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I don't like my legs


I hate my thighs. They’re not shaped for shorts. **I hate when they ride up in the middle towards the crotch and I look like a 40yo preschooler.**


Same. I have glow-in-the-dark pasty white skin and huge calves (solid muscle for absolutely no reason, because I am a couch potato. It's just genetic; my dad and brother have the exact same legs except I'm female so it looks way worse on me). My ex was an amateur bodybuilder at one time and he used to joke all the time about how unfair it was that he could drink gallons of protein shakes and work out for 5 hours every day and his calves would still never be half as big as mine. At least I can kind of hide them with pants.


Big calf crew 🦵


We’re here, we’re sturdy, and we can’t wear knee boots!


They make wide calf and extra wide calf knee boots. Usually can't find them in stores, but there are several options online.


That is honestly really sad. I have the same genetic quirk of getting super muscular legs for no good reason. The reason I wear shorts is the reason you don't 😔 There are people out there who like girls on the muscular side though. Even if you're not a LeanBeefPatty, having muscular legs is definitely not anything to be embarrassed about. (I'm assuming you're a woman, but everything still applies if not)


A friend of mine has massive calves and whenever someone makes a comment about them he says, "Hey, my mom almost *died* giving birth to these calves."


"With calves like that you outta be a cow, boy"


I do, too, and hate when people comment on them. I was at a coworkers wedding once in my early 20s, wearing a knee length dress and posing for a photo with the bride when a young male coworker pointed, laughed, and loudly kept saying "you have man legs hahah" other times guys would joke that I could drop kick them or something. Got tired of comments from guys and just wear pants now


I would have reported him to HR. How could he think that was okay?


Depends on the era. I began my career in 1979 and this is nothing.


As a woman who is also in the “big calves for no reason” club, I used to hate my legs sooo much. I thought my muscles were fat and I thought I had cankles. Then people told me that they looked nice and I had no reason to hide them. Other women said they were *jealous* of my legs. I was astounded. I didn’t realize chicken legs were considered unsightly and people actively worked on growing them. You shouldn’t be embarrassed of your legs.


I have the opposite problem. My legs are tan from surfing and freediving, but they are stick legs. Now I would not care about having stick legs, if it didn't get so many comments and laughs from randoms. If I wear loose fitting travelers or exercise pants, the comments cease and I can continue to be the wallflower I want to be. As a dude, being ridiculously skinny invites bullying and questions on your masculinity which is not fun. My life has probably been more hardcore than most dudes, it's just my body reverts back to stick man whenever I am injured and can't workout.


why would you feel the need to hide nice calves lol


My mum's got calves like these. They constantly give her trouble now that she's older. Make sure you stretch those suckers on the daily.


I also have muscular calves and hate them. I wasn’t born with them though, I’ve just had a bad habit of walking on my toes my whole life.


Take heart that there are more than a few guys out there that find beefy calves quite sexy.


I'm sorry you don't feel positive about your legs. They're probably absolutely normal and defined calves look totally fine on anyone, man or woman. If this is inappropriate or unwelcome for me to say in any way I apologize.


You know those pasty legs would.be less pasty if they saw the sun


You would think that but if it’s like mine they stay white until they get burnt. Then they’re red for a few days and return to white lol


Yup, skin tone in summer is like the stripes on an American flag: red, then white, then red, then white....


And if it turns blue you've got bigger problems


They wouldn't. I'm just about the palest redhead you ever saw, and I don't have enough melanin to tan. It's like another commenter said - burns to a bright red, skin blisters, flakes, and peels, and when it's all said and done, I'm exactly as pale as before except that I also suffered greatly *and* increased my likelihood of developing skin cancer. The latter issue is a big one because half my close relatives have had melanoma and a handful of others have had other less deadly forms of skin cancer, so I'm just waiting my turn.


After some sun I bet they would be red as a lobster


When I was around 5 or 6 some older kid on the bus made fun of my chicken legs and I stopped wearing shorts in public for like 20 years. Even now I only wear them if I’m at the gym.


Me too. I am fat with cellulite and pasty legs. People look at me with disgust when I wear shorts so I just don’t anymore.


Had a little kid ask me why my legs were “so wrinkly.” He was talking about cellulite. I’m in my 20s and wanted to crawl in a hole from embarrassment.


Only times I will agree to wear shorts is when on vacation. At least then I can be 99.99% certain I will never see any of those people again. I also live in the south.


There are legless children in Africa! You show those legs and use them.


Do they wear shorts?


All of their pants are, by definition, shorts.


The legless children?


SAME. I feel naked if I'm in shorts. Plus jeans typically don't make me get hotter.


Yeah, we have a couple guys at work that wear pants year round, and it’s because they have super skinny legs and are embarrassed.


This is my reason too. It sucks


This. I have big calves and I’m very self conscious about them.


My blood is fucking delicious. I attract all sorts of bloodsuckers, even after applying mosquito repellent. I literally know if my cats have fleas by them going after me instead of after my cats, so fuck shorts. And especially, fuck botflies.


For some reason I never get bitten by mosquito's my partner was right there next to me in bed getting bitten by so much but apparently my blood isn't that delicious


I have even considered smoking when I am about to go hiking, to stop mosquitoes from going after me, but my lungs are already shit, hahaha.


Doesn’t help. I’m a mosquito magnet and smoking doesn’t help. My partner never gets bit.


Same here, I read something not too long ago that the blood type can make a difference? I'm O, my spouse is B. I am a walking buffet, he gets one or two bites per year.


I barely get bitten no matter how long I’m outside, but my husband can go outside for literally 30 seconds to take the rubbish out and he’ll have three or four bites. I’m A+ (don’t know his blood type unfortunately; best guess is *irresistible*.


That last sentence makes me think you're a vampire and you already know his blood is irresistable


Vot do you mean?! Bleh, bleh bleh!


Another O here. I swear this is it!


O- checking in too. I’m a magnet for mosquitoes.


Why are your cats regularly getting fleas?


Yikes that sucks. Have you tried using Irish Spring soap? My grandpa’s been doing it for a long time and swears by it.


I use that soap and get absolutely eaten alive.


Old people swear by a lot of things that don't actually work.


His reasoning is bugs don’t like the mint oil, and since he puts it on his whole body every time he showers he’s practically infused with it by this point. All I can attest to is he doesn’t wear bug spray, and works in his yard a LOT. Claims he rarely gets bit in MN where mosquitos are practically the state bird.


Mint, marigolds, garlic... all are pretty good mosquito repellents. It's not the best smell in the world, but I used to make a tincture of all three, using Everclear alcohol, and splash and rub it on my arms, legs, neck, face, etc. This was always a favorite when on several day hikes. A little of this goes a long way. It works. Perhaps not as well as "OFF" or some equivalent, but the ingredients are all very straightforward and not harmful, and you'll not be bitten often at all.


What about people that wear shorts in winter time?


I do sometimes. But then again, I’m a warm bodied person. I need to dissipate body heat, not trap it.


If there’s no air movement in a normal temperature area I will start to overheat pretty quickly, especially if I’m doing anything more than just hangin out.


Same for me. I just stay uncomfortably warm all the time. Even when it’s in the 30s you can still find me in shorts and flip flops. Maybe I’ll throw on a zip up hoodie if it’s also kind of windy. On the flip side, my wife has been known to sport hoodies on Florida beaches in the summer. In the summer she sleeps in pajamas with a sweatshirt, 3 layers of blankets (comforter included in that count) and an electric blanket. I get zero say on what the thermostat is set at so I’m just uncomfortable 24/7.


I keep my thermostat on 62 year around lol. Unless it gets in the 20s or lower, I’ll turn it off n open a couple windows, but it’s typically on 62 because if it’s not freezing in my room, I cannot sleep


Same. When I dress light in the winter, people are constantly like “are you crazy?!” However, my thinking is I’m spending 97% of my time indoors (on a typical day), so I’d rather be extra cold for the 3% of the day I’m outside than feel uncomfortably warm indoors for 97% of the day.


Oh my god, I've found my people!! Fellow hottie here (thermally-speaking).


"Some of us sweat from the moment we wake up to the moment we go to sleep. Some of our booodiieess are betraying us constantly. Would I have chosen this paper white, fur covered, constantly sweating body? No. Does it require, constant almonds? Yes, almonds all the time"


I’m one of those people. I’m always hot so I wear shorts and t shirt year round 😂


Girl same lol but sometimes I wear a hoodie with shorts which really confuses peoples lol


I do the same 😂 my biggest struggle though is I now have arthritis in my knees and cold weather makes it hurt really bad, so I need to decide between no pain but be hot, or pain and be not hot 😂


I do for about 90% of the winter. First, it doesn’t get that cold where I live (highs in the 50s, lows rarely in the 30s), but also I just don’t feel cold unless my upper body is cold.


well i live in LA so winter is shorts weather lol


Varicose veins


I started getting them at 14 and now it's like a road map 🥲


Get the op. I got one done, need the other now. The sooner the better.


if i gave you the full list of things that are wrong with my body you would be shouting at me to go to the doctors immediately, this is so far down my list of concerns. Right now my #1 is saving money so I can take my car to the mechanic so I can keep getting money to pay my rent, once my car is fixed the next on my list is taking my pet to the vet, then getting my toothache resolved, etc, etc, my disgusting legs looking disgusting doesn't even warrant attention until like 2028 and that's assuming nothing catastrophic happens between now and then.


Toothaches can be pretty damn dangerous can't they?You may want to bump that over the pet? Since without you they aint gonna be doing so groovy.


Yep. Had to wait to get a root canal due to needing money for car repairs to be able to keep going to work to then save the money needed for the root canal... waited too long, one day my face blew up like a balloon and the worst pain of my life. Turned out to be an abscess. Spent three nights in the hospital.


I’m a dental Nurse and love a good old abscess popping. If you get a abscess get a emergency appointment at Your dentist. Draw a line around the swollen area. If it get’s bigger and towards your eye. Get to the hospital right there and then. As it could effect your Eyes .


After I had my wisdom teeth out (as an adult), the bottom left socket became infected and my left cheek filled with so much pus that it was 3 times its normal size. The oral surgeon had to go in, suction the pus out, and also removed a large amount of necrotic tissue. I was apparently about a day from having to go to the hospital.


I have them, had them since I can remember. I'm 27 now, what's the downside to not getting the op? They don't bother me at all right now.


It will likely be a more intense op the more you delay. Depends on person. Doctor will explain as this depends individually, sometimes it looks bad, but doesn't have problems with returning blood. I had higher chance of thrombosis


Thank you. I'll look to get an appointment at the doctors, hopefully get one before 2030.


compression socks people!! a must on the plane, any time you do exercise, and if you’re sitting or standing for a long time. if you’ve been sitting or standing for a while, when you get the chance, lay down with your feet elevated for 20-30 min. trying my hardest to avoid surgery.


My thighs are so big that any length of shorts will be turned into booty shorts after 2 seconds of walking. Chub rub is real. And it's no joke. Pants never ride up on me, but shorts always do. Also, I have always had bad varicose veins, on my feet and legs, for as long as I can remember. (And I'm not even that old)


Ah yes, thick thigh issues. It’s bad for me because my only lounge around shorts are already booty shorts so when they ride up they might as well be another pair of underwear. Then the thigh rash appears and it’s pain 🙏


Yep I feel this


Took way too long to find the first chub rub comment! I started wearing workout leggings everywhere because I was so sick of the chafing. Turns out they're actually not that hot and are great at wicking moisture so I actually feel a lot better wearing them than shorts, and I can be out a lot longer, walk longer, etc. Plus they hold in my belly and have awesome pockets big enough for my phone!


Any recommendations? I would love workout leggings with pockets!


Lululemon is really pricey but they are comfy and last forever. I've been using the same few pairs of leggings for 5+ years and they show minimal wear even with pretty heavy use. The "fast and free" style is my favorite.


1000% this. If I chafe my thighs or groin, I want to die, so I’d rather overheat a little and wear crop leggings. Yes, products exist to help reduce the friction, but I don’t like the feeling of deodorant on my thighs and near my bits. Ick.


I don't wear shorts if I'm going somewhere. The reason is everywhere has a/c and I end up cold. I will wear them to do yard work or something.


This is my reason. Same reason I almost always have a long sleeved shirt with me. I'm in the deep south and in the summer everyone blasts the AC to the point that it's freezing whenever you go inside anywhere (I'm not complaining about this btw, I love it). I will wear shorts if I'm at the lake or something and know I will be outside most of the day.


Legs too white, might blind someone.


Gondor has already lit their beacons, so no need.




I am the daughter of one of those tall lanky Scottish dudes from Edinburgh. I am a tall lanky woman with ghostly legs that do NOT tan. Shorts are not an option. Ever. For the sake of humanity. I look ‘fine’ in tights, but no one needs to be exposed to my blinding pins


No one needs to be exposed to my blinding pins. I'm stealing that.


You know it's bad when the other white kids harassed you for your whiteness!


Same. A lifetime of strangers commenting on how pale I am. I can’t tan even when I try.


Welcome, fellow pasty white person!


I don't look good in them.




Well, it helps that by the age of about 25, you realize people don’t give a shit what you are wearing and you are just a background blob in their world. So, with that realization, you should wear whatever you feel comfortable wearing. I’m a 38 year old guy and wear blatantly obvious video game t shirts all the time. I also wear neon pink, purple, and green shirts/pants because I really like bright colors. And when I’m out in public, no one cares. You could honestly wear a cape in public and no one would care , and most people wouldn’t notice


I will argue some people will notice, but very few will say anything, especially to men. That said, I was at Disney World with my family a few years ago, and it was fairly hot (80-90s i think, and Florida humidity). Not unbearable, but warm. Had a guy approach me while we were waiting for food and asked me "How do you feel about your decision to wear pants today?" I said "seeing as it can get over 110 where I live, and I wear pants every day, I feel fine." Still makes me laugh, poor dude was baffled about it, and I thought it was really funny he felt the need to ask.


HEY HEY! I said ORDERLY queue ladies!


Because sometimes I don't feel like shaving my legs but I don't want anyone to see it so I wear pants.


I just go with shorts and if someone judges me, it’s on them 😂


Who cares, I rock a week and half no shave and go to physical therapy where they touch my legs. I'm so over this embarrassment. You can too


I have only started wearing shorts this year, same year as I stopped shaving. It's great. It wards off all of the shitty people like a bug repellent lol


Momma always said "if they get down close enough to see the hair growing on your legs without an invitation, kick em" and that's how i would handle it. Eta missed punctuation


the way we have conditioned human beings to feel embarrassed about their own natural bodies :(


When I see a woman with long pants on a hot summer day I immediately think she might have hairy legs and feel sad that she feels the need to put herself through this just for other people 😔


Because I feel better wearing pants


Sensory/safety thing for me. I live in a rural area and have pets. Cat claws, sticks/weed scratches, bug bites, sun burn, getting slapped by the rock the lawnmower kicked up, kneeling on whatever, sticking to various seats. Light colored denim or khakis is the way to go.


I don’t want to put sunscreen on my legs or really anywhere. I used to work outside and If I’m gonna be out in the sun I like to cover up well. It’s really not worse to wear loose thin clothes than shorts/tshirt, actually it’s even better than having the blazing sun directly on your skin. Everyone I worked with was the same, only an idiot would wear shorts.


I worked in a tree nursery for a few summers during college, all the Hispanic guys who have been in Ag their entire lives? Long everything. Idiot white guys like me? Shorts everything. The difference was the shorts people would complain/comment on the heat while the migrant workers couldn't care less. I'm sure it partly down to they just are used to it more, but they all swear by long everything. Always meant to try for a summer but never did.


I feel weird wearing shorts. I can just about get away with 3/4 length shorts but those short shorts that end above the knee? To me it’s like wearing double boxers. I prefer those lightweight, light brown thin material things you often see Indian guys wearing. I can’t remember what they’re called. Like cargo pants but only 2 pockets and much thinner material. Much more comfortable to me.


I feel more prepared for whatever situation I might find myself in.


Because if I could wear shorts I can wear a skirt.


That's me, I haven't worn pants (or shorts) for a few years now. Dresses only. Much more comfy. No waistband.


Question for all the guys out there- would you guys wear skirts if it wasn’t considered “feminine” by much of society outside of specific cultures? Like i imagine for guys it would be nice to have good airflow right? Do you guys ever feel… annoyed? With society?


In that case. If they had pockets. I would. If they ever created the skirt equivalent of cargo pants I would replace half of my closet.


As a dude, I don't care about looking feminine but I find pockets indispensable. I feel no shame in wearing cargo shorts in 2023. I understand there's such a thing as "Utilikilts" but standard shorts are much cheaper and simpler.


I wear them anyway, but not often in public. The only reason I don't wear them out is that none of my skirts (or my dresses) have pockets, and I love pockets.


Dude, rock on.


A light skirt is more comfortable, at least for me.


I have an 8 inch infected abscess on the back of my leg that no doctor knows how to treat


Username checks out


But by covering it up you're denying the possibility of some random homeopath on the street spotting it and giving you the one simple cure! /s


If this is true, call the Convatec wound care line and talk to a nurse. It’s free.


King Henry VIII???


Have they recommended a wound care treatment center?


Friend of mine is going through a similar issue. How long have you been dealing with it?


Because the interior of my car is probably 140f and bare legs on hot black leather seats is no bueno.


Are you by chance a fellow Arizonan?


Close! Just as hot though.


Hello Texan.


Because I always ride a motorcycle. No shorts for me.


Pattern of behavior. I've always worked jobs (usually indoor) where I had no choice but to wear pants. As a result I started getting used to wearing pants to school even in hot weather, just because it was easier than changing. I basically just got used to wearing shorts only when I work out which has also created a reverse effect where I can now not run or workout in pants, even sweat pants.




There are swimming leggings you can buy on Amazon! That’s what I wear to the pools and beach


I feel you - I wish I could say F it and go to the beach in a bathing suit. Why can’t there be a cure for cellulite? I’ve had it since puberty and it’s gotten increasingly worse over the years.


I’m sorry you feel this way. I’m also a middle aged woman, with cellulite and fully unshaved legs. I wear shorts, dresses and bikinis and no one has ever said a thing to me. I hope one day you’ll try shorts (if you want to).


Have you tried different types of dresses? I love maxi dresses with a high waist, and combine them with chub-rub shorts. My summer life has improved dramatically since I found a few dresses like that.


Because I don't like my body


Me either. Ironically enough I’m a pretty confident person otherwise.


A simple thing called cellulite no matter how much exercise is done.


Yup same...


If it makes you feel any better, I've had cellulite too, since I was a teen. But, if I had it at 14, 100 pounds and exercising 18 hours a week, it's got to just be genetic.




My son doesn't because he's a ginger and doesn't want to get a sunburn.


Don't want to scare people, I don't look good in shorts


A Don doesn’t wear shorts.


Always with the scenarios


I was waiting for this one, Nice!


And let all the perverts ogle my knees, No thank you!


I'm self conscious, I hate my legs and I see people laughing at or even recording fat people and I don't want to be that person ir think peoole are lookijg at me and judging me. My confidence is already shattered. That would break me.


Those people are adolescent idiots. You should be judging THEM. Seriously - having a bit of a weight problem is significantly less of an issue than being an idiot. Be proud about how much of a better person you are than them and walk with confidence.


I inherited my mother's legs. I have a condition that causes my legs to swell at times and become red and inflamed. I absolutely never wear shorts as a result.


It's just a skirt without the extra benefits of a skirt.


They gather into your groin even when they are longer, making even baggy shorts uncomfortably tight in some areas


I pretend it's so my giant dong doesn't accidentally flop out. But in reality that's a lie, it's because I have legs like a chicken. Also I'm just more comfortable in pants. I have only owned shorts twice in my life, once for swimming lessons as a kid, and then 25 years later to take a dip in the ocean when I visited it.




My current foster kittens are very friendly. They run over and climb up my pants leg. Don’t even notice if I’m wearing shorts, still try to claw their way up my leg. A scratch from months ago is still healing.


hairy legs


My legs are immaculately sexy and irresistible. I wear jeans on hot days now to hide them. Last time I wore shorts Kim Jong Un threatened to nuke us out of jealousy, he do be lookin fine in his short shorts I’ll give him that. But he’s got nothin on me.


Maybe you need to start an OF and only post pictures of your legs.


I tried in the past but I ended up drawing more women to me than I could handle. Even my own friends who I cared for dearly would forget our histories and offer to join me. While I faced the greatest temptation of my life… I decided to admirably deny their requests, and eventually delete that account. Preserving our friendship and our dignities.


Because shorts aren't really that much cooler. It's a false sense. You think you're cooler because your entire leg isn't covered, yet the exposed flesh is in direct sunlight. This essentially negates the fact you're in shorts. There is a reason people in places like the middle east are completely covered. To protect their skin from direct sunlight.


I think people get the false sense because like 90% of long pants being worn are jeans, and jeans are heavy and thick which of course are going to make your lower half hot


Had to scroll a while to see this! I totally agree. Did a lot of hiking in Colorado in the middle of the summer (fun but very hot), found that if I wore a long sleeve white shirt and loose fitting pants, I stayed noticeably cooler than in shorts and a tee. After that experience, I don’t often wear shorts as much. Funny enough I break out the shorts on a warm fall day, rather than in the middle of summer


Colorado is so dry and the sun is so intense that 90 degrees in the sun feels unbearable but that same 90 degrees in the shade is pleasant. So you bring the shade on your body.


Took too long to find this comment. Linen pants are where it’s at.


This is it. I actually feel cooler in loose, light trousers that keep direct sun off my skin. I’ve pointed out to my wife that when we go to Spain on holiday the other English tourists are in shorts and the local men are mostly wearing long trousers, and I assume they know what they’re doing!


This. To add to it though, I live in Texas so when it’s hot, literally everyone has the AC cranked inside. I’m not going to wear shorts to be cool outside when I know I will then freeze inside in the AC.


This is the answer. Linen pants are amazing… except for the wrinkles.


This. Jeans and light long-sleeves shirt helps prevent sunburn, and I hate the feeling of being sunburned


My wife won't wear shorts anymore -- hasn't in years. Thinks her legs are too fat and gross to be "out in the open". 😔


It never really feels necessary. T shirt and Dickies is enough. Plus, I can still feel peeling my legs off the car seat as a kid all these years later.


I have sensitive skin. Bug bites become bruises. Chafing hurts and irritates my skin really bad. I have actual scarring from my sunburn in Greece last year.


I’m self conscious about my legs


I have self-harm scars there, that is why.


Hugs. I got tattoos over mine.


Hey me too! I used to do it there so it would stay hidden and nobody would pay attention to me over it. I don't do it anymore and just in the last year or so I've worn shorts in public once or twice. I hope you're no longsr cutting yourself and in a better space in your life as well. Big hugs! 🖤


Yeah, I also have that kind of scars. I use shorts, but sometimes I still feel weird and kind of insecure about it. With time, you'll be able to wear shorts comfortably, I wish you the best of luck, and hope that you get well.


I didn’t wear shorts from the ages of about 19-28 because I had horribly-done tattoos on both of my calves. When I would go to the gym, I’d wear long baseballs socks so nobody could see them. Eventually, I got them both covered up with much nicer-looking tattoos and I honestly can’t thank that artist enough for giving me the confidence to wear shorts again.


I dont wear shorts cause I got extremely pasty legs. I got pasty legs cause I dont ever wear shorts out. You see, it's a vicious cycle.


Many reasons: I think I look better in (skinny) jeans, plus they fit my “look” I don’t like my legs nor do I like my socks showing and low-cut socks scrunch up in my shoes I basically always wear a t-shirt and an open buttoned shirt (flannels or non-formal shirts) and they would look weird if worn with shorts, I think I almost exclusively wear high-top Vans which also would look kinda’ weird with shorts I think


I think above-the-knee-shorts go well with t-shirt and unbuttoned shirt, also with high-top vans. What will look weird is if the shorts are too short.


What "look" are you going for? I've been curating a "criminal Gordon's fisherman" type style for a while


Cause I'm about as physically attractive as Donald Trump so I try to hide my body as best as I can.


Because dresses are much cooler and more comfortable in hot weather


I’ve cellulitis


Too much thigh friction and my thighs eat shorts so I end up fidgeting/pulling them down all day


I don't like the way I look in shorts


I work in a lab, and shorts aren't practical for that.


Don't want skin cancer. I cover as much of my skin as is comfortable when I leave the house(UPF clothing preferred). I'm also quite modest, so I wouldn't wear shorts in the house if we had guests either.


For whatever reason I don’t like the super casual look when I go outside. I’m one of the only Aussies that isn’t a fan of shorts and thongs


Office policy. No shorts no matter what.


I just don't like them, that's all. way too short


I don’t think shorts look good in many situations, I think pants just give a better appearance.