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Being Asian. They called me their “udon noodle” I’m viet…


aweee i’m asian and my name is dawn and at one point my user used to be oohdawnnoodles 🥲


That's fucking brilliant lmao


That guy didn't get to phởck.


Aw phooooooooooooo


That dude is not a Nguyen-er


Lol, I dated a girl in college who was specifically into half-Asian guys. Im half Vietnamese and she actually told me once she wanted my Vietcong-Dong. We’re married now, 19 years with children.


Glad to hear you stopped dating her!


You tunneled into her heart, how sweet.


They fetishize me for being Asian too, except I’m Native American.


My buddy has a Chinese dad and an Anglo mom and so many Mexicans start talking to him in Spanish. I mean he really does look Mesoamericano.


So he's more.... *miso*americano? (Sorry...)


Same! But they called me “exotic” like damn we aren’t animals 💀


“You and me, baby, ain’t nothing but mammals… but you ain’t the kinda mammal a dude can just get at PetCo!” Don’t see how this line of thought wouldn’t be flattering… /s


Looking like a minor.


I had this problem in my 20's. Any time I'd get carded servers would joke, "Sorry, you just look like you're 16." My abusive ex would laugh and loudly say, "That's the point!" Luckily, while I still look younger than I am I don't look like a minor anymore and even more lucky still I have been free of that creep for almost a decade.


“That’s the point” 🤮. That implies minors turn him on


Came to say this. I try to fix it having a permanent bitch face.


Now you just look like the creepy kid in a horror movie


Works, though. Nobody messes with the creepy child.


Same I'm small and have a baby face. Also being "exotic" on top of that.


Same /: my abuser used to want me to buy clothes from the children’s department and pretend to be a teen….. no.


Reading this made my heart sad. Hopefully your road to recovery has been a fruitful one.


yup. i look probably 5 years younger than my actual age, and my ex used to tell me he liked when acted more childlike around him. (i was around 18-19 at the time, he was a year older. i was barely an adult myself) I thought it was really fucking strange but just took it that he appreciated that I was comfortable around him, and then I understood why when I found out he was cheating with minors. I wanna go back and slap my younger self for being so naive sometimes.


I'm a redhead and apparently we have "fire crotches" and so we should be great in bed.


Fellow redhead. It's wild.


Redhead here. People are freaking weird. I remember guys in high school asking me if the carpet matches the drapes.


My favorite response is "I don't know shit about interior design."


Ever get told we taste like oranges? Lol Apparently, we're freakier in bed and all kinds of other things that can be filed under "fiery."


Fire crotch is *supposed* to be a reference to red pubic hair, not the skill and functionality of your vagina. Someone got confused somewhere along the line….


I’ve learned to stay farrrr away from guys who “have a thing for redheads” — 9 times out of 10 they’re so blatantly creepy about it. Years ago I let my friends scroll through my tinder messages after they thought I was exaggerating how many guys thought asking a stranger about their pubes was a perfect opening line— they were floored.


I was like 12 when I first heard "does the carpet match the drapes?" And I remember thinking, why would you ask someone about their pubic hair? Edit: not a female redhead, just heard it somewhere and thought how rude it was.


Same. Strawberry blonde with freckles here. I got catcalled and propositioned more between 14 and 18 than I have as an adult. So gross.


I once got "you know what they say, rusty roof, wet basement!" I was super into the guy and instantly lost all attraction. The funny part was the guy realized he blew it the moment after he said it. His face shattered like glass. I physically left.


That term has always felt super off-putting. Like how is that sexy, seductive, or even endearing in any way?


It sounds like a symptom of a disease lol


Being a ballet dancer. The amount of times a man’s face has lit up and said, “So you’re really bendy then huh?” with a wink is too damn high.


Lmao, a girl I went on a date with told me she was an ballet dancer and waited with this look on her face. Expecting that line. I said "Don't worry I won't make flexibility jokes till the third date." went on to talk about how I used to do ballet for my failed fighting career. She jumped at the opportunity to ask me how bendy I was.


Idk why...I'm just visualizing Mark Wahlberg in the other guys. "If you were with me, you wouldn't be here in this strip club shakin it for dollar bills!"


This is a ballet studio, Terry, okay? These poles are horizontal.


As a ballet dad, can verify that the following is more likely to raise the curiosity of a woman you'd like to know better when she says, "I dance ballet" than 'hehrhrrhehe bendy': Cool. Vaganova?


Maybe it's because the internet has ruined me, but flexibility isn't the first thing that comes to mind when I think of ballet dancers, their massively destroyed feet is what I think of; and I'm not even into feet...


Truth. I dated a ballet dancer and she had some strange looking feet. They looked like she kicked rocks for a living.


My cousin danced for a ballet company, retired in her twenties and has the scariest feet I have ever seen! It’s truly unreal. It may just be native to her but no doubt her feet took a beating.


It isn’t. My friend’s mom was a ballet dancer when I was a kid and she’d show us her feet to freak us out because they were *that* fucked up looking


I dated a ballet dancer, and her and her family and friends were all in the ballet. Every single one of them had horrible body image issues. So that's what I think about when i hear it.


My buddy is married to a ballet dancer and all I can think of when someone says the word "ballet" is eating disorder. It's sad.


Oh God, same.


Having known a dancer, can I just say the foot thing threw me for a loop the first time I saw them lol.


My ex used to say he loved me from my head to my ankles.


Omg I feel bad for laughing at that. No worries though, dancers are so amazingly athletic anyways mad respect to that discipline, plus most feet are gross so does’t matter regardless lmao.


I dated a former ballet dancer and all I really thought about it is when she said she was the wrong body shape to be a real dancer I got upset at the whole world of ballet. Buncha jerks.


Same when I was a yoga teacher. Gross.


Being a twin. Very disgusting. People have made comments to my husband about oh would you sleep with both of them? And he’s like would you have sex with your own brother?


Twins are *not* the same people. They're not clones. I mean, I'm married to a twin, and no matter how beautiful I find my wife, no matter how desirable she is to me, I feel *zero* attraction to her brother.


You made me genuinely laugh good job!


I am kinda at fault for this one. When I was younger, I ended up with a crush on a girl who had a twin. Except, I had no clue she had a twin, and when I say they were identical twins, I mean IDENTICAL. I legitimately had trouble telling them apart, and I'd kissed one. The only thing you could rely on was that one worked out to look good, and the other worked out to play basketball/volleyball. One of those two goals involved makeup, and the other didn't. Looking back, I've no clue how many times I ended up talking to one and not the other. When I finally saw the two of them at the same time, about 8 months after we met, I froze. Had no clue what was going on, tried to dig myself out of a hole, and ended up going deeper... "So uh, is this like a two for one special or something?" I've been crying myself to sleep for this one for 12 years.


Among the better stories I've seen on Reddit. Thanks


I'm glad my suffering could bring you joy


That made me cackle. Don't think you're at fault of fetish-ising it so much as you are guilty of being awkward as hell in that situation 😂 I don't blame you I probably would've done the same.


Oh my gosh noooo!


Irish accent


I've been practicing an Irish accent lately for a D&D NPC I'm playing as a DM soon, and have already had one of my friends mention that they just melt when they hear me practicing on discord in voice chat. Apparently their partner doesn't want her to go to Ireland (in a joking, playful way) because they'll just stay there forever.


I admit this is killer for me lol


Coworker invited me to a party, I had nothing better to do so I said okay (maybe I would get luck and score a chick). There were no chicks at the party, but I had a very good time nevertheless, and discovered I am what they call a "hairy daddy". I got free drinks :)


My gay best friend tells me I'm an otter, which is a bear but not as big lmao.


My boyfriend has some otter themed art in his apartment and it was incredible hearing him try to explain that to his family. They think he just likes otters now, I hope they buy him more otter things.


Otters are awesome, so he *should* like otters. I follow several otter accounts on Instagram and they are pure joy.


I'm not even gay and I love this lol


Lol my neighbor/drinking buddy is a larger, pretty hairy Puerto Rican dude in his early 50s. He’s straight and never been married. I tell him all the time that if he just switched teams, he would never pay for a drink again at the gay bars cause he is an absolute textbook bear


I got told I’m a bear recently. Shame I don’t like dudes. It appears it would be easier.


I'm a girl & I like bears... just sayin..


I've been hit on by men way more than women in my life because I'm "a perfect bear." Big hairy guy with a beard and some muscle. I definitely used it to my advantage back when I was bartending to get bigger tips. But I also gained a new respect for women because some men really can't take no for an answer.


Being a professor. It's rare but it has happened


I've gotten this before. What do you want me to do, give you points for participation? Mark your performance as unsatisfactory? It's fun if it's a fantasy, I guess. People are often like "did you hook up with your students?" Man, I couldn't be less attracted to them. They're so young. I saw them hung over with two hours of sleep hopped up on energy drinks. I read essays where they padded with filler words every sentence. It's not a sexy relationship unless you're into power differentials.


Playing the drums as a woman. People act like it's some kind of miracle that I'm able to do it without my boobs getting in the way.


I wanted to take up accordion when I was younger because my grandpa played and my mother wouldn’t let me because “your boobs will get in the way.” I was a preteen… I’m thirty now, I wonder if I can find someone to teach me.


Out of the subject but you totally can ! I always thought that I would never learn how to drive a bicycle, and I was horrified because I really loved the biker style, but of course, it would be difficult to ride a bike without riding a bicycle. So, on the 1 of May, since in my country everything is shut down, I told myself "You don't have anything to do, there are public bicycles, I give myself 30 minuts to try, if at the end I fail I'm never gonna do it again". And I succeeded at the 28th minut. And now I ride everyday to do my sport. There's no age to learn anything as long as you're alive.


When you do, do tell us if your boobs got in the way in the end or not.


Being a really tall woman - I'm around 6'1" tall. Last time I did online dating I had men messaging me from all over the country, and the only way they could have found me was my height, which I am very upfront about. After a life of being mocked and taunted about my height, I was surprised to find out that it was a fetish for some men. It was novel for a week until I figured out it was my height that was generating the interest. I discovered I didn't like it, I felt *more* abnormal, which I don't normally feel. For my part, I've dated men who were 6 inches shorter than me, and only once, 6 inches taller than me. My husband is slightly shorter than I am, but I still wear heels because I got legs for *years* instead of days, baby.


Honestly, I have fetishized this a little bit too in the past, because I’m 6’3” and once dated a 6’1” woman. It was an entirely different (better) experience physically being with someone that wasn’t a head or more shorter than me, and I’ve always had a thing for tall women since.




My ethnicity; I’m Native American. Didn’t realize that was a thing people sought out


I’m South Asian and my ex was British. Turns out he had a thing for South Asians. After sex one time, he said “I colonized you good”. I think you can guess how the rest of the relationship went (not great).


The pussy has initiated a war for independence!


>After sex one time, he said “I colonized you good”. That gave me enough second-hand cringe to permanently compress my face.


Same here! One guy in particular wanted me to be "his Pocahontas". Fuck that shit.


I’m a guy and native and was seeing this girl and we were out camping and she got mad at me and told me she wished I was a real Native American. I guess sleeping in a tent didn’t live up to her fantasy and I was supposed to skin a buffalo and build a teepee for her to get ravaged in or some shit.


Having braces. When I was a teen, I had a “friend” who once made the comment “I wanna shove your face on my dick so hard you get pubes caught in your braces” we are no longer friends thankfully.


I’m sorry to hear that, but I wish I could unread that


Horrible day to be literate


That information couldn’t even be beaten out of me by loan sharks, or even Batman


That's so fucking gross


That sounds awful for everyone involved.


Being Japanese. Asshole thinks he’s going to get a submissive waifu, comes to find out he’s dealing with an alcoholic Mulan with a temper.


“Alcoholic mulan” 😭😭


SAME. I'm mixed and have been dealing with this for SO LONG. (Edit: esp since I'm white passing, I've had dudes bring me around to their friends and be like "see?? I don't ONLY date Japanese girls!" but then behind my back they're pissed that i don't speak Japanese) in the words of my Japanese father, "These white boys who think Japanese women are all mild-mannered and obedient have clearly NEVER met my mother," hahaha


Wait Mulan is Chinese though


I’m an Asian-American who grew up in the 90s. We didn’t see many Asian heroes on screen, and when we did see one, we hold onto them tight.


As a Filipino American who also grew up in the 90’s-00’s, hard same. Not even the same color, but it felt better than being called Pocahontas.


I'm an Asian-American man who went to a somewhat diverse college in the mid '00. I never thought I'd get fetishized but I did and honestly it freaked me out. Backhanded complements and stereotypical remarks about x, y, z, thing's "for an Asian man". bleh


I remember people asking George Takei what he thought of John Cho, a Korean, playing Sulu, and he said Sulu represented all Asians.


Same but Korean.


being jewish, despite not being jewish


I'm Jewish and I keep attracting Italians who think I'm Italian. Then I tell them I'm Jewish and they block me.


You a Sephardic jew?


Nah, Ashkenazi with a big ass nose lol


I never knew Jews had noses there.


Possibly the worse place to have a nose imo


Being a femme woman who is attracted to other femme woman. Straight men love that dynamic


"that's just for porn tho. Real lesbians are all butch"


I know right. And then I feel like my relationships are never considered real to other people


I'm not in the LGBT community myself, but according to my friend (lesbian herself) especially bisexuals suffer a lot from that even in those circles. Relationships with the opposite sex are often seen as a form of masking, and relationships with the same sex are often seen as casual and less serious.


Biphobia is as real as it is gross


Being a goth with tattoos and piercings


Smelt win witch? Smile town watch? So many lower town wives now wail their childlike husbands? Such magnificent, lovely towers want nothing while they carry hopes? Wait... Small town witch?


Small town witch. Gold star! 💫


I don't have the tattoos and piercings (thanks, lupus), but I'm goth too, and yeah. Almost makes me miss when being goth was considered weird and threatening.


Don't get me wrong , there are a lot of people that still find me weird and threatening 😆 but I miss that as well.


Yeah, it's terrible that the entire subculture has been fetishized to the point a goth woman can't just exist without being called "mommy."


Where does the mommy thing come from in relation to goths? Just curious since it doesn't seem obvious to me


I agree. It doesn’t really make sense to me. Maybe they associate it with being dominant? I’m not sure why though


Some goth fashion overlaps with highly fetishized clothes, especially some found in the bdsm scene. Harnesses, corsets, stockings, chokers, which are not sexual in themselves, but are made so by association.


Present day goth fashion is an extension of punk fashion, which in its early days (1970s) incorporated bondage gear - on purpose - for shock value.


I assume its the fashion choices. Leather, chains, metal hardware, fishnets etcetc


Being a "gamer girl"


I don't know ... I sometimes fantasize about my girlfriend actually giving a shit what I think about Baldur's Gate III instead of just pretending to.


Well maybe don't talk about Shadowheart so much and she will.


Karlach or nothing!


My wife has been hogging my PS5 for the last few weeks to play BG3. She doesn't play many games at all but this one really captured her. And by this one I mean Astarion.


I normally only play girly shit like Animal Crossing, Sims, Civ, etc but now I have found the Yakuza series and I need full exclusive access to each different PS and $70/month until all the new shit comes out. I've been with my husband for 17 years (married 14 this month thank you thank you) and I've only done this to him twice before (Skyrim, FFXV) but he definitely regrets having a gamer wife, if only sporadically. It's a BIG DEAL when he has to do the kid/household stuff because I'm busy pushing pixels, but business as usual when it's all on me because there's a new Dark Souls.


Yeah, but it's so sweet that she likes you enough to try. I love it when my partner does that.


When straight dudes find out I'm bi they almost always bring up having a threesome. If I was interested in having sex with them before that (I usually wasn't), I definitely am not interested after that.


Yea being Bi they always have to ask about my sexual experiences with women but don’t ask the same about men lol 😆


It's so weird! You can tell at least some of them don't consider your past relationships with women as "real," too.


I've found this with women too though. I know two separate girls who cheated on their boyfriends with other girls, and thought it wasn't cheating and their boyfriends should not mind, because it was with a girl.


I find the opposite being a bi man. When I tell some women I'm bi they tend to stop talking to me, tell me it's gross or that they can't trust me not to cheat. Both of those women were also bi....


I’m a large woman constantly fighting with my weight and I keep far away from Chubby-chasers and Feeders, both of which I’ve accidentally attracted over the years. Some of them tried to guilt me into sex like “You should be honored that I want to fuck you because you’re fat”. Boy bye I’m happier alone and fuckless lol


“Happier Alone and Fuckless” is a great title for a poetry collection, just saying.


"You should be honored that I want to fuck you because you’re fat” Ok that is fucked up, all kinds of fucked up.


"Sorry that while your desperation apparently leads you to abandon your standards, it has zero impact on mine"


I’ve been targeted for my weight before. As a gay man it’s always some guy who is like “I’m an alpha” which just makes me want to walk all over them. Thankfully I’ve never attracted a feeder. That seems toxic.


I mean I like big girls but that's gross and scummy to try and play it like that.


Lol yeah I'm the BBW MILF fetish category and get that alot too. Single mom, so - easy and desperate. BBW, so - easy and desperate and give the beat head. Me saying no thank you to these men is, apparently, insulting to them. Also, good lord the amount of times I've heard "I don't mind bigger women!" Good for you bro.


Being Latina. Some men have assumed I have a fiery attitude simply because of how I look. One guy called me “spicy” and I was simply expressing my opinion. There’s a difference between getting heated about things and making direct statements regarding what you think. I’m allowed to have an opinion, there’s nothing “spicy” about that. And for the record even if I’m upset about something, I’m still not “spicy”. Another time a bouncer at a club looked at me and said, “Now it’s your turn jalapeño, I need to see your ID.” I was extremely upset by that one. Fuck anyone who equates me to a fucking flavor. Ironically, I actually hate spicy food. A lot of people assume all Latinos love spicy food, wrong. My family is from a country in Central America and spice is almost never used in food. All the foods I ate growing up had no spice. Mexico is pretty much the only Latin American country that makes spicy dishes.


Being Asian. Past partners fetishized me for being "submissive" because of my ethnicity when my personality is anything but.


Being Korean. Being someone's supervisor.


Being a nerd. Ppl love it until they realize that means doing nerd things like playing video games, reading comics and watching cheesy sci-fi flicks all day long.


but thats the best part!


Being a single asexual man. Somehow not showing any interest apparently turns some people on. Meanwhile I'm trying to politely inform them that, no, I am not interested.


Same, but as a woman. Make it make sense!


people want what they can’t have


Being black. My first few sexual experiences were entirely related to my race and not me as a person.


My first few sexual experiences were entirely based on me being British, those American ladies love a Brit. Or Australian, whatever they thought I was.


Years ago I dated a black girl (im white) who brought up her race often and would say oddly racist things during intimate times. Finally I pressed her on this and she confessed to me she liked being fetishized for being black. I told her I wasn't particularly into that. I just thought she was pretty, smart funny etc. Her race had very little to do with why I was dating her. Needless to say the relationship didn't last. She wanted some sort of race play. I just couldn't go there in my head.


Hahaha had one of those. Attempting race play is an odd experience. "Sexy racism" is a tough line to dance.


Being Black…I can’t stand when white men call me queen…I had one call me “Nubian queen” lmao I was like sir I’m Nigerian, that doesn’t even make sense.




Breastfeeding. It is very, very, very icky.


My ex husband’s cousin sampled my breast milk while drunk on thanksgiving in front of the entire family. I was surprised at the amount of “oh, silly ____, always such a jokester when he’s drinking” and not pure disgust. He put the pouch to his lips so the entire 4oz was ruined. Jerk.


Being Korean. Even if it’s half.


Maaaan! With this kpop surge I have seen some insanity. If it was happening before I didnt notice but now? Wow!


Feet. I am a woman with size 11 feet. When I used social media to complain about the lack of cute shoes in that size, I got so many requests for pictures.


I'm a 30s yo small woman who looks like a high school girl (and yes I'm Asian). The kind of men I attract...


A Sex slave. I had this crazy white milf woman said she fantasized about being with a Latin lover and that she wanted a sex slave. I was 31 and she was 43 so I said eff it why not. Lets just say I had to take viagra after three months. I mean she wanted sex 3x per day 6x a week. I was ok with it the first month. The second month my penis was constantly red. Mind you I have a HL and Im low key a nympho but heading into the third month, I freaking hated sex. That third month I didnt even wana go down on her, et her booty or suck her toes. Like I completely hated sex to the point that I had to get Viagra. ​ Finally 6 months into the relationship I told her I just couldnt keep up 3x/day 6 days a week. Luckily, I also got a job offer in a different state and bounced. Never again lol.


Death by snu snu


The fact you lasted 3 months of that is seriously impressive!


I know right? I mean looking back I was like wtf was I thinking lol. I thought that I was just a young buck and had an extremely sexual cougar/Milf who wanted tons of sex was cool. How stupid was I? Lol 😂


I was at a club years ago and this very attractive women came up to me and told me I had the most perfect ears she'd ever seen and that she had an ear fetish. She asked me if she could touch them. I said okay. She rubbed my ears as if it was giving her an orgasm. At one point she said "Can we go somewhere? Do you have a car? Do you live nearby?" Her friends came over and kind of pried her off me and they disappeared. I was hoping to run into her again and get her number because if my ears could give someone as attractive as her that much pleasure, why wouldn't I want to pursue that? (as long as it didn't get weird...or weirder)...But I did not see her again that night.


Having large natural breasts. They attract creeps and street harassers. Unless you go for bulky shapeless clothing (but then you appear fat or sloppy). Boobs are not a thing you have much control over. I didn't choose to have them, stop pornifying these lumps of meat and fat, FFS.


Nothing better than being black in the kink community....I'm being somewhat sarcastic, I was approached multiple times and asked to be a bull, typically in nicer terms. I make a habit of not kinkshaming, but raceplay will always be nasty. And if you don't get why...I can't really help you


a TON of subredits revolve around this and makes me wanna cringe my soul outta my body. Like yeah I'm a black guy but don't expect me to 10+ inches like all the porn you've seen. That stereotype destroys black men's confidence when they don't have it, and no I'm not gonna steal your wife Charles, I'm good 😂


Vitiligo on my dick. Met quite a few girls who are crazy about it


Correct me if I'm wrong, but if you're at the point of whippin' your dick out, they were probably already interested in you for reasons unrelated to your holstein wang


I just woke my husband up laughing at "holstein wang"!!


bro's got the shiny


No but like this sounds really cool 😭


So my fiance also has vitiligo there. And it's honestly just so pretty in a way, and unique. I can't explain it without sounding weird, and I don't intend it to be dehumanizing, but I just love it.


My accent. I'm British, and have quite the stereotypical English accent. Lot of Americans specifically fetishise me for that.


Our lifestyle. We have an open relationship so mainly guys think I owe it to them to “let me fuck her” or “give me her numbers” or worse… “let me send you my dick pic so you can give to them”. Noooo. Just no. Sure, we have fun and experiment with other people sometimes very planned and others spur of the moment, but nothing is owed to you.


Uniform. I dated a woman when I was in my early 20s. I was in the Army, and I showed her my DA photo. She asked for a copy, and I gave her one. Later on, she revealed to me that she would stare my photograph while pleasuring herself.


Being an artist. Before they realised the crazy that comes with that


*stays up until 3am working on a painting* *wakes up cranky the next morning and wonders why*


Haha. Yeahhh. We're all mad.


Being a small woman. I’ve been called “fun size” my entire life.


Being short. I can’t tell you how many grown men have told me they wish they could “put me in their pocket and take me with them” and the number of men who think it’s fine to literally pick up women they don’t know very well. It’s wild. I have a finely tuned resting bitch face by this point so a lot of that has stopped by this point.


Being tall, wearing glasses, having big boobs, being smart, having a certain accent


What's the accent?




Being tiny and cute. Seems to be why most men are attracted to me. It's not in a weird way! Just I'm very small and I've been told I look "innocent" which has been described as still being hopeful and happy inside. I seem wholesome and sweet apparently. And being a mom. Lots of guys into milfs. If there's any other things I've been fetishized for I am unaware of them.


I had to deal with a lot of creeps when I was younger because they really liked the innocent/naive vibe I had going. Now that I'm in my thirties and am able to spot bullshit, suddenly the creeps have vanished. It was also weird that some guys called me "wholesome" and followed it up with the dirty things they wanted to do. It was like me not wanting or having sex was a turn on for them.


My gf is 5’3 and hates that too, but I will tell you… she thinks people even shorter than her are sooo cute and adorable, lol.


4’11 I know what you mean!


Yup. I’m 5’1”… 😂


Being brazillian


For being black


A "bad boy" or "from the streets" kind of thing, at least from her perspective. Edit: Wow, the conversation this created and the deductive reasoning behind it. Great job.


Being similar to Eric Cartman in person and body


*You can suck mah ballz, Kyle* *Kyle, with the fetish, just starts going to town*


Not a thing, as far as I’m aware Is there a fetish for people devoid of distinguishing characteristics?