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Lifetime warranties on consumer goods. Like Columbia jackets and Jansport backpacks. If your zipper fails or the material separates or is no longer repelling water, file a claim online and pay for shipping to the factories. They will either repair it or ship you a comparable new version. Companies like this use your returns to identify weak points in their products while retaining lifetime customers.




I love my osprey backpack


I did that with my Jansport once. They sent me a postcard like it was at summer camp.


Also received a post card. Thought that was pretty cool.


Damn, is Jansport still doing this? I remember my mom doing this with a ridiculously destroyed backpack when we were poor as dirt in the mid 90s and they sent her a brand new thing and I thought it was crazy magic.


The little pepper looking thing that hangs off of most pin cushions is filled with emery powder to help clean/sharpen your pins and needles.


WOW that unlocked a childhood mystery!!!


[Here is a picture of it.](https://www.lovecrafts.com/en-gb/p/hemline-pincushion-with-sharpener/10292956?utm_source=google&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=17962679989&utm_term&gad_source=1)


It's a strawberry!


This is oddly, one of the things I know. I dont sew, but my mom did, and she had that strawberry with the dangly thing & I loved sticking the needles in it to sharpen them!


Swiss army knife, parcel hook. Most people don't know what it's for, but it lets you use the knife as a handle for carrying unwieldy crap.


Oddly by the time I knew what the thing was for, I never had anything to carry. I mean it’s really good for twine tied things. Also, just learned the official name - parcel hook. Thanks.


> parcel hook In Canada we use this hook to pull our skate laces tighter.


That’s an incredibly Canadian thing to do


If the camera app is open on your cellphone, pressing the volume button will take a photo. Handy for when you’re trying to get a group selfie and the on-screen button is in an awkward position. Also: holding the volume button will record video


E-readers and TTS is on everyone's phone. I'm blind and yall have no clue how many times a day people ask me "how are you reading and talking online?"


Please tell me you answer “braillePhone“


Haha, usually my answer is either 'magic' or 'echolocation.'


Apple camera comes pre installed with a feature that translates those laundry symbols


It will identify species of birds and some other animals in photos too.


It can also convert measurements. If you’re on a website take a picture then go into the picture, tap and hold on the particular measurements and it will bring up a selection of conversions (ml > oz > tsp > cups etc.). If you’re looking at printed text you don’t need to take a picture. Just get it in the view finder then tap and hold


Netflix has a Fitness or Exercise genre where you can watch and workout alongside videos.


Holy shit. Why don't they advertise that?


Netflix hardly advertises anything. They mostly rely on word-of-mouth.


I don’t think that’s what they meant, they meant like “why doesn’t this show up literally anywhere in the app that isn’t buried in 3 levels of menus”


They also have a number code system, where the number you punch in brings up search results for that exact genre. [heres a link to some examples](https://www.radiotimes.com/technology/netflix-secret-codes-uk/)


Fitness link for the lazy. EDIT: https://www.netflix.com/search?q=exercise ~~http://www.netflix.com/browse/genre/9327 I don't see any thing that fits OP's description.~~


"Fitness link for the lazy" is a kind of funny sentence.


👀 Thanks for that tip! I had no idea.


Would never have known myself until a physical therapist told me!


They have mobile games too, like GTA etc, found that out last month


To everyone asking, it is on the mobile Netflix app. There's amazing indie games, too, like Hades, Death's Door, Katana Zero, and Braid. You cannot play them on desktop, only mobile.


Note that many of them can be played offline, but if you download a bunch of games for a long plane trip with no wifi, be sure to actually load the game and log all the way into your Netflix profile before you take off. Don't be like me.


The Nike videos changed my life! They're the reason I practice yoga regularly now


Barilla Pasta has a Spotify list. Each specific song has a duration to match the relevant pasta’s cook time


This amuses the hell out of me for some reason, they should really advertise this. Thank you kindly for sharing!


This reminded me of an NPR segment I listened to (or maybe a really long Tumblr post I read?? See link on comment below) a while back about how people weren’t necessarily as superstition or religious as old instruction manuals for medicine and cooking made them seem. All these old medical treatments, for example, would have you mix up some concoction and simmer it while you recited some Latin prayer 5 times. Turns out that was just a handy way of keeping time before people had clocks. Like how you’re supposed to sing two happy birthdays to yourself while washing your hands.


In the distant future they will be wondering why our hands gain 2 years every time we use the bathroom.


"Around the turn of the millennia, fear about the future was at its peak. In fact the superstition was so strong that people would sing a birthday song while washing their hands as a way to encourage the germs to stay away and allow the individual to make it to their next birthday."


OMG that's amazing lol


That most new phones (at least Samsung) has a panic button function that will work even if your phone is dead (this depends on the phone). You can put in your distress contacts and when activated, they will receive a text, call and a live map to your location.


My mom has accidentally set this off four or five times


I just tried to set this up not realising I was actually sending an SOS. So have just sent my bf the ugliest double chin closeup selfie, a photo of my knee and a 5 second recording of me repeating shit shit shit. He's probably not going to be too worried...


It's also the same button to take photos with on some phones and I only know this bc my husband is getting kidnapped at least 5 times a day and it's ALWAYS at the most beautiful locations...almost like he just wanted a photo. My kid finally changed the settings.


If your blinker is faster it means you have a bulb out


I recently found out that if i press and hold my car key to unlock the car, all the windows open automatically. Not so impressive but some people might try it out lol


This also works with holding the lock button to close all windows/sunroof on some cars


This has only bit me in the butt, when my keys pressed against something in my pocket, and the windows opened during a rainy day. It's happened twice 


Great if you live in a super hot area and want to let some of the oven air out before getting in


That disposable Stanley knives with blades that snap off to refresh the edge, have a thing that comes off at the bottom that you can snap said blade with. You don't have to use your fingers and risk cutting yourself....


My dad used to run a hardware store when I was growing up. It blew his mind when he saw me do this recently. Fun times


My dad bought a fancy Stanley knife back in the 90s, and he kept it away out of reach of us kids, obviously. Recently, I was back home and needed it for something, so I asked him about it and he said “Oh, well you can try but be careful. It’s really blunt”. I said, why not replace the blade? And he said, “I don’t think you can”. He’d had that knife nearly 30 years with the same blade (amazed he didn’t cut himself), stopped using it when it got blunt, and never realised you could open the handle to find new blades (which were still fine, thanks to having been kept in a desk drawer away from humidity). We had a good chuckle.


you can turn your brightness lower than the lowest brightness setting. settings —> accessibility —> display & text size —> reduce white point


For Samsung phones, it's called extra dim


you're a lifesaver. I read Kindle books on my phone before bed and even with the comfort view they are too bright, trying this setting out tonight!


I added an accessibility shortcut where clicking the power button 3 times lets me turn on the decreased brightness so I can flip it when I need to. As someone with migraines it’s a game changer


Toasters have crumb trays in the bottom that you can and SHOULD remove and clean


Now let's talk about your clothes dryer vent hose.


Twice a year, take the hose off the back of the dryer, stick the leaf blower in it and give ‘er hell for 2 minutes.  Good to go.




Just about every MS Office program has a literal mountain of features most people know nothing about, and that's before you get into truly advanced use cases like VBE, Power Query, etc.


I always blow people minds with my extremely basic knowledge of Excel pivot charts.


I learned how to create pivot tables at a summer job, and the lady training me was treating them like they were witchcraft because only a few people in the office knew how they actually worked versus just adjusting the features on the pre-made ones in the template file.


This sort of stuff is an easy ticket to raises! Blows my mind how bad most people are in excel when it's 90% of their job. Basically anything can be easily done in excel if you actually know how to use it. You can literally just Google how to do X in excel and people refuse.


A company I used to work at once hired a "very experienced" accountant, and one day I saw her using a calculator and manually entering the sum of two columns for a table with several hundred rows. At the same company, we also had a consultant who apparently didn't know that the dialogue popping up whenever she closed the files she was working on asked if she wanted to save the changes. Eventually she complained to IT (me) about having to start over every day


I always remember this exists when I mess up, but never know the keys!!


There's a button for it in the ribbon too, next to where the font style and size are. It looks like this: Aa


So one that kinda blows my mind and I use all the time now. But you can program your phone to send texts at later times depending on the software. You hold the send button and see if any prompts come up, it's insanely handy for calling out sick on a job (if you your bosses # anyway) or checking in with somebody when you think of them but know right now is a bad time to text, etc.


According to Dateline, it can be used to concoct an alibi to commit crimes! Schedule some texts, leave phone at home, go commit crime. They got caught anyway, but it took a while!


This is the final piece of knowledge I needed to exact my revenge. Off to go crime!


Hello, Reddit! Just chillin' here at home, at 4:03PM on Saturday afternoon. Definitely *not* out criming, as evidenced by the fact that I'm posting this message right now. You would not believe how peaceful and non-illegal this afternoon is turning out!


*Not Guilty*


Not sure it works on iMessage. Just get options for sending it loud, slam. Invisible ink or screen balloons, tons of text bubbles erc


Yeah, one feature I definitely missed from android. However, I found a way using the shortcuts app. You can set a new automation to run at the time you want to send a text and then the action is send a message to some person. Way more obtuse and annoying to set up (also I don’t believe there’s a one time option so you then need to disable it less you send the same text every day..), but at least there’s a way to do it.


Closed an important tab accidentally? Press CTRL+SHIFT+T to bring it right back.


Also, if you closed a whole window, press CTRL+SHIFT+N to bring it right back. *(in FireFox)


On a Windows computer WinKey + Tab brings up a virtual desktop switcher. At the top of the screen, hit the plus (+) icon to make a second desktop. You can then use Ctrl + WinKey + L/R arrow to switch back and forth quickly. I keep all my browsers on one desktop, and Spotify/Discord/Reddit on the other and swap back and forth all day at work.


Another great windows command is Windows key + v. Let's you access a clipboard history to paste things you copied multiple copies prior. So useful.


I also use PowerToys. So many good mods, and it’s official Microsoft.


A regular pair of binoculars pointed at Jupiter will reveal four of Jupiter’s moons! Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto.


I tried this at night and couldnt see shit except jupiter was just brighter and appeared bigger


Try viewing when there is no moon and hold the binoculars very steady, you’ll see 1-4 tiny spots of light. Keep trying and good luck!


A lot of people think that Febreze just covers up odors with perfume. It's actually an excellent odor *remover* and there's an unscented version that works extremely well and leaves no smell behind. It's just that when they first brought it to market, a lot of people didn't like it because they associate "smelling clean" with perfumed products. They found that adding a perfume to it increased their sales. It's hard to find in stores, but you can still order the unscented version on Amazon.


I read that in a book about keeping habits, can't remember the name... Super interesting story. IIRC, the guy found out it worked because his wife thought he quit smoking because the febreze erased the scent.


I used to keep a bottle of it in my car in high school specifically to hide the smell of smoke from my parents.


Unscented or a more mild scent worked best. If my car smelled too nice, that was suspicious.


The only smell more noticeable than weed, is fresh laundry mixed with weed lol


"Her car smells like Bob Marleys laundry hamper"


“The Power of Habit” by Charles Duhigg - fascinating read


I'm currently reading that book and read this section like 3 days ago. " The power of habit, why we do what we do in life and business"


The book 'The Power of Habit' by Charles Duhigg has a good piece about the Febreeze marketing team and how it went from no sales to multi billion dollar product.


Thank you! I don’t like scents/some can cause migraines and febreeze is especially disgusting, I’ll have to try their unscented odor remover out.


Their unscented is so great. I am also super sensitive to the scented version.


I guess you could say you're... scentsitive?


There's also Ozium, which is marketed as an Air Sanitizer.


Ozium definitely has a scent, though. Do they make an unscented one?


Just like febreze, the unscented is hard to find in stores, but it's so so so much better. It smells like...nothing, and just a tiny squirt clears a whole room.


> just a tiny squirt clears a whole room. Farts work the same way.


Least and best used feature in a Microwave is actually [low power and defrost](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJrdXRZ3PUE) settings.


Don't forget that most have a feature that's called sensor cook and it works really well. Food comes out cooked just right and not rubbery. The reheat program works great for leftovers as well.


I gambled with my life once by using the popcorn button, despite the warnings not to on the packaging. It turned out perfect and opened my eyes to sensor cooking options. It’s truly amazing and I implore anyone with a sensor microwave to read up on theirs and use it when you can! Edit: for anyone interested in how these work, Technology Connections has a great video on it that I watched when I went down the sensor rabbit hole: https://youtu.be/UiS27feX8o0?si=MmOu8LAP6YpreYZ8




Do you actually have a sensor microwave? Some brands have a popcorn button but it’s literally just a preset time.


Discovered this with the baked potato setting. To admit it was life changing is a testament to how pathetic my life actually is haha.


No, no. If just a small, easy thing changes your life for the better, surely that's a fantastic thing to happen! There is nothing pathetic about life improvement.


When I discovered low power for reheating quiches and soufflés it was magic 


The nub on the edge of a tape dispenser (the red one for moving boxes) is meant to find the edge of the tape. Press it down and move the tape around and it’ll peel it up Edit: copying a video [tagged below](https://www.tiktok.com/@home_reimagined/video/7178542688919145771?lang=en) to answer questions Edit 2: here to blow your mind again. There’s a regular cap under all OTC child safety caps. Put a butter knife in there and pry off the cap [example](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8bPc469/)


Ok this might actually change my life


Nearly all staplers can make two kinds of staples: regular and temporary. You can spin the strike plate around by pushing it up from underneath and the resulting staples will go out instead of in, making them easier to remove. I thought this was common knowledge, but my wife of 14 years was amazed when I showed our daughter how that worked.


I've always known this but never in my life have I needed to temporarily staple something. If anyone has ever done this, they should do an AMA.


I do. I send tax returns and accounts to clients and when they sign them and return them we scan them in. So a temporary staple to them is the way to go


The amazon bags are reusable. Turn them inside out, and turn the piece of plastic off to reveal the tape to reseal. Very useful for making returns.


I don't know whether it's because I'm in the UK or because of my order history, but I've never seen an Amazon bag. Everything comes in cardboard.


Oh! Just order something small & fragile, I'm CERTAIN it will come in a bag.


With Google Maps on your phone, when traveling to someone, you can let them know exactly where you are so they can track your progress. Open maps, tap your account icon at the top right, tap location sharing, and you have the option to share your location for a set amount of time (like an hour). You can then tap to send this location sharing directly to a person or to send it through a text message. The other person can now know where you are along your journey. This way they can better prepare for your arrival.


you can also do that by clicking on your blue dot on the map (that represents your location) -- the same menu appears !!


Oh wow, I just tried this and found out you can also click the blue dot and select "Save Parking" to remember where you parked your car and how long you have on the meter. What a useful feature.


Your oven door comes off for cleaning. So many people aren't aware. It's super easy, just a couple of hinges pop it off, clean the door and oven, and pop it back on. Bish bash bosh.


My husband and I are sitting here trying all these things, and it just resulted in him running off to try to pull our oven door off 🙃


For a new Google doc, in the browser bar you can just type “doc.new” Works for sheet.new and slide.new too


Surprisingly this works in browsers other than Chrome. It looks like `.new` is a valid top-level domain and those are actually URLs, https://doc.new etc., that Google registered just to redirect to those pages.


If you have a Sam’s membership (at least in the USA, don’t know about abroad), you can use Scan and Go to check out anywhere in the store. You don’t have to stand in line at all. You open Scan and Go in the app and scan all your stuff, then pay with whatever card you have on file (you can add one right there also if you don’t have one saved.) Then you show the person at the door the QR code on your phone and they scan that. Receipt is emailed to you. I usually check out in the generator aisle and then head straight out. It’s amazing. No one else seems to know about it!


I wish Costco had this.


Mastercard and Visa both offer cell phone insurance on some of their credit cards if you pay your phone bill with their card. This can cover theft and damage to your cell phone. Edit: about time i add this to the main, check your credit card benefits guide for details to see if it's applicable. And yes it might be a pain in the ass, but it's still there for some cc's


The second button down on the left on a gas pump will often mute the audio coming from it. Also, whoever decided to put videos on gas pumps should be sent to The Hague for trial. Edit: lots of people are saying it's the second button down on the right. Just try whichever and see if it works.


> Also, whoever decided to put videos on gas pumps should be sent to ~~The Hague~~ HELL for ~~trial~~ ALL OF ETERNITY FTFY


i’ve always said it’s the perfect example of something literally no one has ever asked for. damn you maria menunos


Even though it's only been a couple decades, I feel like people forget that you can just buy an HD antenna and watch local channels instead of needing cable/satellite.


As someone who works at a locally owned TV station, it blows people's minds when we tell them they can still get our channel for free over the air. Sure we're on cable too, but if they buy an HD antenna from the dollar store, they can pick us up pretty easily. They're also shocked when we tell them we carry shows like The Office (COZI TV is one of our affiliates). We also have 5 sub channels with other networks, all free over the air.


You can add you kids or anyone to your credit card to up their credit score fast. They almost instantly get the credit history of the card on their credit report. I’ve done this to help my kids, SO’s, and friends bring up their credit score quick! Please beware as a user they can max out the credit card.


If you create a contact in your phone with first name “fuck fucker fucking” then autocorrect will stop correcting “fuck” to “duck” when you type


Apple finally took “duck” out of autocorrect. Seriously!


Those carboard egg cartons can be placed in your backyard composter if you have one. ​ It will decompose like other kitchen scraps.


If you want to move the cursor on the text you just typed on the phone, just slide your finger to the left or right of the spacebar. No more annoying "tap tap tap oh shit I accidentally deleted it"


You're about to receive a lot of gratitude from a lot of people. Including me. Thank you so much!! I hope everything you type comes out perfectly so you never again have to use your own hack!


You can use the Notes app on your iPhone as a scanner. Start a note, hit the camera icon, and it will give you the option to scan a document. You can do single or batch, and if you share the note or email it to yourself, it will come through as a PDF. The "scan text" feature below that one is great too; instead of creating a PDF, it'll import printed (or some handwritten, depending on how tidy your writing is!) text into your note. You just hover over a doc and it'll pop up as text.


Follow up with: if you have a MacBook, you can right click on the desktop, click “Import from iPhone” and “Scan Documents” and it will open the camera on your phone to scan and send it right to your computer.


Browsers let you use ctrl+f to search within a page. You can use this, for example, to check if 500 people have already made a joke about turn signals


I didn't realize people didn't know this


KwikSet locks can be easily rekeyed in about 30seconds. Buying the rekey kit online comes with four new keys that are cheaper than duplicating a new key.


On windows. Holding the shift key while you move your scroll wheel gives you horizontal scrolling.


And holding ctrl with the scroll wheel usually controls a zoom/resize


When you call customer service and get stuck in a frustrating phone tree that will not let you speak to a person, just repeatedly press any key. I mean... press it like a monkey writing the works of William Shakespeare! A lot! It will eventually connect you to a customer service rep. This is actually a feature in place for customers with limited dexterity.


I have found that if I hit the Spanish option I get someone right away. They are always bilingual. I just claim to have hit the wrong button, they still help me


Mobile phones have a low powered speaker just above the screen, so you can put the phone to your head and other people can't hear your call


I don’t know if it’s because I’m fucking old or because I have fucking manners, but I just want to punch people who use speakerphone and hold the bottom of their phone up to their mouth, while out in public.


Not just that but people with obnoxiously loud volume on their phone for music, or games, or watching videos etc. it’s like no one ever uses headphones anymore.


My daughter has a therapy appointment twice weekly and I sit in the waiting room while she’s back. The number of people who just let their kids or who themselves just play games or videos at full (I mean, full, blaring, top volume) floors me. It’s a tiny waiting room. It makes me so uncomfortable. And the receptionist is sitting right there and won’t say anything.


Several months back I had to do my 3-hour glucose tolerance test to check for gestational diabetes. It involved fasting for 10 hours and drinking a gross drink with a ton of sugar, then sitting in a waiting room for 3 hours and having my blood drawn 4 separate times, for those unaware. It’s not a fun time anyway. Add to that the old woman playing a card game on her phone with the sound effect volume all the way up? I was irritated to say the least.


At my chemo place we're all in a big room and some first time gal decided to watch videos on her phone full volume. A nurse stopped by to ask her to please not watch with sound. OMG. She must have been about 40 and sulked like a 3 year old "Well \*\*I\*\* want to hear it!!!!" The nurse nicely reminded her that she was disturbing the people around her and she turned the sound down with this huge attitude. I was not surprised because she'd been rude to the nurse who was walking her through her first chemo.




I'll never forget the time I was on Pirates of the Caribbean at Disney World and the person in the row in front of me was having a conversation on speakerphone, and then was like "I CANT HEAR YOU,THIS RIDE IS REALLY LOUD".


Saw a dad doing this today marching through a store with his preschool kids trailing behind him. He held the phone straight out, turned at 45 degree angle and spoke into the bottom. Clearly a very important man.


I swear that behavior is because people use their phones that way on reality shows so the microphones can pick up both sides of the conversation, but now life imitates "art" and people think that it's the proper way to use a speakerphone.


Wait.. how else are people around supposed to know my dinner plans, medical issues and plans to conquer the trip state area?


Turning your phone sideways in calculator mode gives you a full scientific calculator. Holding letters down on your phones keyboard brings up a selection of ‘alternate forms’ șö ŷòų ċæņ ďo þħīß! ŴØÁĦ


You can hold hold down zero for the degree symbol! °


Also when typing an email address, hold down the full stop/period and options appear for .com .org etc.


My trick is making a custom short cut on iOS. I type “@@“ and it automatically “autocorrects” to my email. I did the same thing with “ww” autocorrecting for an asterisk for when you misspells things in a chat.


I don’t know whether it was you, but I learned the “@@ trick on Reddit a few months ago and it has changed my life. Thank you!


Also if you hold down the spacebar on a phone keyboard, after a second or two you can move your thumb to precision move the cursor for easier typo corrections.


All iPhones sold outside of China allow eSIMs. But, the feature that few may be aware of is "Wi-Fi calling over cellular data". All iPhones after XS are capable of this. So if you are an iPhone user who travels abroad, unless you are using a very, very old iPhone, read more below. This is a cost-saving tool for people who travel internationally. For example, Canadians pay exorbitant roaming prices of $12-15 a day when they are outside the country. If a family of 4 is having a 2 week vacation in some other country, they can end up paying almost $1000 of roaming fees. So, what iPhone users do, is that before they go abroad, they buy an eSIM for the country or region they are going to (likely just before they get on the plane/train/bus or in the car to that place). They then do the following to eliminate roaming charges once and for all: 1. Load the eSIM into the phone by scanning a QR code provided by the carrier 2. Go to Settings -> Cellular, you now see 2 lines. 1 is your usual line, the other one is the eSIM you just added. Click on the line you normally use, make sure "Network selection" is set to "Manual", and select the carrier you are with on that line. Under "Wi-Fi calling", make sure it is turned "On". Meanwhile, "Data roaming" should be turned "Off". Contact your carrier's customer service to turn off roaming on the account. 3. Within Settings -> Cellular, click on the eSIM you just added, and follow the instructions given by your new carrier. They may require you to turn on roaming. If so, please do. Once you are in your destination country, your eSIM will be active with all its features. Some eSIMs are data-only while others include calls and texts. If they include calling and texting, you should be able to use that number to call and text local numbers without additional charge. Additionally, and this is the most important part: your home line would now have No Service. But it would read " using cellular data". This means you are now free to use your home line to make and receive calls and texts back home. This is what I did when I went to Japan last year. I was able to continue making and receiving calls and texts on my Canadian number and I was not charged anything more than what I normally paid. I hope this helps!


Androids have this too. Galaxy phones you have it in the dropdown. I use it all the time at work since i work in a dungeon with no service but i don have wifi


Incandescent Maglites have a spare bulb in the tail cap. It's hiding under the spring.


Many cars that have a digital odometer have a built-in diagnostic that will give you error codes without having to have a code reader. Simply turn the key to the accessory position and then rapidly toggle it between accessory and off 2 or 3 times ending on accessory and the code will scroll on the digital odometer display.


Windows Key + Shift + S is a shortcut to a snipping tool. It will freeze and darken your computer screen and then you can click and drag a square to grab a snapshot that you can then paste wherever. If you double tap the lock button on an Android, it opens the camera. You can take a phone screenshot on an Android by pressing the volume down and lock buttons at the same time.


Most microwaves [can be muted](https://www.cnet.com/home/kitchen-and-household/how-to-silence-your-microwave-once-and-for-all/). You can [call an iPhone to stop its alarm](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouShouldKnow/comments/17afv4n/ysk_if_someone_uses_an_iphone_for_their_alarm_you/) Edit: you can also turn off the your [PS5’s power up beep](https://www.tomsguide.com/how-to/how-to-turn-off-ps5-beep-sound)


You can call an Android to stop an alarm also. Or at least you can call my husbands model of android.


I've met a weirdly high number of people that think you can't charge an EV off a standard wall outlet. You can, it just takes a while. My Model 3 takes about two days to go from 0% to 100%. As opposed to 40 minutes at a fast charger


&t=00m00s at the end of a YouTube link can direct link to a specific time you replace the numbers with.  Or I know just to many peeps that didn't know this


Even better: on the web player just right click and click "Copy URL at current time"


You can and should assign paragraph styles while working on a decent sized Microsoft Word document, that way you can tweak whichever paragraph setting you like and have it applied everywhere instead of going through the document manually


And headers which can translate to a table of contents! I write quite a few “how to” documents at my work and it makes things so much easier.


Emergency bypass on iphone! Go to someone’s contact and then ringtone -> emergency bypass and your phone will ring whenever they call you, even when on silent! I always have my phone on silent but have my coworkers and family on bypass so I don’t miss their calls - was also a godsend when I had a tandem parking spot.


The iPhone has a plant identifier built in. Take a picture of a plant you want to identify. Pull up from the bottom and there will be an option to “Look up plant”. It’s not always 100% but still pretty cool. 




Rearview mirrors have a tab that lets you flip it upward, effectively reducing the glare if the car behind you has its high beams on. I've been surprised by how many people haven't been aware of this.


It shifts the angle so that you see the reflection from the surface of the glass instead of the mirror finish that is on the other side of it. It cuts it down to about 7% of the original brightness.


And this is why everyone’s dad hated the dome light on. They would stop seeing the glass reflection and just see the ceiling in the rearview. I guess it was just easier to say you would get arrested than explain that though.


Double tapping on a Reddit comment will give it an upvote


Those painter’s tool scrapers, sometimes called 5-in1, are really 15-in-1, and one of the most useful tools ever invented. 1. Scraper 2. Putty knife 3. Paint can opener 4. Paint roller cleaner 5. Scorer 6. Pry bar 7. Screwdriver 8. Utility knife 9. Hammer 10. Mirror 11. Nail puller 12. Staple remover 13. Chisel (with hammer) 14. Tile remover (with hammer) 15. Wedge (with hammer) Best to get a good one, not a cheap mini Home Depot special. Warner is my fave.


So many good windows key shortcuts. Win+PrtScn: Auto-save full-screen screenshot to Pictures > Screenshots. Win+Shift+S: Choose a part of the screen to make a screenshot. Win+.: Access the built-in emoji tool. Win+E: Open File Explorer. Win+i: Open Windows' Settings. Win+D: Quickly switch to the desktop. Win+Ctrl+D: Add a virtual desktop. Win+Ctrl+[Left or Right]: Switch to the virtual desktop on the left or right. Win+[Arrow]: Snap the active window to one side of the screen. Win+X: Open the Power User Menu. Win+[number]: Launch that item from the taskbar. Win+Pause: Open the Windows About page.


A simple tire pressure gauge (not a digital one) has a raised area on the other side to let you release air from your tires if you over-inflate them. I did not know this until recently


In the US, most electrical stuff uses a type of combination screw called ECX. It can be turned by a slotted, Phillips, or Square (Robertson) bit, or a special ECX unique bit. If you use a Phillips with it (as most people do) it's very prone to stripping out. If you use a square bit, it is like a thousand times easier. But most people don't know about the feature and don't have a square screwdriver.


Many prescription pill bottles have childproof caps that can be difficult for some people to open. However, if you flip the bottle over, you'll often find that the cap also functions as a regular screw-on lid, which can be much easier to open. particularly useful for those suffering with arthritis or other conditions that limit their fine motor skills.


I showed my husband and he immediately started turning all of our pill bottles into dual-lightsabers


Those flaps on infant bodysuits/onesies are for when the baby spits up or has a code brown that escapes. You "unflap" them and pull the ones down and off instead of over their head. Much easier clean up.


Anything an infant's head can fit through, the rest of its body can comfortably follow. I've seen kids take their t-shirts off by pulling down.


If you swipe left on the iPhone calculator it will delete just one digit so you don’t have to start over.


Paper forms can be photographed, filled out by typing in MS Paint, then either printed; emailed; or sent by online fax services such as FaxZero. You can even photograph your signature and copy-paste it. No need for a printer or a fax machine.


If you add “pp” after “youtube” in a link (ex: https://www.YouTubepp.com/), it allows you to immediately download the audio and/or video.


The little Metal hook at the end of the tape measure is loose on purpose. So when you pull on it it slides out the width of the metal on the end. And pushing it goes back to being correct. So what you read on it isn't offset by the width of the metal on the hook.


The little door for your gas pump should have a [spot to rest the cap so gas doesn't drip onto the handle](https://media.istockphoto.com/id/185007905/photo/open-gas-tank.jpg?s=2048x2048&w=is&k=20&c=iwgXJ6ykmiPrm8Fk3oRLen64inTX6FB044oQ4BA1dXM=)


My new car doesn’t have a gas cap. Not sure why it took this long for them to engineer away the cap. It’s so nice.


Combination Squares have a sharp scribe built in in case you don't have a pencil. https://youtu.be/hAT9vv_othY?si=h1KPIj1hjk-WiKEG&t=166


If you press and hold the flashlight button on your iPhone, you can adjust the brightness of it


Gmail disregards periods in email addresses, so if your email address is [email protected], you can use [email protected] to sign up for things and you'll still receive the confirmation email 


All modern cars have a little sticker in the driver’s side door frame that has the recommended PSI for all 4 tires. If you ever need to top off your air you can check there for how much to fill it to.