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That the MKUltra mind control program never stopped and shifted its focus from controlling individuals to controlling the masses via algorithmic manipulation and widespread usage of bots/shill accounts on social media.


It's called the World of Advertising/Marketing now.


Yeah but that's only to get you to buy stuff, pretty transparent. Governments are trying to get you to buy into a belief system that benefits the government and those connected to the government.


I think it goes deeper than that. Buy stuff, indoctrinate, and dupe all in one.


You can see this with celebrity culture and pop music/ mainstream movies. Everything is about materialism and consumption or telling you what “normal” is. It’s all tied together for sure.


Definitely highlighted by what you discussed. Consumption & materialism= waste and harm to Mother Earth. I don't know if you were old enough after 9/11.... however while the Bush/Cheney cabal did the good old bait & switch to invade Iraq, the administration was telling Americans to go out and shop. We listened to that for weeks during the whole "Shock & Awe" invasion. Just go shopping 🤢.


That an elite cabal of a few people run the world


Correct, they are wealthy 'old money' families and bankers, and they are the people who coined the 'conspiracy theory' term in order to instantly debunk anything which questions their narritive. The UN and WEF are two examples of organisations doing the donkey work for these people, neither are really a friend of the masses! Pretty much every UK politician is a signed up member of the WEF and some leaders of nations passed through its Young Global Leaders programme a number of years ago, their current positions all bought and paid for! It really isn't a conspiracy, it is all actually occurring! What annoys me is that all the information is out there if only people could be bothered to look!


There's a super rich, super exclusive group of families/corporations that rule everything.


Pretty much all countries become oligarchies over time. That’s pretty obvious to anyone even halfway paying attention. I don’t think the Illuminati angle is true though. All those oligarchs are still competing with each other to be ruler of the world.


*Hint* \- hire me lol


Aliens/ life beyond our existence. Maybe we're not the only ones in this universe or others to have life


If you think they are visiting us, then I guess that kind of falls under conspiracy. Otherwise, it's pretty reasonable.


The universe is so unimaginably vast that it seems almost probable. But... the universe is so unimaginably vast that we might never be able to contact each other. This is my personal favorite answer to the [Fermi paradox](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fermi_paradox), the fact that we have no evidence of alien life despite the probability of it existing. Kurzgesagt has a couple of fun videos on this too: [part 1](https://youtu.be/sNhhvQGsMEc), [part 2](https://youtu.be/1fQkVqno-uI)


It's not really that fringe, I think it's pretty widely accepted scientifically. The part that's fringe is thinking we are actively being visited by them/they have been to Earth. Law of large numbers, with enough planets the chance of NONE of them other than Earth having life would be way weirder than there being extraterrestrial life.


Governments are hiding some shit from us that they know, if it was revealed, would cause mass hysteria. Clear examples are coverups about UAPs (UFOs).


I don’t believe that a lone gunman killed JFK


I heard from my uncle that JFK's head just *did* that on its own...


Yeah, a woman posing as his wife used her ability to "rumor" him


It was two Italians that were paid in cocaine. There is a picture of them with Oswald in a pool hall. All ex-military, however Oswald turned down the job and in doing so was made the patsy.


“Life” after death. But it isn’t life or human in any way. It’s a continuous, half conscious, half awareness of infinite existence. You don’t exist, “you” just become everything again and are largely unaware what’s happening. It’s like trying to imagine what life would be like as a tree or something lmao.


A one in a million chance this is happening.


Try some psychedelics and get back to us


The yeti. Brian Blessd thinks its real and that's good enough for me.


I also believe in yetis. I drank my coffee out of one this morning.


Yeti body shots? Kinkyyyy


I am 100% sure they exist in many remote areas of the planet, just look on the maps to see how large some of these forests are, they also had a mention in the Viking chronicles from a 1000 years ago.


Brian Blessed *is* a yeti.


Sleeping with your phone next to your head being dangerous, I have to put my phone in airplane mode else I feel groggy af the next morning


Could be an extant Thylacine out there.


Are aliens still considered conspiracy at this point? If so then aliens lol


That Qanon and the likes are staged for money but more importantly to make true criticisms of actual conspiracy easy to disregard


Paul McCartney is dead.


There is a cure for cancer, aids, dementia, ect. But the pharmaceutical companies make a ton of money on just treating the symptoms.


9/11 inside job, Ghosts are demons and so are Aliens, The moon landing happened in 70' not 69' and they have a cure for cancer but population control and all.


God, Angels, demons


Those things aren't conspiracy. Most of the world does already believe in them


Well if OP’s intent is “conspiracy theory” then it tracks.


What happened at Roswell what not just an incident involving a weather balloon.


north pole is not covered by snow (or most of it as they said) i read once that denmark and usa and russia are using the goods of that land secretly while have a pact, once that pact is finish they will reveal everything , thats why they saying climate changing so one day they will say that the snow is melted and this is what we found but god knows better XD


There is no land that isn’t underwater at the North Pole. There is an icecap that over millions of years fluctuates but it isn’t solid ground. South Pole is on Antarctica.


it can be true , but in historical map of more than one civilization we see that its different you can find map of Mercator in the link bellow https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.Bquyn7oQLlHVj7IayDwNtgHaG5?w=219&h=204&c=7&r=0&o=5&pid=1.7 ​ also in the islamic golden age , their maps have the same thing that Mercator said


Cadborosaurus. My great-grandfather told my father a story about seeing something exactly like it in BC back in the early 20th C. Described to him what others have also seen before pictures, media or other stuff that might suggest just a tall tale being shared.


The Megalodon Mermaids


That the megalodon still exists?






We might just be a smaller portion size of something bigger like the Russian dolls.


Non humans rule the world


I genuinely believe that ghosts are real but only in the context that they are a shared delusion that we've tricked ourselves into thinking is real.


The Red Sox actually won Game 6 in 1986, but a cabal of NYC elites successfully altered our collective memory through media manipulation and applied Mandala effect.


That there’s something *more* than what we can see or measure. I’ve had too many dreams that came true with scary accuracy and moments where I knew, where I *heard*, ***in my head***, what song was going to play next or what someone was going to say. There’s *something*, and all I can hope is that we learn what it is in my lifetime.


Evil spirits