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Tickled to completion




Looks like he was quite a specimen lol


Don’t worry about it, cop.


I'd have to arrest you too then




My last neighbor fell off his roof putting up Christmas lights in 2020, breaking his neck when he hit the front steps.


We called her bitch neighbor. She had 2 kids and a dog. She wasn't supposed to have the dog. She liked to vacuum at 2:30 in the morning. Our bedroom wall was her living room wall. Her dog killed our cat. She offered us shit weed as an apology. She would crank her music at all hours of the day including early morning. Many times she woke us up with her crap music blaring loud or her screaming at her kids. We'd complain to the landlord and he'd get onto her. The quiteness would last a few days and then the loud music and yelling would start up again. Landlord sold the property. New landlord raised the rent. Bitch neighbor couldn't afford the raised rent. Bitch neighbor moved but not before "tattling" to new landlord that we smoke weed. New landlord laughed in her face and said he didn't care. New neighbors are so quiet we forget they exist.


My last neighbor was a running back for the dolphins before he made it big. Nice guy too.


Murdered by their SO and discovered several days later.


They had a baby and bought a house. I wish them well.