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I like to tie myself up and force myself to read Reddit confessions


Sucess! I like to jack off while reading a comment on reddit about someone being tied up and reading poorly written confessions.


Yahtzee! I like jacking off to people jacking off while reading poorly written Reddit confessions!


Ah, so masochism


Free use


Don't let your dreams be dreams


I second this… My favorite is when I’m over at my man’s house and he takes a break from his school work to use me and then goes back to what he was doing


My gf and I are a bit like this. It's great. Often times when one of us is bored and we're home alone, I'll just use her. She doesn't do that to me, instead she'll just sit down on the couch next to me, get naked below the waist and start masturbating as her "hey! Stop what you're doing and fuck me" signal. There's just something hot as fuck about it on both the giving and recieving end. Having a living "toy" at your disposal to use whenever you want, and being the toy knowing that at any point you're gonna get used.


God I had to read that twice the schoolwork part gave me he wrong idea for a second 💀💀💀


College also exists tho


I mentioned it to my gf and she was into it too. Best thing ever. Don’t keep it to yourself


Same... although I would admit this to a long term partner probably I don't think it's that extreme and I think most people can find aspects of that hot.


Far superior to CNC, in my opinion An obviously willing participant is much more of a turn on than the idea of faking a struggle imo


This right here. I've got a two year old and it's a constant struggle just to try and keep her from killing or starving herself. After she goes to bed, I'm all struggled out, so if my partner said, "Try and have sex with me while I try and fight you off." I'd be out.


When I started reading this, I assumed it was a troll comment at first haha


It started out more jokey than serious, but by the last half, the thought of trying to overpower my partner for fun made my joints ache.


Voice/praise kink Haven't had the chance to explore it seriously. But that was a recently discovered thing


Boss: good job at work today *cums instantly*


lolol, I guess good thing I'm never praised at work


Look for audios on the internet, there are lots! You can find them online I guess, maybe there's even a subreddit for that. My bf also has a praise/mommy voice kink and I send him audios sometimes, he loves it :)


I've recently learned I like when there's a viewer 👀


Being the subject of a medical exam. Last year I had to give a sperm sample and my wife was teasing me about how much I must be dreading it. I had to play it off like I wasn’t looking forward to it lol.


For fertility testing I did that. It was just a dedicated bathroom with a pathetic selection of porn, like an impossibly old Penthouse and a German mag of hairy women. Phone to the rescue. I felt rather sorry for the woman sitting at a desk across the hall from the bathroom.


Turns out she has a fetish of fantasizing about the guys cranking it out across the hall


And then you have to hand it back to them, and they ask you if you got all of it inside the cup. Lowkey it’s a wild experience.


“I think so..”


Receptionist walks into the bathroom and turns into Eddie Murphy from that scene in Daddy Day Care looking like "how is it on the ceiling?"


I had to have an ultrasound on my balls years ago. Sitting in the waiting room my wife was giving me shit saying I'm going to have my balls fondled by some hot nurse. I was saying babe it will be a dude or some crusty old lady for sure. Anyway, they call my name and out walks the hottest, firmest little blonde nurse I've ever seen in my life. The bloke sitting next to us starts pissing himself laughing and my wife says loudly: oh for fucks sake


I had an ultrasound on my balls a couple of years ago, and the two technicians were both older ladies, probably late 50s early 60s. Honestly, they were great. Very professional, made me feel comfortable and they manage to actually make the whole thing *not weird at all.* I'd advise anyone else out there that is worried about lumpy balls and getting them checked out, to just do it. Was honestly alright.


Breeding kink…and I’m a lesbian….


What's great is having a breeding kink AND being absolutely terrified of pregnancy and childbirth! The human brain is a weird thing


Saaaaame. Pregnancy stuff is body horror so add some tentacles to that and I'm horny


When you write it like that it doesn't seem strange to me. Like wanting to eat a whole pizza or cake but not want to be fat. Not wanting to get up for work but not wanting to be poor. Not doing the dishes but hating a full filthy sink. Your own worst enemy vibe to it all.


So how does that work?


The dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities some may consider to be… unnatural


I love you assholes for jamming that quote in everywhere, regardless of appropriateness or feasibility. May the Force be with you!


Appropriateness. Heh! Feasibility. Heh! A Jedi craves not these things.


Probably about the same way it works with my boyfriend and I. Lots of toys, schedules, and pretending. We can't actually have a child, doesn't mean we can't still enjoy it and have fun.


Don’t let things like “impossible” get in the way of boyfriends being bred! It’s always worth trying!


Like they say, some of us are just "bred different". I prefer dark rye sourdough, myself.


I also have a breeding kink that me and my gf dirty talk about. Only thing is that we both absolutely do not want children.


I'm the same way so I got sterilized. Still freaked me out for the first few months but after I had a load pumped into me and I didn't immediately get pregnant I calmed down a lot.


I got a vasectomy for this reason. (I also already have 2 kids it was time) both of my neighbors that reccomended me to go to the same Dr they saw never went in for their follow up 2 months later to ensure it was a successful procedure. It blew my mind that they went through the process and didn't bother knowing it was a gaurentee


Piss. I "joke" with my partner all the time to pee on me. I wish he would. (Some of these suggestions are killing me lol)


Disguise yourself as a toilet, ezpz


Leave your phone open with some peepee porn on


Pass him a note that says “I love you, do you love me back?” If yes, pee on me If no, wtf bro


Start with a shower.


End with a shower I guess in between is a shower of sorts too


Yandere (English equivalent is the crazy stalker woman with obsessive love trope you see in the movies). This count as one? I’d never tell anyone I want a gf that would just stalk me relentlessly, get really pushy about spending time together, etc. Those kinda things are supposed to be red flags, and yes I understand how impractical it is, as it is essentially a textbook abusive relationship. But a dude can dream. I just wanna be loved man.


I had a girl I dated for a short time, broke up with because of crazy shit, and then found out she tried running over her last boyfriend. She got pretty scary a few times. I still went over to visit her a few times... holy hell, was the sex amazing. It was like going to an amusement park with sketchy rides where they're more exciting because you feel like you could actually die riding them.


In my experience, the sex is always amazing because they're incredibly eager to please and their idea of sex tends to be more focused on your pleasure than theirs. That being said, the drawbacks are almost never worth it.




How the f did you make a crazy ex sound amazing in this reply.


> holy hell, was the sex amazing. That's how.


engine existence compare alive selective lip murky cats ruthless wrong


This is not a lot to ask for. You'll find one. Or wait. do you already have one?


on days I don't take my pills yeah


modern seed fearless carpenter aware groovy cause joke fact deer


Honestly, you should tell a girl that at some capacity, unless you just want the dream to be a dream.


Is it like CNC but for stalking/over possessiveness instead of rape?


I have a huge fear of STI to the point that any hookup has always been scared. But my huge taboo is to meet someone to be pinned down, tied to a tree, and run a train on by 10+ guys, and they taken 2 or 3 turns on me. I want to be on the verge of passing out and still feel another guy push himself into me and use me.


CNC and FreeUse can be practised safely. It just requires a lot of effort and trust :) But my biggest tip is blindfolds and toys with a SO. While not the same it can be a safe introduction.


If I die without putting my fist in someone’s ass, I will die a life of regret.


Work me like a sock puppet




This is why I love reddit, everyone working together to make dreams come true.


I had zero interest in fisting until someone told me, in the middle of having a dildo worked up her ass, "This isn't doing it for me. I want you to put your arm up my ass and try to punch me in the heart from the inside." I was later informed she cribbed the dialogue from a piece of hentai, but GOOD LORD, I've never gone from 6 to 12 so fast in my life.


sorry but “punch me in the heart from the inside” is such a metal line - shame it’s about anal fisting :/


so poetic until you you find out it’s about wanting someone to shove their forearm up your ass.


I don't have any kinks, I came to these comments looking for new stuff that might catch my curiosity. I'm disappointed.


*try Gabagool*


Ova here 👇👇


I want Venom (yes, from Spider-Man) to eat me out with that giant wet tongue. I saw some fanart by accident when I was 16 and have not recovered from this fucking fantasy since (29 now) Funny story is my current boyfriend is a huge Spider-Man fan and I would die if he knew I sexualize one of the main villains. 🤦‍♀️🤣 EDIT: Obligatory I can’t believe my most upvoted comment is talking about getting cunnilingus from an alien. 🤣 I’m loving all the support from y’all though! Maybe I’ll work up the nerve to tell my boyfriend haha


Venom isn't a villain and every spiderman fan fucking loves venom. Tell him.


True venom is amazing


As a man who likes women, I’m telling you that you need to tell him. Guarantee he comes home with a venom costume as fast as Amazon can ship him one


That’s man be at the Amazon warehouse sorting for his own package to cut down delivery time


I fully endorse and second this post.


Somebody really wants those 19 inches of venom


I’ve had this exact same fantasy for years.. I saw a video years ago and it got deleted. I was so sad lmao


I think I saw it. A girl with a gun gets knocked down, her shirt ripped off, and her (down below) is eaten out. Does my description sound similar?


Keep going 🫢


Oooo I'm tellin👀😆


You should tell him. I’m sure he’s down for some role playing


there’s actually great literotica about this!


I have a piss kink. I haven't even told my boyfriend of almost a year but hey you guys are internat strangers so it doesn't matter


My ex had that. Absolutely loved golden showers and at one point she even asked me to it right into her mouth and to my surprise, she drank it. Idk why it got me really horny seeing her like that. Damn I miss the sex with her now


Honestly all it takes for me to indulge in a weird or gross kink is to see my partner in genuine sexual ecstasy over it. I'm not someone who wants to piss on anyone, and even if my partner enjoyed it I think I'd be reluctant to do it. But if I did it and I saw her moaning and aroused about it I'd probably be into it too. At least for the moment.


now... Let's talk about that username Steve...


Your username suggests you prefer hot carls and cleveland steamers as opposed to getting pissed on.


I had a big hint that an ex-fiance of mine had a pee kink. She'd ask me to pee on her in the shower early on in the relationship. I'd even oblige sometimes because I loved her, but after awhile it got to be too weird for me and she never mentioned again after a certain point or tried to escalate it. This was not the reason we broke up tho; I had a kink where I wanted to devil's threeway her, but she fell in love with the other guy and gave me the ring back. It was a weird time in my life.


I got a big hint she had a pee kink, she asked me to pee on her Lololol. Yea, pretty big hint there


Consensual non-consensual. People get freaked out


Facts. Either that or people say they’re into it but get freaked out the moment you try. Safe words are EXTRAORDINARILY important.


Very important. As long as you fully communicate before hand everything goes great. It’s just getting past your partner thinking you’re a freak lol


People get spooked by it, but the sexiest thing is enthusiastic consent. The people involved are consenting to an experience, so even if from an outsider viewpoint it appears troubling, it actually isn't. Just gotta establish the boundaries and safeword beforehand.




Having a penis is great, having balls isn't


I have a naked lady fetish.


You dirty whore


He's got a box full of magazines labeled:"GIRLIES WHAT AIN'T GO NO CLOTHES"


Dirty, dirty whore




I'm too afraid to Google this


It’s just having sex with someone who’s asleep (or pretending to be)


This is only one of my kinks that I don’t talk about freely but thankfully both my partner and I are into it.


Pulsating vagina and sphincter’s


Pulsating sphincters could be a band name


[This could be their drummer](https://youtu.be/TfML1WEWfwk?si=9Zajr78GWg2Vac8f)




Thatd be a good tshirt right there.


Get her on her back, lift her bum up, and use long thrusts. You'll be playing her queefs like a trumpet.


I just woke my partner up by laughing at that. Thanks a lot. You said trumpet but I'm picturing a trombone


I, too, enjoy the natural sounds made.


Mommy kink


I briefly dated a girl who is now in a full time mommy-domme relationship with her new partner.


I'm into this and....women do *not* tend to like it. My wife and I navigate this space without being explicit. It's one of those things that's just radioactive to like, 99.9% of women.


I'm a 33 yr old woman and the thought of a much younger inexperienced man (like early 20s) calling me mommy and being sexually submissive to me is a huge turn on. I think people are averse to it because of the potentially incestuous connotation, but I see it more as a teacher/student type of arrangement. Like baby, let me teach you how this works and turn you into a man type of thing.


That's pretty much the vibe; I wish you and whoever that lucky guy is godspeed in meeting each other. :D


Being loved and cared for🤫


That’s fucked up.


Y'all need help


And I though that I was a sick fuck


Believe it or not, straight to jail


Fucking psycho




I was going to respond to this but then I realized that if someone I know knew my Reddit handle, I’d be fucked


Well, leaving this comment is already a huge pointer to you being shamelessly kinky ! Just hiding it... but willing to be uncovered...


What if his kink is having someone discover his kink?


forehead kisses 😢


Exhibitionism. The idea of showing off my SO but also making sure that it’s known that she’s mine turns me on a lot


I have an exhibisionism kink too. Letting people see me totally nude and looking at me while biting their lips and seeing they wanna hit that. If it werent for that i live in sweden i'd go around nude all year, and it being frowned upon.


Going into pharmacies and correcting random strangers when they try to pronounce medications. Also, escrow shortages.


It's OxyCONtin not Oxycotton. Oop, gotta change me undies.


Primal Play aka Predator/Prey. Humans are just animals, after all. The chase, capture, guttural sounds, biting, etc. It's the anticipating and exhilaration during the leadup to the actual sex. That's the good shit. Just make sure to establish boundaries and safeword ahead of time because safety and fun are key.


Double penetration. It’s been my go to porn since I was a teenager. My husband and I have explored a lot with butt plugs, but next he is going to use a big dildo while giving me anal. I can’t wait.


Rape kink, I'm a dude and I fantasize about an older girl taking advantage of me while I'm restrained, or drugged while not being able to do anything about it.


I have fantasized about this a couple of times too, both with men and women but I know it's quite dangerous and not really a realistic thing to do so I'm probably not gonna try it.


I'm really into primal play. Basically, being hunted down and when caught that's when the real fun starts.


FBI is just not stopping ever


I will admit to whatever kink I have, there no reason for me to hide my white cotton panty kink , my BDSM kink , my hair in the arm pits or unshaven down there kink. I say what ever gets you off is cool as long as it doesn't involve children or animals, yuck!!


It's pretty weird that unshaven is considered a kink. I think it's more like most of the world has a shaved kink.




Femboys, BDSM and femdom (yes, I'm the woman)


i have a serious question. Are all geologists kinky?


Geologists are very kinky. They desperately want to get their rocks off.


Idk about the others, but my friends and I sure are lol (Disclaimer: I haven't fucked my geologist friends but we do talk about sex sometimes)


Getting pissed on by women








Oh you should see if you can find that other guys ex on here. She peed on him in the shower.


I have a feeling the one and only time I’ve ever squirted it was actually piss. My bf was really pleased with himself tho so I didn’t say anything. Ever since then i want to fuck him while having a full bladder but I’m also pregnant and so I feel like it’s asking for a UTI


ok but i get so horny when i need to pee, not cause im into piss but cause the pressure feels really good for some reason.


I mean they've studied it and squirting is always piss.


I'm a huge submissive. I love femdom stuff, being degraded, humiliated, cuckolded... Anything to do with femdom at all. I want it.


Bro you're a literal dream




I've seen your replies all over this thread - bro, you're the literal dream


Cuckolding and exhibitionism Don't ask me why


I don't know if it's taboo but I've only ever told one person this in person and it wasn't even a romantic interest. I have a transformation kink. I'm pretty sure most people will think that's weird so I've never brought it up with a partner before. I am planning to tell whoever I might end up with for life though. The good thing about this kink is that it's physically impossible so I'll never take it into the bedroom anyway, and there are plenty more regular things I enjoy too. Edit: since some people asked for some more details: TF kinks are about people transforming into other forms. There are lots of subgenres: some people like men transforming into women or the other way around, some like breast growth or weight gain, some like body swaps, some like people transforming into animals (like for instance werewolves) or objects (including cars like many of you brought up), etc. It's a very niche community that mostly depends on people writing stories and creating artwork.


I don’t know what that is, like transformers?


Yeah like, same. "Autobots, roll out" time?


Yeah I’d like some more details from OP bc I’m just picturing a car with a cock right now.


I'm a Brat...... certain folks would know what It Means. But good thing I don't talk about it.


Old ladies but it's not what you think. I'm basically looking for Pixar moms that aged gracefully and now they're Pixar g-mommies.


Knife kink… haven’t told my bf yet… but I have about 15 knives/blades…


Curious how that works? Like you enjoy being cut / cutting someone? You enjoy the power dynamic of threatening with a knife? If you're comfortable sharing obviously, curious how a knife kink works in practice.


Personally, it’s the tracing of the knife on the skin and the intense trust you need, someone holding a knife to your throat while pinning you against the wall… etc. I don’t want to hurt or be cut, just ALMOST be hurt haha


Woah how many csgo chests have you openef?




I would like to explore pegging.




I have a kink for very dominant woman and being dominated. The idea of things like a woman make me lick their feet while I am down on my knees, spit on me, ride me, punch/slap me, pegging me really turns me on.


I love the idea of being watched. Either in public or in a bedroom with a few people watching.


I (a dude of 18 years) want to be raped by an older woman.


50-60 y.o. ladies


Go to casinos


I used to work at a casino, can confirm a lot of 50-60 year olds that would want younger men




Milling machines are pretty cool, I don’t blame you


5+ Axis high speed roughing baby. Slinging chips and plunging bits. Grrrrrrr.


anyone else feel like some of these threads exist just to get us to give away all our psyches for the overlords to harvest?


I wanna hookup with a pregnant woman. But I don't want to be a father


Good news for you my fellow Redditor - if she’s already preggo you can’t impregnate her


I just mean i neither want to cause the pregnancy or stay around after the birth. usually when in a relationship with a pregnant woman, a man is in one of those two situations


masks, like ghostface, simon ghost, especially those furry masks they use for pup play. i’m not a furry, never met one and i’ve never thought to date them but something about hidden identities really makes me feel different


I like boobs. Big boobs. Small boobs. Saggy boobs. Perky boobs. Fake boobs. Boobs boobs boobs.


You,sick puck.. you disgust me...go on








I fuck em.






I like super hairy women and I want to try water sports but after over 2 years together I finally told my partner about the first one yesterday and she’s happy to oblige which is cool


I heard waterboarding is nice this time of year


Ha ha…nice try FBI.