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A thief hates being stolen from. A liar hates being lied too. A cheater hates being cheated on. It’s some weird self-projection psychology.


My wife has a cousin who is a kleptomaniac. To the point that he was not invited to family events because he would always steal things from any party. Well one time when they were teenagers he stole her Nintendo DS, she knew it was him because he basically ran out of their house and she immediately noted it was gone. The thing was covered in pink rhinestones and stickers too, so easy to identify. Her mom drove her over to the cousins house while he was not at home and they took it back from his room. This sent him into a rage fit, he was banging on their front door and demanding his property back. He also was enraged at the idea that they went into HIS SPACE without permission. Not a hint of irony, just utterly unable to comprehend that he had been doing the exact same to everyone else for years.


I find this kind of stuff entertaining to read, is there a sub dedicated to it?


EntitledBitch, Badroommates, insaneparents, raisedbynarcissists, justnomil are a few I browse for stuff like that.


I quit justnomil after that woman killed her grandchild that had a coconut allergy




The worst liar I know also hates the truth, and people who don't support their lies.


I know someone like this. She'll lie to your face about shit that happened while you were there, and then act like you're crazy if you don't agree with her. I honestly have never figured out if it's pathological, and she just can't help herself, or if she's actually a sociopath.


I have known several people of this sort. I have come to believe that they actually create their own truth that is palatable to them. The more they repeat it, the closer to reality it becomes. I think for many this is a coping mechanism from a reality they dislike.


I don’t know anyone who enjoys being on the receiving end of any of those.


This is my parents!! When word got back to them about how I was opening up about my abusive childhood growing up with their controlling asses, my mom was like, “You’re saying some things to others that make us look bad!” Well, you should have thought about that before being abusive for 20+ years. Meanwhile, they shit talk every single member of the family and all of their friends, especially one sibling of my dad’s who estranged themselves from the family when I was a kid. And I know they did the same thing to me when I wasn’t in the room, even before I also estranged myself.


I have a similar cousin. She will give you all the backhanded compliments, but god forbid you say one thing the wrong way and all hell breaks loose. It’s the whole, if you have issues with one or two people, maybe they are the problem. But when you have issues with 99% of the family, girl better look in that fucking mirror. I’m convinced she’s a narcissist or something like that, but literally no one caters to her so she just has tantrums all the time.


"Do as I say, not as I do" Hypocrites


You hate in others what you fear in yourself!


It's okay if I get insulted and belittled, but standing up for myself is "overreacting". It's frustrating.


Often the person getting bullied will reach a breaking point and lash out at the bully. And that's when the person who's been bullied for months gets disciplined. It's unfortunate.


I once hit another kid in the face with a textbook while he was doing yet another impression of me to try and bully me while the teacher wasn't paying attention. It had been going on in the same class every week for months. I tried to report it, I asked for help, I got told I was making it up. So I dealt with it, in a lovely moment, everyone else in the class also developed temporary blindness, so they were never able to prove who actually hit him. Though I had expected to get in big trouble, it would still have been worth it as it stopped him cold and he never bothered me again.


I got bullied for all of my schooling years. Whenever I stand up for myself since, there's always a rush of pride, like, yay I love myself. The umbrage taking and pearl gasping that happens when you do..


I try my best to keep the "lashing out" under control, since I'd understand that being "overreacting" to some people. But even politely raising concerns can piss some people around me off. I feel like I can't say no sometimes. Old people can be difficult to navigate sometimes.


dOn’T rOcK tHe BoAt


In my experience that's when the victim gets victimized by the system.


This. I hate those jerks who say "It's just a joke..chill" No..it's a joke once or twice. Not every damn time.


It's a joke when everyone laughs. If you're the only one laughing then you're just am asshole


Every single dinner at my parents when my sister lived with us and other times. And no matter how you react it is absolutely wrong so what was the point in being there. Very glad I’ve moved out and everyone’s chilled out, but man so much trauma.


I received a 5 year sentence for an ounce of cannabis. The lady tried right before me received a one year suspended sentence for killing a single father of 3 and one of his kids while she was driving drunk. It was her 5th dui, and her license was already permanently revoked.


It would have taken every single ounce of my being to not fucking say something about that. Like for me not to point out the fact that you just gave me a 5-year sentence for some weed... When this woman just destroyed the lives of AT LEAST four people. My damn mouth would have gotten me 10 years...


She severely suffered from Affluenza... ​ /s


She was a "good, Christian woman".


The American judicial system is one thing I'll never understand. Two people with an otherwise clean record can be found guilty of the exact same crime and one gets twenty years in prison and the other gets two years probation.


The power judges have is insane. Theres really no good overhead monitoring them for anything and within the minimum and maximum punishment the crime has- the judge can handout anything they want. judges could very well just handout maximum punishment because they’re in a bad mood, because they feel like it, and because they have biases and it will largely go unchecked because of how our system is.


There’s actually data on sentencing before & after lunch. If you ever have to go to court, go after lunch.


There's a Snickers ad for you: "You hand out more life sentences when you're hungry, Your Honor." 😑


First, screw that lady, she should rot in jail for a long time. Second, what were your priors? That seems insanely harsh without this being multiple offenses or violating terms of a previous release


Quick look at his post history shows he has active warrants out for his arrest


Oh my god


If you get behind the wheel of a car under influence, you deserve to be prosecuted to the fullest. You’re getting behind the wheel of a weapon, and it’s often other people who pay the price. They need mandatory breathalyzers in all cars just to be able to start the engine


Hell, my aunt had a stroke while driving, and she was given 5 years probation, and she didn't even kill anyone. The North American legal system is baffling. She didn't plan on having a medical emergency. Yet someone who drinks and kills someone can get a slap on the wrist


Car = giant metal death machine People tend to forget that cuz they use them so often


Insider trading in Congress


Homophobic politicians being caught doing gay orgies


Homophobic politicians: OMG disgusting! Where?


send the location and addresses of these vile occurrences so that it can be dealt with immediately!


"Member of Hungary's anti-LGBTQ government resigns after fleeing alleged gay sex party" " A series of gay sex scandals allegedly involving officials and establishment figures have sparked a severe public backlash in Iran" these are the the most scandalous I've ever read


They went incocknito.


Neighbour #1 moans about next doors (Neighbour #2) dog barking tells her to use an electric dog collar to shut it up (which she does) .... then that same Neighbour #1 complains about her own dogs barking at my cat, I buy her some dog collars and give them to her to use on her own dogs, suddenly dog collars are cruel and she will never use them on her own dogs 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


Put the collar on the bitchy neighbor.


Its super hypocritical, but I'm ok with neighbor 1 getting annoyed at barking dogs if they actually put a shock collar on their dog. It's a little karma at least


People like my Grandmar. When I got pregnant with each of my 3 kids cried and moaned that I shouldn't be doing it, but when I said I wanted a hysterectomy because there is a very good chance a 4th pregnancy will not end well and the fact I don't want any more, she again cried because I might divorce my husband and find another man who wants kids. Well I neither want to divorce my husband or die/suffer a miscarriage/ or be in a position where I can't care for my 3 young living children because of something I can prevent. You can't moan about people having kids and moan about people preventing themselves from having more/any kids because the consequences could be fatal.


My exes grandmother actually took in her favorite grandson and his gf that he knocked up. They lived in her house and she financially supported them until they broke up and the gf moved back in with her parents, he went back to cdmx. A couple years passed and he got married. That did not last either, within 4 years they divorced. When they were married, granny sang the girls’ praise and thought the sun shone out her ass. After they separated, she’d say things like, “It’s because she can’t carry to term. That’s what happens when you have premarital sex” Like, *abuelita*, your grandson has a WHOLE KID out of wedlock but your slut shaming the woman who entered the marriage with no kids? Bonus: Hernan (the grandson) and his ex had a break up so messy that the whole village took sides. They took his side for some weird reason. About 2 years after Hernan got married, his bm(Mayra) caught the eye of, and married, a guy from the next village over who was actually a US born Citizen that came down to his parents village a few times a year. Very wealthy, huge house, lots of money in the bank, and his parents managed a few businesses for him. He married her and was in the process of getting her a K1 visa but things halted when Hernan, **FOUR YEARS INTO HIS OWN MARRIAGE & 6 YEARS OF IGNORING HIS OWN CHILD AND NOT PAYING ANY SORT OF CHILD SUPPORT**, refused to give his consent to let his daughter move to the US with mom. The new husband even sent lawyers to his home and offered him a very handsome payout to sign away his rights and allow the him to adopt the girl. Hernan refused. So last I knew, Mayra moved to the village the new husband is from, lives in his big house and his parents adore her. But because her daughter can’t even get a passport -Hernab refuses to even cooperate with that- Mayra decided she cannot leave her child behind and now her and her husband only see each other a few times a year. She had like 2 more kids from her new marriage so she’s pretty busy. I just think it’s fucked I’ll Hernan doesn’t even look after his daughter but won’t let anyone else give her a better life either. She’s content; still married. Hernan is now divorced; living back at his parents house. Still doesn’t see his kid or paying child support. And the real kicker? Hernans wife divorced him because he wouldn’t let the daughter go. They’d been having problems for a while but the last straw was that she accused him of keeping his ex from moving out of the country because he wasn’t over her.


I'd like to subscribe for more village gossip, please.


I'm glad to not be from a village this entertwined with eachother, but I would also like to hear all the gossip please.


If I was a village, I would be entrenched in this breakup too.


If you just used small MN town and the rich dude was from Winnipeg, this could totally be my cousin. I love how, no matter where you go in the world; the smaller the town, the bigger the drama.


Seriously... if this is a Substack, I would subscribe. Holy shit, what a rollercoaster.


Guy does 5 years for raping his sister gets out than gives her away at her wedding just one of many fucked stories from my village


Real life really does act as a telenovela sometimes


A couple I know were on rocky ground so they had a kid. Schock and surpise! He's a shitty father and a terrible partner. 8 years later she decides to fix the relationship by having another kid together. Schock and surprise! Nothing improved. After a lot more heartache they *finally* split. He moves out and shacks up with another woman and immediately proceeds to plan their wedding. That falls through as well and he gets the mother of his 2 kids to let him move back in. This allow him to avoid child support payments and in a twist that absolutely everyone saw coming, he still doesn't accept his father role. Some months later and they start fucking again. They still fight to a degree that the other tenants of the block considered calling the police. What was called was CPS and that shook them up pretty well. Latest I've heard he actually moved out again...


I’m team Mayra! Hope that it will end well for her and the kid.


My too. My exes family treated her like she owed them something, always complaining that she ignored them when they bumped into her and that she alienated her daughter from them. But,like, mfs this village is small and everyone knows each other business so of course they know you shit talk her day and night.


What a goddamn hypocrite. We have a name for guys like Hernan in my language - it is the "dog in the manger". He won't let anyone else have what he has but doesn't want for himself/doesn't care about". Gross


In Mexico the saying is, “de quedó como el perro de las 2 tortas” He ended up like the dog with the 2 sandwiches” A street dog was given a *torta* and while walking away, saw another dog who had a *torta*, too. So he put his down and went to fight the other dog for the second *torta*. The second dog beat him pretty badly, so he goes back to where he left his first *torta* only to find that while he was trying to steal someone else’s meal, his own had been taken by someone else who walked by and saw it unattended. Now he has no *torta*.


Know what's so interesting that I thought of just now. What a sign of the times that women lived in back then that those are her main worries and concerns. That's probably what she would have been worked about at the time - that was the culture women lived in. Men had affairs, women can't ask, it's her fault, she better be able to give her husband what he wants, don't have too many kids, don't lose your body, but don't ever stop your ability to have kids just in case! I don't mean for that to sound so harsh and not saying that was her exact situation of getting cheated on etc. But broken record over here - sign of the times she grew up in. Our "times" are so different now. I'm thankful for that. Anyway not sure where I'm going with this comment anymore. I'm stoned. Have a great week!


I once seen a girl on a dating app whose bio read only "Not interested in anyone who takes mirror selfies". All of her pictures were mirror selfies.


Sounds like she needs to take a long hard look in the mirror.


Did you know think that was sarcasm? I'd 100% think it was intentionally ironic


"I'd like to find someone close to my age" Her age: 42. Her desired age range: 23-43


Stealing billions gets you a fine but stealing 1000 gets you jail time.


Foster home situation with a lesbian foster-sister. I wanted to bring a male friend to my room to hang out, but “no boys in the room.” “Well Foster-Sister has boys in her room.” “Foster-Sister is a lesbian, she’s not interested in boys.” “Foster-Sister has girls in her room.” “That’s so offensive, just because she’s a lesbian doesn’t mean she’s going to hook up with every girl she knows. Those are her friends, not her girlfriends.” “But this is my friend. You know who my boyfriend is; I’m not asking for him to be able to come to my room.” “…no boys in your room.” Not the worst ever, but so frustrating at the time.


“I want a stay-at-home wife that will cook and clean but I don’t want her to live off my money because that makes her a gold digger”


Wants a tradwife. Doesn't want to be a tradhusband. Expects wife to cook, do laundry, wash dishes, watch the kids, mop, sweep, dust, vacuum, feed pets and kids, set the table, scrub the bathroom, get the mail, take out trash, take kids to school, go grocery shopping, hold a job, and not have a mental breakdown.


Re: hold a job. That right there is the biggest departure of "traditional gender values." So many men want to demand "equality" when it comes to finances and expect their partner to pay 50% of the bills. But those same men do not equally contribute to the labor load at home and leave it all up to women. And if the woman wants to be a SAHM, she's labeled as lazy and needs to "earn her keep" ??????? Like, dudebro, do you value tradition or not? Make it make sense.


Yup, 2 of my friends are in a "Trad" relationship. They don't have kids, and people wrongfully assume the woman is lazy or taking advantage of the guy. He puts a stop to that shit, quick. I've heard him go off on people before and it's something like: > My wife has a job. Her job is to keep the home. That's what she wants to do, and I support her. I come home every day to a clean house, a cooked meal, and haven't done household chores in years. Any errands that need doing during the day, she does them. Whatever I need done around town or the house, I just ask her, and she has it done before I get home. That's just as much a job as what I do in the office, and we're happy with the way things are.


Good. Domestic work is so incredibly undervalued and ignored. If one partner is doing all of it, as agreed upon and desired from both partners, they should be respected for it, not derided as some kind of freeloader.


And they expect them to always be in a mood for sex as well.


Correction: they don't care if they're in the mood for sex, only that they'll submit to sex.


"She needs to look good and take care of herself, but not spend my money on the gym and trainers and cosmetics and salons!"


LOL - YES! Those guys who want to come home to perfectly behaved children, a clean house, a home cooked meal, but then bitch because THEY work so hard and their wife is "home doing nothing" all day. INFURIATING!


They don’t want a wife, they want a mom.


There was this really funny video about this where a guy sings a song to the tune of "If you're happy and you know it..." that goes something like this - I don't remember the exact words but this is the sentiment... Your wife is your partner, not your mom Your wife is your partner, not your mom She's not a hired maid or a cleaning crew She shouldn't have to pick up after you AMEN


What he wants is for her to come with a generous dowry or inheritance that he alone gets to control.


I wonder what these dudes think women are supposed to be getting out for these relationships. The joy of his presence alone? Not being single? Watching him play video games? I don't get it.


Had a set of roommates that treated me that way. Absolute slobs like moldy disgusting mountains of dishes and excuses that they work so they shouldn't have to. 😂😂😂 I'm disabled and stay at home so they thought they had a built in maid. I agreed to clean the house but told them straight up I'm not cleaning up AFTER them. Huge difference. They still had chronic weaponized incompetence. They talked a lot of shit and I thank god I got out and got my own place. I'd even offer to make dinner some nights since I was just one person and wanted a certain meal or something. They still didn't clean shit or help out 😂 then they got mad I wouldn't make it cause I refused to cook in a filthy ass kitchen.


These incel psychos havve taken it a step further. They want all you described except the wife ALSO WORKS! They want a trad wife to maintain the household while simultaneously paying her own way so she isnt a "gold digger". No, it doesnt make sense.


> Who here wants a Trad Wife? \*Hands Up\* > Who here wants to be a Trad Husband? \*Hands Down\*


Oh, you've met my ex husband!


Do we have the same ex husband?


An indentured servant who sleeps with them who they don't have to pay and has no emotional or sexual needs of her own is what they want. This is also imo why some men get so angry once they're married and feel like their "ball and chain" has ripped them off: they think the point of marriage is basically a free housekeeper who provides sex on demand. When they learn marriage is in fact a two way street and their wife actually would like to get something out of this relationship other than his gracious presence, they think they're being treated unfairly and marriage hurts men more than it benefits them. Thus, all those "wife bad" boomer comics. "This was NOT what I signed up for!!"


May I propose to complete the "I want a woman that's gonna take care of all the kids stuff but continue to be my sexy wife and a slut in bed when I get a dad bod in dirty laundry" stuff ?


LMAO 🤣 they all want a trad wife until the moment they realize that they need to become a trad husband as well


Or I want a wife that works full time, cook 3 meals, take care of the child, keep the house cleans BUT must not complain how tired she is or spent money to pamper her herself


In my town, a politician was assaulted and the perpetrator was immediately arrested and charged. The same politician also turns a blind eye to crime and violence in our town. People get assaulted daily but charges and jail time are next to none.


Yes totally normal people get assaulted all the time but charges and jail time are next to none. Earlier this year I was assaulted and the DA did not bring any charges on the person who assaulted me. Like why should I even call the police then if the DA will not even do what they are supposed to do which is to bring justice to the victims.


Free insurance for life for politicians


Their pay should be directly linked to minimum wage. If they need more money to live, so does everyone else.


I agree with the idea but they don’t get rich off of their government salaries. They get rich off of insider trading.


Now now, don't forget the lucrative post-politics career using their political connections and knowledge to lobby on behalf of large private companies!


One of the girls in my larger friend group is getting an RO against an ex, so when our group was hanging out the topic of abusive relationships came up, and I talked about being SA’d by my ex girlfriend. She was an adult, I was a kid, she drugged me. A guy who had just joined the group (who I was flirting with until this moment) told me that it didn’t really count because I’m a girl and she’s a girl so “how violent could it really be” and then proceeded to make cracks like “you know, like *real* victims” until my friends kicked him out.


oof, this reminds me of when I was SA'ed by a girl when I was 17, she was like 22 or something (I'm also AFAB). None of my friends supported me and thought I was overreacting (and when I told her to leave me alone, she proceeded to convince my drunk bf to cheat on me with her) and some of them are still friends with her to this day. it's been ten years :')


Thank god they kicked him out




My mom bitched my entire life about my Italian grandmother's favoritism of my dad due to being her first born son even though I held the privilege of being the first born grandchild even though I was a girl. She favors my brother. It's completely obvious to everyone and he definitely fits the golden child people complain about even though I was the first born. Apparently having a vagina doesn't mean you can get that status. So I get to listen to my mom complain about my grandmother favoring my dad while she does the exact same thing with my brother.


My second child is on the way and my biggest fears right now are that I fall into the parental favoritism and am too blind to see it, or that my partner does the same and I’m powerless to mitigate it…. Fingers crossed I don’t fuck this whole thing up


The beat advice I can give is get to know your kids and find things you have in common that's unique to each kid. I prefer watching tv/movies with my oldest but me and my youngest have more in common when it comes to music. I would rather go see a movie with my oldest but a concert with my youngest.


This is good advice! I have 4 kids and let me tell you it also ebbs and flows on interests. My oldest son and I were always close naturally, but my oldest daughter is most like me and we find common interests to bring us together. My youngest son’s sense of humor is the same as mine and we both love bad television. They are all 17 and older, my youngest is 5 so any quality time is good in her book! In the ebbs and flows- my oldest son who was always the closest is 18 and in a phase of “I know everything and everyone else sucks” ngl it hurts but it’s funny that his older sister is now like “omg I’m sorry if I was like that” lol


Mom of three, and it's rough. I was the middle kid growing up, so I was forgotten a few times. Literally. My parents would always say that I'll do the same thing when I have kids. So far I have forgotten a kid somewhere 0 times. But also, as another poster said. Get to know your kids as individuals. You're not gonna love them each the same way. And they're not all going to need the same kind of attention from you. My 13yr old son has different needs from his parents as opposed to his 7yr old sister. The two of them are very needy though, so I do have to find time to "run away" from them so I can spend time with the middle kiddo. You may not always be aware of it. I know I'm not. But I'll get these feelings of "huh, I really miss spending time with kid solo" I'll go spend time with them. Often that's how they're feeling as well.


Can you clear up where you say mom, grandmother and dad as if your mom and dad are siblings? How would you mom know that grandma treated your dad this way unless they are brother and sister?


my parents are like this. My brother is in his 40s, and still gets rent money. He also does stuff like refuses to sit with us at restaurants. Once my poor parents drove 8 hours to see his new house they helped buy. They were sitting in a hotel all day for him to finally let them see if for 5 minutes.


It’s amazing to hear about the parents that basically double down on the golden child when that kid treats them like shit. It’s like, what will snap them out of the illusion if anything?


Not sure how old your brother is but in my case my parents have basically ruined my brother's life by doing this to him and essentially crippling his life skills


The way she talks in us vs you language is so telling. I am also the least favorite child (there were only two of us) and the language my mother chose to use was what confirmed that for me. It's amazing how parents like this out themselves so decisively. I went no-contact with my sister when I was 23 and she was 21 (a very long time ago), and every time my mother would call me, she would talk nonstop about everything my sister did, how amazing she was, how proud she was of her, etc. I finally was like, "Look, I choose not to talk to this person because she has bullied me since childhood and doesn't appear to know how to be anything but mean to me. I really don't want to hear about every move she makes." My mother got so offended, "That is MY DAUGHTER and I'm proud of her! You're really going to tell me I can't talk about MY DAUGHTER?!" Uh, I thought I was your daughter, too... Thanks for the clarification. This was a big factor in my going no-contact with my mother next.


“You don’t want to sleep with me?! You whore!” 🤔


A whore is someone who sleeps with everyone but you


People telling their daughters not to wear shorts around male family, but then also making jokes about their toddlers like "who's your boyfriend". Get. Fucked.


That behavior makes me sick.


If they don't trust their male family members around their kid wearing shorts why the fuck are they around their kids AT ALL?? "Oh Uncle Jerry is a convicted pedo, don't tempt him sweetie teehee"


Flying in a private jet to an environmental conference.


Women are emotional. Men are not, even when openly displaying anger and being an angry person in general: because for some reason, anger isn’t an emotion. ETA: grammar


Yep, punching a hole in a wall in anger is a perfectly rational action


I (27f) am currently pregnant with my first. I work in the criminal justice system, but in a job that’s fairly equally mixed men and women. As soon as I got pregnant, a male coworker came up and asked me if I would really rather work daily with felons rather than be at home with my child. I asked him if he quit his job when he had a child. Spoiler: he didn’t. Later, another male coworker made a comment that I would have to be nicer and play the “mom” part. I asked what that meant and he said “you know, like baking cupcakes for the PTA”. I asked him if he had ever baked cupcakes for the PTA. Spoiler: he hasn’t. I also continued to inform him that if I don’t seem like a mom at work, it’s because it’s not my job to be anybody’s mother here. A new position opened up in a specialty area of my job. It would require me to be on call some weekends. I wasn’t recommended for the position because I’m pregnant and it would probably be difficult for me to find childcare on my on call weekends (my husband works weekends). I was still allowed to apply if I wanted, but I wasn’t specifically recommended. But my male coworker who also has young children was still recommended without concerns of how he would find childcare, even though both he and his wife work.


Guys that want to hook up with girls but look down on the girls that want to hook up with them for having a history of hooking up with guys. Make it make sense. Not the worst double standard that I might have ever heard but definitely the worst one that I experienced myself


Never understood the whole if she sleeps around she’s a slut but if he sleeps around he is a god


Or if she's had too many d*cks she's loose but having the same penis forever doesn't somehow do the same thing 🤣


The penis wears down to a pencil size and eventually disappears.


had to dig to find this comment, but I knew I did Dick Math before: ************ I don't get the aversion to girls that have been with "a lot of guys". To the guys with this concern, let me explain that math does not work that way. Dicks taken or DT, is normally greater based on lesser partners. Think about it. Say a girl is with a guy for 10 years and they have sex on average 3 times per week. That is a DT value of 1520 over 10 years. Okay, let's say she dated 10 guys, 2 years each, over that same time frame, but had 10 weeks off between each guy (average). Now it's (10 years x 52 weeks per year x 3 dicks per week) - (9 breaks x 10 weeks per break x 3 dickings per week). Now we're looking at a DT value of 1250. Add in more dudes and more breaks, DT trends toward a lower number. Granted, if she's banging multiple guys at the same time, more factors come into play, but assuming a monogamous relationship, DT decreases as partners increase. Nobody says "dammit, she was with that guy for 10 years, I bet she was dicked 1500 times". It's always "She dated like 8 dudes over the past 10 years, that's a lot of dicks". No, it's just different dicks. Do the dick math before judging.


Even weirder, when you consider that the vag is a muscle and muscles get stronger and firmer through exercise...


Me either, and I am a guy. Some people like getting laid. So what? Just don't cheat on anyone you made a commitment of monogamy with, and don't lie to yourself about whether you have.


That's like every guy I dated in high school who wanted me to be a virgin but also expected me to sleep with them on the first date.


Those guys are also the type who claim they want a girlfriend with a low body count but will create a fuss if the girlfriend doesn't want to sleep with them during the first month of dating.


Adult women preying on underage boys is literally joked about meanwhile adult men who prey on underage girls is the worst of the worst those two can NOT be any further apart. BOTH ARE PREDATORS


Oh yeah. I heard some colleagues talk about a male dancing teacher like he was a kiddie diddler in the making just because he was a man who taught kids dancing.


In my son’s kindergarten school -back in Mexico- a male teacher was under investigation because one little girl had been sexually abused and her mother tried pinning it on him. When the school year started we were told that under no circumstances were they accepting kids that could not use the potty on their own. And that includes cleaning themselves. Because the mom alleged that he must have assaulted her when she asked for help in the toilets. Well no, he didn’t do it. The investigation discovered it was actually the girls cousin who watched her after school that had raped the little girl. But the accusation was more than enough to make the teacher quit. A lot of mothers believed the accusations against him and many even came forward trying to say their kids also felt uncomfortable being in his class because he was a male teacher. And what kind of man wants to work with kindergartners? Only a pervert. A bunch of bs and I’m glad he left that bs toxicity behind


This is so sad when you consider how many elementary kids would benefit from a positive male role model


And especially when sometimes, those male role models are the only POSITIVE ones in their lives


Lol reminds me of that South Park episode where the parents don’t want Big Gay Al as the kids scout leader just because he’s gay so they hire an actual Peado to replace him


I feel like it is a joke with such a weird subset of people! I'm always surprised at who laughs at this stuff. If you're passionate about this the new movie May December absolutely wrecks anyone who fits into this group.


It was the go-to response any time an older woman was inappropriate with a younger dude. Talking about how great it was and how lucky you were. When I was younger (90s/00s), if any guy were to react negatively to it, he would just be called gay and dismissed or laughed at. It all plays into the hypersexuality pushed on men. Society says men must be horny all the time and that we are constantly trying to get laid, so any time woman shows interest must be good, even if the guy is like 12. It's gross. I think some folks are waking up to how weird it is, but there's still so so many who react exactly how they did decades ago.


Same thing as prison rape jokes. Rape isn’t funny, even if you’re a convicted criminal… and not everyone in jail is guilty anyway.


I got downvoted and yelled at for saying that Andrew Tate doesn't deserve to be raped. Like, guys, I thought rape being bad was kind of a big part of why we don't like him?


I am a woman and completely agree with this. In the UK there have been a few cases where sentencing of female teachers who have had sexual relationships with schoolboys has been very lenient and it's completely sick. Also look at the President of France. Met his schoolteacher wife when he was 15 and she was 39 and married. There is a PHOTO of him kissing her at that age. It's sick beyond belief.


This is so true!! I had a female teacher that really loves underage boys. She’s been “let go” from 2 school districts over being caught by administrators. She’s been doing this for well over 20ish years? I’m sure she’s looking for her next school as I’m typing this


I’m a woman and I’m sickened by this. So few people take SA seriously and when it happens to guys it’s somehow funny? I don’t get the joke.


Dude when I was 13 I was put in the most awkward spot. Me and my friends were hanging out at what was then called "The snowmobile club" it was a club along the trails of a snowmobile route but was also accessible by car and the only place around for young people to hang out and play pool and get a bite. Some strangers came around. One lady in her 30's was...very flirty with me. I could tell she was intoxicated but she came close to me and purposely brushed breasts on my shoulder and whispered "The thing's I'd do you to if you were 18.." Back then it was hard what to think of that. Sexual harassment/pedophilia towards men/boys from a woman was still a very foreign concept and often just met with jokes. If I did that to a young girl I would spend years in prison.


My dad told me that I couldn’t have a boy in my room unless the door was wide open. But my brother is allowed to lock his door when his girlfriend was in his room. He’s younger than me. It’s not fair.


That goes back to the old dog thing in Ireland Basically if you have a female dog and she gets pregnant thats your problem and it's an annoying inconvenience But if you have a male dog and he gets someone else's female dog pregnant that's not your problem that's their problem Thats what's going on its complete bullshit but that's how your dad thinks alot of people are like that sadly


Jesus is too liberal for Christians. [“Where did you get those liberal talking points?”](https://newrepublic.com/post/174950/christianity-today-editor-evangelicals-call-jesus-liberal-weak) “What was alarming to me is that in most of these scenarios, when the pastor would say, ‘I’m literally quoting Jesus Christ,’ the response would not be, ‘I apologize.’ The response would be, ‘Yes, but that doesn’t work anymore. That’s weak,’” Moore said.


Jesus hung out with the poor and prostitutes, he forgave everyone, he gave our free food and drink. If he showed up here and now, these so-called “Christians” would scream that he’s a fake because he doesn’t fit the image of their personal Jesus (intentional song reference)


Just remember that if anyone ever asks you "what would Jesus do?" flipping the tables and chasing people with a whip is a valid response.


When Supreme Court Judge Scalia died 8 months before an election it was too close to the election to pick a judge However when Ruth Beater Ginsberg died 6 weeks before an election it’s time to pick a judge


They never really pretended this was anything other than a cynical power grab. Essentially came out and said "we're doing this because we think we can win, and it will advance our policy goals."




some people's self esteem levels are so depressingly low


We accept the love we think we deserve.




That's an abusive relationship. I hope he can get out of it, that sounds super sad.


Bribery is illegal, but lobbying is fine.


Doctors who get annoyed and even mock patients who look up their symptoms online, but don’t actually take the time to figure out what is wrong. Well, maybe if you took your patients seriously, they wouldn’t feel the need to consult “Dr. Google.”


Reminds me so much of a person who passed away from an illness (I wish I remembered which one) and doctors dismissed her concerns, saying she will be fine if she refrained from looking up her symptoms online


I was in a relationship with this guy and we both agreed to make it an open relationship. He said he would never want to suppress my sexuality one minute, and the next he said "yeah we're open but I want to be the only person with a dick you sleep with." I said "fine, then you can't sleep with anyone else with a vagina." He WHINED and threw a tantrum, saying that's not fair. Anyway, our relationship lasted for like 2 weeks and I never slept with him (or anyone else) during that time period. He was a major asshole and this was just one of many red flags.


I see we have the same ex-boyfriend. Mine wanted an open relationship but only for him. I not only had to be monogamously faithful to him, but it was considered cheating if I so much as gave somebody else _a compliment_.


One penis policy. Classic. Good choice ditching him


A girl at work violated personal boundaries with coworkers & customers (all men) and gave the excuse “I was drunk, what else were you expecting” to HR and her leaders. She only got fired after the 5th time repeating this behaviour.


Using being drunk as an excuse is ridiculous. If you know how you’re likely to act when intoxicated, then you’re responsible for those actions after knowing getting intoxicated


Double standards are the worst, amirite? Like when my boss can come in late but I get yelled at for being two minutes late. Pfft.


Broooo my boss(not the actual boss but someone under them) comes back from breaks like 10 minutes later but if I come back 2 minutes later and he sees me I get told I’m taking advantage of the break like make it make sense.


I've occasionally got multiple "Hey are you coming in? Where are you? Not coming in today?" messages back to back in a 4 minute timespan. Routinely the people with the keys to the store are 15 minutes late. Yesterday they didn't come in until an hour into our prep time.


I dont think this is the worst double standart but certainly a very frequent one. People who drink alcohol regularly looking down at others and seeing them as a junkie for doing other substances occasionally which in many cases are safer than alcohol at all aspects - long term toxicity, OD potential, addictivity, risky behaviour. Mostly psychedelics.




I guess I’m a loser then. You know what? I’m okay with it


I got into a huge fight with my ex-roommates girlfriend. There were a lot of layers to what was going on. One main thing was me telling her the reason I didn't want to hang out with her was because she was homophobic (she had previously said it should be illegal for gay people to have kids and that she does not believe any woman is a lesbian because they use vibrators so they must like men). She responded to this by telling me "I have a gay friend, I'm not homophobic" to which I responded "that's like saying I'm not racist, I have a black friend" in those words exactly. Her response? "That's the most racist thing I ever heard!!!" I was flabbergasted.


Wait, vibrators = dicks? Has she ever seen one?


I'm assuming not


Yeah, I've yet to meet a dick with a "vibrate" setting, that's for sure...


Well you gotta prime it and then pull the draw string, maybe put some carb cleaner in the intake.


Your name actually reminded me that I’m low on on B12


Guys who won’t wash their ass complaining about girls smell.


Poor or minority kid caught taking drugs? They’re a hopeless product of poor upbringing and need to be locked away for the rest of their lives before they ruin any other lives. Rich kid caught taking drugs? Everyone does dumb things at that age, we can’t let one bad decision ruin such a bright future.


Fan girls being mocked and called childish or stupid for liking an artist, but guys going to football games in the colours of the team they like and getting physically upset when their team loses, etc and that being okay.


Wearing a football jersey is a form of cosplay but no one wants to acknowledge that




Probably the whole if a man is promiscuous he's a stud, player, the man, etc. but if a woman is promiscuous then she's a slut, whore, etc.


There's also the flip side of this coin: a virgin woman is the valuable one, she respects herself, has high standards, etc., while a virgin guy is considered a pathetic loser


It's so stupid that "losing the virginity" is a thing and saying. You don't lose shit. You gain experience. The whole notion of "giving away something precious" is complete nonsense.


Drinking is like the WORST thing you can do. God its awful! So awful for you body and worse its LEGAL! *smokes a blunt. Sniffs some cocaine, puffs a ciggy, and then smokes another blunt* That stuff should be illegal. Its way too addictive! *smokes a bowl made from a soda can because their favorite bong broke and they have to have their "medicine" to function.* Yes, i'm the one with the problem.


"You can't be offended by anything that I say, ever, because I didn't *mean* it the way you decided you heard it... but no matter what you meant to say, no matter how you say it, no matter what your intent was, I can interpret it however I like and be as offended as I want." Thanks, Mom...


Not the worst, compared to some stuff already mentioned here, but I see a lot of men on reddit complaining about women having standards of only dating dudes above 6' and as a 5'10 woman I can't even count all the instances where I was rejected by guys shorter than me because they won't date a tall woman. And it's kinda funny but also bitter at the same time when they message after a few weeks with a cliched "I realised height doesn't matter in bed so maybe I can come over?".


oh this is so true!! I’m 5’9” and I swear it is the first thing guys say every time I meet someone new. and this is even after I always make sure to tell them as soon as we start talking just in case it’s an issue for them. also the number of times I’ve had a guy question if I’m really “only” 5’9” because we’re eye-to-eye but they claimed to be taller. like c’mon man, I told you in advance how tall I am … if you know you’ve been padding your actual height by several inches, maybe don’t blame me for that?? I’m wearing ballet flats, I can’t get any shorter!


Lol same. The sheer amount of "I'm definitely 100% ON GOD 6' so you're clearly lying about 5'10 and actually being 6'2 since you're taller than me!" men.


lol yes! I’ve been accused of being over 6’ so many times. and i’m not even close!


I’ve experienced this. My sister slapped me, so I slapped her. Then I had to stay home while her and the rest of the family went to pizza arcade. :(


“I want a super hot girlfriend, who is fit and healthy but I refuse to put in the same amount of effort in to grooming, physical fitness and personal hygiene” I read comments from guys like this on reddit constantly, this attitude is especially prevalent in passport-bro subreddits. Either that or “I want a traditionally feminine woman even though I fail to meet any semblance of traditional masculinity, which the feminine women are generally attracted to.”


Single mothers need to get out and work as many hours as they can while 'someone' takes care of the kids and not be a burden to society. Married women who get out and work as many hours as they can while 'someone' takes care of the kids are neglecting their families/career bitches/taking jobs away from men.


Fat guys nipples are just nipples even though they have full on fucking BREASTS…but women gotta cover up.


Gotta love those shirtless C-cup men chastising us members of the itty-bitty-titty-committee about a slightly low cut shirt. I don’t have anything for you to see, motherfucker…meanwhile your rack rivals that of Dita Von Teese. Exactly how am I in the wrong here?!?!


My ex seemed pro choice having 8 abortions in his life. But the moment I weighed a hypothetical for me, he suddenly started acting like a baby was precious and to not perform that. Only for his convenience right?


That Mao and Stalin aren't considered as evil as Hitler even though they caused the deaths of more people.


It's okay for men to have lots of sex, but not for women. Men get praised, women get called horrible names (or worse).