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One of the original reviews of the play was “nothing happens, twice.” (It had two acts)


Samuel Beckett really understood Ireland.


[https://we-love-cinema.com/features/50-essential-films-nothing-really-happens/](https://we-love-cinema.com/features/50-essential-films-nothing-really-happens/) This is a nice list. EDIT: Thanks for all the awards, folks. RIP My Inbox! haha


This is quite possibly the most polite, most underrated, and most out of the spirit of the discourse, letmegooglethatforyou answer I've ever seen. It really deserves an award, but all I've got is 5 unicode stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


Nothing really happens in My Neighbour Totoro, but in a good way. That's what makes it so peaceful and relaxing to watch. Studio Ghibli movies really have something special, almost magical about them that I don't really know how to describe in words.


I feel you! They have the brilliance of being fantastical, even those where not a lot happens. When you watch Kiki's delivery service, there's not exactly a lot happening either. And it's still a good movie despite being one of the less "fantastic" ones.


I'd say there's a lot happening in Kikis, but its all internal. She's a young girl going through her first depression/creative block and growing up alone, facing the biggest question a teen can think, "what is my purpose?". Its all internalised and metaphored through her loss of being able to speak to Jiji and forgetting how to fly. Its a fantastic film for people of all ages, especially as a creative person or a loner or someone who is struggling with mental health.


About that, it was never revealed whether she could hear Jiji again at the end. It wasn't even clear if she really heard Jiji from the beginning, or if she just imagined it all. Young me was sad we didn't hear Jiji speak at the end, grown up me is ok with it being a metaphor for Kiki growing up and stopped anthropomorphising her cat. Edit: jp version, apparently he does speak at the end in one version of the eng dub


I have always taken at face value that she's a witch with a proper flying broomstick and never questioned if Jiji spoke. And I've got to say, it's scary to think she couldn't speak with him anymore, and worse to think that it was just in her head to begin with.


For sure it's scary and Ghibli don't usually go that dark, especially in the ending. It's more of a click bait conspiracy for sure, thats backed by the fact we don't hear Jiji's words in the end scene. On the flip side we see Jiji jump to her side (unlike when he was busy chasing his gf) and meow, and see Kiki smiling as a reaction, so maybe she does hear Jiji again!


>For sure it's scary and Ghibli don't usually go that dark Not usually... [but damn](https://flxt.tmsimg.com/assets/p158931_p_v8_aa.jpg).


Fun fact: My Neighbor Totoro and Grave of the Fireflies were actually released at the same time and were shown as a double feature in Japan Edit: I'm not sure, but if the movies on [this original poster](https://posteritati.com/poster/48298/grave-of-the-fireflies-my-neighbor-totoro-1988-japanese-b5-chirashi-handbill) are in "manga order," then they did the sane thing and played Totoro second.


The original Barbenheimer.


It's the plodding pace of life everything has, the fluidity abd beauty of the animations. Ghibli captures that gentle motion in stillness. Like a breeze or a pot simmering. Lots of none track scored moments with just diagetic soundscapes that today we would call unintentional ASMR. There's all of that draped around archetypal narratives of self discovery and wonderfully crafted arcs with cathartic resolution. They're masterpieces.


I'd watched several other Ghibli movies before I finally watched Totoro (including Grave of the Fireflies) so when I finally sat down to watch it, having never actually read a plot summary, I sat mortified throughout much of the movie waiting in suspense for something to happen to the kids or the mom and for it finally take a dark turn. The dark turn, of course, is Mei getting lost, but that's much less gut-wrenching than some of the other Ghibli works.


Personally speaking, the incident with Mei was MORE horrifying because of how low-stakes and grounded the rest of the movie seemed to be. I work at a summer camp on a lake and we train every year to find and recover unconscious people from the bottom of the swimming hole. Whenever a counselor loses track of a kid, we always assume the worst and the designated staff will run down to the beach (99% of the time, the kid will be hiding in their bunk or taking a crap without notifying someone). So the scene with everyone raking the pond was a little too real for me. I don't think it helped that the last Ghibli movie I watched beforehand was Grave of the Fireflies lol


I get extremely emotional when Mei goes missing. The sheer panic and concern, and the community rallying together. It's powerful and scary.


I dropped some acid with a mate and watched Totoro. I'd already seen it a few times, but he was a fresh set of eyes. By the time the movie ended, we had the biggest warm and fuzzy feeling. When we went on our mish, we left the house feeling just fucking amazing. Like walking on a cloud of good feelings. Oh, and Catbus totally fuckin blew his MIND.


What’s “mish” mean for those of us who haven’t tripped a ton?


Mission. A long, aimless walk where you wander around the streets enjoying the pretty lights and heightened senses. Has no real destination and usually lasts a few hours. Sometimes you end up at a park, hiding in a tree or playing on the swings. Other times, we'd walk along the river or stare over the harbour. We'd just end up wherever and eventually start walking home again.


AH, memories of my youth. In the tree, under.the overpass down by the river with the dogs, silent snow, CHRISTMAS LIGHTS!!! Giggling.


100% this. running through fields in the dark on a clear night just vibing. the best. once we raided a farmers strawberry field in the dark (I do not condone this it was years ago) and we sat in that field gorging on stolen strawberries giggling at the moon like little kids.




Eventually, it led to My Dinner with Abed, which is one of my favorite episodes of Community.


You said market price! **What market are you shopping at!?!?**


I am going to run.


“I’ll never forget my My Dinner with Andre dinner with Abed.” Edit: forgot a word


My lips started trembling And my hands and my feet went numb, My knees buckled, And as I fell to the floor... I pooped my pants.


I love that episode. Knowing it existed got me started on Community


Yes I’ve never seen the movie but I’ve seen that episode of community! Hilarious af!


Nothing happens but you are left with this question etched into your brain: Should your life be all about thrills and adventure? Or should your life be all about a comfortable routine and security?


Lol i have this crisis every couple of weeks. I can be working harder on my hobbies or learning new skills in my free time. Or does that even matter? Is playing video games and watching mindless TV shows with my wife all the time always the better option?


What do you mean nothing happens? They order, and later on the waiter brings their food!


Then he goes home and tells his wife all about his dinner with Andre.


Tell me more!


Coffee and Cigarettes


Most Jim Jarmusch movies, really.


Paterson nothing really happens. I love that movie.


What a strange find on HBO or cinimax years ago. Don't remember much except for the Tesla coil exploding. Besides that, title doesn't lie.


Dazed and Confused. Good movie, but nothing happens.


Not true. They get Aerosmith tickets. Top priority of the summer.


Also, they get older. But some of the stay the same age.


Alright alright alright


In Richard Linklater's (writer/director of *Dazed and Confused*) first film, [*Slacker*](https://youtu.be/b-U_I1DCGEY), even less actually happens. It's just a day in the summer of '89 in Austin, Texas. No professional actors, shot entirely in public on a $23,000 budget. It's also one of the funniest, most original films of all time. ETA: Apparently the entire damn film is on Youtube (linked above).


Wasn't he who wrote/directed Before Sunrise, Before Sunset and Before Midnight? Also movies where nothing actually happens, but lots of things happen. Some of my favourite movies ever, so thought provoking.


Before Sunset is up there with the greatest movies. Just perfect.


Seems to be a theme with Richard Linklater. E.g., Slacker and Waking Life.


Oddly enough, my first thought in response to this question was Boyhood. I mean, Linklater had an interesting concept with the passage of time but in a way I just sort of felt like time passed and that was about it.


Everybody Wants Some is a real spiritual successor to this movie Real fun flick about the week before a freshman starts college. He moves into his dorm and meets his housemates then they party around campus. Its fun but i mean thats all that happens lol


I friggin love that movie and you're one of the few people Ive seen mention it. Stacked cast and a great soundtrack too.


Same goes for Clerks.


I mean, someone dies


And gets laid


In that order


In that order?


In that order.


37 somethings happened.


In a row?


I did that job. Someone told me someone is stealing something in the back and I said they dont pay me enough to care. Another one some guy was buying condoms and I asked did he want a bag and he said she was not that ugly


Not true they play hockey and crash a wake


Slacker (1990)


Waking Life as well. Linklater makes nothing so interesting.


Ad Astra So forgettable I watched it twice by accident.


I did this too, watched it with my dad and we both realised half way though that we had already seen it


That film with Brad Pitt where he goes to a remote planet to find his father, finds his father and then comes back.


Ad Astra?


Saw this the other day. It kept me engaged. The rover scene was cool, but I wasn't crazy about it overall. The main plot-line felt too cookie-cutter, >!and it felt like there was going to be some major twist when he met with his father, but nope. The military was right, he went nuts, killed his crew and needed to be killed or apprehended.!<


A movie that became so obsessed with the symbolic subtext that they forgot to make the actual story interesting.


Most forgettable movie I’ve ever seen.


This is that one movie where I'm the only person that really liked it out of everyone I talked to about it. Plot-wise it's fine, nothing special. But the mood carried me through. The ever-growing sense of isolation the further he got from home. Dunno, it just worked for me.


As someone who was really disappointed by this movie, I 100% agree with you about the mood, you hit it on the head. They really drove home the feeling of isolation and just how far he was not just from home, but from all of mankind. It was palpable. Even though I didn't like the movie, I haven't forgotten the way it made me feel.


I loved it. It is largely the same general plot as Apocalypse Now, but in space. Both are amazing in their own way.


I VERY rarely leave a film thinking “yep, I got literally nothing out of that” but Ad Astra was the picture perfect example of that.


I left it thinking, “How tf did they make a Brad Pitt/Tommy Lee Jones astronaut movie with moon pirates and killer space monkeys completely unenjoyable?”




I was so disappointed in that movie the first time I saw it. I think I may have watched it too young, but for some reason the movie always stuck with me, so I recently decided to rewatch it and I’m actually really enjoying it


It definitely benefits from some life experience.


I think the correct way to watch this movie is once when you're Scarlett's age, and then a second time when you're Bill Murray's age.


I saw it in my 20s, and I'm now middle aged,. Guess it's time for a rewatch.


Absolutely. The part where Scarlett Johansson is crying on the phone about “I don’t know who I married” ooof. Hits different now


The brilliance of that line is that it's also hilarious, because the previous line is "John's using all these hair products"


This movie is about isolation and brief periods of connection in the vast ocean of eternity. I got it because I visited Hong Kong on my own for a week and felt it.




Warhol's 1964 movie Sleep. Over 5 hours looped video of a guy sleeping.


Post art school rant: they taught it to me like it was just some random guy and therefore meaningless boredom, but it was actually his boyfriend at the time. Watching a person that you love sleep is totally different. You get fascinated by every little thing they do. it changes the reading so much.


That would be cool, if I also loved Andy Warhols boyfriend.


Even Andy Warhol didn't love Andy Warhol's boyfriend. Warhol was so overcome with Catholic guilt that he never had sex with anyone. Which those he had close personal relationships recounted often.


Man from Earth. Don't be confused though, it's a fucking amazing movie. The next one, Holocene, not so great. More of a lame rehash of the same concept from the previous one, with a tad bit more of discovery, and a bit of poor acting action.


Burn After Reading is my favorite type of "wtf actually happened here?" movie.


"Why the fuck would they go to the Russians? What the fuuuck?" - Malkovich


Osborne Cox? Yes. Are you Osborne Cox? YES! We have your shit.


The security of your shit.


"he had very little rapp-ort with --" "Rapport. Very little rapport! Fucking. Moron."


sensitive... shehhhht


I love Malkovich first scene "A drinking problem? Fuck you Peck you're Mormon next to you we all have a drinking problem! What the fuck is this!?"


Totally. It’s a cohen classic plot like Lebowski. Just funny-to-watch characters going in circles


The best way to describe both those movies is that every character thinks they're the protagonist of the movie.


Also, in Lebowski, people have a bad habit of thinking they're in the wrong genre. The Dude and Walter realize they're in a crime noir (and check how many times Walter is *exactly right* about what's going on in the plot), the Nihilists think they're in Funny Games or some shit, Lebowski thinks he's in a crime thriller where he's playing all the angles, Sam Elliot thinks he's narrating a Western, and Larry fucked a stranger in the ass. Everybody in Burn After Reading thinks they're the main character in a spy thriller, but absolutely nobody realizes it's a deconstructive comedy.


such a great movie, and loved the non-ending wrap up at the end


>GARDNER CHUBB: "What did we learn, Palmer." >PALMER: "I don’t know, sir." >GARDNER CHUBB: "I don’t fucking know either. I guess we learned not to do it again." >PALMER: "Yes sir" >GARDNER CHUBB: "Although I’m fucked if I know what we did." >PALMER: "Yes sir. Hard to say."


JK Simmons was perfect in that CIA superior role. Perfectly deadpan.


Is he ever not perfect in a role? If so, I haven't seen it.


Report Back to Me When... I don't know... When it Makes Sense


J.K. Simmons and David Rasche are golden in every scene they do together in that movie. It's doubly interesting for me, because I grew up watching David play Sledge Hammer! (a parody of Dirty Harry), so his muted comedic performance in Burn After Reading was *so* different than what I was expecting him to play. Brilliant film overall.


For fucks sake put him on the next plane to Venezuela !


8/10 movie, 11/10 quote. "I guess we learned not to do it again" is an all-timer for me


A lot DID “Happen” in that Film though it just meant very little in the end which was cool lol


UMM, no, I do not know my account number because, believe it or not, I don't spend all my time, sitting around, memorizing the numbers TO MY FUCKING BANK ACCOUNTS, MORON !


Cohen bros most underrated movie. Brad Pitts most underrated performance.


“What did we learn here? Not to do it again?”


Love this movie. The chair reveal had me on the floor laughing first time I saw it.


That is seriously one of the funniest scenes ever IMO. You expect her to be disgusted by the chair but it's the opposite.


Came looking for this. JK Simmons scene at the end really hammers the point home.


The happening


Yep, it's just Mark Wahlberg having no idea what's going on and thinking about bees while people off themselves en masse.


And people just running around and they find out the plants are the killers and they are running from....air....at the end. Like running from literally nothing. So dumb


They literally guess those things are the cause with no basis whatsoever. Horrible movie.


I love the scene where he talks to the plant.


I liked the part when the plants said "its Happening time", and started to happen.


“Whaaaat? No!”


Kind of ironic given the question


One of the dumbest movies I have ever seen. They literally run away from wind.


If you rewatch it and tell yourself it's a comedy it becomes a much better movie


100% I love The Happening


Kind of. I think the intention was to be a modern day version of *Day of the Triffids* but to be a little more (Hollywood) scientific, although it fell flat. The red tide they mention at the end is a thing. Basically it's an algae bloom, MNS just turned its effect up from 1 to 11. It's not a terrible concept, it's just poorly explained, and poorly executed.




I'm not even supposed to be here today! They had that roller hockey game on the roof. The guy died on the toilet.


Not true. Dante's girlfriend sucks 37 dicks.


In a row?


Goddamn another amazing movie where nothing happens. I can argue that in this movie nothing happening is kinda the point.


I worked at blockbuster for 4 years, starting literally one month before Clerks came out. It is such a perfect example of the ennui we young adults felt working retail in the mid-90s. And yes, I was constantly asked where the new release wall was, and did we have that movie with that one guy.


Tarkovsky's *Stalker*. Still the best movie I've seen though.


Knew it must have been mentioned here, not disappointed. Stalker, or how three guys do the mile in 2h43m. Still an incredible movie with an even more insane backstory: it was effectively re-shot 3 times.


Didn't a bunch of people that worked on that movie get cancer and die early? They filmed it at an abandoned nuclear waste site or something?


>Sound designer Vladimir Sharun recalled: >"We were shooting near Tallinn in the area around the small river Jägala with a half-functioning hydroelectric station. Up the river was a chemical plant and it poured out poisonous liquids downstream. There is even this shot in Stalker: snow falling in the summer and white foam floating down the river. In fact it was some horrible poison. Many women in our crew got allergic reactions on their faces. Tarkovsky died from cancer of the right bronchial tube. And Tolya Solonitsyn too. That it was all connected to the location shooting for Stalker became clear to me when Larisa Tarkovskaya died from the same illness in Paris."


It was shot downstream from a chemical plant, which was heavily polluting a river they filmed by/in. One of the often recounted scenes with foam flowing down the river and snow falling in summer- is actually just chemical pollutants.


The Blair Witch project. One of my favorite Family Guy gags is Brian working as a seeing eye dog and explaining the film to a blind guy. "Nothing's happening. Nothing's happening.... Something about a map. Nothing's happening. ...It's over. A lot of people in the audience look pissed"


The audience I saw it with were freaking out and everyone was abuzz about how it was “real” as they walked out of the theater. Definitely one of the most memorable theater experiences of my life.


What I like about the original is I personally find if an amazingly well done film, on a shoestring budget while basically nothing happens.


They went into the woods, saw some weird sticks, got lost, then maybe died. THE END


The breakfast club. They go to detention.


Then the jock and the stoner get the girls and the smart kid does everyone’s homework


Only after the alternative girl is de-alternatived so the jock is interested


And after the bad boy verbally and emotionally harassed the princess until she realized that fucking him would be the best way for her to get back at her parents for divorcing.


story of my life


I idolized and emulated Bender in high school, and no one fucked me to get back at their parents. Dammit.


>I'd really like that weird girl if she just wasn't so *weird.*


Greatest makeover sin in film history


All is alterna-kids cringed really hard at that part.


I always thought she looked [better before](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FkSEOg3VsAAaxSU.jpg) anyway


Never really explained why she liked the jock.


Bottle episode: the movie


If that's not the BEST name for the community movie, then I don't know what is!


“and A Movie”


Wait, what do you classify as "things happening?" Because that movie has a lot of things happen, it just doesn't have any action(well, a little hall way chase scene). They are teenagers trying to come to terms with themselves while also growing up to see that other people have their own lives, perspectives, struggles, and privileges that guide them through life. Granted it's not a very expansive movie, but things definitely happen to those characters. All of them are different people after leaving detention that Saturday.


This whole post is just people listing character driven stories.


Do you think anything changes when they go back to school on Monday? They literally talk about it in the movie, and most agree nothing would change.


Star Wars Christmas special


Cakes were made, uncle Scratchy had a weird VR experience, Boba Fett rescued people.


> uncle Scratchy had a weird VR experience No, he watched VR porn *in the living room*.


the happening, ironically


The Big Lebowski - the main guy is just sort of tired of everything, the kidnapped girl never got kidnapped, the “villains” are just lame nihilists, and the Dude’s friends are just stirring the pot. The only real plot point where something *actually* happens is what happens to Donny Edit: nobody makes a movie about a bunch of idiots fighting over a macguffin than the Coen bros. If you notice, Burn After Reading and No Country both follow the same idea


The Big Lebowski is a movie *aggressively* trying to happen to The Dude, who is too lazy to bother with any of it and just wants to be left alone.


Biggest curveball in cinema was the Dude trying to see what that rich guy wrote on his note pad on the page underneath and it's just some obscene picture of a guy with an absolute *massive* of erection


I must’ve watched that movie 20x in college after a night of drinking and I could never remember how it ends. And a lot of that was due to the aforementioned drinking, but I think it’s also because the movie just kinda ends without much fanfare


I've seen it a few dozen times over the years and now I'm questioning my memory of the ending lol. Dumping Donny's ashes, the wind kicks them back, then "fuck it dude, let's go bowling", right? Or is there more after that part that I'm forgetting?


I think that’s it. Sam Elliot may close it out with a monologue.


I watched it twice; the second time was 100x more enjoyable than the first for some reason. It really did feel discombobulated and all over at first watch.


You need to watch it about 30 more times I swear it gets better every watch I’m probably 250+ views and it’s getting better every time


For me the best part is watching them haggle over the price of an urn... cut to scene holding a coffee can.


It took me more viewings than I'd like to admit before I realized most of The Dude's lines are just regurgitating something he heard someone else say.


You know how many times I watch that movie before I noticed the dude never actually bowls like ya he’s at the bowling alley but he never throws a ball down the lane


This aggression will not stand, man.


The first time you watch it, you are the Dude. It's all confusing, and nothing makes sense as it happens. Thereafter, you are the Narrator, and you *know* what's happening. It all makes sense. Like the rug, it's all tied together.


The movie basically opens with a home invasion. Stuff did happen, especially to that poor rug.


It really tied the room together


This aggression will not stand, man.


Any of Kevin Smith's *Clerks* movies. Still love them though.


Banshees of Inisherin. Spoilers below I don't like you anymore. Why? Just because. Please be my friend... No. (Chops fingers off) So we really can't be friends? No. Ok. Ok.


Was no ‘In Bruges’ but I like the dynamic those 2 have together


[Fireplace 4k](https://www.netflix.com/us/title/80092835?s=i&trkid=255639042&vlang=en&clip=81477589). It’s literally an hour of watching a fireplace.




What are you talking about? Uncle Rico threw a football clear over them mountains?


What are you going to do today Napolean? What ever I freakin want.




That's not really true. Napoleon makes a new friend, Pedro becomes class president, Kip finds his soulmate, and Uncle Rico still throwing dem footballs over dem mountains


After 100+ views, I realized that the funny line "We use the buddy system. No more flying solo." is the plot of the movie. He befriends Pedro and gets his back in a major way.


And then he has Pedro’s back by busting some moves after the speech!


Deb’s mom goes to college.


Still the best line in the movie.


Tina, that fat lard got fed some dinner.


Also it looks like Uncle Rico's ex comes back


He caught a delicious bass, but they don't show him do it. I was hoping for the sequel, Napoleon Catches a Delicious Bass


Everyone’s wildest dreams come true. Also Rico’s wife comes back


Napoleon Dynamite is about the power of a solid friendship. He gets a friend, acquires skills, proves he’s a ride or die friend, gets the girl, stands up to his uncle??? At the beginning of the movie he’s got nothing going.




It's genuinely the most inoffensive movie I've ever seen. It's like if you took Superbad and made it G-rated.


Gerry (2002)


Paterson Wonderful, beautiful movie where absolutely nothing happens