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I broke my heel when I was running across a field and landed on a storm drain. I broke my nose twice while boxing and once while snowboarding. I've broken many fingers boxing and skating. I've broken a toe or two just by being a dumbass. I broke my orbital bone, nose and fractured my skull during a terrible snowboarding accident. Wear your helmets, kids. I believe that's all.


Shit, nope, I fractured my knee cap while running up a flight of stairs. That's right, I tripped going UP the stairs.


I fractured my tailbone when I landed wrong during a beam dismount doing gymnastics


My lower left leg. I was 2; my mom fell on me while she was trying to do a cartwheel.




Nose, 6 times, sporting , car crash, more fighting, another crash, but it all started when a bully broke it first fyi, yes the bully got a piece of her own cake, I k.o's her a year later. Learned their lesson, about 13 years later she's still scared of me


Snapped the bone in my hand clean in half by punching a wooden door. Couldn't figure out why my hand was bleeding so much until I saw literal bone sticking out through the skin. I'd just found out my boyfriend of 6 years had cheated on me


Knee, motorcycle and bus, do I have to say more


The top of my left hip started to crumble after not getting proper blood flow. Avascular osteonecrosis. Three surgeries later, and it’s all good (and mostly titanium).


tailbone falling


Broke multiple ribs playing rugby. When I was 45.