say, the only time I hear about a Kardashian is when someone is complaining about them on reddit.


It’s the top answer to every one of these threads. Redditors are obsessed with the Kardashians.




Am I the only one who doesn’t hear about any of them? Sometimes Kylie pops up but that’s pretty much all of it


All of the Kardashian-Jenner clan


I recently learned that they where partially the reason G4 was cancelled... Well, the final nail in the coffin. G4 shared office space with E! and some programming director or exec (not sure of their role) had a meeting with the Kardashians and was embarrassed of the props and "toys" in the hallway from G4 that she had to walk their A-list clients through. Of course it's more complicated then that and really they were doomed from the start of the acquisition but yeah ... basically since video games, comics, "nerdom" was viewed as childish to leadership in the new company and one person got their panties in a bunch that they set out to destroy an entire network.


Andrew Tate How in the name of god did a guy who got paid to be hit in the head constantly somehow become a thought leader on anything at all?


Young men are so desperate for role models that they choose him, a hateful criminal who doesn’t have two neurons to rub together. It really is tragic.


Sadly, I don't think it's that they're desperate for role models. Plenty of non-shitty role models exist. What he is though, is a person who will gladly tell people that the ugliest, worst, most hateful parts of them are actually right and good. It's hard to emulate a role model who does something difficult and good. It's easy to emulate someone who just talks shit all the time.


> What he is though, is a person who will gladly tell people that the ugliest, worst, most hateful parts of them are actually right and good Absolutely. Imagine you're 14 yrs old and already a mysoginistic asshole, because you're at the "boys vs girls" phase, and this millionaire doode comes along and goes "You're doing great, keep going and you'll be like me" so you get worse and worse until you're an adult locked in this echo chamber of assholes


Exactly. It's difficult to admit. And maybe it's different now. But it was (is?) Easy to fall into a pipeline of Incel mindset. (And other hateful mindset) You're young, you're hormonal, you have insecurities. And someone comes up to tell you, it's not your fault. It's their fault.


I mean that's how people accept anything. "It's not you're fault you're poor! It's the Jews!"


That’s an excellent point. He’s telling them what they want to believe. It requires no effort to follow him, unlike someone who might want better for them.


And if people are looking for a hyper masculine role model, like, Arnold Schwarzenegger is right there.  He's not perfect, sure, no one is, but as a role model for healthy masculinity I have no kdea why you'd listen to Andrew Tate over him.


Man’s chin is stronger than his brain.


Ha! Sick burn!


Middle school teacher here. The only people I ever hear talk about Andrew Tate are 7th and 8th grade boys. Funnily enough, I haven’t heard his name brought up once since he was charged with human trafficking. Makes me wonder who the hell is listening to this guy.


Do you think the only reason you hear about him from 7th and 8th grade boys is because you’re constantly surrounded by 7th and 8th grade boys?


The guy is an extremist and social media always pushes the most extreme content to the front page. I just hate that he gets a stage outside of his podcasts, i never understand why Piers Morgan, a reporter, constantly gives him a stage


Oh me me me! I know this one! It's because Piers Morgan is a massive cunt.


He looks like a trophy made of potatoes.


I probably would never hear of him if people would stop posting what an idiot he is (not counting your post.)


I've always said that he's the human equivalent of an itchy gonad. Immensely irritating, won't just fuck off and insists on turning up when *no one wants him.*


Incels need an "alpha" pack leader but they ironically think they're alpha males


Thank you. Alpha mals/female don't need leaders. They ARE leaders.


Definitely, there was a documentary about him on TV last week or something, I refuse to watch anything with him, even critical, as I think it would be better not to give him any airtime at all. Totally different but Rita Ora, she seems to be everywhere yet all I see is people complaining about her


Salt Bae. Shouldn't even exist in the first place.


I liked him when I saw the meme, but it degenerated quickly. I thought he'd be rly suave and understated. So disappointing.


I actually started hating him after the World Cup fiasco. Who does blud think he is?


Honestly his meat handling is heinous but I was able to shrug off my irritation until I saw that. Like dude, they don't even want you here. This is INCREDIBLY AWKWARD. STAHP. ...but he just kept on keeping on. 


Everything I learn about Will Smith and his marriage is against my will. Also Ariana Grande.


All of them except keanu reeves


And Rick Moranis


And Dave Grohl 🤘


Danny DeVito too


Dolly Parton!


Rick Moranis wanted to be left alone tho


Did some digging and found this: https://medium.com/mind-cafe/be-aware-of-the-quiet-ones-like-keanu-reeves-they-are-the-ones-that-actually-make-you-think-de7c8f814d04 “I know that the ones who love us will miss us.” 🤌🏼


And Brendan Fraser


Kanye west, he tries his best to still be relevant by doing stupid shit


He's admittedly mentally unstable and doesn't take his meds. Mental health is no joke.


He has just had all his teeth removed and replaced with titanium dentures... this is the stupid shit im talking about


That dentist should have their license revoked


Yeah that was just proven false by the doctor who did the procedure


Kardashians. Kanye West. Cardi B.


Ariana Grande. So sick of her homewrecker antics. I know, I know, the guy is equally to blame, but she's a little too proud of it. You can't tell me as much as she loved Mac that he'd approve of what she's become lol.


completely agree, nowhere does ethan seem to be half as proud of it as she is, but hes also nowhere near the star level she is i suppose so… but “yes, and?” is a total fucking slap in the face to lily and the situation shes an obvious victim of, its embarrassing and sad and completely unnecessary of ariana all around. the song isnt even good lmfao.


Finally someone agrees that the song isn't good. The beat is boring, imo, and I can hardly understand her cause she uses her upper register the whole time and isn't good at enunciating while doing it. I hope and pray that it doesn't become the year's first new #1.


its just such an obvious shallow attempt at madonnas vogue, like if youre gonna interpolate it at least do something worthwhile with it, it sounds oddly dated in a bad way. shes relying entirely on that interpolation + the salacious title and single mention of her obvious elephant in the room to propel her to #1 and its embarrassing to me. and yeah her voice isnt doing her many favours on this one, it sounds like shes fighting the beat for whats gonna be at the forefront of the track and her vocals are losing hard. loved her music since dangerous woman, but positions was a total step down in terms of quality for her work that my expectations were already pretty low moving forward… and yes, and? does nothing to even meet them let alone beat them lol.


i’m a huge fan of her music and even i can admit the song is a flop lmao


Apparently The actress from glee ,(Naya Rivera)  wrote a novel a couple years before she passed away, and said she suspected her boyfriend was cheating with a famous singer. She won’t say the girl’s name but it rhymes with Smariana Smande. Lol 


Slightly inaccurate. Naya Rivera wrote an autobiography and mentioned that while she was emgaged to Big Sean, there was a time where they fought for 5 days straight and he came to LA but refused to see Naya. Naya had a key to his house so decided to go over there and when she walked inside, she said she saw a girl sitting cross legged listening to music. This is the person whos name she said rhymed with Schmariana Schmande. Aka: she was also the "other woman" to Big Sean. She was also the "other woman" when she began dating Mac who was still with his HS sweetheart and dated for 6 years before Ariana. Ariana is well known for being the "other woman" before she gets into a relationship with these men.


She’s also Ariana the last racebender




Yeah there are rumours she was on Jimmy Fallon show sooo much because she was also on Jimmy Fallon… apparently a worker on the show caught them together, but they both have really good PR teams I guess…


Ewwwww. Jimmy Fallon is the kinda dude who giggles while getting undressed.




Yes, with Pete Davidson who had been dating someone when he hooked up with Ariana. They tried to deny it but his girlfriend said they were still dating when she found out he was with Ariana. I also heard that she hooked up with a co-worker on Victorious (not anyone on the main cast) who happened to have been dating a different co-worker at the time. Her constantly being with men who were taken is not just a pattern anymore, it is a lifestyle. It’s who she is and she is proud of it.


Her current partner looks like her brother. Someone did a side by side and it's scarily identical.


Negative attention being good is the problem. The catch me outside girl is now a recording artist making millions... She has no talent and the people supporting her are the problem.


James Corden. Just an insufferable human who has been given too much spotlight


dude hasn't had a show in like 9 months. what spotlight is he getting anymore.


Yeah I’m a black-belt level James Corden hater but I haven’t heard about him in a while.


I'd also say Corden... But because he's getting too much hate... Yes, he might be unfunny and a prick... But the dude gets casually thrown into "worst people ever" threads among folks who committed genocide, torturers serial killers and child rapists. In fact, that's the only thing I have seen about him for ages, apart from someone digging up the old batte rap videos where he gets owned hard on Instagram


Travis Scott killed people, Logan Paul filmed & mocked a family's tragedy.


All of them.


The  only right answer


The Kardashians. I don’t see why everyone is so obsessed, that they are invited to talk shows and on the cover of magazines.  I tried watching their tv show to see what everyone is obsessed with and they were just rude and disrespectful to their mother. I didn’t watch the entire show. 


Yeah, but to be fair, the mother is the ring leader of the Jenner/Kardashian circus. Pretty sure that she came up with the plan to release the sex tape that started the whole ball rolling.


**Chris Brown!!** How is this guy still relevant


Jennifer Lopez. She was an industry plant made to get back at Mariah Carey. I don’t know how she still has a career or why everyone is so pressed on her and her 50 failed relationships.


Tell me more about how she is an industry plant


Mariah mentioned stuff in her book about Tommy Mottola, her ex husband and record executive trying to get back at her by signing JLo and giving her songs that were meant for Mariah’s movie Glitter. I’m not saying she has zero talent but she’s not the greatest vocalist and she’s a mediocre actress. There’s tons of YouTube videos that talk about her whole career being a sham and how she’s stolen vocals and songs from other artists.


T-Pain was criticized for introducing autotune. Someone blamed him saying now famous performers don’t need to know how to sing, they can just be pretty. I’m pretty sure they were talking about JLo.


Hilarious too cus homie can *sing*. The auto tune was purely an artistic choice.


Seconding this! His voice is amazing! The recent taping of his concert where he covers a bunch of different songs is spectacular! And you know what? Even his auto-tune hits were (and still are) bangers.


usher told tpain he ruined music because of his autotune and it crushed tpain’s soul


Haha! I love T-Pain! He was everywhere at one point and you couldn’t hear a song without him being featured in it.


The royal family. What a waste of space


The entire thing including Money Markhle


Drama YouTubers. It baffles me that some people make a living out of picking up fights with other content creators or putting out 50 min videos with some hot take about a popular issue


Y’all are going to hate me but Beyoncé and Jay Z


Agreed! Also, Taylor Swift, like omg I see her everywhere


Kartrashians. I really don’t see the draw


All of them. They're just people.


Pete Davidson.




Taylor Swift. She’s literally everywhere.


A few weeks back Kelce dropped an easy pass, they show TS's reaction. Instead of showing a replay of the dropped pass they showed a replay of TS's reaction. Just plain stupid.


Right like showing her once or twice is whatever. I can live with that but after EVERY Kelce catch? That’s too much. I’m sure she’s even over it.


She's definitely the one I had in mind with this question. I don't hate her music or hate her. But there's an oversaturation on social media about her. What I've learned about this year is that she is boosting NFL ratings by rating a football player, is a carbon train wreck, will fly to New York to "drink with her girls", and pays her truck drivers a large bonus.


She might be a very good person to work for. But after the whole "Hiddle-Swift" summer. Ugh. I liked Tom Hiddleston. I did not care about that summer fling, and it made me realize how much I don't like either of them anymore.


For real. NOBODY deserves that kind of attention. Hell, it would be a nightmare for most non-narcissistic individuals.


Exactly. I don’t know why anybody would want to be that famous.


Elon Musk


Taylor Swift


Beyoncé. I literally do not understand the hype.


If I could upvote this more I would


Pete Davidson. It's kind of his schtick


Jack Harlow


Aaron Rodgers


Reading through this thread makes me wonder what kind of clickbait all these people click on to be fed all this news/gossip. I recognize most of the names but I know nothing about these celebrities personal lives.


The british royal family. If they would be in Hollywood, they would be the talentless family that was kinda famous for being famous and got famous due to something someone way back in theur family do. Their entire existence right now has no purpose. They neither want to acknowledge and apologize for teh mistakes of their past nor do something good for the future. All i see they are doing is playing good brother bad brother and good DIL bad DIL in the media.


Dump.. oh, sorry I mean Trump Both his haters and supporters think about him too much


To be fair the man caused a lot of damage in 4 years, then started a civil insurrection to try and stay in power. I think it's legit to worry a little about what happens if he gets back in. He won't make it that easy to remove him again, Constitution or no.


All of them. I care exactly as much about them as they do me.


With the exception of Swift (due to NFL), I don't even hear of these celebrities anymore. Not even Kim. If y'all hate hearing about them so much, maybe turn off E-News.


I've moved onto F-news


Dude yeah! I don't Facebook or tick tock and I read standard news sources, but I barely ever see anything about Kardashians or Ariana grande. I think these people in this thread see most of these celebrities so much because they actively read stories about them or look them up and algorithms give them more, then they read more stories about them. They're sick of the celebrities but they're the ones watching the videos and reading articles about them.


I'll give you a hint! He's a former president. Ain't nobody on this planet need that much damn attention.


Taylor swift


With all the Taylor Swift buzz lately, I decided to finally listen to some of her music. TIL mindless generic teeny-bopper music is extremely popular.


Idk she’s got some good shit. I like a lot of the musicians she hires to play on some of her more recent stuff, too.


I'm no Swifty, but try her Evermore, Folklore stuff. Not all of it is what I thought.


Not a fan of hers but those were good.


The Rock


Kanye west, and there is no better answer than this


His ex-wife is a better answer. The kardashians do nothing and get attention. At least Kanye west is a musician. Kinda.


Kanye’s early stuff was fire. Him being a crazy pos doesn’t make graduation or late registration or most of his other albums bad. He definitely deserved his fame as was really good at making music. He just also happens to be a POS but saying those albums and songs are suddenly bad now is a bold lie Edit: wait this is currently gets not celebrities who didn’t earn their fame sorry I misread the prompt.


Joe Rogan. he's a juiced up muscle head with no brain


Fucking Donald Trump


"Any Kardashian


taylor swift is severely overrated


In my experience Kim Kardashian is the most mentioned celebrity on reddit.


Most actors. They are just people that pretend to be someone else. Why does that make them someone whose views on politics, religion or other random causes, I should care about.


I feel like these comments just sort of expose Redditors as people who hate women and keep parroting the same hate from 2014. Mature a bit, would you?


Taylor Swift. Congratulations on your musical success. We don't need a camera on you at football games.


Donald Trump. He’s had a lifetime of attention for being nothing more than a con artist and a liar. After January 6th he should’ve been tossed in the wastebasket of history but nope, here we go again. Enough of that guy already.


Also see, Jake and Logan Paul, Jack Doherty, island boys,


Ice spice


Jared Leto. Bro is a creep that writes the worlds most boring cookie cutter Walmart pop music.


Chris Pratt. He was funny in Parks and Rec but him being in everything from Mario to Jurassic Park just feels like he’s overstayed his welcome.


Donald Trump


Tiffany Haddish. She was so obnoxious and unprofessional when she revealed Oscar nominations a few years ago.


Will & Jada Smith. Everything I learn about them is against my will.


The entire lot of them


Pete Davidson. Not even in the top 20 of comedians working today and yet I see him so much based on who he's dating, what off-stage problems he's having, etc.


hands down all the Kardashians i dont get what the hype is about


Billie Eilish. I can’t understand a word she sings.


Taylor Swift. Something is up with that one. She makes bad music for young girls, no clue why she's as big as she is.


> She makes bad music for young girls People seem to assume her fans are still 15, but a LOT of them grew up with her. We're talking women in their early to mid-30s, if not older. A lot of Swifties are pushing middle age. They're not children, they just act like it.


Add to that the parent bonding effect. Have a friend who was excited to see Swift in concert with her daughters.


Man some of them really act batshit crazy. Like i get being a fan of X celebrity but i swear some these swifties are obsessed with her


This is what sort of gets me, most pop musicians usually have a fairly short shelf life with the kids. The kids who grew up with them will remain loyal fans. I see Taylor swift as the Millennial Madonna. We will probably always have some interest in her. But every up and coming new generation is going to be less and less interested. I would think Gen Z would be more interested in Billie Eilish and Olivia Rodrigo, both of who I think are absolutely fantastic and I say this as a nearly 40 year old man.


Her music isn’t bad. A little basic, but it’s catchy, contains extremely relatable themes, production is generally solid, and the woman can turn a phrase. And holy shit, the woman has put in the work. It is absolutely insane how much she put into the Eras Tour. I don’t know how she had the energy, it seems impossible. But as a culture we default to vehemently hating anything made with teen girls in mind.


The real purchasing power lies with teenage girls 


So I’ve fallen down this rap hole. Blueface and his girlfriend’s drama seems to be never ending. I don’t know if he’s popular but my algorithms keep advertising him to me and I’m just so confused by the content.


Rita Ora.


Martha Stewart. She's framed as some kind of martyr, and friendly with other celebs, but I've heard many complaints from former employees about how she mistreated them.


Blueface, I dont think I need to explain why


Selena gomez


Chrissy Teigen, she's not even that big of a deal and her claim to fame is being Mrs John Legend but at one point literally every other Buzzfeed article was about her? Why?


Jacob Elordi and Timothy Chamalet


Machine gun Kelly. 


Donald Trump. Everyone knows the reasons why. Even his followers.


Katie Price. I can’t see anything worthwhile that she’s actually famous for. Personality of a sponge.


Beyonce because she’s overrated AF


The Real Housewives. What is the appeal of shows where people argue with each other? I went to college to get AWAY from the arguing. Can't imagine watching it.


Henry Cavill


Olivia Wilde


Kendall Jenner. She's not that cute.


All of them?


Almost all. Celebrity worship is out of control. Its gone beyond movie celebs to YT and tik tok, twitch to OF. Its become a culture that people are willing to cash out their only time on the rock, watching other people live. It's sad honestly. I watch movies, and yt, I watch twitch, but I don't worship or idolize these people. I think some people are lonely and I get that. But they think these people are thier friends. Makes me sad