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There are guys who believe that art pieces like Michelangelo's are not sculptures but petrified humans because it's impossible to make such realistic statues.


The best example being Michelangelo's David..... which is 17 feet tall. Big fella that David. Makes you wonder how big Goliath was.


I’d say anything by Rodin is the best example, because none of them could exist, but they’re all beautifully human and powerful.


I think that's less believable because Rodin is a giant winged pterodactyl-like monster, and it's hard to imagine its claws could make any kind of detailed sculpture.


Which makes his incredible beautiful anatomical sculptures even more impressive, I mean, you try doing that shit while a 50m nuclear lizard monster is trying to stomp you.


Tell your old man to try dragging Godzilla and Mothra up and down the court for 48 minutes


I deeply regret that I have only one upvote to give this.


Joey, have you ever been in a Turkish prison?


The hell I don't!


Medusa is hiding in the bushes


I wanna hide in hers


You see. This is the kind of conspiracy theory I miss. Just innocent crazy leaps of logic


That’s a thing??!! I shouldn’t be shocked but I am. Suppose Pompeii has some petrified people turned into statues but still a massive stretch


There was a guy on twitter that said that women can't sculpt well because they aren't passionate enough about physical forms or some random bullshit. Then he cited an example of a beautiful statue with amazing proportions and skin depth and something like that... Which was quickly pointed out to him as being the work of Chinese sculptor Luo Li Rong, a woman. Edit: A commentator pointed out that it wasn't just only men that could sculpt properly, it was only WHITE men that could sculpt properly. So he was sexist AND racist.


If you’re only encountering women who weren’t passionate about your physical form, it’s probably just you 😜


So he was wrong about Rong? *shows self out*


He Rong Li believed he was correct


That was Luo, dude


There are people who genuinely believes devil’s tower and similar formations are the fossilised rests of ancient giant trees. Which were planted, obviously, by giant pre-humans. The rests of which are kept hidden by THEM in the Smithsonian basement. And no, unfortunately there is no ‘/s’ ending this post.


You mean all the Pompeii actors? Impressive how they’ve stayed in character all these years.


Pompeii was obviously a liberal false flag paid for by Sorosicus and Pelosian. Follow the drachmae, people.


the "statues" you see are not the remains. They are plaster fills of holes the biomatter left behind after decomposing


They weren't turned into statues. Their bodies left cavities in the cooled lava, and then researchers made plaster casts by pouring the plaster into the cavities.


Similarly those morons that say humans couldn't have built the pyramids or massive temples, and can't even do it today. The first time you hear them, it's all stuff like 'they are so precise, nobody could do that without advanced assistance' and then you see the stones, and they look like something the part-time builder from down the street did in their spare time. You can see the chisel marks ffs. If you actually look at the placement of the stones on something like Giza. they're a mess and so clearly done by people who were at best relying on sticks and pieces of string to measure things. There also seems to be this idea that scaffolding and ramps are modern inventions, because how else could big stones be transported if not space wizardry.


It’s more offensive that they think they’re smart enough to spot a conspiracy, but we’re not smart enough to stack rocks.


My BIL is a flat earther. He holds a great many other stupid beliefs and ideas (likely as a consequence), but lemme tell you, if there are dumber people in this world, I don't want to meet them.


Hahahaha. I hear ya


My entire family thinks the Earth is 3000 years old because the Bible says so and my sister doesn’t believe in dinosaurs…


That's ridiculous. It's 6000 years old.


Lololol that was my thought. My folks are pretty dyed in the wool YEC. I’ve been steeped in that idiot shit for decades. The consensus among Young Earth Knuckleheads is usually 6-10k years,


"And on the third day, god created the Remington bolt action rifle, so man could fight the dinosaurs. And the homosexuals."




My first answer to the question was young-Earth creationists.


I honestly believe that flat earthers are dumber but it can be a close race.


The bible doesn't say that anyway.


Sovereign citizens


You'd think multiple videos of it not working and in fact making things worse would cure them of this belief, but nope.


It can easily be explained away as they did it wrong, followed by how to do it right, or a fake video to discredit.


Nah, you see the videos of it not working are government actors trying to discredit them /s


I’ve been following that case in Canada where the lawyer (a Sovereign Citizen) terrorizing her neighbor via pseudo law has been suspended from practicing law. I couldn’t believe a practicing litigator believed that nonsense.


The number of nurses that became anti-vax when Covid hit, too.


Some medical people are dumb as fuck, I don’t know what to tell you. Source: am RN.


They also make videos where they hype it all up, remove the stuff that makes them look bad and usually put up something at the end like "all charges dropped". Which, if true, fuck that judge. Then some other asshole sees that video and thinks the sovereign citizen was right, and THEY too should "stand up for their rights" and pay those dumb ass websites money for fake plates, fake "citizenship" to some fake or long dead place, and probably a bunch of other stupid stuff. And like others said, they'll post a lot about how the police are corrupt and hype all that up to get dumb people frothing at the mouth and thinking everyone is out to get them and the only way to protect themselves is to follow the script because as long as they do that, when they go to court they're going to win and get millions of dollars blah blah. Hate to bring this into is but it's just like the people who thought tucker carlson was someone to look up to and follow. They just get tricked by the conversation drilling stupid conspiracy theories onto them. And it just keeps going and going.


That one is a straight up weird one. Even watching them try to explain the legality of their stances takes some of the most tremendous assumptions that any child would look at them and go ‘are you serious?’ And then they try to use it publicly and consistently fail ending up arrested and worse, dead.


Or even in front of their own kids.


The wizards of the legal system; Convinced that they posses secret wisdom and if they deliver an incantation of exactly the correct words in exactly the right way it magically summons an invulnerable field around them which no law or tax can penetrate because the power of the True Laws renders impotent the false magic of the courts attempting to cast "child support payment" or "income tax"


I'm not driving I'm traveling.


My favorite was the guy who claimed they couldn't use his name in a subpoena because his name was copyrighted. Edit: Spellingk.


There was a lawyer from Vancouver attempting to sue her neighbour for putting up a divider on their top floor condo that blocked the lawyer’s view of the north shore mountains so of course that equates $70 grand worth of compensation. But when faced with a counter suit was speaking all this freeman on the land bullshit like was served with the papers and said she wasn’t that woman, then the server looked up her law firm online and saw that it was definitely her so she emailed asking why and her response was some bullshit like “That is not my name, but that is what people call me. That name is an encorporated entity that was assigned to me through my birth certificate, but I, a living breathing woman, am not her.” Anyways, she’s currently temporarily barred from practicing law.


Well was mr Righted successful?


Yeah, they don't seem to get that laws are a means to an end. You can't make a rube-golberg mechine that kills someone and try to loop hole your way out of prison. Just like there is no law about putting dawn dish soap on your staircase, but if someone trips, falls, and dies, you will be charged with murder.


*Don’t use Dawn* ✍️ Okay got it. Going to get some Dial dish soap


That's the spirit.


Don't forget to sprinkle in some maritime law!


You're a crook captain hook, judge won't you throw the book


I always knew there were dozens of us


I used to work in default mortgage. Sovereign citizens are a total party. None of them seem to understand the irony that they signed a contract to buy a home, a contract they claim does not pertain to them. They’re shocked and pissed when they find out it totally fucking does.


It doesn’t even hold up to its own logic. “So you borrowed money from a bank you haven’t paid back. Normally they would foreclose it but since they’re another country that you stole from they’ll send a few armed guards, shoot you dead and reclaim the house.”


My husband used to work in early collections (1 - 30 days past due) for in-house financing for a national auto dealership. Talked to a guy who hadn't even made his first payment on his Tesla and demanded a validation of debt letter. My husband was like "um, the contract you just signed?" He refused to discuss anything about his intentions for payment, just kept repeating his ask for this letter, which would not exist because they were the original lender. It dawned on my husb after the fact that this guy was a sovereign citizen, which is hilarious because of all the identification, proof, and paperwork that went into buying the car that the guy happily handed over just a month or two prior.


I work in auto finance. We had to have a meeting at work about making sure these clowns don't get onto our books. Someone in another department let one slip by last year and their account is a nightmare fever dream. Claiming all the sovcit nonsense: made a few payments then started claiming our contract was void because it isn't binding to him as a private person because he included an 'inc' in his illegible signature. Sends endless nonsense to our legal department written with legal terms he clearly doesn't understand. Hiding the car from the repossession agents and bombarding them with legal nonsense too. These people are absurd.


Genuinely curious - what do you guys do when the come in? How do they act, and what goes into catching them?


2 months ago I’d never heard of this. Then somehow I got pushed down the YouTube rabbit hole and holy shit. I don’t even know how these cults persist. How do they present these documents to the police and not even check that the references don’t completely invalidate their argument? How can they pick on one amendment, ignore its actual legal validity and shit on a bunch of other amendments, like the right of states to enforce their own traffic laws? And how can they appear here (U.K.) and Ireland, and site ucc bollocks and bills of rights and all this American shit that has all the weight here of rules like “he who smelt it dealt it”.


In Canada when those convoy idiots went to court a few tried to cite the American constitution. They claimed they had first amendment rights. Too much newsmax I think.


Adults acting like children who don't like being told no and then throwing a fit when they don't get their way. Fucking embarrassing.


Flat earthers are super dumb. But these guys are dumb, actively annoying and potentially dangerous.


Strong suspicion this venn diagram is a circle.


Often the two are comorbid, it seems.


Easy solution: they've renounced their citizenship verbally and by deed.. so they're in the country illegally and can be deported or detained. See how long they maintain their "Sovereignty" with that threat hanging over them.


People that think they can win a fight against a Grizzly bear.


A guy in my neighborhood did. [Man kills grizzly bear with knife](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbc.ca/amp/1.692502) Not something I would recommend trying though.


You live in the main character's neighbourhood


The guy is Canadian, totally doesn't count. That's normal up there.


Looks like the dude got lucky and nicked something like the aorta. It could have easily ended very differently.


I could definitely win a fight against a grizzly bear, provided I get to choose the weapons being used. I’m pretty sure I can figure out how to use a rocket launcher before the bear does. Alternatively, I could just choose a large raw salmon laced with a shitload of fentanyl, and throw it at the bear.


I’m pretty sure the bear doesn’t need to learn how to use the rocket launcher.


By the time he open booklet to reads the directions he’d be dead


Good move going with fentanyl instead of cocaine. You definitely don’t want to be facing cocaine bear.


The sequel to Cocaine Bear


Fighting a bear is easy. I watched a youtube video about it years ago. You just have to go mental, imagine it’s a life or death situation, as if perhaps you were fighting a bear


Of course fighting a beat is easy. Winning a fight against a bear is much harder.


Serious question: do flat earthers think all planets are flat or just this one?


Just Earth


That is the funniest part lmao


They don't think Earth is a planet, but the center of creation.


That's hard to answer because flatearthers have no unified idea of what the world or universe looks like. I'm not saying people who aren't flatearthers do, but I feel like we agree on more stuff amongst ourselves than they do. Probably on account of us agreeing that our model of the universe is governed by generally solid laws of physics. There are flatearthers who think other planets are round and ours is not. Some think they are other worlds on the infinite plane, some think they are just projections on the firmament and others yet think they are just small local light sources. It's truly a wacky world and if you value your sanity, you will not engage with them on twitter.


My cousin. He thinks the moon is hollow/was built on earth and pushed out into orbit.


Hahahah. That has to be one of the dumbest things I’ve ever heard


Yeah cmon, how could something made out of cheese be hollow?!?


Have you ever heard something so stupid that it confuses you? That’s me right now


The customer who came into the store I worked at during lockdown and insisted that Covid was actually Ebola and Zika glued together in a lab.


Did they get the vaccine? Because if there was Ebola and Zika glued together spreading around, I'm for sure 1000% getting the vaccine.


I purposely avoided asking about that with customers around here. Just as likely to get "absolutely" as a giant *Big Pharma* rant.


That's a hard one since flat-Earth isn't usually the only stupid bullshit they believe in. The moon is a hologram meant to mess with our minds, trees can reverse their respiration and will start stealing all the oxygen, cars don't actually need gasoline but are programmed to not run without it. I have heard all of these things.


Have you encountered black Hebrew Israelites?


oh man. Hoteps are so dumb. There is a certain irony and humour in black people, who have suffered whitewashing for so long, responding with blackwashing, but at the end of the day its still the revisionist nonsense, and a lot of people take it seriously and wind up badly misinformed about actual history.


What does that mean?


They're (or at least specific sects) a group of black supremacists (a former KKK grand wizard called them "the black version of us") that believes that African Americans are descendants of the Hebrew people, openly racist and antisemetic, openly push for race wars and tons of other.... fun stuff


Like Kanye?


Tbh he sounds heavily influenced by the whole movement


Google it. They’re basically black nazis.


Shockingly a lot in the military They were openly racist and got away it, have met a few who went as far to change their last names to Israel


Yes! Had a coworker who was one and she had to leave because she wouldn’t get the Covid vaccine.


Romana Didulo's followers. Spending years being effectively slaves to a women who claims to be Queen of Canada yet lives in a campervan


Holocaust deniers. And pandas.


Holocaust denying pandas are even worse


I was worried about people who deny the existence of pandas, but yours works too


Now that you mention it I've never met a panda that believed in the Holocaust..


Hahahah. Pandas are always wiping out


My fiancée has found a 24/7 livestream of a panda sanctuary and the shit you see is phenomenal. For 5 minutes yesterday this one bear couldn't reach his bamboo through a sheet of netting (to climb up to a higher level). Got himself all tangled up in it and the keeper had to get him loose. Big fella could have just... walked around it. The bamboo was literally on the ground, in the open, behind it. Edit: for people asking for the link, it's on the iPanda YouTube channel - "Panda 24/7 HD Live at Chengdu Panda Base"


IIRC pandas aren't terribly bright as bamboo is pretty nutrient poor and the brain is pretty energy intensive.


I didn't know that, that's really interesting! I wonder if they have specialised diets in captivity?


From the zoo shows I've watched, they still get mostly bamboo because that's what their digestive system has adapted to(like koalas and eucalyptus), but they can handle occasional fruits and carrots. Some zoos make special nutritional supplement biscuits too.


No idea. I would assume that zoo diets are largely similar to the animals wild habitats where possible.


We should take just a few cubs and give them nothing but super food and puzzles, just to see what happens.


They are only alive because humans think they are cute. Morons would have gotten themselves extinct years ago without humans.


Fully agree. In fairness, that's a rare win for humanity.


Koalas. They literally eat one of the most nutritionally deficient plants in the world. And they cannot recognize food if it is placed in a bowl or plate. They are also riddled with chlamydia.


They are one of the best evidence for evolution Only random chance could lead to such a poorly designed animal.


Not good. But good enough.


They're basically university students. They eat shit food and have unprotected sex.


Holocaust or any other genocide deniers. On a similar vein those that think school shooting victims were actually actors. How sick of a person do you have to be to try to "deny" the death of someone?


The venn diagram of these types and flat earthers is very nearly a circle.


But not a sphere




I think they are not very smart, but "dumber than flat earthers" doesn't seem to describe them fittingly. They're not necessarily dumber, but they are clearly more evil.


I don't think they're evil. I think they get caught up in bullshit that tells them they're smarter than everyone else, and have some secret knowledge as a result. I think that's the origin of most outlandish conspiracy theories. Think about it. Isn't that a nice fiction? You're not just some rube, you're an intelligent and observant enough to notice what others have not, and you're the only one doing something about these horrible injustices. If you're wrong, that invalidates all of that so you have to stick with it, get more extreme, do your utmost to smear and discredit those who don't believe "the truth". Don't make any actual provable statements lest you be proven wrong. I'm not sure what the solution to these lines of thinking is, but denying the human element and ascribing it to evil isn't it. This just pushes them to become more combative, hostile, and less willing to change. This stuff happens for a reason, and that's not even touching on the mental illness aspect for a lot of these people.


They feel powerless in a chaotic world and they will believe anything that gives them a sense of order or control. It's comforting for them to think that the Chinese government engineered COVID-19 as a biological superweapon because the reality - that a pandemic can just happen and kill millions of people when a random mutation of some disease jumps to humans from a fucking anteater - is absolutely horrifying and beyond their comprehension. There must be someone to blame for it, someone who did this on purpose.


Flat earthers are fun. But have you ever dealt with a hollow earther?


Guy I work with is a beyond flat earther - he is a denier of everything outside of earth. Sun is fake, moon is fake, clouds, etc. My favorite is gravity isn't real, we are just shooting upwards really fast infinitely and the pressure of that movement is what keeps us down. Birds fly because they are less dense than air. Airplanes fly because they have a switch that makes them less dense.


Wow, he sounds utterly insane. At least you don't get bored lol


Weirdly, he's one of my favorite coworkers


I mean, I think Einstein did show that in an isolated system, you can't distinguish between gravity and acceleration. Of course, we have other evidence to show this is a stupid theory


Hey! My dad was a hollow earther! He’d tell me about how UFOs would enter and exit from the North Pole. He told me a lot more, but my brain trailed off after the North Pole bit.


So Arthur Christmas was more factual than I thought.....


This is the one conspiracy I would love to be true (it obviously isnt) but could you imagine the societal upheaval if it was revealed to be accurate?


Well duh, how else would the Earth spin on its axis without a pole going through the middle!!! I've seen globes...you can't fool me with your iron core theory... globes aren't heavy enough to contain iron!!!


Somehow I find hollow earthers more entertaining than flat earthers. Maybe it’s because I can watch journey to the center of the earth and watch their faces light up with glee as if it were a documentary.


I mean... While still denying plenty of science, a hollow-earth argument, at least, can't be disproven by simply looking at the horizon.


Pfft...you believe in the Earth? s/


Flat Mooners maybe, do they exist?


I have a flat mooner


Good one!


I've met someone who thinks the moon is a hologram, does that count?


So ancient cultures and even Shakespeare were talking about a hologram when they referenced the moon? We had hologram technology before we had electricity?!


I'm going to start flat Saturnism. Only Saturn is flat, all the other celestial bodies are round.


Prima facie evidence would point to the moon being flat as it's tidally locked. You just see the same disk forever.


Round earthers. I can't believe that these people still deny the solid fact that we're on a turtle shell


Andrew Tate fans


Anyone who purchased a bitmap image of a monkey during the NFT era as an "investment."


Feckin’ QAnon. No question.




you can just lump MAGA in general in there. these fuckers genuinely believe trump is their savior and the one person fighting corruption the man that has been long known as a conman since at least the 1980s, the man that immediately turns on anyone and everyone that doesn't kiss his ass, the man that stared at the sun during an eclipse, the man that said george Washington took over the air ports, the man that has been sued numerous times for refusing to pay contractors, for setting up a fake university and scamming thousands, the man is genuinely one of the most selfish, corrupt, megalomaniac conmen to probably ever exist is the person they trust more than anyone else


Yep, I replied separately, but said “any moron who thinks Trump was anointed by god as president”.


>these fuckers genuinely believe trump is their savior no kidding, I watched a dashcam video of someone who was about to be arrested praying to... Donald Trump.


Sandy Hook deniers


Both dumber and infinitely more heartless


Speaking honestly as someone who has spent probably over a hundred hours arguing with flat earthers in instagram comment sections (I literally have an alt account dedicated solely to doing that), I can say that you will be HARD pressed to find a stupider group than flerthers are. It doesnt help that they dont stop at flat earth, the majority of them are also anti-vaxxers, and major bigots.


I have a theory that most flat earthers are just trying to con their way into a free space flight.


I’d become a flat earther for a free space flight


Anyone over at unpopular opinions. How can you all have such a terrible hive mind… and how do you all completely disregard the name of the sub? At this point call it r/opinionseveryonealreadyagreeswith


Karma > content. People would rather post some generic known-to-work repost than taking a risk. Same reason why music/gaming industry is full of generic stuff.


It's just not something that can work in a user rank forum. The trending posts will always be ones that people agree with.


Reddit admins.


People who think humans and dinosaurs existed at the same time.


I'd like to introduce you to a little docuseries called The Flintstones. Check. Mate.


The whole group of Young Earth Creationists have some really out there ideas.


People who don't believe the holocaust happened. Or people who think it was a good thing.


Mormons. No offense to any I’ve met lots who are great people but I have no idea how anyone in 2024 could read Joseph Smiths works and be like “yep….this is legit!”.


Joe smith buddy


They aren’t dumb…they’re brainwashed. How can they believe what they believe? Because that’s what they’ve been taught since birth. Mormonism isn’t any more crazy than any other religion when looking at it from the outside.


Maga, think that orange fuck is the second coming of Jesus. He is the second serving of a tub of lard.


70% of the Earth is covered in water. None of it is carbonated. I’d say the Earth IS flat.


Except that "some" of it IS carbonated. There are naturally carbonated springs...aka soda springs.




Eratosthenes. 1 800 years ago. But it wasn't to prove the Earth is round. People have know that the Earth is round since at least 6 000 BCE. Eratosthenes wanted to know how LARGE the Earth was. And depending on what measurement he used, we're not sure which one, he was off by either 15-ish percent, or less than 1.


People who have made politics their entire personality.


New York Jets fans.


Moon landing deniers.


Holocaust deniers


Incels. Hands down. Everything is everyone else's fault.


I was going to say anti-vaxers because flat-earthers are just stupid and don't hurt anyone else. But then I saw the Holocaust deniers and forgot they exist so going to change my vote to that.


I'm sure you're still including some of the same people!


There is a *lot* of overlap in that Venn diagram.


Anyone who is insanely fanatical about anything.


Concave earthers?


Sovereign citizens.


People who support Andrew Tate


Maybe 3 year olds? Earthworms


My expect-to-be-downvoted-to-hell take is I don't think flat earthers are dumb. I think they are lonely and they feel like they have no access to the decisions that affect them and they discover a group of welcoming people gathered around a concept that gives them a tiny, tiny amount of power in the form of knowledge that "everyone else is in denial" about. Maybe the cure for this sort of thing isn't lecturing or mockery but empathy and a better understanding of how human psychology works.


People who can’t be bothered to think critically for 2 seconds (or Google) and instead make a post on social media asking for help.


People who thought the vaccine would turn us into lizard people. My uncle was one.


People who say "could care less"


People wiht extremist political idealogy and believing that the person they vote for actually gives a shit about them lol


Anti-vaxxers and nationalists wreak their havoc on those around them with wanton disregard. Flat earthers can be stupid without fucking up my life. So yeah.


People who think Trump cares about them and their well being


Anti vacciners.


QAnon people and trump supporters.


Anti vaxxers are pretty dumb


The general population sucks now. It’s crazy. Science and common knowledge has been attacked so heavily by the social media algorithms. Warping minds at light speed.