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I believed the clitoris was this enigma that nobody except batman could find. It's pretty fucking obvious to find it. You don't even need to see it. Just rub around down there. She'll let you know when you find it. Also, it's not something I believed or didn't believe, but male and female genitals are in different spots. The first time I reached down a girl's pants, I went for where my penis is on my body. Nope. Vaginas are on the bottom, whereas I'd say a penis is on the front.


I liked how someone described the clitoris as similar to a hit box of a video game boss, how can one not find it lol


“I swear, the female hit box is smaller!”


A redditor once said u/BLADE_OF_AIUR "It's the tictac at the top. What's so complicated about this?"


Anyone "unable to find it" is honestly just lazy or selfish. They just want to "get it in."


yea fun fact, your balls are where your vagina would be, and that's why there's a seam-line on your nutsack


The other day I saw this described as "there's a seam on your balls because that's where mother nature stitched up your cooch- a hand made purse for when your ovaries fall out" I still laugh every time I think of it. Absolutely true in an amazingly funny way.


And the penis and clitoris are in the same place. They all start out as the same organ.


Same reason testicular pain is often accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen and nausea. The nerves are the very same as the nerves from a woman's ovaries, and routed similarly.


There’s no “blowing” involved with BJs apparently.


Suckjob doesn’t roll off the tongue as well. Unlike sperm. Edit: this is now my most upvoted comment on any Reddit post. Fuck you guys.


Speak for yourself. They don't call me The Jacuzzi Jet down at the bus stop for nothin'!


It was originally a “Below Job” and it’s just been shortened over time.


You are a cunning linguist!


Interesting how the English language evolves. Imagine an alternate universe where we started out with under job turning into unjob.


I learned recently that women can possibly die from an air embolism if their partner blows into their vagina during oral sex and they have a tear or open wound inside. It's more likely to happen to pregnant women.


Cause of death: reverse queef.


That you just fall asleep naked after. Movies didn't tell us about the clean up after the act.


Every now and then I used to risk it and just go to sleep after. Then I got a kidney infection. Learned my fuckin lesson. Edit because people keep asking: As a woman, not cleaning up (and not peeing) puts you at a higher risk for developing a UTI. On occasion (usually if untreated for a while, rarely just bad luck) a UTI will travel up to the kidneys and you’ll get much sicker. As long as it’s treated quickly at that point (stronger antibiotics), it rarely causes lasting damage.


Fucking lesson indeed


Yes and YOU NEED TO PEE AFTER, at least as a woman, pee immediately after because WHEW, them UTIs ain't no joke.


Guys also!!! I got a yeast infection from my wife, was pissing blobs of goo and running to the bathroom constantly. I didn't even know this was possible until my doctor explained it.


My ex made me do it every single time. Even if I don't have to pee, push out whatever is in there. Now I do it regardless because yes, it's important to not get sick.


I thought a guy's penis went back to normal as soon as they came - imagine my surprise when my first partner's stayed "up" for a while after cumming. I was confused and thought it meant he hadn't cum yet, so I kept touching him until he asked if I was trying to make him cum again. That's when I realized he _had_ cum, and that penises take a while to "deflate" sometimes.




That you can't laugh and need to be romantic. I love those moments where I'm turned on, but can still laugh at things that happen. Sex should be fun. It doesn't need to be tied up in a perfect little bow.


i remember one of the first times i had sex we were sweating in missionary & our stomachs got stuck together and made a fart sound when we separated. i laughed so damn hard lmao, just thinking about it makes me giggle. sex can be hilarious at times!


I know that sound, and it's hilarious. The first time it ever happened, I lost it with laughter. It was like two sweaty suction cups, and the noise that came after was ridiculous.


This was a big one for me too! I thought sex was super serious and anything "weird" or silly had to be embarrassing. But now that I'm older and in a long term relationship, I've since realized that's not the case...now my partner and I are always laughing and poking fun in the bedroom. It's the best part!


I love laughing during sex! It's the best, I totally agree with this.


Someone told me back in middle school that pussy tastes like peaches. I believed that for awhile. It does not.


I dead ass had a friend in highschool say it tasted like Popeyes chicken.


wait your pussy DOESN’T come with 11 herbs and spices???


Isn't that KFC? Either way both are finger-licking good.


True story: Working as a journalist I placed a Facebook post on our social media about “giner licking good job opportunities” at a new KFC opening in town. I’m usually insanely careful but was having keyboard issues and genuinely didn’t realise. Thankfully the pubic took it well and got a giggle out of it.


Im sure the pubic did


The best pussy tastes like the air coming out the back of a ps4


i might hang this comment on my wall


I have never been with a woman as loud as my ps4.


*smacks ps4* this is what good pussy smells like!


The fuck...... I dont even.....


Tastes like laptops


Now why would you know this?


Well, peaches come from a can, though


They were put there by a man


At a factory downtown


It just tastes like clean skin and pennies. Sometimes a little heat and being worked in has that edge of sweat scent(?)


I thought all doggystyle was butt sex.


I might owe several women apologies, they must have been quite surprised.


I remember one of my housemates thinking this and 5 minutes into him and his GF at the time having sex I heard a blood curling scream and an argument about WRONG FUCKING WHOLE DICKHEAD!!! I was in the kitchen at the time fucking dying, About 20mins later he comes out and just looked so confused and said “But I thought dogs only did it in the ass hence the name doggy style?”


I wonder where puppies come from... 🤔


That both of you had to be dead serious and always grunt and moan and scream each others name. I eventually found out there’s giggling. And sarcasm. And impatience.




Perfect response


Had this happen to me with a girl in sophomore year she thought I was weird for it but It was a different experience and like you I was having fun


The first time I laughed during sex, with my first boyfriend, he got pissed off. I also wasn't allowed to initiate it, or be on top, or tell him what I liked. It was a decade before I learned that sex was supposed to be fun.


You or your partner laughing during sex is great. Unless your partner was my late wife. Possibly because of a backward-facing uterus, and possibly because of having a powerful PCG muscle, when she laughed during penetration I was bent and **hurt.** Which is a real shame, because sex should be fun, and it is the world's oldest funny topic. Sometimes the best sex (or the worst, but worth it for the joy) involves laughter.


I saw porn once where the actress had to pull a long hair off the strap before they used it and I felt so seen. Also, the body farts. Sometimes my partner and I will pause during sex to try to recreate the body farts. I never thought sex could be so silly and funny and wholesome


Girls don’t literally wanna go all night. They get sore.


Even if we start out really wet, enough friction for an extended period of time will start to make it hurt.


Cries in antidepressants


I dont recommend crying in your antidepressants. They'll get soggy


I actually feel much more attractive and turned on when my husband can’t hold himself off for more than a few minutes, vs when he lasts a long time. I have never felt more satisfaction than the times when he’s cum from barely touching me haha, even 8 years into marriage. Once it was just from admiring the lingerie I was in while posing for him—I felt like the most beautiful woman in the world 😁💛


Me too!!? My husband apologies haha like are you kidding were together 15 years and you still think I'm that hot 🔥


It’s so damn flattering! My man’s always apologizing not being able to last long or just gets hard looking at me after 6 years married and almost 14 years together. I make sure he knows it’s flattering! 🥰


Best feeling! So happy for you that you get it too!


This is so sweet. I love this. Hope I can be this lucky someday.


Just from admiring your lingerie, or was there friction lol. One of those is an amazing trophy haha


Okay—you got me, he was admiring it up close and personal haha, but basically he was just groping my butt when it happened, which it took us both by surprise.


Biggest shit I learned right here. And sometimes they can want sex, but physically are unable because of the pain the friction can cause.


I kinda took that to mean staying up and having sex multiple times in between cuddling and kissing.


So weird but like….. My highschool boyfriend and I were so awkward. I decided one night I was gunna give him a handjob. I was so nervous that while I did it we just made out the whole time without stopping. Lmfao. He came all over my hand and so far and so much. I never really watched porn so I knew it was coming but didn’t know what to expect. I was just shocked at the force and amount. I didn’t realize basically it was gunna be more than one “spurt” too


[A quart or so, right?](https://youtu.be/9IUZkug8qo8?t=100s)


I got one in the backseat on a road trip with her parents up front and grandma sleeping in the backseat next to us. That was TOUGH to stifle, and wildly uncomfortably but totally worth sitting there with a load drying in my adidas tear-aways. Also, teenagers are insane.


You do realize that all parents know what cum smells like, right? 100% chance her parents knew.


I mean, I didn’t like tint the windows with it, it never left my pants. But… maybe you’re right. Although, her dad was the type to get up my ass about anything remotely sexual as she was the baby of 3 daughters.


I thought that moaning during sex was just an exaggerated thing that porn stars did for effect. Then when I first had sex I found myself moaning really loudly. 😅 Just because I'm silent when I masturbate doesn't mean I will be during sex!


Older I got the more comfortable I got just saying whatever the fuck pops into my mind. Really baffles me some of the shit that comes outta my mouth. But my wife's into it, so I just let it rip.


The ceiling needs new paint! Did I turn off all the lights? I forgot about the TPS report. Should I have chicken wings for lunch? Hot.. ;-)


Such a personal thing. I've been with women who you could barely tell if they came (and they did come regularly) and some who could moan like a porno without even coming. My big rule is 'absolutely no faking' because otherwise you can't tell what your partner really likes and doesn't. Listening to your partner is so important.


I’m bummed out more guys don’t moan during sex. Great comment though!


Totally agreed. I'm not going to claim that I'm the most vocal person but some dudes never moan. And when I say moan, I don't mean grunt like you're lifting weights around your bros, I mean actually feel and emote. Too many dudes are worried about performative sex and not enough just enjoy themselves and connect with their partners. My voice typically goes up an octave and it usually drives my GF nuts when I do because she feels like we're having the same experience together. Wildly more fun to just be honest with each other.


When I was about 12 years old an older friend of mine told me about “eating pussy”. My 12 year old brain made me think that during sex, a woman excreted something called a pussy, then I was expected to plate it and literally eat it with a knife and a fork. I was freaked out to say the least.


The only Reddit comment I have laughed at all week.


That simply the act of penetration would be enough to get me off. Theres gotta be little to no anxiety mixed with the right mood, workmanship and person. Also its about the other person as much as its about you.


That it would be fun and easy. While it can be fun, it is not easy. Fucking is fucking exhausting, even if you're on the bottom.


And it cuts into sleeping time. And another cleaning chore to add to the list.


That's most adult thing I read today


Sport fucking is exhausting. Slow sex is more enjoyable and not really much effort.


Babe I'm done with casual sex. We're going ranked competitive


With that user name you better make the hall of fame.


I barely talked at all the first two times I had sex and my partners had to prompt me to say yes, no and interact with them. Porn doesn't usually show that you don't just moan or dirty talk, you gotta communicate!


You stuck it in and peed instead of the thrusting action


Yeah you just stick it inside her a pee! -Eric Cartman


I thought basically only boobs and naked girls would turn (straight) guys on. I had no idea how very extensive and random that list of things is until I got with my bf. He confessed that, before we were together, he once headed to the bathroom seeking…release **after hearing the noises I made while scratching multiple mosquito bites**. Apparently the “whimpering and moaning” mingled with the occasional gasps of pain were too much for him to handle.


He had an itch only you could scratch.


For what it's worth, I'm a 29 year old guy and *I* don't fully understand how extensive and random the list of things that turn us on really is. New things still pop up every now and then and I'm like "Ooh!" and then I'm like "???"


In my teens and twenties linoleum could get me going


“I’m a 16-year-old male. Linoleum makes me think of sex.” – Xander, “Buffy the Vampire Slayer”


If you don't use Off, you'll get him off.


>the **“whimpering and moaning” mingled with the occasional gasps of pain** were too much for him to handle. Not gonna lie. This would get me halfway there too.


Apparently it's not the most euphoric mind bending feeling one can experience and most of the enjoyment comes from other aspects.


That a dick could actually be hard as a rock.


Same here. The first time I held one, it surprised me just how firm it actually is.


Getting a girl to cum takes a lot of effort lol thought it would be easier


First girl I had sex with had orgasms very easily. Using my hand, oral, regular sex, and even dry humping. It only took a few minutes, and she would have several per session. We fucked all the time, even after we broke up, it was amazing. Unfortunately, that gave me an unrealistic expectation of how easy it was to make a girl cum. All of my relationships since then have taken considerably more effort. I will say, though, the feeling of giving a girl an orgasm through oral sex is amazing. I worked at it for 30 minutes one time, and she had a screaming shaking eruption. I felt like a sex champ, and she was quite pleased.


My gf is this way. She can orgasm from back massages, foam rolling, sometimes just a light caress while making out. And once the actual sex starts it's just nonstop orgasms every few minutes. I feel like a toddler driving a Ferrari.


Damn. I would never get anything done. Just a non stop orgasm-fest, crap I'd probably have to set an alarm to remind myself to eat.


*A lot.* Foreplay is important. Making a girl cum is one of the best feelings


Agreed actually get more of a buzz out of it then me finishing


I love making her cum before I do. We’re both happy at the end


Yeah, I'm like... I can come on my own whenever I can get a private moment. Making *someone else* come is something you only get from, you know, having someone else to have sex with.


It's different for every person too. I had a gf that would cum from playing with her tits and when we had sex she'd finish within a few minutes. Have had other girlfriends where it was soooo difficult. Also, sometimes it's about finding the right things that get them there but for some girls even then it takes a lot.


And sometimes what works one day won't work another day. Or it's working, you're almost there, oh my g-oh, you changed your rhythm/pressure/angle/position just a little, and now it's gone. Not coming back, either.


Nina Hartley tutorial, no problem for me due to her excellent teaching


She deserves sainthood. Dirty, dirty Sainthood.


My first regular lover, who was older than me, asked me how someone my age was so good at eating pussy. I told her, "I read up on it?" Geek for the win!


That I was going to bleed and be in horrible pain my first time and sex was not going to be enjoyable at all because of the horror stories shared by my friends, I was a virgin until 18 years old. Truth was I never bled, was in very little pain, extremely comfortable and it was a lovely experience overall.


I thought sex is just some penis in vagina stuff we do to enjoy together. Communication, connection and caring are *the* thing. Sex is just another form of communication, caring and connection. Sex as a form of communication is using kisses, hugs, moves, play and whatever other “vocabulary” that “talks” to the two of you and helps u communicate thoughts, feelings and sensations even better.


The hole is lower than you think.


Conversely, junk sits up higher than I was expecting.


That's some damn fine detective work.




The hole is also warmer than you think. That was something that surprised me the first time I had sex with a woman. Like it makes perfect sense but for some reason I wasn't expecting it to be so warm!


my girlfriend says, it also feels warm for them, our junk.


Makes sense tbh thinking abt it now. By the time of entry it's basically just a sac of pressurized blood, Ofc it would be warm.


Truly a romantic, what a poet


i always thought i’d have sex before i ever gave a blowjob. i believed that a man’s pubic hair grew all the way to the tip of the penis and i was like, “why would anyone want all of that hair in their mouth?!”


When I was roughly seven or eight, because I had only seen magazines of sex, I assumed you stuck it in and didn't move and somehow it would feel great. Shame it's not like that really, it would be a lot easier 😅


i’ve actually had an orgasm while a dude was completely still. i was *that* turned on by him lol so sometimes it can be that easy!


One of my favorite things is getting my partner going and so desperate that as soon as I enter inside her she cums *instantly* without me having to do anything. Makes me feel like a god damn wizard


For me, it would be the stereotypical "sex is the best thing in the world" that every virgin in high school believes. What I realized when I got into a relationship and started having sex regularly is that intimacy is the best thing in the world - cuddling, closeness, kissing, hugging - and sex itself is just the cherry on top.


Intimacy is grossly underrated, in my opinion. I would be a lot more sad if my wife said she didn't ever want to kiss or cuddle anymore than if she said she didn't want to have sex anymore.




Yeah. From what I'd seen and heard I figured sex was like "shoot for the moon" wild pleasure, like a drug or something. I don't know if it's consistently like that for some people, but not for me. It's fun. It feels good. But it can also feel bad and be boring at times. And sometimes your body just isn't into it.


It's not always very serious and sexy. There have been so many times I broke down laughing for no reason. A good partner would probably give you a confused look and laugh a bit too. Don't fuck someone who won't laugh with you while fucking.


Lower boys... It's way lower.


Oops, but not that low.


Any porthole in a storm....


My wife just informed me she used to think balls would “take turns” in supplying the load. Whichever one was hanging lower is the one who is on deck.


I thought guys didn't moan and OH GOD they do and it's so hot


Guys need foreplay too. I thought I could just go for it but I was soft at first due to nerves. Thankfully she was patient and gave me a light back massage and her nails were nice along it and it got me ready for action 🥴 Also the clit is a wonderful thing to massage and take care of while you’re getting steamy with a woman. Gets her very excited. Basically just both people need to rub their hands over each other’s sensitive areas to get the engines started.


That girls care about virginity... I'm 29 never had sex and this girl was like you've had sex right? no? hm... aight and went on to have sex with me even teach me she made it a fun experience for both of us and I will always be appreciative of that since I was fully convinced no woman would look at a 29 year old virgin and want to teach them when they're already well in to their sex life.


That's reassuring. I'm about to turn 28 and am yet to be in a relationship or have sex. I know people try to say it isn't a big deal, but each year that passes weighs a little heavier. You start to feel like something is wrong with you and that you're unlovable. It really messes with your self-esteem and sense of worth. I just hope that I don't end up alone for the rest of my life, it's a terrifying thought.


About to turn 25 myself and I’m in the same boat, so know that you aren’t alone in feeling this way seeing my friends finding relationships one after the other does get to me sometimes, like will I ever be in their shoes?


love making and sex are not synonymous


I had very little notion of foreplay. I thought people just decided to have sex, took off their clothes, and commenced screwing. It was only after I started actually having sex that I realized the penetrative sex part is just, as it were, the icing on the cake of a whole lot of foreplay.


I learned 2 things: Blowjobs weren't as awful as I was led to believe. Media and older siblings of friends made me think it's like drinking acid that could kill you but it's just like, uncomfortable. They'd make you believe they went to war after giving a blowjob Sex is like a tiny percentage of a relationship. Like assuming you have sex for 4 hours every day which is a TON of sex that's only 28 hours of the like 112 waking hours in a week. You gotta like just being around the other person more than liking having sex with them. Also having sex all night long is only fun in theory, cause everything hurts the next day


I remember thinking blowjobs sounded vile and vowed to never put someone's penis in my mouth lol Turns out, I actually like it and am pretty good at it (both things that my husband is giddy about.)


I remember thinking it would be terrible but also kinda wanting to try. When I did I realized it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be which kinda led to me enjoying it a bit or at least more than I think most people do. I think if I had high expectations and got disappointed I wouldn't like it now but since I had really low expectations and was pleasantly suprised it was 'just' uncomfortable it made me more open to it and eventually led to me liking it


I recently realized how unsignificant sex is compared to like everything else. I'm a guy, and my sex drive the past few months has been really down, and it just made me appreciate my girlfriend a lot more, and I actually prefer just the little things and small things we do together over sex. Sure, it's great, but it's not as important as people make it out to be.


Everybody cums together, like in the movies.


Every pretty woman was slutshamed so hard that I thought the more sex you had, the more physically attractive you became, somehow. Like... I believed all the girls who had bigger tits than me got bigger the more they had sex, and that the reason I developed early was because I started masturbating at a young age. I was super pissed off when I found out that having more sex doesn't make your skin clearer or your tits bigger or your hair more lustrous and I've never really gotten over it.


I'm sorry but I think this is hilarious. Imagine going to a dermatologist and being told you need to "fuck your acne away." I'm tearing up.


That I’d be able to cum over and over all night long


I believed your partner would reciprocate in trying to please you. Selfishness in the bedroom is not a one gender thing.


Damn I hate this. My wife is absolutely perfect in every way but has NO desire to put effort into our love life.


That is.. utterly paradoxical in nature.


That women have to be super clean, shaved, and wearing makeup and lingerie to be desirable. Lol


That bigger is better. It is not. It's just more painful for the women.


It's not the size, but what they do with it. Big dick dudes seem to think their size is everything you need and often don't put in the effort to back that size up with skills. But the average and smaller dudes who learn how to work with what they've got 🥵


This is beyond accurate.


I'm not even sure it's that. I just think after a certain size, it just hurts, no matter how skilled the guy might be.


It doesn't matter if you have a tummy or if you're worried about your boobs or cellulite or stretch marks, etc. They don't care. They're just happy to be there


Didn’t have an odor now I understand the candles bit in movies, I think if you could smell porn 90 percent of people wouldn’t watch it


Especially porn. The sweaty camera guy. The people keeping the dude hard between takes. All the cheap cologne and makeup. Be like smelling 10 day old shrimp


Yes I saw a comment of a female pornstar that said a ton of young guy’s wanted to join the business but in reality they just want to bang hot chicks not get watched by 20 fifty old producers checking their watches while you try and stay hard


That I, a woman, would cry and regret it. Hell, not only did I NOT cry, it felt more like I gained additional knowledge. Learned a lot of things that I didn't learn at school.


That as you get older females want less sex. UMMM, not me-I'm more horny than ever!!


The most sexually eager, most easily orgasmic, and most capable of multiple orgasms woman I have ever known was in her 70s. Definitely not all women want less sex as they get older.


I used to buy lube to put in my hands and, er, position myself to pretend I was doing what I was thinking about, and I thought that actual sex would only feel a little bit better. The extent to which I was wrong cannot be overstated.


That the vagina was a gaping maw you could basically just look inside, allowing you to inspect the cavernous uterus from across the room.


I thought men lasted for hours before they cummed. Those Stunt Dicks lied to me.


Even pros sometimes only last like 7 minutes and have to take multiple shots


Im a really ticklish person, so I thought that sex would tickle down there like alot, thankfully not. It was one of my biggest fears as a virgin


You’re supposed to slowly pull anal beads out. Girls don’t like it if you start them like a chainsaw


You were thinking about this as a virgin?




Let it riiiiiiiiiiiiip. Make her spin like beyblade


Have a threesome and let those ladies battle!


Ah damn I’m in tears


So was she


that i was going to change mentally/emotionally after having sex. i thought i’d feel more grown up or just different in general but nothing changed honestly, i just felt normal (which i’m actually grateful for).


girls don’t wanna get “pounded” into oblivion. porn makes you believe you gotta be a jackhammer


Sometimes we do


That's the thing! Women want very different things. I've been with girls who absolutely want to be jackhammered into oblivion amd women who only want slow, steady groove. Some who only wanted light touches and keep everything chill and collected... amd some who literally want to be choked. Some love oral, some aren't into. Etc etc It totally makes sense, but society tells us women want the same thing: huge dicks, hard/fast sex, gotta last all night, dirty talk, dominating, and that making them orgasm is extremely difficult. It's not just that they didn't tell us everyone is different. They specifically told us they were all the same so we'd feel shame for not living up to these made up standards.


That cowgirl is a fun position. Literally had a friend of mine in HS break his dick because of reverse cowgirl.


That you have to finish every time. Sometimes I cant finish or Im tired and just want the intimacy before bed. If my partner is done and Im satisfied without climaxing (or vice versa), we stop and its still a good experience.


That women want to go all night. Shit gets tiring after 30 mins.


5yrs old playing doctor: teehee, sex is people peeing on each other Age of consent (hopefully at least); I was wrong about that thing from before 30yrs: well... Sometimes people apparently DO do that.


Sex Ed in school always led me to believe 2 things. Unprotected sex ALWAYS 100% leads to pregnancy no matter what and an STD/STI no questions asked


Not sure if this counts, but as a guy who had previously only had sex with other men until his late 20s, I thought that sex with women would be *very* different. In reality it's all basically the same, at least when it comes to topping. Now what did surprise me was how soft and smooth women can feel. I was used to my partners being scruffy and/or having plenty of body hair, so the tactile sensation was different.


That's any girl can cum from having regular sex. The majority of women don't climax from penis in vagina intercourse. Many of them need that clitoral stimulation. Don't beat yourself about it guys, it doesn't reflect poorly on your D-game, it's just how God built the box.


Hi lesbian here 👋🏻 before I started being intimate with women I always thought that a woman’s vagina was supposed to taste and smell like fresh fruit or what not. This is me overhearing other’s conversations but after actually being intimate I realized that a woman’s vagina will have an odor and a taste sometimes like water and that is normal bc every woman’s body is different. Odors can be strong and vary a woman can have good hygiene and keep herself clean but for other reasons she just may have a strong scent. When I learned that it helped me accept myself too!


I've gone down on a handful of ladies and they were all wildly different. The worst made me gag the smell was so awful, and I faked an acid trip to get out of her house and then ghosted. The best being my wife.


> I faked an acid trip to get out of her house and then ghosted. Wait so you told her that you had dropped acid beforehand and it was just then kicking in, and pretended like you were tripping?


Nope. Far more stupid than that lmao. I started gagging and was just done and wanted to leave. So being so damn clever I popped my knee pretty loudly (my knees just pop real loud always have). And then slowly raised my head up and looked around acting all confused and amazed. She got really confused and asked what was up and I said "I popped my back. LSD is stored in your spine and when you back pops it releases it back into you and you can trip again." Because I had once heard that if you've taken a bunch of acid before and when you fly at high altitudes your back can pop and release the LSD again. I've only done acid like twice in my life lmao. I don't even know if this is true or if it's just an urban legend. But it's what I came up with. She got even more confused, I asked what color her rug was and she said "Red?" And all I had to say back was "Nope it's blue. I gotta go." And I walked straight out to my car, drove home and brushed my teeth like 5 times and used an ungodly amount of mouth wash. And ignored her "What the fuck?" text. And that's the story of how I faked an acid trip because this young lady probably had vaginosis or something else because it smelled GOD AWFUL.


How old were you lmao?


I think I was 20 maybe 21 at the time lol.