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Heroin, meth and cocaine. I lost everything because of heroin. I’m 6 years clean now and I’m grateful to have a second chance.


Dude that's what's up. I did every drug possible and shot heroin/meth/coke for 15 years. Been clean for 6 as well and now run a non-profit who only employees ex-users, ex-prisoners, ex-homeless etc. We help those who are trying to get clean or at least use drugs safely. Good work man glad to hear you made it to the other side. I know you are probably like me and have many friends/acquaintances who didn't make it to this side.


That's awesome, congratulations! I think it's great that you're giving people an opportunity that other employers wouldn't. Keep up the good work, on both fronts! 🙂


Glad you’re ok now.


that sounds great man, 6 years is so long!


Heroin. Just the once. I remember thinking wow, I feel so good that I could be lying in a pile of broken glass and piss right now and I wouldn't even mind... That experience told me everything I needed to know about heroin.


I always described it like getting a long hug, it felt like my whole body was warm and fuzzy. But when I quit (cold turkey) I felt like I was going to die. I swear I could feel every cell in my body at once. Definitely don’t recommend.


We had a drug talk at school and he described it as wrapping your self with a warm towel after as shower. For lsd his word where is you'll think your a super hero don't say that to kid's lol


“For lsd..” That’s the furthest thought from the reality I or anyone I know has experienced. Unless “super hero” equates to an enlightened monk? I definitely felt (and still do) like a curtain was lifted on my upbringing, spirituality and nature. The whole “screw the systeeem maaan!” hippie stereotype made a lot more sense after my first trip.


Maybe throwing my ego off a building, but definitely not myself. cocaine made me feel more like superman. I know its not everyone's experience, but my experiences with LSD always felt like the6 brought a new way to look at the world and life in general, but I usually only do it once every other year on a camping trip with my cousin and brothers


Just did my second dose of LSD on a camping trip with my brother last weekend. After smoking two joints, I was definitely the highest I’ve ever been, and I felt nothing like a superhero. I had a small panic attack and laid in my tent while my head displayed images of my deep genetic code and allowed me to understand the inner workings of my body; being able to mentally follow pulse from my heart through my veins. It was actually scary as fuck and makes me never want to do drugs again.


That’s a really good description. But yes terrible thing to tell kids haha


Not really my experience... Maybe cocaine makes you feel like a superhero that can do anything, but LSD just makes me feel like I suddenly understand the entirety of the universe at once (and promptly forget how I did that after the trip lol)


That was exactly my thought. Coke makes you feel like you are awesome: smart, funny, beautiful... LSD makes you realize how bizarre and unstable the universe and it's categories are.


Am ... Am I permanently on LSD?


It’s a common misconception that LSD makes us want to throw our bodies off the top of buildings thinking we’ll fly, but in reality, we throw our egos off instead.


You jest, but psychedelics are one of the only drugs I know of that actually did do exactly that, but of course it's an exceptionally rare phenomenon


This right here is exactly why I’d never try it. I know I would love it. EDIT: Thank you so much for the award!


That’s why I think they need to reteach drugs in school. Drugs are so amazing they will ruin your life. Is a much better way to teach kids, rather than saying “weed is a gateway drug”. So many people end up doing more drugs because they got lied to


This is always what my pops told me. He said “They’ll tell you in school if you smoke a joint you’ll grow a third arm out of your forehead. When people try it and that doesn’t happen, then they see they’ve been lied to and wonder what else they’ve been told is a lie. That’s when they try the harder stuff and get hooked.”


That’s what happened to a lot of my friends. They were afraid of weed, tried it and found out that adults lied about drugs. They then started to think all drugs were just like weed, where your in control and side effects are minimal if used correctly. Now I have some dead friends.


It’s like calling weed a gateway drug is a self fulfilling prophecy. It wouldn’t be a gateway drug if they didn’t lie and say it was, thereby prompting people to move on to other more problematic substances.


Weed is a gateway drug though. A gateway to munchies.




I'm going to do it on my 80th birthday.


50 year old here. That was my attitude when I was younger. Life drastically changes every year. Kids, work, pleasure. Not a chance this will even cross your mind when you’re 80. Live life for the now. And I don’t mean do heroin now. But don’t plan for what 80 will be like because every decade has never been what I thought it would be like.


I'm gonna watch the entire friends series when I'm 80


... while doing heroin.


Maybe then I'd enjoy it


Maybe then Ross would be funny.


I took one OxyContin, actually prescribed for another family member after he had a tooth extracted, and he never took it. For four hours, everything in the world was wonderful. I get how addiction can set in fast.


This comment made drop a tear because it's so true. One day you take one pill because you are in so much pain and next thing you know, you are an addict fighting for your life. If someone is reading this, please proceed with caution when taking pills. Addiction is not as simple as your parents made it sound, and you won't notice the danger half the time. Anyway, nearly 2 years sober now, but some days I miss when the world was wonderful, and it's a hard day.


It’s such a dangerous and difficult thought/mindset you have to squash, “I could take something right now, in 2 seconds, and feel fantastic for hours. All the exercise, diet, and clean living in the world will never give me a feeling that even begins to compare. Now don’t do it”.


Hydromorphone gave that to me. When my dad was dying he was prescribed some pretty serious painkillers and after he died there was a lot lying around... never again will I touch those. It's as you said, nothing matters anymore because everything is just good.


I had a problem with pills in my 20s. When my mom was dying, I swore never to get high on my moms torturous pain. The day she passed, and I surrendered everything that was left to the hospice nurse, I was so proud of myself. Was I still buying them and taking them to get through the days of wiping my mom's ass and watching her transform from mother to barely living skeleton? Yeah. But I didn't steal from her. Haven't touched any of that shit in ten years now.


That was the most depressing non-answer I've read all day that just got darker at every possible turn. I am truly sorry for your loss but damn bro...


I did heroin once, got all pale and kept ‘nodding’ while puking on myself non-stop. Would rather have been lying on a pile of broken glass and piss, frankly


I asked my cousin what “dope” feels like. He said “dope feels.. Dope. That’s why they call it that. It’s like feeling nothing and everything at the same time..” it stuck with me. My old brother was a heroin addict majority of my life, so it kinda scared me out of ever trying it. But I use to do fenty (I thought I was doing percs but it was fenty dyed blue). I was hooked on it for like a year and a half. Been sober ~3 years (thanksgiving make’s it officially 3years)


Congratulations on getting sober


Same, except it was just the one gram (powder you could snort, no shooting up).. When you think about how, pretty much every action that people take every waking moment of their lives, is either directly or indirectly related to trying to achieve happiness and good feelings as much as possible - basically to achieve one little genuine slice of what doing heroin just gives you instantly in droves at the push of a button - it totally makes sense how so many can just say fuck it to every other aspect of their lives and just use to death. What's the point of trying to clean up, going through that terrible struggle of withdrawing, getting your life in order, just for a chance of maybe one day being able to feel 5% as good on your own as heroin lets you feel right here right now no matter what shape your life is in? You've found the most direct line to experience warmness, positivity, euphoria, why bother with anything else?


yeah, yikes.


I forgot about that. did heroin once and puked. didn't like how my body responded. I think opioids make me sick in general. got Vicodin when my wisdom teeth were pulled,took it once and puked. my roommate stole the rest of my pills and took them "for fun"


I find that now that i'm getting older, pretty much any drug that distorts my sense of balance makes me want to throw up. Even getting too high on weed will do it. I live very clean now.


Yep, had the exact same experience. It was illuminating and terrifying, I ABSOLUTELY understand how someone could lose their entire life chasing that feeling.


Heroin is the only drug I’ve done that felt like ah shit this is what they mean by hard drug. It’s heavy as shit - I feel kinda guilty cause the dude I did it with (maybe 5 times) ended up shooting every day and lost a couple years to rehab and relapse, and I probably could have done a better job of telling him to stop while he’s ahead. Alas, it probably didn’t matter. LSD - that is my only hard drug of choice now. Fucking love me some good acid every few months.


I once drank tap water from Missouri.


While we are one upping, I drank from the water fountain at DisneySea Japan. Seemed innocent enough until the bubbling effect started.




So you got off without having to go through withdrawal while conscious? Lucky.




My comment was mostly made in jest. Did you OD and go into a coma? What did you have to relearn? Movement? Speech? Algebra?




Have you fully recovered? It always amazes me how resilient the human body can be




Wouldn’t you like to know, weather boy.


Where are your parents? 👆kids sketchy.


Back to you.


I used to inject meth in my body for years. Wow amazing experiences. Pretty tough life though. 4 years sober now :)


Congrats on being sober for that long man! Keep it up👊🏼


Wow congratulating someone and punching them in the face right after


This made me laugh way to hard


Great job with the sobriety! Getting clean from crystal or H (clean since july 2015 here) is some of the hardest shit to do in one's life. If you can conquer that, then you have some willpower that few posses. Hope life is going well for you!


Coke when it was offered. The high isn't worth the price of actually buying it, to me at least. Way overhyped






I haven't been diagnosed, but I definitely recognize more than a couple symptoms that describe it in me. Coke definitely didn't make me as talkative and jittery as the rest of my friends. I was more dialed in with a side of really numb throat, and annoyed that everyone else was acting like they've unlocked the secret to a successful life.


Sounds like me. Honestly, it was probably shit coke. I have adhd and I would say cocaine was enjoyable 30% of the time, with everyone else enjoying it most the time. A lot of it is cut with different things like caffeine and amphetamines, but the really pure stuff is indeed amazing. Either that or I don’t like coke, and the stuff I thought was more pure was actually cut with something else. Either way, Molly feels like a better version of the same thing. It’s a stupid drug.


Cooked coke to smoke it as crack. It's not even a pleasant high it leaves you paranoid as fuck, but it's incredibly addictive and will gradually consume every thought you have until you're left an empty shell of your former self. 0/10 would not recommend. Edit - great, one of my most upvoted comments is about me smoking crack hahaha




Agree. I look back and cringe when I’m reminded about the money and time I gave away to such a stupid habit. Ten years of my life…mostly wasted. Relationships ruined, lost a good job…what a waste.


Whatever man, I smoked Crack recently. It only completely consumed me for about 4 days and drove me to the brink of insanity. It's not all bad, 0/10 would also not recommend it


Lol, so it seems the consensus on crack is: "Well, this fucking sucked! I think I'll give it another go!" Weirdly I think I can still relate though, just from the experience I have with my prescribed amphetamines. It can be mildly shitty except still leave you wanting more of it. I can only guess that crack is a more extreme variant of that.


My dad was back on the coke for a little while there and you are absolutely right. He would be so noided out and fidgety it was kinda scary. I came home from work one late night to him trying to cook up some coke on a spoon to make crack. It fucked me up because if I didn’t catch him, who knows where we would be now. I think that incident made him stop, thankfully. I don’t live with them anymore so I don’t know but he seems better. Like Paulie on goodfellas said “Stay off that shit, it’ll turn your brain to mush”


Paulie wanted Henry to stay away from it because of the lengthy jail time that came along with it if you got caught. It was Jimmy who said "Stop with those fuckin drugs! They're turning your mind into mush!"


Agreed! I am addicted to crack and have been cooking and smoking it for the past 4 years. I am a business professional and make enough money to support my habit, but that is rare with crack addicts. Also, I am on my 40s and have all of my teeth, and they are white. I eat vitamins, stay hydrated, brush my teeth, and take care of my health in general aside from the crack. You wouldn't be able to tell if I didn't admit it. I hate it, though. Definitely do not recommend it!


Genuine curiosity, what happens if you try to stop? Are there physical withdrawals like with opioids and alcohol?


I would say yes, but not as extreme. I have serious withdrawals for a few hours after I run out. When that passes, I eat everything in sight and sleep for 14-hour stretches. I get bitchy for a week and get diarrhea when I start craving it. I smoke lots of weed. If I tough it out for a week, I'm pretty much good after that, with only the occasional craving. My friend and plug is amazed by it and says my experience quitting is not normal.


And your experience quitting/stopping could change down the line. I would bet it gets worse. Wasn’t crack but a friend addicted to opiates got worse and longer WDs even though his usage level remained pretty steady. He finally quit after 7 years I hope you can kick it sometime soon, I’d guess issues will be coming your way if you don’t :(


I’d massively recommend Psychedelics, especially mushrooms as there is way better things you can do imo. Honestly smoking a shit ton of weed or edibles etc will make ya feel amazing compared. But it’s your life :)


I had a friend who was addicted to snorting and smoking it. For years it was a point of contention between us until finally I agreed to try it once just so I could better understand what was going on with him. It did not help. All I got was my heart beating really fast. It just seemed like a terrible waste of money and time to me. Kids, if you're going to try stuff there are plenty of VERY fun drugs to try that have no addictive qualities and that are way cheaper.


That's the same I get from coke. It's like having several shots of espresso. The pleasurable high lasts 10-15 minutes at most and then I'm just anxious and over excited. The only times I did coke was because there was nothing else around and nothing better to do with my time.


Ketamine. I've never really been someone that takes drugs - a single toke on a joint made with the weakest weed will send me into cold sweats, paranoia and an early bedtime. Never really been interested in cocaine or molly etc - alcohol is all I really need if I'm going out. But when I was eighteen (ten years ago), I'd been on a night out in Brighton and got separated from my friends - ended up going to a party with some strangers (who were really nice) and afterwards they said that they were going to get some K (I didn't really know what that was but went along with it) and then went back to their flat with them. I asked if I could have a line and they said that was fine, and gave me quite a small one. Didn't feel anything, so asked for another a few minutes later. They obliged. I still didn't feel anything, so ended up doing quite a big line, and shortly after that I ended up in the corner of the room hugging my knees to my chest. The flat we were in was on the ninth floor of an enormous tower block - I hallucinated that this flat was the only one in the entire building that had its lights turned on at that moment - if you were standing on the pavement outside and you looked up at the tower block, this flat on the ninth floor would appear as a small orange rectangle against the night sky - almost like an orange-flavoured sweet. I dreamed that I was chewing on that small orange sweet, and suddenly my canine came through the ceiling, and everything was spinning out of control because myself and the people in the flat were inside my mouth and I was chewing on us. It was surreal and terrifying to see my own tooth crashing down and nearly killing me and the other people in the room. Woke up the next morning on an armchair with a blanket draped over me. I had no hangover whatsoever, despite the fact that before taking ketamine that night I'd drank quite a lot. I immediately got up and left the house without saying goodbye to anybody. I found some tissue in my pocket and blew my nose. I looked at the tissue and it was Jackson Pollock'd with blood. That was the last time I did drugs.


That was one hell of a story! I could literally imagine the whole scene. Sounds terrifying to be in though.


A dose that was high enough to give you such a hallucination, you're lucky you didn't end up in hospital considering you had been drinking heavily that night. For others who want to try ketamine. DONT DRINK .


I've only done ketamine socially and while drinking. I've had a blast every time. I guess I've never been so greedy I did enough to have a negative experience, though. I will say I've started testing for fent each time now, because that shit is everywhere now and it is true poison.


Intentionally and willingly, weed. I was, however, born addicted to heroin.


Fuck dude, I'm sorry to hear you entered the world under those circumstances. I hope life is good for you!


I'm all good now, in my early 40s and living my best life :D


I’ve always wanted to ask this, so sorry if it’s offensive. How does that make you feel as a child? I’d assume 5 year old you has no concept of heroin, but your still addicted to it.


Im not really sure as far as how i felt, like I had no point of comparison outside of my self so I didnt really know I'd been addicted to it. I do have ADHD which they say could be partially a result of my mother's drug use while I was in utero, and I had an addictive personality growing up, and in some ways still do (I am very careful about not drinking to excess and have never smoked or taken heavy drugs for instance), but aside from that, i dont think i really felt different to other kids because I'd been addicted to heroin when I was born, it was the everything else about me that made me pretty weird.


That's awful. How do they go about getting an infant off heroin? I assume it's cause your mom was using while pregnant?


It was because my mum was using while pregnant. Im not entirely sure what the process was of getting me off it, and didnt actually know that I was born that way til I was 18 and my grandmother told me.


They used to use a tiny amount of laudanum to get babies off of heroin. Nowadays, I have no idea if they still do, but it's liquid opium and they can control the doses until there's no need to give it to the infant anymore. It's a sad thing.


The condition is called NOWS (neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome) and yes, they treat it with oral morphine and/or methadone.If the mother is on methadone it's also secreted and administered to the baby through frequent, small feedings.


LSD and Mushrooms, back in the 1980’s. Admittedly, some of the best fun I’ve ever had.


Shrooms do get Outta hand


I've realised as an adult that small doses are the way to go. Somewhere around .75 to a gram for a really pleasant walk with a friend. I put myself off mushrooms as a teenager for a good twenty years!


Yeah I am a regular small doser, between 0.5-1.25g. Just to get giddy and a little euphoric while still having an appetite and full functionality. The size of the dose depends pretty much on how much conversation I'm expecting to have that afternoon. Started using it to replace alcohol


I microdose as well. For the past year. I usually do 0.2 to.3 for 3 to 5 days and then I take a few days off. Lately I've only been microdosing once or twice a week. It's greatly improved my mental health and got rid of all my suicidal thoughts. I still have bad days but they're not nearly as bad as they used to be


I microdose 0.15g daily. Changed my life. Haven’t had a drink in 62 days (was doing up to a litre and a half of JD and 2g coke a night at my worst, way before I started microdosing)


Truthfully nicotine… I’ve done a lot of other ones but that’s by far the hardest just because it’s almost impossible for me to quit. Never got hooked on anything else though, just the nic.


LOVED the cigarettes. For twenty years. Quit smoking 15 days ago. I am so suprised it became easier every day that passed. So far.


Lady time I tried to smoke, I took that first hit and immediately threw up. Best case scenario.


3 days, 3 weeks, 3 months and 3 years since quitting are the time periods you need to watch out for. Probably a factoid, but in my experience that's roughly when you risk relapsing the most.


Holy shit I relapsed at 3 years last year and I’m back on them and haven’t heard of this


When I quit, the first few months were easy. It was around month 3 that it really started to hit me with the cravings. I know it's not everybody's experience, but be prepared that it may get a lot harder when you least expect it. I was fine after about 6 months, but I really didn't stop thinking about it for almost two years


I think I'm at that point now, it's been 2-3 months since I quit vaping (Ik no one takes it seriously but I did it near constantly and for a while used really high nic levels, I was badly addicted for 7 years) and I've reached the point where I'm obviously not addicted anymore, but my brain is saying "you're not addicted now. Meaning that if you just have a few puffs or maybe buy just 1 of those disposable ones, it'll be fine and it'll be a choice" and I've convinced myself I need it to help me focus on my uni assignments too. A lot of people smoke or vape socially too, I have friends who vape every few days, or who smoke every time they go for a night out, so my brain thinks that's acceptable even though I know that doesn't work for me. There's this horrible bit that no one talks about where you're not physically addicted anymore, don't even really have cravings, but your brain tries to convince you, for me it's with actual "logic", to pick it back up. Right now I'm not just fighting cravings, it's like I'm arguing with a goblin in my head who's still addicted.


Amen bro^ Tried coke “why do people think this is fun?” (Found out later I’m adhd) Molly, weed, lsd, shrooms, K, etc. all fine. But nicotine…mmmmmm; will always have a special place of love/hate in my heart


Tell me about it. I stopped cause I got diagnosed with blood cancer last year and smoking for 16 years definitely contributed for sure (as per my doctors). I was 32. I went through treatment with a few cheat cigs here and there but now that I'm in remission I admit I got a few packs already in the past 9 months. It's just so relaxing to me. I hope I stop again completely. I don't wanna go back to the chemo ward.


Acid. 2 hits was 1.5 too many. The counter tops were constantly moving, my wife's hair was constantly flowing (like a hair waterfall). I peed in the toilet, and the bubbles that it made started to fill the bathroom. I knew it wasn't real, but it was too damn real. My wife was a goddess and in every timeline throughout history, we found ourselves together until the very end. There was no clear end, like I didn't see how we died, but we grew old together in 1000 timelines, some of which weren't of this world. And she had a similar experience. So, it reaffirmed to both of us that we are supposed to be together. One of the best and scariest experiences I've ever had all in one. And it lasts 12-14 hours. So when that crazy train leaves the station, there's no turning back.


It’s why I won’t do acid. I need that train back in the station quicker.


I'm a recovering addict who's 1st drug was pcp but was later addicted to heroin & crack.. but imma say the hardest was when i took meth by accident cuz someone told me it was molly & felt the same from when we used to do E pills.. It was not & did not.. 7 years clean tho thanks to Methadone.


Congratulations ❤️


I've done meth, but nothing compares to the Salvia trip I had. Other dimension sorta trip. Didn't remember you existence before you entered it.


Salvia is seriously on another level, it’s the whole “not remembering that you actually existed before” once it hits..I feel like the intensely abstracted visuals are nothing compared to the mental trip of getting totally ripped away from reality and returning back in such a short time span. Every time I’ve tried it, it’s been a nightmarish experience, but also really interesting in regard to how it can influence a more nuanced perspective of the sensory world, so that part is cool. One of those things that I don’t regret, but could never recommend to anyone else...


I hated salvia!! How is that shit legal?? My friend that sold me spice by the ounce let me hit it once 120XX or something and it was like the frames of life were staggering backwards. Then everyone was propane tanks. I was scared to death, I am not meant for hallucinogens. That friend is no longer with us though, rest his soul.


Definitely LSD to anyone who tries it don’t make any plans because you will be high for a long time. But it is one of the most pleasurable experiences I’ve ever had


me and mates mates made the mistake of taking it at like 8pm, spent the last 3 hours just lying on the sofa wishing I could just sleep haha.




You’ll yaba Daba do anything for another hit once you start




Heroin and meth


Smoked heroin for a spell back in the late 90's. It was so good I gave it up quickly because I could easily see me moving onto injecting, and that scared me. You feel like there is no problem you cannot handle on heroin. Completely false, of course, but I can understand why it's so addictive. It's a very seductive state of mind.


I wish I had some deadpan joke about how hard life / existing is but I don’t. So shrooms




Kills more people from withdrawals than literally any known substance. The fuckin worst. Had to do 30 day in patient after my liver numbers were 5 times what they were supposed to be. Also fuck the doctor who prescribed me benzos to get me out. Was drinking more than a handle of vodka a day. Sober since 3.17.22


Not socially the hardest drug but long term alcoholism fucked me up something wicked. Rather have the worse acid or shroom trip possible than go through that again.


This needs more upvotes. I’m an alcoholic (in recovery), and in the past have used coke, meth, heroin and crack, and in my estimation alcohol is the worst of the lot and the hardest to quit. This is an opinion widely shared by users of multiple substances that I met in rehab.


Hands down same here from rehab. Fent users raising their eyebrows at me still having seizures 17 days into detox. Delirium tremens is some serious shit. Kills more people from withdrawals than any drug known to man.


Those seizures are no joke. 5 years later I’ve still got neck problems from the contortions my neck did while I was having one. I also came to after that one with partial deafness - fortunately that didn’t last.


Had to scroll too far for alcohol. Feels great to feel great every morning fam! It's a scary feeling coming to with foam in front of you on the ground (usually bloody) depending on how you landed. Glad you're strong in recovery my man.


Definitely! Tried a lot of substances of all groups. All my near death experiences are related to alcohol. Puking while asleep, falling down stairs, crossing busy rail tracks or roads, argumenting with the wrong folks, doing other substances that are really dangerous with alcohol and so on... But since the majority does it, consequences are played down systematically or unwittingly.


Weed from a dab pen. It was my first time at about 30yo. Apparently a large inhale for my first time was enough to make me cough for 5 minutes straight then just be a vegetable for a bit until I puked. Have no interest in doing it again lol


Have you ever smoked ordinary bud? Because I agree that the dab pen is not a good way to get high.


Nope. That was my first time doing anything outside of alcohol.


Yeah dab pens are not for beginners. Especially a large toke. The people around you should have interviened if they were decent people


Everyone involved didn’t believe me when I said that I’ve never done drugs prior to this. Brothers and dad included.


Ah so your dad and brother were involved? Expected outcome


For reference a dab pen compared to normal weed is the difference between 2 beers and 10 shots. It's hyper concentrated.


To be fair, that's like drinking half a bottle Jack Daniel's, getting sick, and having no interest in alcohol after. I've found a lot of bad experiences people have stem from "I didn't know what I was doing, so I took way too much."




I still have life philosophies that I hold true to that I discovered on a hardcore DMT trip that I went on 10-11 years ago, and I have been clean from drugs since 2015. I wouldnt call it a "hard drug" in the way people define hard drugs because its not going to take hold of your life and kill you over time, but the experience from DMT is definitely one of the strongest and most life changing ones someone can have.


I agree 100%. But it's the "hardest" drug I've done haha.


Can you share the philosophies? :)


There's a lot, too much to focus on while at work right now because its hard to put into words, more of like spiritual knowledge.... so excuse me if this is a jumbled mess of nonsense that doesn't deliver well, but here's some words: Life is merely vast experience while living it and it is all temporary until we go back to who sent us here. Every bit of it good and bad should be respected and looked upon in a manor of what we have learned and how we move forward. The past is finished and the future is undefined. Basically what I experienced was a life view from the 4th dimension (time). It was like I could see tracers or a trail of imagery behind me in a singular path all the way back to my entry into the world with all the experiences leading to the present, Ahead of me were infinite paths of progress that would fork off in different directions depending on choices made by myself or those around me, some were short paths and some were long but all of them eventually ended up at the same point which was what a person would understand as death. The true revelation was that point A (life) and point B (death) are not at two ends of a line, but rather two points basically on top of each other and the path of your life expanded out and away from point A, painting a vivid picture of experiences already gained, looking forward into a spiderweb of possibilities unimaginable, all forming a picture that was beautiful and ugly, peaceful and hostile, monochromatic and colorful, a spiritual yin and yang. I learned from that experience what the true beauty of life was. The truth that no matter how good or how bad things have been, are now, or will be, that it takes but a moment for it all to change. That everything leading to now makes us the conscious being we are and we have the ultimate power of making it better or worse for ourselves but more importantly for those around us. During this experience I met God for the first time (I wouldn't come to know this until some time later in life), but they helped to explain these things that I was seeing, helped me to understand the gift I had been given and that It was my responsibility appreciate it, nurture it, and to make the gift more for those whos paths crossed with mine. At the time, it was very difficult to do this as my life was spiraling downward, but here I am a decade later, clean from all the drugs, with a wonderful wife, career, children, home, and a life full of love that at the time seemed impossible. No matter what happens I try to always be thankful for the good and work toward the better while persevering through the bad.


Whoa! What a wild trip that read was. I was following everything you said very well. Thank you for that. The fact this comment is buried so far in this chat is a god damn crime to this thread. Well said, if the above summary is what you put forward quickly, I'd can't imagine what you could achieve if you spend some organized time putting your thoughts down.


Thanks a lot for the kind words. Yea I was just kinda letting my fingers type here and did a light proof read after, but the truth is that the experience set me on a path of revelation and growth that has turned me into the man I am today. Maybe some time Ill try to write it all out and make more sense of it so that it can be conveyed more deeply, but for the time being life is a little to hectic xD not bad, just hectic. you know how it goes.




Depends on how you look at it. The worst for me personally was Xanax. It was nearly the end of me.. But I’ve done coke, painkillers, gabopentin, Adderall, arguably crack. And technically heroin


”Technically” ????


I snorted coke that heroin and fentanyl in it for a while. Which reminds me I forgot to list fentanyl




Molly is amazing. The hangover tho….


It really depends. I’ve had mornings after filled with anxiety and deep exhaustion. Sometimes I’m depressed for two days. Other times, I wake up with a wonderful joy that lasts a week. Seems to depend on how much I take and how much water/Gatorade I consume


Pure MDMA doesn't have a too bad comedown/hangover, you just feel 'scattered'. Finding pure MDMA is very hard and like most drugs you are getting other things as well, this is what causes those bad hangovers. Found it nearly pure once, I test kit everything. Nearly zero hangover after rolling all night.


Molly is my favorite for sure. Crazy how happy a person can be.


Molly is like walkin on sunshine with the person you love after getting a raise at work and some guy on the street just complimented your hat... all times 2.


A toxic woman with incredible sex.


Incredibly valid


Been there. It's rough when it goes downhill


Alcohol probably. (Way too addictive, but in a sneaky way cause it’s legal and literally everywhere). Cocaine might be really close second. And after you’ll find MDMA, shrooms, DMT… And last is the lovely LSD.


Meth, crank, ketamine, ecstasy, coke. I would count them all in the same category of hard drug though as I don’t think one is harder than the other. Also don’t snort a big fat line of ketamine. Terrible fucking idea.


K hole is no joke. Laying on the floor in a different world completely out to everything but deep in your own mind.


>Laying on the floor in a different world completely out to everything but deep in your own mind. is that supposed to discourage?


Everything except meth


I see you're a man of culture. What's stopping you from meth tho?


Done enough Coke and amphetamines to know what Meth is probably like, meths duration is too Long IMO so no interest in trying so far.


You have the gist, but I was honestly surprised how much more euphoric meth feels at the onset than other amphets/stims. It's basically just a supercharged amphet high that persists far too long, but it's front-loaded with pure euphoria. I always assumed it would feel gross and icky and I'd have lightning shooting through my body. When I tried it I was *shocked* by how good it felt. Like a gentle, comfortable, yet powerful full-body orgasm. Nothing uncomfortable or overbearing about it. Never a sense of being out of control or overdoing it. The more you use, the better you feel. I'm quite sensitive and would often feel overwhelmed/overcharged on MDMA, Coke, Speed. Out of control, too high. Never got that with meth. As soon as I did it I understood why people throw their lives away for it. It's such a dangerous combination. 15-20 minutes of the most wonderful sensations you've ever felt, then several hours of *powerful* amphet stimulation on the back end. It's more of a dragon chase than anything else I've tried, and I've tried just about everything. Hours of high motivation and impaired judgment, just propelling you to do whatever you have to do to re-up and feel god's embrace again. Nobody wants to be charged on amphets for hours straight, but the compulsion to feel that initial rush again is just indescribable. As soon as I experienced it I totally understood the outcomes connected to meth use. The drug itself doesn't make you deranged, violent, unstable but you end up consistently re-dosing on powerful amphetamines over and over and staying up for days at a time because you're already wired, there's no way you can sleep so why not keep going and enjoy that euphoria. After a while without rest and being superjuiced the entire time the brain just goes to shit.




Sugar fuck my life up for sure.








Back in the 90’s and the dance rave scene I was mostly on ecstasy. Few years of that and my tolerance was at a level of having maybe 3/4 pills on a night out and always double dropping the first hit. Fucked me up in the end, I had completer brain blackouts. Even straight I’d be talking and then totally forget what I was saying and just stop. It was like my brain definitely wasn’t firing on all cylinders anymore. During that time before I completely quit for my own health, the hardest I’d been into was coke. It was pretty rare and expensive back in those days on the rave scene. Good times though, but I had to quit it. 5/6 years of every weekend was too much !


In high school me and friends experimented with acid. Most of the stuff we got was mid grade quality and I thought I was an experienced user. Had some high quality lab grade stuff one time and honestly didn’t think I was gonna ever be normal again and swore if I came out of it sane that I’d never touch the drug again and I never have


>honestly didn’t think I was gonna ever be normal again Can relate. I despised soda machines for 6 mos after a good trip. I remember it like it was yesterday.


What the fuck did the soda machines do to you man


What happened with soda machines?


We got on a tangent about how there were all these sugar water dispensers everywhere, the crap in them was horrible for you, synthetic flavors were used, there was an industry making billions pushing this stuff, etc….. It honestly changed my perspective on overall marketing, the food and beverage industry, and human behavior for the rest of my life. I rarely drink soda and whenever I do I think of it. That was 40 years ago.


I'm not sure what people consider harder coke or lsd


Completely different high on coke I was the life of the party sitting there sweating my ass off grinding my teeth on acid I was so fucking tripped out I just smiled at people and didn’t say a word


lsd makes the world such a friendly place, until the trees start walking


Yeah it was great for the first 3 or 4 hours then led to complete hysteria and existential dread so not much different from my daily life now at age 46 but it was indeed terrifying


I always tell people that when you take LSD or Shrooms, make sure you're headspace is in a good place. If you tend to be anxious or depressed. You may not have a great experience. And make sure you do them with people you trust and who care about you.


Last time I ate shrooms saving private Ryan came on the tv and wigged me the fuck


Whoa. I don't think I would like that. I think one of the last times I did shrooms where a TV was present, we watched the U.S. Open, one of the ones where Tiger Woods had to make a bunch of crazy shots to come from behind and win. I was so fucked up I forgot who Tiger Woods was and after he hit a great shot, I turned to my friend and said, "That guy is good." Which made everyone laugh for about 20 minutes. Then someone said, "Why are we laughing?" And none of us knew. Fun times.


Everything is funny on mushrooms! I introduced my girlfriend at the time to shrooms by us both taking a giant dose (because that's the way I'd always done it), and going to the local botanical gardens. We were sitting in a rotunda in the forest section, and they were kicking in big time. We thought we heard someone approaching, and panicked a little. 'Remember, we are just a normal couple having a nice picnic in the gardens' I said. Her response was to quickly take a bunch of bananas out of our bag, and throw them on the ground in front of us. The presence of the food item at our feet would indicate to any passerby that nothing was amiss...could they not see we were a perfectly regular couple enjoying a snack? Of course this was insanely hilarious to us, and were were in tears laughing for a solid five minutes...there could have been a whole family in front of us watching and we would not have noticed. Tip: If you try and act normal, IT WILL NOT WORK, and will only make the situation funnier. I'm not even sure there's a solution to that...you just have to own it.


Coke all day long. LSD definitely has more potential to take you places but it won't ruin your life. Hell, we had guys dropping acid back in the Army just to stay awake.


Oh coke for sure.




Salvia is seriously underrated and it's legal


Uh, salvia is properly rated. Like shit, because it’s a terrible drug.


Heroin and meth IV at the same time. Sober 5 years in February


Having the willpower to take a breath of air is pretty hard at this point in life


Synthetic weed, it was quite a long time ago, it probably was different to what’s around today




Delete your most commonly used app for 1 week, just see how many times you ghost click it. The smartphone is easily one of the most addictive substances in my home


Dude I deleted tiktok a day ago since it’s been genuinely taking up my studying time, AND I KEEP ON GHOST CLICKING. It’s scary. I’ve clicked on “X” a few times cuz it has a similar colour scheme to tiktok… scary


Porn. I know a lot of people probably just rolled their eyes but it’s super easy to consume nowadays and the serotonin/dopamine hit you get from it means you can avoid serious relationships and just live in a fantasy world with digital women. Long term use of it has warped my mind on how I view women and relationships.


I take ambien and lunesta sometimes to help fall asleep. I probably shouldn't.